Prime Time 4 Workbook and Grammar Book

April 26, 2017 | Author: Andres L Pineda | Category: N/A
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Prime Time 4 Workbook and Grammar Book...


Published by Express Publishing Uberty House, Greenham Business Park, New bu ry, Berksh ire RG19 6HW

Tel., (0044) 1635 817 363 Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463 e-mai l: i nq u i ries@ex presspublishing http://www.exp ress pu bl ishi ng .co. u k

Cl Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley, 2012 Design and Illustration © Express Publishing, 20 12 Colour Illustrations: Victor, Emma nuel, Angela, Simon And rews. Kyr Cl Express Publishing, 20 12 First published 2012 Made in EU All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form. or by any means, electronic, photocopying, or othelWise, without the prior written permission of the publishers. This book is not meant to be changed in any way. ISBN 978·'·4715-0022-0

Acknowledgements Authors' Acknow ledgements We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have con t ributed their ski lls to producing this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Megan Lawton (Editor in Chief); Mary Swan and Sean Todd (senior editors); Michael Sadler and Steve Miller (editorial assistants); Richard White (senior production controller); the Express design team; Sweetspot (recording producers); and Kevin Harris, Kimberly Baker. Steven Gibbs and Christine Little. We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book . Phot og raph Acknowledgements Glastonbury Festival () afp/ on p. 34; Mireya Mayor Cl WENN/ on p. 35; Bennini Cl everettcollection/www.iml.gron p. 149

Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been inadvertently overlooked. the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at the first opportunity.

Workbook & Grammar Book Virginia Evans - Jenny Dooley this

4JlU~ Express Publishing

Contents Modu le 1 la lb le, le If

( Module 5

.............................................. . ....................................... . d ............................................. . ............................................... . ............. .

Sa ............ . 5b ................... ............ . sc, d ....................................... . Se .................................... . 51 .................................. . 5g .................... . 5h Si ............................ . 5, Speaking .. ............ .. language & Grammar Review Reading Task ... .......... .............. .. Building Up Vocabulary ....... . language Knowledge

P p.





7 8

19 .. .

P p

lh .. l i ...... ................. . " Speaking language & Grammar Review Reading Task . .. ................ Building Up Vocabulary language Knowledge ... .... .......

p. p. p. p. p. p. p.


p. p p. p p. p p p. p. p p p p.


6a ... .............. .


6b .............. . 6c, d ........... .

( Module 2 2a ....... . 2b ......... .. 2c, d ........ .

9 11

13 14

15 16 17

21 ............ .


29 .................. . 2h .................. . 2i ................... ................... 2, Speaking ...... ................ language & Grammar Review ........ . Reading Task ................ . Building Up Vocabulary .............. . language Knowledge

( Module 3 3a ............ .


p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p.

74 75 76 77


62 63 64 65 66 67 69 70 71 72


20 21 22

23 24 25 27

28 29 30 31

6e ........... ..

61 ................ ..................... . 69 ............ . 6h ....................................... .

6i ................................ ............. . 6, Speaking ................................. . language & Grammar Review ........ . Reading Task .................................. . Building Up Vocabulary .......... . .............. . language Knowledge


79 80 81

83 84



p. p.


p. p. p. p. p. p.


p. p.

135 137



p. p. p. p. p. p.

142 151 154 157




( Grammar Bank

............ .

3e ................... .......... . 3f ......................... 3g ........ ....... 3h ............................ ............. 3i ............. ............. . 3, Speaking Language & Grammar Review Reading Task ............... . Building Up Vocabulary language Knowledge ..... .

p p p p p.

p. p. p. p.

p. p. p. p.

32 33 34 35 36 37

38 39 41

42 43 44 45

( Module 4 4a ...................... . 4b ........................ .

p. p. p. p.

46 47 48 49







4h 4i ................... . 4, Speaking .................... .. language & Grammar Review Reading Task Building Up Vocabulary language Knowledge



4c, d ..................... .


p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p. p.

( Module 6


3b 3c, d


...................... .

Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar Grammar

Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank Bank

1 2 .................. . 3 4 5 6

97 105 111 119 125

( Grammar Revision Key Word Transformations Phrasal Verbs ............. Verbs/Adjectives/Nouns with Prepositions .............. .............

( Revision Modules 1-6 Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision Revision

Module 1 Module 2 ....... . Module 3 ...................... . Module 4 ..... ................ . Module 5 .... . Module 6 .....

Irregular Verbs .




55 56 57

58 59





* Match the words to make phrases.

* Complete the exchanges with the verbs 1


[IT] [IT] [ID



mine flaming hot

deafening stunning freelance dormant

A B C 0

[ID sleepless [IT] freezing

!ill [Q[]


poisonous volcanic


volcano photographs temperatures eruption

E nights

(?~~~h~v~) ~~p~v:~~id~~t;H

2 A


roar photographer

B: Yes. I once : ...... ", ._ . ..... .. .... .... (trip) on a rock and . (b rea k) my arm . One da " .. .. 3 • animal

lava collapse

A: What .. ...

to your finger,




H..... , .............. (you /do)


It Iflt')ks swollen .

. over a(

B: I ....\ ,... .............. ........ , . ...... (slam) a door when ( on it yeste rday morning.

Use some of the phrases above to

and ......... .. ...... ........ ...... ..... . 4 Joh n spent three ... .... ........................ . cam ping

in the jungle. The mosquitoes kept him awake.

(enjoy) themselves' 6 A: Whhat ' h' " .... .. :.> ......... &

volcano erupting; they were so beautiful!

4 In

order to ................... alive . 2 When Chile 's Puyehue volcano started erupti ng in 2011 , officials had to ................... thousands of people from the area . 3 Did you just feel the ground .... .. .... ..... ....... .. .. ? I th ink it was a small earthquake.

4 Volcano chasers have to .............. .. .... .... .. .... .... .. safety precautions such as wea ring a gas mask

an d goggles. 5 Some ta ll trees in the garden ............... ... .... ... .. . t he view from my bedroom window. 6 Gloves ...... ... ....... ....... .............. volcano chasers protection from hot lava .

.. .. ..: ' ...


5) .... .. plane. under

7) .... . appro

to 9) . (you /do) 10) .. .

B: I ..• , .. : .... ....>J.~ . y .. :.. ... ... . (do) 'l1y homework .:: , w hile .Tim and Sa lly ..... ~..\.. ......:'.. ~. . ~, .. .'.:. ' (watch) TV.

... . of the

1 Volcano chasers have to wear a gas mask


w er t e pa rthqu ake happened?

It hasn't erupted for at least 4,000 yea rs.


" ...... .. (you /go) f1le improved at a later stage. They even plan to ask a(n) 8) ................................ (fAM E) celebrity chef to cook thEir burger. who will 9) ................................ (HOPE) transform it into a mouth-watering delight! So what do you think? Are you tempted by a test·tube hamburger, or 00 you find the thought of it rather 10) ................................ (APPEALING)?



** For que stions 1·12, read the text

belo w and decide w hich answer (A. B. C or D) best fi ts each gap. Examp le: A exist live C breathe D survive



Shop ti you DROPI If you (0) live to shop, then London is the place for you it's a shopper's paradise! No (1) ....... your budget, London has something for everyone. For those with little cash to (2) ....... , there are the markets. Covent Garden and Cam den lock Markets are open daily and sell everything from clothes to jewellery to furnishings - all at (3) ....... bottom prices. If you're one of the lucky (4) ....... for whom 'money is no object', you might want to stop by the worldrenowned Harrods (5) ....... located near Knightsbridge Tube Station. Occupying a huge 20,000 sq metre site and boasting over 330 departments full of brand name goods, Harrods is a (6) ....... for those in need of a few hours of high-quality shopping (7) ....... ! And, of course, no shopping spree in London would be (8) ....... without a visit to Oxford Street in the city's West End. (9) ....... as Europe's busiest shopping street, Oxford Street is (10) ....... with shop after shop selling the widest range of designer (11 ) ....... and luxury goods imaginable. Be honest, can you thi nk of a better way to round (12) ....... a day of shopping in England's capital?

1 A B 2 A 3 A 4 A B 5 A B 6 A B 7 A B B A B 9 A B 10 A B 11 A B 12 A

concern t rou ble give B donate rubble B boulder exceptional rare conveniently easily need must treatment therapy finished ended Regarded Said encircled lined tags stickers in B on


problem matter spare D afford stone D rock unusual few usefully helpfully should would remedy cure complete done Believed Thought walled enclosed tickets labels off D up


* Fill


in: wonders,

mankind. structure, nutrients, environmentally, lush, soared, consume, wasteland, convert. 1 Cycling is a(n) ..... ................................ .. ........... .

friendly form of transport. 2 Vitami ns and minerals are ................... .

the body needs to function properly. 3 The Taj Mahal is one of the seven ..................... . of the world .

4 The building was a five·storey stone ............... . 5 Organ ic farming may prove to be beneficial for

6 Researchers have found a way to ..................... food waste into fue l.




* Underlin e the correct ve rb form .


1 The gardener will have mowed/will have mowi ng the lawn by noon . 2 By the end of the year, the author will finished/will have been fin ishing his new 3 Mary will have been writing/will have wr,itterll h.r r.port by Friday. 4 By 2050, the global popu lation will have increasing/will have increased to 9 bill ion. 5 At 5 o'clock the mechanic will have r'l>airedl. will have been re pairing the tractor for hour. 6 It's no use going to the supermarket now; will have been cl os ing/will have closed by time we get there. 7 By the time they reach the fa rm, they will travelled /will have been travelling for hours.


"11" 1 --,


~ fv

tt fc




in h'

perfect or th e future perfect continuous. 1 A: Have they bui lt the vertical farm yet?

green ga rdens. 10 Pet rol prices have ...... .. .... ................... recently.

* Choose the correct word.

1 The price of food has rise n/advanced in recent

years. 2 The design of a skyscraper is a huge challeng e/ exam for architects. 3 Supermarkets sell fresh produce/outlet such as fruits and vegetables. 4 Wind farms are springing /growi ng up throughout the countryside. S Most businesses are trying to find ways to save/ conserve on shipping costs. 6 High levels of consumption are dra ining / ex hausting the planet of its resources . 7 Solar panels are controlled/powered by the sun. S The human population is raising /rising every year.



* Put the verbs in bracket s into t he future


less energy at home.




a(n) ........................ .. .

9 The bui lding is surrounded by ......................... .



7 Industrial pollution has turned the area into

8 People should try to ,.. ... ................. ................ .


par he c: not




"r le


A, m

d, B: No, not yet. But by the end of this year, cl; .................................................... (finish) itl ot A: John will be tired when he arrives. D' dj. B: I know he .............. ............................ . ... ........ .....1 ce (d rive) for 6 hours non-stop. M A: How long have you been with the wmp,anyl 4 wi Kevin? .c B: By the end of this month I ......................... .1 s~ Pl ............................ .. . (work) here for 5 A: Why are you upset? Lis B: Because by the time the architect here, I ........................................ ....... . 2 for an hour. a nd A: Has Ran sold his farm equipment yet? spec: B: No, but he ............................. .............. . A I'm ( it by next week. 8 I'm r A: Sally is doing well at work, isn't she? C I thir B: Oh, yes! I'm sure that by next year, she D I ani' ................ ................. (rece ive) a prc>m(ltic'"l E I try F I OftE

* (,





Read the art icle. Match the paragraphs (1-6) with their correct hea dings (A-H) . Two heading s do

not match .

\G,i~~ lllle ll\Q)' ll\QDJtley


Don 't let retailers take you for a ride! Wise up and shop smart!. I1 has happened to most of us. You buy something such 111 11'-"--' as a video camera. You gel it home, take it out of the box and try 10 turn it on. It doesn't work. You take it back to the shop you bought it from , bullhey refuse to


give you a refund. What are your consumer rights?

I "en

Most people have no idea and many shops count on this to lake advantage of them. So what are you waiting for? Become a smart shopper and learn your rights! If you change your mind about an item and want your money back, you can get it! Under the UK Sale of Goods Act 1979, all shoppers are entitled to reject an item that is not of 'satisfactory quality'. TIming plays an important role in what you are entitled to. If you still have your receipt, you can usually get a full refund within four weeks from the date of purchase. After this timeframe however, you are not entitled to a refund unless the item is faulty or fails to last a reasonable length of time. According to the Sale of Goods Act 1979, a product must not only be satisfactory in quality, but also as described. That is to say if a package or sales assistant claims something about a product then it must be true, otherwise it is considered defective. For example, if a DVD player claims to play all types of DVDs but you discover that it doesn'l, then you have the right to a full refund. Many shops claim they have a "no refunds policy~ and will offer shop credit instead. This however has no actual legal standing and the law cancels out any shop's poticy. It doesn't matter how many notices are put on display. Il's up to the consumer to decide





* 0 You will hear five people talking a bout sho ppin g

and spending. listen and match the sentences to the speakers . One sentence does not match.

A 6 C 0 1 F

I'm carefu l wit h my money. I'm not rea lly a fan of shopping. I think many people spend too much. I only buy t he best. I try to be an ethical shopper. 1often buy t hings I don't need.

whether they want shop credit or their money back. When most people buy an item abroad and it turns out to be faulty, they think that there is little they can do about it. However, if the item was purchased by credit card and cost over £100 then UK customers have the righlto make a claim against their card company. This right is detailed under the Consumer Credit Act 1974, which holds the card company partially liable for any breaches of contract between the trader and consumer. So, the next time you're on holiday. bear this in mind. Some shops will try to direct you to the manufacturer of an item when it turns out to be faulty. But under the law, your sales agreement is with the shop, nol the manufacturer. Therefore, the shop must honour the refund. If the shop refuses, contact the manager and explain your rights. Most likely, they will return your money once they realise that you know your rights. So now that you are an informed consumer you have nothing to fear! You can shop easily knowing you are protected. Happy shopping!

'ab Rea d th e compl ai nts and choo se the correct words . 1 There's a chip/break in this coffee

Speaker 1 Speaker 2 Spea ker 3 Speaker 4 Spea ker 5

mug. 2 Don't buy that shirt; there's a scratch /hole in the sleeve. 3 Three buttons are damagedl missing from th is blo use. 4 Th is jacket is torn /cracked; can I get a replacement?



* Fill in: bargain-hunting. conditions. treat,


throw out, reduced. 1 Don 't ....................................... your old items;




W ri coml

You will hear an interview with an

online sho pping expert. For questions 1-1, choose the best answer (A, B or C),



Re quest

sell them on eBay or donate them to charity. 2 This week Techfair is selling its computers at ............................ prices; some are £200 off!

2 What

3 The employees of that factory work long hours and don't get a break. Th eir working

3 What

1 What

............... .................................... are very poor. 4 We love .............................. ............. and trying to find the cheapest prices online. 5 Companies should ....... .................................... . their employees with respect.



Fill in the correct word derived from the word in brackets.

1 The organisation has been working to raise ............................... of human rights. (AWARE) 2 Due to a decline in sales the company wanted to (ut all .......................................................... . expenses. (NECESSARY) 3 It's perfectly ........ ... ........ ................ to inspect a product before you buy it. (ACCEPT) 4 It's important that adolescents learn to spend their money .................... ............... .... (WISE) S There are many ....... ............................ charity shops in London. (TRADITION)


* Choose the correct participle. 1 Peter did up/over the buttons of his shirt.

2 Joan and Ma ry get ahead/along very well. 3 Robert dropped out/by of university after his

first year. 4 He's a good spokesperson and gets his views

alo ng /across well. S Can you drop by/out the chemist's on your way home ? 6 Joa n worked long hours in order to get alongl ahead in her job. 7 The computer crashed and I lost my work. I'll have to do it up/over.


What is the main advantage of shopping A The products are cheap. B It's a quick process. C It isn't necessary to visit the shops. 2 What is the point of auction websites? A You set your own prices for an item. B You pay a fee to use the site. C You win the item without paying for it.

Dear Sir/Ma ..... I am w customer se supermarke ~th When I 13


I reali~

cloth ing de' 3 What is a disadvantage of shopping online? a hole in th. A It is impossible to inspect.the product despite tryi When I trie purchase. B The photos of the products may be un(learl the staff at C The return poli cy may not be indicated unhelp ful. many sites. carried on ( with my Cl 4 Betty advises shoppers to avoid finally hel~ A sites with extra charges. replaced th B unprotected websites. complained C shops that appear unreliable. shirt was in 5 What does Betty say about using debit online? A They offer customers more security. B They have higher interest rates. C It is not the best way to pay for 6 Why should people check their credit ca rd statements? A To spot extra charges. B To ensu re they don't ove rspend . C To see if a lot of money is missing. 7 Updating your computer's browser A helps increase computer security. B expands your on line connections. C improves your anti-virus programme.

~ Overal

service I rf apology al customer SE will look inl Yours faithf Ann Robert


* Co

and t



Writing (a letter/an email of



* Match the opening remarks

(1-3) to the

clos ing remarks (A-C) .

* Read the email and answe r the

Opening remarks .•.

qu est ions. What is Ann's reason for writing?

2 What action does she want ta ken?

What greeting/ending does she use?


I am writing to complain about a flaw with a product I recently bought from your company.


I feel I must complain about the inefficiency


I would like to express my dissatisfaction

of your mail-order service. with the attitude of the staff at your shop.

Ta: customerservice@mychoicesupermarkets,com Ffom: [email protected] Slbject Customer Service

~.~------~----~ Closing remarks ... [KJ

am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the


service I received at the Unton branch of your

'pe,ma"keton January 14th. I got home after visiting the shop on January I realised that the item I had purchased from the department was damaged. There was actually the sleeve of the shirt which I had not noticed, trying it on in the changing rooms at the time. I tried to take it back to the shop the next day, staff at the customer services desk were extremely "h"lpfull In fact, they completely ignored me and on chatting with each other instead of dealing my complaint. Furthermore, the clerk who did 11 help me was inaedibly rude. Although she I the shirt for me with an undamaged one, she loudly that I should have checked that the was in good condition before I bought it! Overall, I am extremely disappointed wit h the 1 received. Therefore, I would appreciate an

::::, I

and an investigation into the way the service desk treats customers. I hope that you will look into this matter promptly. Yoors faith fu lly, Roberts


Complete the table with the complaints

and their justifications in Ex . 1. Complaints

I hope that you will look into this rude behaviour and t hat I will receive a written apology.


I will have no choice but to cancel my order unless I receive the items within three working days.


I would appreciate it if you would repair or replace the product as soon as possible.



Read the following extracts and say

which of them are mild (m) or strong (5) complaints.


I have been a reg ular customer at your su permarket, and have always been satisfied with your produce in the past. I hope that this matter will be resolved soon.


I insist upon a personal apology for the distress your staff have caused my family, and shall not be recommending your hotel to any of my friends.


I am writing to express my disgust at the quality of the products I recently purchased from your shop.


The camera I ordered from you r website has arrived with a crack in the lens. I trust you will send a replacement.


~ I am writing to co mplai n about a shirt I pu rchased on your website. I ordered this item three weeks ago, but it has not been delivered yet.




Study the box, then join the sentences using the words in the brackets . Clau ses of Concession

although / even though + clause despitelin spite of + noun/-ing/the fact that

1 I paid for next-day delivery. The item took three days to arrive. (despite the fact that) 2 I had my receipt. Th e sales assistant wouldn 't give me a refund. (in spite of)

3 The jacket was expensive. The quality of it was

poor. (although) 4 I received a refund . I am still not satisfied . (even though)

5 The shop wouldn't replace the item. It was damaged. (despite)







Did you k people in F can obtain f bread 24 hOL

come1) ......


has 10) .. claims that tt vending mac

: head office of the shop (120-180 words). I Explain why you are unhappy.


1 Who are you writing to? ...................................................I 2 What are your opening remarks/reasons writing? ....... .. . 3 What are you going to complain about? 4 How will you end your email? ... .... .


Unlike fresh used 3) ....... last longer 4 cooked Dreac The entire pr MId crispy Fr Hecht invent 7) .............. . cisturbances pvehim a m mns firstmo

to you. Write an ema il of complaint to the


2 However I Although the DVD player had a one-year guarantee, the assistant refused to give me a new one. 3 The service in your restaurant was very slow, but / in spite of the fact that when I complained to the manager, he was very rude to me.

What linking words are used in the emai l in Ex. 17


I from a shop. When you took it back to I . I I I exchange it, the sales assistant was rude I

1 But I Even though the advertisement said the laptop came with a free case, it is miSSing.


Read the rubric and answer the questiion,


whi in e

r-------------___ _ You recently bought a faulty product I



1 ..


Circle the correct linking words/ phrases.

website, I only received three in the post. 6 Your staff were very rude to me. In addition I Therefore, I demand an apology.


I have been a loyal customer at Marshall's Electronics for many years, 1) ............................. yesterday I was outraged by the terrible customer service I received in you . last week, I purchased a camera from your shop. When I brought it home, 2) .................. .........., I realised that the lens cover was missing. 3) ................................. , the lens had been scratched. When I took it back to the shop and asked for a replacement, the shop assistant refused to supply one, 4) ........................ the fact that I had my receipt. When I asked to speak to the manager, he was also extremely rude to me. 5) ....................................... he did exchange the camera for a new one, he accused me of damaging the lens myself! I would like to think that you value you r customers' opinions. 6) .................................... I would appreciate it if you could look into th is matter further.


4 The shirt you sold me has a button missing. Furthermore I But, it has a hole in the sleeve. S Despite I However payi ng for four items on your


Fill in: furthermore, but, however. despite, therefore, although.


Use your answers in Ex. 8 and the sentences from the Useful language box to


*c tha' ori9 1 I'd r THA

2 Crisl


write an email of complaint.

3 She

Useful language Reason for writing: I am writing to complain about ... /1want to express my dissatisfaction with ... Your complaints: I bought ... , but ... , To make matters worse ... Your demands: I would appreciate jf you ... Closing remarks: I hope that you will; look into this matter ...11look forward to ...


4 He" GOII

5 I'd b, HEll

English in Use



Read t he tex t and think of th e word whi ch best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

Choose the correct response. 1 A: Where can I try these jeans on?


ending Machine Bakery

b They are on sale at the moment. 2 A: What size are you?


know DJ that i1 Paris, France 00tain freshly baked

lina much-needed break 9) ................. his job!

tsts/ roonth alone the vending machine sold over 1,500 baguettes and 10) ............. .... growing in popularity ever 11) ................. . Hecht lllat this is the bakery 12) ................. the future and he foresees his machines expanding throughOll! Paris and even Europe.

Key Word Tran. forma on.


Complete the gapped sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the original ones, using the word gi ven . I'd rather watch TV than go shopping. I'd prefer ...................................... .

...................................... shopping. 2 Crisps are not as nutritious as vegetables. LESS Crisps .... ......... ............ ... .............. . .. ...... ............................ vegetables. 3 She can't wait to go to the new mall. FORWARD She's really ......

.. .............. .

... ....... ............... .. ..... the new mall. 4 He plans on getting a new flat-screen TV. GOING

3 A: Ca n I pay by credi t ca rd? B: a You 're in luck. b Yes, that's no problem. 4 A: Are they the right size ? B: a We don't have many left. b They fit me really well . S A: Your receipt is in your bag.


a Thank you .

b You 're wel co me.

6 A: Can I get a refund? B: a The goods ha ven 't arrived . b Of course. 7 A: Do you need any help? B: a I'm looki ng for a jumper. b We've almost sold out.

S A: I'd like to exchange these earphones. B: a Can you take a look at it? b Could I see your receipt ? 9 A: What's wrong with the handbag?

B: a There is a payment problem. b The strap is broken. 10 A: That's £24.99 then .

B: a Just sign here. b Here you are. 11 A: They' re on sale aren 't they?

B: a Yes , they fit me perfect ly. b Yes, but we're almost sold out.

He .... .. ...... .... .................. ........ .... ..

............. ....... a new flat-screen TV. 5 I'd be grateful if you could help me with these bags. HELPING

a I'm ten.

b I'm a twelve.

14 1)", .......... ,.. with the idea 01 selling baguettes in avending machine! fresh bread these baguettes 2) ................. pre.oenhea1. Oberoo's go> was 10 make I>1zard1y 71 .............................. (ACCESS) to young people. His schOO • _ mdifdren aged be-. 11·18, but 00arreIy, the 8) ............................. . (MAJOR) of his student are "'ual~ aduks! Wdl. with 9) .............................. (MEMBER) cosOng oriy a """ i18 per year, Ws 00 v.ooder people .. IIod- All in all, there are both advantages and disadvantages doing group work. It seems to me that some tasks are ,rert,orm"d better when people work together as a team . others, like writing, are probably best tackled

Which paragraph:

I believe • to begin with • to sum up another argument against it • for instance one point in favour is • furthermore therefore • first of all • in contrast • since

* Choose the correct linking words.

1 Th erefore/To start wi th , playing learning games in the classroom has many advantages. Fo r instance/ Moreover, it gets students more in terested and involved in the lesson. 2 Some people argue that/ Many people are against students should learn a second language since/ like it helps them to get a job in later life. 3 In conclusion / However, some people feel that it isn 't necessary for all people to attend university. Such as/ For example, some peopl e wo uld be better off going to a vocat ional college instead. 4 Another disadvantage is that/In my opinion, onl ine learning is an excellent way to learn as/ therefore it allows many students to participate from all over the wo rld .


* Replace the topic sentences in the main





body paragraphs in the text with your own ones.

Read the rubric and match the view points to the reasons /examples.

r-------------------, A website is asking for student opinions on I



: the following issue: Should students study Art : I in schools? Write a for-and-against essay I : discussing the advantages and disadvantages : ~ ___________________ 4 I of this proposal (200-250 words).


Expa nd the prompts into complete sentences. Then write an appropriate topic sentence for each paragraph. i


A debate/class/be/good way/develop/social skills/ students learn/listenfot her people's opinions

B debate/class/be/bad idea/waste/time/better spent/study/other subjects


* Match the arguments to the


supporting ideas.



saves parents money


The money spent on materials could be used to buy textbooks or to improve the schO~1. It gives students a break from studYing textbooks and problem-solving. It's not useful and students might be better off stu dying other subjects instead. Students learn to express themselves thr~ugh drawings, which they cannot do in subjects


141 I limits creativity



awkward to wear

(]] students can't express themselves th rough their clothing


[I] school uniforms are cheaper than popular designer clothes

• b)

[Q] students won't get picked on for looking different

* Use the ideas to write a paragraph presenting the advantages of wearing school uniforms .


10 **

Use the ideas in Ex , 9 or your own ideas to write your essay.

Useful language


helps h other p that the artists I



2 What wi ll each paragraph include? .... .............. 3 How will you begin/end your essay? ... ...... .......

oill-fitting canand

find an(

* Answer the questions,

1 What are you writ ing? ................................... .

[I[J uncomfortable

is a 6) ...... . could n

like maths.

I 3 I I reduces bullying

Viewpoints It rrlakes-Sludents more creative. It's' a waste of time. It's ,.... expensive ' It's relaxing and fun.

Presenting the topic: Many students enjoy .. . Some people believe . Advantages: There are many advantages ... Some people argue that.. . Disadvantages: On the other hand ... Another ' disadvantage is .. Conclude SI give your opinion: All in all ... It seems to me ...


1 f I

2 •


3 T

S 4



d T

--. "

on I

. Art


Choose the correct response .


1 A: What's the problem ?

ges :


I'm looking for a book .

b I wonder if you could help me .


2 A: Someone has borrowed that book . B: a When will it be back in?

.ed .1. ing tter ,ugh jects



I you step into the studio of painter Jo~n Bramblitt, you will find a vast my 0) of impressive artwor1c However, John is IlO ordinary artist. In I) .........................., the talented painter is blind! 2) ........................ . ooes JoIv1 paint 3) .......................... being able to see? Well, tie has IiYeIoped his vefY 4) .........................• special procedure. Firstly, he ootfines his objects with thick paint and then he lIses his hands to feel ne outlines and fill 5) .......................... the gaps with colour. The resuft is a striking colourful canvass. John had never painted 6) ,................" ....... in his was only after he losl his vision and he WJld no 7) .......................... read and write that he feft he needed to fI1d another way to 8) .......................... creative. John says his artwork ~s him connect both to the wo~d 9) .......................... him and to people. 10) .......................... breathtaking are John's paintings, they have 11) .......................... compared with the work of famous like Van Gogh! His 12) .......................... surprise then that his ",'tingSare in high demand and are selling in galleries aroond America!

b It should be brought back in three days. 3 A: Can I take out these books, please?

B: a Sure, your library card, please. b They are due back next week.

4 A: I need a book for my history class . B: a I'll check on the computer for you . b What's the title?

5 A: Can I see your lib ra ry card , please? B: a Yes, that would be great. b OK , here it is.

6 A: When is it due back in? B: a Would you like t o reserve it? b One week from today. 7 A: I can call you w hen I have it.

Key Word Transformations



ones, using the words given . 1 He finished school and immed iately went home. He went home ........ ................... .... . ............. ... .......... .................. school. 2 " I'm sorry I missed the meeting, " she said.


b Yes, please .

S A: You have to return the books in seven days.

Complete the gapped sentences so that they have a similar meaning to the original


B: a There you go.

She .... ............................................ .. .................................. .. the meeting. 3 The last time Usa saw Peter was last year. SINCE Usa ................................... last year. 4 HHave you written your essay?" Ann asked him. WHETHER Ann asked him ................ ....... .. .. ...... .... ................. ............ his essay. 5 The school has a new computer lab because of donations. THANKS It .............................................. that the school has a new computer lab.

8: a No problem, thank you . b OK. Just a moment. 9 A: Hi, I wonder if you could help me. 8: a Of course . b That would be great. 10 A: Online learn ing is easy to access. B: a It seems to be a computer class. b On the other hand , it could isolate stu dents. 11 A: Would you like to reserve it? B: a Sure . Here it is .

b Yes, please .

12 A: What's the title of the book you need? B: a I'll check on my computer for you. b It's French Made Easy by Uly White .


Language & Grammar Review Choose the correct answer. 1 Tom is taking a ... .. course in web design that is only 3 weeks long. A fast B heavy C smash 0 crash

12 Ben .... . that I watch th e fi lm online.

2 The tuition ..... at this university are very high . A costs B expenses ( fees 0 charges

13 ..... I complete my degree, I will go abroad. A By the time C As soon as

3 The performers wi ll have one last ..... before

( suggested

B told


B Until


0 Si nce

14 Mona asked ..... time it was .

the show. A lesson

C rehearsal

B lecture

0 class

A where

B if

( what

0 w hether

15 Mike said he had ordered the book ......

4 The beautiful lake just ..... my breathe away! A gasped B got ( took 0 grabbed

A last night


B the night before

o yesterday


16 Joy ..... me of cheating on the test.

5 A: Would you like to reserve the book?


A remin ded


A Yes, here it is. B OK. I'll check the computer.

B denied

o accused

o I'll call you when I have it.

18 Tracey said she ..... for a gap year next week.

6 Jan is ..... out from studying and wants to take a gap year. A burnt

B dra ined C gone

0 dropped

7 Marc is a ..... example fo r young people

everywhere. C starry

A shining B glowing 8 Tracy will



go t ravell ing

university. A by t he time B since




A had left B has left



D was leaving

19 He has an informa l ..... style in his lectu res. A chatty B talkative ( childish D wordy 20 The professor didn 't begin his lect ure ..... all the students were seated. A by the time ( since B after D until 21 The travel pictures really ..... Holly's imagination. A caught B grabbed ( got D ca ptu red

C when


wa rned

17 They asked me ..... I had a university degree. A what B when C where D whether

C No, thank you .

un til education

9 Th e School on Wheels disadvantaged children . A provides ( produces B supplies 0 creates


A explained


22 Kelly explained ...... to get to her ho use. A that B how ( why D where


23 (ory told Shelly ...... in his book .

A don't write B wrote

( not to write D didn't write

10 What extra-curricular ..... do you like? C activities A courses o occasions B events

24 Bill ...... for being late. C explained A accused D denied B apolog ised

11 She couldn't pass ..... the opportunity to t ravel to Africa. A away 8 around C out o up

25 "Don't be late with your assig nments," she .....

us. A sa id

B tol d

( asked D suggested


Reading Task Read the text. For each question


11 the 3 Before the flight, the instructor A demonstrated flips and turns for the flight.


B explained safety techniques for the flight.


C gave some important advice about the flight. o explained how zero gravity is achieved.


The Zero G aircraft

Ile ..



4 When zero gravity begins, the writer describes

A belongs to NASA.

his body as

B was specially made for space travel. C is an astronaut training plane.

A rising slowly off the ground.

D was adapted for zero gravity flights.

2 The writer was able to go on the anti-gravity flight because A his friend won it on a local radio station. B it was a prize he won. C he won the money for it. in a competition. D he qualified for an educational programme.

B spinning out of control to the ceiling. C a pinball being bounced about. D going quickly up in the air.

5 The writer fee ls the zero gravity experience is A difficult to describe. B similar to free falling .

C not something everyone should try. D something he definitely wants to do again.


Building Up Vocabulary


Complete the se ntences using one of the words in the bo x.

• instructions • manual • handbook 1 The doctor often refers to his medical ......................................... . when he has a problem. 2 The examiner asked John to follow his ..................................... . during the driving test. 3 When there is a problem with

the device, always co nsu lt the • faculty • campus • department

4 Many students don't have to travel to university as they live on 5 The university is recruiting some

new professors to join the .......... . 6 The science ................... is holding a competition for young inventors.

• !:olleague • associate • assista nt 7 The director is meeting with a business ....................................... . to discuss futu re plans. 8 Debra is a teaching ..................... . who helps the teacher during class. 9 Adam has become good friends with his .......................... at work . • professional • trainee • apprentice


10 Martin is a(n) ............................... . golfer who has won the world cha mpion ship twice. 11 The new ................... in the offi ce has just graduated from university. 12 Larry works as a(n) ..................... .. to a carpenter.

• degree • certificate • license 13 You must have a .................................................. to drive a car. 14 When Annie finished her training course, she received a ........................................ of completion . 15 After studying for five years, Ch ristine has earned a ...... ...... .. in law. • reward .• trophy • compe nsation 16 Th e police are offering a ................................................ for any information on the criminals. 17 Joe was paid ................................................. from his insurance company for the loss of his car. 18 After winning the tennis tournament. Andy received a

• break • gap • term 19 Usa plans to take a ....... _....... yea r before starting university. 20 Students must submit thei r thesis by the end of ................... . 21 The school will have a month -long ............ during the summer.


Complete the sentences wit h the word derived from the words in bold.

Wouldn't learning be a lot easier if we could just implant knowledge into our brains? While this may seem 1) ..................... .. (POSSIBLE), new research suggests that it could soon be a 2) .............................. (REAL)! Scientists have found that when we learn, pictures 3) ........................... (GRADUAL) form in our brains. This requires hours of practice, but over time, a memory or skill is acquired. Using new technology, scie ntists have managed to monitor brain 4) ........................... (ACTIVE) to locate the areas of the brain whi ch respond to learning. Using th is 5) ....................... .. (INFORM), t hey have been able to artificially stimu late the bra in, and as a result, improved a person's 6) ............ ............ (PERFORM) in certain tasks. Not only that, but the test subjects were totally 7) .................... ... (AWARE) that they were being taught anything, making learning completely 8) ....................... (EFFORT) ' Although the experiment has only worked on one area of the brain , scientists are 9) . ............................ (HOPE) that this method could enhance various skills, such as 10) ................................ (ATHLETE) abi lity. However, cri t ics warn that the power to plant thoughts into t he brain is an extremely 11) .......................... (HAZARD) tool, and if it were to be used 12) ................................. (RESPONSIBLY), it could have very serious consequences .

Language Knowledge - Module 5

1 a

Key Word Transformations

Choose the correct Item.

1 I had been waiting an hour ..... the bus arrived. A


B before

C until

C explained

B remembered

D ordered

Complete the sentences using the word in bold. Use t wo to fi ve words.

D since

2 He ..... me that the essay was due on Monday. A reminded


1 ''I' m sorry I didn't go to the party," Gary sa id.


Gary .... .................................. . .................... to the party.

2 Sarah began learning French one mon t h ago. 3 She asked ..... I liked going to university. A when

B what




4 The lecture ..... and posted online yest erday. A is recorded


B had recorded

o has been recorded

was recorded

3 "My computer doesn't work," Theresa said. COMPLAINED Theresa ........... work. 4 She

Jla nt

as of

Irain, lRM) )tally hing, Jugh Irain, :ould HE)


tool, BLY),



She went to university ............ .

S "Are you going on holiday to Italy th is summer?"

B will have finished

James asked.


D is finishing

returns from Africa. A as soon as B whi le

James asked me

.............. .

... ....... .......... on holiday to Italy

7 Celia plans to do her masters degree .... she

that summer. 6 The exam wasn't as easy as I had expected.



o until


A f it



B fitter

o more fit

The exam ....... ........ ............. . ........................ I had expected.

8 The more you exercise, the ..... yo u become.

,e a

n we 'ains. (ill is d to


.......... .......... secondary school.

D is

6 By this Friday, Molly ..... writing all her exams. A had f inished ( wi ll finish

mer. the



finishi ng secondary school.

would be back in a month. sity.



B has been (

............... .

.............................. one month.

5 She explained that Sam ..... on a gap year and A had been


0 if

1 "S ure I'll help you with your essay," she told me.


She ............................... . .......................... with my essay.


Fill in the gap s. Use the appropriate forms

S You shou ld study more.


o f the w ord in brackets w hen gi ven .

1 I ....... .

.......... t he student where the

lectu re ha ll was, but she told me she ........................ .............

............................. study more . 9 Once everyone arrived she began the seminar. BEFORE

................... (not/ know ).

2 Patty's mother promised her that she ............. .. .. .................... (buy) her a new

............ she began the sem inar. on thei r entrance exams. ARE

3 When the professor accused the st udent wi t hout ..... 4 Tim .........

.. .................... (say) a word. .. ............ a huge mistake whe n

he re f used ........................................ (submit) his homework. 5 If you wa nt to avoid ........................ (fail) your exams, you ......

.. ...... better study ha rd.

She waited .............................. .

10 Newspapers report that some students cheat ed

laptop if she did well in her exams. .............................. cheating, she left the room

If ............................................. .

Some st ude nts ....................... .. .......... on their entrance exams .


" Don't write in the workbook," ou r teacher said. TOLD

Our t eacher ................. . ...................... in t he workbook.

12 Only experienced t eache rs can apply for the position.


Only teachers

.............. .

....... can apply for the position.


* Fill in: muscular, unflarrering. glossy,





flawless, manicured, enhanced. rippling.

inadequate. 'r;zzy. 1 Janet always has beautifully ................... ..

nails. 2 Paul has been lifting weights for years and now he's quite ............... ........... .

3 Photos of supermodels are digitally ................ . to remove imperfections. 4 Kate went to the salon to get her ............. ....... hair straightened. 5 Debbie chose not to buy the dress as it was ................................. when she tried it on. 6 Images of celebrities make teenagers feel ................................. in comparison . 7 The bodybuilder showed off his ...................... . muscles on stage. S Even without makeup, lisa has a(o) ............... .. complexion. 9 Top models in ................... magazines promote a body image that is impossible to achieve.

Choose the correct word.

1 Kate's inside/inner voice tells her that she doesn't look good enough. 2 Many people shed t heir puppy fat /weight in later life. 3 As you grow older, your body adjusts/a lters in shape. 4 Exercising regularly can help to flex /boost your self-confidence. S If he wasn't famous, I wouldn't look/think twice at him! 6 In order to lose weight, you must reject/resist the temptation to eat fattening foods . 7 You sho uld embrace the feat ures that make you a(n) unique/alone individual.


* Rewrite the sentences using the


causative. 1 The hairdresser has cut Tom 's hair.


. ............ .

2 Mary wi ll knit Jane 's ju mper.

* Circle the odd word out.


1 straight - pointy - curly - wavy hair 2 pale - dark-skinned - wrinkled - tanned complexion 3 square - oval - long - shaven face 4 bushy - rosy - plucked - thin eyebrows



• eager • shy • impolite • reliable • caring • outgoing • ill-tempered • organised 1 kind-hearted


3 The beautician is plucking Anna's eyebrows. 4 Someone should hem your trousers . S The plastic surgeon removed John's stitches.



Fill in the appropriate synonym / adjective from the list.

2 ambitious l moody 4 rude 5 fun-loving 6 trustworthy 7 introverted 8 efficient

............. .................................... ..................... .

..................................... ................. ....................

.................................... .....................................


Choose the correct words.

1 Pam can't/mustn't have gone to the hairdresser's. Her car is parked outside her house. 2 Anna's hair is bright red. She must/can have dyed it . 3 Jack says he can/may shave off his beard because his wife doesn 't like it. 4 Sue says she might/must have cosmetic surgery, but she isn't sure . S That can't/mustn't be Timothy. He's got a moustache . 6 It's possible that Jennifer could/must get a perm. 7 Richard must/can be exhausted. He's gone to take a nap .







Fill in: exaggerate, contribute, intimidate.

admit. dominate, encouroge, dismiss, moan, interrupt, in the co rrect for m, Jason always ................... me when I'm talking. 2 Mary ................................. to always gossiping

about her friends. 3 Kelly ..... ................ ...... the conversation all the time and never lets me speak. 4 She ................................ my idea without even


giving me a chance to explain it. S Jane .......................... everything that happens and makes such a big deal all the time . 6 You shouldn 't let bullies ....................... ... you!

7 Stella complains and .............................. about every little thing; she's never happy. 8 You .................................... to gossip by saying negative things about people. 9 Don 't ....................................... him to act silly!



fi ll in: in (x2), with (x2), up, down, on,

out (x2), back.

10 Tips for Dealing with





" 'Avoid getting involved ....................... gossip. D 'Just agree ........................ .. complainers and they will stop. g Always stand ........................ for yourself and your friends. D Never back ................ to intimidating people. g-oon 't put up ............... aggressive behaviour. D Don~ take an interest .................. emotional outbursts. . "Ignore people who are trying to find ............ .. negative things about others. O 'Don 't pass .................... negative comments about others. D 'Never shout ................ at aggressive people; it only encourages them. 9 Ignore people when they blow things ............ . of proportion.


Choose the correct words.

1 Mike talks as if/so that he knows everything. 2 As a resultlThe reason why I left was to discourage her Silly behaviour. 3 I interrupted Peter in order to/so t hat tell him what happened. 4 She is sol such emotional that no one wants to be around her. S Mark doesn't ta lk to 'Maria due to/beca use her gossiping all the time. 6 He acts as t hough/so he is in charge all the time. 7 Tracy complains all the time so as t o/as a resu lt get attention. S She is such/so a negative person that I can't stand her. 9 loe argues all the time . The reason w hy/ As a resu lt everyone avoids him.


Co mpl et e t he se ntences with t he word derived fro m t he words in bo ld. There is an exam ple at the begin ning (0).

Lla.rL~ar! f or most people , there is nothing more 0) disgraceful (DISGRACE) than being known as a liar. However, lor Glen Boylan, it is a badge of honour! Now, before you jump to 1) ....................... ...... (CONCLUDE), Glen is not actually a(n) 1) ............................. (HONEST) man. Rather, he is the proud winner of the World's Biggest liar competition , where 3) ............................. (CONTEST) compete to tell the most convincing lies to a panel of judges! The 4) ........................... (HUMOUR) competition is held in honour of Will Ritson, a landlord who was famous for his 5) ........................ (RIDICULE) stories. These stories became a(n) 6) ...................... (GLOBE) sensation. and so, the World's Biggest liar was established! The event is a fun-filled evening of lighthearted 7) ........................... (ENTERTAIN). Today's competition was no exception. When Glen finally took to the stage, the audience roared with 8) .. ..... ................ . (LAUGH) at his outlandish , but nonetheless believable story about a snail race! Then, when the night came to an end, Glen's 9) ......................... .... (IMPRESS) fib won him the respected title of 'world 's biggest liar': and that's the 10) ............... ....... ....... (TRUE) !





Fill in: chant, routine, tribe, pit, welcome. stick, traditional, weapon.

1 The leader of the ............... ..................... wore a headdress made of colourful feathers. 2 The villagers wore a ........ ....................... outfit

mad e of grass and feathers. 3 In order to go hunting, the vi llager made a

Speaking dialogue. One sentence isn't necessary.

6 When they arrived at the village, all the natives bowed to ..................................... their guests. 7 The girls jumped and spun as part of their dance ................................. .

8 It is considered quite rude to .......................... . out your tongue!


* Fill in the sentences with the correct words derived from the words in brackets.

1 The dancers wore ............... ................... outfits

during their performance. (TRADITION) 2 The footba ll ......... ................................... were dressed in their team's colours. (SUPPORT) 3 As part of the festival, the ... .......................... . had a huge feast in the village. (INHABIT)

4 The .................................. involved singing and

dancing to the beat of a drum! (CELEBRATE)

* Choose the correct wo rd .


1 Before the match, the player greeted his enemy/

2 J 4 S

6 7


opponent by shaking his hand. When the dancers stamp/sla p their feet at the same time, it sounds like thunder! When the volcano erupted, the natives had to fleelfly the vi llage ! The Sun Dance originates/begins from the tribes of North America. As they went into battle/war with another tribe, the villagers banged their drums. After the fight, the tribe had a feast to celebrate their triumph /achievement. The tribesmen carved unique engravings/tattoos into wooden statues.



Monday afternoon , if possible? I'm calling to see if I can rearrange my eye exam. I had to work late at short notice. Oh no, that's awful. It was supposed to be at 3:30pm today. F Could you make Tuesday the 10th at 2pm?

.................... ...... ...... from a st urd y stick. 4 When they dance, the natives beat drums and ............ .......... ...... Ioudly. 5 The villager stumbled and fell into a deep

* Use the sentences to complete the


A: Hello, Clearvision Opticians. B: Hello there. This is Gina Robertson. []I] There's been a family emergency. A: [ID What time was your appointment? B:

IIIJ It's with Dr. Howard.

A: OK. When would you like to rearrange it? B:


A: I'm afra id Dr. Howard isn 't available that day.



B: Erm, yes, that should be OK. Great. We'll see you on Tuesday, then . B: OK. Thank you very much. A: My pleasure. Goodbye. A:



Imagin e you wa nt to call and rearrange a hairdresser's appointment. Use th e sentences from Ex. 4 and the plan belo w to write a similar dialogue.


Greet B & say name of hairdresser's


your name, why you are calling and give a reason for rearranging . Express sympathy if "-~~ Reply. needed & ask what time the appointment was. Say

would like to rearrange for. Tell B that time isn't Agree. available. Suggest another. Reconfirm day/time. ;
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