Primal Attraction

April 10, 2017 | Author: Phuc Bach | Category: N/A
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Welcome Some men just seem to get everything, don’t they? They live the life. Why is it that some people have everything and some people have nothing? It’s not luck, and it’s not fate—it’s the sum total of their actions and attitudes. Everything and anything is attainable. Others around you aren’t succeeding more because they’re better than you—they’re just doing the things that you aren’t. Knowledge For Men is about teaching you what you need to know to be better, happier, and more successful with women and life. For those of you who have been with me for a while, thanks for your enduring support. You make everything worthwhile. For those of you who are new to the community, welcome. Everything’s about to change for the better. We believe in our four pillars of life: Health, Wealth, Relationships and Growth. Each of these pillars is equally important, and they’re inextricably linked. When you strengthen one pillar, you strengthen the whole structure. When your health improves, your relationships improve. When your wealth grows, your personal development can move more effectively. This approach—total life alteration—is what sets us apart from the rest of the so-called “seduction community.” We don’t believe in teaching you how to gimmick your way into the occasional underwhelming onenight stand. Men who spend all of their energy just trying to get laid are inevitably bad at it, and they’ll become obsessed with the idea of picking up to the exclusion of all else. Perhaps they’ll get a few phone numbers, but they’ll work twice as hard as they need to, and meanwhile the rest of their life will be in shambles. Focus on transforming yourself and your life, and all the perks of better living will come to you naturally - health, wealth, relationships and personal growth. Life is too short for anything less than extraordinary. There is no reason to not get what you want in life. In this guide, “Primal Attraction,” you will learn to tap into the natural instinctive processes that govern human attraction. We’ve evolved and grown as a species, but our basic primal instincts are still well intact, and every man can harness that energy to attract women on a raw, primal level. At the heart of this is confidence. Unshakable, unstoppable, rock-solid confidence. The world responds to the cues you give it. When you loudly tell the world I deserve it all, that’s what you get.

By the time you’ve worked through this book, you’ll find that you’re no longer chasing women —they’re chasing you and you won’t have enough time to get them all because you’re so busy Learn more at:


living it up. People will see you as a winner, someone who is seizing opportunities, making things happen and they will be drawn to you because they want to be a part of your adventurous life. You’ll fail at first, but that doesn’t matter. Look around you—there are no adult crawlers. Every kid fails the first time he tries to walk, but sooner or later we figure it out, and before you know it we’re flying across our living room floors. No kid has ever gotten depressed, felt sorry for themselves, and decided to crawl for the rest of their lives. No, they kept at it until it became second nature. Becoming the man you want to be is like this. Don’t resign yourself to a secondrate life. Take action today. Your process of growth begins now. Are you ready?

The road less traveled will be a challenging path, but once you’ve traveled it, your life will never the same.


About Me -

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain My name is Andrew and I’m the founder of Knowledge For Men. I’ve decided I have no time for regrets. Mark Twain summed it up well, and the essence of his words is this: don’t be afraid of failure. Get out there and make things happen! Making people understand that is my mission, and I’m here to help you find yours. I am an avid reader, blogger, adventure enthusiast, and student of life. I am also an investor, personal development writer, speaker, and entrepreneur. In everything I do, I feel an intense drive to help others improve their lives. Squeezing the goodness out of every damn minute of life is something I’ve trained myself to do. When I see people piddling their lives away, mired in doubt and dissatisfaction, I want to shake them and say, this is your life. Start living it! To that end, I’ve spoken at numerous colleges and high schools in the San Diego area on college, careers, and turning dreams into reality. Primal Attraction focuses on one specific class of men: the guy who struggles with women and isn’t getting what he wants out of life. We’re raising a glass to the guy who feels like a second class citizen because he’s crippled by his own lack of confidence. This is the guy who people walk on. The guy who can’t stand up for himself in front of a crowd. The guy who sees a beautiful woman walk by and thinks, “she’s too good for me.” This guide is for the man who knows all too well the experience of getting a phone number, calling it, and finding out it’s fake —or watching it ring endlessly, the call never to be returned. If this is you, you’re probably tired of seeing men half as good as you getting the things in life you want. Hopefully you know what you are, but you are just not getting the results you think you deserve. I’ve been there. My life transformed dramatically as a result of changing my lifestyle and my attitudes. It took hard work and determination, but I did it. That’s how I know you can, too. Every morning, I wake up with a smile on my face, ready to take the world by storm and knock it out of the park. That’s how I want you to feel, too. Stay with me. We’ve got work to do.

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Thanks for joining the movement that’s swelling into a revolution. I envision a community of men that empowers each member to excel beyond his wildest dreams. Together, we can elevate ourselves about life’s little indignities and frustrations and achieve everything we’ve ever wanted. - Andrew

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Contents Part I: Become a Better Man Being Yourself is Overrated........................................................8 Get to Work.................................................................................9 Confidence is Everything..........................................................10 Have Fun and Live it Up...........................................................11 Charisma Inspires Devotion......................................................12 Time is Your Ally or Enemy .....................................................14 You Can Never Be Too Healthy.................................................15 You Can’t Be Anyone Else.........................................................16 Find Your Purpose in Life..........................................................17 Total Self Acceptance is Essential..............................................19 Live an Impeccable Lifestyle......................................................19 New Mantras for You..................................................................21 Game Killing Behaviors..............................................................22 Part II: Build Attraction with Women at a Primal Level Be a Challenge.............................................................................26 Emotions Lead to Relationships .................................................27 Kill Mr. Nice Guy........................................................................28 Never Give a Woman Exactly What She Wants..........................29 You Are the FUN.........................................................................29 Control the Conversation.............................................................30 She Wants to Chase You...............................................................31 Trying to Impress is Unimpressive...............................................32 Be Willing to Walk Away or Friend Zone Women.......................33 Never Chase a Woman..................................................................34 Woman Have a Clock; You Do Not..............................................34 Stop Trying to Be So Seductive....................................................35 Get Into State.................................................................................36 When it’s Time, Take the Shot.......................................................36 Freedom From Outcome................................................................37 She Feels What you Tell Her to Feel.............................................38 There is No Right Thing to Say.....................................................38 Conclusion.....................................................................................39 Learn more at:


Part I: Become a Better Man “When we're incomplete, we're always searching for somebody to complete us. When, after a few years or a few months of a relationship, we find that we're still unfulfilled, we blame our partners and take up with somebody more promising. This can go on and on--series polygamy--until we admit that while a partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives, we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter.” - Tom Robbins In this section you will learn how to become the best version of yourself. Notice that I’m not suggesting you learn how to come across as better, but how to actually improve yourself. That’s an important distinction. Cheesy pick-up lines and tricky techniques may get you a little temporary attention (and probably not much), but there’s no substance there —the woman’s going to jump ship, dump you, or cheat on you eventually. How many beautiful women have you seen or met in your life? Probably thousands. By comparison, ask a woman how many real men she’s met in her life. It won’t be many. The world is full of mediocre men. It’s all full of men who may have one thing going for them—wealth, looks, etc—but nothing else. It may be enough to initially get the attention of women, but before long she’ll realize that he’s not a man of substance. Not a real man. This is not your fate. The goal of this guide is not to teach you cheap tricks to get laid but to teach you how to make substantial improvements in your life that will keep women coming back again and again. You will learn how to become the best version of yourself. Attractive women are constantly bombarded with the attentions of men, and these men are typically disappointments. Imagine it from her perspective, with men approaching her constantly, each one of them a dud. Imagine how enthralled she’ll be when she meets one who has the total package: independent, confident, healthy, well groomed, excellent communicator, and a natural leader. Men like this are extremely rare in today’s world. It’s time for you to step up and show the world who you were born to be.


Stop chasing women, being fake, and settling for temporary, surface-level attention from women. Start working towards becoming the best version of yourself. Every day, strive to be better than you were the day before in all aspects of life: health, wealth, relationships, and personal growth. Never neglect your four pillars. You’ll not only find yourself surrounded with dating options, but you’ll simply be happier with the state of your life in general. The evolutionary playing field is a landscape of primal competition. For millions of years, men have competed for the attentions of women. The best and brightest have been the ones to survive, mate successfully, and raise up strong offspring. The sons of those first men endured the same competition, and again, and again. Somewhere down the line, you came into existence, and so it’s in your blood to succeed with women. Through war, famine, plagues, and catastrophes, your bloodline has continued to prosper. You are the crème of the crop for your bloodline. There is no reason why you cannot succeed. Use this as fuel as you strive to become the best version of you. The world needs more real men. The world needs you.

LESSON ONE: BEING YOURSELF IS OVERRATED. The phrase “being yourself” carries with it the implication that you’re fine “just the way you are.” To talk about someone “being themselves” ignores the fact that people are complex. They’re multifaceted. They’re full of little contradictions, changing opinions, and conflicting desires. We’re not cut from a cookie-cutter mold, and we’re different from day to day. That also makes us dynamic and exciting. Whether you like it or not, you’re in transition—you’re a day older and closer to the end every single day. You can always be better, and self-improvement is attractive. So, stop trying to “be yourself,” and start trying to be your best possible self everyday. An example: In 2013, high school senior Suzy Lee Weiss was rejected from her dream school, and she wrote a controversial op-ed in the Wall Street Journal. Weiss threw a fit, arguing that she’d been lied to all of her life by adult mentors who told her to just be herself, then discovered that just being herself wasn’t actually all that impressive. She lashed out against other students who did charity work (citing it as insincere), sarcastically commented that she should’ve been born a minority, and blasted students who studied hard for the SATs (trying to look more intelligent than they really were, in her opinion.) Various Internet outlets posted brutal takedowns making fun of the teen, and all of them focused on two ideas that are relevant to our topic: Firstly, that a false sense of entitlement is bred into young people. We’re told that we’re special, unique, and that we deserve to be loved. The implication is that we don’t need to try at all. Secondly, that being your best self doesn’t prevent you from being yourself. Being yourself doesn’t mean saying “okay, I’m great, I accept it; I guess I’ll just chill.” Being yourself means owning who you are. It means following your core purpose and truest of intentions—free from Learn more at:


socially conditioned influence. Your physical nature, your individual experiences, and your unique way of thinking are what set you apart from the pack. It’s a mistake to think this makes you an outsider. It makes you unique, and being unique is sexy. It’s a strength, not a weakness. Where men trip themselves up is in acting out of character because they feel that the real man inside of them isn’t going to get the job done. Don’t strive to be like other unique men at the top of the food chain. They got there because they were true to themselves and worked hard and becoming the person they were meant to be. You need to identify what your truest, best self is, then become that. Be someone. Be a champion. You beat 40 million sperm to make it into this life, so get out there, light yourself on fire, and make it happen!

LESSON TWO: GET TO WORK Transforming yourself into your best self takes work. Sitting around and waiting for it to happen won’t cut it, and it won’t make you a real man. You don’t magically become a man when you turn 18, lose your virginity, or get a job after college. You become a real man when you become self-actualized. You must continually strive and grow in all facets of life, health, career, and personal growth. Too often men get trapped into thinking of all the changes in their lives that they’ll someday make. This is compounded by the fact that we think of our lives in terms of our total lifespan, instead of realizing that youth is wasted on the young. You’ll be old before you know it. Think of guys undergoing “midlife crises.” We frequently see guys hit their 40s and realize with terrifying clarity that most of their life has passed them by, and it signals a dramatic shift in their priorities. They start working out like fiends. They quit The average man the job they’ve hated for twenty years. They re-prioritize, take action, spends 33 hours and change their lives in a way that makes them satisfied.

and 56 minutes watching TV each week. Part time

Now, what if they’d grasped that mindset at 20? They would have had two more decades of fully fulfilled living, great times, hard-won achievements, amazing sex, and days full of confidence and sheer determination. When you work hard to become the man you’re meant to be, everything else falls into place—including the women. You know this already. You know guys who are pretenders, who spend all of their time relying on fakery to try and pick up. You also know guys who just seem to carry themselves differently, who work hard at what they do, and whom women seem drawn to like magnets. Yeah, be the second type.


Be self-contained and self-controlled. Avoid being submissive. Take the lead, and start taking actions. Being assertive and decisive—and then sticking to your guns—will ensure that you’re in charge of your own direction. As a man, there is nothing someone can give you that you can’t get for yourself. When you make your own sense of satisfaction dependent on the actions or opinions of others, you’re putting your happiness in the hands of others instead of protecting it and nurturing it yourself. You will never be attractive. Women pick up on this. If you need their approval, you won’t get it. If you don’t need it, you’ll be showered with it. This isn’t necessarily true for women, who require your approval and reassurance. Give her what she needs, and she’ll naturally default to giving you the things you deserve: respect, support, and love.

LESSON THREE: CONFIDENCE IS EVERYTHING Think about children again. They’re unselfconscious. They do what they want, and they tackle any role they desire with complete self-assurance. Remember when you were out on the playground as a kid, and each day you could be something new—a superhero, a ninja, a cowboy —without any reservations. You slapped on a cape, and boom, you were superman. It’s all about not having a care in the world. Most people are their own biggest stumbling blocks. We overthink, doubt our capabilities, and as a result we don’t take action. Learn to let go, and you’ll be amazed at how capably you rise to the occasion. Confidence is the single most important factor in coming across well to the opposite sex. Instinctively, every woman wants to associate with an alpha male. Strength is sexy. If you hold yourself back in any way, you lose. Your ego only gets in the way. We sometimes simplistically use “ego” interchangeably with “pride”—something that can be bruised —but the ego is larger than this; it is a person’s sense of self-importance The average American boy and, additionally, the part of ourselves that mediates between the realities of the world and our subconscious self-conception, allowing us spends 13 to ignore unpleasant truths when they require us to admit that we’re not hours a week playing video all-important. You will make mistakes. You will occasionally come games. across how you don’t want to. Don’t let that sabotage your confidence, though. When you makes your ego a priority to protect your “image,” you will inevitably fall prey to the disillusioning effect of pride. Only insecure men need to protect their pride at the expense of learning and growing. Real men know that mistakes are a part of the process, and their inner confidence isn’t hurt because they know who they are, and making a mistake doesn’t shake that. A real man doesn’t need anyone else’s approval. He knows that he has forged his own way of life. He knows that because he has defined his ethics, his own rules of behavior, and his own Learn more at:


code of honor. His confidence has been established, and what others think is secondary. He doesn’t need anyone else’s stamp of approval. Confidence is gained through actions, and when you learn from the results, the confidence grows and builds. I’ve set these two internal boundaries for myself, and I compromise them for nothing: “I will never chase women.” “I will never compromise who I am for anything.” I think of myself as the opportunity, the train leaving the station, the walking jackpot—so others see me that way, too. This mentality has caused me to become very decisive, and my level of conviction is unreal. Yours can be too.

LESSON FOUR: HAVE FUN AND LIVE IT UP In 2006, psychologists Eric Bressler and Sigal Balshine ran a study on what factors affect a woman’s initial attraction to men they’ve never met. They presented women with photographs of men (all of more or less equal physical attractiveness), along with a set of quotes attributed to that man (supposedly taken from essays they asked the men to write; in truth the quotes were fabricated.) Then, they asked the women to rate their intelligence, trustworthiness, desirability, and other traits based on these “profiles” alone. Half of the profiles had funny quotes, and half had serious ones. The results spoke for themselves: across the board, men whose photographs were accompanied by funny quotes were rated as more sexually desirable.1 Everyone likes a funny person. Life is hard, and people who lighten our burdens are socially valuable. The responsibilities and worries of life (which everyone has) constantly cloud our forethoughts, and people naturally An incredible 53% of gravitate to those who offer the gift of humor. Humor all Americans with a communicates our intellect and makes us more relatable. bachelor’s degree Developing your sense of humor to its fullest will enable you to under 25 are either engage every woman you meet, as humor is nonthreatening. We unemployed or disarm others’ defensive walls with laughter, and we dissolve underemployed. tension. Women are often initially uncomfortable when a stranger approaches them, and for good reason—but when we’re funny, we tell them that we’re here to create good times and offer positive energy, and we’ve evolved in such a way that potential mates instantly accept and need more of this. 1

The reverse was also true: if the quotes were switched so that the “funny” men became the “serious” men, they were rated as less desirable. 11

Nothing in life is that serious. When you can be funny about everything, you tell others that you float above the daily drudgery. You’re better than all of that. A real man knows that he can’t be dependent on anyone to make his life fun, so he makes it fun for himself. He creates a bubble of happiness, fun, and good spirits around himself, and when he encounters a new person he’s confident that he will be interesting to them, because they want to spend more time in that bubble. People are social creatures, and we can’t underestimate the drive others have to feel like they belong. When we’re humorous, and when we invite others to share in our humor, we’re telling them: you are wanted here. I want you to feel good, and when you’re with me, you’re going to feel good.

Being the Funniest Guy in the Room: A Crash-Course •

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You’re not going to make everyone laugh every time you open your mouth. Get over it. The funniest people in the world sometimes tell jokes that fall flat. Don’t let your ego get in the way. Say the first thing that comes into your mind the moment you think of it. Being quickwitted suggests that you’re intelligent and keeps others on their toes. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself. Timing is everything. Don't laugh at your own jokes. Don’t get caught stealing jokes from comedians or friends. Don’t get caught repeating a joke you’ve told before. Humor works best when it comes from a place of honest expression. We laugh harder when we agree with the genuine sentiment being expressed.

LESSON FIVE: CHARISMA INSPIRES DEVOTION Many of us identify “charisma” in vague terms. We might refer to someone as having a way with people, but we can’t put our finger on what it is. We know it when we see it. But the actual definition is enlightening: Charisma (noun): Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.

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The attractive qualities in a person with charisma inspire devotion. Devotion is selfless dedication and affection. This goes beyond merely liking someone in a surface way. The charismatic man inspires others to rally to his cause and to want to be close to him. Much research exists on leadership, and two terms come up again and again: the referent and expert aspects of personality. The referent qualities a person has refer to their ability to influence people positively through natural charm, sociability, and generally making those around you feel good. Expert qualities refer to the ways we inspire admiration in others by being good at what we do. By being a source of positive energy and excelling in all aspects of our personal lives, we transform ourselves into magnetic people. Of course, lead by example. In simpler terms: handle your life like the badass you’re meant to be, and women will want you to handle them. Charisma is that part of you that people want to be around. The ingredients are being inspirational, confident, happy, and humorous. That mixture draws people to you. Since charisma is a combination of leadership qualities, strengthening those qualities increases your charisma. What’s more, charisma is energy. Motion is energy, so the more you move and animate yourself, the more emotion you inspire in others. Energize those around you, and they’ll feel good, and since they want to feel good, they’ll continue to want to be around you. It’s a cycle to raises your social value infinitely. People communicate charisma through social cues, and they carefully control the way they come across. At first, this may take practice, but as it becomes ingrained into a person’s being, it soon becomes automatic. Charismatic people hold eye contact and listen intently, keeping nervous movements and unnatural inflections in check. They’re cool, calm, and collected. The way they speak, too, is naturally pleasing to others. They measure their tone and volume, choose their words carefully, and exhibit impeccable timing. Their posture reflects their confidence. When you see a truly charismatic person, you instinctively get the sense that you’re meeting an apex predator—a lion in a room full of cats. None of this is mysterious or magical; it’s all down to social psychology and the way we subconsciously process body language. We assume that these people have a high social value, and oftentimes they make us feel valuable, too. Charismatic people feel like they’re talking to you because they’re genuinely interested in you and want you there, rather than waiting for you to shut up so they can say what they’ve been waiting to spit out.


Being More Charismatic: A Crash-Course 1. Learn the concepts behind what makes people charismatic. These overlap with what are commonly called “soft skills”—listening, being considerate, telling interesting and relevant stories. 2. Learn by observing others with natural charisma. 3. Learn by making deliberate, gradual improvements over time. (Learning to let go of fear and develop confidence.) 4. Mirror the body language of the people you’re speaking to—this subconsciously makes them feel closer to you, as well as more comfortable. 5. Remember what people say to you. Learn their names. Bring up details they’ve mentioned before, and ask relevant follow-up questions when they tell you something. This tells them that you’re interested in them, and it makes them feel valuable. In turn, they’ll value you. 6. Don’t be afraid to show genuine emotion. If you’re happy, laugh from your chest. If you’re impassioned, let your tone of voice show it. It shows that you care.

LESSON SIX: TIME IS YOUR ALLY OR ENEMY Time is ticking away. Even as you’re reading this, time is passing you by. Once you’re done with this guide, reading time is over and action time begins. You’ll need to get out there, take action, move forward, and take responsibility. This will enable you to either achieve things or learn things, making way for other achievements. It requires work. The worst thing you can do with your time is nothing. Staying home, playing video games, surfing the web, ignoring exercise, eating unhealthily, not approaching—no more excuses because none of that is going to help you improve. It’s just going to eat up time. Time that you can’t afford to lose. Beware the demons of routine and relaxation. Healthy routines are positive, but failing to mix things up and take chances results in mediocrity. It encourages us to become complacent and overly comfortable, and when that happens, we become boring. There’s also a time to relax, but too many people overestimate how much “time to unwind” they need or deserve. A little television time after work is beneficial in helping you clear your mind, but when it becomes a seven-hour Netflix binge, you’ve become lazy. When you feel sluggish and lazy, your confidence will fade. When you win and learn, you feel good. Get out there. Don’t focus on how you might fail, and instead focus on doing something that matters. There is no failure; it doesn’t exist. It’s a limit which is really an illusion, a concept man has created for himself. There is only learning and improving.

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Another key component to this is to remove procrastination from your life. While you may rationalize any number of reasons not to do what you need to get done, there are rarely genuinely good reasons. Dr. Timothy Pychyl, who has made a life’s work of studying the phenomenon of procrastination, uncovered an interesting trend in his research: when people feel competent about the task ahead of them, they are much less likely to procrastinate. If they fear they’re likely to execute the task poorly, they’ll put it off. This is relevant because it’s completely illogical. Failure makes us more competent. If we do a poor job at the task at hand, we can learn from our mistakes, and we can attack it again with a new ferocity. The short version: Hurry up and start screwing up. Get your mistakes out of the way in a hurry, reflect and learn, then crush it the second, third, or fourth time around. It doesn’t matter how many tries, just keep going!

LESSON SEVEN: YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO HEALTHY Fix your diet. Eat healthy, period. Damnit, why do so many people neglect their health? There are some men who take better care of their cars or bikes more than they do themselves. Problems with health and insecurities about our bodies can become a constant distraction from the mental development that is key to becoming an unstoppable force with women. You spend all of your time in your body, so make it a comfortable place to live. Health issues permeate every aspect of your daily life, and they’ll affect your game with women on every level. If you currently have unhealthy eating habits, start simple and make small chances that you can stick to. Develop better habits gradually. Cook at home more (you’ll save money, too.) Eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, fish, and chicken. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Try green tea for its antioxidant effects. Fish oil improves the skin. Work out three to five times every week. Again, don’t be afraid to start off slowly. Set attainable goals, then work your way up to a more intense routine. If you’re a couch potato, and your goal is to have six-pack abs within three months’ time, you’re going to fail. If your initial goal is to be able to run a mile without getting winded, though, you’ll do it—and you’ll feel great about having done it. Your confidence will skyrocket. Then you take your goals up a level. Before you know it, the abs will come, and you’ll have dozens of small victories under your belt along the way. The key to working out is to be consistent. Don’t go overboard and work out like a madman for two weeks, then skip the next week. Make a schedule and follow it. With time and persistence, you will see results. Remember: if you want results, you have to work for them. Yoga will give you an intense focus and clarity on life, so consider trying that. Do not ever use the excuse that you don’t have time. You don’t have time to take care of yourself? Take responsibility and make 15

the time. You govern how your days are spent—nobody else. Remember Lesson Seven. Take care of yourself and you’ll have the energy to work long, grueling hours, be social, and go out all night, all while having a great time. If your heath is not up to par, you will not be successful out in the field with women; you’ll be too wiped out after a long, hard day’s work. Ensure that you are sleeping 7 to 8 hours, eating correctly, and working out each day.

Start thinking of your health in terms of those three ingredients: eating, sleeping, and working out. Most people focus on one or two to the exclusion of the rest, and they’re not as effective as a result. When one of your three pillars gets out of sync, the whole pyramid loses strength.

LESSON EIGHT: YOU CAN’T BE ANYONE ELSE This is one of the single most common mistakes men make: they’re not seeing the success that they want to see in life, and they think they need to be someone else to get what they want— whether it’s women, cash, a better job, whatever. If you want Brad Pitt’s life, fine—but you’re never going to be Brad Pitt, and no matter how hard you try, you’ll only end up looking like a guy trying too hard to be Brad Pitt. There’s nothing sexy or admirable about that. Become the you that’s as successful as those guys who seem to have it all. Many guys come into our community looking for shortcuts, ways to instantly impress women— and they do this because they’ve convinced themselves that they’re not impressive right now. Before you know it, they’re wearing ridiculous furry hats and screwing up lame magic tricks at Learn more at:


bars, and they actually believe this will make them attractive. The game isn’t about learning tips and tricks—it’s about becoming a better person. It’s about identifying the traits you’ve already got that are working for you, then putting them to work in new ways. It’s about rooting out your personal traits that are holding you back, then removing those weaknesses. It’s about breaking yourself down, then reconstructing a new, better you. It’s about overcoming your fears. Ah’ fear.. the illusion that prevents man from succeeding. You need to fight fear, wrestle with it, bite it’s head off and spit it out! Successful men at the top of their game know that those who aren’t growing are dying. They learn something new every day, set attainable goals, and focus their drive and ambition towards crushing those goals one by one. When you focus on cheap moves and pick-up techniques, you’re distracting yourself from the work at hand. You’re watering down your genuine personality (your most powerful weapon), and you’ll come across as childish and desperate as a result. Look at the charismatic, successful men you know who seem to effortlessly date beautiful women—they didn’t take a class to get to that level. They didn’t just talk it out on a messageboard or read book after book. You’re never going to learn anything by simply reading and studying. You must put in the work. There’s no simple answer for every guy—you have to pave your own way and discover where your strengths lie by advancing yourself. So, don’t fake being a guy people want to associate with. Become him.

LESSON NINE: FIND YOUR PURPOSE IN LIFE Don’t aim for the low-hanging fruit. Your purpose is the mission to be accomplished. It’s the dream to be realized. Even if you don’t consciously know your purpose in life, some deep-seated part of yourself already knows what you were born for. Identify it by honestly appraising what you care about. What interests you more than anything else? What gets you fired up? Once you’ve figured out what you’re most passionate about, take it a step further: beneath the umbrella of that passion, what change do you want to see in the world? What impact do you want to have? Think of Gandhi’s words: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” Don’t make women the end goal. Getting laid is good, but that alone is never going to fulfill you completely. It’s a passing high, and ultimately, it’s too easy. You should never be satisfied solely from having a new phone number or a date planned—that’s allowing your entire sense of happiness to hang on the actions of a woman. Yeah, it’s exciting, but it shouldn’t be the reason you jump out of bed in the morning. No mater how beautiful a woman is, she shouldn’t dictate whether or not you’re happy. You have to find your own purpose in life. Having that purpose will draw the girls to you all on its own. 17

The answer you seek is not found in women but in yourself. Having that drive—that purpose— makes you a compelling person, someone who’s exciting to be around. Again, the woman is coming along on your journey. Don’t chase her or ever alter the course of your ship to satisfy her whims. She should support and motivate you. When you’ve found the right woman, you will know and your purposes will be aligned, and she’ll enhance and empower your journey, making reaching those dreams all the more satisfying. In turn, you’ll also invigorate her and energize her life. Getting a girl out of her skirt pales in comparison to having a kickass partner with whom you are an unstoppable team. The latter makes for a lifetime of the good stuff: laughs, adventures, good sex, and a long, healthy fulfilling life. Understand that women are a secondary goal, never a primary goal. Women and sex are an important part of the evolutionary drive, but when you make them the sole focus of your energy, you’re going to be left unfulfilled. And worse yet, you’re going to come across as desperate and shallow. Just think of how hurt you would be if the relationship went sour and you lost everything you lived for. Women are the natural side benefit of a life that is fully lived and confidently navigated. Life is short. You’ve heard that enough times and it has become cliché and meaningless. Life is short, though—it really is, damnit! Not only do we not have much time on this planet, but we have even less time in the prime of our lives. The slower you are in getting started on the mission that you were put here to complete, the less you’ll get done before you’re too old or too dead to do anything about it. Are you listening? I want to make sure I have your attention, because that was so damn important. You need to grab life by the balls and go get what is rightfully yours! CRUSH LIFE!

LESSON TEN: TOTAL SELF-ACCEPTANCE IS ESSENTIAL You enjoy as much as happiness as you believe you’re worthy of. From the time we’re children, we’re conditioned to seek the approval of others, and our self-worth is tied to this. As a child, it’s your parents—they decide whether you’re a “good boy” or “bad boy” based on your behavior (and, essentially, your “performance” as a kid.) Typically, people carry this mindset into adulthood. We let others tell us how worthy we are. As an adult, the fortunate thing about this is that we can decide for ourselves that it’s bullshit. Learn more at:


Decide, right now, that you’re a guy worth being with. You are! It might take some time to fully believe that, but keep telling yourself that. Accept who you are right now. Stop knocking yourself down by fretting about what you don’t have. Your height, your skin color, your eyes, your hair, and your body are yours for the rest of your life, so do what you can and be happy with what you have. Children are always looking to the future, thinking about what they’ll have down the line, wondering when the good things are going to come their way. Realize that there is only now. There is only today. There is only this moment in time. This is your life. This, right now. Today, how are you going to improve it? What specific actions will you take? Do the work. Put in the effort. Be your own compass, and trust in your own internal frame of reference. In all matters pertaining to your life, you are the final authority. You will not wait to follow the instructions of friends, family, society, or culture. You won’t do things in order to gain approval. You will do what is right for you according to your own principles. Be the master and commander of your own ship and guide it into the adventure of life. You won’t look back, and you’ll be happier for it.

LESSON ELEVEN: LIVE AN IMPECCABLE LIFESTYLE You could die at any moment. If you died today, could you truly say you lived and enjoyed your life? Did you consistently have the experiences you sought? Do you have any regrets? Identify your honest areas of interest. What really excites you and satisfies you? Embrace the lifestyle that will make you excited to wake up every morning, then bring others into it. This also enables women who are attracted to you to get closer to you without any pressure, since they’re simply partaking in the social areas of your life that you’ve made part of your lifestyle. This is how you can attract women to you rather than chasing them down, altering your activities to fit her lifestyle. If your friends are bringing you down, and their interests and goals don’t align with yours, perhaps it’s time to find new friends. Why hang out with people you have nothing in common with? Why feel obligated? How many times have you done some activity you had no interest in because you felt it would please another person? Most of us have done that too many times to count, and it’s wasting our precious time. We only live once, so start doing more of what you love to do. You don’t need to delete people from your life, but you need to spend time with people who support, motivate, and encourage you to become your best self.


You don’t have to work specifically at being attractive, because your best self is already attractive. You are the opportunity, and when every aspect of your life screams that from the mountaintops, more women will want you. Build yourself a lifestyle in which you thrive, and you’ll empower yourself to be that exciting, energetic person that draws women in like moths to a flame. You are the average of your surroundings. You are the average of the people you hang out with the most. This can be good or bad. If your friends play video games, then you’re probably going to play video games. If they’re building businesses, then you’re probably doing the same. Equally, if your friends are incompetent and awkward when it comes time to approaching women, you’re also going to get sucked into that aura of failure. You’ll be shot down by association, or you won’t be pushed enough by your friends. Surround yourself with social guys who can help you get to where you want to be. Go out with a group that will create an atmosphere of fun and excitement—you’ll have a better time, and you’ll be energized, and others (especially women) will be naturally drawn to the group. You won’t need to cold approach women as often.

The most important thing is a high level of self-worth. I’m talking about your own vision of yourself and your lifestyle. Protecting your way of life is more important than any woman, and you should never allow a woman to waste your time. Either she’s along for the ride, or she’s not.

To find this group of guys, just go out more often. If you have to, go out solo and introduce yourself to people, so be it. How to make friends quickly? Try to help people in some way, forging a relationship through mutual benefit. Where’s your area of expertise? If you’re a healthy guy, help a guy out with his diet and fitness. If you have business connections, help someone out with their career. When you help people, you add value to their lives, and when you enrich someone’s life, they want to be around you and enrich yours. In time you’ll have a core crew of guy friends with whom to pool resources and have a good time.

Those pretty girls sitting in a group by themselves, looking around the bar occasionally, pretending to have fun? They’re tapping away on their cell phones for a reason: they’re bored. They want to be a part of your group, the fun group. Whatever you’re doing, have women around. When you watch a movie, invite a few girls around to drink and watch it with you. When you go shopping, bring a few ladies, then invite them to smoke with you later. There’s no pressure—it’s just socializing, and you’re the guy they have fun with—but all the while, attraction’s building, and if you want it to, you can allow it to turn into something heavier. Consider your own social currency. It works the same way that business marketing does—when someone perceives something as valuable and acts accordingly, others do too. Diamonds are a Learn more at:


good example. They’re not actually very rare, and at the end of the day, they’re just rocks (albeit pretty ones.) But because they’re hard to get, people want them all the more. When women see that you’re wanted and that others value your company, they’ll want to get in on the action, too. Social Lifestyle: 1) Your social network, hand selected by you, consisting of your guy friends and all the women you meet—whether you want to sleep with them or friend-zone them. This circle is growing every time you go out. 2) Other social circles you mingle with. You’re like a special guest in the main cast, and if you enjoy the people you meet, you can invite them into your own main circle. 3) That’s connected to all of your favorite businesses and venues. When you do what you do in consistent surroundings, you meet other regulars, make friends with the staff, and can earn a little special treatment. 4) Resources: by knowing other men (especially other successful men), you can pool your resources and social connections to enhance everyone’s experiences. 5) Professional acquaintances. These people can also enrich your life by introducing you to life-enhancing opportunities, and they have the potential to join your main

LESSON TWELVE: NEW MANTRAS FOR THE NEW YOU • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Nothing rattles me. I’m a man of steel. When I decide something, it’s set in stone. I execute and make it a reality. Nobody chooses for me. I make my own decisions, and then I see them through. I don’t go out look for approval from others. They give it to me because I deserve it. I don’t see mistakes, I see learning opportunities. I take setbacks in stride and become even stronger as a result of them. When I look at someone, they feel like I see right into their soul. I don’t break eye contact before they do. I carry myself confidently. My posture tells others that I’m an alpha male. Despite my confidence, I’m appreciative of others and treat them well. I don’t give up power for anyone, and nobody can take it from me. I can have any woman I want. I know exactly where I’m going and how I’m getting there. I set realistic, specific goals for myself, and then I crush them, one by one. I embrace competition, because it allows me to flaunt what I’ve got. Nobody can show me up. I’m always taking action. I’m never lazy or complacent. I am a leader. Others look to me to set the bar. 21

• • • • •

If I’m forced to stand up for myself, I can do it effortlessly. I know my own strengths and continually enhance them. I get stronger every day. I don’t excuse my behavior or apologize. I am my own man, regardless of the situation. Others can take it or leave it. I don’t treat the women I’m involved with like children. I don’t have time to babysit. I give her the freedom to run her own life, and I expect her to be able to handle herself. I don’t waste time trying to entertain women who don’t meet my expectations—it’s their job to keep me interested.

LESSON THIRTEEN: GAME-KILLING BEHAVIORS Clingy, needy behavior: There’s no quicker way to go from “interesting” to “creepy” than blowing up a woman’s phone with too many texts. Let her have a life apart from you and let her make contact—after all, it shows her that you’ve got a lot going on in your life and that you don’t need her. Jealousy: When you’re jealous, you’re threatened. When you’re jealous of her guy friends, the implication is that they can compete, that they’re on your level. They can’t, and they’re not, so don’t be jealous. Trying too hard: When you’re at your best, things should appear effortless. When you come across as trying hard to impress a woman, she knows you’re putting on a front. When you don’t seem like you’re trying, she gets the impression that she’s seeing the real you—and liking him. Bragging: There’s a time to talk about your accomplishments: when you’re asked. Playing your hand too quickly comes across as egotistical or desperate for affirmation. Let the mystery remain, and when she asks about your goals and accomplishments, you’ll know she wants to hear about them. Then, they’ll appear all the more impressive because you were nonchalant about them. Anger and Defensiveness: Letting others get to you suggests that you require their approval or take their words and actions seriously. Show you’re above the rest by remaining calm and collected. Violent outburst and drunken arguments make you look like a teenager. When it’s time to act, do so decisively, but don’t let anyone push you that far easily. When you’re affected by others, they win. When you’re above being dragged down to their level, you rise above. Being defensive suggests you lack security. Sitting above the conflict suggests that it doesn’t even warrant making a blip on your radar.

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Being boring: If you’re bored then you’re boring. Being boring shows a lack of personality. Your presence should be associated with good feelings and fun times. Remember, you are the party starter. You are the one who livens even the most boring days. Boring days are for boring people. Being pushy: When you rush, you tell her that you need something she has more than she needs you—and you give up your power. Remember that women want sex as much as men do, but each woman has a different set of circumstances that need to be fulfilled before she’ll be comfortable getting busy. Trying to push your way into her bed will get you left out in the cold. Being passive and indecisive: Women want to be with a man. An inability to have an opinion on anything, make any calls, or act in general makes you look timid and weak. Be confident in your decisions, and act to ensure that you’re getting what you want. Inability to listen: Listening shows that you’re interested in her, not simply her body. Making the mental connection is a bigger turn on for her than anything else, and if she feels like what she’s saying isn’t important to you, she won’t want to stick around. Nobody likes being used, and it’s on you to convince her through your actions that you’re not using her. Appearing desperate for sex: When you come across as totally sex-driven, you’re telling her that you’re not getting it enough. If she thinks you’re not getting any, she’s going to wonder if there’s a reason for that. Everyone wants sex. Don’t worry—even the girl you’re talking to wants it. What she needs to do is give herself permission to indulge in it, and you facilitate that by making her feel comfortable. Impatience: Patience is vitally important in any relationship, business, and life. Lack of patience shows you lack self-discipline. It also tells those around you that you’re not willing to work for what you get, and that you feel a false sense of entitlement. A real man knows that the journey is as important as the end goal and enjoys the ride. Negativity: Constantly complaining about things creates an atmosphere in which it’s hard to have fun. Be the guy that can find the fun in any situation and always look on the bright side. Be untouchable. Small-time troubles don’t touch you. Speaking too softly or loudly: Fear that you'll impose yourself on people and their personal space suggests weakness. Alpha males aren’t afraid to make their presence known by projecting their voice and living out loud. At the same time, talking too loudly can be seen as obnoxious and overcompensating.


Talking too fast: Talking too fast makes you seem overly excited. It makes you look like you’ve never spoken to a girl before. Talk at your own pace—they’ll feel lucky to be sharing your time, not the other way around. Insecure body language: Fidgety movements, tight shoulders, taking yourself too seriously, or trying too hard to project a “businesslike” persona suggest overt self-doubt. It’s awkwardness and nervousness. When you’re relaxed, people around you will relax, too. Know how you hold yourself, and do so confidently. Practice in a mirror if you need to.

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Part II: Building Attraction with Women at a Primal Level


“Try not to become a man of success. Rather, become a man of value.” Albert Einstein

Emotion is often illogical. We all know this. The head says one thing and the heart says another —it’s the oldest story in the book. And we can’t fully control attraction. You already know this, too. That’s why unlikely matches occur, and it’s how people get themselves into trouble. Consider people who cheat on their spouses, for example. Many of them are well-meaning, and they’d never want to hurt the person they’re with, even if the attraction is gone. But there’s something about that primal desire that’s hard to deny, and it changes the way a person behaves. Sometimes, attraction takes over and supersedes everything we’ve ever told ourselves about how we function. Emotions play by their own rules. If everyone could control them easily, life would be a lot simpler. It would also be a lot more boring. Desire is something you cannot control. If you can’t connect with a woman’s emotions, she can’t feel attracted to you. No logic can create that instant gut feeling of attraction, that kick in the stomach of pure, animal desire. No simple technique can ignite that undeniable craving for another person, the one that takes you over, the one that makes you behave differently. In this section, you’ll learn how to trigger those primal emotions in women. You’ll learn how to tap into those primal urges and harness that power. Once she feels attracted, she won’t be able to help it—it’s on. That primordial level of feeling takes over, and that’s a more basic, instinctive mode than the collected, logical front we all put on. She won’t be able to get you out of her head. She’ll try to focus on other things, but her thoughts will draft back to you. And for every second she doesn’t have you, the desire only intensifies. You’ve got a lot to bring to the table—in Part One, you learned to recognize that and hone it. In Part Two, you’ll learn how to make women realize it, too. I wrote this book to get you over the idea that behaving like you owe a woman something is the way to get the girl. This section is.


LESSON ONE: BE A CHALLENGE Once a person gets what they want, they stop wanting it. They want something better. Another variation: Once a woman knows that you are really into her, she stops being as interested in you. Remember: YOU set the pace. Show a woman you’re interested in one way only: through your actions. When you verbally tell her how much you like her, it defuses the spark. When she suspects it through your actions but never hears it out loud, her knees will shake. Attraction isn’t something you decide upon—it’s an uncontrollable reaction to the right qualities. When you hit the right emotional triggers, the attraction follows. It’s a compulsion on her part, not a decision. One way to kill this impulse before it grows is to appear worried about whether or not she likes you. Assume she does, and she will. When a woman senses that you’re a tough catch, your value increases in her eyes. She doesn’t want the guy that any pretty girl can sway—she wants the one that can’t be tamed, the one who couldn’t care less if other girls come or go. She wants the mystery that not just anyone can unravel. If you’re that guy in her eyes, any time you spend with her becomes supercharged with the electrical energy of pure attraction. When you’re interested as well, it gets harder to play it cool, but keep that challenging persona up. When you decide to seal the deal, she’ll be putty in your hands. Constantly making her work a little to get what she wants out of the relationship keeps the power in your corner. Throwing her the occasional curveball keeps her on her toes, but just as importantly it keeps her guessing as to what you may or may not do next. This kind of behavior, when executed properly, will make her think about how interesting you are on a subconscious level. She’ll value your attention that much more because it’s earned, not given freely. Refuse to be taken for granted—don’t make yourself permanently available to indulge her every beck and call. Have other things going on. Leave her alone sometimes, and let her soak in what your absence feels like. When you reduce your availability, you increase your perceived desirability. You cannot appreciate that which you get for free. People don’t want things that are readily available to them. Some men don’t like the idea of “playing hard to get” because it seems manipulative. It seems insincere. It seems like a game. Well, guess what? Women want you to be interesting. Women want a challenge. It’s fun for them. Beautiful women are used to men fawning over any sign of interest from them. If you have the balls to hesitate on returning such a sign, you send a powerful message about how self-confident you are and how little you need from her. Being “hard to get” automatically implies scarcity, and rare things are valuable things, enhancing your attraction.

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Challenging Her to Increase Desire: A Crash Course 1.

Giving her a hard time about something in a flirty way. It keeps her on her toes and reminds her that she’s not perfect.


Expressing problems between the two of you. For example, “if we were together we would always fight and I would win” or “this already too dificult it just isn’t going to work” This demonstrates a playful attitude that women will play along with.


Behaving like you could take her or leave her... and like she’s just a good friend (too comfortable.) Other men who wear their attraction on their sleeve and work hard for her approval will bore her. When she feels like she’s boring you, she’ll try and up her game.

LESSON TWO: EMOTIONS LEAD TO RELATIONSHIPS Women can control their thoughts, but they can’t control their feelings. This includes attraction, which is one of the strongest feelings anyone can experience. For men, attraction usually happens in response to a beautiful face and a nice body. For women, it’s determined by how they perceive your personality and how you make them feel. Attractive men may have an easier time initially getting a foot in the door, but they have no natural advantage in putting it to good use once they’re at the doorstep. Ironically, the way to get her approval is to not need it in the first place. This is something that she picks up on. It’s something you communicate to her through your attitude and actions. When you refuse to chase her and refuse to behave differently around her, she knows that you don’t compromise who you are. That in turn puts the ball in her court—she has to live up to your standards. Attraction is either on, or it’s off. A woman isn’t logically deducing whether or not you’re a good choice for her. She’ll never think, “There’s no spark there, but he’s got a good job, so screw it—I’ll sleep with him.” Her desire comes from a place of pure instinct. After she’s infatuated, she’ll back up her decision logically. She’ll rationalize the way she already feels by telling herself that you’ve got a good job, good education, nice family, etc.—all the things girls pretend are important to them on the forefront. If you want to get into a relationship, then have sex as soon as possible. Make it great sex for her. Don’t leave her unfulfilled by being selfish in bed. Give her a lay that will put every other guy she’s ever known to shame. The combination of sexual satisfaction and the heavy emotions that come with it will have her thinking of you in boyfriend terms in no time. After you’ve gotten the 27

sex, don’t change your behavior, though. You still need to maintain that confident, funny, and challenging personality you had before—now the sex will just come more easily and more frequently, and it will be better as you get used to each other.

LESSON THREE: KILL MR. NICE GUY Nobody’s actually as nice as a typical Mr. Nice Guy pretends to be. We know him when we see him, and we know we can walk all over him. He’s more concerned with appearing gentle than he is with standing up for himself. A guy that spends all of his time trying to act right, catering his actions to what he imagines will get him the girl is a guy who’s letting the woman control his actions preemptively. He has no sense of himself. And since he’s spending all of his time trying to be someone else, the girl can’t get to know him, and attraction can’t grow. Also, by placing her on a pedestal, the guy is lowering himself. He signals that she’s better than him, and she in turn agrees.

Mistaken Things Nice Guys Think: - Whenever I talk to a woman, I’m the lucky one. - If I want girls to notice me, I need to earn their attention. - I need to convince women that they should want me. - She’s right, and I’m wrong. I shouldn’t ever say anything that will upset her or challenge her. - If a woman rejects me, it’s because I wasn’t good enough for her. - If I’m a good enough friend to her, she’ll eventually want me. - I should let her be in control. Letting her make the decisions will make her like me.

What you’ve heard is true: nice guys always finish last. Women will date a nice guy, yes. Their best friend is a nice guy. But they’re not going to sleep with the nice guy. The nice guy can’t unlock their inner desire on that primal level. A plutonic nice guy friend is a “dick in a glass case”—she knows she can have him whenever she decides she wants him, and maybe from time to time she’ll get drunk and make out with him. But then, a week later, she’s going to tell him all about the mysterious stranger she met at a party, the one who she can’t stop thinking about sleeping with. It’s easy to lose respect for the nice guy. She’ll take advantage of him. The nice guy buys flowers on the first date, lets her pick the venue, and picks up the tab. He spends too much of his energy trying to compliment her and please her. At the end of the night, he’s lucky to get a kiss on the cheek. Then he’ll repeat that process over and over again. Soon, she’ll have lost interest, and he’ll find himself in the ever-dreaded friend-zone.

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LESSON FOUR: NEVER GIVE A WOMAN EXACTLY WHAT SHE WANTS They don’t usually know what they really want, anyways. Most people in general don’t. She thinks she knows what she wants. You’ll get an idea of what she thinks she wants early on, and it differs from woman to woman. She’s wrong, though. She is used to getting what she thinks she wants in each man she gets involved with (that’s why she gets involved in the first place), but she’s still single. The others before you haven’t held her attention, and you will because you’re you—not whoever she believes she wants you to be. By not behaving differently for her, you set the frame that you’re in control and are not intimidated by her looks. Just do your thing and live your life, and allow her to come along. You’ll be surprised at how eagerly she does. Letting her set the pace triggers her “friendship” instinct. She’ll see you as a supportive friend who gives her whatever she wants instead of a person who takes her life to a different level. Take the initiative and be confident in all matters, especially physically. When you decide it’s time to go in for the kiss, don’t ask for it—just take it. If you want to hold her hand, do so. Don’t make a big deal of it, and don’t wait for her to ask for it. If she wants to go out at 6 PM, make it 7:30 PM. If she wants to see Movie A, suggest Movie B and see Movie A next time If she wants to eat at Restaurant A, suggest B and try A another time. You don’t have to be challenging her on every little thing (that’s annoying), and you’re not creating tension for the sake of creating tension. But you’re the leader of the ship, and you sail in the direction you want to go in. Remember, she’s along for your adventure. If she wants to do something else, tell her to have fun and you’ll see her later. Women want their men to lead them. They don’t want to wear the pants in the relationship.

LESSON FIVE: YOU ARE THE FUN When people see you having fun, they know they’ll have fun if they’re around you. They’ll gravitate towards you. Enjoying your day is always better than trudging through it. When you go out, you go out to have fun, so do it. Kick back and enjoy yourself wherever you are. You can make any situation enjoyable by having a fun attitude. You can also make boring situations fun for others, and livening up the mundane parts of life enriches those around you.


Women form subconscious associations between you and the emotions they feel when they’re around you. If every time they’re around you they have fun (and thus feel good), especially in a situation where they don’t expect it (because it’s a boring, mundane situation), they relate feeling good to your presence. When you’re around, she has more fun than when you’re not. This becomes more valuable as you control it. Get off the line at the height of any phone call, or stop giving her direct attention at the high point of a date. Disappear for a few minutes. Let her feel your absence. Become a beacon of fun, ambition, sexual energy, mystery, and constant surprises in her life. When you’re there, life should take on a new color, like stepping into a dream. When you’re gone, she should feel it. Things and people that are unpredictable keep our attention. If you act like every other predictable guy, then you’re going to get he same things that they all get: rejection, no sex, and a one-way ticket to the friend zone.

LESSON SIX: CONTROL THE CONVERSATION Conversations with women should consist of the following: Teasing. When women become frustrated in a positive way, they also become sexually excited. You’re challenging them, and a challenge is sexy. This might also make her feel nervous, and if she feels nervous about being with you, she’ll associate that with attraction. There is more than one way to create “butterflies in her stomach.” Pausing. Hesitating in conversations gives you a more dramatic, mysterious presence. Don’t underestimate the power of intrigue. Unanswered questions and unfinished stories leave her hanging and wanting more. She’ll want to unravel the mystery. Make your answers to personal questions purposefully evasive and short at times—she’ll assume there’s a hidden story there, something unfit to share with just anyone. She’ll want to be the person you do share it with. Casually mention things that you know she’ll ask you more about, but deflect the questions. Sexually suggestive topics not including her. Refer to other people and situations. This shows that you’re not afraid of sex—in fact, you’ve blown other women’s minds before, and you can do it for her, if she’s lucky. It shows that you’re in command of that area of your life, and it implies that you won’t disappoint. Humor. I’ve discussed it before, but making a woman laugh increases her interest exponentially. Everyone likes to feel good. Learn more at:


Pausing, learn how to hesitate to give yourself a real presence. Unanswered questions and unfinished stories leave her hanging and wanting more. Sexually suggestive topics not including her. Refer to other people and situations. Conversations should NOT consist of: Compliments. (You might open with one when you first see her, though, if she put effort into looking good.) Too many compliments says your standards are low, though. Keep her working. Direct statements that attempt to gauge feelings. Nothing about how you like her or trying to get her to admit that she’s into you. Act like you already know she’s into you. How could she not be? Discussions of exes. She’ll start associating you with failed relationships. Besides, your attention and focus should be on the present, not the past. Too many details about your life. Remember, each detail about you is valuable, and you shouldn’t spend them all at once. Give her a little at a time, over time. It’s fun getting to know people, and when it happens over a long period of time, we stay interested. Basically, you should always be flirting, teasing, and having fun. Don’t take anything too seriously. Keep things lighthearted, and avoid heavy situations. You’ll be able to tell how she’s feeling by her actions. Is she smiling or laughing? Is she spending the whole time on her phone? Is she looking around the room because she’s bored of looking at you? When you call or text, does she respond right away or does it take hours or days?

LESSON SEVEN: SHE WANTS TO CHASE YOU She wants to chase. She really does. But she has no real avenue to do it. There’s no thrill to the chase when the target isn’t hard to catch. It’s boring if you’re giving her what she wants to work for. That’s trying to buy her affections, and that results in failure in the long run. She wants to come after you, but she can’t if you are already with her. If you’re at her beck and call, doing everything she wants and agreeing with everything she says, you’re not a leader and a man who excites her (and excites her by inspiring her to also be better)—you’re a Yes Man. You might as well be her butler or servant. You must always be aware of her need not to be run over by your enthusiasm. She wants the thrill of the hunt and the excitement of not knowing what you really think. She’ll find herself questioning how much you really like her, and that butterflies-in-the-stomach feeling 31

is a rare and exciting one. It gets her juices flowing and keeps the adrenaline pumping. Give her the opportunity to come after you, and she’ll do it. You defuse that raw energy when you do all of the work for her. Like everyone else, the girl you’re interested in wants what she can’t have. The anticipation of getting you only heightens the intensity when it happens. Think of it from your own point of view, remembering the times you’ve nervously called a girl and been unsure if she’d pick up the phone or not. Remember the small high you got when she accepted the second date. Remember how you worked hard to get a kiss, and remember how supercharged it felt. That adrenaline rush comes with being the one who did the work. Let her do the work, anticipating how satisfying it will be, thinking of you beneath the sheets at night, waiting anxiously for your next text. The more time she invests in chasing you, the harder she’ll work to get you and keep you.

LESSON EIGHT: TRYING TO IMPRESS IS UNIMPRESSIVE In any given social interaction, one person is always reacting to the other. When you’re saying things to impress her or make her laugh, you’re trying to impress her. You’re trying to draw out a specific reaction from within her, instead of speaking sincerely from within yourself. When you’re speaking candidly about what you’re passionate about, she gets sucked into your world, and the conversation is taking place in your territory. You’re in your own headspace, not hers. You’re setting the pace and rhythm. Women are attracted to the man who can express himself genuinely without fear of being judged or ridiculed—your earnest delivery signals that you know you’re interesting, and so she’ll follow suit and be interested. Not only does trying to impress a girl make you less interesting, but it also once again signals a willingness to give up power. It tells her that you require her approval, and by now you already know that you don’t. She should be trying to impress you. When you adopt a “take me or leave me, it doesn’t matter to me” attitude, she’ll choose to take you every time. You’re not trying to convince a woman to like you. It’s not a logical game. It’s an emotional one. So, instead, behave like the alpha male you are. They feel what you feel. When you’re interested, you’re interesting.

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LESSON NINE: BE WILLING TO WALK AWAY OR FRIEND ZONE WOMEN Know your standards. Know what you want, and decide right now that you won’t settle for anything less. It doesn’t matter how beautiful she is. If you decide that she has to respect your hobbies, time, and friends, stick to that. If you want her to come from a quality family, stick to that. Stick to your boundaries. Don’t compromise. If you want a woman with a college education, don’t settle for a bikini model who dropped out of high school. You might have fun for a minute, but you’ll be unsatisfied quickly. Then, most importantly of all, be willing to walk away from anything that doesn’t work within your game plan. You won’t be happy settling for less, and again, women pick up on this—she’ll know without having to be told that you’re willing to pull the chute if she doesn’t pass muster. This will make her curious. She’ll naturally want to know how to get at you and why you’re like this. She’ll also be impressed with your confidence and strong stance. The interaction becomes framed in terms of her wanting you and you deciding whether or not to accept that, and so it’s her game of figuring out how to get what she wants. This is opposed to the normal game, in which the girl is used to holding all the power, stringing some poor sap along as he tries, and tries, and fails. Keep your interactions social, and don’t chase her. When a perfect ten doesn’t meet the bare minimum of your criteria, put her in the friend zone, or walk away. You haven’t lost anything you would’ve wanted for long, anyways. In your reality, your needs come first, and you may decide to let her spend some time in your reality—but ultimately, you’ve got control. Zeroclinginess and a “I don’t need this and can cut the string any time” mentality communicates that you’re of high status. It tells her that you’ve got plenty of options, and that she might not even be the best one—she’ll have to prove it to you that she is. It says that you’re above being controlled by her or pitifully bowing to her every whim and petty desire, like she’s used to. It makes you stand out above the rest of the pack. This will not only attract higher quality women, but it will make it enormously easier to filter out the ones who will waste your time.


LESSON TEN: NEVER CHASE A WOMAN When you stop chasing women, sex becomes infinitely easier to obtain. Don’t chase, don’t chase, don’t chase. When you want them, they don’t want you. When you don’t need them, they’ll do anything to have you. It’s not rocket science, and if you don’t believe me, try it. The majority of men are out there trying to get women. You can see it from a mile away. You can spot these guys at clubs. They go out to get women, whereas women go out to have fun. You need to match them in that goal: go out to have fun, and women will naturally be attracted to that aura of fun and excitement. Be the guy women want to be around by having fun, teasing them, physically escalating and challenging them. Keep them on their toes. What is the fastest way to lose any woman? Putting a woman on a pedestal and idolizing her as the only beautiful woman in the world. She’s smart, hot, and has goals? So what? There are millions like her. You might not realize it because you might not interact with many women. You’re What Happens When You Chase: probably not going out several times a week and meeting new people each day. You meet one girl through happenstance, and she’s got little competition • Flaking • 100% no sex —so she becomes the one object of desire, and she • No texts back, very low might not be worth all that. When you make her the response rate, takes hours or biggest priority in your life all of a sudden, you’ll days to respond come on too strong and push her away even further. • One minute she's fascinated, You become the salesman who never stops trying, next minute she isn't leaving a dozen voicemails and annoying the hell out • Goes for another guy of you. When don’t want to feel like they’ve been • Would rather hang out with sold on something; they want to feel like they just “just the girls” won the lottery.

LESSON ELEVEN: WOMEN HAVE A CLOCK; YOU DO NOT George Clooney is 52 years old, and he still makes the “Sexiest Man Alive” lists of magazines. He’s not the only one. When men age well, they become more distinguished, more refined, and more confident. By contrast, women are constantly fighting the ravages of age—that’s why aging creams and wrinkle removers are a multi-million dollar industry, and that’s why they have to work harder to maintain their physical shape. Every woman feels that ticking clock, and they all know their dating stock goes down each year, not up. Learn more at:


For women, the quality of their social/sex life is highly unpredictable and based heavily on: - Their looks - Their pool of chasers - Their social circle Each of these diminishes with time. Every day that goes by, new fish are turning 18 or 21, and each day those looks fade. Those 18-21 year old girls will happily date older men, too. As we age, we can gain depth in our personality, and the older we get, the more experience we have. We learn and grow and become more financially set. You get better and better at being you. You also get better at sharpening and enriching your lifestyle. That makes you even more attractive to younger women, since they’re not as far along in life as you are, and you can introduce elements into their lives that they want but can’t attain on their own. Consider a 30-year-old man and woman. The woman’s attractive, but those looks have faded. Sure, some guys might be game to get involved, but there aren’t many of them. The 30-year-old man, on the other hand, has an impeccable lifestyle and has retained his good looks. The 22 year old college grad that just walked into the bar would be more than happy to have his attention. He’s got a bigger pool of potential admirers to work from than his female counterpart. He’s got the choice, and the competition is between the 30-year-old woman and the 22-year-old. Too many men chase, and that’s become the prevalent social dynamic. You are the opportunity. Don’t forget it.

LESSON TWELVE: STOP TRYING TO BE SO SEDUCTIVE When you try to be seductive, you’re playing a guessing game. You’re trying to figure out what key will unlock a woman you’ve never met, and that’s another losing game. And again, it broadcasts to the room that you’re someone who needs to work hard to get the attentions of women. That’s not the aura you want to project. Instead, by being your best self, you’ll trigger the proven attractors in all women across the board. That self-reliance, confidence, and positivity will do all of the work for you. You’ll see social situations open up before you. Every party will become an opportunity for you to allow new people into your lifestyle. Every room will be a proving ground for women to prove to you that they’re worth your time. You’ll have a blast, you’ll make friends, and you’ll have all the attention you can handle.


The fact that you’re not out looking to be seductive makes you more seductive than anything else. It shows that you trust in yourself, you’re a creator of good times, and you’re not interested only in sex. You don’t need to trick attention out of women—they’ll come running. All of this is another way of saying what’s been said before: seduction is not the goal in and of itself. Being your best, most excellent self will put you at the top of the social food chain, and the seduction will occur effortlessly, naturally.

LESSON THIRTEEN: GET INTO STATE If you’re new to the theories prevalent in the seduction community, the idea of “getting into state” refers to getting yourself into a confident, positive, upbeat, party mood. It’s like getting an athlete getting pumped up before hitting the field. You get your head in the right place, ready to make something happen, and then you hit the scene. Remember that being “in state” isn’t what’s getting you the girls—you’re not magically a different person. But you’re confident, performing at the top of your game, and that confidence gives you the power to pull the trigger. You set your own state. Just being in an energetic, fun atmosphere alone won’t put you in a fun, energetic mood. It’s up to you to get your head in the zone. If you don’t get yourself pumped up and ready to confidently present, you’ll disappear in the sea of your environment. Nobody will notice you over the others in the club, or you’ll end up zoned out, lost in your own thoughts. Listen to music that helps you get into state on your way out. When you get there, stay active and fun-oriented. Play games with your friends, dance with girls, or whatever else gets you in a fun, confident mood. Keep your blood pumping and your muscles moving by staying active and dynamic. A rule of thumb is that “motion is emotion.” If you keep yourself active, your game will be on point when it comes time to meet women.

LESSON FOURTEEN: WHEN IT’S TIME, TAKE THE SHOT An easy way to fail is to jump the gun and try to sleep with a girl too early. An equally dangerous way is to be too timid and wait too long, however. Wayne Gretzky said, “you miss all the shots you don’t take.” There’s a tipping point beyond which sex ceases to be an option—you move in her eyes from “someone I will eventually sleep with” to “someone I flirt with but who doesn’t seem to want to sleep with me.” The window of opportunity closes. If you wait too long, the girl will assume it’s because you don’t want it or that you’re too shy to pull the trigger. Don’t be the guy that can’t seem to close the deal, or you’ll suddenly find that you’ve somehow slipped into the friendzone. Learn more at:


Challenge them. Lead them. Take the initiative, and when you think it’s time to escalate things, do it. Go in for the kiss. Take them home. Set the pace. If she says no, it just means you have more work to do. Usually, “no” means “not yet.” Keep drawing them in, and those walls will crumble in no time. Make them feel more comfortable. Remember, women are sexual creatures as well. They want to have sex, but they need to do it under circumstances they’re comfortable with. They won’t allow themselves to become vulnerable in that way unless those criteria are met—and usually, the most important aspect of that is that the minute they decide you’re not only in it for the sex, that’s when they want to give it to you.

LESSON FIFTEEN: FREEDOM FROM OUTCOME More simply put: not giving a damn! Let’s play a numbers game. Imagine if you only go out one night a month and talk to one girl while you’re out. For that month, that’s your only potential option—every interaction holds way too much weight, and if it falls through, you’ve got nothing to fall back on. Imagine if you went out five nights a week, however, and you talk to a few women each time you’re out. Your options would essentially become endless, and that “I can take it or leave it” attitude becomes effortless to adopt, and that makes you a lady-killer. Your increased confidence means you approach more women, which increases the chances of you meeting a great match. Every time it doesn’t work out, you’re also getting better at approaching, and that also builds skill and confidence. By using your personality to draw attraction your way instead of using lame tricks to stumble your way into a drunk chick’s bed, you’ll find that you will have plenty of women to choose from. You will no longer feel lucky just because a woman agrees to “go out on a date with you,” and you won’t need to try and buy their affection with food and girls. They’ll be calling you because you’ll be on their minds all the time. They’ll daydream about you while they’re sitting at work. They’ll think of you when they touch themselves at night. Just be up front with what you want, and plenty of women will want to give it to you. There are 3.5 billion women in the world—who cares if a few don’t work out at first? Understand that 33% of girls will not like you, no matter what. 33% may like you but won’t do anything due to being in a relationship. And the other 33% are the girls you potentially could connect with, hook up with, or date in the future.


Do plenty of approaches, and train yourself not to feel worried about the outcome. Don’t restrict yourself to meeting girls at night, either. Beautiful women cross your path all the time, so start talking to them. Places like coffee shops, grocery stores, and the gym are deceptively great for picking up phone numbers, since the approach feels less likely to be all about hooking up. An added bonus is that girls like being able to tell their friends they met a guy somewhere other than a bar.

LESSON SIXTEEN: SHE FEELS WHAT YOU TELL HER TO FEEL When you were born, you didn’t squeeze out of your mom feeling down on yourself. You didn’t spend your childhood feeling self-conscious about the fact that you wet your diapers. No—you learned as you went, and you grew. Nothing could stop you. It’s only when you put up mental roadblocks, force things, and act unnaturally that you feel out of sync with that natural good feeling. Remember that you set the stage for what she feels. She’s not judging you based on logical factors; she’s responding with attraction purely based on the feelings you inspire in her. She’ll feel what you feel, so feel good. Everything about you should say that you’ve got a great life, you know you’re a damn fine catch, and that she can have a little piece of your life, if she meets your criteria. Get your life in order in such a way that you’re happy with things without a woman, and the women will come. You don’t need them to be happy—you’re meeting them because it’s fun, and it’s a part of enjoying life. Relax. Do what you enjoy. You’ll be happier, and that happiness will make her happy. When she’s happy, she wants to be with you. Her attention will in turn make you happier. It’s another endless cycle, and everyone wins.

LESSON SEVENTEEN: THERE IS NO RIGHT THING TO SAY Whatever you say is the right thing to say, because you’re the one who’s saying it. If there were a “right” thing to say in any given situation all the time, it would also be the most boring, predictable thing to say, because everyone would say it. What sets you apart from the pack is your unique personality, and when you’ve honed that into something worth pursuing, everything you say will have added weight. Your words will hang in the air like smoke rings or jazz notes, something for her to savor. She’ll hang on your every word, because what you say will be coming from a place of genuine interest, the result of your unique experiences and thoughts. Too many men speak through a filter. Not worrying about what you’re saying will give you a freedom of expression and creativity that you’ve never known. The minute you look to others to Learn more at:


for the right thing to do or say, you communicate all the wrong things. When you realize that there is nothing “right to say,” it’s as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders, and you establish an unwavering feeling of fulfillment and positivity in you that she’ll feel from across the room. Remember that the best you, the real man inside, is unlike any other man. Naturally, the things you say will be different from the things they say. When she never knows what’s coming next, and she knows that you don’t give a damn about saying challenging things, she’ll develop an intense interest in whatever you have to say. You’re unafraid, and you show it.

IN CONCLUSION… “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde Attracting women is not about cheap tricks and so-called techniques. Perhaps that low-level fakery will get you into the pants of some gullible girl who would’ve gone home with anyone anyways, but it’s not going to fulfill you. What creating real, lasting attraction is about is becoming the best man you can be. You should be owning every day. You should wake up ready to take the world by storm, and when you’re living with that level of intensity and positivity, the women will be drawn to you like moths to a flame. Both women and opportunities surround you —you just need to recognize it, open your eyes, and take action. You’ll feel better about your life. That’s what all this is about anyways, right? Your happiness will not be dictated by the fickle affections of any woman, but it will instead come from within. Nobody will be able to take it away from you, regardless of the outcome of any relationship. Paradoxically, as a result, you’ll have more success than you ever knew you could. The main point is to not chase women but to attract women. Do this by enhancing your life, transforming it from the ground up. Embrace the hard work that it takes to improve your life, and enjoy each successive accomplishment. Don’t play around, and don’t focus on trying to appear to be something that you’re not. It’s not all about your haircut, your ferocious sense of style, your musical taste, the shape of your body, or the car you drive. At the end of the day, what it’s really all about is the man you really are. Every other book out there will tell you that you can get by with surface-level changes, but those books are written by guys who are worse off than you— because you now know that you’re ready to create the life you desire. Women come along with


you for the adventure that you create because you are living a life they want to live. A life well lived. I can tell you what you need to do, but now it’s your turn to take responsibility for the state of your life. The difference between an average guy and a great man lies in who is willing to take action. Don’t waste any more time. You’re not getting any younger. Start improving yourself and your life right now, the moment you finish this guide. On our website, you’ll find like-minded men who will encourage you and keep you accountable. Be confident, work hard, and reap the rewards. Once you get started and start seeing changes in your life, you’ll never look back. Cheers, Andrew

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