Prestige Class Vampire

March 12, 2017 | Author: Heath Wannemacher | Category: N/A
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The Vampire Level Features 1st Vampiric Nature, Bloodborne Powers, Blood Feast, Cursed Lineage 2nd The Embrace, Cursed Lineage feature 3rd Cursed Lineage features 4th Supernatural Prowess 5th Cursed Lineage feature, Endless Hunger

__ Spell Slots per Spell Level __ 1st 2

2nd __

3rd __

3 4 4 4


__ __ __

2 3 3


Prestige Class: Vampire Vampires are nigh immortal undead creatures whose existence go on unending except in the rare case of a disciplined foe who can turn their supernatural banes against them. Solitary predators, vampires shun one another’s presence unless they believe there is some advantage to be gained by tolerating one another. Vampires use stolen life force to power their dark magic, labor under cursed lineages that provide them with unique gifts, and fight to the death to depose their superiors or deny power hungry rivals. While many vampires start off evil, and even more end up that way, it is not a requirement. Some heroic adventurers who find themselves embracedinto the curse may fight against their basest urges to feast on their companions and, instead, harness the power of their cursed blood while mitigating its worst excesses.

By Blood, Embraced

Having forsaken mortality in pursuit of an everlasting half-life, vampires do not naturally replenish their health and vital reserves. Instead vampirism drives those afflicted to feed off of the living, stealing what life force they can from the mortals they once lived among as peers. Within the body of a vampire this stolen life force is transformed into a supernatural ichor that can be expended to invigorate their physical forms or to perform supernatural miracles dictated by their curse. In a dark mirror of their need for mortal blood, vampires must also prey upon one another to grow in power. A vampire can only hope to be a lesser version of the sire who transformed them on their own. Most vampires, having come to accept their role as predators and viewing all else as their prey, do not hesitate at the idea of hunting down and destroying those vampires more aged and powerful than them. This horrific act is called diablerie and, when it is performed upon a vampire, that vampire’s very soul is destroyed.

By Curse, Transformed

The first vampires were cursed by the gods for their transgressions against gods and man. These curses echo down through the blood of those vampires they have embraced. Even in the least vampires this curse takes hold and directs the supernatural power of their blood. There are three main curses afflicting vampiric kind though other, more obscure, curses certainly exist.


You must meet the following prerequisites in order to advance as a vampire (in addition to the multiclassing prerequisites for your existing class): • Constitution 13. The transition from mortal to undead requires fortitude that not all can muster. • Character level 5th. The weakest of adventurers find that the curse of vampirism serves only to weaken them further or turn them into monsters. More seasoned heroes learn to conquer the voracious hunger and dark appetites instilled in them by the curse. • Endure a dark ritual. You must find a vampire of at least 2nd level who will induct you into the ranks of vampirism. You can only gain levels in the vampire class equal to one lower than the level of the vampire who made you a vampire. You can bypass this limit by committing diablerie. To commit diablerie you must capture, kill and consume the blood of a vampire with more levels in this class than you. Once you have done so you may gain another level in this class.

Class Features Hit Points Hit Dice: 2d4 per vampire level Hit Points per Level: 2d4 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per vampire level Proficiencies Tools: None Saving Throws: None Skills: None. Equipment The vampire prestige class does not grant any special equipment.

Vampiric Nature

You have forsaken your mortal life and embraced your vampirism. This new vampiric nature comes with certain banes and boons. Your banes include • The light of the sun is anathema to you and you take disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws while in direct sunlight. • When in sunlight you make all rolls to stabilize at disadvantage and, if you fail three, you suffer death and can only be revived by the spell, wish. • You suffer death and cannot be revived by any means if another vampire consumes you via diablerie. • You do not regain any Hit Dice when you take a long rest but instead must use your Blood Feast feature to steal the life force of other creatures. • You are considered undead rather than humanoid. Your boons include • You have resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on saving throws against disease and poison effects. • As a predator of the night, you gain darkvision to a distance of 120 feet. • You automatically stabilize when you reach 0 hit points when not in sunlight. • You no longer age.

Bloodborne Power

As a vampire you have the ability to convert your own life force into supernatural power. You gain the ability to expend Hit Dice to use the following abilities; • After you roll an attack roll but before the DM declares whether or not you hit, you can expend one Hit Die to roll a die of that type and add it to the result. • As a bonus action you can expend one Hit Die to roll it and regain hit points equal to the result of that die + your Constitution modifier. • When an attack roll is made against you but before the DM declares whether or not you were hit, you can expend one Hit Die to roll a die of that type and add it to your AC against that attack.

In addition, the supernatural potency of your blood gives you spell slots. Your vampire level is your spellcasting ability for the purposes of spells you cast in this way. Your spell attack and spell save DC are listed below. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency modifier + your vampire level Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your vampire level You regain all expended spell slots when you take a long rest.

Blood Feast

You can consume the blood of the living by making a single bite attack as your action. You are proficient with the bite attack and you may use Strength or Dexterity for attack and damage rolls with this attack (your choice). If the target of the attack is grappled you gain advantage on this attack roll. Your bite attack deals 1d4 piercing damage and counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. When you hit a creature that is not a construct, plant, ooze, or undead, you can expend a spell slot to deal necrotic damage to the target, in addition to your bite’s damage. The extra damage is 1d4, plus 1d4 for each spell level higher than 1st. That creature loses Hit Dice equal to the level of the spell slot and you regain the same number of Hit Dice the creature lost, beginning with your smallest expended Hit Die. When you deal damage with your bite attack to a vampire at 0 hit points you can expend a spell slot to commit diablerie on that vampire.

Cursed Lineage

All vampires are inducted into the dark bloodlines of the undead when they are turned from mortal to vampire. These bloodlines pass along the curses that haunt their kind. Curses typically pass down from vampire to spawn but, at times, the nature of a fledgling vampire alters the curse in unpredictable ways. Starting at 1st level, select a curse: the Curse of Nobility, the Curse of the Feral, or the Curse of Dread, all detailed at the end of the class description. Your cursed bloodline grants you features at 2nd level and again at 3rd, 4th, and 5th level.

PDF compiled, edited and designed to resemble the official Player’s Handbook by /u/Barkalot

The Embrace

Starting at 2nd level, you can induct a mortal into the ranks of vampirism. When a living creature is reduced to 0 hit points you can use your action and expend a number of Hit Dice equal to your vampire level. That creature must then make a Constitution saving throw with a difficulty of 8 + your proficiency bonus + your vampire level. If the creature succeeds, they can choose to immediately stabilize and gain the vampirism curse or reject vampirism and continue to make death saving throws. If the creature fails, they immediately stabilize and gain the vampirism curse. Vampirism You have the fledgling form of the vampiric curse. You take disadvantage on all ability checks, attack rolls and saving throws while in direct sunlight. In addition your thirst for blood compels you to consume fresh blood from a humanoid once a week or suffer a level of exhaustion. You cannot recover this level of exhaustion until you have consumed fresh blood. To consume blood you must feast on a humanoid with blood that has been dead less than one minute or make an unarmed attack against a creature with less than its maximum hit points to steal blood from the creature. When you do so the creature loses a hit dice, if it has any. While you have vampirism you automatically stabilize when you reach 0 hp unless you are exposed to sunlight, in which case you suffer death and can only be revived by the spell, wish. You lose vampirism when you take a level in the Vampire prestige class or someone casts remove curse on you.

Supernatural Prowess

Starting at 4th level, the supernatural blood coursing through your body heightens your mortal limitations depending on your Curse. The Curse of Nobility. Your Charisma ability score maximum increases to 22 and your Charisma score increases by 2. In addition, you gain proficiency in Charisma saving throws. The Curse of the Feral. Your Strength ability score maximum increases to 22 and your Strength score increases by 2. In addition, you gain proficiency in Strength saving throws. The Curse of Dread. Your Intelligence ability score maximum increases to 22 and your Intelligence score increases by 2. In addition, you gain proficiency in Intelligence saving throws.

Endless Hunger

Starting at 5th level, the vampiric curse evolves, giving you reason to continue hunting your undead kin indefinitely. When you commit diablerie on a vampire you may learn one Bloodborne Power they had that you do not already know. You can only learn an additional 5 Bloodborne Powers in this way but you can choose to forget a Bloodborne Power when you commit diablerie to learn a new one.

Cursed Lineage

Drawn into a dark bloodline cursed by the gods, vampires are troubled by the unique weakness and empowered by the unique magic granted those of their lineage. These curses pass down from one vampire to the next, creating extended families of vampires who trace their accursed line back to a singular progenitor

whose cruel and debased actions incurred the wrath of the gods themselves.

The Curse of Nobility

The Curse of Nobility was bestowed upon a mortal ruler whose arrogance led to the murder of his brother in an attempt to steal his bride. Those vampires afflicted by the Curse of Nobility tend to be possessed of magnetic charisma and hypnotic appeal. The dark magic of the Curse of Nobility allows vampires to manipulate mortal minds and move with elegance and grace.

Vain Heart, Ignoble Magic Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency in your choice of one of the following; Deception, Persuasion, or Insight. In addition, gain the following spells at the corresponding vampire level.

Vampire Spells

Vampire Level Spells 1st charm person, false life 3rd darkness, enthrall 5th phantom steed, vampiric touch Finally, add the following bane to the list of banes under your vampiric curse: • When you are reduced to 0 hp inside a home or communal dwelling which you were not invited into, you suffer death and can only be revived by the spell, wish. Noble Powers of the Childe Starting at 2nd level, add the following abilities to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Hypnotic Presence. When a creature that can see you within 60 feet of you makes a saving throw against a spell or ability attempting to charm them, you can use your reaction to expend a Hit Die, rolling the die and subtracting the number rolled from the creature’s roll. You can choose to use this feature after the creature makes its roll, but before the DM determines whether the saving throw succeeds or fails. The creature is immune if it can’t see you or if it’s immune to being charmed. Inspired Compliance. You can use a bonus action to direct one of your companions or a creature charmed by you to strike or perform a simple task. When you do so, choose a friendly creature who can see or hear you and expend one Hit Die. That creature may make a Wisdom saving throw. If it chooses not to make or fails the saving throw, it uses its reaction to make one weapon attack or ability check, adding the expended Hit Die to the attack roll or ability check. Unnatural Grace. When you roll initiative you can expend a Hit Dice to roll a die of that type and add it to the result. When you do you also gain the following benefits for the next minute; • You can use your bonus action to Dodge or Dash • When you take the Dodge action, you roll a die of the same type as the Hit Die expended for this feature and add half that (rounded down) to your AC until the start of your next turn • When you take the Dash action, you may roll a die of the same type of the Hit Die expended with this feature and move up to an additional amount of feet equal to its result times 5. You can only benefit from one use of this feature at a time.

Accursed Appetite Starting at 3rd level, when you use the bite attack granted by your Blood Feast feature and expend a spell slot you can choose to deal no damage. If you do, the creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. If it fails, it is charmed by you for one hour. If you expended a 3-level spell slot or higher with this feature, the creature is unconscious for one hour instead. If it succeeds the saving throw, it takes 1d4 psychic damage per level of spell slot expended. Noble Powers of the Elder Starting at 3rd level, add the following abilities to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Dominate Mortal. As an action you lock eyes with a target creature who you can see within 60 feet, expend three Hit Dice, and cast dominate person. When you do, roll the expended Hit Dice. If the highest result is 5 or less, the spell is cast as if with a 5th-level spell slot. If the highest result is 6 through 8, the spell is cast at that level. If the highest result is 9 or above, the spell is cast as a 9th-level spell. Self-Destructive Urge. As an action you can expend a Hit Dice and reprimand a creature charmed by you. The creature takes your reprimand to heart and takes psychic damage equal to the result of 4 rolls of the expended Hit Die + your charisma modifier. This ends the charmed condition. Noble Power of the Antediluvian Starting at 5th level, add the following ability to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Unapproachable Majesty. At 5th level, you are able to radiate awe-inspiring majesty. Using a bonus action, you undergo a glorious transformation. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits: • Your will overcomes gravity itself and grants you a flying speed of 30 feet. • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-magical sources. • When you are damaged by a creature within 60 feet of you that you can see, you can expend a Hit Die and use your reaction to psychically rebuke your attacker. Roll the expended Hit Die and add its result to your vampire spell save DC for this attack. The creature that damaged you must make a Charisma saving throw. It takes 2d6 + your Charisma modifier psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Once you have used this feature, you can’t use a Power of the Antediluvian feature again until you finish a long rest.

The Curse of the Feral

The Curse of the Feral was bestowed upon a warlord so cruel his friends and foes alike said he was more animal than man. Those vampires afflicted by the Curse of the Feral can be physically brutish and wildly aggressive. The dark magic of the Curse of the Feral allows vampires to take on the shape of beasts and channel their unslakable hunger into unnatural strength. Savage Heart, Primal Magic Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency in your choice of one of the following; Animal Handling, Athletics, or Survival. In addition, gain the following spells at the corresponding vampire level.

Vampire Spells

Vampire Level Spells 1st false life, speak with animals 3rd beast sense, darkness 5th meld with stone, vampiric touch Finally, add the following bane to the list of banes under your vampiric curse: • When you are reduced to 0 hp if you are pierced through the heart by a wooden stake, you suffer death and can only be revived by the spell, wish. Feral Powers of the Childe Starting at 2nd level, add the following abilities to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Beast Shape. You can use an action and expend a Hit Dice to turn into a bat or wolf and roll a die of the same type as the Hit Dice expended. This feature follows all the rules of the druid’s Wild Shape feature save that it ends only when you choose to return to your normal form as a bonus action, a number of hours pass equal to the result of the die roll + 1, or when the sun rises. Bloodhound. You can use a bonus action and expend a Hit Dice to enhance your senses. For the next minute whenever you roll Wisdom (Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) to notice or track a creature you roll a die of the same type as the Hit Dice you expended to use this feature and add that to the result. In addition, if a keen sense of smell would benefit your attempt you gain advantage on the roll. Unnatural Vigor. You can use an action and expend a Hit Dice to add a die of that type to the damage rolls of all melee weapon attack rolls you make for the next minute. In addition, double your carrying capacity, high jump, and long jump distance while under the effect of this ability. You can only benefit from one use of this feature at a time. Accursed Appetite Starting at 3rd level, your bite attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20. Additionally, when you score a critical hit with your bite attack, you regain hit points equal to any necrotic damage dealt. Feral Powers of the Elder Starting at 3rd level, add the following abilities to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Call to Beasts. As an action you can expend two Hit Dice and unleash a blood curdling howl. The local beasts rush to your aid as if you had cast conjure animals but instead of each beast called by this ability also counting as fey they, instead, also count as undead. Choose one of your two Hit Dice and roll it when you use this ability. If the result is 8 or higher it counts as if you had cast this spell with an 8th-level spell slot. If

the result is 6 or 7, it counts as if you had cast this spell with a 6th-level spell slot. Otherwise it counts as if you had cast this spell with a 4th-level spell slot. The unused Hit Dice can be rolled and added to any concentration saving throw you make to maintain this effect. Shape of Mist. As an action you can expend a Hit Dice and transform into mist as if you had cast the spell gaseous form on yourself. Whenever you take damage while concentrating on this effect you can roll a die of the same type as the Hit Die expended and add it to your saving throw to maintain concentration on this effect. Feral Power of the Antediluvian Starting at 5th level, add the following ability to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Insatiable Beast. At 5th level, you can unleash the insatiable beast within your breast. Using a bonus action, you allow the beast to take full control. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits: • You can’t be charmed or frightened. If you are charmed or frightened when you enter this form, the effect is suspended for the duration. • You have a climbing speed equal to your walking speed. • Once per turn, you can carnally devour your foes. When you hit a creature with a melee attack, you can expend a Hit Die and add it to the damage roll. You then regain hit points equal to the damage dealt. Once you have used this feature, you can’t use a Power of the Antediluvian feature again until you finish a long rest.

The Curse of Dread

The Curse of Dread was bestowed upon a priest who used his position of power to take advantage of the grotesque and the disturbed. Those vampires afflicted by the Curse of Dread are off-putting in appearance and radiate a palpable aura of madness. The dark magic of the Curse of Dread allows vampires to inspire dread and madness and shake off the most violent of blows. Black Heart, Demented Magic Starting at 1st level, you gain proficiency in your choice of one of the following; Intimidation, Perception, or Stealth. In addition, gain the following spells at the corresponding vampire level.

Vampire Spells

Vampire Level Spells 1st false life, tasha’s hideous laughter 3rd darkness, invisibility 5th fear, vampiric touch Finally, add the following bane to the list of banes under your vampiric curse: • While you have 0 hp if you are submerged in running water you suffer death and can only be revived by the spell, wish. Dread Powers of the Childe Starting at 2nd level, add the following abilities to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Living Nightmare. You can use an action and expend a Hit Dice to terrorize all creatures who can see you and are within 10 feet. Each creature within 10 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw if it can see you and select one creature affected by this ability. Roll the Hit Dice you expended to activate the ability and that creature takes a penalty to its saving throw equal to the result of that roll. On a failed save, a creature is frightened by you for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns a creature can make a Wisdom saving throw. On a success the frightened effect ends. Broken Mind Insight. After you make a saving throw against a charmed or frightened effect but before the DM declares whether you succeeded or failed you may spend a Hit Dice to roll a die of that type and add it to the result. Unnatural Resilience. You can use an action and expend a Hit Dice to gain unnatural resilience. Whenever you take damage from a non-magical source for the next minute you can roll that Hit Dice and reduce the damage by that amount. Reduce damage from magical sources by half that amount. You can only benefit from one use of this feature at a time. Accursed Appetite Starting at 3rd level, when you expend a spell slot using your Blood Feast feature, you send illusory nightmares into your target’s mind. The creature must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the target becomes frightened for 1 minute. At the end of each of the creature’s turns before the duration elapses, the creature may make a Wisdom saving throw to end the condition. On a success, the effect ends. If you expended a 3-level spell slot or higher with this feature, the creature makes each saving throw at a disadvantage. Dread Powers of the Elder Starting at 3rd level, add the following abilities to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Broken Mind Projection. You can use an action and

expend two Hit Dice to cast the spell hallucinatory terrain. Instead of the normal duration for the spell, roll the two expended hit dice and use the higher result. That result is the number of days this effect remains in place. Psychic Intrusion. As an action you can expend two Hit Dice to cast detect thoughts or modify memory. If you choose modify memory roll the Hit Dice. If the highest result is 5 or less, the spell is cast at 5th level. If the highest result is higher it counts as the level of the result or 9th-level if the result is 10 or more. Dread Power of the Antediluvian Starting at 5th level, add the following ability to your list of Bloodborne Powers; Unspeakable Horror. At 5th-level, you can, as a bonus action, surround yourself with an aura of shifting shadows and dread madness that extends 30 feet. For 1 minute, you gain the following benefits: • Enemy creatures in your aura consider the area difficult terrain. • Enemy creatures in your aura have vulnerability to psychic damage. • In your aura dim light is reduced to darkness and bright light is reduced to dim light. • You can use a bonus action on your turn and target a creature in your aura, or your reaction when a creature moves out of your aura to target that creature, and expend one Hit Die causing a shadowy tentacle in the aura to lash out and seize a creature. You make a vampire spell attack against the target, adding the Hit Die expended to the attack roll. If the attack hits, the target is grappled (escape DC is your vampire spell save DC). Once you have used this feature, you can’t use a Power of the Antediluvian feature again until you finish a long rest.

Prestige Class: Vampire by /u/ coolgamertagbro with extensive feedback from /u/MessiahMushroom Art Credits in Order of Appearance “The Full Moon Night” by Unidcolor “Fangs Glow in the dark tee Limited” by DeviantArt Gear “Shattered: Vampire” by theDURRRRIAN “Kiriban Vampire” by Viccolatte “Vampire Concept” by Rorke “Vampire” by Nathanrosario “Strange Chappel At Strange Night daw12” by Peterkmiecik

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