silenced... all means of The press [is] the only tocsin of a nation. [When it] is completely silenced... a general effort [are] taken away ." --Thomas Jefferson Introduction
The freedom of speech and expression has been characterised as “the very life of civil libert liberty” y” in the Consti Constitue tuent nt Assemb ssembly ly Debat Debates es.. The The freedo freedom m of the press press !hile !hile not reconised as a separate freedom under #undamental $ihts is folded into the freedom of speech and expression. The %upreme Court has described this freedom as the “ar& of the covenant of democracy”. The freedom of the press serves the larer purpose of the riht of the people to be informed of a broad spectrum of facts vie!s and opinions. 't is the medium throuh !hich people ain ain acces accesss to ne! inform informati ation on and ideas ideas an essent essential ial compon component ent of a functi functioni onin n democracy. democracy. Thus “the survival and flo!erin of 'ndian democracy o!es a reat deal to the freedom and viour of our press.” The media is vital in the role it plays in uncoverin the truth and rousin public opinion especially in the face of !rondoin and corruption. (umerous examples exist !here the media has played a central role in revealin corrupt practices and shapin shapin the demand for accountability accountability and ood overnance. overnance. The History Of Media Arthashastra’. The )uslim rulers The history of media in 'ndia dates bac& to Kautilya’s ‘ Arthashastra’. brouht into effect a system by appointin appointin a *+a,aya *+a,aya (avis (avis events reporter/ in every *%uba capital.#or the common people ne!s !as circulated by proclamations and throuh !ord of mouth. 't !as in the 01th century that Christian missionaries first brouht the printin press to 'ndia. 'ndia. 'ndias first ne!spaper ne!spaper and the first printed printed !ee&ly appeared appeared on 23th 4anuary 0567 . James Augustus Hicky brouht out the first issue of the Bengal Gazette’ Gazette’ or *Calcutta General Advertiser’ . 't constituted of ten paes only. The paper !as opposed to the 8ast 'ndia Company. 't stronly upheld the liberty of the press. The second ne!spaper of 'ndia !as the Indian Gazette established in (ovember 0567. 9radually in #ebruary 056: !ere published the Calcutta Gazette and Oriental Advertiser . 'n 056; came the Bengal ournal and the !riental "agazine and the Calcutta Amusement !hich !as the first monthly publication.2: 'n 0561 came the Calcutta chronicle in 056; $ichard Johnsten started the "adras Courier . ala >a4pat $ais * *eople’# (atra4ans ‘Indian ocial !e+or&er’ and
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