Presente tenses

December 11, 2018 | Author: Meyling Benavidez | Category: N/A
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present simple tenses...


1. Write the verbs in Present Simple. Tom’s father 1. Tom’s Tom’s fathe fatherr ______ ________ _____ ______ ______ _____ __ ( work) in Rome. 2. His office office _____ _________ ________ ________ ________ ____ ( be) in a big building. 3. Ever Ever mornin morningg he _______ ___________ ________ _____ _ ( get up) at si! o’cloc". #. He ________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ _______ ___ ( wash) in cold $ater. %. He ________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ _______ ___ ( eat) eggs and toast for brea"fast. &. He______ He__________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____ _ ( drink) a''le uice for brea"fast. . He______ He__________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____ _ ( put on) his eans and ac"et. *. Then he ________ ____________ ________ ________ _______ ___ ( run) to the rail$a station. +. He al$as ________ ____________ ________ ________ ______ __ (take) his umbrella. 1,. He _______ ( buy) a ne$s'a'er and ____________ ____________ ( read) it on the train. 11. -n the evening he_______ __ ( come) bac" home at five o’cloc". 12. fter dinner he usuall ___________ ___________ ( watch) television. 13. He never_______________________ never__________ ______________( _( go) to the cinema.

/hat a boring life 0

2. ill in the verbs in Present Simple. fly!" cry!" finish"!eat!" live! "drink!" go!" speak!" play!" like 1. He 2. -

______ ________ _____ _____ __chi chi's 's for dinner dinner.. ________ ____________ _____ _ coffee coffee three three times times a da.

3. he ________ ____________ ____ to aris once a ear. #. /e ________ ____________ ____ -talian -talian and English. English. %. The The _____ ________ _____ ____ __ in anada anada.. &. ________ ____________ ____ to school school ever da. . 4 dad ________ ___________$ ___$or" or" at seven o’cloc". o’cloc". *. /e ________ ___________te ___tennis nnis ever ever $ee"end. $ee"end. +. 4 frien friend d ______ _________ ____o _old ld films. films. 1,. The bab __________ __________ all the da.

#. $on’t or $oesn’t%%%

'& 'he 'you 'we

1. He ____ _______ ______ ______ ____li _live ve in 4e!ico 4e!ico.. 2. he ___ ______ _____ _____ _____ __ $or" $or" in a ban". ban". 3. - ________ ____________ _____'la _'la golf once a $ee". $ee". #. Ron ________ ____________ _____list _listen en to the radio. radio. %. /e ______ ________ _____ _____s __s'ea 'ea"" 5rench. 5rench. &. 6ou _______ ___________ ______dr __drin" in" coffee coffee in the the morning morning.. . 4 cat__ cat_____ ______ ______ ___ slee' slee' at nigh night. t. *. His car___ car______ ______ _____ __ $or" $or".. +. hell hell__ _____ _____ _____ _____ __ eat meat. meat. 1,. ____________understand ____________understand ou.



'it 'they

$o or $oes%%%

'& 'we 'he

1. ______ ________ _____ ____o _our ur friend friend li"e li"e s'aghet s'aghetti7 ti7 2. ________ ____________ ____the the children children go go to school school on 5rida 5ridas7 s7 3. ________ ____________ ____our our sister sister $atch $atch T8 in the the morning morning77 #. ______ ________ _____ ____he _he read read comi comics7 cs7 %. ________ ____________ ____the the girls li"e football7 football7 &. ________ ____________ ____the the go go to slee' at + o’clo o’cloc"7 c"7 . ________ ____________ ____she she 'la on com'uter7 com'uter7 *. ________ ____________ ____the the dog dog li"e li"e to to eat eat meat7 meat7 +. ________ ____________ ____ou ou s'ea" s'ea" Englis English h or 9erman7 9erman7 1,.____________ 1,.____________ he li"e cats7 5.


'you 'they 'it

Put these words into three lists.

armchair 'arents cousin a 'air of soc"s trousers dress aunt grandfather bed lam' scarf cu'board uncle boots



s"irt coat son

fridge sofa chair


(. Tom’s busy day. 

)ead and answer 

Tom is a student at the universit in :ondon . He studies histor there. He is the first ear student . ;ut Tom is a bad student . Ever da he is ver< ver< ver =bus>. His alarm cloc" rings at ?,, o@cloc". ;ut he usuall turns over and goes to slee' because he’s tired. ometimes< he thro$s the alarm cloc" across the room. o he $a"es u' late< at about *?3, o’cloc". nd he runs to the bathroom to $ash and brush his teeth. He doesn’t have time to have a sho$er.  He doesn’t have time to eat and he has to drin" his tea in a hurr0  He ta"es his bag and runs to the bus sto' to catch his bus. He gets to universit un iversit onl at +?3,. Ever morning Tom is late to the first lesson. Tom comes home at about 1&?,, o’cloc" and he has dinner. dinner. fter dinner< dinner< he sometimes $atches T8< 'las the guitar but he usuall goes out $ith friends. Tom never never does his home$or". home$or". He comes late at 2 or 3 o’cloc" at nightA. and he goes to bed because he is al$as ver tired at this time. nd tomorro$ he has another Bbus> da0

1. /here does Tom stud7 2. 3. #. %. &. . *.

___________________ _____________________________  __________  /hat time time does does his alarm cloc" cloc" ring7_ ring7_____ ________ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ _____  _  /h can’t can’t he get u'7 ________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____  _  Coes he he have time time to have a sho$er sho$er7___ 7_______ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ______  __  /hat does he eat for brea"fast7 brea"fast7 ________ ____________ _______ _______ ________ ________ _______  ___  /hat time time does does Tom get to universit universit7___ 7_______ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ ______  __  /hat time does he have dinner7 dinner7 ________ ____________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _____  _  /hat does does Tom usuall usuall do after after the the dinner7_ dinner7_____ ________ ________ ________ ________ _______  ___ 

. *omplete the +uestions with, Where!When!What!Who!-ow!Why. . A A A studies histor7 2. A A Adoes he go to the universit7

( Tom) ( by bus)

#. A A A does Tom stud histor7 0. A A Adoes Tom drin" for brea"fast7

( in /ondon ) ( a cup of tea )

1. A A Adoes he go to bed at night7 ( at 2 or # o’clock ) (. A A Adoes Tom never do his home$or"7 ( because he goes out with friends)

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