Presentation On Import and Export

January 30, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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CONTENTS Defination   Balance of Trade   Types of Import & Export   Export – Import Process  

Advantages of Export  Import  Advantages & & Disadvantages disadvantages of  Modes of Payment   EXIM Bank   !pport Instit!tes to "acilitate Export   #$T%#I   E$$  

Excise $!stomD!ty  d!ty


DEFINATION :Import :The Import is derived fromTerm the conceptual meaning as to bring in the goods and services into the port of a country. The buyer of such  goods and services is referred to an “Importer”.


DEFINATION :Export :The term Export is derived from the conceptual meaning as to ship the goods and services out of the port of a country. The seller of such goods and services is referred to as an “Exporter”.


BALANCE OF TRADE Balance of trade represents a difference in val!e for import and export for a co!ntry'  A trade deficit occ!rs ()en imports are large 

relative to exports'  Imports are impacted principally *y a co!ntry+s income and its prod!ctive reso!rces'



Two types of Import :

Ind!strial and $ons!mer goods 

Intermediate goods and services 



P)ysical Exports ,- If goods p)ysically go o!t of t)e co!ntry'  Deemed Exports ,- If goods and services are s!pplied to anot)er entity' 



S Ru e c b e mi m i v i e t t s o a l t e h e p r b o a c n e k e d f s o r o n w a r d t r a n s m i s s i o n t o b u y e rt  R  N e g i o s t t i e a r t e a s t e a r m n s I m o f p s o a r t l e r o r E x p o r t e r U n d e r s t a n d d E o x c p u o m r t e f n o t r a ma m t i a o l n i t a i e n s d & r e s p o n s i b i l i t y o war dss a l epr o c e e ds



%ed!ce dependence on existing markets 

Exploit international trade tec)nology 

Extend sales potential of existing prod!cts 



IMPORT  Importation of items from ot)er

co!ntries can increase t)e risk of  getting t)em ()ic) is no more common in t)e (arm (eat)er' 

It leads to excessive competition'  It also increase risk of ot)er diseases from ()ic) t)e co!ntry is exporting t)e goods'



Exporting is one (ay of increasing yo!r sales potential 

%ed!cing risk and *alancing gro(t)  ain kno(ledge & Experience   Increasing sales & profit  

ales excess prod!ction capacity'


DISADV ADVAN ANT TAGE AGES S OF DIS EXPORTS Extra costs   "inancial risk  

 

Market information  Export licenses & doc!ment 



  In order to complete the export process, the  payment of the exported goods has to be

received by exports the exporters. An as Exporter can receive the proceeds :-

Advance payment 

Payment against doc!mentary *ills  Payment against doc!mentary *ills !nder letter of credit  


  ETAB3I/ED I0 4567 10DE% T/E EXP#%T-IMP#%T BA08 #" I0DIA A$T 4564'I0$E IT I0$EPTI#02 EXIM BA08 #" I0DIA /A BEE0 B#T/ A $ATA39T A0D A 8E9 P3A9E% T/E P%#M#TI#0 #" $%# B#%DE% T%ADE A0D I0 I0:ETME0T' $#MME0$I0 #PE%ATI#0 A A P1%:E9#% #" EXP#%T $%EDIT2 3I8E #T/E% EXP#%T $%EDIT AE0$IE I0 T/E ;#%3D2 EXIM BA08 /A2 #:E% T/EP3A9 PE%I#D2 E:#3:ED I0T# #" A0 I0DIA I0TIT1TI#0 T/AT A MAE$$? in 45 and to Export $redit !arantee $orporation of India in 456@' In 74 A!g!st2 t)e $ompany (as again renamed as E$$ 3imited'


WAT DOES ECGC DO!!""" rovides a range of credit ris insurance 

covers to exporters against loss in export of  goods and services. !ffers Export *redit Insurance for $aners and financial institutions to enable exporters to obtain better facilities from them. rovides !verseas Investment Insurance to Indian companies investing in oint ventures 

abroad in the form of e/uity or loan.



In India2 an excise is descri*ed as an indirect tax levied and collected on t)e

 goods man!fact!red in India'




*ustoms  is  is an a!t)ority or agency in a co!ntry responsi*le for collecting c!stoms d!ties and for controlling t)e flo( of goods2 incl!ding animals2 transports2 personal effects2 and )aFardo!s items2 into and o!t of a co!ntry' T)e movement of people into and o!t of a co!ntry is normally monitored *y immigration a!t)orities2 !nder a variety of names and arrangements' T)e immigration a!t)orities c)eck for appropriate doc!mentation2 verifynormally t)at a person is entitled to enter t)e co!ntry2 appre)end people (anted *y domestic or international arrest (arrants2 impede t)e entry of people deemed dangero!sand to t)e co!ntry'


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