Presentation on Green Building Concepts

August 11, 2018 | Author: Priyadarshini Das | Category: N/A
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Presentation on Green Building Concepts By Priyadarshini Das 5th Semester, Civil Engineering, M.S.Ramaiah Institute of  Technology, Bangalore


is often said«

unless we can ensure that the economy is  kept subservient to our ecology, we will self-  destruct ! 

Sustainable 


The Brundtland Commission coined, what has become the most oftenquoted definition of sustainable development as development that "meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs´.

³Sustainable development is a dynamic process which enables us to realize our potential, and to improve our quality of life, in ways which simultaneously protect and enhance the Earth's life support systems.´

What 


is Green Building ?

building also known as sustainable building is the practice of 

creating structures and using processes that are environmentally

responsible and resource resource--efficient throughout a building's lifecycle: from siting to design, construction, operation,

maintenance, renovation and deconstruction. 

The key would be first to identify a set of materials which have long long--

term geogeo-physiological compatibility.

Classical Building Concerns 

Classical buildings account for a large amount of land use, energy and water consumption, and air and atmosphere alteration.

Buildings both residential and commercial contribute a lion¶s share of a nation¶s Carbon dioxide emissions.

The annual mean air temperature surrounding a building tend to increase.

Classical buildings are unable to meet the ever increasing water demand as it doesn¶t conserve the storm water run-off.

Classical buildings consume non-renewable energy to a great extent.

Green Practices and Techniques 

Solar Panels or Photovoltaic Modules


Rain Gardens

Storm water pit

Carbon sinks

Zero Energy Buildings

LED lighting


Green Building Materials A green

material is one that simultaneously does the most with the

least, fits most harmoniously within ecosystem processes, helps eliminate the use of other materials and energy, and contributes to the attainment of a service-based economy. A green building material should possess 

Resource efficiency

Energy efficiency

Water Conservation


Green Innovations 



Reconstituted Wood


Insulating heat resistant paints


Envircoat PC 200 Miracool Heat Resistant Paint

Model Green Home

The Zero House by Scott Specht


Tower, first positive energy office structure, Dijon, France

From India¶s Perspective« 

The Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) is working with a vision ´T  o usher in

a green building movement and facilitate in India 

emerging as one of the world leaders in green buildings by 2015.µ  

The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEEDINDIA) Green Building Rating System is a nationally and internationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction and operation of high performance green buildings.

LEED-INDIA provides building owners, architects, consultants, developers, facility managers and project managers the tools they need to design, construct and operate green buildings.

Green Buildings certified by LEED Rating System in India 

Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly

ITC Royal Gardenia, Bangalore

Wipro Special Economic Zone Tower, Bangalore

Suresh Neotia Centre of Excellence for Leadership, Kolkata

Dupont Knowledge Centre, Hyderabad

Suzlon One Earth, Pune

Benefits of a Green Home 


building benefits the environment, the builders, the

community at large, and of course the individual homeowner. 


green home is a durable home.


green home is energy and water-efficient.


green home is healthier.


last but not the least a green home is environmentally viable.

Cost Efficiency 

The most criticized issue about green building is the price. Modern technologies though environment friendly tend to cost more money.

Most green buildings cost slightly more initially but yield 10 times as much over the entire life of the building.

The stigma is between the knowledge of up-front cost vs. life-cycle cost.

Demand for Green Buildings

Green Economy and Retrofitting 


retrofit is a term with overlapping meaning that ensure the

maintenance and preservation of buildings and the continued operation and maintenance of energy efficiency technologies. 

The meaning ranges from steps home owners can do themselves to buying up distressed properties and making them certifiably green.

The United States issued a solicitation for $390 million for a "Retrofit Ramp-Up" program.

In India the movement is still under process, maybe with more awareness and knowledge based development, India will also adopt a green economy and take up retrofitting.

Green is the future, go green !

Thank you.

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