Present Continuous - Dialogues

August 8, 2018 | Author: Drummond Marcus | Category: Grammatical Tense, English Language, Grammar, Style (Fiction), Linguistics
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Descripción: Series of dialogues focusing os the presente continuous tense, with teacher tips...



Present Continuous (Progressive) for Beginners Read the following interview using the present continuous (progressive) tense On the telephone

Tracy: Tracy: Hello, can I speak to Alex.  Alex:  Alex: This is Alex, who is speaking? Tracy: Tracy: Hi, this is Tracy.  Alex:  Alex: Hi Tracy. What are you doing? Tracy: Tracy: Oh, I' !ust watching T". What are you doing?  Alex:  Alex: Well, I' cooking dinner. Tracy: Tracy: What are you cooking?  Alex:  Alex: I' #aking soe potatoes, #oiling soe carrots and grilling a steak. Tracy: Tracy: It sounds delicious.  Alex:  Alex: What are you doing $or dinner tonight? Tracy: Tracy: Well, Well, I don't ha%e any plans...  Alex:  Alex: Would Would you like to coe o%er $or dinner? Tracy: Tracy: Oh, I'd lo%e to. Thanks.  Alex:  Alex: &reat. ary and (ack are also coing. They are arri%ing at se%en. Tracy: Tracy: O), I'll #e there at se%en, too.  Alex:  Alex: O), see you then. *ye. Tracy: Tracy: *ye. We have already discussed teaching Present Continuous earlier. Continuous  earlier. Here's another angle. The present continuous tense is one that students will learn a$ter learning the $irst three siple tenses that is siple present, past and $uture. When teaching additional tenses it is iportant to highlight what tie period is re$erred to and also in what situations students would used each tense. How To Proceed

1. 1 Warm up

Ha%e students practice using the siple present tense as tense as they %olunteer to answer +uestions or play fruit play fruit basket  to  to encourage students to ake sentences o$  their own. When you ha%e $inished draw an iage on the #oard illustrating the siple present tense as a re$erence point and ensure that students understand when to use the present tense.

2. 2

2 Introduce Present Continuous

&i%e students soe exaple sentences using the present continuous tense. *y using pairs o$ sentences in your exaples, you can show when to use the present siple tense and when to use the present continuous tense. A good exaple ight #e  I play baseball every day.- and  I a playing baseball !ith "en #right no!$.- ee i$ students understand the di$$erence in eaning #etween the two and ask $or translations. It is iportant to illustrate on the #oard the di$$erence #etween this tense and other tenses your students ha%e learned. The  #est way to do this is #y drawing a siple chart. On the #oard under your iage illustrating the present tense, draw a siilar iage to illustrate the present continuous tense. /ou can also discuss the $act that the present tense is used when talking a#out daily routines while the present continuous tense is used when talking a#out speci$ic non0routine actions and $uture plans.

3. 3 Practice Present Continuous

&i%e students soe #asic practice exercises so they can get used to changing present simple verbs into the present continuous tense . This can #e done in the $or o$ a fill in the blank  worksheet #ut this would also #e an appropriate topic to use #attleship $or speaking practice. tudents can use the #attleship grid to change I, /ou, play soccer, speak 1nglish, etc. into the sentences  I a  playing soccer.- and %ou are speaking &nglish.- I$ students ha%e played this gae #e$ore, it ight take approxiately thirty inutes to explain and play twice.

4. 4 Practice More

2hone con%ersations would #e a real life situation where the present continuous tense is used +uite o$ten so in order to gi%e students practice with this tense as well as #asic phone con%ersation, ake a short odel dialogue $or students to  practice in pairs. This could #e %ery siple where tudent A asks tudent * $or soeone and tudent * replies  I sorry. Hes not here right no!. Hes playing  baseball !ith "en.- It could also #e ore coplex. Ad!ust the con%ersation to suit your students3 a#ility le%el and encourage the to create part o$ the con%ersation, pre$era#ly the present continuous part o$ the con%ersation, on their  own. Ha%e students %olunteer to present their dialogues to the class at the end o$ the acti%ity.

5. 5

3 Produce

Ask students to iagine a situation and then write three to $i%e present continuous tense sentences to descri#e it without saying the location. tudents can then work in pairs or groups to guess the locations o$ di$$erent scenarios. An exaple ay #e  I a sitting. I a listening to y usic. I a looking out the !indo!. I a oving.- It is %ery siple #ut students ight then guess the location as in a car, on a #us, in a train, or on a plane.

6. 6 Review Present Continuous

Any acti%ity you ha%e done $or this topic can #e used as a re%iew acti%ity at the end o$ the lesson. /ou ay also want to get students o%ing i$ they ha%e #een sitting down $or the entire class period, especially a$ter a writing exercise, so you can ha%e students $or a circle. tudents should take turns aking present continuous sentences and then calling on students to ake the next sentence. /ou can continue this acti%ity until e%eryone has ade a sentence or until the  #ell rings. I$ you want to ensure that e%eryone akes at least one sentence, you can ha%e students start sitting down a$ter their turns. This is not recoended $or large classes #ecause then lots o$ students will #e sitting down with nothing to do towards the end o$ the acti%ity. Present continuous is a more complex tense that students ma initiall have difficult understanding when to use but the more practice the have using it! the better off the will be" #ee all Present Continuous wor$sheets and lesson activities" %n&oed this article and learned something' Clic$ the buttons below to share it

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