Prepare Yourself for the BAC Exam - Carte pregatire competente lingvistice engleza

May 10, 2017 | Author: Andrei Caisim | Category: N/A
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Carte pregatitoare pentru elevi care vor sustine competentele lingvistice la limba engleza....



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Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

Structura examenului de bacalaureat la limba englezi Evaluarea competenteror ringvistice ra rimba engreza se face prin trei tipuri de probe:

r. ll.


proba de in{eregere a unui text audiat cu durata de 20 de minure; proba scrisd cu durata de 120 de minute; proba orald cu durata de .10_15 minute.

l. Proba de intetegere a unui text audiat candidatii audiazd doud texte autentice in rimba standard: . unul de dificultate redusd, cu durata de circa 2 minute; . al doilea de dificultate medie, cu durata de 3_4 minute.

ll. Proba scrisd cuprinde doud pdr[i: a) Prima parte evalueazd competenla de receptare a unui text citit. pe bazaa doud texte-suport, candidatii rdspund unui numdr de intrebdri. primul text, pe o tematicd accesibild' are dimensiunireduse gi un grad-redus de comptexitaie. Aldoilea text, pe o tema de interes generar, este mai amplu, av6nd un grad o" .orpr"*itate mai ridicat. b) Partea a doua evalueazd competenla de producere a unui mesal scris. Candidalii au de redactat




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lo] ollJ^ puB puil.u:no{ ur JopeoJ aq1 deel srtennle lsnu no{ - ecueuadxe ue eJeqs . :JeaJ 'looqs 'esudlns oj polelal fuelnqecon = ocu€tJodXa pnsnun . :alrJl ol palcadxa ale no{ }eqm pue sp:onn{a1 eq1ri1lluap1 :Z

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suorlceol s,eldoad 1o uorlducsap e {glcetrp lapeal eq1 Ourssarppe spooul .ro sbur;aa; o1 6ur:tela; asuadsns :o fta1sIu.r 6urleatc uollsenb lectJolaq: e 6ur1se qceeds lcelrp 6ursn lurodpuels anrldeclad e iuoJ1 ouacs aq1 ;o uorldtJcsep e :o; sanbtuqco] lualo1Jtp a:e o.laqf .

'uorssa:dur poob e


:fuo1s e Ourpue pue buruur6aq


sa :se q3ns

ilelstOa: leuloj-tulaS . l(1se6 eql ut arnlnl ']co!ad ]sed 'snonutluoo pue eldu.rrg ise6) sesua] lSVd ale posn {11eulou sasua} oq1.




s,JapeoJ oql ut pt^t^ uteuol ol JopJo ur '{enn pelcedxeun ue ul ua}}tjM uotsnlcuoc



lebesseu papualut aql ol Japeai alil peol leq] slua^o


ecuanbas aLll puB s{eluoc


e6esseutr aq} st oAt}elJeu e Jo lurod 6uo:1s aq1 .

ifuo1s lno{ 1o (slalcereqc 'aujt} ,aceld) oueos oql los plnoqs qcrqnn '6urpeot onutiuoo Jopeal oq] oleu ol uononpoJlul {qc1ec y. :o^rlelreu e Jo leullo] oql ol uotluape {e6 :


{q pennolqol '"' 'sln 1


plnoqs no{ rauroc 1 is6urlae;:noIJo Jape :JaU


09e lnoqe Io anllelleu e aluM 'slapeal oql ol ll aJeqs o1 no/( pall^ur eulzebeu looqcs lnort;o toltpo aql pue ecuelledxe lensnun ue q6no.rq1 pessed lsnf eneq no1 UOIS /3^TIVUUVN -IVNOSUSd '/ wexe CVg

aq1 to1

olpp!LU eql ur peceld

gestnoA etedaL4

Prepare yourselffor the BAC exam






Sequence of events creating the atmosphere


Life can be full of surprises!


Catching the reader's attention and setting the scene of the story



I have never considered myself a strong guy, ready to fight io defend my principles, but what happened last week at the local Post Office definitely changed my opinion about myself. It was around lunch time, on a sunny day and I was queuing to the cashier counter to collect my monthly allowance. I wasn't paying too much attention to what was happening around me because I was making plans on how to spend the money.

Suddenly, my attention was caught by the slowly moving hand of a young man who seemed to be waiting in the queue just like me. His hand had a very strange trajectory, towards no apparent point of interest. Or at least this is what I thought, because Various the interesting destination was the schoolbag of a connectors B-year old girl whose mobile phone could be seen through one of the openings.

ljust couldn't believe my eyes! But he indeed picked the phone delicately with two fingers, pulled it out without anyone noticing anything and put it into his own pocket. lt was just too much for me. When I saw him ready to leave, ljumped at him shouting to give the mobile phone back to the little girl. Everybody

else started to yell at him too, hands stretched to grab him, when unexpectedly, the litile girl stopped us all.

She explained that the young man was her elder brother and that he couldn't have tried to steal it from her. But the young man smiled and said that he was actually trying to teach her a lesson, because it had happened to her so many times before to have her things stolen. Needless to sav that I was feeling both embarrassed

and furious while listening to their story. But An unexpected ending


everything changed when the young man started to shake my hand, thanking me for my behaviour.

The end? | found some wonderful friends and started to feel more confident and proud about myself. After all, I had the chance to prove that I am not just "anybody" and I didn't miss it!


. Use as niuci- irr y"our English ls . . Do research or-:

it s normal to ha plenty of jnfo:re

. use vanous



. Use a dran b., ; and avoid a oi c . Pay attentior :c draft to the exan . I ico iho




not wasie ,:-' : . Double-c'e:., :' DON'TS:

. Don t use \,/olcs l-rave a srmple.


. Don't mix up reg . Dnn t r rea nnlle ^ SI'EEI.

. Dcn t count yo"r ,,,,,aste time. lt is t multiply it to the



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le 'uailtJ/v\ saull llnl lo Jaqrrnu oL{} o} }l IldrilnLu pue aurl lln] ouo uo o]tJ^ no{ sp:onn 1o Joqunu oq} }unoc o1 qbnoue st }l 'orxt} a}se^ ;lrrn noI - Jossosse aql llyv\ lor.1]tou osnecaq euo Iq ouo spJol lno,{ lunoc t,uoq . 'leorls or..ll ur uorlesJanuoc e lou 'uotleutluexo ue st sLll leOenbuel ;ernbolJoc osn ],uo6 . ilr ol lcrls 'Ienn auo ur pauels no{ 1; is:e1sr6e.r dn xtu.l l,uo6 . 'auo oleJncceut ue ueql e6en6ue; :a1dr.urs e eneq ol reiloq s! 1 iJo alns lou ete no[ ]eql soJnlcnt]s lect]euu.lel0 pue spJo^ asn ],uo6 .

mlffi5 'pasn no{ spJom eql to 6ur;1ads oq} )oaqo-alqno6 . ,eul1:noI alseM 'pazr;eued 1a01ou 11rm noI pue lurod oql ol lctls 11rn no,( lou lo Ourppe lou - splom Joqrunu perrnbal oLlt osn .

lllm no1 'spJom g ueql :nozt





rtq ge_rp e

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'lcallo lsel e Jo] Apeal sagnutut oulos o^eq pue .leded utexa aq] ol Uetp 6urq1fuane {doc o1 alqe aq ol ropio ul llulll eurrl uenro aq} o} uor}uope ,{e6 .



'solelsil.u Jo ]ol e pto^e pue repeq sqdetOeled Tseepr.lnoI esrue6Jo ol olqe oq lllm no1 isueou


asn .

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'xe;duoc sr qsr16u3 .rno{ 1eq} ocutAuoc llliv\ no 'suotlcnJ}suoc lecueulue:6 snouen esl . 'lr osn ol pelcedxa e:e noI pue punole uotleullolut 1o,flueld

sr aJoql 1nq 'crdo1{ue lsotu1e JoJ sproM lnol Ourpurl ur sLue;qo:d aleq o} leuJJou s,}l 'lauJalur eq1 bursnno:q Iq :o selcrpe euuos 6urpee.r Iq.reqlre crdog eq1 uo qcleasal oC . 'qcu sr qsrgbu3 lno{

]eLll rossasse oq) ocut^uoo llt/\A no1 'olqtssod se fuelnqecon ctleulor1l


p€ p€l


qcnu se osn .

:soo uvt/uWVuc d'l3H


wexa CVg


nl llestnol ercda4

Preoare vourself for the BAC exam

Qfropte" 2 - HOW TO ruru trfrtQflvtrLY A. SUBIECT

CRITERIA OF EVALUATION The reading paper consists of two parts: one fexf followed by five multiple choice questions for the A1-A2level, and a second texf followed by ten multiple choice questions for the 81-82level. Candidates are required to solve both the first and the second task. In real life, people read in different ways according to the purpose they have. lf they want to know the price of a car, they will surely scan the classified ads in the newspaper. lf they

1. Read the te

not enough in (C1. Write you i"re_gs:-* s

-:* I r=>-


:.1-s:--:;3: -

have just received an e-mail from their best friend, they will probably skim it to see what it is about.

These two reading strategies, scanning and skimming, are very important in real life situations and they will be come in handy during the examination.



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Scanning is reading quickly to find specific information. Your focus here is to find a certain detail.

Skimming is reading quickly through a text to understand the main ideas and get an overview. Your focus here is to get the main idea of the text. To perform the examination tasks successfully, you have to use both scanning and skimming.

Below you can read the marking scheme for this part of the test, used for the




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Baccalaureate exam: |


40 de puncte


(5 rdspunsuri x B puncte)

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60 de puncte

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4, --s

(10 raspunsuri x 6 puncte)

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Nivelul de competenti se va acorda in funcfie de punctajul obfinut, dupi cum urmeazi: 41: 11- 30 puncte A2: 31- 60 puncte 81: 61- 80 puncte 82: 81-100 puncte


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-Y-- Tips

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6t 'spoM

awes oLlJ ]ou 'duryeau aues aql Lllt* saeualuas JoJ }ool os ,]xel 'il(Aueql { popjoM all] ur uorleurojur aLll sr sa3ueluos aq} ur uor}eurjojur eql leql puil.rJ ur dao) 'sp:onnz{a1 0q} ourljopun pue {11niare3 s}uaua}els a^r] oq} peeE 'asetqd Jo plom/tena puelslapun o]


iuepodlur lou sr ]r 'lxaruoc oq] uoJJ 6urueau Jraq] esnpap o1 fu1 'nnou>1 1,uop nor sp.,oM a,e oroql . Jr ']noqe st lxal oLll ]eqm Jo eept ue 1e6 o1 {11 .}slJ }xo} oLli LUIIS . ']xal oql JopJo oq] MolloJ siiem;a ]o suorlsanb aq_1 .

sdll n pq I ilean6uor11 'g ^ lq6tu '; 'll qloqeztlf Jo uolssocse eql uo aJleolll s,{lsefepl laH outecaq arjeeqi e__ ; Aes i,usao6 .C 6uo.r14 .g tr.l6lU : 'l reM p.:, o3uls orleaL{1 s,{1se[ey1 roH ]e ,,{lsnonurluoc pe{e1d seq eredg eqr }o wo}ueqj eq_ 7


{es l,usaoq




Ies i,useog



lq6lu v 'larlnr pue oewoa se qcns 'suorlcnpo.rd:elncelceds pacnpoJo aaJl [rqoqjaag f aqre_ Aes





urnc ednp ,lnuriqc

alcund ap



6uoln4 .g ]q6lu V .0ggL pelcnrlsuos ul seM I 'Z


6uor14 }Ll6lU V aq] ut paleool s! arleaql s,Iisateyl .roH

elcund ap 0t


lt L{}aqezrl: }o uorsseo:: or.rl uo s,rlsefe4 raH arrecoq ]r pue 'z96L o] f 06L ,-rorJ or]eaLr1s,,{1sate11tsri1 se uMo-, se^ arleal]] eq1 '{11uacei }sor/\ '1 eoroeg ro uorssecce al.r} uo ur ar}eeLrl s,6u,, vtLL olll eueceq ]sJr] ]l 'Llcreuour aq];o :apue6 0q] qllM se6ueqc orleaq] eql Jo or.rrpu eL_ '9861 ocuts s,{1seie,., roH le z{;snonurluoc pez{e1d sell qctqM ,eted6 oLil tjtoJueqd aql s,joqqeM p^o _ }o Morpuv'uorlcnpo.rd ]ua,Jnc oqr pue lAoLlC ult-tc nqo uoriesuos rreM prioM alr] A1qe10_ 'sunj ojleeL{} lecrsnu ourpes-p.rocal o} or"uoq uaaq seq oJ}eal.l} aql .slecrsnur ourlsoq . pasrlercads seq orleoql aq] pue 'suorlcnpord lesrsnul elecs-e6reJ 'to1 elqe1,ns orleaLr] ai.apeLu seq e6els 1eg optm aq] JeM ppoM ocurs Ia;1ser:d .g .f pue pJeMoO leop ,e6ulg 'y\J 'f 'Merls p]euJag e6:oeg se Llsns slq6rr,rnz{e;d rofeLu rq serprirald po};q ar}eeql ou: pue 'srJo^ lecrsselc Jaqlo pue e;eedseleqs Jo suorlcnpold re;ncelceds pacnpord aa.r-1 '{:n1uac q}02 3r1} }o sopecap {pee eq1 u[or]eaq] aq] 3r]euierc ]e {Luapecy ].iv 10 1e{o5 aq] poqsrrqelsa oqM'oa,1 u-rqoqraoE re6eueu-,o]3e lraqroH Jo, polcnrlsuo3 ur r.68L seM pue sddrq6.f sapeqo rtq paubrsep seM Outpltnq ,"1rr,r1r"1u,, luasald eqt 'lalreureH

ur "q1 s,rilsafeyl rapl aLr} ur paiecor 'ar}eeq} puf }saM e sr or}eaq-L '{ltc 'laaqs uexa lno{ uo sJa/nsue ino{ ay.r41 .(3) ,r(es;,usoo6, ssooqc ,(g) ,6uo.rp1, Jo (V) lolr^sue ol uolleruJoJur q6noua 1ou ,iq6lU, st aroql fi a(S) ,6uor111, ro (V) ,lq6!U, Z-L sa3uoluas sql arv ./v\olsq lxsl oql peau .L




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]eqM aas oi ll -r, ,: : := iieql 11 '.rededs^\a - : _: luenn{eq1;; one_ '=_')isei puocas oq: : _ ? _:


suorlsanbacloq3e::-_ acroq3 oldt]lnLu o^

, ,l

- tv t3AlN) t dtr rcf lsns .v




Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

the answer for each sentence' scan the text and mark the part where you will find answer' correct the choose and Read this part of the text carefully

.Yourknow|edgeofthesubjectisnotimoortant.Sticktothetextl .Doub|e-checkyouranswersbeforeyouwritethemontheexamSheet.

6V' Are you ready? Let's check your answers: l) AHswens: 1. A (,,Her Majesty's Theatre is a

west End theatre, located in the Haymarket' in the city


Travelling to drstz A. Right

I aborate vacai:


A. Right

4 -^e


5, r


Axswens: ' ^ i4 +. Uc_ - f i, 5 lL I

text! Knowing all these things, try your hand at another

1'7 'Right' (A) or 'wrong' (B)? lf there is. 2. Read the text below. Are the sentences (B), choose 'Doesn't say' enough information to answer 'Right' (A) or'Wrong'


hiie tra,'e :a1e1 s{enn osle are oJoLl} 'uor}ece^ elqe{ofue ue aprnord {lurepec uec 6ur;ener} allqM,,)v 'z (,,'ssalls o^otleJ o] ,,suotleopn-tuL!,, el]]tl 6ul1e1 s{enn os;e

oJe eJeq] 'uotlece^ alqerofue ue eprnoid rlurepec uec our;anetl allqM euollese^ lnlapuoM e ro1 aleu ol ropJo ur aceld Aene rc1 e aq o] seq ]t ]eLl] onl] ]r sl,,) g .t


{es 1,useo6 '3 'puouj e


{es 1,useo6

'3 '3





euautc oq] o] ob isnr"u no{ xe;e: o} Jap:o ul


I;snonurluoc pa,::

(1 ur po]3nJlsuo3 s3',,


.V 6uo.r7i1 }Ll6lU eq1 o1 dr.r1 e s1se66ns Jollrm aql

'ooz lecol

,ies 6uor14 'g 1,useo6 ]q6lu 'lojuloc oleoJs uec sueld uotlese^ oleJoqel! {es 1,useo6 '3 6uor11 'g ]rt6tu'v

,!lC aqt ur ']elre*,



'sseJls a^atlal uec suotlece^-!ull/\l 'z

{es 1,useo6 '3

'6urxe;at;o {em Iluo

wexa CVg

aq1 rc1

6uot11 '6


lq6tu v

eq1 sr seceld }ue}stp o1 6ur1;ene.r1 .;,

'03ualuos qcee .tc- -:.

llesLnol atedaL4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

"Government assurances last year that childhood obesity levels were

levelling off have been found to be sadly wanting. Any hope that whitehall may rrave had for a quick fix to the epidemic has been shattered bytoday's figures," .uiJ Fry, chairman of the child Growth Foundation


and spokesman for the National obesity Forum, which represents doctor nurses and dieticians involved in obesity.

"The fact that obesity doubles during the primary school years from reception year shows that the Department of Education must rethink iis recent iiopor.r, on school dinners and physical activity.

some experts fear that the true prevalence

of childhood obesity may be even worse because some of the g% of children who did not take purt *Lr" not measured because their parents did not want their offspring's serious oo"ritf to be identified. The NCMP measures the height and weight of children in reception class and year 6 in primary schools in England to establish how many pupils are classed as ,,underureight,,, "hearthy weight", "overweight" and "obese". The'figur", giu"-u iJ;v i,l.ruru, of att eligible pupils - over one mittion in at- iook part tast year, the targest



Tim straughan, chief executive of the NHS Information centre, said: ,,The study suggests that weight problems continue to be far worse for older chirdren than for younger children,

with one in three year 6 pupils being either overweignt or ;iese and nearty five obese. These statistics suggest that more nLeds to be done-at a younger age to combat obesity within primary education and to positively encourage hearthy eaung and participation rn physical activity, to reduce future hearth imprications for these chirdren.,,

Paul sacher, a paediatric dietician and co-founder of Mend, a social enterprise that provides healthy lifestyle programmes for children ."ro., ft'u UK, said the new dara showed yet again that there is a "childhood obesity crisL'i wrricrr is worsening. ,,lt is extremely concerning

that childhood obesity is on the increase ano action must be taken to reverse this worrying trend." said Sacher. "with nearly onu in ft,r"" children overweight or obese in the UK, more needs to be done to protect the health of our nation,s children and avoid the short and long-term financial burden of child otesity on NHS at this criticar

time we hope that these figures will urge the government to invest in further healthy Iiving programmes as a solution to the crisis,,, Dr Helen

walters of the UK faculty of Public Health said that the small year-on year Increases "indicate that we are halting the rise (in childhood obesity). But the situation will take decades to sort out and, as iistands, the picture remains break. (

:^ :-e. -.

1. The new NHS report reveals that


A. a million pupils in England are overweight.

more than a third of children leaving primary school are overweight or obese. a quarter of chirdren reaving primary schoor are overweight or obese. D. a third of the chirdren starting primary schooiuiu ou".,i",ght or obese. A. the B. the C. the D. the


government government government government

should should should should

ignore the problem. not take in further action. try to deal with the problem. call health experts.



'-a^ jia l.

B c'

2' The borded verb to tackre in the first paragrapn suggests that

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3. is a::_ J. er.'9y5 il-e s:_-: :^


doesn t knc.,,,



t7, 'lloM .C IJoA uotlpn]ts oql l oul ],useop .uotlenlts sqi s^ofue .3 'uotlenlts aql ]noqe ctlsltrJtssad st .g

'uotlenlts aq] lnoqe ctlsil.jltldo st .v

]eql sueoul qde:6e:ed lsel aLl]

sre]leM ualaH rc

utlealq suleuol alnlcld aql ocuoluas


aql .0t

.c 'ocuatssuoc Jo stslJs eql 'srslrc {ltseqo poor.lpltqo .3 .g 'srstJS

o 1o u e









u er p.r en



Iqlleaq roLllnl ur ]

lqbremreno ueJplrr{3 uolel oq lsnu uor]3

sr 11,, '6urues:om s! elep n au oLl] ples asudrelua lerc(


.6 .C






aq o1 {lrsaqo s,uoJplt(.,1c Jtoq} plp siue:ed lleq} .C }uen }ou 'papluapt eq o1 {lrseqo lall} }uem }ou plp ,ieql .C 'osaqo ]ou oJoM slue:ed Jloq] .B 'asaqo lou aJoM r{eql .v osnecoq {aruns eql utped ale} }ou ptp erros .g

u' uni H,:1"JJff


uorlenlrs eq11ng '(, reaA uo-leeI l1eus .g

lecuuc srql le sHN

uoiplrtlc s,uor]eu ln





'aseqo Jo 'osaqo J 'asoqo :o lqOrarv


'srsr:c ;ecrllod y aqi

ol sJolal euru qde:Oe:ed ur sgsg.rc pJoM peploq


'uapJnq letcueutJ e aJe uoJpltqJ .c 'seuuet6old burnrl Iqlleeq ut lsonut plnoqs lueuutenoO C Illuecar seq firsaqo pooqpltqc .g .paseelcop

';1n oq] ut osaqo :o lqOrenueno aJe ua:pllqc Jno, ut auo .V Joqces Ined olDurp:occy 'ststJc oq] o] uotlnlos e puu .c 'ltlnoqe pauJasuos oq .3 ]ou

soqt^qce .; ped ur pu erel lecrs,{qd 1:T prnoqs uoJprrlrc z{lrseqo }equroc o} ropJo ur 'ueq6ne.r1s LulI 0l ourproccy .1 'uoJplrLlo

lqOlem {q11eeq pue iqBrem:epun {1uo 'slooqos &eutr.rd ur g :ee{ pue sselc uorldace: ut uoJpltr.lo 'uoJpltqc asogo pue lq0ra,rnreno Iluo 'uaipltqs uotlllru ouo ueq] ssal

parnseour d/\JcN .pa4tluopt



lffi:i :lH::l::l s

'filsaqo pooqpltLlc sluesa:del .g 'aldoad osaqo sluesatdel .y r!nroJ {irseq6 ieuotleN oql .,

ur uorledrcrl-red pue ,{yseqo leqr"uoc o1 a 'osoqo enrl ,,{;:eau 'uarplrqo le6uno,{ i s1se06ns {pn}s erl


lsebrel eq1 'rea{ 1se 'ernlcrd aletncce { ',,1qOrann:apu n,,

se p

ur g reel pue ssep 'posrl osnecoq polnseau osroll uena aq Aeu,

pue Slauutp loor.lss ree{ uorldace

.go .6 6ur11ena1 sr ztlrsaqo pooLlpltqc 1eq1 Ies 'lqbrennreno sr sJrdnd uo;ldece: .C

olt] ut ouo lsotrle leql ,(es .sJolstuL! Lllleoq snorne:d aql .g surelc aq] ]ctpplluo3 lou op 'sule;qo:d 1q6re,rn qlt/v\ uolplrllc 6unol Jo aq] Molls .V ro Jaqulnu eqi ,j


0L0Z-6002.ro1 selnOrl wexa CVg

sluese:dal Ll3tLlM'u pllqc oq] Jo ueullre o1 xr1>1crnb e Jo]



tolllastnol etedatl


JJo 6ur11ana;



yourself tor the BAC exam

-.9. rip" .Skimthetextquick|ytogetagenera|understandingofthemainideas.Theysetthe

Z Read thel


you think

questlons' background for the actual

.Readthequestions(infactwehavethefirstpartofastatement).Scanthetext to complete them are t"r"u"nt to ti-re questions' Try and underline the parts which without reading the answers' answer.

.Crossouttheanswersthatareclearlyirre|evantorwrong. .Payextremeattentiontotheanswerswhicharetoosimi|artothetext;theyare answer.


right ou"uuse they distract you from the

.Becarefulastheremaybeanswerswhicharegenerallytrue.Youhavetoanswer the text says or implies' tfre question"s a""otOinb to what

.|fthereSeemstobemorethanonecorrectanswer,readthetextagainandmake questlon' sure you answer the exact



you ready? Let's check your answers:

thev start primary overweight or obese the time NHS (National Health are b-y the tirie they leave, new school, and more than a tnird Service) statistics reveal today'")




a quarter of ch'dren

13 Sa'rdl

JL33'::rE 5 --+--Fa -.1--EJ'





year, that has 11 and are in year 6, their finar by the time they reach, 10 to

almostdoubledloll.T%,."yr""r"porttooavttomtheNHslnformationcentre' for 2009-10'") which gives the NCMP findings

4'C(....,theNationa|obesityForum,whichrepresentsdoctornursesanddieticians involved in obesitY'")

5.D(,...'someofthego/oofchildrenwhodidnottakepartwerenotmeasuredbecause serious obesity to be identified'") treir parents d-id not want their ;;;p;i;g; reception class and height anJ.weight of children in the measures NCMP (,,The c 6. year 6 in primary schools in England"'")


-lt-']ili[-E m :tres qIFfr h f,e€rtrr3s


S:,re::-'e : 39"1'1,€ Fl;y1

!'.r l'." Z€d At:r]:r3es al

--rE -lCrO C

-Er€ l€ Si -r i:a: S:€it :r-.r'1a -Bfi ].'1r-l r:-':'t 3'r?-l-€ !' -3- 1€615 *,.1 rg'-aF



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--€:'ecot lF-'3r Crd :,ai3(^a3lr,il'\g

r:oc f€rn


3es: l,fe"S ]s; lr

r,ia= ald

7'A(.,topositivelyencouragerreattrryeatingandparticipationinphysicalactivity,to these children.'') reduce future health implicationsfor



LC 10. B


your hand at another text! Knowrng all these things' try

Ore ol

A" xe B. g€ C. re D. er

2. Arneri A. AI B. Al




9Z rtsnq oo1 6uteq suect"taLuV


'pa4srles {1tsee 6uteq C 'spualoom uo slec bulntlp suecllaulv I 's6urq1 alqetteda: 6utnnolql suecuoulv V uo spuedap ,(tttouoca s,e3l..teLLL


'6utulout Iep.rnleS e uo Jec e 6ulpt.l 6utAo[ua 1

'fnls ualolq 6uutede,


'6urq1,{ue lsoulle 1o pu 6utpa0 ; 'arnln] oLl] ut osn uec {aq1 s6urq1 plo 6utdea>1 ; sl uollcelslles ,sue3llaulv eq] Jo a-:

(696i 'deuooy 'V/\^orpuvIq "' p$pv nol letlf JoN rlor; paldepe) 'otuti oulos sn {nq ll,}l 'leL1} 6utqsell f e}s pue s-: ol o1oru'paqsell an,ann leue;d slt..ll uopueqe uec qpe: uo auofuena 'alqellqeLl sl s-:,, .lno a^ou pue drqseceds e p:eoq 'dn >1ced o] sn jo lle roi aq Aeru uotln;os ]saq :-_ Jl .sctlsqels aulos s,]ellf '1t 6ut,tno';6 oulocul ul aleul leqle$o] sloulJel lno lle ueqi :::'ul sauloc Jln}s }elll 6utOe>:: : 1o 6ur>lced oq].lol aroru puads suecllauvlnq 1eq1{1uo loN ' or;l st orunlo1 oql ]o luec:ed 0g pue lq$rern oql lo ]uoclad 69 'alsenn plollosnoll lle jo ,u: ,{:ena a$eqleb ul lq6rann lteq} saull} eutu {eme Molq} )lo MaN Jo ,!lC aqi io eldoed 3 - 'e;qtsuodsetll pue qulnp ala,tn Aeql 'll^a ua^a ],uo,: .' sllll plp oll/v\ slaJnlselnueul aq] ]o oulos 'puno.le sallLU JoJ 6urql{Lena pauostod :-: sreerls punol$lepun oql olul padaes suostod ot1l'poulel ]l ol oiul uostod:taql ped;-: pue s:eaA uol ut lno polsnl stiln1p oql's}ol luece^ oLl} ul sLUnJp uo11e6-I;tg ut 1t 1nd,\:-. lo slllru or1l pulLlaq sJo^lJ eL{} ut sa}sem snouostod lraql padulnp solueduoc le3lLUe-: aq1 s.tea,{ lol 'alecs.re66rq e uo '6utlee1 aules oq} peq ecllaulv ul salueduoc 6tq e-'ll lo pu 1a6 o1 lsnf ,laarls oq] ut utelp aq] uMop ro pre{1ceq aq} ul }llp Jo alld e ul le l3osutlo paa/v\+o allloq plo ue 6urdunp;o 6urqlou lqbnoql oldoad lsoLu obe sleeA -:'sOurql 6utnr1 11e pue sn ;o 11e uostod {11en1ue'= s6utql oLl] Jo oLUoS s6utql Molql :llt/v\ pue qyea aLl] Outuostod ele Aeme Outnrolql e:,ann sauo Mou $utl-: Jo lno unJ a^,o/\^ ]eql sleal {ueLu os loJ leq} 6utop uaeq a^,oM pueUol s,]eq^,{enne6ut,uolq}'ueco^ se}se}sesOutql 6utsnuopaseqsl so}e}Spe}lt^

o1 'Alrnrice 1ec s


pue sselc uotldc:3. (,,'pet1t1ua:


esnecaq poJnses*


suercrlolp pue s3s- -



seq ]eqi ')eeA

jc-, ,--,

Ll]leaH leuoileN



fueur.rd pels ,{e-. =-


eq1 ut ,{1r:adsold'pJecstp ol qcnu o^Eq },uop {eq1 esneceq ulalqoJd ar!es 6Ll} e^z.l,uop soplunoc Jood 'sr Luelqo:d qsel] eql asloM aL{} 'sl fu1unoc aq} pazlll^lc oloLu o-'esqa 6urq1fuo^a loJ tuoo: ssal s,alaql 'qpea uo ulooJ eJoul dn e>1e1 aldoad pue sapo;dx: uotlelndod aq] se 'MoN 'Luolqo:d e senn {enae s6ulql 6utnnolql }eq} eldoad pazlll^r3,i: uorlru6ocal ]slry oql seM Mel )oalC slLll ]oails eq1 ut a6eqle6 lteql 6ut,rno:q1 u-tol1 aldoe: $urllqrqo.rd el e possed sueqly ul slaalC alll ''C'g 009 reo^ eLl] punore arulleuos ^ ,sr .ga1 {enne s6urq1 6urnorq} q}lM alqnoli oql }eq} 6urop sn uo spuade: ,,{er,ae,, ou st aJaq} ,tu1ouoca JnO 'Ouo nneu e {nq pue {enne }l MolLl} nO^ oS auloc o} {snq oo1 Sl MoL{ MouI sac: auodue pue 6utLl]^ue xU o] Mor.l Moul i,uop all 'rie,rn uesualuv aLl] st ]no s6utql Outmoluoqrvr

'6urqy{ue }sourle 6ulprecsrp lnoqe 6ur{;sr1es 6urqleuuos s,alaql 'dLunp eq1 cl!olej pue 6utuJor!,(eprnleg e uo 4unf LlilMlec aqllo lceq eql dn peol ol st aultl poci e}ll | fiulq} oll}'poau },uop lln1s $ulnes o} }xe\.

elo eoptrtyl '{erne }t^

orLl} st}seq op o}


ro^ sue

tp r trp6p




e^e- -:



-3',,':_ a rp ,{ar



']YAl a

.^,,' ,^^r +brrj Jrru/\ u+ +)e-- _ ,,,^,,. o+dluuuJ g- ^,^,1, LusLl+

]xol aq] uecs

lnJrlneo8-os-]oN aql eclrarllv


r^,, , ,^^^-

-laaqs uexa rnofi uo sJa/nsue .rno[ a1l.t1y1 'lxal oq] o1 $utp.tocce lsaq s1r; lutq1 nori 'g 'y) lernsue aql osooqo '0 L'! suollsanb lol '/noloq lxol aql peoy 'Z rl3!q/n (O .ro C

uexa OVA aq1n1 gasLnol atedat4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

3. According to a law in Ancient Greece A. Greeks were al{owed to throw garbage in the street. B. people weren't allowed to throw garbage in the street. C. only civilized people were allowed to throw garbage in the street. D. only women were allowed to throw garbage in the street. 4. The more civilized a country is,

A. the better its means of transport are. B. the better its citizens live. C. the more garbage it produces. D. the more prosperous its economy is. 5. Prosperity in America means A. buying old stuff at low prices. B. winning the lottery. C. continually buying. D. piling up old stuff. 6. Throwing things away is not only a matter of filling up space, but also A. a demographic one. B. a cultural one. C. a religious one. D. an ecological one.

7. Big companies are comparable to some people, in the fact that they both were A. dishonest. B. thirty.

C. irresponsible. D. corruot.

8. Chemical companies poisoned the ground not only by dumping wasie in rivers, but also by A. fishing in vacant lots. B. depositing them at random. C. causing poisonous rain. D. throwing away building materials.

DOsr . {-'

't0. The solution in the last paragraph is A. realistic. B. fantastic. C. feasible. D. ironic.




. !t:.:





9. The New Yorkers throw awav A. mainly food. B. mainly wrappings. C. mainly farm products. D. only chemical products.



-: F:, _:

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. Pnac:se r



.uol}eulo}u|lo}6u|uuecspueoulLULu|lSSeL|cnSsa|oa}el}S6utpeelasl}3ejd. ']xal e uloJ] uolleullolul es!]celd ('splom ]ualei]lp JO Seopt otues olll 6urssetdxa 1O s^enn luaJoJjtp pue su{uou^s roJ rool ' b;l;;;"'pt yaoessed e ]o luauroleisa' e =) sasetqde:ed 'Jallaq lxol aL{} Moul lotl}o aLl} potlsluU eneq noA Ja}ie }l o} lceq Aer-u noA aull leql {q pue suotisanb o} oc . .uo|}Sonb e JeMsuE }ouuec no[;t uotlsanb lxau oq} relnctyed aLuos uec no^ 'lrcued e esp) 'suotlsenb eq1 ut splom{e>1 (iy esere uec no{ 'ale}sltu e olerrl no{ 11 o] uo!]uaue butAed ."

pue splom{ox aullrapun ' fi"^ se peol no[ uaqnn seselqd 'A11n1arec suotisanb all] PeaH ' '

slns a)el4 'suotlsenb aq1 Outlennsue aJolaq ]xai aql qilm lellluleJ e:e no{

6ut1t'tm 'laoLls uolJeululexa aq] uo slamsue:no{ elum o} pue s1se1 aneq no1 'L{cleM aql uo e{a ue deey oq] pue Outpeel oq] Llloq anlos ol salnulu 0Z t

' :soo

lnq 'sra^rJ ul


sl,Noo ? soo 'c'01 (,,'ul sauloc Jlnls leql 6ulOelced oq] sl oulnlo^ 'lea{ fuena lolu"".r"d 69 'eiser'n ploqosnoq 11e 19 orll Jo luaelod 09 pue lqbrern '6 "qt A"^n r1ro1 eN ro ,ttc aql lo eldoed aqr,,) I a0eqre6 ur lqOren ,1"q1 ,"rp ^ ^ori1i "u,, {eql ro slllu aLl} pulqaq (,,'slol luece^ oL'l] ur surup uo11e6-[gg ut 1r 1nd '8 saiuedruoc leclulot{c aql s.rea^ lol,,) 3 slo^u alll ut salseM rn*o.1oo l1eql peoLunp 'll peq ecuol'uv ut setueduoc 6tq eq1 ]o pli (,,'e1ecs ra661q e uo '6ut1ae1 oues aql lo ple{1ceq aLl} ulUlp 1o elrd e ur rallq }casul u1 u1"lp aql umop'6u1q1ou '6u1durnp 1a6 o11snt 'loorls uet') 3 '1 "q1 lq6noql aldoed lsou o6e s:eeA 1o ro poo^ lo alpoq p1o ," (,,'sOurql 6utnt1 11e pue sn 1o 11e uoslod 'g ere Aenne ournnorql el,enn soutql aq} }o ouros") c {1len1uane lltM pue quea all} outuostod (,,'sauo meu butAnq pue lJol s'1eqnn {enne. '9 uo paseq s! saleis pollun aql ur fiuadsold") c 6utnro:q1 ',uec o^A se ]se] se s6urq1 6utsn pazlll^lc sloul oq1') C 't uoll eldoed

a:eirn qloq A


oql (,,'sr Luelqo.rd Llsell oql oslom aql'sr fu1unoc (.'1aer1s aq1 ut abeq:eb lreql 6utnorqi e possed sueqly ur sroarc eql


i c'g


'g ggg rea[ oql punole aurrler-uo5,,) g (,,']eq]

'ouo Mau B rnq pue [eme 1t motql no{ os auoc 6urop sn uo spuooap rtr.uouoca Jno eM") oqnn-euo'tue pue burqlIue xU o} Motl ^ ou) }'uop (,,'{em uecllauv ol"l} sl }no

o1{snq ool sl




6ut,!sr1es 6urqlauuos s6urqi 6urno:q1 '6urqy(ue lsoulle 6utptecstp lnoqe

:sro/nsue wexmiv7


lno[ lcaqc



s,alaql') I 'l :surnnsHy




i(peet no[atY

)ol lasrnoA etedat4

Prepare Yourself for the BAC exam


.Don'tgotothebeginningofthetextforeachquestionyouhavetoanswer'Thisis awasteoftimesincethequestionscomeintheorderoftheinformationinthetext. .Don,t|eaveanyquestionsunanswered,lfyoudon'tknowtheanswer,takeaguess. .Don,tpanicifyoucannotdecidewhichansweristhecorrectone.Moveonand come back later' . Don't write two answers for the same question' the exam sheet! ' Don't forget to transfer your answers to TEST HOW TO PREPARE FOR THE READING

scanning-li:-'t::: . Read as widely as you can' trying to use skimming and magazlnes' newspapers' t"uOing part comb from different sources: selected for the blogs, websites anJ

of texts. The

with these types lt would be useful for you to be familiar are just a few Below "o"on. rlsources. internet offers us a wealth of



px/ m i s' htm http://fi ctio n ch a n n e l'tri p od' com/ i

http!/web2.uvcs.uvic.'ca/etc/studyzone/330/reading/index.htm http!/www. n ew se ngl i sh lessons' coml

B1.82 http: //www. htip: //www

com/p d re ad i ng' htm g n ew se n gli sh' co.m/ - b re a ki n Ii n

g u a ra m a'


.Afterthefirstreadingofatext,writedownthewordsandphrasesyoudon'tknow will help Revise them as often as you can. This and look ff,"* up inine oictionary. great only not possess readers you become a better and faster reader. Good vocabulary' ieaOing skills, they also have a rich

.TrytouseEnglish-Eng|ishdictionaries,thiswayyouwi||learnalotofsynonymstoo. Here are some useful links here: h ttp://d i ction a ry' ca m b ri d g e' o rg/ httP: //www. I d oceo n I i ne' c om/ i cti on a ry' co m/ htip: l/www' oxfo rd adv a n ced ! e a rne rsd


m a cm


nd i cti o n a ry'


.Afterfinishingthetext,drawupa|istofthewordsandphrasesre|atedtothetopic important for speaking and writing exams' of the text. Thef will become extremely .Doasmanytestsaspossible.Testswillhelpyoutrainyourselffortherea|thingl


S-: e:t:l r

62, al3und al3und el3und alcund

,lssJ!] rs arels orieuorur o rs orlunuoJd o purpa^op 'iuanu pl.,rJdxe 0l as . oJel 33t]3eluts llasalo tstuj 0L loun e ts ectleLualstsau uo.le Joun epnlc uJ 'aieueA olectleulel6 unlcntls tS aujloJ loatoc e1Saso1ol . asap altJplodel eyne e n.llued oluplntujol ezatJe^ ps glrLutad r_gs 0f 1gcu3 1e6oq ap luatJgns rS reulal-lencape Jeinqeoo^ un lcotoo e1Sesolo1 . 0L ]uelaos ls leinlcru]s outq sjncstp un_lluj apze)j e0a1 rS-e niluad uoloauoc ep ]er:eA nuopeda: un . luarclja "iS".o1o; alueurpad a;duaxe rS elueuln6te n3 alopon ap lnlcund rS-npugr-utr;uoc ,gJel3 erleluelunDre o pllo^zap .

sl3und 0t

ap 09 alcund g

t Inl3arq r s

;6urq1 leet a*



crdol eql

o1 pe


oleuotzeco ozned no l'p quu,dxe es rS :e;c gfunuotd . elcund g auJoleu nqutl ole efuan;1ur :oun epnto uJ 'lec4eutetb unq un ate rS elrsoJo,t loJluoo sap teu ;ec axaldLuoc Jopzul e rS e;du.rrs tozel] nlnlcnlls e e:rugdpls punq o alSapenop . elcund g Jeluauala tnlnJelnqeco^ e arrugdgls punq o olsopa^op rS esndo.rd leual eldnse rcpzetpsed lnlolnfe nc euudxa es e ru1ued luatcryns lectxol nuoyada: un el6jso1o1 . plullnsn no as-npugrxudxe rS ] r; ealnd alcund g tr e ru1ued lelc op Inlsap sJncstp un pugonpotd ,psndo:d eLuel ep a1e6a1 aloutlstp oluoualo ap auos o azrceld nc eundxe /atJcsap /alsalso^od .

elcund ep gg alcund Z elcund Z elcund Z elcund ?l



leerO Iluo 1odloq llt^ slq-L nnou>1

1,uop nc,t


z Inlcatqns a]lsoloJ alalut^no ]coloo




elduls oueoj egecrleuelO un]oru]s rs eurol alsesolo; . ]coroo ^llelal taual ]e^cape leluaujalo lectxol nuoyadal un a1Saso1o1 . ealsace ar1u3 e-rn1g6a; 1f1so;ol sop reu loc ilrolelaj uud pug.rnorse ,eJdurs pursolo' 'rnlnl3arqns ]eA3OpB 'pncs sundspr un pzeelnuroJ .

azeJ1 Trrsardxa

alcund ap 0Z

t Inl3atqns

alcund ap 001

3rvuo 3rvs3w




e 1sn[ a.le

sed{1 esaql qr


'seurzebeu: ,s,a s1xe1 eq_1 6ur-

:urexa aleaJnelecseE

aql ro] posn'(Zg-Ly elecs) uexe Ourleads eq1 rol euaqcs burlreur .i 'e1q;ssod "q1 "r"f 1enal lsaq6rq oql Jo] seapuroql pue osrno3srp Jrorj] q10q esrue6:o ojoloraq] ue: {eq1 'pessasse aq o} sr rro^ rraql ,{em aq} Jo oJe^ e aq plnoqs sruopn}s ,crdo} reln3rf ec

e alrcel o1 6uryels arolag ',{l6urp.locce palue:0 slurod Jaqurnu .pue pal30dse. e Jo aq ol o^eq ]eq] salnJ lo ]os e rq perueduJocce sr uexe ourleeds all] roj 1se1;


sslualnt ojl$/fds uexa OVg


nl gastnol



pue uo



'ssan6 e olei j3 ']xal aLll ut uorle

ol Mofl - e Jefdoq.)






Prepare Vourself for the BAC exam

Nivelul de competenlS se va acorda in funclie de punctajul obfinut, dupi cum



11- 30 puncte

*hsm rle

A2: 31- 60 puncte B1: 61- 80 puncte 82: 81-100 puncte

$trfiur@ s],,m 1...............r

lNrenaclrullea onnlA (Plnrrcrnnnee u coruvenselre) Calitatea interactiunii : . stabilegte un contact social adecvat situaliei folosind formule de adresare potrivite .

100 de puncte 60 de puncte


comunicare, 10 puncte

face fa{d dialogului, reaclionAnd prin rdspunsuri adecvate, solicitand ldmuriri, reformuland o parte din ceea ce a spus astfel, cd urmdregte firul discutiei

. oferd informatiile solicitate, exprimdndu-gi sentimentele/ justificdnd/ argumentAndu-gi punctul de vedere in legdturd cu subiectul


. produce un discurs clar, coerent, subliniind relatiile intre idei prin folosirea conectorilor adecva{i Gorectitudine gramaticali: . folosegte corect forme gi structuri gramaticale . folosegte forme gistructurigramaticale variate




. are o pronuntie gi o intonalie corecte gi firegti . se exprimd fluent


pryftff trd

"nffLmlmi tl nnmffi fgEmd uffiffi r- a pa

mLalr,r :fi\e*€:!-dr

t#ecn i lge are sc lrarua-ret

exam inatorul pentru a oferi continuitate schimbu lui verbal, ardt6nd,

. folosegte un vocabular variat gi adecvat . folosegte corect termenii lexicali


20 puncte

1 20 puncte 10 puncte



fumrer thc fileS: . =i'ec



15 puncte 5 puncte 10 puncte



tot . Use'm . Use cr

15 puncte 10 puncte


5 puncte 10 puncte 5 puncte S puncte

. There opiniol

'*ith at . Be pol


Nivelul de competenli se va acorda in functie de punctajul oblinut, dupi cum urmeazi: A1: 11- 30 puncte A2: 31- 60 puncte 81: 61- 80 puncte 82: 81-100 puncte




feel hap





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i definitely lr ,'nusic and t



'LUrl]AqJ elll pue spunos aLli oullaoJ ]o alnseald oq] pue slsnul lnoLlltl alll aq plno/\A ejtl leqM autoeut ol lueM ua^a l,uop I ioutcuep a^ol



^lo]ruuap usn sNV O3rs3C9nS 4Q 'Jlas^ul ]o ]nc

lool e olelu ol lue^ ],uop I pue locuep poo6 e ]ou ul,l ]eql

Iultll | '],uop I plelle







'un] a^eq pue xelal o] IeM poo6 e osle sl ]l pue cllsltulldo ',IddeLl loal o; 'op | 's4." soleut ]t asnecoq uotsesco fuene uo pue Iep fuana lsotule flutcuep {o[ua 1 :P UsMSNV O31S3C9nS G,

pue splog a^lsue#o ino^ ]noqe uotssaldujl peq e aieals {eu leq} suolssoJdxa pto1e 'oS 'JeL.lceo] e sl loincopolul lnol se Jolslbol leuloj-lulas e asn pue olllod og . :rolncollolut JnoI ocul^uoc o] Joplo ul sluaulnOle q]!/v\ 'uoluldo tt loddns ol pue [1rea|c l at^ Jo ]utod Jno^ a]e]s ol sl ]ueuodul sl ]eqM JnoI sso:dxo ol no^ altnboJ suollsonb oql se slaMSUe poull'lJialapald ou oJe aloL1l '

oleu o] pue seapl lno{


pue soouoluos Jno{

unc Pdnp 'in alsuno g o]3und g

alcund 0L a]3un0 g


lutod lno^

alcuno 0 |, atcund g L

lull o] Slolcauuoc esn.

ls6urleel pue Oulcuep o] paleloJ sploM asn ' :crooi



lnoqe 6utql^ue MouI ],uop no^ leql uolsso1dLul oql aleals pue MoU uolieslunLUuJoc or.ll osolc o] puoi leLll sJoMSue lJol1s o^t6 Jo^aN 'suolleueldxa pue suoseel r.lltM sral sue Jno^ ,,dn ssatp,, s{emle '(adi! ouTse{) pesolc sl uol}sanb aq} }l uo^f .. :olah abulcuep fofue no^ oO :uollsanb 6u1mo11o; aql ralr\suv

alou IqM /




a]3uno g

olsund alcund





olcun0 0z

l'ldhlls 't olcund 0z

:uJexa oleaJnelec3€: oq] le acuoladuloc 6u1>1eads oql loJ pallnbal slse] oql Jo saldulexa oLUos oJe e,3'suollsanb oql ul o] p3.jre,:uo paseq uolle$onuoc e ul Ued $urlel Jo fillcedec s,alenper6 aqi - I' sctdo] oq] lle lo puocas aq] 'slqt ol uolilppe ul 'uolleclunuluoc {ue 1o ulle ell} A11er:::: paluel$ st apeJ$^ue -" st qotLl^ 'lolncopalut arl] ol a6essaui ]tl6ll oql puos ol lapJo ul AeM Jelnclped e ul L'sLualqoJd s]t pue {iercos ,s^epe^ ou o} pa}eleJ 3 ::lleop oq ol palcedxa st uaql Jo r.lcef :uolle.-slln3uJlp aJoul e uo Jo6sue o^ls1ncslp.lo a^lleluouln$le padola1ap e'e lsel uorls e lo uotlducsop uoqs e'z Isel lra6eueal B,o ajtl {lrep aq1 ol psielal uorlsa-: 'olenper$




aleund ap 0g olcund op 001

loc-:: oldruls e o] lo^ sue loqs e 'L Isel :$ulMolloJ aql Aluleul sl u$lsop JloLlI per.ulo;-rad aq o1 polcadxo sctdo] ]o a6ueJ aptM e uo slse] aolLll ale o.r3-q6lq e



urnc ednp '.lnu

wexa CVg at4 n1 gesLnoA arcdat4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam


Describe someone in Your familY' Help: . There are no predetermined answers so you can describe any member of your family. What is important is to state your point of view clearly and support it with arguments to convince your interlocutor; . Use words related to physical appearance and personality; . Use connectors to link your sentences and your ideas and make your point understood;

. Be polite and use a semi-formal register as your interlocutor is a teacher. So, avoid offensive words and expressions that may create a bad impression about you! . This is supposed to be a short answer yet a developed one, so try to organise your answer using details, but not too many.


SueeesrED ANSwER al

I'd like to describe my baby brother. He is the newest member of my family. We didn't expect him to appear, but I am very happy to have him with us. He is only 6 months old, fair-haired with blue eyes, but my mother said their colour may change soon. He is extremely cute and silent for a baby, totally different from what mom said about me when I was his age.

b) Succesreo nrusweR b: Well, I think I'm going to talk about my mother. She is about forty years old, quite tall and looking young and athletic at the same time. She used to be a sportswoman and hasn't actually given up having some training every now and then. She is a very determined person who doesn't usually take no for an answer. That's why we argue almost every day and I have to admit that very often she is right. But not all the time. And this is what I like most about her: she knows to concede when she is wrong, so our relationship is always great.


SucoesrED ANSwER cl

I have a big family with a lot of relatives, but the person l'd like to describe is my uncle. Actually, the youngest of my uncles. He is my mother's only brother, he is in his mid-twenties and he is extremely handsome: tall, black-haired, dark green eyes but with a fair complexion. Everybody looks at us when I go somewhere together with him. Of course he notices this, but doesn't seem to care very much. He says that you can always find people to admire your outer beauty, but not everybody sees inner beauty. I guess these things show how wise he can be, but I also wonder if he'd talk like that if he didn't look so great.



obessour e puos o] iersea sr ]r pue pauroM Jo pole]rOe 'snoruou 'Asnq ere aldoa6 - :;. eM se uauo se uorlesJa^uoc ocej-o]-ocej e o^eq o] ]lncuJrp os sr ]r 'pueq raqlc 3_- _ 'alrsuo;Jo eq sanssr pro^e osle uec nort 'Jolncopalur rnol 1o uorss:- - , lqbrLr ]eLl] 'sprom rnoA eq1 bur6pnt ,tq uorluour ol burueeu aq] ure d::: - leql ]oN 1o lear sllelap arou q]rm dn euoc sAem;e uec no{ '}ods eq} uo sproM lqOr: eq1 puU }ou ',= - lr uaAS 'poolsrapun Jopoq JlasJno{ eleu uec no{ uor}ecrunuruJoc icerp ,(q ,,: - - -=. ']qnop ioJ r.r-rool so^eal srql A11ue - : ; . = pue burssrLu ore sueoLu osall] 'sosec rallio oLl] lle ul 'uo os pue ]uaua^our e{a s:- -.. 'suorsserdxa;erce1 'e6en6uel ,{poq se qcns'ebessau }cailoc ol1j poo}srep-- : no,( ernsse o1 subrs,{ueur are araq}'auoauos oi ooel-o}-acej Ile} noi{ ueqnn'lle -- .: 'spoqlau Jaqlo ueq] ralloq pue 'lrels olll uorJ lerluossa sr uorleclu. * -o3e]-ol-aceJ a^orlaq 1{qrn sr srr..lf '}uaunOre ue o}ur uJn} uec uor}esla^uoo alc-', pue pelardrelursrur eq o] eapr a16urs e rol qDnoue s,]l 'sror.llo aq] Lllli!\ 6urlecrur^** ur sJolunoouo ouo solcelsqo aql sr srq] ol 6urpeel osnec luepodrur ue pue oraq',''-= slcrlluoc pue ecuolor^ alll sr purru ur o^eq e e]rnD auo3aq s:lleqM'anssr lercnr3 'uooq s{enn;e sell uor}ecrunurluoc Moq Moul 2 = {;luecar o^orlaq lueyodu.rr leq} }nq | :ufMsNv o31s3ccns lle] o] 'ra^o /ssolce 1nd o1 '1no leeds o1 'uo ssed o1 'dn {:p o] ']no ouroc o] 'sso.rce (a6es

uo]]rJM'leqJo^'leqJo^-uou '

;euos:ad:a1u r'ace;-o]-eceJ

'Ienn-om1 '.rood 'poob 'anrlca#a :sanrlcefpy

-saLu aq1) 1eO o1 '1no



:sqJaA leserqd

polsod euoeuos deel o1 'a6esseu aqi la6 oi'1urod aq] oi te6 ol'aur pue no{ ueamloq lsnf 'aurnederO eq1 uo lr reoq o1 ',tpoqatuos Joj pjo^ pooO e urlnd o1 'tlsnq aql punore leaq o] '1seqc rno{ go ]r tab ol 'lleM louq e ol Ilel o]

ldioms: behind the times, like chalk and cheese, as cool as a cucumber, doubting Thomas, down to earth, eager beaver, as fresh as a daisy, heart of gold, laughing stock, a larne duck, proud as a peacock, rough diamond, as lrard as nails

Persnnality - negative traits:

General appearance:

annoying, arrogant, callous, cowardly, deceitful, defianl, greedy, grumpy, gullible, ignorant, lazy. mean, narve, nasty, ruthless, secretive, selfish, self-centered, smug, snobbish, tick-skinned, tiresome, vengeful, weak, wicked

cute, good-looking, handsome, attractive, gorgeous, charming, bewitching, radiant, ravishing

Ito fit in. tc I lwith. to ;;:

Itnnothor- '^

Itell off. ic c up tc' llook It +^ r^ -^t, luou^

luo Age:

amusing, ambitious, brave, bright, cheerful, confident. deterrnined, diligent. energetic. fair, faithful, frank, gentle, industrious, jolly, loyal, kindhearted, proud, wise, self-assured, shrewd, thottghtful, trustworthy, witty

newborn, baby, toddler, teenager, young adult, elderly, middle-aged, senior citizen in his/ her early/ mid/ late thirties in his teens to be/ come of age, under age to bel turn/ reach 23146/ Bg

Describing people

Eyelashes: arched, thin,

Height: shorl, of medium

thick, bushy Nose: snub, pointed, hooked, straight, curved, crooked Mouth: wide, small, tiny, full/ thin lips, crooked teeth Chin: pointed, square, dimpled, double

height, tall Build: well-built, slim, skinny, chubby, plump, ovenveight, obese, broad-shouldered, muscular Hair: straight, curly, wavy, cropped, loose, in a tail, in a bun, (to go) baid

Face: oval, round, square, long, heart-shaped, lined, wrinkled

Complexion: pale, tanned, fair-skinned, dark-skinned Cheeks: rosy, chubby, high cheek-bones Eyes: hazel, biddy, sparkling, almond-shaped, piercing, wa-


It^ .^r lnt, ra

unattractive, plain, ugly

Personality - positive traits:



LU. rJ


l]/erbs&ohr* I

lln F.nnrl uvr ru, tn lv nn LU l(v

lnave an argur Ito contradict lforo ln men^

t'"""""'"'to neg: Inorse,

-' lhlp t"'",'- in frr rqi to sc lcomfort, I

lFamilv - k t' lhlank ch,- ' t"'"""""'"' lflesh anc : broc lfamily, |,^,^+^' +^ h' lvvdLUI, tv L I L^^^^ t uduul I, +^ LU ' I

lchip off tre I I I


irooplaq ,{lrule1aq1 ut oq ol laue




aq11o ped aq o1 ,6ur6uuqdn

'ostel o] 'dn 6ullq o1 de6 uorl -e:eua6 'ppqc iiluo ue ,asnodi 'sbur;qrs {puel 1ru1-eso1c eotcnu


7e6:e1 76rq /papualxa


:{1lueg paau ut puoll1 e ,sece;d ^ ul spuou} rlolr.{ s^eq ol 'puauJ JoqleaM-Jtej'satppnq ujosoq

Ioolq plo aql go drqr e 'lsau eq] a^eai 72i11 o1 ,uoceq or_l) orroq 6uuq o1 ,:e1e,u ueq] ral3tLl] st poolq ,I11Lue1

spuatJ1 {e1s o1 Tureu

-aJ o] /auo3aq o] /a)ieLU o] puau; 6uo1e1r1 7p1o Tlercads Tonrl Tpoo6 /]saq 7.rBop /asotc

aq] ut unJ o] 'poolq pue qseI {Lu '{1rr"ue; eq1lo diqs 1celq :sruotpl - {1lure3


drqspusu; e {e:1aq o} AcaJM 7ltods o1 7{o_rlsap o} /}uarrr o1

-e3 o] /dn


o)tjls oi /oleuj o]



6ur1se1-6uo1 76uo1a;r1

ploss ol ,uojujos ol 'ut qltei a^eq 01 ,]snjl o] 'alq -LUesoJ oi 'a1er1o6au o] astou s,auo alod o] 'alppau ol 'aloJ -ialut o] 'r_lsel3 ol 'lctpejlu03 oi 'la:Jenb


/oleu.ltlut lssolc /lnJtlneoq :dlqspuau3


of iueuln6.:e ue aneu

o1 'esrLuo:du.ro3

ol ,puoq ol


Iorls o] 'o1 dn puels ol .ol


f |,i I t




eoe:an'; -rrq1 aler UAZllra ..




>1ool o] 'ol dn a^ll o1 ,oi dn 1oo1 o1 'Ouoie 7uo 1a0 o1 ,go lpej ,.laq1a6o1



| '''"'o | 'snc l-n

6uuq o1 'teq1a6o11a6 o1,qir,rn

lno llej ol 'rotje aIEt ot ,ul lij o] 'reno 1eD

| lL

l-; I


|I ,r,,^^,^



;o; dn


/^ 76uo.rm o6 Tuadaap Tiseg

ol 'uaa^^loq auo3 ol

pllqclua:ed lsleL.l-onol 76ur:ec 76ul1se1-6ur,ll /asol3

7ft-u:ois /llnciJ]!p 76uo"r1s 7poo6



o1 'uo {;a"r /}unoo ol :sqJan lcseJqd

sru:a1 poo6 uo aq o] ,JoJ lods ilos e a^eq o] ']aq3lel.l eq1 F:nq o1 ,aIa o1 ela aes pue Il] q6no.rq1 ,pod e



ur sgad on l oltl uo esnoll P o).ltl uo 1a0 o1 ,qlnoLu:noi{ ur uoods lonlts e qll,rn utoq aq oj





to hit the airwaves, to oe on

the same wavelength, to get your wires crossed, light years anead, rocket science



to broadcasV screen sth, to receive extensive television coverage, to tune in, to turn on/ off, to turn up, to zap, to flick through, to switch/ turn to, audience, viewers, newsreader, forecaster

breakthrough, innovation, devetopment, invention, discov_ ery finding, research, a big step foruvard, leap, improvement, technophobe, technophile


do up .- 11 Ito lI +^ +^1.^ lT tu td^e


Ithing on. ic : ldown. to z : lpullon, tc s lwrap


lwrap Computers:

Adjectives + technology: current, present-day, the latest, modern, advanced. low. complex, state-ofthe art, sophisticated technology

to switch on/ off, to log on/ off, to hold/ to store sth on computer,

to crash, to be down/ uo to be addicted, compuier addict to go on/ to surf the Internet. to browse the web, spam, to


hack into, to google domething

Machine/ appliance/ devicel gadget to break down, to be out of order, to fix = to iron out, to be as good as new, to work properly, io plug in, to unplug

lEtytei--develop/ tc '

Ito lstvle, to add :: la ioucrr of st:,...:: lchic, stylish lable, old-fas" : ldressed, bac .,lsporty,




Verbs: to create, to devise, to design, to develop, to conceive, to invent, to launch, to improve, to Innovate, to rely/ depend on technology allows/ enables

lcl.ciil':E sr lelegan?


lordinaryr ce:

traooed big"gy/ I


lround/ V



I short-slee,



loff-the-peg icustom-n1ar: Collocations: to do/ carry out an experimenV research, to make a breakthrough, advances in science/ technology, a tech-sawy person, to have a technical mind



(edeqs '.rnoloc) ]tns oi ,(ezrs) 1J

ol 'q]lm o6 o1 'qcleuL



]no /olut eOueqc ol 'posso;p 'sselp o] ,;esm oj




'rollos-puol] 'puajl


saLllols apei!-uJolsns

{pue.r1 B

'arnseeu-ol-opeul,6ed-aq1-31o -ssalo^o3ls' po^aals-uoqs ^ 76uo1 7 lcau-(o1od) 4 Tpunor 6ur11r1-aso;c 4qOrr Tasooi ixooeq pe66el 7{qqeqs /}ua3ap 7,,{:eurpro

los ol

puaJl ul|lctA /snotss].jOC l0utL

-eOeu TleuOlsep nooqs /plJoM /osnoq Trtlsnpur 7{ueduoc /laqel /^ or]s /lepou uolqsel

/lensec gcuel /Ueus 4ue6e1a :sanllcefpy - saqlolO



".,^,, I ;;



ol'a^orl -ut






o1{s anr6 ot /ppe



e ldope ol /pulJ ol Tdolanep




| I


de:an de:nn

I ***

ol ';o a>1e1 o1 $


-os 'ue ^*,, eq

| 'Mol 'pacu | -l"t eqf i I :f6olout



uorLtseJ qlnox


pells -^oqsrp 'Iddols '{;;n:cs ,{pods pessa:p-Ippeq, psssaJp

uotrlseJ qynn eced eql deal ol dn dae>1 o] /Mollo1 ol /!M uotqsel e uels /las ol

-uotr.{seJ'}!-q}lM'qsllii1s .crqc a1I1s;o qrno] e

-Llse, ut lceq oq ol /olut Iseq auoo ol /Jo lno oO oi 4o 1no llej o] lolut otuoc o] /ur aq oi :sqJan t



dn Outqlar,uos o] 'puno:e Durqgauos


o1 'uo {.r1ol 'o}ul drls o1 ,uo lynd ,umop o1 'drzun oi $ dn drz o1 ssorp o] 'dn ssaJp o1 ,uo 6ulq1 -auros o^eq

'laaJls'Ourssed,Dur6ueqc I au 'lsolel ,lue.r-rncI




uo 1nd o] 'opun ot dn op ol * :sqloA lBseJqd


_ae uoq


s,daeqs ur Jro/v\'."n""iJl-ul?3 dn plo.r ol 'saoLls s,ouoatrtos lno{ ur slue onell ot ur 'slued


pl)-q]lM suosulos elpueq ol

'ano16 e olll ]lj ol :sautu aq] oi passorp 'lltI ol possa:p lcrlqnd ut uoutl dprp s,auo Llsem o]


Phrases: to be/ go/ live green, green issues/ politrcs/ Products/ homes, eco-friendlY, eco'sensitive managemenv tourism/ Products' an eco-disaster, eco-warrior

Phrasal verbs: to cut down, to choP down, to die out, to drY uP, to throw away, to use uP, to wiPe out

conservationl Protection of the environment, damage to the environmeni, harmful to the environment, to Preserve/ to ProtecV to safeguard/ to damage/ to harm/ to Pollute the environ-

lFh-*iu"'G get into a g-



Ito lsail througi' e' lhind, to ca:;Ito hand out. Ito brush uP ci" uR




Jnvirsnmental issues/ cam-

Environment Protection to recycle waste, recYcling


paigners crusader/ awareness/ catastroPhe/ disaster/ group/ committee

bank/ scheme, not to dumP throw rubbish/ garbagel litter, biodegradable Products, to use renewable sources of energy, water/ windl solar energy, to reduce the carbon footprint


Climate change: changing weather Patterns, temperatures soar, sea levels rise, the ice caPs melt, to get hotter, intense heat, drought' widespread flooding, landslrdes, extreme weather, tornadoes

environmentallY friendlY/ harmfull sound/ disastrous/ aware environmentalist



sb/ to assign t-'; to grade/ mari : work to check the progress

airl soil/ waterl chemical/ tn-


to cause/ to avoid/ to Prevent/ to combati to control/ to fight/ to tackle/ to cut/ to limit/ to minimize/ to reduce Pollution

l$chool lclassroori r

dustrial/ nuclear/ noise/ oil/ pollution

Environmental issues: destruction of the ozone layer' acid rain, dumPing hazardous waste, greenhouse gas emissions * greenhouse effect, exhaust fumes, deforestation, intense use of Pesticides, destruction of natural habitats endangered sPecies


Classroom acrt to calli take the to hand in a Pa: to do/ to geli ic

lform teacher ce: lPrinciPat caretat= lian, buiit fie



sassels L.l3]rp ol /]n3 ol /oIel o] /ol 06 o] /puoile o1 opel6 e a^ra3el ol noo o] seperS rood /Mol lrl6rq /pooA /]uollocxe urexa ue ur iPsLlJ o] op ol

Aun|J ol lllel oi lur


urexa ue q6no"tq1 edercs

qel '^rerqrl

/ssed oi /ur lla^/\ op o] ulexa ue e1e1(a.r) oi 4rs(e:) o] /op o] ulexa ue :o; dpnls ol pol ssr^or ol lro] aJedatd ol







'urooj Jjels 'lleLl 'ul0orssBlc

:6utplrnq loot{3g rolelarPs 'uel


-Jerqrl 'pesq Alndop 'ledtcut-td /Jalseurpe0q'raqseal ulJ0i

;ecrlcerd /uogu^ /lero plcoul /teutJ

:$els looq3s

(.reaA)ure1 Jo pua /aouerlua


:eaA Tulrai

,sluapnls oql l3aqc o]

pa^eal /urnlnsurns looq3s looqcs;o 1no o] /ulo:j luen:l ,4eld o1 7dl1s ol /tlstu!J


,sluapnls aL{l )ireul 7eper0 o1 Iro^ au:oq u6rsse o1 7qs


oi ruels o17o1ob 0l /puo]]e ol ;ooqcs 6ul -preoq 7(crlqnd) alent:d 7e1e1s TArepuclces


o1/a^el{ o} pob o1 7op o1 raded e ut puel1 o} ll0r sq] sxel illes 0l



/alpplui Tqbtq 7{;eluaLuala



lut I I

lnu I



L [I






-e. | -uLec

| r I

uorlelnpa lno{



o1 /olelduro3 ol /onuriuoc ol uorlesnpo ue qLUs enr6 o1 /anroca; ol le^eq ol uol]

o1 'dn


(1noqe 7uo) dn peeL o1 'uo dn qsnJq o]


| -,

'lno pueq ol

lio I -V

'reno o0 o] 'dn qclec ol 'pult-.1 -aq llel ol 'sLuexo qOnotql ltes o] 'loor'l3s poo6 e olur ]eD o]

-p3npo i{"ros1 ndu.roc'ssel3lsJl} 'raqpnJ'leuorleoo^ :aq6tq'fue -puooos'fueur:d';ooqcs-erd


| '"


:sqJo^ lBsEJqd


lad s,raq3eal 'uossal e auoorxos qceo] o1 'ape.iO aLl]

aleur oi'Ueell

{q u:ee1 ol'sjnoloo 6ur{g qlrnn ssed ol 's)looq aq] ]rrl o] 'Iooq e ur osou s,auo o^ell ol'luelq e


ejp oi'Iooq e lcBJc oi :sr.uorpl

6V 0r,11,^ 4





pue lo,ruoc Jo rno^e, ur



o, q J, "rotl,?5i::i ffi':,:?,"##: i,',L * ;ffil'j] l Lr LX ffi :'i: i:l:r'^ ilil,Xi:J J"".J g,l"t * ffi #t}L]i'j,Sil;:3$[."j'...,1,1;ollqM ,", '}eue|d eq "q r"


"i areq,rn {eql i"'i. ueq; s:noqqbl",



qo q^"qr

lnoqr iaurocuo3 orour oJe ,spoo6 "^?,9:f11or1 ;.rodar e oi 6urp.rocce xrpr"irllrl"lieuruor^uo






;, u s a o

( o_,nr,. ii,"&}H sf sroql ll a(e)" " : :i: . g ;? I :il^:?,t H '6uolry1, 'ro ivt ,lq'riit, d-1 secuJiue" '

{es 1,usao6



;:?ffiffif.?li# ./v\oraq

"ui# .g_

":::"^-:{,ilii ,:,i":

l,useog .nrod


oq^ .1.rno!Jo spuesnoql


lq6tU .V


1'= !'*'.'o o3 nqcd.ffi[:j, ,


Jo yelrdec eqi ur palrqrqxo oq

Jo sporpunq


lxal oqr peau .z




J,""';"[:g.,{ ziesl,useos

p"r"nbrrip 1sr; r-ueqourg "::]lifi'T uerH

'zL6L ul nqcrd nrlcey\J



6uot44 'nrod urorj sl3eJrf , e ecul 000 ,g,inq,ul






lq6tu .v



lq6tU .V

Airsro^run ale1



rq ,"11"r"j#Tr,?i."::i jr";ffi?"r,:1rJrT

eureqo )ceres u"dlJyli? srq ot e pue soqcreu _sn :.rlqlo ",",??"::ly lselol{.1o_ol olte ly:i::ilffi,1i;T^?,f""1,::t1$,:l li lo drqsrau,rn_oi' llqcrqM $rlar asoLrl o"u ,, atrLJM ,pe^orroq 1urr 'paurnlar ro^ou ?::l.ll", rir"qr p,"l'p."^u;131 r.r,"o" lrnsMer e peru ]l lnq ull'"i 90i,."d'JLi LL6f l"qJij"'0.,p'"qlbrrnp pen're peq niod 'sarlrsro^run "r"^'.i""liu" pue Sn eq1 rq"ql unr {pulof .!el1n.re6 nq?en, {pn1s mul pue nq3crd ro aur "o',,^ "ln'nce q}r/\^ jo ourpuelsrapun pue11^e1----------------1u- rrrr"nUrrJirl",y.+ oii,r,n a,n}rn3 eoLll r,;fi -,,Jrlr", "qi uljT^,11^nlccra nqJ"ur,ii"rn oq pres 'ocznc u1 111"1"0"e oqM 1e,, 1eq1 padoq {l1sranru1-1 p"qy o,ffii'::: preqcru luoplserd ,Jry;6Vir"H ,o,",n .0,". ,,n"1 ole f_o l9nai "'lxaiuoi t"rnl"r'r,"ql ,1 ,o;1"Jr"rdJ"li,qno pue qcieasar roi suorlcoiloc nqccrd nqr"yv xrlilr,.."rr" pepuedxa ."rn.r" luer-uaa.r6e srq1, "."q1ro "q,

H?i,::1";:lr,vi::^:r:itritL:tff ll?iHlt;",',:sfi iJi:fi "T'#fiy{;,:xl1; r' . e q1 ;, Jjj:i:"i : ,, s

J'fl ff ", slce,rue ", ecur :iiil ir: auos 000'9 iflj nrad ff ;,6+;i,:^ruU fi ol ,rnl"r-q luaLuaei'e u"'p"r'or. seq rirs:anrun ele^ re s s. .!:l::iil:l H ;::ffifi,l,".fux i#,f? .^o,"q ? 1o




se o



if, 1., ?l ll a(e)".o .ro f: ,6uo't1y1. (v) ".,u,,. ,ludlg, i-"i .L"u"lrss

s! orsql


aql lxol org peau .! "rv (ZV-t.V penru) drl alcarqns _ 1 gNfOVfU

slsl_L - r,)nfaa+fu uexa cvg aq nJ



Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

The habit has been studied by Vladas Griskevicius, of the University of Minnesota, who found ecofriendly shopping decisions are not always motivated by a social concern. He

as a prime example. Celebrities including Leonardo Di Caprio photographed behind the wheel of a Prius, despite being been have Diaz and Cameron power{ul and expensive car, sending the message that they are a more to afford well able picks out the Toybta Prius


concerned for the environment. 'When you publicly display your environmentally friendly nature, you send the signal that you care,'said the report. The study also showed that people were often more willing to buy green products when they were the most expensive (The Daily Telegraph) option, because it showed they could afford to be caring. 1. Shoppers want to buy only environmentally friendly products' C' Doesn't saY B. A.



2. Consumers go green in order to keep up with their neighbours. C. Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right 3. Online shopping offers people a wider range of products to choose from. C' Doesn't saY B' Wrong A. Right 4. Celebrities are not interested in the environment' C. Doesn't say B. Wrong A. Right 5. People show their concern for the environment in public' C' Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right 3. Read the text below. Are the sentences 1'5 'Right' (A)

or'Wrong' (B)? lf there is

say' not enough information to answer'Right' (A) or'Wrong' (B), choose'Doesn't (C). Write your answers on your exam sheet'

or hybrid A growing number of drivers facing rising fuel prices are opting for electric cars noise at no rJO"t., which switcfr from petrol to electric and back. But they make almost them' notice to all, making it hard for passers-by, particularly those with visual impairments,

Safety experts and charities called for silent vehicles to emit noises, with some manufacturers suggesting motorists could choose from a range of sounds, from superhas cars to the podracers from Star Wars. The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association

warned electric vehicles, and hybrid vehicles that operaie on electric power at low speed' are ,,virtually silent". As a result there are "serious implications for the independent mobility and safety of blind and partially sighted people"' publication that Norman Baker, the Lib Dem transport minister, said ahead of the report's in a way that vehicles the Government remains "committed to the introduction of electric users". road will complement long-standing efforts to protect vulnerable to make He added: "Concerns about quiet vehicles are understandable, and we need All drivers pedestrians' to threat pose additional any not sure that electric vehicles do road users." for other consideration with and safely have a responsibility to drive ( 1. Drivers choose electric cars or hybrid models because they are more economical' C. Doesn't say B. Wrong A. Right noises' 2. Electric vehicles sometimes make terrible C. Doesn't say B. Wrong A. Right 3. Motorists can only choose from a small range of sounds' C' Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right


4. The transPl

A. Right 5. Electric car A. Right

4. Read the tt

not enough i (C). Write Yot

Christmas is i weeks before by lighting a c not very relig

begin long re signs that


The first plac People in Bt,: every year, a



worKers wea' London crea: colourful ligi'l

So what do

Christmas ca

wrapplng pa

Christmas c I for everyor.e 1. The two ,t

A. Rigr: 2. Every Sur A. Rigr': 3. British

Pe :

A. Rig:i 4. Shops


A. Rigr:

5. People D" A. Rigt-i 5. Read the

not enough (C). Write Y People nee:

we've becor Qiliin^,y s, 2rnve ' v,rr"

the store ar Physical Ira


iOurlotus se Ll]leoq Jno o] snola6uep se st {ltnllceut lects{q6 'Aynrpeut lno ol alnqlJiuoc 11e 'sdue: lo sJlels jo pealsul 'slole^alo 6ulsn pue alols oql ol dtJl !oqs e ua^o loj le3 aq] ul 6utpu 'relndLuoc aql Jo nI aql ]o ]uol] ul punole 6utllls .q]leoLl sn apeul o^eq ol pasn oulocoq e^,aM pue fueluepes s,ieq] snolebuep Joj Jno '{q}leeq aq o} anl}ce aq o} psou oldoad saouaruo^uoc otl] lle pue a;I1se;r1 u.lapoul lnO 'laaqs uexe lno{ uo sJa/nsue.rnoA a1r.r1y1 '(9) (V) ,ltl6!U, lo/nsue ol uolleulJo;ut qbnoua 1ou ,Aes 1,usaog, asootls '(g) .6uo.rp1. Jo '9 sl arolll il a(S) ,6uo.t1.111. ro (V) ,lqOlU. 9't sa3uoluos aql arv'r^olaq lxol alll pea6

{es 1,usao6 '3



]rt6tu v

'9 'roquocag qtgZ oq] uo poo] pue slueseld 'spJec 'suollerocap Anq aldoa; lo '3 6uorn1 'g }tl6lu 'V 'seulslJLlc uo slunosslp lelcads loJJo sooqs 't

{es l,useoq

6uo.try1 'g ]rt6tu'v {es 1,usao6 '3 'reaA fuene seulstlqC uo ueq] ssal pueds aldoad Llsllpg 'e 0093 6uor11 'g }q6lu 'V {es 1,useo6 '3 'luo^pv Oultnp qcrnqc ul solpuec 1q6r1 eldoad '{epung Atena'7 6uorp1'g ]q6tu'v {es l,useoq '3 'luo^pv pollec ore seujlsliqc ololoq slao^ oM] ot]l 't


,salelocoqc rauulp seu]slJLlS slseus pue slnu 1o s1o; [nq eldoad 'asoo6lo Ae1;n1]seor Jo puv'q1rnn dn ueql dernn o1 teded 6utddernn leiceds'aq1 uuo4 yedy ipooj osrnoc lo pue souo penol tnoit lo1 siuasatd :Sa1llelal pue spuellJ tnol o1 puas ol splec seulsllLlC :suotlerocap seulsuqc 'lloM eseLUlsuqc Jol uotle:edeld ur Inq aldoad op ]eLlM os 'clsnuJ Pue slqOtl In!noloc '1nous 6ur;1e1 'sJalceleqc $utnou L1]lM S^ opulm JloLl] ul s{eldstp InlapuoM alealc uopuol ut ]oails piolxo pue laaris 1ue6e5 uo sdoqs 6tq auog 'sleq seulsllqc ieaM sJolroM doqs eruos pue :sloles lo s$uos seulslJt1C Iseeqc {e1d pue suol}eio3ap seul}sutlC .aJou pue erou puads o1 aldoad aoelnocua sdoqs aLl] pue ':ee{ &ene dn lnd sdoqg seulsuqc uo uosred rad (6991.g 0093 Jo^o eoelene uo pueds ulelllg ul aldoad 'sdoqs olll oJe seullslJqC lnoqe 6ut>1ulq] eq plnoqs oM leq] sn lla] o] se3elo lsJU alll

'le3rL (>1n'oc'1


eleui leqt leqi



luapu 'peads

seq u -lgull) OLUOS

'uoq] le oslor puqAq



st ola

'{eirn aq1 uo sl seLu}slLq3 1eq1 suOls

,raqolco lo Jaqr!oioo5 se {1rea se 'l3e} ul '}ua^pv aJojeq 6uo1 ul6eq aos ol pels noA

suorlerederd aql - ]no LlcleM lng 'seullslltlc etejqolac 1111s {aq1 1nq 'snol0tlar {lan 1ou arg'utelt.lg ut aldoed {ueLu 's{epe6oN '}uo^pv $urtnp fiepung qceo alpuec e 6ur1qfitl {q saqcrnqs ut polelqaloc {1;euor|peJ} ole pue 'iuo^pv pellec ole seul}slJq3 olo}aq sleoM rnoj oq1 'laquacac q]92 uo polelqolao sl pue ulelllg ul le^llso] lse66tq oq] sl seulisl'lqC

'laaqs ruexe lnort uo sjo/nsue .rno[ 411.t1y1 '(3) q6noue 1ou ,fes l.usaoq. osooq3 '(g) .6uo.rry1,lo (V) .lq6lg.lo/nsue ol uolleulolu; '? s! araql1 a(g) ,6uoJ11, ro (V) ,lqblg, 9'L sacuoluos aql srv'tnolaq lxal oql peog Aes 1,useo6




'sueulseped o] {ue asod },uop slec clJ}ooll '9 ]eelq] Ouoliyl'g ]rt6tu'v {es l,useoq '3 ']lasLurq rec culcalo ue sessassod lelstutl-u l-lodsueil eq.I't

wexa CVg

aq1 Lo1

(qderO oArsua



{lpue ele ,{ei 6uteq

oude3 'U



geuno[ aLedat4

Prenare vourself for the BAC exam

Add up your activities during the day in periods of at least 10 minutes each' Start slowly'.. and buiid up. lf you're already doing some light activities move up to more moderate ones. A litile is good, but more is better if you want to achieve health benefits. or Scientists say to accumulate 60 minutes of physical activity every day to stay healthy progress moderate you to improve youi health. Time needed depends on effort as u"iiuities,-you can cut down to thirty minutes, four days a week. Physical activity doesn't physical have to oe very hard to improve your health. This goal can be reached by building

activities into your daily routine. Just add up in periods of at least ten minutes each you will notice a difference throughout the day. Afteithree months of regular physical activity, -


often say getting started is the hardest



1. Peoole must have an active lifestyle in orderto be healthy' C. Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right 2. Smoking is less dangerous than physical inactivity' C' Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right good shape. 3. You don,t need more than sixty minuies a day to be in a C. Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right physical activity into your timetable' 4. You can improve your health by integrating saY Doesn't C' B. Wrong A. Right 5. You can lose 5 kilos in 3 months. B. Wrong A. Right

C. Doesn't say

is 6. Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 'Right' (A) or'Wrong' (B)? lf there say' (B), choose'Doesn't (A) or'Wrong' not enough information to answer'Right' (C). Write your answers on your exam sheet' The Glastonbury Festival, held atWorthy Farm in Pilton, Somerset, is Britain's mostfamous greater than music festival. Despite over 100,000 tickets going on sale, the demand is far 300,000 over |n2007, requests. lot of a are there go sale, on they the supply, and as soon as

photo people applied for tickets, despite increasingly rigorous security measures that involve are workers of the most that extent an popular such to provided. lt is iD needing to be how But entrance. for free in return bar staff or be stewards to people happy are volunteers get so big? did a humble arts get-together held in a back-country farm ever

It all started in 1970 when Michael Eavis, influenced by the growing hippy movement' the decided to host his own gathering. The site is still a working dairy farm for most of is often as the event year, despite the festivai neing a huge money-spinner. Glasto, [,no*n, started off small, with only 1,500 people attending its first edition, but things really

3. Most of the worke"s A. Right


4. Glastonbury becai € A. Right 5. The locals



A. Right 7. Read the text belou

not enough informatir (C). Write Your answe


For John ShePherci : for the Past 30 Years ' To do the Knowleoi:l r

London cab drivers ra Waterloo Bridge on :"l left school at 15 a', cabbie once said to r''' this job, bY the end c' onetime home of C'-a'


"l did the Knowledge you had what was :a get a maP, and Yot .": Then you would gc : all the little alleYs an: : use most of them r c ,',

1. John ShePherc -es

A. Right 2. The Knowledge s A. Right 3. John was born r A. Right 4. He didn't droP o-l A. Right


5. The Blue Book


A. Right

started to take off in the 1990s. During this decade, with the rise first of grunge and then of Britpop, there was huge enthuiiasm for the idea of spending a weekend at a festival, listening to favourite bands had and camping out in the open. Glasto, while still retaining its alternative lifestyle roots, from suite101 (Adapted 'com) imagined. ever have could become bigger than anyone 1. Glastonbury is a talent competition for young musician' C' Doesn't saY B. A.



2. Security measures are taken to prevent terrorism' C. Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right


8. Read the text belc

not enough informa (C). Write Your ans$ My job involves wo-< involved in volunteer

I first began voluntee hour on a Mondal' -

volunteered at a sct( much out of voluntee

t9 pue 'ur 1nd I se 6utlaalunlo^ Jo ]no Llcnul .peluauaq leLll ueujjsc ALu sem ]t ases slLll ul paraalunlo^ .f l"'o t lr,.li punol s,ieile o^eq I 'qsr16u3 6u1qcea1 'Iueurac ur lootlss e ]e s|L]} pa|llec 1 '6utu.toLu Aepuoyl e uo Jnoi] 1,"q^ lea,{'de6,tr,u o}.q6no.rq1 acuatledxa 6ut:aa1unlon ue6eq 1s'tt1 ue ]leq JoJ spll labuno{ oq} q}Uv\ peal plnol I uoqM looqcs 1e .i|lo}a|!U|}butleu;oAerures,(erur1eS.eleu}puesleeAlolOuueelunloAutpa^lo^ul pue slnoq 6uo1 6ur1:orvt so^lo^ul qolIy\ uooq o^eql 1ng 'uo Ou,o61o1 e sAennle sl aleql 'laaqs uexe lno{ uo sla/nsue 'rnof e1r'rry1 '(9) (V) ,lt{6!U, Jalnsue ol uolleuJolul qbnoua 1ou ,{es 1,useog, asooqo '(g) ,6uo.rp1, lo arv'/t^oloq lxol oql peou '8 s! aroql ll a(s) ,6uo.t1y1,'io (V) ,lqbtg, /'L sacuoluas aLll 1

lq6tu'v Ouolnn'g {es 1,usao6 '3 'uopuol ul solnoJ aq] lle pouleluo3 )ioo€ onl€ oql'9 6uorp1 'g lq6ru'v Aes 1,useo6 '3 '9; dorp l,uplp oH 't 1o ebe allt le looqos 1o 1no lq6lu 'V 6uor11 'g Aes 1,useo6 '3 'o6e steal uopuo-l ul uJoq sem uqof '€ 00 }q6lu 'V 6uor1n 'g {es 1,useo6 '3 'sianllp qec loj 1sa1 fuoslndruoc e sl a6pelnnouy eql 'Z 6uo.rPi 'g ]qolu 'V Aes 1,usao6 '3 'slea{ 0t lol ranllp qec e uaaq seil plaqdoqS uqof 'l (crqderooeg


,,'Jlo LUaLll butsolc

er,{eq1 '^ ou ulaLl} lo }sou osn

j,u"" no1,, pesneo oH ',sunr ]eJ, uaLll llec ol posn aM'slooJlslceq pue sIal1e e1pt1eq111e 'alnoJ ell] MolloJ pue ollq :noA uo ino ob plnonn noI ueql eram Joquoulal o] ]sopleq aql pue 'deru e le6 'umop ruaql e]tlM pue 'slaoJls rceq eql lle qil; 'elnoJ aql {pn1s plnonn noA pellec se^ leqM peq no{ plnoM no^ 'll ul sunl ]uola]+lp aq] lle peq Llclq/\^'Ioo8 anlg aql ']alleu ,"^o[ aq1le 6ur1'rom allqm suoouJa]Je eq1 ut a6pa;nnouy aq] prp l" sAep esoql ul

paqseg urldeq3 alpeq3

(luoc' 1,6 ;e1tns L! l,peq 'slool e1Asa1 spueq aluno^e] .:

a6nq senn

ll a(g) ,6uo.rry1,'io

s! aroql

lllblE 'V 6uolg'g Ies 1,useo6 '3 'Ourtaqle6 {stou stq11o enorddeslp slecol aql '9 lLl6tu'v 6uot1tr'g relndod ar-ueceq funquo1se13 '7 Aes 1,usao6 Aes



i,usao6 '3



}n: -:



uouo sl ]ua^e 3-: a!l} }o lsotu )c- *. 'luoulonotll Ac: * .,: l ln8 'ecuei:-3 MOq

oloLld aAloAUl :E-: s

aroqlll c(gl,5t

alqelat- - "-



1ecrs,{qd 0utP


olelopoul ol ssa_rJ_ _,

elelapolli aJc.J


fuan e:e sJolJoM aq] ]o


acuologlp e 3::: -

qceo s3]nulr -3 l,usaop {1nt]:e =

ro Iqlleeq Aels :-


6uorg g 'pred

ela:: l


aJe sJeuoM

000'00tla^o La-l ueql leleelO j?: s snouleJlsoul s - ?:r ,/(es l,usaoq, as


arroq aul}auo

Jo peoq:no{,,, - Aq ,,,'qslqqnl ]o lln] eq lllm 'qof stql puo aLli '(q ouiirrLt anbeld Aer6'e'se ,(l1n16urueeru pasned aq - "'ojll lno'{ ;o 'uos {ru 'uqop, 'au o} pres acuo arqqec "ql O,iiop !, no,t elrqrrn Iep e 6urq1 ouo ueal noI 1r pauels pue 9t le looqcs ]Jol l" plo uv']alleu leMou uapree ]ua^oc plo aq] ul IJoM

'uroq se^ oLl elaq^^ 'uopuol Jo qlnos oLll ul ueqlced o1 Aeri'r lno uo eopttg oollaieM ,e.u""i1 r1aq1 1e6 uec {aq1 aJo}eq ole} o} oAeq s]a^lrp qec uopuol reno ldenns aA se aaJq] ol dn 6ur>1ei sl Mou a6palnnouy aLll op ol ieql urexo eq1 6ur11ece, 'pie. eq ,,'sreeA lol o, s1 se6ueqc [ep urepouu eq] lle qUM eced ourdaal 'steeA 0t ]sed ol{lJol "-.ri."l 11"r. e 'ploqdallS uqof .l""rl.'.,uopuo-1 qbno.rql {ern s1q 6urpealql uaoq seq oLlM olqqec 'laalls uexe;noi{ uo sJal sue 'rno/( a1r'rp1 '(3) (V),lqblu' ro/nsue ol uolletuJo;u; qbnoua lou ,{es 1,usoog, osooqc '(g),6uolp1, Jo peog 'l' (V) ,lq6!U, Z-[ socuoluos stll orv'tv\oloq txa] aql

aq1 to1

iexe 1yg



"'{;nno1s ue}S

gastnol atedat4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

It was at Nottingham University that I began volunteering as a switchboard operator for the charity childLine. As the first personi child speaks io *rlun they,re calling for help, I had to persuade them to tell me their name, gaining their trust before introducing them to a counseilor. The skiils I deveroped acrossail my voruntary experiences, .r"n u. u persuasive terephone manner, have been usefur in ir,".10u t,m ooing now. The Home office, rike many other emproyers, has an emproyee vorunteering scheme. As 2005 is the year of the Vorunteer, a team of us from work recenfly herped out at a homelessness shelter. we served food and helped up, *r'i'" tn" volunteers who helped at the shelter kept us all laughing. Through "t""n s"rui"" Volunteers community (csv), our office has since spent a whole day -leaning-up, rebuirdini an-i painting an adventure prayground. Everyone had a great time. (

1. The writer has an active social life. A. B.


Wrong C. Doesn,t say 2. She has been a volunteer since she was a student. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn,t say 3. She taught French at a school in Germanv. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn,t say 4' The abilities she acquired during her vorunteer work herp her in ner career, A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn,t say 5. In 2005 she did volunteer work in a hometess shelter. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say 9. Read the text berow. Are the sentences 1-7 ,Right' (A) or ,wrong, (B)? rf there is not enough

information to answer'Right,(A) or,ivrongl fe;,-"r,oo"" ,Doesn,t say,

(C). Write your answers on your exam sheet.

r-or a successful staycation, do everything in advance that you would do for an away vacation-by that I mean, have your crotheJcrean and just

ready, as if you were packing to go away; tell extended family and friends that you will be "^iiy' ano y,erefore unavailable for problem-solving; and do any chores that need doing ahead ottir", like mowing the lawn.

Additionally, if money is tight, prepare some mears ahead of time, or buy frozen mears at the store, so you have the fixings for a great breakfast, lunch, ano dinner, without you or your spouse having to stress out over cooking. I speak from experrence that cooking and cleaning up while on "vacation" is not high on my list or preterreo activities. lf you like to grill or cook out, stock up on what you need to do that for a few days. No grocery

shopping except for emergency provisions, and don't forget to have some snacks around' A special treat or two can help make things feel speJiaL. Ano uru disposables if your family is large and cleanup would take considerable time. A staycation, and when

I'm traveling by car, are the two times I use disposable dishes and flatware without guilt! To make your staycation,a true getaway, do

things you don,t usuaily do with your normal leisure time that you enjoy. Never go io rus"rms, but rike them? Go and spend the money for admission fees cheerfully. Throw in a meal out at a funky place you never otherwise visit, to extend the preasures of the day. your rs idea of h"uu"n a day at the movies, or a night at the theater? pran ahead-buy tictr:' A. Right

99 (uroc'0o1qe;.

],usaoc .c 6uo:n1 .g ^es .roqurnu lLl6lu .v Cl ue pue e6peq e peeu rr"*oqr"1[1 11y.9 {es 1,usao6 '36uo.r44 .g rq6lu .v 'xoqlellel e oi peal ]eql suotlcaJ'p oi ..""r" seq auo{.ran3 .7

res 1,useo6


Ies 1,usao6 .3 zies 1,useo6 .3 (r-uoc'{1rce;crpe.mmnn)




]u6rx .v .e

leuos:ed sureluoo

"oqrnit"iv 6uo.r44 .g lrl6lu .V 'Sn oq] ur {Juo saxoqra}}ol pug ueJ no1.z 6uor44 .g ]q6lu .v

'sollrue} qltnn lelndod

'{lan st 6u'xoqti11a1


nor areqnn xoqra]ler aq1 ecerde; uaql no^ eq] ur r,eu, oi duels rno{ asn ueqi :,::,,,p_odss"o,. "1""f"":?[lTililil,:i1fi,":i:ffi 'dr;} :no{ ,nrx ur o} oq] ul puno, duels aq] osn nor{ 'xoqrag"i xoqJa}}al r./Br! prg nor ueq44 .nor e s;ueselde, druels.Jaqqnr :nou{ pue 'podssed ;o l0qu,rrs " 1o'aox1 e_se s}ce rooqo}ou:no1 .no{ qlm 6uo;e z{llec no{ ieqi duels raqqnJ pue rooqo}ou teus e eseqcrnd osre no{ 'laxoqle}lor B sv


suorr3orp esoqr arer! pue-runq ornsear]: ,n d:";?T,;fi;"r,lT"?'l xoq eql ol suorlcaJrp alul^ uoq] "q ,rM JoxoqJo]]or"y oq'duels r"qqn, e pue yooqelou aq *M oraq] xoq slLr] ul 'cla ',re-r1 rieurs e 6u111q e '1red e - uorlecor criqnd roop;no ue ur xoqrarlol lle sJoxoqjoilal :olonjts sr au


e se ui^oul s,leqM eplq

o^eq pue :_ :no{ aes c: i pue uollel_:: eql ie {ep a Janou no/ e eql puads : :no,;

leLU.rou ;11rn6


uaqM pue r ;r selqesods S>l3eUS ,{.teco.r6






'sa : . :

6ur>1ooc 1e*-

no{ lnoq:t ,,. sleet! uez:__'umey eq1



alqelte^eur 3-: o1




ue ,:.- :

,{es l,usaog ll e1 g sr oloql

lll/Vl aqo16 eq1 JaAo


ou '6u,'em ornseorl e pu' ol punoq runq 'e,,e no{ aroLJM roi}er! ou '}unqr ornsear}



e uo o6 o1 nu..i,.,u"oiilil"nox sen,o 6urxoq:epa1

ourqleLuos sr srep eseql dn grrrr"l are sorlrrue; rueLu {qqoq leq1 rq44 'pa,oq are spr) .rno{ eq.{eu ,9-i"roq a:,nor p;" ;;";;;e "



z{ep.rn1eg Azel e


o o, g ( s ) . 6 uo_rp1, j" iT,T#iTl:lT :';,,"ffiT,il:f 1, :,. 9. " ": ", sroqlJl ;31* a(g),6uo.rry1, ro (V).lqOfU,J-i'"""r"lros oql _o1"q lxal aql peau

illf .01::



xoru e,r1




(6to'qerra.;aa-, 3r, o o ., r",,".fi,?fi,.?"., n.








oLlM Siaei_^




l::,gr3,u,nox 6uo.r11


elnluenpe ,: - '(nSC)s.rae:_- :

"[, n

i{es 1,usao6 " ",, 6uor14 }q6lu .V 'I6:eue pue eurl qcnur oo] ."1"i ,o11""{e1s:no{ 6uruuel6 .y res 1,usao6 6uor44 rqolu .v .oLUtised _, {eprloq a}t;no^e1 s,Jo}tJM aql s1 Ou11oo3 .g u^ ol ro f"Tffiil:o?rou, .3

iies l,useog

e le lno

3,_ ,,,:


e se qSns s3:_ ueql 6urcnc:_-_

p1ffiy"t ; .v

]r.t6lu 'Ieprloq aLuoqle_zie1s e st uotleor{e1sy

'dlorj rol 6.l :: ; c.::




Prepare yourself for the


or'Wrong'(B)? lf there 11. Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-7'Right'(A) is not enough information to answer 'Right' (A) or 'wrong' (B), choose 'Doesn't say'(C). Write your answers on your exam sheet' for many urban All major American cities offer some form of public transportation, but it is ten just Whether enough' not dwellers, the limited transportation infrastructure is or furniture transporiing of block walks in the snow to the bus stop or the difficulty

where there groceries home from the store, there have traditionally been very few cities has many in transportation trend L no practical advantage to having a car. But a new and Zipcar, like services sharing citizens rejecting urtoriobil" owneiship in favor of car supplementing public transportation with bicycles' pay a $50 annual Founded in 2000, Zipcar now boasts 180,000 members who United States' For the across cities 50 than more membership fee for access to cars in parking spots around the designated $11 an hour, members can pick uptheircarsfrom since gas is included' insurance and need-gas city and keep them for as long as they as many fuel efficient vehicles included in the price, zipcar h-as a major incentive to use and other high gas mileage hybrids from comtng as possible, witn trre majority of rentals to either sell their cars choose customers their percent of vehicles. Zipcar says that 4b (www'ethicalshopping'com) or forgo purchasing a new car'

1. lt's difficult lc A. Right 2. You can ren: A. Right


3. lf You want tc


A. Right 4. Cats are a\'? A. Right 5. In TokYo. A. Right



13. Read the tt

is not enough say'(C)' Write

with a DIY lifes: attack from se '

2. Urban dwellers are happy with the transportation infrastructure. C' Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right

"WhY," many a

3. Many people are choosing car sharing services and bikes' C' Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right

less than 20 r answer to anl

4. lt's free to become a member of Zipcar' C. Doesn't say B. Wrong A. Right 5. Members can use the cars for a limited amount of time' C. Doesn't saY B. Wrong A. Right

suPPlY char'

consideraticnt movement ",'a: as fast as car:

or'Wrong',(B)? lf there 12. Read the text below. Are the sentences 1'7 'Right'(A) 'Doesn't is not enough information to answer'Right'(A) or'wrong'(B), choose say'(G). Write your answers on your exam sheet' easy - even more so if you Living in Tokyo, the world's largest metropolitan area, isn't pet ownership by tenants in the city's have a pet. Landlords are increasingly restricting find one that does allow pets' the you can if high-demand rental apartments. Even

holl ?n

The solution? Rent a cat at one case of Calico - one of 19 "staff' (about $8),you can get yo;rnx of feline fellowship from in the Calico has been a roaring' er' meowing kitties. Located in the Xifni;o1i district of western Tot1 o] uopplqro1 sr 1 ]rt6lu'v 6uor11'g 'ocllec le oles lo] elqelle^e ale slec '?

iq6lu Y 6uorg'g {es 1,useo6 '3 ob ol luem non jl 'g 'osue^pe ul uolie^losol e aleul o] elqesl^pe s,ll 'spuoloo/v\ ]e mlle3 o1 lq6tu'v buornil'g 'Z I loj lec e ]ual uec no^ Aes 1,useo6

Aes 1,usao6


'rnoq ue





'oI1o1 utiad e a^eLl ol ]ln3ljlrp s,ll 'L

(r'uoc.lodstoluanur).s}ec}ofueduocoq}u|pul^^Unolaceldes:enolledsant6 p] slec a^eq oJ peMolle f"rr"c e1r1 eceld e Ourneq ,,'os op ol lueln treql lt uerc [ewoq s'oclleO ue eldoed Iuew'oA4o1ul,, asneceq ]eql s'(es'lnInl ltunlelel'louMo

(ruoc'6utdcc srec lrotll ;as e6ea;tu see iua': ecutE solcrqe^ sr seb

oql punore s:

Jol 'salels p lenuue 09s

pue 'recolz e {ueru seq uc oraq] aJell,tr,

ro arnlrurnl uel sl l! Jeq:3 ueqrn Aueul LUSOOO, OS




wexa CVS


n1 YasLnoA arcdat4

Prepare yrturself far the tsAC exam

14. Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-7 ,Right'(A) or,wrong,(B)? lf there is not enough information to answer'Right'(A) oi ,wiong'(B), choose ,Doesn,t say'(C). Write your answers on your exam sheet It's not often that trash gets a massive amount of positive attention, but a relatively new re-use group, called Freecycle, has gained the admiration of people inside and ort"io" the waste industry' The Tucson, Ariz.-based group aims to keep it,ems out of landfills by offering a forum through which people can get rid of their unwanted items for free.

sometimes more than one per where members can post e-mails offering their unwanted items, and other

The group works through locally based e-mail lists metro area

- respond to offers. Members are free to memoers can choose which respondent they want to give their items to. Most re-use programs are limited to a certain geographical area, but Freecycle allows any metropolitan area to create its own affiliated group. Since its formation in May 2003, the network has grown to 2,383 groups in 50 states and several forelgn countries for

a total of 950,000 members. lts growth has been astounding, says Freecycle Founder

Deron Beal. "we have grown by 100,000 members in the past *e"t . we have had 2,300 percent growth in the past six months," he says. He expects to have millions of members within a few (


1' Thegroup's purpose is to herp peopre dispose of unnecessary things. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say

2' lt uses social networking sites to facilitate communication between its members. A.




C. Doesn't sav. 3. Freecycle operates only in the US. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say 4. Freecycle was created in the spring of 2003. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn't say 5. 500 tons of trash are taken to landfills every day.





C. Doesn,t say

15. Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5'Right'(A) or,wrong,(B)? lf there is not enough information to answer 'Right, (n) oi'wiong' (B), choose ,Doesn,t

say'(C). Write your answers on your exam sheet. Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, l gsg June 2s, z}}g)was an American musician, dancer, and entertainer. Referred to as the King of Pop, he is the most commercially successful and one of the most influential entertainers of all times. His unique contributions to music, dance, and fashion, along with a highly publicized personal life, made him a prominent figure in popurar curture for over four decaoes. Alongside his brothers, he made his debut in 1964 as lead singer and youngest member of rhe Jackson 5, and later began a successful solo careeiin lglL His.lgg2 album Thriller remains the best-seiting atbum of ail time, with off the watt(1g79), Bad (1ggt), Dangerous (1991), and History (1995) also among the world's best selling albums. Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk. one of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice, his other achievements feature multiple Guinness World Records-including the ',Mosi Successful Entertainer of Ail Time"-13 Grammy Awards, 26 American Music Awards 5S


more tnan an.v -member of the Jacl:

environment, 5. B ('When you pub'c )

that you care. sa

69 spJP^


lsoy\,, e 9Jr/V\l 0

('uodar aqi Ples ,'olec nol


leubrseqlpuasno['oJn]eu{1puau1[lleluaLuuotnualno{{eldsrpllcrlqndno^uaqg')g'9 (,,'lueuuortnua pue lnpannod eq1 6urpues 'lec anlsuadxe aq] roJ paulecuoc ele {eq1 1eq1 e6esseLu putqaq paqdel0oloqd 1y"^'6rraq elrdsep.'snud alour e profe oi "1q" uoeq a^el{ ,",o ,o!""*""1"i'l'- "rio"c




aq] se 'surnq l

'(zeo l )

unqle JOqUrA

e Jo laeqr* oql

;f";m::l ,?":1}",:1.:il i::i:"d] 3 .l


lnoq e pa ur oc uoo

6u'ne= ueqi slnoqq6tau aqi 6utssarduul.

"q1 n. uo" r'[?;il:,11il,: xl"# ;l

3::?;115, r;] "

€j .zg

Uedralunoc Sn slq oi (,,'s1ce1pe oql lono allleq oq] ulM ol euleqo lsereg g 'g lailale pue sal{cleul iselotd roo} osle lt") erclee uelvluaplsaro"u"'rtn.l"a 'iq'pauued (..'..,.1xe1uoc|eJn}eul|oqlUluot}etca.lddecrlqndpueqsleasollo}Suo|}ca||o3 ri3fihil;r^:?:;:"^ b"",.H33ii,xj,li;]5 .l nqccrd nqcev\



onorun {;1erc.iar


l,useo( oraql l


(,,'oczn3 1o firc aql ul aliuoc Mau e ul g '7 pue sctuelac 'sloo] auols - scrlel aq1") pasnoq aq llUn - sauoq leulue pue ueulnq "-i,,;d" ,i-,nir", e {peau lape}rc nqocrd nqcey\ snoule} aq} ulol} po^o..,ol s}se1rue ue peubrs seq {1ls:entu61 a1e1") g'1' 't.E ecul 000'9 ol'ilos nrod o] ulnlol oi t'"'"".rO'e 'sl surnnsruY $1


lqotu'v 6uorry1'g Ies i,useo6 '3 '9 'eolruas lellouau sltl paLlclem eldoed uollllq auo ]q6lu V '3 buornn'g

Aes 1,useo6 slLl Jo oulos '? 'loqoJ aLll pue llemuooul aql apnlcut senbtuqcel ocuep snorrte1 tt]6tU V 6uorg 'g [es l,usaoq '3 oLlI'g 'peg pal]rlua ulnqle /86t slq slsaurl lle ]o Lunqle 6ut11aslseq }q6lu 'V 6uo'rg'g {es 1,useo6 '3 apeLu aH 'Z

'y96; reeA aq] ur ]nqap sltl

{es 1,usao6 '3 Lrou u,rr.oulo oury


6uo:M'8 aL{}

srequ€ 00e'z rapuno e roJ s

'eooz sA olle



Jor..,llo p

rad eu

se o} porla1ol sr uosr3ef laeqoryyL

sel aclnras lelrouaul (erpedrlrnn) 'acuolpne e6:e1 e Outlcetpe ']se3peolq '(11eqo10 s/ s/t/-L ar-lt lo1 Our:edetd a1tq11 le p"tp uoslcef '6002 ul rno] Uacuoc l/ slH '0g ;o abe "qt epl^ pllom spro3aJ 'fuo1srq ul slslye 6ur11es isoq oql ]o euo uutq.Outleu paieulllsa pue '(9 uoslcef aq] Jo laqualu uorllrul ggL pue uolllrLu'09e uaemlaq s-oles {ue ueql arou u't sel6uts auo loqLunu /L '-lsrile p se rno1 aq1 ourpnlcl,isn

,{q sttUf oprslnc nneu Al

l,usao sJoql I


wexa CVg




P*ry9r" yourself for the BAC exam

Es. 1' A ('A growing number of drivers facing tugl prices are opting for electric cars or hybrid moders, wtrich switch from p"etror 1i-si19 fo erectric i"Jr,.,l 2' B ("But they make armost no noir" ""J io1"p"r."rs_by, particurarry r"ting it h;rj those with visual impairmenis, to notrce them.,,)



1. C (The :e , 2. A ("But

maktr; --\,- rc , gs::

3' B ("Safety experts and charities'called forsilent vehicles to emit noises, with some manufacturers suggesting motorists courd choose-from-a'range of sounds, from

super-cars to the podracers from Star Wars.,,) 4. C (the text doesn't give us any information,l

5.B(..Concernsaboutquietvehic|esare.unoerstandab|e,and@ ,r

trl+. 1. B ("The four weeks before Christmas are called Advent,,) o traditionary cerebrated in by righting J candre each sunday during to"3li "nur"rr",

' t t (.lr;:|;""I"?:f

on averase over f600 (around $1000) per person on ;":?end

4. C (the text doesn'i giue any information) 5' A ("so what do peofte ouy in prepaiutiol to,. christmas? welt, christmas decorations; christmas cards to send to yolr trienJs and.reratives; pr"r!it, for your roved ones and wrapping paper to wrap tfrem up wltn. And of course foodl,,)


1. A ("People need to

2' B ("Physicar inactivity is as dangeiou;; our hearth as smokingr,,)

: :i!,!tl#:iffil"i""i:ilT:5,f.,iilinutes

everv day to stay

a' A ("Physicar activity doesn't have io be very.hard to improve your hearth. This goal can be reached by buirding physicar activrties rnto voJ,. i"ivrroutine.,,) 5. C (the text doesn't gtve us any information)



3. B

car' :

\)ulti i ^^--^.

4. A ("The s,


5. A ("As 2i. ^+ ^ |;-.dL o

Eg. 1.A("For a

ffi rext doesn,t


5. C (The text doesn't give l:"0-"^:,t::::r:: "'. us i"i"r-rJiJ"lt


took off in the ,1e80s


for pro: ? R /"1 cnc:




ro. ("A i^c: lette :: : 2. B ("Wi:l- : 1. A



3.B(ln:'s 4. A ('The : haw


lette':: 5. C (The :e



1, C (The .=

2. B

( b-:'


1' A ("a cabbie who has been threading his way through London's streets for the past 30 years,,) 2' A ("the exam that London cao

orivers rrave to take before they can get their license,,) to have to = to be required -__+ it shows obligation :,orprlsory = obligatory, required us anv inrormation about how otd John

^^ i. E llli"i,"llff;'j;t,?yi

to leave school = to drop out of schoor 5. A ("ihe Btue Book, which had af f tf,L iiiferent runs in run = route (contextual meaninq)



2. A ("tell er.:


@il p.brr"i*"Hli.r,"",




at worthy Farm in pirton, somerset, is Britain,s 3Hi1,"Jfl13,.:,?x1l,xl,,!ero

give us any information.) ; : ),ii,"^ -I i l.A,i,ii::fil:,"1*:l""lf:,H:[{:f the workers are vorunteers ..:Ip1.iiffili, I; :if "i];;rl peop,e ^ [fr:xT,?,T, ffi,il::,'":,::i;l n,r'tI?:,y:, 1'. :' tg JJi to il',?n*? take off 5 {:Ti,::X'J to leave ?l' = 1. t" grounffi




high c " 4. C (The t: 5. A ("To na

be active to be healthy.,,)

"ipnv'r*r ""ii;',u

+' la

sheperd is)


.t,, ^ -u!,c =

3.A(B-:=" in ra . : \A/';

4, B (







*IEU - 3 5.B( -:anc'.3i

t9 firc eql punoJe

(,,"' peau {aq1 se 6uo1 se loJ LUaq} daay pue slods 6urlred peleu6rsap uor] srec reql dn lcrd uec sraqruau. ,,) g lol pe6:eqc Iauou Jo tt-tns e _ ee;


act^Jos e



@Sloquau000.08!s}Seoqmou:ecdt7.000ZU|papuno1,,)g.7 (,,'salc^crq qltM Jo^pj ul

uorlepodsuerl crlqnd 6urlueue;ddns pue 'rccdt7 alrl sacr^Jes 6uueqs drqs:eumo alrqouolne burlcalar suozr]rc

{ueu seq uorleyodsue:}

Jec Jo

ur puaJ} Mou p }ng,,)


(,,esue .e


]ue]lqellut = JolloMp ('LlDnouo

10u lsnlst alnlcnjlseilur uorlepodsuell paltutl or.l]'sJello^ p ueq:n ruer-u roJ ]nq ..) a.z (uorleu:o;ur Iue sn anr6 l,useop 1xe1 eq1) 3 .;

'rr E


{ue sn enr6l,usaop Ual eul) O .g

.3086 L




eql 6urpur;

1eq1 {ervr

pue - lunq oJnseoJ] e altl sq llt^^ xoq e qcns ur xoq aq} oi suor}3oJrp e}rrm uaq} llr^ Jexoqre}}ol oLlr,,)



(,,'due1s JoqqnJ e pue looqelou lleuls e eq lltM oraq] xoq slql ul,,) g .e


]unq ornseal] e putl ol


1eq1 ,iqqoL{




6urqceel'IueLueg 1,,)



leo6 sr ,(ptc nt

souo pa :suotle.]c

UO UOSJC 6ur.rnp ,i


g .t lrloJ] 'spu or.uos qllA

Ille;ncrpei JO





punoq or,no{ 'J6T6-Ip-U6pp-itrsaxoq }o spuesnoq} q};M,,) (,,'6urxoqtepa;

se ul our Ourqleuos sr sAep eseql dn 6ur1e1 ale sorlrule; rueLu


(,,'Iofue noI leql aut] oJnstal lerrrJou rno{ qlrm op r1;ensn nor s6urq1 op 'renne1e6 onr} e uor}eorels rno{ eleLu o1,,) y 'g 1,uop ('uorleutolul {ue sn ent6l,usaop 1xa1 eq1) 3 .y (,,'sotlt^tlce pelte;etd q6rq ILU uo 1sr1 io .e uo elrqm dn 6uruee;c pue 6ul100c lou st ,,uotie3e^,, ocuatJadxe uo.r; lell] leads 1,,) g lo] (,,out^los-luolqoJd

alqelreABUn eJoJaJoLl] pue e,, oq noI spuouJ pue Ilrr-ue; popuelxo llal,,) V .Z ,,^en lllM 1eq1 (,,"'{eme oO o1 Ourlced a:enn no{ 1r se lsnf 'rpea.r pue ueolc saq}olc lnor eneq 'ueeu ; }eq1 {q-uorlecen {enne ue roj op p;nom nor ]eql ocue^pe ur 6urq}fua^e op 'uorlec{e1s ;nlsse33ns e Jol,,)v.l


(,,'ra1laqs ssousseloulor.l e ]e ,Jaalunlon 1no padlaq {11uacel IloM ulol1 sn }o ujeo} e oq} }o Jea1 oq} sl g00Z sV,,)V .g (.'ntou 6urop Lu,; qol oq] ut ot! pa]Uauaq a^eq ,lauuelu auol1oola] o^tsenslod e se qcns 'sacuauedxe {:e1un;on ruu ;1e ssojce pedolanep I slll}s eLll,,)v .t

poJaalunlo^ | uoqM leer de6 rLu o1 qonolql acuauedxo strl] petjtec ut e looLl3s le 'lueserd oq] ut sonutluoc lltls pue lsed aLll ut palels qctql^ uotloe ue ]noqe )lel

ol luel oM uoq^ pasn st alduts ]ooJjod luosold }eq1 1e6to1 l,uoc .]uotlalels -r, ocroqc aldrllnu.r aq1 ur a;durls lcofod ]uasoJd Jo osn oql ol uotlua]]e ,{e6 p. (,,"' looqcs 1e 6uueelunlon uebaq isllJ | .llroJ arutl 6u11eu 1o {em e s{enn1e s,araq} pue sree,t io; 6ur:eelunlo^ ur panlo^ur uaoq aleq | }ng,,) v .z ('uorleurolur Iue sn enrb g,usaop lxei aq1) 3 .1 wexa CVg



llastnol atedaL4

Prepetre yourself for the BAC exam

E rz. 1.A(paragraph 1) 2' B ("For just 800 yel an hour (about $B), you can get your fix of feline fetiowship from - in the case of Calico - one of 19 "staff" kitties.;') 3' A ("Calico has been a roaring, er, meowing success to the point where reservations

are recommended on weekends and holidays.") 4. C (The text doesn't give us any information.) 5. C (The text doesn't give us any information.)

rg. 1 A ("There are plenty of benefits to buying your food locally or growing it yourself:

supporting small farmers and businesses in your community...,,) 2. C (The text doesn't give us any information.)

environmentalists have long questioned whether these considerations

. should take priority over carbon emissions.',) 4' B (from paragraph 2 we can deduce that the locavore movement is concerned about the state of the environment.) 5' B ("According to stephen



Dubner, author



1. Read the text you think fits be




3'A(" "but


of the bestseiler


preliminary research into the matter has failed to show a correlation between a local diet and a low-carbon diet.',)


1' A ("The Tucson, Ariz.-based group aims to keep items out of landfills by offering a forum through which peopre can get rid of their unwanted items for iree.,') landfill = a place where rubbish is buried 2' B ("The group works through locally based e-mail lists sometrmes more than one


Just in the pas: attracted tens :' based on cele:-: more than 1CC ', Knights; unde' -


Cassidy. Whr e Files, "FFN is :-: at age '11 . Sai s nothing else i,-,, -

FFN has son'e female, accorc -: and calls the s ::

box marked "l'- , stories direct,y, ::

screening prc:= members io re:: can post any:: But there's rea

per metro area members can post e-mails offering their unwanted items, - where and other members can respond to offers.,,) 3' B ("Most re-use programs are limited to a certain geographicat area, but Freecycle allows any metropolitan area to create its own affitiateO group.,,; 4. A ("Since its formation in May 2003...,,) 5. C (The iext doesn't give us any information)

school adn'r =. Everything Y: Highway (Ccr:: young peop e :: Vampire Slai e' says, "but n'a.':' Marsh is mo': :


and doesn':

1' B ("Referred to as the King of Pop, he is the most commercially successful and one of the most influential entertainers of all times.") 2' A("Alongside his brothers, he made his debut in 1964 as lead

srnger and youngest member of rhe Jackson 5, and rater began a successful soro career in 1g71.'j 3' B ("His 1982 album Thrilter remains the best-selling album of alrtime...',) 4' A ("Jackson popularized a number of physically complicated dance techniques, such as the robot and the moonwalk.,') 5. (the text doesn t give us any information)

to share its s:,=

how hard these out of his w'eer

: p-: B. has sc:

1. www.fanflc:

A. has n U.

h^^ IIdJ

D. has



J.K. Rowlir-g s J saysshe's i3 3



2. FFN is A. a clofres B. a site ic" C. a huge s D. a wecs:i

E9 'sra^ol uot]3tj ueJ lo, a]tsqaM e


'arluac Ourddoqs a6nq e '3 'sia]rJM uorlcg leurbrJo Jo] e]ts e 'g

'anbrlnoq saqlolc e 'V s!


'sla^ou ]o spuesnoq] pouotssuJtros seq .c 'slasn abeueai jo lol e Iq palrsrn ueaq seLl .C 'slooq ]o spuPsnoqi plos seq 'g .V 'sauols uot]ot; ue] Jo spuesnoql paqsrlqnd seq ]eu'uorlcuue]'MMM 'L (tuoc'our]'MMM) ,Iool stq ]no ']! LIUoM s,lt 'ocuatpne ue puU soquos 6ur.rrdse sdlaq 1l 1 sles t-l lnq lo sJnotl gZ solel o]ts aq1 6uruunp 't1 s{es ,,'1r lcadsol I pue ,IlcM sJo}tJl^ osoq} pleLl Moq ou) 1,, 'poryeu {;lea;c st lpuo}eu clqder6 eq1 se 6uo1 se - }ncun pue eJ ,Jn}s s}t ateLls o} ^aerl firunr.uujoc outluo ue jo uotst^ s,t-l o] Jalunoc oq plnoM dlqstosuac^ lnE 't ! s,eqs s{es orq aurluo asoq^ 1116 e {q pa}}tulqns adeug snre^os pue {ot1ey1 ocel6 s,Ourlnnoy .y.p 6urn;onur solel palel-I L-ON oq] se qcns - let:aleul oJnleul o] ssacce ]culsel ],usaop pup postruodnsun st ]as gL-lapun aLl] q]lM.lelndod os o]ts e ]eLll pauiosuos oJoLU st rlsJe/\ ,,'Uels o] paeu {eq1{em eq1 sr srql eq{eLu 1nq,, 's{es ,,'sJalceJeqo umo JtaLll qitM dn 6ulu.roc erem Ieqi Jt ra]]eq oq plnoM 11,, .taIelg eldue4 eq1 {gng lnoqe 6ur1l:nn },uolaM i{eq1 seqsrnn i{;uo eqs :o}um pue peal o} eldoed 6uno{ Our6elnocue ro1 elts aq1 spneldde qsle/\ '(uorlepunol Ourureel .ralndLuo3) {ennqOrg uorleurolul aql ]noqv (spty >tsV o] pre4v a.rary1 1ng) Mouy ol paoN no1 6urq1fuen3 6urpn;cur ']eN aLll o1 seprn6 ,s1ue:ed leianas ,o loqlne pue lolellstutulpe looqos -da:d e 'qsJe1711 e1:eyy sles 'uo noA teaqc sleed :no{ 6urneq o} anle^ leal s,oloq} }ng 'ur lloJ ol s^ or^al aq] Jol lte^ pue l3eq lts uaql '6urqy{ue lsod uec euo{uy'(sreleuelqnoJ} Mo} e polooq seq eq) Jor^eqeq aleudo:ddeul podar o} sraqurour uo sotlal ll pue 'poleu-tolne ale solnlea] ]soLu :pJeoq letjoitpa ou 'ssacotd ourueelcs ou s,oJaqf '/t-CN o] C r.uoJ; 6ur1er pue fuo6elec e 6uruOrsse'a]ts o1,{l1celrp sauo}s peoldn slo]uM '(sta,rnsue ]; Durlunocce ou s,a:aq1) ,,t l. ]seal le u,;,, po)Jeru xoq eql lcrlc no{ 1l {1uo peplu:ed }nq oer} sl uorlellsrDeU ,,'^qqoq e I;1cu1s,, o}ts aql sllec pue se;e6uy so1 ur sa^tl oqM latuuleJoo:d relndLuoo e'VZ 'll 6ulX o1 6urp.rocce ,oleuaj ore %08 ]noqe pue 'Jopun pue g L ere utotll Jo pllr.l] v 'slaqulalu 000'g L L eulos serl Nll

.lt ,,'Icr;od lBr:o]rpo uado ue qcns seq lo Llcnu os 6urnrqcte st aslo ripoqoSl oltl osla 6urqlou s,oleqf,, :sJoluM uorlcg JoJ alts e '6to'14'tatan jo ioleoJc 'sllng slrq3 sAeg . L L ebe le uoncg ueJ 6ur1um papels oLlM 'gZ 'eoqs,O ere1s,{es ,,';1eu.r Ourddoqs luer6 aql st Nll,, ,soltl -X aql Jo lapo6 futeg oi polo^ap sanbrlnoq ole sa]ts uotlctJ-uej raqlo lsoul elrqnn .riprsse3 pr^ec o] at^ og pt^ec uolj euofuane punole 1;rnq 6ur1r.rnn s,aloLl] 'ctsnu Japun :slrlotuy rpep 6uno1 ol luerl auuV ruol1 6urOue: 'fuobaiec looq oq] ut ,,sluopuel,, 00 1 ueq] aroLU slsrl e]rs eqj 'scruloc uona 'nI 'oJnleloltl LUoJj slo]oeJeqc :elndod Jo sotluqolac uo peseq

sar:ols - uorlc4 uej altJ^ pue peal ol oltl oqm s:abeuaal Jo spuesnol1l jo suo] poloeJlle seq '866 1 Alel ut poqcunel qctq^ lau'uorJsuue|'/t^/1^/1 'os to st..lluoLu 91, lsed oql ut ]snl 'loaqs tuexe .rno^ uo sJa/vlsup lnoA a1.r1q 'lxol aql o1 6urp.rocce lsaq s1r1 1urq1 noA qclq/n (O .ro C 'g 'y) lervrsue alll asoorlo '0 !- L suoglsenb lol .^ olaq lxal aql pesg .l

(Ze-LA lenru) 7 dll atcerqns

uexa CVg

aq1 rc1



q3ns (.



e lJl\Jr










lnoqe suotle.


suotJe/L tuo.r;


trlastnol uedaJd

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

3. According to its creator, a third of FFN's memoers.

A. are only young women. B. pay a monthly subscription. C. have to submit a story. D. are young people under and of age. 4. Xing Li

A. earns a lot of money from the site. B. is a computer programmer in Taiwan. C. started the website as a oastime. D. is one of the richest people in the USA. 5. To become a member of the website A. one has to register. B. one has to be under 18. C. one has to pay a fee. D. one has to fill in a form.

2. Read

you thin

Kids takt wisdom tech gac year olc in the otl

There a' become games i juggling

array ot

availabr can havt

might ne member

Unfortu r 6. Writers

A. send their stories to an editorial board.


real life.

B. type their stories themselves.


C. proofread their stories. D. post their stories to the site.


7. Merle Marsh A. disapproves of the site's editorial policy. B. peer reviews are really valuable. C. gives advice to teenagers'parents. D. acknowledges the need for such a site. 8. The website

A. encourages young people to write about Buffy. B. promotes great works of literature. C. stimulates young people to read and write. D. support young writers. 9. Censorship



Some e;

kids ma

commuI based ci as thos€ ln order instead

2?" is



But is tr questio' efficient snow yc

A. is against Li's principles.


B. is necessary in an online community. C. ensures only suitable materials are published. D. applies only to graphic material.




abbrevi: messag

10. Running the site A. is a profitable business. B. is time consuming for Li. C. is an automated orocess.

D. is reallv hard work.



dt tJrd




iffe re




or appii

99 (woc'Iepolesn.ntntn) 'qof e lo1 6urI;dde lo - {essa ue 6ur1um ueqnn alqeldooce ,e6en6ue1 }ou sr s:ead q1r,rn ourpeqc ro; ,te>1o s,}eqM lerrJojur raLllo pue 6uels e111 'eler.rdordd^e l,usr pue si uaqnn uooi^]oq 1' alerlusro]Jrp o] alqeun oJe spll leql lce] oql lnq '1|es1r oburl oql ]ou sr uelqord eq1 Ies spedxe aLuog ur ourqlauos eso;

e:eedsareqs saoc .rro* lo_or.ros,.o,r,


aq1 ourees e.r,Aeql ,tes sraqcea] ouros ,oui1leas j"uo,1u"nroo 1nq pue

suorler^a,qqe oql uoaMlaq {;lsea dr;s o1 olqe oJe suoal }eq} papnlouoc oAeq sJor.loJeasal arros burmo:6 eq1

se alerolrrrr sprr


e,otu 'Joqlo 'posn 'urlcasar sJolsocue rno leql Mou'urxeu "tJiffi1il1?J:tffli:,fi,1::,J s6ur11eds osn l,uop a^ leql no{ nnoqs "r", "q1 ;lrnn qsr16u3 - apro;o a6ed e 1e ecue;6 e'ileiauv.6urql poo6 e e:e s6ur;;eds luarcrge oJor! pue pue'Ourn;one JoMau s{ern; :uoriseno a6en6ueJ leqi'en6_re.110i reql uo popl^rp are sJatlro pue sluered 'srolecnpf "ro5 a"16re1,11' sprl 6ur1er-u srql sr ]ng 'sauoLld lloc uo osol-i] alll pleoqutel lleus e 6ursn uaqnn uoUOo o^rl3eJue {llerceCsa ue sou,ocoq srl{l ,,eoo} '6uro6 nor oJy,, ueql edrl 0} rarsea pue JaiseJ qcnuJ sr ,,az 6urob 6 g,, :oldruexo JoJ 'sacuarues pe;1eds ,i;rado.rd lce.lroc r1;ecrleruule.r6 1o pealsur puequoqs crleuoqd ,r11crnb 10 adrl e osn uouo spr>1 arou se6ess", ,,"qt aoxl Li.Lp.,o ,1 'souoqd llao et^ 0u;6essau S/\S se llal se ,ooqe^ pue paraJJo lOV,NSy\ osoq] se qcns socr^ras 6ur6esseyl 'sruer60:d (1eq3,{eleg luersur ^q r",i"lur)cu110'"rnli"q" paseq -qaM sapnrsur srr-.r1 'leqc aur]-reel sr s;e6eueol Ll]rM.relndod xren sJeql uo,1"",rnr*o, 10 edft auo 'eJdurexa JoJ 'slco,ro * uapprq ol sa^rasuaql .ursodxa eq {eur sprl 'mou1 [aq1 aldoad q]rm suor]ecrunuluoc snonoouur ,, ,"n" ]eql JeaJ syedxa aulog 'sdeJ] "q1 Jtaql olur slels6uno{ 6urlcadsnsun o,nr o] uorprrrlc Joqlo se oursod selrqdoped plnor ,teq1 ro - ."ru"nuri pooo aq aq um eurruo roau sprr :no{ e;doed oql 'rrol^roor.r3s Jraqr ouilalduroc ,o1 se ilaM se sdno:6 aletr ro {qde.r60u.rod o} uroq} pe"1 ,o,rr 'o,f"t]lro1r, oqr 1i'^"q"M req} pue rear u! Jol^eLioq ]usror^ or uoJpril-lc ozrrrsuosop ,(eu seue6 oep,n 1ua10,n 1eq1 {.r:onn slue;ed {ue4 'seuo anrlrsod aq} or uot}lppe ur 's}'.ija InJuJJeq aJe aJeqr ,{1e1eunpo1u1-1 rer}ua}od '{lrsee o,o.', q3nru 'acue}srp e }e o^rr oq^ asoq} pue q}oq ,spuor} pue recor sJoqtueu q}rnn qsno} ur Aels osre uec {eq1 'sumolauoL.r uMo Jreq} ur pasodxa aq .,enau '{11Lue1 1q0ru reql qcrqnn o1 aldoed;o dnor6 qcnu e ]oo.! pue aJrr rercos qcu e o^eq ue. ".r"n,["ro, spll puv 'solJeJqll lsaq lno Jo otros ul uoAo 'saclruos aql lnoqll^ dn nna:6 oqM sn Jo oso.ll ol alqelte^e lauJolul letcJoultuoo ;o {r;rqelrene e'pa1mou1 l,use^ ;o {el:e ]se^ e o] ulotll esodxa uec qaM aq1 Ourpng 'aouo le suer6o:d lelnduloc 'eq1 lero^as 6ur166nf ruoJj silrrs 6ur1se1-r1;nui ureal ,{eq1 'uotleurpJooc ere-pueq ooro^ap o1 sdleq seue6 oeprn 6ur{e;4 'dee1s ssar sr erunc ourulear oql os ,usql o} arn}eu puo''s sauos.q socr^op eq1 6urs1-1 'A;lea sacrnep qcar ol sp' .urcnporlur o] srljauoq 10 ,{1ua1d aJe areql

lclls^of e pue pueq ouo ut p.reoq{e1 e q}lt dn ,rno:6 ,tepo1 sprl Jo s}ol ,, _,r'3r't"## o^ro^ r e ur ilm o] sr .,,erqoJd aql an10s ol {gm lsedeeqc pue lsalcrnb eq1 ,1a6pe6 qcei qorq reqlo Jo JaprocoJ oaprn 'relndruoc :no{ {q pexourunll ,""q an,no{ Jr reqr uropsr^ reuorrue^uoc s,]r 'slroJ:ep10 ,{ueur 6uou.ry .,{euoq oJ saru

'roaqs uexa


uo sJa/vlsue




^"u'o1'"rr"irpry 'lxol or,' o1"foulp.rocce lsaq sil, 1urq1 no{

rl3!q/n (o .ro 3 ,g ,y) larvrsue oql osooq a ,or-

| suollsenb ,o3 .^o1"q lxsl oql ppou .z

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

1. Children

A. start using technology at an early age. B. can fix any technology related problem.

9. Researcf, r A fopnen B. teenag C. teenag D. teenag

C. are prone to accidents. D. have an appeal for technology.

2. lt is thought that A. kids learn faster than adults.

10. Children

A.donia B. chat :: C. don i .',

B. early introduction to technology is beneficial for kids. C. kids are be exposed to high levels of radiation. D. playing computer games has become second nature to kids. 3. Access to technology

A. makes children lazy and anti-social. B, enables children to communicate more easilv. C. atrophies children's social skills. D. is harmful to young children.

4. Parents are concerned that A. children spend too much time in front of the computer. B. children will become 'immune'to violence. C. children will display a violent behavior. D. children will act violentlv in real life. 5. Teenagers

A. are keen on writing emails. B. communicate with parents through text messages. C. prefer instant communication. D. have no communication skills. 6. To write messages faster children A. take up shorthand writing classes.

B. devise secret codes. C. use shortened words. D. don't punctuate their sentences. 7. Educators and oarents A. are worried about the children's spelling mistakes. B. believe technology makes children illiterate. C. don't have an unanimous opinion on the issue. D. team up to teach children to read betrer. 8. Nowadays, we A. employ the same spelling as our predecessors. B. are more literate than our predecessors. C. use different spellings than our predecessors. d. have to fight against illiteracy.

T\ ^.^

3. Read the tr you think lits TL^.,


doomed tc



L^. .^^^ i^ -- |tuuStr5 ili. =

a new gere-3



it has becc-, qnond



mid-19th ce-: to about '1 - l

A hundrec NOUSES



Now the.e:'. i^,,^ +h^ ^ Lr s udyJ, -,=

daughters ", 1^^^il,, lVUOlly h, U! ', l^^^^ T^- . rJdPdil. I U ,i:

white rnare--

l-)ocnifc --= : i^ [^. t..-- ^ afD tdl house s-:l iltdLJ TL^.,




shakur=:'' ^t^^.^^lU..tdl)U =ihori . < - --: n ^^^----

, rvvvr


t u

But as




^( Jdpc Ul krmon cs



^^+^-+^i^^.Et tLUtLdilig:


: -

L9 'souol..tllI

uolloc ]rl610^ lq6rl 'eleYni ut passaJp uauj pue uoujo^ tlllM pslllJ oJe sel]lc s,ueder lo slealls or-.ll 's6utuo^e louuns uO 'su.lolsno leuotltpell ut osouedef 6uno{ 6uoue }sala}ul po^l^ar e qll/vl polcouuoc sr sroqulnu o\Ew ul esu atll '6utltnlca: aulluo se lloM se ]ng 'lq6rupru 1r1un Lud g trloJl seryed puolle {aq1 ',;a1sts,, eqsteb loplo ue {q petuedLuoccy 'srauMo eql qllm butllonnlau'ploq ete setped aq] oJot1m sasnoqea] aq1 ltsln Aeql suoouloye alll ul 'sotped o1 lqbnorq sourlouros oJe oq^ slsen6 uOteto;.to; pattnbat os;e sl uollesJonuoc qsr16u3 crseg 'ouotutl eql pue dn-e1eLu lo Ue aLll pue 'alnI tqceqnrteqs ooqueq aql pue uostweqs pe6ut.tls ottl Jo 6ur{e1d aq1 'Out6urs 'acuep- eqsteb aLll Jo sluaulqsr;dr-uocce leuotltppll eq1 6uuelseu 6utu.totu eq1 puads pue {1:ee eslt i{aq1 'sruoor uA o Jraql ur spaq e1{1s-utalsa/v\ o} posn s:e6euaal uJopotu o1 dtqspleq e - sleu.l lurele] pue sossollleu uolnj uo butdeels pue'o4pw Molla] q]ln sulool buueqs 'asnoll

'g! Io o6e eql }e po}lnlsau 'snolouJel6 uotl tel st eqsteO to 'e{t>1o otl} ut oltl }Snu eltstnbxe pue dn-a1eul o]lqM Jlaql lo olnlle aq1 altdseq eqsreb aautell e Jo olll aql 'ououltl^otl} 'eylIlrepreq butqscsop'aule4 parueu p1o-ree,{-g; ue Iq 0olqean e pue dn-a1eui o}lqM 'uedef JroLll ur oilew 6unoI lo sqde:6o1oqd sepnpul asnoH eqslaC lqcl oti] ]o allsqom aql uoll laulolur eq1 q6notq] ll ]noqe :eeq s1.tt6 slepenno1 'tllnou jo plo/\A Iq I11eco1 rono lle

po]lnJceJ €.loM olrcw 'Jolel '#o fu:eu to yoddns :e6uo; ou plnoc {eq1 uoqm srelqbnep poor1rlo1rl e ernsua o] solllLugJ lood lo; sueoul e oJoM sasnoq eqstefi eq1 's{ep


plo aq] u1 '{eme sluectldde Outulnl aJe sosnoqea} pue bututell ut o4tew 0B ole alaqi MoN 'sJoruoomou ]rn:coJ o1 ldLuape ue ul sa]tsqam paqstlqelsa sasnoLl eqsreb oql ]o lelanes 'uot1e:edsap ul 'l1ol saclluordde 99 Iluo alann a:eq1 oOe slee{ oMI'oileut 002 butpnlou! '009 o] paseolcop peq raqlunu oq] ':e1e1 slee{ palpunq V 'loalelp lecol aql ut uMoul ale eqstab pagrlenb I1;n1 se 'o4rc6 pue o4tew 000't ]noqe o] ouror.l sel sasnoqeal aptsJo^tJ s,oloAy ]o ,,plJom Molllm pue Jo/v\olJ,, aq1 'fun1uac q]6 L-plLU aql ul 'uorlesJa^uoc {pun pue acuep 'clsnu }o sle eq1 DurIpnls s:ee{ ant,t }seal }e pueds oqM 'ellste$ actlua:dde )o'oilew aqJ ]tnlcal ol ]lncullp olotupue oloLu oL.tlosoq seq ]l {11uecar pue 'JeM pUoM puocos aq} aloJoq aculs oullcep ul uooq a^eq sloqulnu eqslaC 'secrluardde Jo uorlereuoO nneu e ]tnJcol ol eutluo 6uto6.rege alou ecuo Outqsunog aie olo^) leltdec lualcue eql ul sosnoq eLlstoC 'loulalut eq1 qbnolql setltunyoddo qof nnau puno, oneq 'uedel jo sraulelraluo oleuo; leuor]rpeJ] eql ',,eqsta6,, otll ]ng 'pllom ulopotll aql ul uollcullxa o] pauloop ^Aou ]uoureullai pue Acecrlep ]o ela ue Jo sctlal 'satcads poJe6uepuo ue eq o] peLuaes {eq1 'laoqs urexa rno^ uo srs/nsue rno^ olUM'lxol aLll o1 bulplocce lsaq s1l;>1u;q1 noA qo!q,\ (O ro C 'g 'y) ter'asue alll asooqc '0 t-, suollsanb lol '/noloq lxal oql peag '€

'uocrxol Our6essau oq] uleal alqeun ale 'C 'eroutAue slessa poo6 e1t:nn ],uop 'C 'sraad Jrot-{} q}tM qcnul ool }eqc '8

'lxaluoc ctlstn6utl

eq1 o1 abenOuel Jloql

'uocrxal but6essatu aq] osn ol


ldepe l,uop 'V uarplrt-lc'01

MouI l,uop sleOeueel '6

'aleadseleqg 6urpee.r alqnotl aneq slebeuael 'C '6ur;lads leuorluo^uoo pue pueLll.loqs uao^Alaq qcilMs uec sla6eueal 'g ',(l1ceroc a]uM ol alqeun ale sra6euaal 'y ieql uMorls seq qcleosou '6 wexa CVB


n7 gastnoA atedet4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

Japanese food and native drinks such as sak6 and shochu spirit are competing once again with foreign food, beer and whisky. "lt's coolto be Japanese again, and this is part oithe trend. A lot of girls these days don't want to work for boring companies. lf you're a maiko, people pay a lot of money to see you and talk to you; you get to meet movie stars, and wherever you go people are taking your picture. lt's a pretty good life," said

peter Macintosh, a Canadian who organizes geisha evenings for foreign visitors to Kyoto.

(adaPted from The Iimes) 1. The geisha

A. are relics of a distant Past. B. are revered bY the JaPanese. C. are beautifulfemale dancers. D" are part of the Japanese traditional culture' 2. Geisha houses in KYoto A. hire geisha through the internet. B. have all gone bankrupt because of the financial crisis' C. employ geisha through employment agencies' D. have been shut down by the government' 3. Maiko A. are fully-qualified geisha. B. study the arts of dance and painting. C. train before becoming geisha. D. are easY to recruit.

4. In the 20th century A. the number of geisha went down. B. there were onlY 200 geisha left. C. many geisha retrained as maiko. D. the geisha set up their own blogs. 5. Geisha houses A. paid no taxes to the local authorities. B. found wealthy husbands for young women from poor families. C. supported poor women and childrer'. D. offered a good alternative for young women from needy families. 6. The apprentice geisha are recruited A. by word of mouth. B. through internet websites.

C. only by recommendation' D. after a thorough examination' 7. The life of a maiko A. is full of glamour.

B. is not as easy as it seems. C. is very rewarding. D. is a life of luxurv.


8. Trainee gelsna A. sleeP until midca" B. don't attend Pan e C. take uP sPeclai

D. don't learn anY

': ':r

9. The increase in the

A. a Period of econc B. a comeback to 'a C. a fad among Jai: D. efficient goverri-'

10. According to PeieA. being JaPanese


B. girls want tc "' c " C. maiko don t tz' ' : D. organizing ge s-

4. Read the text belorv

you think fits best acc PeoPle who mistrea: ' sentences under rve'a RSPCA insPectors "' using force, to resc'e




The legislation wi

caterPillars and b': =The Penalties douc : :" the f5,000 maxir-- ' week bY Ben Bracs: a a Parliamentary c3-AnYone owning a :::

it and could




'' Unborn animals RSPCA insPecto:s "' or hovercraft carr) ': long journeYs Bu: '-:

magistrate's wai'ra': discretion to insrs: :' dog-walkers or Pe:- : licensing scheme 'a' Animal welfare ca:-: ' the Protection of A': ban the docking or

Whitehallsources -: these issues

late' -'

-: total ban on docK would be exempie:

69 'ueq e Ourcnpo.rlur aro;aq paldurexe aq plnon 6op 6ur4rom ]o spaarq Llor1m uo truaureer0e qceal ol sluem pue 6utlcop uo ueq lelol B ur o^orloq lou saop l eqsperE.ry1 'ree{ sttl} poleanaJsowtl aq_L sV'ia}el sonsst osoq} qlrm leap o1uor1e1srbel fuepuoces ue;d sralstutlu ]eql'ranal oq ']s!sul saclnos lleqoltllM 'qrel ,soop Jo Durlsop aql ueq ol silej pue sleuJrue sncjrc ol acuetoleJ ou sureluoc '116, lcv sleu/luvJo uorlcaloJd eql selepdn r.{clr.{ 'lllq Uerp aL1} 1eq1 pere6ue aq lllm lenennoq 's:au6tedueo ale}lan^ leultuv 'crlercneoJnq ool se ]no palnr uaoq sell olrtoqos 6utsuectl leuJo] e 1ng 'Ieme oJe sJou^ o uoqM sleutue Jo] alec oql 'sJallts 1ad lo ste>11em-6op se Llcns 'sleurue Ieuou.t a)eu oqM eldoad ;o uotletlstbal uo lstsut ol uoqolcstp uantb eq sarlrJor.llne lecol acrlod eq1 {q peruedr"uooce aq o} Jo }ueJel s,a1el1sl6eu llr/\^ e poeu srolcedsur alaqM 'souroq elenud ol ritdde lou lltm lqbu eq11ng 'sfeutnof 6uo; ;;rnn uJacuoc rage papnlour uaoq seq stqf 'sleutue 6ut{:lec Uelslanotl io uo lnoqe lcolso^rl rolua o1 lqbt.t eq1 uteb osle lltm s:olcedsulVSdSU aueld 'fu.re1 'furo1 Iue e lnoqu/v\ lueJe^ 'uorpelo.rd aues aq] antacal llt^ sleulue uJoqun 'ror.lloue raye 6urlool uroJJ pouueq 6ureq pue {ene uale} ll 6utneq aceJ plnoc pue }l spJe^ ol ,,oreo ]o finp,, fuo1nlels e aAeL{ lltM leutue ct}oxo Jo tuel '1ad e 6utumo auor{uy 'luouletlled ]o sosnoH qloq alolaq oO uaql pue oaglullloc fueluauet;:ed e



Aq pesrurln.rcs oq llrn ll 'orejlom lerutue;o a6leqc ul Jalslulul oql '^ eqspeJ6 uog {q laenn lxou poqsrlqnd eq o1 lllg Uelp e ut lno los aq llr^ aull pleq oql 'ouU r'rtnurxeu 000'93 oql osealcut {11e4ue1sqns pue ocua}uos q}uotu-xts ulnullxeul }ua.t.tnc oql alqnop satlleuad aql 'ssoJlsrp pue ured ragns pue sle;1td:a1ec aouopt^o crylluolcs ,{eq1 1eq1 seno.rd

Jl salUJaUnq

'sr.llJol 's6nls 'slcosur se qcns saJnlealc o1 uotlcalold leJJo osle


uollelstOal oLlI

'uJeq Jo lsil le .lo Outtegns oq ol panolloq sleulue oncsal o1 'eclo1 6utsn {q uena '}ueJJE^ e }noL1}tm sastua:d Ja}ua o} slervrod uentO aq ;;tnn slolcadsu! VOdSU 'loa/v\ lxau pasunouue aq ol s/v\el aleJlaM lapun sosualuos uosud 6uo1-teert pue 000'023 o1 dn jo sauU ooeJ llll sleullue leallslLtt oqnn a1doe6 'laaqs urexa rno{ uo sJa/nsue lnof e11.t1111 'lxol aq} o1 bulprocce lssq s1;1 1ulq1 no{ qo!q,\ (O ro C 'g 'y) .rernsue aql asootlc '0 L- ;, suollsanb lol 'tnolaq lxal aql peou 't 'e;qe1go:d sr s6utuane eqsre6 6utztue6lo


'sra6uerls ol llel l,uop olteu '3 'serueduoc uorqse1 JoJ llo^ ol ]ue^ spt6 'g

'aJotu oguo uorqseJ ut st esauedep 6ulaq 'y qsolutcey1 lalod ol bulp.toccy '91,

'{o1od leuo[eonpo lueututenob ]uatot1Ja 'C

'srebeueel esauedef Ououle


e 'C

'srrolsnc esauedep o] lceqouloc e '8 'fiuedsold ctLuouoca;o potted e 'y o] onp sr Joqtunu olleul all] ul asEaJcul aql'6 'sa6enbuel ubte:o1 {ue utea; l,uop 'Cl 'sasrnoc letceds dn a1e1 '3 'satped puolle ],uop '8 'r{epprur




eqste6 aautelf '8 wexa CVg

eq1 totr



ol slollstn

urorl pald

uOre:o; ro1

ples ,,'a1ll poo6 ,{pa-rc ornotu lootu ol ]e6 no{ e:,no{;; 'salueduoc 6

ped sr pue 'ure6e ecuo 6urledLuoc ale :,

geunol etedat4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

He said at the time: "r am rooking for a way to get the barance right. that we allow human circurncision and we should not be

rt seems odd to me

ou"idrr"onian in terms of

animal werfare raw. I want sensibre, but usefur ano meaningiut, The RSPCA said last night ihat it would continue '"etorm.,, to campaign for a ban on tail docking except when a vet orders it for therapeutic reasons. The chirity is arso unhappy about circus animals and hopes that this will be looked at again. The society said that it would be absolutely delighted if a duty of care were set out in law. "lt would be the single most important piece oiwelfare regislation affecting captive and domestic animals since 1 911," a spokeswoman said. other measures in the bill include a Dan on anyone under '16 0wning a pet and on gordfish or other animars being given as prtzes at fairgrounds or in competitions. The crackdown foilows years or pressure from the RSPCA and organisations such as the Kennel Club. 1. Peopie who treat animals badlv

A. will not be prosecuted. B. can be fined or jailed. C, might be sentenced to 5 years of prison. D. are exempted from doing communltv service.

2. RSPCA inspectors A. will be given badges and guns. B. will be trained by police eiperts. C. will be prohibited from using force. D. will be able to search buildings without permission. 3. A draft bitl

A. will pass through both houses of parliament. B. will be examined by a panel of international experts. C. will be proofread by Ben Bradshaw. D. will be published in two week,s time. 4. The owner ofa pet A. could be prohi,bited from looking after other people,s pets. B. is not obliged to take care of it. C. could lose the right of property over it. D. wiil sign a contract with RSpiA. 5. RSPCA inspectors A. will have the right to check any vehicles. B. are concerned about livestock on long journeys. C. can enter private homes without a warrant. D. will be accompanied by vets.

(The Times)

c: ccri3A. will be B. have cort' : -

7. Animal welfa'=

C. will be dissa: D. will update :8. Mr. Bradshar,t' A. disapproves R


rnnnrtq i':

C. is a represe^




D. will updaie 9. The bill

A. allows pe.: i B. encouragc:' : fv.

fnrhiclq rvr vrvv


D, urges Pec:


10. RSPCA anc 3:A. have crt:tse : B. have lobb :: C. have shc"' D. have prcP:s

5. Read the text be you think fits besi The term "ge'e: : of agriculture .-: researcn s^c :-: ", risks for the e^ ' -:

organisms". Tr s :' there is no e', l:-:

This Satut:a., =-. Centre (J rC - '. :

shcc: --.., at JIC ore :1- :"photo


The ti';ai i:'. : ':s '. genes frcr- ,', : s:,

Phytoprr":'. '':s Tho hlinl'' noodq

6. Local authorities A. will issue formal licenses for dog-walkers. ! can ask dog-walkers to register-themselves. C. will take care of animals *lil" o*n"rs are away. D. will discretely supervise pet_sitters.



'.i. ---

\A/a hee .--t-

:':-' q ':: -^ -

--^+L^.,^^ ULI lUl l))UJ)^^ ='

to take tn norrof !v

pa' '








via exchange cl e-

'slleuo Jo aoueLlcxa el^ ol

,slestuebJo oq] o] llel louuec aM le!I] palellsruJ uaaq o^eq lnq lsolojd lnlacead ldocxo 1q6u.rreq1estuOocel"nn.p"utt,"p^aL|l.,t16ut1utoddeslc.a}eqop:adoldeutpedolelo}

'lelJaleu {rcrlqnd llot1l ul asrel {eql sanssl laq}o uraLll poltnut aM '3lf ruo4 poddns qllM peLl aM ." 11"^ se 'sleuOLoulec oll] tlllm slql ssncslp ol Ilrunl'roddo ue aleaJo oi padoq 'y!C lnoq]tm pecnpo.rd uaaq aneq ]ou plnoc - srelselold ot"ll Iq pelcalel sl pue - spoau 6ureq Alarte^ luelslsol ]qollq aLlI dorc eql eprcrlsed Jo lunoue oql soonpol leql 'poletli 'apr/v\plloM sessol lenuuB ul uqg'g3 sasnec qc!q/v\ 'suelsalu etoqlt'1do$t14alelu leql selcads pllm tiloJ; saue6 'ueboqle 1q6r1q e1e1 oql Jo socel yn ol luelslsal uaql uo qcleasal so^lo^ul leui at{I olelost o] alqe uaoq aneLl oM 'saolelod plrm Luoli sauaO ',,luaulllooxo


auo }e orvrl '{1uo Jo',,]ootls snolebuep,, e sl 'yn aLlt ul slell] qcJeosol y\e buto6uo o1oqd,, y1g 1r"1.,."1-]q6llq lo iell qcreasol lno leql r'u1e1c '(aql 1o1d e uo seolelod auo - llo!oN ul (3lf) aJiuac e Jol - solnlrlsur q"r""r", dorc bulpeal s,Arlunoc eL,|] Jo y\C-llue 'Aeplnleg slql souul uqof oql oplslno seolelod peogJo o1 ueld ueu6tedueo 'fuelluoc oql ol o3uaplno ou sl oleq] Jea|ssaleutnq,o}es%00|,olespoq}otxylgenord}ousaoposlno3}oSlql...sLus|Ueolo

oq] loJ s)slr pue slueld 1"uo,1u"nuo"-u"ttl fie;es paa+ pue poo] lo] lo luauluollAue ou" sl aloq] ]eq] /nol{s LlcleasaJ reqOtq qllrn slueld y19 burletcosse acuoplna clllluolcs


il14ue6,, ullel eqr in"oq" sieal'peerdsopt/v\ salo^o.rd ,,uoqectlporu lolluoc olelodloc s1;11u1q1 noA .lsaqs urexa lno{".ll uo sta/v\suE.rnof a1;.rp1'lxal aq} o16u1p.tocce lsoq suollsanb loJ 'tnolaq lxol oql pPaU '9 U"tU^ (O ro C 'g 'y) lernsuP oql osootls '0!'t

'lllq aL{} ol se6ueqc pesodotd a^eq C 'c 'sleulue sncllc ]o luaulleoJ] otl] tlllM iuaullualuoc u^ otis a^ell 'lllq aq] jo uorlcnpollul aLll loj palqqol a^eq '8 'lllq uerp eql pasr]llc a^eq 'v suotleztue6lo JaLllo pue VCdSU

"0 L


'1ed e ldope ol9f lapun eldoad sebtn 'red e ssassod o1 91. repun aldoad sptqlol '3 '1ad e aneq ol gf lapun eldoad sa6elnocua 'g 'ted e Anq o] 9L lopun aldoed sMolle V



'lllq aqi elePdn ll!/vuO UerP antleiuaseldel e sl 'C

'slopaolq 6op


'Ileleldruoc sllel 6op 1o Ourlcop aq1 Outuueq si:oddns 6 y '[1e1elduuoc s1re1 6op 1o 6ur>1cop aql 6uluueq 1o sarrolddeslp Meqspe.l8 'ry\ '8



trroll oJnssotd 1o r se uanr6 6ureq s eapnlsut lltq aL{l ur s3. pue enrldec 6ultcaJe 'l^el ut ]no las 3.l3rr1

lnoqe {ddequn os e 6urlcop ltej uo ueq

'lllq UerP eq1 eiePdn ll!/v\'0 'lllq uerp aq] qllM pausrlessrp oq ll!/v|c 'lllq uerp oql ol painquluoc o^eq I

'lllq ]Jelp aql qllM luoluos aq lllM 'v selueduuoc aleJlom leulluV'/

't |


,o sulal ,, u",ro"" eu o] ppo sulaes I "

wexa 3yg eqy to1 gesLnol etedat4

P_frylu yourset{ for the BAC exam

Meanwhile' the benefits^".|9M technology are becoming clearer to all. lnsect resistant u,iJiJ*ur"o mycotoxin revers rn the maize we eat. Genetic "ppri"ation", GM cotton and maize has reduced insectLioe


in microolai[""""r"n has produced "ngi;;;;;;g new Jic'; purpre t"',i"""."ntain erevated revers or iffiillfl,lilt';i;

Food insecuritv and-?]imate change highlight the chailenges sustainabry feeding a growing worrd popuratjon. Further;"r;;;; using GM ,"tioJ.ofopens ror raising and stabirisins yierds, new possibirities impiours ,"-r;i;n; ;;;;:,, and diseases ano withstanding abiotic stressei .u"f, ,, lrougnt anO colO. But in Europe' whirelalpayers'money,r:llrit,:g to deverop usefur raxpayers are not benefitting from theiideptoyment. tn contrasi-Canada, GM crop traits, and south America are blaiing China, the US ahead *iirr crrrr ano rnola'is noir",. behind. The ratest figures from the International service r"i t13 Acquisition of Agri-Biotech report 15 miilion farm.ers pranting cnr crops on around 150 m-hectares Apptications promising GM traits exist, in 20.10. Many often o'iscoverei oy academics, ori'L" commerciar risks are l,"i"3iiit;t1fffi:'Ji:fl:n ano tne rew"Ls too row rori;; i";;;""n privare sector to

The argument has


be made that the benefits

of the technorogy far outweigh hypothetical hazards. we need any to tnint ,lnJrt,tn" *st of nof adopting GM as we, as the risks, and we must not spurn ti gr"uioiiJrtunities created by emoracing it. " 1. The term "genetic modification,,



A. were lnr' :31 B. have acc3:: C. refuse :c :: D. are disa:3:


6. GM techno c;, A. reduces :-:

B. enhances :' C. has ob''' : -:


T'\ u. nr^mniql yrvrrrvL!-

7. Food insec'-:. A. are ca-rn: B. are twc a "' /v.

vyvL ^^an





D. make l: :

8. EuroPean .a' :; A. disagre: .'" B. blame 3'.' a .l^ n^- -:.: D. do nc:

A. scares people off. B. causes confusion. C. is an umbrella term. D. has multiple meanings.

9. Europea^




A. are 'e -,"=" R me;=

2. Research shows that A. GM plants pose greater risks than conventional plants. B. GM plants are not as tasty u, plants. C. GM plants are not more dangerous "onuln,,onal than conventional plants D' GM prants harm the enuiron,ienl-more *ran conventional


3. Anti-GM campaigners argue that A. GM methods are 100% safe.

B. GM research trials are dangerous. C. GM research should Oe Ouin"O.D. GM methods are not scientific.

4. The blight resistant potatoes being trialed A. are not suitable for human ;;;.;;;;"". B. could have been produced without GM. C. diminishes the use of pesticides. D. are approved of Oy anii_Ctvt



5. Anti-GM


C. are.'= ,-




10. The \,','::' f\.\"c: --n .. ^ ---

^ 6. Read the tex:

you think




.-.:Wha: ",:s mos','"a: -a". " .


lenpll e ']q6noql | 'se/\^ ]eql orrt o}palnccoeap|ue.z96L.Joquo^oNu|.,i11eur3'fu1unocoq}Josc|}|lodaqlutenss|-uoue

eqt lnd o] qculs ,,lq6tlauttl,, lecl]llod aLll olu! ]uauuo:lnuo

lol ar-u 6urlqnol1 uaaq peq 1t 's:ee{ lela^os [e6 qye3 JoJ eapl eq1 'A11en1cy 'Pa)se {l1uenbel1 lsotu

rldruqs se/v\ luoruuo.,,nre rno jo olels aql leq] 'Z96L ul 0utpels s:ee,t uanes 1o'poued e lano pa^lo^a

ue I suotlsono aql are asaql euels ll

plp MoH

iAeq qpe3 ;o esod:nd aql sem ]eqM

Aq Ae6 qye3 ]o ropunol 'uoslaN prol[eg :oleueg lnoqv oule3 Ae6 qPe3 islrl alll MoH

.loaqs utexe lno/[ uo sJo^ suB.rnof a11.rp1 ']xol otll o1 6ulp.rocce lsaq s1l}1urq1 no^ aql peau '9 (o ro g'g'y) lernsue alll asoot13'0!'l suollsanb rol'tnolaq lxal


'sluouoq s,y\c loouo^o ]ou plnoLls eM


'Y\C acelquo lou PlnoL{s e/v|C

'y\9 ueq lou plnoLls oM'g 'Y191doPe lou Plnoqs aM'V


sa^ollaq laluM aql'01.

' y\C ul Aauout ]o ]ol e lsanul 'C 'tl!C PulL{aq ac:o; 6utnt:P aq} ale 'C ' y\C Jo 1no 1rlord PooD eleu 'g ' tAC ullsonul ol ]uelcnlor aJe 'V

setueduoc ueodoJnS'6 'O

'{6o1ouqce1 nC }o luaudolanep aq} lo} [ed ol ]uem lou op 'C '{6olouqcel y\C lo s}Uauag aql;o a6-e1ue^pe ale} lou op 'poo] jo sact:d Oulslt aLll loJ A6olouqcal y\C eluelq '8 'y [6o1ouqca1 y\C ]o luaudolanap aq] q]l/v\ aal6estp s.iaAedxe] ueedotn3 'g

'uorlelndod plio/\^ aLll paaj o] llncl;J!p ]r



(1n'oc'uerpten '1r



aql se ;;am se 913

,{ue q6re4no


rc; i


'3 'uotlelndod pUoM aq] 6urpeal loj salllllqlssod nnau uado 'sualqo:d buttulele oA l oJe '8

'A6oloutlce] Posnec ele'V 1l\C ^q fitrncasul pool abueuc aleulllc pue


o] Joloas alenr:d


aJe slstJ letc.Jeutrg {uefV '0t02 ut sa_e

suorlecrgddy qoa:c .purqas




's1re:1 do.ic WC in;a

'fitntlcnPold socuellua' g


pue saseostp pue seryJrqrssod Mou


e 6urpaa; I;qeure:s-r Jo sla^ol pele^ala


Meu pacnpo:d seq

sleu6tedueo ll\C-lluv'9 aLll


sn oq]'eulqc

'6ur1ea {q11eeq so}oulolo 'C

'sabeluenPe snol^qo seq 'C 'aseoslp jo

aq] sacnpal 'v A6olouqcal Y\e '9

'O 'santletllul s,Clf oql {q pelutoddeslp ole 'acel-ol-ocel slaztueb:o aql ol llel o] osnJol 'C 'aleqap e ol uoqeulur eq1 paldecce oneLl 'g 'luauuedxa ue ut aledtclled ol pa]lnul aJa^ 'V

wexo CVg

sla^el utxoloc,iu.r pe"a luelstsoJ lcosul .lle ol

Jgunoi atedet4

Prepare yourself for the EAC exam

once and for all. The idea was to persuade President Kennedy to give visibility to this issue by going on a nationai conservation tour. I flew to Washrngton to discuss the proposal with Attorney General Robert Kennedy, who liked the idea. So did the president. The President bregan his five-day, eleven-state conservation tour in September 1g63. For rnany reasons the tour did not succeed in putting the issue onto the national political agenda. l-lowever, it was the germ of the idea that ultimately flowered into Earl-r Day. I continued to speak on environmental issues to a variety of audiences In some twentyfive states' All across the country, evidence of environmental degradation was appearing everywhere, and everyone noticed except the political establishment. The environmenta-l issue simply was not to be found on the nation's political agenda. The people were concerned, but the politicians were not.

After President Kennedy's tour, I still hcped for some idea that would thrust the environment into the political mainstream. Six years would pass before the idea that

became Earth Day occurred to me while on a conservation speaking tour out West in the summer of 1969. At the time, anti-Vietnam War dernonstrations, called "teach-ins," had spread to college campuses all across the nation. Suddenly, the idea occurred to me -

why not organize environment?


huge grassroots protest over what was happening



At a conference in Seattle in September 1969, lannounced that in the spring of 1g70 there would be a nationwide grassroots demonstration on behalf of the environment and

invited everyone to participate. The wire services carried the story from coast to coast. The response was electric. it took off like gangbusters. Telegrams, letters, and telephone inquiries poured in from all across the country. The American people finally had a forum to express its concern about what was happening to the land, rivers, lakes, and air - and they did so with spectacular exuberance. For the next four months, two members of my Senate staff, Linda Billings and John Heritage, managed Earth Day affairs out of my Senate office.

A. was a s:B. conce'-=: C. was a:s=-


3. Presideni

C. faileo :: ' D. decllr::


4. The idea


c.hith-.', -_ n lJ.

^^'-_ vd



E inre--: Jrlrvrl j n h^ lrv -- :.- --n. u, v y-(r. >lg-:: -

6. His A B


had neither the time nor resources to organize 20 million demonstrators and the thousands of schools and local communities that participated. That was the remarkable thing about Earth Day. lt organized itself.



A ^^/-^f\.>Po'Q ^aa r':-

environmental events It was obvious that we were headed for a spectacular success on Earth Day. lt was also obvious that grassroots activities had ballooned beyond the capacity of my U.S. Senate office staff to keep up with the telephone calis, paper work, inquiries, etc. ln rnid-Janrnry, three months before Earth Day, John Gardner, Founder of common cause, provided iemporary space for a Washington, D.C. headquarters. I staffed the office with colleqe students and selected Denis Hayes as coordinator of activities. Earth Day worked because of the spontaneous response at the grassroots level. We

B. was an instant success. C. got a mixed reception from politicians. D. spurred a lot of discussion.


A. refusa: .: B. broug': e

Five months before Earth Day, on Sunday, November 30, 1969, The New york rimes carried a lengthy article by Gladwin Hill reporting on the astonishing proliferation of

1. The idea for Earth Day A. crystallized in time.


2. The state



wexa 3Yg aLll )ol

'ssaccns sll o] palnqllluoc ouo^la^e 'o 'sleuolsselotd Aq paztue6to sera '3 .slueotctpeda}eu|plooso}au|}qOnouepeq^aL|}.8

{aq1 Y $ uollllul 0Z Palsa^ul Peq '01 asneoaq PaIroM {eC qUeS 'ule^ ul aloM suo]Ja slq 'c 'sluo^a oLll qllm dn deal plnoM gels slq 'C 'g 'suorleledatd ut penlonur 1e6 plno-m aldoad

'ssascns snopuaulal] e aq plno^

{e6 qi:e3 'y

oJns seM oH '6

aLll-u!lsoJ€]ul e1gr1 s'eldoed pepodat 'sluono leluouluorl^ua peeidsapl/v\ aql palleulal 'sluo^o 1o uotleoedold



leluauuoJl^ua polonoc € 'Aem lapun sluono eq1 '{lantsuelxa 'Y 'olcrye Uoqs e Paqsrlqnd saulll IloA A oN olll '8 '{euoru Jo l3el}o osnesoq peAelep alam 'C '6961 loqlua^oN u! uebaq '3 'ilets slll Aq PalPueq alem '8 'sllluoul xls lool 'v suotleredeld oLlI'L c lqnd


{:iJ;j";il LiH,t


'6utq1ou o] auJe3 '8

'V 'ssalo aql PalnclPlr se^ e jo eepl slH '9 ^q uollelJsuouap sloo'rsset0 oplmuolleu 'C

'le^A ueuloln aq1 lsute6e suolieJlsuoulep laL'lUnJ $o lleos '3 'se6enn nnol isute6e 1sa1o'rd e e0e1s g Jnonel ul uol}el}suoulop e eztueblo


alqeveuja] 3_: eq] pue sic:e, aM 'lo^el slc._ a6e11oc qit,.,,


paprno:d a: -2 '&enuep-prL- aleuas'S l- i-

osle sem

il ie:

jo uotieleJric-


saulll lJoA ,"'3



1o 1no s, z=



pue - Jte pue s3

lrtnJolepeu; auoqdelel pu: ']seoc o] ]se3:


puB ]ueuJUO, ._€

0/61 Jo 6ur,Cs

{ al1} Jo

ploq 'v 'iuauluoJIAua aqilo eiels ot'll JaAo uollerlsuor'lrap e o] popualul aH '9 'tno1 6utleads e uo 'rteplloq uo sem eLl

'696t jo lolulM aq] ul

LUlq o1








o] pollnc3o '8


']ueuuoll^ua oll] Joj ftr;rqrsuodseJ poullcop 'C '3 'rnoi slLl uo sanssl leJUAruuoJlAUa sselppe ol pollel 'g sanssl leiuouluorr^ua lq6notq lqoirar-urtiecRttod aql ur 'v 'sanssl leluauluoll^ua ssnsslp o] pasnJal {PeuueY }uaplsard


'y 'spuoll1 slq q]lM uolssncslp e ulolt 1no Ouelds Ae6 qYe3 aulecoq ielll eopr eql

Jno o] 6urua:: - or.lj ol peq ,,'sul-q3e3:. eql ut lsaM trc _ leqi Bept aq: 3_: aLl] ]snJL{} p;-:,r erem eldoed e__ lelu€utuo.lrAU€

Our:eedde sef,,

'Putuu s,euofuano uo sem 'C

-Itruenn1 aLuos

e -


'{e6 qpeS c:_ lestltlod leuorle_

'epuebe lecltllod oql uol] luosqe sem 'C 'suetctltlod Paulaouos'8 'enssl a^l]lsuas e seM 'v 'Z luauuoll^Uo ell] Jo alels aql lgsno{

'9961 requetda

'luoptseld aut oQ] SSnOslp



! ;

slql ol ftrlrqrsr,r a


Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

7' Read the text berow. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B,



c or D) which


ln il'JrflT"t:'-: a few weeks, the heir to one of the worh,s greatest _ in a b";i prasiir1r11snf alec 'O :d""1. s,lq6ru PooO e '3 'g 'salJoLUaLU AsJolulol ol leolq e slu"rl#li

'Apedord uorrcun, ol



'IloM Jno ulol] sn suo^lp 'o





Llleolq dea




o] alqe rau

;:ffi!:iTj"Jr,":""fi'tii '9 smoqs lqcleasau " 6utulealPAeP

lol pue ]sar olil..lM pue' luara#rp a e Iq paLrur

'C 'ueds uotluaile lno t'lslulullp '3 'uleJq lno lcajle


'i{.toueul lno uedleqs 'g 'Y enrlru6oo lno enoldtut etpaul lell6l6'9

ul 'uorlcunl {ru:1sr1uao ocero e ur



'Mol sem fcuatctge lJo^A slLl '3 'apll otll lsurebe Ouro6 senn aq

6ur>lrorvr fur peq uorleu

'ssouj e seM e]ll slt'l '8 '0ut1eleqrl sem llom slL1.'V

llaj oH

'6ut>1ot'us dn anr6 o1

'[lluel sltllo]

aLutl PUU


ouor e rol


'6urq1ou 1s oJor.Il JaAo



[ue uo eie.


'oulll uo lo^ou lsalel slq la^llop ol'g e uo snco] ol 'v


rsel 'e ulrq 'ro; i(sea lou seM ]l

'saclnop 1e1r0tp uo butAlat [lrneaq t9^'C '{6otouqce} Peicelar'3 'eqoqdouqcal Pooul^uoc e sem'g :AeP


e s:noq 1q6



lills pasea-tr

'I;leuorsec pue 6urqc:r

zt ou>uortllsiil"X,

'ePtsfulunoc aLli u! 'C '3 'osnor-l slt'l Jeou lred eq1 ut '8 'lelnduuoc aq] lo luol] ul 'aclllo aLl] le 'v


lalllM xloM slq lo trsoul saop


UteXe lnOr{

( g 'g



.srasn elpaur lelbrp aruarlxa.Molla]-tlll/v\ paxttu pue leclpau all] Luo4 uotldacer 'sol]lunultuoc cll[uoles protls e e1u1s Alurepec faql [1eqs e pue esrqledura ol fttltqeut lo j"uG'*iio e po^lacor s4erual "tu"t eqs 'ole suleJq pa}ern}es e {q plsualceletlc 'ples ^It:? ,tuslleuorlesu"" ,u"oa uoou"p" yoq. 'Aep e sloo^^l uolllrLu 09 pu,1r''funiuec+sfz oql ldr"rri"Elrr,,'1su _erpour_rerco,


ci| a,lw]


lles:r,ol arcdas4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

8. The writer

A. continued working on his book. B. went on holiday to tOiza. C. realized he should have taken time out. D. shut down hrs comouter. 9. Susan Greenfield believes A. networking sites develop creativitv. B. networking sites generate wealth.' C. networking sites induce immature behaviour. D. networking sites should be banneo. 10. The medical and scientific communities

A. have reacted.differenfly to Mrs. Greenfield,s findings.

B. have reached the same conclusions as Mrs. Greenfield. C. agree with Mrs. Greenfield,s views D. deny Mr. Greenfield's merits. 11' Read the text below. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, you think fits

c or D) which best according to the text. write yor, on yo* exam sheet. Few who believe in the potential of "n"*"r" the web deny the value of books. But they argue that it is unrearistic to expect ail chirdren to read "To Kiil a Mockingbird,, or ,,pride ano Prejudice" for fun' And those who prefer staring at a television or mashing buttons on a game consore, they say, can stiil benefit from reading on ir," ,nt"rnet. In fact, some

literacy experts say that online reading skiils will help children far better when they begin looking for digital-age jobs.

Some web evangelists say children should be evaluated for their proficiency on the tnternet just as they are tested on their print reading .orpr"hunsion. starting next year. some countries participate



said in a


nf tha finoc' 1. Online A



t...' - --

B. be =.=. :.

u.5d, n !^U. UE


2. Some


A ^A.U=:

- ^ --

B. oi -=


C a- '=': u. \) 3. Ch A B


4. On

clearry, reading in print and on the Internet are different. on paper, text has a predetermined beginning, middre and end, where readers focus for a sustained p"rioJ on one author's vision. on the Internet, read,ers state tnrougn Jio"rrpu." at wi1 and, irl effect, compose their own beginnings,'middles and ends. Young people "aren't as troubled as some of us older folks are by reading that doesn,t go in a rine," said Rand J. spiro, a professor of educationar psychorogy at who is studying reading practices on the Iniernet. "That's a good inilg o""urse the worrd in a line, and the worrd isn't organized inio separate compartments or :ffi[:.q:




lf ic norh:- r -nnitaho{^ --


they say, distracts more than strengthens readers. And many youths spend most of their time on the lnternet playing gur".-or. sending instant messages, activities that involve minimal reading at best. The question of how to varue different kinds of rgalino is compricated because peopre read for many reasons' There is the level required of daily life to follow the instructions in a manual or to analyze a mortgage contract. Then there is -a more sophisticated level


^-+^+^i^truf ttEI Ldr

will in new international assessments of digital literacy, but the United States, for now, will not.

some traditionalists warn that digital reading is the intellectual equivalent of empty calories. often, thev argue, writers on the Iniernet ;;;;;;;yptic argot that vexes teachers and parents ' Zigzagging through a cornucopia of words, pictures, video and sounds,

< -a:


3 t)

6. ',':-- -

: =

l /.::: rl

= :

( Lu

oc' se


.fuelnqecon.SJopeaJsoqcuuo6utpeelIe}l6lp.C '3 'srapeal s:annodule Oulpeat lellblp


'aujl] lo olse/v\ e s! 6utpear lellolp 'V 'anlen leo: ou seq 6urpeet lell6!p enbre slslleuolilpell auloS'Z 1eq1

[q peqrnlstp ?1: O 'laulalul oq] uo OutPeer Aolua 3

'suol1drura1ul ssalpua


1e1r6rp qyr'a

olqnoll a^eLl 'g

'ecedsreqAc ut 6utPeer



'6 'Iloruaru ,slapeal senordur '3 'se6uelleqc len]sallolul slcel 'uollelluacuoc,slopeal sacuequa'8 'plroM lear aq] uro4




lo^al paies suorlsnJlsu agdoed esn

leq] sarir^rji ]soLu puods pue ospr^ soxa^ ]eql ,{ldLue




lP le{-l

ur 'pue llr^r poued paur

e seq ]xa} eq11nq ',{c



ro sluaurlr puoM aq] sr





'uaJpllt'lc lo] lelcuauaq sl 'C 'OutPeer 1ut:d se aules aq] ]ou sl '8 'slooq Outpeal ueql buturepolua aloul sl 'V '0utPea:1utrd o1 Jelluls sl

'Dutpeal luud lreql ssasse ol slsa] lls oq C '3 'slsal Acelalll oulluo ale] oq '8 ']aulalul eql6ursn uo4 pauueq oq 'V ']aualul oLll f ns o1 pa6elnocua aq plnoqs uolplrqc'e 'O

aulluo oJ a^[eua]le ue st butpeel 'Ourpeet leuJou 'C 'lqbrsaAe,spt>1 sabeuep Outpeet oulluo '€ 'fuelnqecon,spt1 sdolanap Outpeal oulluo 'V saredeld Outpeel oulluo 'plrom palnt lalnduoc e ul laalec e Joj spll oulos'Z ]eql ulels syadxa {cetalt1

*Tffiffi lfi

'lea{ lxau eq1 uo ,{cui ur6eq {aq1

or.Ilos ']ce] e UO SUOUnI

pue apud_ 1eq1


'losqs urex qctqnn (g.rc


i:lfil J"iti!!r! !^ 't ru il":? iJi: x"i s.raYoddns 6utPeet oulluo :

rY{ u'n'r,rnrrn)

e ur ples ,,'slooqlearbr-uo-tiAppeellsoLupue'sl{ooqruollAluleupertnbcestOutuleel'teout;aq1;o lB ssorppe lueuracuoururo3 uo l"""tl; itr"r qcnol aLll punoj oq ol lou le ttec ?6."i]:^?^'"1sog 'l 'qonottncJy\ ptn"o "'lnolu'!rd e uo eql 'reqdelOorq 6uluutn'rsdeqled st "t'.rj'l"alrna .l.o* suordueqc i'ooq l"qliiod:nd 1eut1 1eq1 sr 6uru:ee1,, 'luaululelalua "qt-"i,s"qorJ 'sple^Aal leuolloua JO lenicallalul JOJ se llo^A se Jo}pealeldoad.oslnocJoipuv.suotssalo.tdpueuoBecnpoo}l|eo}Sloopall}Suodo}eLll 11


CW atlio1 llaunoA uedard

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam


8. The wealth of words, pictures, videos and sounds

and develoPn-3^: and how yol, "':-: At the end of r: ' :: But the opPorl-- : been worKtng - :it! Working as a S interpersona' s"r s with corresPo.:.^

A. disturbs readers. B. engrosses reaoers.

C. strengthens readers. D. diverts readers' attention. 9. People read A. only for entertainment. B. to escape real life. C. for various purposes. D. in their free time.

My workloao s ': with the Fore gi


understanding a:: first and forei--:s:

f 0. According to David McCullough, knowledge

A. is acquired through hard work. B. comes largely from books.


Sheioin:'::-; A. imn"-: .-.:

C. can be a valuable asset. D. can be found on a printout.

B. a

12' Read the text berow. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, c or D) which you think fits best according to the text. write your answers on your exam sheet. I joined the FCo in January 2007 after a long year and a half of working numerous temp jobs after completing my degree in Pubiic Administration with Managerial studies at De Montfort University, Leicester. Finding a permanent job that encompassed what I learnt with my degree as well as building upon the skills I r',ui gain"o throughout my work experlence was tough l was on the verge on looking at aiotner career path when an Administrative Assistant vacancy appeared in a national newspaper. I applied for the position rike so many others and waited for a repry, whiilt a;;rying for other jobs (can,t Keep your


? trinr'1lr

n ^I-.:---

D.av.c, o. -


eggs all in one baskefl).

After a long process including online tests, an assessment centre and an interview, was informed that if I were successful there would be a 6-9 month wait due to vettrng procedures' I got. a call the next day informing me that t got ttre job - I was elatedl However, it soon dawned on me ttrat j'd have to wait over hatt a year to begin work. A lot can happen in 9 monthsl Although I accepted the job offer, I still searched for other jobs because student loans needeo to oe paid off sooner rather than later. I was on tne verge of becoming a recruitment consultant when my clearance came through ano a start date was offered to me. r

/ t{ +. ll -t J s- ,., A ^^^ n.> D. r = u. > g ,.:

I must say that get your first

41 position in the FCo is very different from other rast day of the induction week, everyone was given a brown envelope with the first job that they would be doing in fl're office. I opened my envelope, read it and was baffled. 'Vetting Unit' was underlined in bold. I read the job spec and couldn't understand why I was put therer However, once I met my team, and was tarked organisations.

on the

unit's cruciar rore in ensuring that the cnaracter and personar Tj::g!,Ih. vetting clrcumstances of an individual are such that he or she can be trusted with

sensitive Government information or assets, I was immediately put at ease. working within the unit gave me a broader insight into both people and processes. Yes, you do come across mundane tasks such as fiiling and data entry, but you soon realise that it needs to be done in order for the rest of thsteam to function! As an A.1 you are a small but vital cog in the grand machine of the FCo! There are loads of learning



iarh : 1.rom Au 1n ]ureol | ]eqA oc le serpn duel sno:ar 'laaqs [rJex qcrqrn (q r

'C 'reaA deb e uol} Iseq auleo €qs raue 'elenpetbtapun ue sem eLls ellqM'3 'g 'selpnls raq butqstutl JaUe jleLl e pue JeaA e 'V

'ebe11oc Luo4 palenper6 eqs 'rege Alaletpoulul-l

'L OCI aqi Peutof oqs

(1n.no6.ocl.rrlrnrrl).}|asultlfuelelceg.uOtalolaqt[qlsoualolpue}sJ|} t"ntt1 Acrlod u6reloj aql ]noqe Outpuelslepun

ocuJo 'palpueq ere Aerll Moq pue saoel "q1 '"rn1n; eq1 ur fie1etce5 u6talo3 oq] qJlM .1q1 alol :e'eel6 e dolanep ol au elqeue llt/\^ paue^ sr peollroM pue ,;;"'i'n, uo la"f^Ru"l.uoc ue I ^y\ 6ur1lener1;o pedsord e;q;il acuapuodselJoc' t,l]lm uo4 'suo[estue6lo le]uaululonob :eq1o pue cllqnd aq1 1o =l"qtueu se sllrls leuosladralul pu"'."Lr"luOp_1""r6 pu" 1""* o11aO 1

se lle^ ." .r",rJfOip poddng e se 6ut4lo11 i1t p"'iorrl seq fue}a:c-a-g u61elo1 aql o1uaCI 'urleepa:ou osn ol Atu;o eql ur Ourltom ueaq acl$O^alellJ6 t'fu"1"""g u61eto1 e^ol I pue Mou sqluolu oeJq] lono A}runuoddo eqi }nE ol lror* o^,r 'sstu o1 pooo d;;tu;'"""{Jo1".o;-"qiepitouole {tu lo puo aq} iv peq 1 rnoi .roareo Au raqynl ol ropro u! ruor] osoorl3 ptnic r'sqieo Aueu no[ moq pue



nor areqm rnoqe rurt' or ourl se 1aM A e xi

ci a Twl

a sL n o

y'' e L e d a t

." '"iio

eLll ulqlltt dolanop o] lue/n pue srrr] ]e sarirunfoddo lueudolanap


Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

7. Working in this department

A. she realized the importance of vetting B. she had to handle government information C. she learnt to understand people better D. she acquired new lT skills 8. Ordinary tasks

A. keep things flowing B. are tackled by her subordinates C. use up most of her time D. are completely mind-numbinq

e'::=: a.. -aand herbs

with uncha Cooking is

makethen'al=:' up quicklY ',', - i varietY.

1. Fats

13. Read the text below. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, c or D) which you think fits best according to the text. Write your answers on your exam sheet.

going back to his bottle. People have to be de-addicted from it, and giving them free recipes is one way of attracting people back to cooking wholesome food aihome. A balanced diet is the ultimate requirement for staying healthy, and one way - rather the only way - in which this can be managed, is by home cooking. There are plenty of home cooking recipes, and easy recipes at that, which make the dlshes tasty and provide the

necessary nutrition. Tasty dishes are the best way to make mealtimes a pleasure, and perfect mealtimes in which everyone join, are the best way to make family members bond together. In short, home cooked food and the dinner table can become the factor

that knits the family together.

Dieticians and nutrition experts strongly recommend home cooking. While medical expertise itself endorses the need for home cooked food, simple layman's wisdom is sufficient to understand the importance of cooking at home with recipes that ensure a balanced intake of food. People in developing countries rely less on fast food chains for subsistence, and most of the households in these countries have hundreds of recipes that have been handed down through generations. These are time tested and oroven.


fro' ' '

C roe z'. n rrc -:

2. EVen,C-=


n hc-::-: n!!--t2=- =n - -_--U. d =


3. Peo: A B

All the fat from the cheese and chips that fast food chains give, nesfle in your body and most of it is seen deposited around the midriff. These fats live in the place of the essential nutrients

that home cooking might have provided. From a theoretical point of view, everyone agrees that fast food delicacies are deadly concoctions that their bodies do not need. eeople do grow nostalgic now and then about home cooking recipes and smells that wafted from grandmother's kitchen, but somehow they go back to their fast food eateries, like an addict

"' :-

A. are z' B. shc- :

D. she had plenty of career choice

10. Her current job as a Support Clerk A. bores her to death B. gives her the opportunity to further develop her abilities C. keeps her tied to the office D. enables her to travel to different places

Sor:-: ::

less and less

9. At this level

A. she had no career prospects B. she had little to learn C. she felt she was overqualified



the familY's re: 'familY. Nothr-: "' -= of tastY and f-e= " too much of a::

t 4.

r.iZ -


=- -= -=t'




68 'sle]ldsoq ul pueulap ieelO ut ole C dleq c 'rn" n"qi'i"^'aq1'a6ueqc eifoed 'B 'pooi lnoqe uaJpllqs ale3npa sreou, p"1oo"


'1qbr.r 1ee


oA ueoul l'useoP

sdqsuorlela,,oliaqTj:j.?;iX$:il_il'fl -lu"rpri,f"


'ua^o.rd pue p sodroaj Jo spai roJ sureqc pooj

e ojnsua


sr ruopsrM s,ue lecrpeu_l


"Yo, 'C

"f :S,XT?

'V sl4ouoq leel6 seq

roj 'g e lo] uMoP oulutS P"1oo" ouloq

JolceJ eql auro: SJequreLu ^lrLU pue'olnseajd




auroq ro tr]ualC eq1


- ,ie,


'spoeu Apoq 'ro1 sl-uaulnu €tl] saplnoro 'ttu"t.rtnu'lo sdnor6.xrs aql lle suleluoc C ue srg 'q]leaq pooO tp.t"^ol dols]l:fodurt 'V E 6ut1ee sueoul tpool-1o Aieuer' aplm larp pacueleq




{q '6 'salqele6an qse4 uroLll 6u1rr16 tpu lLu ar Aq c p"'iJidli" ql lo * uoqolr)'t .,, "tlt.6uourplnord [q'g "qro' t"['p"i""+'qit*'"qt Aq' 'rru"ln"r!"i pool1t"i 11" ur'no.p 6u1so1" aldoe6 Y 'g'^ aq uec i"",oL" or p"o"ln*uo


'ueoqrno,ol}"ffi :


ooJ.| Lr3

]3lppP Ue a){;, s LIIoJ] pAlje/vl le

op oldoad 'paa seeJoe auofueA

sluoulnu lerluss ]soru pue Apoq

luexa JnoA uo

(c ro o 'g 'v)


lHi: .l 'g poo;'p"1oo, auloq ueLl] iedeaqc

'salpoq lno lol lelclleuaq '7 sl Pool 1se; see:6e euofuen3 aJe 'O

pue ulelq rno^r{.ressocau 'ualsAs snonlau 'c -l.""u"l.qns lualllnu leitn aceldat '8


nrr"p ino

p oToggr,ol lunocce plnoqs

allolec ,i;ffi ;u,,.ffi:ffi::i[l,;:,:f


pue ssol (uuoc'seqcryeaulzo) >tunf aq] ol ssol ,, f,n cao6 lpul poo] oool )iuf 'Aletren 'pooJ tse] aueu otil Aq seo6 teql .,o '[uclnb dn ^oq"'os r"qi o. "nn"3i_n "ui 6u11eu alrt'lM polcerile sr rqruel o' r-ii'"ro*rl pool eq1 "ql'a6uerlc:6u11oo" o}'}uola,Jlpu! ulot.|} alelu auos sr orotll ]eLll I.;dr"ol Jolseo o,.r} t]}ilue}S og 'roqello qcnur ooi peddrqrrn aq uec q"r.r^ ,teqt 'ule,lJa"qt;^"q ":".11 aatl pue Atse] ]o pue ,s:auur6oq aLrl,lo'u"iuorl,teu feru qclqm-s;dtcer 'Altuel uool.l"dajd 6uo1-jeqt";;i;; ql dtaLl lllM 6urq1o5 s erlnbal feut pue "*r' ."or"", Asea ueq1r"u"o "rJ""ou"J1seretu stl 'qlleoLl s'A1tLuel aq1 A1ue1d ere oreql p'"-slUOtt"O ctr-uouorlse6 Oufpuoq ue sr 6ut>1oo3 oql lo staqulau alll ou-o-'" "un ,tl'ri"irno prel lloM e pue 'ue r"qrn. pue sare] uosrod




secrds leuolltpetl





,."lJri,-"i,ii" " pue''sopeuueul pue sqlall qll^ sll ul anblun st adtcal t1ceo pu" sanle^ e^rirllnu elqeabuelleqoun 'Aenn unrro





aPdatd w;xe cVA;Lll nt ltastnol

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

7. People in developing countries A. depend on fast food for subsistence. B. cook traditional dishes. C. eat less diary products. D. use exotic spices and herbs. 8. Easy recipes A. stimulate people's interest in home cooked food. B. are hard to find on the internet. C. are simple to make. D. entice your taste buds.

9. Inexperienced cooks A. are afraid of laborious recioes.

B. need training.

C. easily get overwhelmed. D. have fun in the kitchen. 10. One can make meals attractive bv

A. decorating the table. B. cooking glamorous recipes.

C. serving exotic dishes. D. adding variety to one's cooking. 14' Read the text berow. For questions 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, c or D) which you think fits best according to the text. write your answeo on you,. exam sheet. custom wristbands in recent years have become one of the most popurar ways for schools to raise money. Bands, sports teams, drama clubs and other activities are increasingly

turning to custom wristbands to raise funds for trips, new equipment

uniforms and other needs.

some things about custom wristbands are self-evident. proper custom wristbands are created from ',l00% medical-grade silicone, are low-cost, are available in multiple styles and colors and can be resold at a high per_unit profit margin. custom wristbands are easy to seil, easy to buy, easy to wear. They appear to schoor spirit and foster a natural sense of belonging. These ittributes are part of what makes custom wristbands such a popular fund-riising item. In just the last six years, custom wristbands have become a pop curture phenomenon around the worrd, and no wonder. They're a great way-have to show support for a cause, demonstrate schoor pride or team spirit, or even just to fun.

Many nonprofit organizations and political causes have adopted custom wristbands, to demonstrate awareness of an issue, to raise needed funds, or both. The simpre custom wristband quietly makes a statement, with no need the wearer to elaborate any further.

Cyclist Lance Armstrong kicked off

the custom wristband craze in 2004 with the introduction of the "Livestrong" wristband. The yellow custom wristband bearing the word Livestrong quickly raised both awareness of cin"er" and millions of oott"r, for research. The custom wristband also quickly became an international fashion fad for both children and adults. 90

Other organizaton

device. Disease

organizations of kir Custom wristband

Just about every


names, logos ard kinds of schooldd

for a favorite caus

throughout the dal 1. Custom wrisdla

A. are used t B. are a rtasil C. are a fadD. are expefir

2. Custom wri$ A. are dangE B' are rrade C- are a lnre D. are or-lrY b

3. Organt-alsls A. have oen B. have Purt C" Fa"'e oPt D. t-ave gi"o 4. Lance Armsfi

A" la'uncfier

B. tcr an C. stgned a D. star'lec! |

5. The'Ln''€sfil

A rdP


B- 't'as a h C- r-arsed I D- tras cft

6. Dtsease


A .qel@ B-


crutl aurndl

D nliiditr

t6 uaJplrrlc q]

'c rol pole]lllLu 'uals^s lecrpaur oLll ]o ourpulll:ll"-q 'uo'eotu""ltp"' ""ttt"r66-1ue paLlcunel'3 spueqls,,Mioor"'.,"*



'qcleosar pronn eq1 5



uolsnc ot ol 'spueqts

eseoslO'9 sdnorb ssouoleMe

.rar rr rn / ,, rcv+Jr tl|' /\u


'leubtsap uolqsej e

[q pelea:c sem

.9 'C [auot-u paslel

tl"tpq'sselouoq ro1 'g 'sseccns a6nq e sel alel e eldoed apeu 'eueleLu ]o


pouels 'uolLlse] pueqlslrM eq]

-V. .^ €LlI'9

'c '3

']ce4uoc Mau e Pau0ts 'aceJe uoM'g

. spue


r e u 6 rs e







pecnpotd a^eq 'spueqisllm lo spuesnoql.

uli"*,,,1 jru1;ru:1ffi1ffi




'asne3 e l uouor.lroua





se1{1s e1dri1

aJe spueqt

aJe sarl^tl




ro1 sXem

ii:l !




qcrqrn (6 l

.o"eqlsrr^ 0"""n"135,,1",.lnuYo, 'lcelq Aluo are 'C 'leoltli e ole 'c 'slerroleu ales jo "tu' ?1: .3

queeLr s,aiooao


:|il".?i,i^l 315,.X"


'entsuadxa aJe '0 'pei e ale 'c

'B 'euuu lo olseM e eJe




'[ep aq1]noqbnottll

(ruoc'fa11ee1crpe'rrnmnn) ec s'{e

q s Ae nnle ^rl:H il, d s oo qcs lsoo otlM tlnnpll?, ocuolajjlp e oleur o] iueM l

;:[?:li:T', ; l?i TJ'"'il: :f|,}:?r:ilJ ro.llo pue so6o1 'sarueu ;;d;"e prorle ':u!::^": uecil"J:t:#;t:lffl:i',l5

aq * p;;;il; ', J'.l"oi''^ Yol:n1"u; ono,f;;Fued

1e LrllM telndod roorrcs q'nn






o': o r l o s u o le z u e

$1rx;4;i :;'r""f fl**I **1*i il""i S, " J,ll;;ffi ; ""'":;;fi "",";i;3 111^:ii''jli.lm:f ,ecu!,od p y st se slolo3 snollen lo i"uono'o'lo e ;

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

-the univels :.' =

7. Schools A. banned custom wristbands. B. expelled students for wearing wristbands. C. called for the withdrawal of wristbanos. D. allowed students to wear wristbands.

doesn't mea- :=

Ben-Shai'a' (April 20C: everything


his own ii'e 8. Silk screened wristbands A. sell like hot cakes. B. convey a pop message. C. contain more information. D. are preferred by adults.



l^^+t t.d lgvLurv

9. Custom wristbands A. are monochrome. B. are only orange and blue. C. give you a trendy look. D. come in a variety of colours.

a) -' -

-r I v ^f Dor ul


B. damage self-confidence. C. promote shopaholism. D. encourage sports. 15. Read the text below. For question 1-10, choose the answer (A, B, c or D) which you think fits best according to the text. Write your answers on your exam sheet.






Being c:' psYcho::

10. Custom wristbands A. boost oride.

Obesity and smoking may be the most conspicuous causes of illness in this country, but physical factors don't account for everything. Your psychology your - namely, personality and outlook on life can be just as important to your well-being as exercising - these days, with the world's economy tumbling and eating right. And especially toward a depression, it's a good time to prevent yourself from slipping into one too. An entire science has grown up around the perils of negative ihinking (as well as the power of positive psychology), and the latest findings confirm that a pessimistic outlook not only kindles anxiety, which can put people at risk for chronic mental illnesses like depression, but may also cause early death and set people up for a number of physical ailments, ranging from the common cold to heart disease and immune disorders. Optimism, meanwhile, is associated with a happier and longer life. Over the course of a recent eight-year study, University of Pittsburgh researchers found that optimistic women outlived dour ones. Which may be good news for the motivational gurus out there, but what about the rest of us who aren't always so chipper? Are we destined for sickness and failure? Or is it possible to master the principles of positivity the same way we might learn a new hobby or follow a recipe? The answer from the experts seems to be yes. But it does take effort. Seeing the sunny side doesn't come easily. Most people would define optimism as being eternally hopeful, endlessly happy, with a glass that's perpetually half full. But that's exactly the kind of deluded cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn't recommend. "Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality," says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor who taught


-=-human Fe less effe:: '= learning =-=: perspec: ':





'{ddeq s{enn;e }ou



'rerddeq pue re6uo1 o^ll lllM C 'ssoulcls loJ poullsap sl 'E 'ueuom e o] slalal s{enn1e Y uosled ctlstLltido uY




rustu.rrtdo ,{





{uuns eqr

'sa6euep'6 'srelsesrp 'c 'suorsseJoop '8



ervr ,r,

pue ssau)3is

's:a6uep'y sueaur 7 qde.r6ered ut sltlad paplog '€

lnQ 'ateql 111 uoutoi^ Ctlstq e JO

'uotssetdap ottl.louoca eas 'C 'eut1 poo6 e Outneq Plo^e 'C


'uotssaldap olut 6utddtls Plo^e '8 'rolseslp e olut 6utddrls Plo^e 'V 'e1t;

lecrslqd 1o , olll sesseu )oollno stlsL-J oql se lla^r sE L


6utlsa:elutun ue 'C

'Outstclexa qcnu ool'C '6ut1olus pue fttsaqo 'g

'slolceJ lectqc[sd aqi'V oJe q]leaq ocuon[ut leq] s.lo]ceJ Jeq]o 'sro]ce1 lects{qd saplsog

pJelnol 6ur


6ursrc:exe se '{

:no{ '1,

1nq 'fu;unoo


'logt{s r.uexa


,,'asol e 1ueld o1 aneq no{ 'sosol luem no{ 1;,, 's{es pue spao^ aq1 [eir,re leolc oi q$noue ]ou s,]1,, 'sossouleag ueubtlos ,,'qsn.lqJopun ueq] JaqieJ sq16uel1s traql ueqlouaJls ol sluatled qceal o] Ireql enoldujr ^ldurrs o^tJcnllsuoc qonotql q]leell leluouJ poo6lelso; sluetled dlaq o1 peeu st eopt aql .slll)ts slsrOoloqc[sd 'penble eq 'fuestru 6urgrl pue s6uolnn Ourlq6u uo {1uo 6utsnco; Jo pea}sul '866 L ul uotletsossv lecr6oloqc{s6 uecuoglv eq] ol ssalppe 6urlee.rqpunot$ e qynn 'A$oloqcIsd entltsod 1o p1et1 aLll tlcunel 's{es ol urlq paldr-uo.rd leqm s,leq;,'uoslod ItdLue ue se^ 1o6 1 1eq1n 'plp Ja^ou I ing,, eq ,,,uosled Addeq e 1a6 plnorvr 1 1q6noq1 ;,, 'Ja6ue ro {letxue '.ssaupes lo sa1lasueq} pu iluerled passetdep pedleq oLlJo^ouaqn pno.rd 1aa1o] pesn eq sAes 'etuenldsuue6,to

qcfq/u (



{1rs:enru61 oq} }e io}uac [6o1oqcfis6 a1l]lsod eq] sunl oq,rn 'ueu6r;os uuey\ 'lsr6oloqc{sd 6utag lectutlc e sV 'suotlorue lnluted lo pes lno $urlinqs ueaLu ],usaop crlstuurldo 'Ja]leu ],usooP Illeal alnlcal ouo ,ajtl lo aueqcs pue.r6 aql ul ]eLl] 6ur6pa1rvrou13e so^lo^Ul tlcltlM '(d) antlceds:ed s,oJaql ,f1|eur3 '],usoop leq/v\ pue slloM leLlM lnoqe olnlnj oLl] lol suossal 6utuleal 'sJaLllo ueql e^llcaJJo ssal ,olnlcol leo/\^ aLl] sesJed aH (u) uotlcnJlsuocol sl lxaN 'uewnq e oq uec olnlcel fuene ]ou ]eql JlesLulq spull'Llol aH eruos l:euut^A oq loqoN llliv\ olnlcel peq e 6ulnr6:eye '{es eq ol (a) uolssttu:ed ]lasulr,.l slue:6 aq - uMop slooj ,saslcJexo1sr;erutldo aalql sosn leLleqs-uag 'oJll uMo slq oq uaqM .dud sllec oLl qctq^

ut .uaooeq ler-.[ soutql lo lsoq aqi oleu oq^ osoq] ]nq ']soq all] roJ sueddeq outq}^rana se slsrrurldo ct}stleoJ saqtJcsop '(OOOZ ttldV) o1otleq oL.lM asoL{} }o; - ,,s1s1;eu11do,, ou e pue (noz) tetddeg Jo roqlne aql sl ot{^ 'reqeqs-ua8 aql ,Iooq

leaJJod Jo ltnsrnd


ueeul },usaop ,,.|nJj3puon pue 1ear6 sr ourql&ane 6ur1urq1 pue qsleuue{11o6 6utaq ,tlurepac ll,, .g002 olzoozLuo.rl'{6o1oqc[s6 anilso6 'eslnoc.relndod lsot-u s,[ltsle^lun eq] wexa CVB

eq1 to1

gastnol atedat4

Frepare yourself for the BAC exam

5. Experts say that positivity A. is a new hobby which should be taught. B. is similar to a new hobby, in terms oilearning. C. is the only way to avoid sickness and failure. D. means we should all have a positrve ouilook. 6. A positive ouflook

5. A ("Regisnra

(there's n 6. D ("Writers to NG17 7. B ("But tts



A. is not that easy to achieve.

8. C ("Marsh a 9. A("But cerr its strrff. I

B. can be achieved efforflesslv. C. helps you to see the sun. D. rneans an easy life.

10. B

A("Lotsdl 2. B ('Ttuea 3. B 1'66 5 1.


8. Ben-Shahar's optimalist exercises incluoe A. ignoring the failure. B. denying bad results. C. coping with side effects. D. analysing the failure.

4. B ("illanY P


5. C

9. Martin Seligman used to be content when he could A. get.rid of depressed anxious patients. B. make patients become ,uJJ"r. C. be prouder of his accomptisnmenls. "u"n D. help patients overcome negative feelings.

('ar t; Tt6 id

Mess:U SllS tr 6. C ('ln orfi


7. C


8. C


A. teach patients how to improve weaknesses. B. teach patients how to improve theii strengths. C. clear away mainly weeds anO unOerorusn. D. teach patients that they should pt"nt

9. B ('Sorrn I abMeun A 10. l*Sm



EI r1- D tpanqn

h| Aruswens



launched in late 19gg, has attracted tens of thousands *rii" fan fiction,,) 2' D ("while most other fan-fiction sites are boutiques devoted to Harry potter or The Xs hoppi ns'u tt, " .uv. wh o sra rted writi n s them are 18 and under, and about 80o/o arefemare, according " to creator i:i,of 4. c ("Xing Li,24, a computer programmer - who rives in Los Angeres and cals the site




c ("www'fanfiction'net, which

of teenagers who like to read anO



s:llfp 5l

10. The most important thing is to

iiff ;,,il}Jil:";l1inf "stricflyahobby.,,) :



A. always see the glass hali full. B. take advantage of things as they come. C. expect only good things to happen in life. D. ignore everything thaimay


CRurni scribes

7. According to Ben_Shahar, ,,optimalists,,:

r"; o'sl;;8,

3- C

{'tE f, dmtl*:

if. A


5. D t-1n


fine5u 6. B 7.




96 olrs aql sll

(,,'snorouel6 uol] le, st eqste6 .2 .ououl|I eltstnbxe pue dn-e>1eLu aULIM l|ot]} lo aln||e aq1 e1rdse6,,) g aoulell e Jo a}|| oL|l leeq spr6 s[epennog") g '9 (,,'uedep lo^o lle uloli lauJolur eq1 qbnotql ]l inoqe r-uor'lm s:alqonep Jo} pootllla^ll (,,'go fureLu ,o yoddnt:e6uo1 ou plnoo {arq} '9 s"snoq aqsre6 eq1 'sAep plo aLll ul") C e alnsuo ol sollluel tood rol suealu e oloM 't peq raqrilnu aql 'raiel sleaA perpunq V") V (,,'o4ewgg7 Ourpnlcul '009 ol paseorcap '3lsnul (*uotlesranuoc Iplnn pue o3uep


JoleaJo ol 6urylan pe

-x aLlI lo I spuesnoql

Sueoq}6urApnlss:ea{entl}Seollepuads.oqtr,r.eqste6acllue:dde)o.oilewaq},,)3.e qol (,,'1eute1ur eq1 qOno.rql sellrunpoddo Mau puno, eneq

,uedep jo srouref



leuo!]rpel] eq1 'eqsre6 oq]


ou ]n8,,)v 'z

(L qderbeted) C't.


olellualolJlp o] olqeun (,,.e1errdordde ],ust pue sl ]r uaqm uaaA laq eiuog")y'91' iou st tualqold aq1[es suedxe are spll lcej aq] ]nq '11es1r oOu11 leql "Tr (,,"'6ur11eds leuollua^uoc pue suollelAataae' '6 popnlcuoc oneq sraqcreosol aLUoS") g aql uoamlaq [ltsee drls o] olqe are suoa] ]eq] aules (,,'pasn slolsogue lno leql mou sOurllads acue16 e '11e reyy") 3 'g e 11'^'qtr16u3 ep161o aOed 1e aql osn l,uop oM 1eq1 noA ^oqt pue '6utn1ona sIemle sr e6enbuel puE (,,'6utql poo6 e ele sbutlleds luangJo '"^ou ".rot ole steqlo pue slueted 'sro1ecnp3") 3'2 'uotlsanb ]eq] uo papl^lp leql enOte sllo1 auos peelsu! pueqUoL{s Ipedo-rd ']caroc '{1lect1euruel6lo ,,{11c1nb lraq} ed{l ot lepro u1,,) 3 '9 1,,'secuelues-p"tl"Ot crlauoqd 1o edfi




(,,'seuoqd llac el^ Out6essaLu 5y15 q3ns sacl^''los 6ut6esseyl

paJa1lo esotll se se 'ooqe1 pue IOV'NSy\ se llam osn'leqo paseq-qaM sapnlculslqr ,suueroo.rd (ieqc ^q luetsul auo") C'9 qllM relndoJ A're'r s'1eq1 uolleslunuuoc 1o edft ^-epuleurelul;3yllo ']eLlc ouJl]-leel st sjaoeuoal (',,"'eltt lear ul Jolnellaq [uey1") g '7 serueo oapl^ luolol^ 1eq1 {rlom slua:ed ]uolol^ ol ualpllrls azlllsuasop '(eu la^au lq6ru {aql qolqM oi (,,'sumoleLuoLl uMo llaql ul pesodxa aq eldoadiodnol6osJa^lpoJotxLlsn[,ue}ooujpueo}|||elcosqs|lea^equecsptlpuv,')8'€ '7 g aleq1") ere (.'{pee saslnap qca} o} sptl OurcnpoJ}ul o} s}lJoueq 1o fiue1d '! pteoq{e1 e qlrm dn troto Aepol spll }o s}o]")v lcns^ole pue pueq auo ur 'z (,,'req1o aq1 ut


(,,'lt qUorur s,]l 'ocuolpne ue pulJ saqllcs g'ol rl }nq ,laoM.,q 1o'ino srnoq 9z sole} a}ls aq16utuunu,') se--1ncun pue Mel 'J}n}s s}l (,,'pe4eu {pee1c'sr 1"''"1"t crqder6 aq} se 6uo1

6ur.ildse sdleq 11ir s{es

oleqso}ee.l1{ltunruuocaul|uoueJouo|S|^S.|-]o}lo}unocoqplnoMdtqslosuec}n8,')V.6 qs:ey1") 3 'g but6elnocue Jo} o}ls eq1 spneldde (,,e1rrrrn pue peal o1 eldoed 6uno{ pue rolerlsrul't? (,,leN eql ol saplnb ,sluared lera^os io rotllne f:1?:-1*', '/ iuo'no'{ .l"eq' t.t"ed lnoA 6urneq ol anleA leal s'eloLl} }n8") I e 'qsle17\ apeyl s{es ("t' t'-ctttol '9 ',olls oql o1[l1cerrp saljo]s peoldn sra]uM,,) o c LUoIJ 6ur1er pue fuooa1ec e 6uru6rsse roi 0ullunocce ou 1,,'lsrennsue lsouot'lslp -slo.i1:J)\ V '9 peprulad lnq aal} st uotiellstbeu") noA 1r '{1uo I lseal le u,I,, pa4eu xoq oql1ct1c ,


Prepare yourself for the BAC exam


ffJ ll..i:''llt'-!ung the


bambo i, r, n ^ B_ ("But aso,well 9. "l;fffu :'J"'j'fl


;* i #L]'J:{::


q' I'J'i: "l : -". F

p, i s h m e n

il, f*li*i*[i]":ffi li^jffi;H$"" I, fr

1. B (,,people who mistreat animal wirr race rines or

, r fi3F:'^?:,l::ly"tF:l[fl' o-:-J"ffi il ;;il

s n 1; t,,,,







5. A




Eo. 1.A(

ffi":ii{jffi;a ::* [[!,[ t,,) committee Ino tnen go before



both riouses


;fl,; '


a starutory,

duty or care,, vrYQv dr ru oelng banned from looking

"#;,#1, *:::




a warrant anyrorry,rerry, fffi5: lnn'to r',tli[:[,Ti:#f " to insist o ll':1":n ;' ;;;r;iilH: ;il:dffitli,dii'T"fll"i T ;"t'::il:"l Tf; :"5j:"-[? o*n"" ;;;;#;n

z c .Anima,T.;


campaigners, however, wiil be anqe in

a total ban on dockinq to reach asreement dog wourd be exempted a (,,other ,":"^:.:: "lw3rkino o"fo Yntt in the Billinclude, o"n on unlrl'n"""ffitntroducing a ban.") gordfish orullt"t

on which



, o u "r:il, u



?ff f Jru:w ;:voourc i:t,?J,t :i #[1#TJy: rrom the RspcA li{ i ffiand:ffiorganisu,ion. :*je fi i Kennelcrub."i

1. A ("The t€rm ,'oenaiin


control o, u"g-:l?'tit

*^r:r, modification

c (,,nor"i"ntiR.9ti"1rt"", or for food

,*[i:*:iff , . .dJ:j: _ s, c



f, I





10 : l'



li'd; ,:t""""J;l,,widesoread fears about the corporate 'ni associating GM planis with hiqhe

t, :,,?:: nl11fi ff."ff : [::#il1,:il :{li:i uno is rejected by'the ff t :,,,"".: : :.; e amount of pesticide protesters j

the - could" nor have been produced rrom Jrc, we invited ;":"_"to .^,* them take part in

' .,t#l'l;,#ffi:'ngff, taxpavers are nor




ursappointinc 6. B (,,theo"n"r,,.']Y'lneyoectineoi"r"'"ited GM technology are becoming clearer 7. D (,,Food ,n.""r,?t to all.,,)




O, "j




'#ff ,^,#thl:i:::[{;ffi1ff [ry;;1;'nil'fl ?:#:i*1"':?i::':#Jil raw does not believe



a proper


or sustainabrv reedins

il;;;il.;';3H;'JJ,ljr1lffJ;,qi*rop userur GM crop

: J,==



and vear-rons prison

bv a parliamentary

"t 4. C (,,Anyone owning a pet, farm towards



q A / l'r-





L6 lq6*qo!q or




'urtur 6u

qllo adn,.o

s]! ('sasn o^rleulalle



".;iikl*::;o''#,tJ'1"'"il"o.":iffulx.:p,ll, "

dorc yrlg 6urpael



elqesodsp,^e^eMo,rrl.'r,,1:;.x"#:llti"r:""'::fi#$il,ifti4;fri"';i" oql,leoq B u -3uced

cads ,,],^^ uereu,e1ec le

", o

i'{:}i}"Tli1i:::Jl"il:"ffi;i;;; ;#*Jilij

t" "t:::il*l?,;l

aqt Aq parosuods qcleM leuorleuralut -ualmaH pue Aueduroc 6ur1e1se*n ^"i sprqeas lo suorlelndod leq] qsrl pue




tt t



'eleqap pecnpotd aq] oplslll (,,1uauu


]e ]o



or.ll ur a^rl


n qcle d "i"" q s q q n r e' ?6 ?:,]:;t"ffi p ar o pue lsebuetls t'o' .r,r,""d alll {t-ff""": ^ocssolce :, ;;",1,; luesealdun lsoul , r



oppl^eo.Sounuo}1se1eat6s.pljo/v\!,i.]""5"'l-ti,r".1J,ui.',r""^rura}eu1,,).31' e 6r


(,, u e su p ez u l l: :;:""=, :l "$"r ssoccns'"'"1::il;;"

(..,(eo qp"3 uo


i i"9 ::!:a"S 3: f :ijT :f [1 :,# l:""::t;Ll';1i'ii']i'1ff5 , 't


ql "f iil1$ :$::'3 ;:tr.i:f"T! ao^l h +*ffi" fril,:::': ;l;: 5,, t' Auu lo sraquotu ,l.Xl";;;;"Lo "r1,1oo.Jo^?t pue s6ur11rs "t;*'T"r; "l"u"s




o u",u

3ulcs,a semesuodso, 1se1o.rd


a'r ?lnTiil:l.!"ti.ffin*it *tn*g " . t: eztuefjo r,1""0t uolle^Jasuole f**f :fi i:.' on

suolleslu (,,'suotlli uo pue l (,,'ut

lueueat sleullue r.lcltlM'lll

lo, alec oqm eldt



ebnq e slootsselo - "t,, un

allL{M aul



lou At'lA


"qPeS eu;;ulji o1P""n"co Ae6

aql oluo anss! eql

ir(u v+


::; [",fl"S :l::iljil


t"*'l,;l,n:""':;H,:fii"f$':J"""'dll"il "


lege 6ut ,,eJec jo sasnoH

('"']u uosud

se^^luouruol^uarnoloalels"u''i';li:;;'uol"ut;"opJuti'srea't"'"^?:;;l"t utourpelssleeAuanes;opouedela^opo^lo^a[eoque]lo}eepleq},Allentcvl,oJ

palearc::TYS:H;il;;* ol paau atut") ourcerqtua {q (,,1r'urcerqtu"n:1"^,;:j",::'lYS:1"T,fi (,,.]r ,srs,, aLrl sE ila/v\ se hlc oundope ror.". aleNrd ueedotn3 "" oM pue ^ 11y,}j::::i",i[ (,,'prenrrrolur"qt^?:ll:l orrr ,real6 oo] ore 'ou srsll lel'craultuoc e

:f'"rTJi:$l:l':l1l-t" * 1::ill:::;Jili""ilffi,or.". :"ililti

;; ;;

o "' !t!*"*i::ihi* H ff ';;l''J J:i"';'Hil':;

fr f -, r*", ::,f i,1i?:;,ilil;:|"f'l#s.l,":$ii)],ffi atedat4 -*;Na "'ln"l lpm

tst.-u or



e qllM





Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

9' B ("its name inspired by the balsa raft Kon-Tiki that was built and sailed pacific in 1947 by across the the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl,,)

10' A ("the 20-metre catamaran has cost several miilion dolrars to construct and has taken three years to reach its current design.,,)



1' B (""'a uniquery British form of crassicar music concerts.,')

2' c ("These concerts would, Newman.hoped, educate the peopte about classical music and hopefully make it more popular.;; 3' c (' "a large part of the seating area had no seats and so the patrons had to stand during the performances.) 4' B ("Newman and wood wanted to kgeR.the informar as possibre, although customers were asked

not to strike matches Juring vocal performances.,,) 5' A ("There is at least one Prom concert every evening, and a rarge number of these are preceded by a pre_prom talk.,,) 6' c ("Each Prom season now has themes, and the works reflect one of the themes.,,) 7' B ("The performance is still a mix of old and new and inctuoes music, ' conductors, performers and orchestras from around tne wortO.;,f 8' B ("" 'the highlight of the Proms season is The Last Night of the proms.,,) 9' D ("Throughout ail of this the prommers wiil,rousingry sing arong, bob up and down rn time with the music and join in with whisfles anjf,ooie,rsf ,,l to o,j,'lji"X:'i.; t'nnt and an amazing atmosphere! you reauy need to

experience it






be considered the unforsettabre ,,Queen,,amonsst


them ar,

of archaeolosy and antiquities was estabtished by an

3' B ("home of approximatery seven mirion objects from a, continents,,) 4. C ("Located


in a central area of London...,,) collections in archaeotosv and ethnosraphy are particurarry


6. B ("the visitor can admire its famous holdings,,)



has been illustrating and documenting the story of human

8' B ("the British Museum does not charge any admission fees,,) 9' A ("But some of its most prestigious holdings, like the parthenon Marbles and the Benin Bronzes are among its most disputJo'cott;;t;;r;) 10' D ("the British Museum hai refused to return either corection,,) E ro. 1' B ("As a writer, I spend a lot of

::'::lli.:ff:;,*ffi ljit


my time grued to my computer screen: researchinq and

witn' emaits' keepin!


o"i*i ;i ;;;


2' D ('"' unable to resist the temptation any longer, l also answered the call of rwitter. at eveninss-"no *""["ni", r *u, ouu"o,.g;isnt

ffJii: ::yt?ffi:?ff:l:ry


3. A ("1 found 4. D ('Descrtr feel I f'a 5. C (' g

6. B (-.. ille c 7. B ('...if yo



8. C (-My





so n*Or'l0tl

tj.e 21sil 10. A " "''e cornrn!t

E rt.

1. B 1"4:*c ffr C9'Scfile,

:ilg,r = p

2. A

,'l- d,

3ff:er fl 3. C t"Scre'l TE TMEil

4. C i'Cp-€rfy 5. B r'3ll. :eF

tlg,;s fo




gmsnt! -Ssrrefi 7. A 3a]tgnes.

8.D'Zgry 3S'fffi

StrrLngq 9. C " 5e6a 10. A -iamd


A ' gil''€d pt =rra 'srrdnq 2. ts 1.



C -an Ac[n 4. A,'r inieilE 3.

r,€fihftr9 = ,a-




']xoluoc ulolj ]l ocnpap

'plo^ e 1o outueaiu stl] Moul ]'uop Jl fulonn 1'uo6 -6" '1' no^ pue outpeal uo oe e t'q-6'p"go alo}aq aY:?r'lros uo 155q5-pTnoT6toeq luaur{o1du:a ralllo ]o sso3ord e - outpen 'uoitenle're iun 6u1u-uopad o1 0uurele:iir"j"u"0 'on"i1'exo oloM I Jl") V 't elaql plno^A lnlssassns qiuoLu (,,sarnpecold 6ul11en o] anp ]leA 9-9 " "q ue,,) c 'e Acuecen tuelslssv a^llerlsrururpv (,,lededs^nau ;";|;J'; u1'p"rn"dd" se peuleb peq I sllr)ts eUl uodn 6utpltnq 'z (...u6no1 se^ l"qi'qiiiueueurad e 6urpur1") e 6Ulr--lddO5 'raye sqol dual

lq6re Ourlonep

reulMl jo llm s

'pue snneu 6ut pue 6urqcreasar

ocuorrod;;r;^,(ur inoU.n-oyq1 I leqm pessed[-*u"

iibm se eatOap ,iLu


(,,uotlerlstutuupV c]191d




snoleulnuo,,1,o^1offi#pffi'"aitoozfuenuepu|ocJaq1paurof?;J (,,


s1ooq learo utot; Ilpeer






,spunos pue oopr^ 'se:n1ctd

e eldocnuJoc Outulauuos Jo lunouie e0re1 = slcellslp (,,'slapeal sueql6ualls ueul oJoul e qonorql t'i:::t:',|j Jo erdocnutoc


eq1 st 6utpee: lualentnbe lBnlcollalur



t t

u'",^'l'lifi:"liX?\:r:f{'" y

llrrvr s11r>1s 6urpeal


aLl] pue selqre!'





lo)eoJ /t;;' ;;; t


't t, 1i:i

s,ulerq rno{ ouuepulq a:e noA



{q paqst;q4r

'lle Lueq] 1s0uo"r

1 acuer:edxa o: ur uMop pue cn 'cr

/ \.,

t o"^[;"J,;';r",il"ir]t".tir 3ul

Uii*-:Hffi : J :fifi #{



{1re;ncrped a",e

'' '9

palqnorl se l'uere' aldoad 6uno1") ete slloj loplo sn lo auos se 1eq1 6urpeat Aq peulelsns e lol sncoj (,,'uotstn s,loqlne euo uo poued p""ralaperd e seq lxe]'teded uo")B'9't srapeol olaLlM'puo pue pue "rpdit;bur'tjroJq lurtd ut 0utpee: 'Ipea13") 3 1"u.r"1u1 ot{} uo (*'luaregrp eq] "r" uo poisa] ate Aaql^se ]snf leulalul (,,'uotsuaqa:O'ot Ouf pner turLd llaql qaM oLuos") c 'e p1no.]i ,"rprrq, {es slsrlebueno ro} po}enlen" uo {cuarcrlold ralll 4-' '- ' '(.'sqo[ "q e0e-1ei161p-ro1 6u11oo1 urbeq [eq1 ueq/v\ rai]aq ul")V'Z ourluoliqf ne6 syedxa Acereltl or'rros'l3e;

lel uarplltls dlaq

eq1 ul a^ollaq or-lnn aldoed

loulalul aq] ]o lelluolod u:c- 'Aes IEET 'alosuoc oql uo 6urpee'r ruotl ]llouaq lllls


eue6euo.uollnq-ouiqu'n'.,ouoI.,n"pi"ie'out:elilelatdoqMasoq}0"o.],'J (,,' "'satltunutuoc

uotldecer paxrur curluarcs pue lesrpotx orl] LuorJ


'srolSnpuoc 'tl (,,'seuaql eq:

ot ere osoql,o roq (,,'secueuro;:ac

,.6utst1llue;ut,,1su,AepeS}oaMluol||lLu-09se1elaua0t.lcIq^^-le}}lMlpue.ap|^^p|loM Slosnuoll||txOgtseqLlcltl^^'Iooq","r-.nq"n=seilsbullrorvrleu|e|cos.,.',)3.6 (,,'PelueruOerl os eroM slqOngU] tood Atu iol pue qlealq Alprepl lsol uleJq peloocrano' 'ecualcs

lerll'uotll ii, ;;;;, ", o1A111rqe


ouln'o }ou are noA l"'") e'e .'') 'g e Ourr'uearpAep aq1'

'alqrssod se le puels o] peq s crsnu-r lecrssep

(,,'11ecer'leqip"iolott peq

(,,'A.roulaul lelnclued u1 'uopcun; {tu"'")C'9 le]l6lp lo] Iuounl6

:ecrrd e le auec enrilu6oc uo lcedrur ota^os e


p"t1 (,,'6urq1ou lsourle pa^alLlce


seL.l pue



pueAeprnoq-0feiopuoarllLlceaJplnoMl'niinoilnlaroLuro^aOutlronnaltdse6";g'7 puno} l")V 't uanr6 {ue uo o}el}uocuoo o} }lncqllp il A ol e ueql olou'l Jo,1se1

aq] ssoJ3e palr


wexi cva

atal tol

gestnol eredatd

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

got a call the next day informing me that I got the job - I was elated!") elated = v€fY haPPY bewilderment = confusion, surprise 6. A ("1 opened my envelope, read it and was baffled. 'Vetting Unit'was underlined in bold.") to baffle = to take by surprise 7. C ("Working within the unit gave me a broader insight into both people") 8. A ("mundane tasks such as filing and data entry, but you soon realise that it needs to be done in order for the rest of the team to function.") g. D ('At the end of my tour I had many paths I could choose from in order to further my career.") 10. B ("My workload is varied and I am constantly kept on my toes, with the prospect of 5. D


travelling with the Foreign Secretary in the future. This role will enable me to develop a greater understanding about the foreign policy issues the office faces")


5.Bi-^'.= a,"e-2'-

6.8(Ds='= ni. -^: JC



9.Dr--= 10. A .-: rvl t2

r( rv

A^ Lr,


1. C ("These fats live in the place of the essential nutrients that home cooking might have

provided.") 2. D ("From a theoretical point of view, everyone agrees that fast food delicacies are deadly concoctions that their bodies do not need.") concoction = combination 3. B ("People have to be de-addicted from it, and giving them free recipes is one way of attracting people back to cooking wholesome food at home.")

z.= A.

4. B ("A balanced diet is the ultimate requirement for staying healthy, and one way rather the only way - in which this can be managed, is by home cooking.") ("ln short, home cooked food and the dinner table can become the factor that knits 5. C the family together.") 6. A ("Dieticians and nutrition experts strongly recommend home cooking'") 7. B ("People in developing countries rely less on fast food chains for subsistence, and most of the households in these countries have hundreds of recipes that have been handed down through generations. These are time tested and proven, with unchallengeable nutritive values and taste.") 8. A ("Nothing will help this interest and care better than easy recipes.") this interest = the people have in cooking 9. A ("There are plenty of tasty and free recipes which may have a rather long preparation time and may require too much of labor. While these have their charm, they may frighten off the beginners, and make them indifferent to cooking.") 10. D ('While making the food simple, try to change the recipes, so that there is some

variety. Somehow or other make the mealtimes attractive so that the family is attracted less and less to the junk food that goes by the name fast food.")

8't+. 1.A(paragraphl) 2. B ("proper custom wristbands are created from 100% medical-grade silicone") 3. C ("Many non-profit organizations and political causes have adopted custom wristbands, to demonstrate awareness of an issue, to raise needed funds, or both.") 4. D ("Cyclist Lance Armstrong kicked off the custom wristband craze in 2004...") to kick off = to start craze = fad, fashion


1l :



(,,'sasseulean llaq] o^oJduJl Aldurrs ueql JoqleJ sql6ua.r1s.Iaq1 ueqloualls ol sluarled Llceoi ol sl eopl aLlL,) €'01 (,,'le6ue lo {larxue ,ssaupes }o so^lasuaq} plj stual}ed passerdep pedlaq oq ionouaLlM pnotd 1ea; ol posn aq sles 'etuenlr(suue6 tro ftlstantun oq] ]e loluaC '6 f6oloqcrts6 a^tllsod eq1 sun.r oqm 'ueubrlas uruey\ '1sr6o;oqcfsd ;eclutlc e sv,,) c alnlcal auo 'o]ll ;o etuaqcs puel6 (,,'re11eru l,usoop ,t11ee:


oql ul ]eql 6uropalrvrou>1ce so^lo^ut rlelrlM '(d) entlcadsled s,oJaql '[11eut1 'alnlcol leaM aq] sasled leqm pue sllol lellm lnoqe alnln1 oq] Jo] suossal 6utuleel st ]xoN 'sJor.llo ueql o^llsajJe ssol oq lll^A aulos l:euutnn ;aqol

aH (u) uollcnllsuocoJ

(,,'ueddeq sbugql lo

o^orlaq lsaq oLlt aleu oq/\^ asoql lnq ']seq aL{} lo1 suaddeq 6utq1fuane '(oooz lrtdy) pe1ta4 ,,s1st1erut1do, se slsttutido cllsllee.l saqlJcsap

asoLll lou

t/ \.. ,{Jru-ie1


.r-v ts


aq: :

oLtos st o,3rt


{eu Aeql ';.,-,:uorle:edarc 5-:


oq o] (d) uolsslLuJad ,"" olnlcel fuana 1ou teql llasulLl spuluiaJ aH " "q all ueqM '{es JlasLurtl slue:O aq - aJnJcal peq e 6urnt6 lage - u^ op sloal ,o}|| u^^o Slt,| u|,,) .8 .dUd S||ec aq qc|q/v\ .sos|cloxo lslleutldo aoJq} sasn€ C 1eq1 or..f/v\


L.lirM 'uaAct: : :s*:

uaaq aAeLl



- ,{em euo

(,,'saI eq oJ stuoos spadxe aql uoJJ la^Asue aq1 iadrcar e ollo] :o Iqqoq Mou e ^ '9 uieaq 1q61gr ervr r{enn oues oq} r{lrnrysod 1o seldrcultd aql la}seu o1 elqlssod }l sl lO,,) '7 le6uo1 pue rarddeq B qlliv\ polelcosse sl 'allL{Mueaur 'iustuut1d6,,) 3

silul ]eql rc:l?_

}oJInsJndaql'looq^^auepue(/002)rctddeplJolo|{}neollis|oq^^.Jeqeqs-ua8',)e.z '9 euoc },usoop apls {uuns aq1 6urae5,,)y (,,'{1rsee

\.. !u r -






(,,.ool auo olur ourddlls rloll JlasJno{ luaneld o} aujn poo6 e s,11 'uotssaldep prer*ol 6ur1qurn1 {ruouoce s,puoM aLll q}l/v\ 's^ep aseql I1;ercedsa puv,,)



(,,'lt{6U 6ut}ee Pue Outstclaxe

se 6uraq-11en


o] ]ueuodrul se 1snI aq ue3


ajll uo Iool]no pue Ilrleuosrad lno,{

,,(laueu 'burqytrana Jo} }unocce },uop sJo}3e1 lecrslqd 1nq 'rtlunoc - I6oloqc,{sd rnol slq] ul ssoulll ]o sasneo snonctdsuoc ]sol'u otll 3q {eru Outlorus pue '{ltsaqo',) V't


(.'apud lootlcs pue Aauou qloq oslel ol sdnolb llo.rd-q6rr,l 'e1rloid-q6lq 'unJ e oJe ,iaql,,)v'ot. ul apeul aq uec ]losll pueqlsllM I'uolsnc oqI,') O '6 ocloq3 e ^em

lolllo pue spueq 'suleal 'sloor.lcs lol (,,'stoloc

(.'yel telleus pue llelop aJorll



peuaaics.Ills',) C '8 6urmo1le pueq ouosllls aLll oluo lq6u eoessau eq11ur.rd spueqlsllM


1o Ie,rn euo si s3


a.le sotSectlSi aneq trq6riu

6, :,



ol au olqeus 1o

lcedsold aui

,tu leqpnl


o] spaau ]l leql



\,.-^ -


'/ eq] tnoq6no.rql ]urds lootlcs lsooq sIemle uec s{enn11ell aq} ul spueqisll^ }o eas V',) C (,,'1no ebessaru JlaL{} }ab ol {errn e se pueqlslJl Lrtolsno aq} pa}dope spull lo '9 suonezfue6lo lecrltlod pue 'suolleztueblo Ipenod-r1ue 'sdnotb ssauoreMe aseasr6',) 5 qloq pastel

(,,'ploq ut peulpet

(,,'qcrease: lo] ilellop ]o suolllll'rt pue Jaoueo ]o ssouaJeme '9 buollsanrT plo/\^ aq} buueeq pueqislr^ Luoisns no1la^ aLll,,) B

aexa CVg aqlnlgastnol atedaL4


(,," u (,,'qloq lo 's




(,,'sassauleom llaql



"no''d'l sr eapl aqI") 8"0t qoe?l lreql ueq16u:]" ot stuaued :l padleq p-assaldep ueql laqlel srllOuars,ssaupes lo."n,"r*lr.ll p,, .lu"rt"d raiuac oql ]e 1o Allsranlun "ou" e sv")c'6 r"'"ilip"ttl'i:i:: ,ueu61;; ;;;^isrooloqc^sd leorurls ^:i:"il!ila6

(,,.ra6ue.,o n aq ra^euaLtM pno.,o

A6oloqcAs6 a^rlrsod




,,ut"op n'i""l' ".rnr'"t "y? -?ll,l"

aLrl u, leLrl 6u16pe1rnou>1""'r"i1onu1

aueqcs puer6

asoql lou -






(,,'uaddeq o^olleq eq] to; sueddeq 6urq1tuana



ii't,n,,,a"u,,,oof sa

saqpcsep '(oooz tudv)




., palersosse sl pue ratddeq e qll/m







t t

eas V") O 'e


sr {1tue1 a oluos sl aJi '


rllrM 'ueA pue'ecuo:



- {enn euc 1o {enn eu



aneq lq0tu (,,sece; e

o] ou JO





spueqlsuM O"'"""ti].li3i, lq.u eoessaur eqituuO


uoaq a^eq

slru) leqi


anir Ae'trr





Aa-u:rx,uloq asleJ o] (,,'apud lootlcs-pue,etuord-q6iq .unl e ale


pueq auoorlrs aql oluo

"{:.ii'" jilT" *


{er"u Aaql


(a) uotsstuurad itruxiuf.'""#l:?1""il13i$:i*;u'"ir"""r"qll!l:^1"':rauu^^'oqoN .pri,]i"i"r'i 'ueunq eq -ot iLLr] e aq ueo arnlcar

il, vvrY' -ii$, . ' i::*":-,;:;,il[i:11"$;f;g:[:iiiffi:


i".tiu aq qclrlM^ 'saslsjoxa ljUa .itn"

jo lsaq ot1] aretu ot]m "toJ1 i.::q^']toq terlt sbutqt t9 tri''yil" oLrM


t?i; l:::'i' t*ll m:irl'.:,"-,lLruxT :# 'alrLl^ :1 'r'usrurrldo") c't ^t!^ltj::,"-':::H;;;;; '"''q^u""uu V'0

ju; 1 :i."-T aues ;il""l aql 1i



dd s * ?,i'; JJl?,'"Jl?li t (,, oo1 a u o olu r 6 u "1^1:^:1" s'plloM ii,il' Outslclaxe pue pru^o1 ourlquunl rtuouoca (,, ]116lr ounea lnoA " u-o-'l'o^llo pu" [lrleuoslad se.lsn[eq uec 1nq 'tu1unoc "lr se 6uraq-11ann lnoA ol lueuodtu! ,'lirunoc"" f'uop sroisel lecrs^qd nOotoqcili-r"li U*qr,ir"n" i"; 6u11ouus pue {1rsaq6'}lJ tnon"idtuot

,Aleureu -

srql ul ssoulll


laq}o pue spueq (..sroqoc,{ueru;o acrorro " 6urr,no11e

at spueq}srrM }o :l }t:"q :l:Tle uec slemlleq eql lnoq6notq] lurds loot{cs pueq}su^::1'l:3;r:ff't3;9"":::';i:) r"o (,, rno "0"'fJ*'"qr eo lo s s o u€, e^e\ s uoneziu e o.r",""o,,# . " rvrollaA oLlr") l,:i:X tlrolsns pu"qrtlr^^ plo* qloq paslel Allclnb 0uojlsanrl "ui'btl'o"q





ol spaau

(,,'ploq ul




Prepare yoLtrsclf fo, Ihe BAC axam


WRITING - Subiecte tip 1 (nivel A1'A2)


1. You have just witnessed an accident and you feel like talking to someone about this terrible experience. Write your best friend an email of B0-100 words, explaining what



happened and asking for his help to get over it. 2. You have just returned home after being caught by a powerful storm. Write your best friend an email of B0-100 words, explaining what happened and your impressions. 3. While being on holiday you have experienced an extremely unexpected meeting and you

are still under its strong impression. Write your bestfriend an email of B0-100 words, telling him/ her what happened and asking for an opinion about the way you should handled it.


4. Write a short narrative about the way you discovered the character of one of your friends. Write your answer in B0-',|00 words. 5. The student club you attend is organising an event to which you would like to invite the oarents of all the members. Write the letter in about 100 words'


6. Write a short letter to your best friend to send him/her news about a great achievement

of yours. Write your answer in B0-100 words.

7. You have just won two tickets to spend a weekend at the seaside. Write your best friend an email of 80-100 words, to invite him/ her to come with you. 8. You have to take an important decision.Write a short letter to your pen pal asking him/ her for some advice on the matter. Write your answer in 80-'100 words.

9. You are ready to spend a weeklong holiday in another country and you need your best friend to help you take care of your pet. Write a B0-100 word - email to ask for his help and give the necessary directions on how io take care of your pet. 10. Your best friend has asked you to give him/ her some advice related to a diet problem

and you decided to send your answer in a short e-mail. Write your answer in 80-100

wor0s. 11. Write an email to your best friend to inform him/ her about your plans for this holiday

and ask him/ her if it is possible to join you. Use no more than 100 words.


12. Write a short narrative about a situation that seemed dangerous, but eventually turned into a funny one. Write your answer in 80-100 words. 13. Wriie a short letter to your friend asking for his/ her advice on how to convince your

parents to let you go on a trip to the mountains scheduled for the beginning of the holiday. Write your answer in 80-100 words. 14. The editor of your school magazine has asked you to write an article about a time

when you failed and what you have learned from that experience. Write an article of about 100 words. 15. Your parents have just surprised to help you by offering to arrange your own room, the way you like it. Write your best friend an email of 80-'100 words, describing your new room and inviting him.


Su: e::


uaqou >J I lu/\

afueulpJoellxoll],usl'ulebeloaulll,oMpuesassoJJpelleulapuesleqLunu aqs ]nq 'uollen]ls {Lu lnoqe auoqd poOueqcxo aM 'oS 'otu pu4 ol Moq Moul l,uplp alls plelle seM oroul oul ol poluB^ oste eqS iplp oqs ]nq 'oLll estu6ocel l'uplnoM ^ 'llaM raq pulJ o} uaqM rrneul fpoqou '1e1rdsoq ul se^ 1 uaqnl idul iL{ceoq aql uo iall }au.l | o6 penes oL{M }aleqc ule}unou aq} ulol} Urb }er;} :eqrueua: noA looqcs eql 6uunp a1r1 Atu 'loaM ]sel peq a^eq pue ou4 el'no{ adoq

lnoi{ 6urql 'tuooj UAAC



ralunocuo palcadxoun

I1;e1o1 {Lu

inoqe peoJ o} aul}

Jo }lq e


jo alctue u outl e lno(


eq1 1o 6uru lnou{ ecurnl

iApuv'lH laiunocua Pelcedxaun


r"uoc'ooqeA@"'uaqoJ :Luoll


"'^AojPUe :ol 'eE APueY!

{lJen1ua,ra 's rieprloq srq:


leloul no{ lla} o} }lem },ueo 'arll .ecueuedxa stq] loge Inlmesq os sulaos aII lnq 'Jeol e olll Dullqua:i lt[s Lu'l 'panl^lns | ]nq 'sloaly\^ oLll repun pegJ aq] 6ur1eqs '6utlqulnl olo^ slopunql oluls plnom auo tee^s plnoc l :]eql elrl 0uttl]{ue ueos Jo^ou oA'l oq] pue A1s aq1 passon'6utu1q011 Auulqs lnlrenrrod 6uol laceld ,sluaredPue:O Iu u-to4 a^olleq i,uplnoM no^ 'plalJ e ul on euuoq 0urnup ollqM eul lq6nec ulols alqulai e ]eqM os Lu'l pr" p,f lqOhbqf l oO" t#uf rvie; e 1sn[asneceq 'mou no{ o1 Outltrnn ure 1 fddeq I


'leeP Iu-t irurols alquJal

ulos'lleulotl@ Luoc'ooqe{@


00 L-09 ur .i Lualqo:d 1ai +v\


)se o]




n^^, Posu '

tnnf Jr rv/\





"',iPueu: :tuoJl





]uaiug^otq3E gIAUt O] eti,

'slnoA 1sa,{a

os seM


{u lo }uoJ} ur 11 burees eoeuur ieql daal | 4Mou op I plnolls }eLlM 'peep {;lee1c sem ueLU all} }nq 'ZLL pallec Apoqauo5 ialqproq e uoql lsnp 'outtuoc

pue qrnc aLl] iluelsur ue ur ra^o ueu aql uei



:no.,{ 1o auo

plnoqs no{


leqm 6urure;d


lseq tno{ e:r,



'1q6t1 uee:6 aq1 rol 0ulltenn ulell e spJeMol p"qr"J uetu 6unoA e i{lueppns ueqr'n 'puapJ isaq Iu 'noA o] Ile] o] poeu 'a]uM ol Asee 1ou s,l! pue /\^ou leol e e1r1 Ourleqs ul,l 'no{ laLl}oq o1 furos u,1 pue luoplcsp alqulai e 6ursseultnn loue ouloq pa^llJe lsnf an,1 inq





iluaptcce olqlllel

tuoc'lteulloq@ Luoc'ooqe{@




" er66el

susMsNV wexa 3yg



'sproM 00 !-0 no{ pue 0ura

srQi ]noQe


orrsrccng Si

rc1 llasLnot( atedat4

Prepare vourself for the BAC exam


E+. The blessing of true friendship It was September in a new school for me. My previous classmates had been extremely

friendly and I was aware that I had been very lucky so far. Unfortunately, my parents decided to move to another town and I had to leave, too. While walking nervously in the early autumn morning, one of my friends from the other school joined me. He was so far from his house! He said he knew how difficult some beginnings could be and that it would nice to make me feel like I was not alone. How easy can all hardhips become with friends like him around!

I hoPe been


You k

to hel woult


even Wha



Dear Mr. and Mrs. Toma, am writing this letter to invite you to the exhibition "The Future in Our Eyes", displaying the paintings of the members of our Art Club. I

The event will take place in the main halt of our high school, on October the 5th, from 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. The paintings show different outlooks for student life and the guests can talk with the artists in a small coffee room. We would be honoured if you could come and we look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, George Adam, Art Club representative

Et To:


Sul He







Dear Michael,



How have you been doing? And what about the projects you had in mind the last time we talked? As for me, I am writing now to share with you the great joy that I'm feeling. l've received the results for the Cambridge test that I sat in March and I've passed it with Al I am so happy that all the effort has paid off!

Now I can come to visit you because I feel I deserve a little holiday before the school exams session comes up. What do you think? Waiting for your answer, Your best friend. George


Hello, Jeremy! How are things going? | hope everything's OK because I have great news: I've just won two tickets at the prize draw promoting the new chocolate wafers! They are for a 3-day stay at the seaside. Will you come with me next weekend to Mamaia, at the Park Hotel?l

can't think of anybody else because you are my best friend and you are to stay in Romania for only two months! Please let me know if you can come asap, because I have to send them the name of the person l'll bring along in two days' time. Yours, Mike






arou Aed 'oS iAppnq 'uolluape 'uollBtrljolul sltl] n'"n e s'}l uercr}erp ezt|euosledo}lailoqS.}llnq.Sleoulrldoldp-uEs}uaulnu_}noqepeoluecno^.[!SIloqe}aul 011

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',lffii1q6t"^'non Mau aLrl lol lalp orrlinoqe


ar!y\ 'sJnoA



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:oI Luoc'ooqeA@"'uelleLu .0r g


:eg :lcafqng :l'uoll





aurl lse

rnoA ro11n1e1et6 os Lu'l

A:en ourqlaruos no^ 6uuq 11,1 idleq qlrr'a 1q6u 11e 1 s1 iocaalc urol] oclu Atuo s1t ino{ ro; e 6u1n11 a:e nolt.pue loom 'lueuoul ol pooj roLl pue pu" ^er] "-tl:Yjlo^ pu" rzz1v1 parrol;j"ff;i'[l

"uo1";; f"l iqoru,"n!]Ltf tt,t "Upo,i#;i llJ;;;; 6;orl iao rrn o^l no't'"doq

.ece1d rnoA o] pasn pues raq 6uuq 11,1

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:1ca[qng jo alec alei noA uec 'aseeld 61ec Au'r :uloll ruoc'ooqeA@eaaJPue u.lo3'lleullotl@"'erbroeb


slsen6 0L





plnoqs ]eLlM iau ol alu/v\ aseeld eop I ua^a I leql luttll

.leLrlro eraql paredard repaq auocaq lrrM nox I'uop i pue '^ oul aul pue alall ";; l,uop I 'ta^oaloyualoLll


se "^:iotiil:J

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ast n o y'' aL ed at

fsee *r

o[los ll rotllo a sluoJed

{;eue.t: 1


'lalueo Jeeo

wexJ5w a Lil7w


Prepare yourself far the BAC exam




TO: [email protected] From: [email protected]


Subject: invitation to the world


Dearest Sorana,

challenged accepted ih

How are things going? lf everything is fine, I have an extraordinary invitation for you. My parents are having a tour of Europe's most famous cities this summer and they asked me if I wanted to take any of my friends with me... and l'd really like you to come.

It was

15. fu


Second 5. I because fii asked him I

lmagine: Paris, Venice, Geneve, these are just some of the places we'll be visiting because there are many more on their wishlist. What do you say? Can you come with me? Please, talk to your parents and call me! lf there's no problem, they'll have to talk to mine

afterwards. Hugs,

trl ts.

To: From: Subjecu








tz. I hope dr'r{

The soap opera that saved my day

It's been m It was long after midnight. I was coming back from a Saturday night party, scared at the

thought of my mum getting upset with me because of the late hour. She had been always very strict about me coming home before 10 o'clock, but I totally forgot about it with all the music and my friends' jokes around. I entered as silently as I could, but to my terrible surprise my mother was in the living room, watching her favourite TV series. I froze in the doorway. But she turned her eyes shining brightly to me and said: "cassandra finally married Robertol".


rs. My dear Jane,

How are you? | really need your help with some advice. It's about asking my parents for permission to Eo on a trip to Bugteni with my classmates, at the beginning of the winter holiday. They are definitely against it and I know that weather may be a problem, but we'll travel by train and we have where to stay if needed. So, how to convince them that l'll stay out of trouble? I have to admit that no teacher comes along because it's our arrangement only. Maybe you have some ideas because, seemingly, everything pleads against my ptan. Love.






ceiling. Trx georn€rnca I can hardF

Yours. Susan





leql M 'seJeurl

uesns 'slnoA

ser{a ;a 6urnr; a

ol no{ ro} }leM Alpteq uec 6,{es noA op }eLlM i}l aos



lectlieuoao .ubrsep drq fuon e sa^loqslooq alll utqlrnn paceld st lalnduuoc eql '6ut1tac pu: spu'1q qs'uaal6-eneq s^AopulM eq1 auros tlllM,{#nu st 1q6noq'11edtec aqi poil ot1" pue Addeq ru'1 '{em {Lu 1t aouerre oltl uo slqbrllods ]"d i;;; le".ro lr peilieo 1 Auu ueaq s']l p"!trO,ns stue'reO [u 'trtou pue pootlpllr']c oculs uleolp i{aq1 pue auj lol .ruoor A ou",Aiu aes oi no{ ounur oi a4l p,l asnecaq nor qlir'n yo ale soulql edoq



slervtle aq] ]e p


ietuuY'Aag I'llool Mau Aru 'aseald :lcefqng

ruoc'ooqeI@""uesns :uloll

:oI Luoc'lleuloq@"'atuue .91E

auruJ o1

eOtl] Ll]lri'


'laq uioJj rtenne eu leD o] {em e puU o} ullLl palSe ipoo6 .ro1 'A1a1eunyolun asnesoq leq} paulp puar4p16 '(Lu '{ep peq Aq;en1ce oq/\A aleulsap s,Jotllolq laq q]lm ino 'Alpuocag 6utpuelsrepun lnoqtr'^ e6ua1leqc e,ldecce lanau 'no{ o1 1o0 peq }l uo sseuLlslloo} se6 }l '{11ur3 "'ped ,ololaq oslsJoxo ^q/v\ '{ur 1noq1i* 6uruun: ,,els lo^au ",ro. .U|Bl}so|csn|'UeL|}l/v\Ien,resallau}ospoJpunqauos||e}|lnq.a6ua||eLl3eqlpaldecce aLU pe6ual;eqc '[erne slcolq Iueu Allenice '>1ted lseieeu ol1] o] lolse] unr plnom oLlM 1 Apee: pue acuaprluoo ]o lln1 '9f sem raqlolq loq uoqm'puap11,io [r-u qirrrr ]no aulp ol


pe>1se ,{




';aqceal Poob e sq ue3 alnllel



Prcpare yourself for tl)e BAC exam



Subiecte tip 2 (nivet B1-B2)

1. Write an opinion essay in response to the following statemen t:

Art does not reproduce what is visible; it makes things visible. write your essay in 180-200 words. 2. Write a "for-and-against" essay of about 200 words on the following topic: Competitive games are good for children. 3. Write an argumentative essay in response to the following statemen t:

deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more friends. Write your answer in 180-200 woros.


lt takes a great stand up to-your

4' Your school magazine organises an article competition entiiled: What is Friendship? Write your article in 180-200 words.


5" Your school organises a competition for articles entitled Do We Reattv Need Adveriising? Write your answer in 180-200 words.

6. Write an opinion essay in response to the following statement: Modern technology is not always what we desire it to be, write your answer in i g0-200 words.

7. As your lT club representative, you decided to write a formal letter to one of the companies that may sponsor your activity to ask for information related to their offer. Write your answer in '180-200 words.

8. Write an opinion essay in response to the following statement: The highest resutt of education is tolerance. Write your answer in 180-200 words.

9. The editor of your school magazine has asked you to write an article about how fashion is generally perceived by teenagers. Write your answer in 180-200 words. 10. Write an argumentative essay in response to the following statement: The voting age should be raised to twenty. write your answer in 1g0-200 words. 11. As part of a school project, you are asked to write a for-and-against essay on shopping. Write your answer in 180-200 words. 12. Write an argumentative essay in response to the following statemen

gap cannot be bridged. Write your answer in 1g0_200 words.

t: The generation

13. Write an opinion essay of about 200 words on the following topic: Viotence against

nature is a crime against humanity.

14' Your school organised an opinion essay competition on topics of great importance for teenagers, and you decided to write about hobbies. Write your answer in 1g0-200 words. 15" Wriie an argumentative essay in response to the following statemen

t: young peopte

today dct not use their free time wisety. write your answer in 1g0-200 words.


60t 'llosino^ roj lerluassa sr o^allaq no^ 'alll rleq} leq^ roj uraq] ol dn puels ol elqe aq o] sl drqspuar.rl llaql 6ut1sa1 1o {enn auO ut a^eq uec ouo spuat;j 1o sadfi snoJoulnu oq] pue dtqspuet.ll onl] uooMloq a3uolo;Jlp 6rq e sl olaq] 'lo^o^ o11 'sa$e pue sad^l 11e 1o eldoad 1o ltns:nd oq] suleurar pue saulla1ll Ireql Ourrnp Joqioue o1 antb ueo uetunLl ouo ]eq] yl6 lse1eet6 eq1 aqAeu sr dtqspuatr3



eldoed 'suotlouja llaq] olpueq uec ueJplttlc uaLlM e6e ue ie peAeld oq plnoqs saueO entltiaduoc 'uolsnlcuoc ul '{enn antlebau e ut }lnpe eJnln} eq} }co;Je lllM 1t {enn laqlta pue lasol e pue touutm e selldiut uorirledLuo3 'so^ll olllue llaql lnoqbnolql ecueyodlut s]t pue i{lrntltsues S,ualpltqc aq1 'saule6 entllladuoc sl lsute6e luauunO:e Jaqtouv 'dolenap pue ullo] o1 ssecold ]lnc11jlp pue 6uoi {;eula:1xe ue eltnba.t leq] slleJ] 'ac4poes uane 'Aqledua 'elec Moqs pue sauo leoM aq1 lcalold o] u:eal oM 'fue:1uoc or.ll sn saqceal aouessa ueunq lno jo apls leJou aq] esec s,eldoed ut ';entnlns pue qleop Jo Jalleul e st antltleduoc 6uteq pUoM lgLillue aq] ul ellLl^/\

'pueLl JaLllo stl] uO '6uno{

ale Ieql oouts lsltj oLll aq o1 6ul1q6r1 ol peuolsncce ]a0 plnoLls uaJpllr..l3 '{11uanbasuo3 'ansst ue saruoooq Joolec Jtaql se uoos se olll a^l]lladuoc e lalua aldoed 'ti11sLt3 'sleurue roJ st ll se eldoad lo; luepodLlt se st uotltladLloc loqlaqM st {Slano:1uo3 JO lal}eul e Sl suleulol }eLlM 'JouueuJ oueS oL1} ul uleol }eqi 'sanlesuotl} pue o}ll }noqe JoJ ]nq 's6ureq ueuinrl lol anl] {1uo 1ou sl }l satqeq lle ,sleultue ]uelodult ]sotu oq] sr 6uri{e1d 1eq1 e6palmoul uoululoc {peeLle sl 11

uleol uoJpltqc


uolpl!tlc rol poo6 oJe soue6 a^lllladuoc

i i

slrol lo luolj ul aieiql^ aLl] ule6e sl

ll 'sasec

q3ns ul 's6ulql ]ualoj]lp


002-08f , acuepoC* lsute1e e: uo4eteuef.

uo i{esse 6u4o,a eL' 'spJoM




Moq ]noq?



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laJJo Jleq]

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lo spurl lle o] xeods uec oLlM slslile

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aql Jo euo



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paoN 4tpaa

aruJ s! teLU/


laqlo jo {ltslantp aq} uloJ} Lueq} LlslnOul}slp o} olqe are aldoed letceds e soltnbal ll me; {;uo 'rlreqc pue &neoq Jelnctled s}l seq loueld slq} uo 6utql ,fuana pue Llsea Jl ua^f


o1 dn

patb e seyal



asruOocar pue oos o] L.goL.l] seqcea] ,(;;en1ce ]l ]nq ',sa^lasuaql Joj aos ue3 aldosd leL.{M ecnpolde.l lou saop Alelrurlap Ue 'uotuldo ,{tu u1 'fuo1srq }noll6noJq} spual} leclLldosolltld pue crlsrpe ]uoJa;Jtp ]o saleqap snolarrnu e ]o ]cafqns oLl] uaaq s^PMle seq 1.iV



susMsNv uexs CVg

at11 ,to1



oslslccnS +J

qeunoA atedat4

Prepare yourself far the BAC exam

considering the value and scarcity of true friendship, it is understandable why people

are doing everything in their power to fight for it when they think they have found it. Unfortunatery, in so doing they may forget who they reaily are because they are


to stand up to your friends than to your enemies: fighting your enemy will bring yoLiappreciaiion,

Nl- , _ L\- " = -

continuously trying to be liked. This is why it takes a greater deal of courage

while trying to convince your friends about.something they ctearty are against will put you in a bad light and you may end up losing tnem.

In my opinion, standing up to your friends requires not onry courage, but arso wisdom, patience and the clear knowledge of what true friends are.


u ,:h.r


r -- --



E+. What is True Friendship? How often have you felt betrayed, misunderstood and wishing you had a irue friend? lf the answer is a number bigger than one, did you try to figure Jui*n"t had gone wrong? A true friend is one who always stands by your side in both good times and bad times. Othen,rise, no matter the feelings involved, the relationsnip ,,iilt coltapse awfully soon, Another valuable quaiity is the frierrd's power of understanding ano accepting you the way you are None of us is perfect that's why a friend sometimes needs to understand you and your probiems, even when you yourself can,t do it, and what,s more, a true friend must accept you the way you are. But perhaps the greatest and the most difficult quality to find in a friend is their capacity of never giving up on you and on the hope that you'il change for the better someday. Accepting you as you are shourdn't impry not trying to herp you see your mistakes and improving in every way we need. only in a real fiiendship .rn on" find so much care and patience, which is what makes it so rarel My conclusion: if you ever find true friendship, fight for it and learn




Es. Do We Really Need Advertising?

cne modern saying so often quoted


as if it seems io appry to armost everything nowadays - is "Fool me once, and it is on you, fool me twice andit gets on me,,. lsn,t this the case of adverlising, too? The main purpose of an advertisement is to inform the public about the new products on the market and everyone needs that information. How can you make a choice when you know virtualiy nothing about the items on sale? so, an ad wourd herp you figure out whether you should buy product y or product X. No matter how relevant this may sound, a problem arises: can you trust this information? In a world market with so many brancls oi det"rg"nt, perfume, diapers and so on, how can you believe that only the advertised productJare good f or you? Either the others are

so good that they do not need to be advertised or they don,i have enough funding to

afford promotion"

tn my opinion, only by trying out various products can we actually form a just opinion about any of them. Advertising should fool us only once. That's wny, no matter how stressful, silly or inviting an ad can be, getting foored twice becomes our probrem.





L0t 'oN lootlcs q6rH 'e^lleluosordau qnlS Il reqr/\ ncselleqlt\ '{11n;q1re1


'xxxZOZ1ZLO 'ou euoqd allqou aqi uo lo l'lloc'ooLle{@ e1rLu-qnls1l pslceluoc eq uec l'uollelaplsuoc olu! e)le] plnoqs 3M

Moq Ja]]e uotutdo isn o1 6urpun;

oJe sJoqlo IAOq ',uo os auotjeuJJo+_

ie lleu e!^ loq]lo

leq] laptsuoc noA pueuuop Jalllo Aue se llal se 'no{ uo.t1 uol}eruJolul leqlnt Oulntaca.t ol pJe/v\lo] Iool I suollualul :no{.to1 apn1r1e.l6 daep Iul Outssaldxe {q lapel ritu pue 'paau ]ealo ut A1n:1 ale oA se 'e;qrssod se uoos se lueLudlnbe stql eltnbce o] MolloJ plnoLls 1 sdals poutlou aq o] alll osle plnoM | 'elorllJotlunl oql pue peau plnoqs s.reded oql ]noqe 1 .sltelop no{ }eq} slueuieltnbe.t {eu eleq os aM uec ssnsstp oLl] leql 1|e }o }lellaq uo no^ 1se {ue qlrnn Leq}a6o} roJJo stq} sn puos o1 sanbeelloc ^r-uno^ qctqnn sulo}l }o roqunu oi altl plno^ I i{qm sr slql 'q}lM sn dlaq o1 6ur1lrnn oq plnO^ e st aieLll'laiseuJpeaq iooqcs lno qll^A uolssncslp {tu Luoll poo}slopun a1eq I se Jei sV I

]o laqulnu e qllm qnlc

1no e:nOg n no{ ueqm a uo

slql ],usl -3

6urq1X.ra,.a :

'{lrnr1ce rno JoJ fuessaceu sleleqdrtad Jo sallos e pue sieinduloc lootjos qbtq rno :osuods ol lo;lo tno,{ 6ulple6a: 6ut1t:nn ue



'urepe/\ /lls leoc


pue olec Ll3-



'r{epeuos ;a': .,{lrcedec

.sauioclno enrleoau sil llLull pue lcrpe.rd o] suo]Ja pelo^ap pue pa]lun '6uol1s q$notql ]nq 'LjoJBosoJ cUtluetos $utseac {q penlos oq }ouuec ulalqoJd sltl} pocul^uoc iue | 'suot]oe.1tp peicadxaun /illelo] olut 6utn;ona lloi.l] pue sq6norqllearq ;ect0o1ouqca1 {11euos:ed 1 'uotsnlcuoc ul Jo suotlualul poo6 oql uoomlaq Ie,rn 6uo1 e sl elalll eal0e 'alqrssod letiualod a^llcnJlsop sll apeul {6olouqcei ulepou leql eapt aq1 lsure6e an6le uec {poqou 'sraq}o pue so}llla}es ]o osn 6uoun aLl] ;$u,stpenpe 'sctlaueb ^luo 'sleotlnaceul.reqd qlrnn onuliuoc p;noc selduexo otll q$noqlly

,i l1




anJ] e 'etoi. puelsJapun cl aq1





'sautl peq


abuotnn auo6 Jl apuolj] an_jl

't.l]leaq s,a;doad 'slall}o uo seq s:alnduoc {q pepr1ua uol}elpel }eqi }3aJJo a1l}e6ou aL.l} uolluolj ol }oN qcal-qOrq asn oi sfenn o^tooop to satitluopt pue 1ee1s 'fcenltd epe^ul o] sosl^op 'passocord uotleu;.to1ul }o }unoue eLl} pue paeds puno] osle eneq elooad ^UodoJd

"{1e1eunpolun ]eqi os pepeJbdn pue poluonul oJaA slalnduoc 'Ilpuocag IloM lno oseolcut uec oA 'seleLulq6l u ]stoM s,pu t)ueu-t n Ll puoleq uol]snjlsop pela66tl1 qc qnn 'A11slt1 ]nq 'sasodJnd entltsod 111e1o1Jol poleai3 sem leql {6reue lealsnu Jo Iultll uec ouo 'suol]slpaio alaq uolssnoslp oiur lqOnolq letltut oltdsap fllua.redde 'anll aq ol )no paulnl {pea:1e a^eLl s6urLuocpoqs aql Jo Iuer-u leql ]1..upe ol a1eq i ',I;eleunpolun 'pue sanl; s,eldoed uo {$olourjcai uJapout;o icedur aq} ueq} pa}eqep e1oul cldol e oq }ou {euu a.req1 's{epennop t

aq ol wexa CVg

aq1 rc1

ll arlssp

a/'^ leq/r^ sfervr;e

lou s! {6o1ouqce1 ulapow

'r.ropstM OSle


noI lnd llt^^ ]sutE 'uorlerca:dde n dn puels o1 a6e

ele {aq1 osnpO 'lr punol a^eu


ere e;doed lqra

llastnoA aLedat4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

8a. In a worrd where randing a job is not as easy



B, c,'ano success is everybody.s goar, education has become more and more,importani a, peopre rearised it can herp them become more competitive. Unfortunately, not many people highest resurt of education is torerance towirds p;p6-urlrnounderstand that tne us, no matter tne competition involveo.

one reason why tolerance is disregarded, is that people learn to fight since an early aqe: fight for their toys, for people's attintion, against the bulies in tnE ,ti""t, ;i;.;iiil*"g. some parents teach their children to shareiheir possessio"., tn"r" Jr"" #.'u"riiro do not do it, but on the contrary. rt takes rong ano "r" manlv"rl"oi parents both and chirdren, to understand thaino matteriowitiong"or*[", r"ip3"pi", you may be at some moment, only the power of patience and toleranc" .un oring e*ternat and inner peace.

Another reason is people's general opinion that they are better than the others around. Aqain it is only education that can make people understand that our personal value should not mlke us judge and hurt the others, as everybody is vatuanie ano in their own way, So, true education is seeing that people can co_extst peacefully. "Iir#oinary

8s. Fashion and Us Have you ever wondered what fashion really looks like? | think that it resembles procust, the monster who tried to make everyone fit the sizes or rris ueo, oisregaroing their beauty. I'm afraid that no matter how good-rooking some peopre are, they wiil never have a high opinion of themserves withoui a fashiona"bre outfit on. Don,t you

agree? And it was not me or you who imposed it on.the "r';;;;;;iIs already trouorlo soul of the teenager, but the millions of posiers, ads and teen models around. No sane human b",l-g,!?.,.romelhing against beauty, but rthink that it,s madness to spend the never returning time of you:r tiie and the money needed to build a future on false images and foreveielusive dreams. Personatty, tioi"'ilirri"nds so much that it hurts me to see both girrs and boys mesmerised [v"rvlo o'. in a shop window with the latest models of extravagant"iii", items. nno att these while both mv .outrageousty friends and people the behind t6e rasnion inousiry My creed: we are so much more than fashion!


.rn o" *onoJ.ful hrrrn



voting is maybe the most important feature of a democratic society and the one that can show the degree of civiiisation and wisdom of a nation. TrLis'is why the etectoratJ definitely needs a set of skills in order to use this right for the reat benefit

of everybody, skills that cannot be acquired easily. on the one hand, it wourd be a good idea age to be raised to twenty as young people need maturity, care and knowledge in ordir i'., uot" In a responsible way. what usually happens when a person comes of ige ir onrv tn" i"v particular freedom of doing whatever they want' lt is difficult to see " rebellious young such a frenetic "tand person really interested in the fate of the nation.

on the other hand, not all the young people lack the maturity and sense of responsibility needed for voting' The young population isiot that numerous nowadays, so it woutd not be a good idea to raise the voting age to twenty, because the number of young voters would diminish.

I"r?H,!;::, 112

the votins ase depends solely on how mature and wise the young



etl, ',sleulue .ulnlol ut sn ol aoeuep osnec llt^^ Osaqi io Aue Jo uorlcnllsap aql alolaloql 's}ueld ruoll pessecord sl }eq} pooJ poo1 oi uaq] pasn Ouln"'''l l"y" .to {11celrp laq}lo .lo}eM.llepoauoMa^|runso}Japloul.qlleeqlnoS|eop|srq}UoddnsolluaunOlels;u461


fueneospue'snJolleolstaletAllenlcell'l'l']aasAeuu"firueunq"seuJelecuaueosy aeualoln r(lguetunq lsulebe aullJo e sl oJnleu lsule6e

'er E 'paraplsuoc


uol0ol 'iuloo auos ]e pllLlc e seM luaJed e lnq ']ueJed e uoaq iou seLl plltl3 v ocueqc e sl aroql ')uacsalope aq] lo sesloqc e lcruuoc aq] .la^o lllnq 6uiaq ooplrq Jo ad^] Meu aql q]lM olecrunLuuroo ueo luared aq] Ies ol llel sl ll ']lnsel e sv

6unori a-: nan,

^^^A sevr PUU! =:



PePseu' / - --

6unoA s.: uropeari -E

'r^,. ^^ /\s/v\o9>-_ cP,{rttcr,'



,,(n^^ L^. ^ /\PvY/\rol\E alptntaa a : vtvlv+vv





+t leuosrad Jo paau aq] ,uropsrM eLl] se 6uo1 se leq] a1r1 Jo oouoried pue oououadxa

'lse] oq) L.lsllduocce ua^a lo 'o^llelllul aql olei o] raqlo aq] loj s]leMe }Jed Llcea ]ell] ]ceJ oq|uarplrrlc pue sluaJed Llloq lo loJla lenlnul fuerr aq1 s! Jno^eepua uB qcns Jo Allncu;lp eql 'I11uanbasuo3 'll tlllM earbe lantr eq1 aqi L.l6nolLll Aluo pebpr.rq aq ue; deb uollerauib ol lelluassa sl ]l Aluo ]llnq oq uee obplJq e )eLll aopelMoulce Jo

slueq qloq uo olooaA



e sl ]l o] uollela66exa ue sl ll 'uououlouaLld pealdsaplM sq louuec deO srql leL.ll oq] ^es iloqi pue slualed uaomlaq sdlqsuollelar clleulelqold qOnoqllv '0utrds1;o tuo3salope 'outpuelslepun pue uolleclunuluos io lcel uoneueloxo ue se pasn Aluleul sl ]l inq otl] sl de6 uolleJouoc aql oi onp suolleJsuao ]uaJojllp oMl uee/vleq seslle ieq] ]cllluos


deb uollelaueF aq1



'ouofua^alo}s|}|lo}}oqaL|},Uol}eJaplsuocolu|sale}loLunsuoco|q|SuodsaleS}caose o]ouaq}.oS.Suloas}|Ueq}}uecouu|sso|le}}nq.fuessacauS|6ulddot.|s.L]}|^^apn|cuo3oI '6uttu:o;ut lsnf ueql laqlel 'burAnq olur aldoad Outntecap ;o ale spuelq Mau eiotrt pue aloul se 'lanaMoh ,{em e eruocaq seLl butstyenpe 'paqcunel .6urstpanpe :poleoode illsnpur A au e MoL{ sl slLl} pue uolslcap }saq aqi oleul uec aLl 'Atpltql suo]l aLll ]noqe paullolul oq o] spaau le^nq fua^a leq] os ialleul aLl] uo alqelle^e 'seclnosal JO elseM 1eel6 e o] speol pue 6utq1 fuan slt'l] 'pueY oJe qclLlm slcnpold ;o acuepunqe ue soleolc popoeu Al1enlce lou pue Auouoca s'olels e 1o lanal eq] ro1 tlloq raqlo oql uO 'suazlils s1t 1o buteq-llom oq] 'Alpuoceg sqi a6.re1 e {oldrua sdoqs;o e6uer aprM luepodLur Aleuuerye''Jr inqr ".roltrjonn se Luelqold 'plo;Je uec relnq aq] ueq] orou Jej lsoc Aeu lcnpold,palrsap oqi pue Altluenb oq] 'aLllll .,i"q1 ',i1"1ernuoJun 'paJrseprqtlenb s6e^le rt'^ e luesardel ""'ro ,iem poo6 e sr outddoqs 'q1rnn ut6aq o1 le;ncrped e 1e spaeu auo silelt oql osellcJni o1 lo 'lle sn ol pauaddeq selliell] 6urq11seq eql Alpleq sllllnq 'Aauouu'6utsn ourddoqs6uIo6lnoqlt,vrs]|qeqle|sospuepuoM]noou|oeu|o}o|q|ssodutstlt.sAepemop 6ulddoqg



aq1 rctr


ILI qloc e MOpUTA\

]r leLl]



uo aJnln= ol ssauc€* '^A^, ,^^. JgUgUdO-



=I 4aa:6e nc

,,4,,, u ^ u/r-! ^^rlwrrl





'Aenn u,rao , oleur ]ou p ^

ure6v pu13.: .aanan 9JESU

'^ JOL-

or.rjos ]e rarAa^i 9lvudu

ec ;

,^ ful




Ll6noq]lV ^ueLr-l3: -= :e6e


eq] Ja]]eur a aql leq] pueolaq uec lt : s,{poqfuer,e


lasLnoA arcdaL4

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

ffi:l"r#:':,"J ffi,";rv rivins. Arr our no,:".,, big or smar, wooden or extremerv important ror our ,";;;; jrlt:J;l:",1;r}l'n the quaritv or'oui rano is :"""T?"1

fires and other disasters are pollution and bad resource



earthquakes, froods,

but drsu wur arso ,nu Ine ,.'nur"'u, result of nuclear experiments,

rh ird,y,'^ a source of delight even surrounded by sry-scrapers for those used to living becausr no matter how ignorant or insensitL", be but impresseo by nature,s tllv'"rnnot oeautvl


ffffiY;;:-:'":J:li:[#:j ffiffi;j,xlul,,

rcannot but asree that ir nature is

8M. tn spite of so many magazine articles that their irportrnc" in one's


rif" i. give spare time"":?ffi;i,.%:?ffi51e the greatest varue

to take up a hobbv, r consider

because they provide rest and

c rea t ve o n e o r ; : ?":?,. i; will offer them a special :l : XlJ, kind of actiuJ resting and pleasurable way of time. 'eotrrrg drla a pleasur spending their

}";,l,": ;[:





secondly' while indulging yourself in stress of your dairy work.-Emofionaiiy a hobby you break free from ail the pressure ano lpeaking, hobbie; heJ; peopre the positive side of rife. relax and focus on Moreover, r,ooov *irir""Jil'" ,iercomed resurt, either from "ur.v ; c e v e t h e b re a fl k t nee l#jul',; 1""


::[, : ::il:'#




i:ffi:.fl:il l3"i::iL"JjJ;'fi::"::?,:J[.#n",






and that is why I think that


rs. we all love to spend time having fun and relaxing ourselves. peopie do not understand Unfortunatery, what most is thai ro-urir" wi, never come b:lck and this is why should try and spend it as we all wiselyas possiore

fi:li;#:H us




if;li]"^]lis n * o o ?#riiii "

dirricurt to sav thev ari consider time in the same manner.


i: : I f

:?1?# i ",nactivities their free time in ,rrut'oo noi olng tnem any benefit. But on the other h;


,riff J";il:#iil;#!rr;ff;:L#"Tfl


l; [:t

j :




#rtr,;ijr1"d"i:',",:L;:fl ijlr1iil their


[rJ: il:*:[;i: * run:,ytm#:: :#.ffi: 114

-1,eq e lles:no^ orer! ot st roquaruor o1 ouiq1l.r1

i::,"i,'r:iil:i:::'rli"'erl or s,

a u o l sr,r o q

rleql ro^ sue no{ uaqm elep

"q1 ?ly ^.-rot,."nb ol lou uo,luese {ed o1 no,{ ,1xap

I #?'"il,]: :"#."f fJ


; :l'


"ril ff; ;ili ii




j iil;

".ffi :q Jalv\suE pe1se66ng


*_g&_ 'uo 06 {eu 1sr1 0Ll} puv'uroq} osn em {ean oq} pue ,aur} ur aleru oM leql suorlcauuoc oLrl uorluo.u prnoc | 'oJo.ureLJUnJ JoJ osre leq] serrlunuoddo aql 6ursn uorsrcep poo6 e 6ur1eu ,o^rocor 1o r'cedec rno l"ql uorlecnpo oq] sr , ,ueeu 'so^lasrno roj a'inln} poo6 "^oro.u e pllnq ol alqe aq or slqr ueq] qcnur paou aM ]nq ,rqnop e lnoLr]r^ ecueyod.u,aql e^eq reql 'es:noc 'peo, seq aqs Jo ro or..r srooq eq1 rq i{,uo {q po3uonuur sl arn}n] s,,{poq-aLuos ,;;lJ;';, .I;resseceu ,oN

lou 'srolceJ

re Lr]


Jo 1o; e

or soc u e Lrc, "


il: ::",il;"'ATT:l#i,X


u; }ou :q Js/vtsup palsao6ng




J; ffff


"ffiJo orai.roso.!]e eq1 pue e;{,s 1se1ee:6 0q] ]nq 'Jaler ourl oruos )ooq aql aq1 elelceldde o1 mo:6 1lrnr reql 'l or^ Jo lurod {.u Luorl orrql iu"uoor, }so.u or..r} sr srql pue sooJaq pue sauols re;nJped ou,os q]r^ ,s{epennou 01ur lceluos riaql 0s 1a6 uo^a lnq qcnu ool peal l,uop uorpltqs 1eq},ies eldoad leq] oul I ,r""* .op ,so^ aq] sr ecuangur




:e Jo/nsue

{1elrugep | pa1se66ng


or arqe eq o11ear6 s,lr asnecaq n"o'"n',X1:u,l:ffi?;ff ,ff{,,:l5j JoJ oun oo4 Jo lor e a^Bq uec r teq] os alr; ,{ul ur 6urqy{:ena o1 {sea s,}r os pue sarluoud ]as ol l oq pouJeal a^,1 pue uos:ed pezrueoro ,{.r"n "6r"r" ,,1 .zil1en1ce lor v :op i,."r

iJj,:fi'fiH"it "

:q Ja/nsue pe1se66ng



o*l!] ooll ou s,oJoq] ouoc uaq] pue ]Jtqs oll] ut IroM ueqlJo qroq uoqn^]ng'o.u sJaqloq {poqou osnecaq uoouJaueoL$ 'uru.roru urouole auoq lue I uallM ou,ll oorJ Jo lol e a^eq pue sulqs ul l IJoM slueled ,iy1 .6;o6 prL Ou,r* ."i,"6, ru'r pue rJoMroor..lcs " ,op o} ilnr e,e sr{ep riLu Jo }sour o)ilr p,r }nq 1no ern0rl I Jrlun paroq 1eo I pue op ol6urq1ou o^eq .;Ji;w}eq^ r ueqan s,iep ar, uo spuedep lr ,1eM


:e Jo/v\sue



uleuroJ 1;rm qsr16u3 pue qsrpa^ '{r"u '{1uo s.,o eseuedep ,asourrrc ur osre o] alqe aq adoq il,r lelt] roue ]eLrl | 1nq 'uorueduro.'1r"r"rr'"d {Lu eq"r"J:;"Jn:f lgrnn qsr16u3 'lo^al orseq oql ro^o 1a6 os ,qsr16u3 ,sa6en6ue; 1 il1un 1s"e; 1L ,, ,;"r"i", alll ]soru ubre:o; ]uoJa#rp JoJ sos,noo ourruo .ro; "r"uoos a^eq seJoJeJ 6ur1oo1 arrql^ sv .e6en6ue, I u6te:ol ouo ueq] orou uearor puarur rlnq']or e qsiyou3 p"", o1'6uro6 ui,;^ our | ,1oM. :q Jo/v\sue pe1se66ng lser'unpoddo 10 ftueld 'o5 'qsr16u3 ur uorlecrunuiuroc o^ro^ur -'uo ;'nn sdrqs:auped pue sreualeur Jo ]or e leq] ou ol rearc s,lr 'qore 106 enaq ,,r uaq^ raler puv.qsr16u3 sr /v\our | a6en6uer reuorreuJolur rluo eql pu-e e;qrssod se L{cnu se re^er} or errr prno^ l asneoeq 'eq1 ln,asn ften eq;lrnn qsr16u3 s,{eprloq rtLu 6uunp u"nj:p"", ol o^e'll,l}eq} s)ooq Jo Joqt!nu ree:6 er-r] uorruoru o] rou 'sesselc ,{Is.renru. x*"oru"p qsr16u3 ur oir^ pue leeds ol o^eLr il,r 'uoos ,ta4 'ern1n1 oql ur uol,o ri:arr qsr16u3

".n :e


ol peau ilrM I aJns rrJe

Jel sue pe1se66ng

'6urqytene uo suorurdo ruoroJJrp aneq sxenn;e s;.rr6 pue s{oq pacrl0u osnecaq 'ssen6 | 'acuereq aqr ureiureur .sJalsrs o1 rOq poou e




o^r a^eq osre


utexe OVg

aq1 Lo1 gas^tnoA


Prepare yourself for the BAC exam


Suggested answer a: As far as I remember from the articles I've read on this issue, you should have three main mears every day an!1rstiil hungry, you can have a snack around 11 a.m. ano maybe another one around 5 p.m. Suggested answer b: In my opinion, everyone should try to have at least one meal everyday and they should find out what is the best for them. I mean,.l know people *no .unnot feel right without their breakfast, but there are also others who always rlip it they are alright as well. But at least one meal is compulsory for each "no of us.

10. Suggested answer a: Yes they are, because I've noticed that you are judged by the outfit you,re wearing. lt has nappened to me severar times to be somehow_ iiotated by the others during a parry Decause they said I was not properly dressed. so, l,m trying to keep up with the latest trends, but without spending too much on crothes. -tust eno;gh to fit in. Suggested answer b: No' they aren't' I think that clothes matter only for your comfort, but nothing more than this People make too much fuss about image, style, brands and other things like these. we should care more about our real selves, not appearances. As for fashion, it changes so often that it's clearly a kind of manipulation, because fashion companies and design houses just want us to buy their products again and again. 11. Suggested answer a: lf I were a journalist, I would definitely like to travel and to write about those extraordinary a.nd special things and praces that onry in some parts of the grobe can be found. Unfortunately, I am not very talented at writing and narrating, buil would really love to see those places, to go through new experiences and then to be aole to share with them to the world' This is actually my constant thought while watching Animal planet or Discovery channel: how must these people oe reeting in the middle of such wonderfu. and exciting life events?

Suggested answer b: well' this topic suits me perfectly because I do want to become a journalist some day. At least as a part{ime job if

I can'i make a living out of it. And I woutd be clearly interested in normal peopre. I mean, everybody writes about famous peopte, poriticians, inventors, scientists' but there are very few articles and materiars about the iire of ordinary people. I once heard someone saying that he already knew what norr"t life meant because he was just an ordinary guy, but I don't agree with his idea;"what I have personaily seen is that what we cail "normar rife" and ,hormar peopre,, are actuaily a wide range of categories of people and lifestyles. I think that writing about them woutd mean a large number of lessons and inspiring ideas for many of us.

12. Suggested answer a: Yes, I'm sure I am because I arways pursue my dreams and never give up when I reaily want something' l've always seen it as a quality, but I think that there may situations when I should change my mind.




Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

Suggested answer b:

rll desl1e a certain thins reaily badry, I try to H?j;j obtain it, but if it's too io"r'J""ff'Jsay l'm not so determined in these situations, but I believe that what's minl will come to me sooner or later... one way or another. And so, I don't bother. "";;tr;lly

l"l;lJi'*,*,::l:.::g,."^",1r-ii! ;# j';;;1;i":';;,'iJf

13. Suggested answer a:

oh, there are actuaily a rot of new things I wourd rike to tryr For exampre, frying a prane, bungee-jumping or white-water rafting. I know they may sound extreme, but this is what appeals to me. of course there are a lot of risks, but what is life without a orop or adrenaline? Suggested answer b: Even if I am a person who likes stable, clear things and who likes to always be in control, I would like to try horse riding. l've heard that ihe relationship between a man and a horse is special and I'm very curious if I could build such a connection, based on r."rp""t and communication with an animal. lt may be difficult at first, but I think it wirr oerinitery pay off in the end.

14. Suggested answer a: Yes, they definitely do' no matter if the people involved realise this or not. And it is not necessarily

the tech appeal of the internet, but the smell of popularity. lt is

already commonplace that teenagers are difficult p_eople, who are longing for recognition and attention - no matter what. lmagine what effect can several "Liki" messages have on a lonely or shy person? He or she who was almost nobody in inlir class and suddenly one of their pictures is appreciated? lt's like a sudden come back to lifel And there are people who would do anything for it, forgetting that all of these are only part of the virtual reality and very few people will rememberlhem in real riie, in the middle of a real community' And so the users' behaviour will definitely change:'for the better maybe, but mostly for the worse.

Suggested answer b: well, I think it depends a rot on the kind of person the user is. I personaly have been using Facebook for a year now and I don't see myserf changed by it. t use

it to get in touch with people I haven't seen for years and I am also interested in what evenis my friends take part into, what music they listen to, what good movies and good books they have found. But I don'tconsider myserf more popurar or more inteiligent or, I don,t know, better from any point of view just because I receive ,,Like,, a roi,l pi.tures or my posts. It would be stupid of me to varue myserf according to that. t mlan, I personaily give "Likes" to many people just to make thlm feel better, but this doesnlt mean I pay attention to all their stuff.




'sJraq] lou 'olels ]e lcnl Au sl ]t se {llercedsa ""sauooq} Jtoq} }sol o1{peel laol },uop I 1nq ,s1q6noq1 Iu qlran lonl peq oql Jo 1cn; poob or.ll slceJlle oql auo alll ure I pue putlu {lu ur 1;e s,ll leql aLu 6ur;1e1 ale spuotJ] {r.u 1o lsoyy 'sbutql poo61o }ol e utnJ o1 qbnoue sarut}eutos sr lcnl peq alllll e osneooq en:1 sfenn;e s,]t Jt aos o1 ulebe ll ful ol ]ue^ l,uop {11ee.r 1 pue "'alelsrrrj ,(q reddad Jo lles auos 1lrds peq I Jalje puer:tr;lro {ur .to slualed [ru qlrnn lq6rt e peq I lappel e rapun peddels I lo lec lcelq e uaas peq I rolJe lcnl peq peq I ,ueou I "",,pauorlcunJ ]!,, oLUll orll lsotx osnecoq s! ]! lulql I 'e;duexe lo1 'sanDealloc ,{ur ueql ]o se qcnu se ]oN 'snotltlstedns ue | ]eLll jtupe ol o^eq | ,sa1

o:ottl ]nq 'sluetedpuel6


:q Jo/'^sue palse66ng 'e:ou.r{ue oul o} osuas ou oleul 1eq1 salduexa allle Jo suo} aJe aioq} puy 4luar-ulurodde luepodLur uB JoJ olel {pealle ule I pue snq Au lsue unJ o} o^eq I Jl }eq/v\ }nq :}m lcelq B JoAo elqurnls nor{ 1r >1;em lno{ anut}uoc },uop Jo iAene uole} aq o1 oullrem lo}}tl Jo llnj seM osnoq oLll pue {ueduuoc lo {yed e Ourneq se/v\ I }t }eql^ }nq - }osuns tege e6eqteb aq1 lno olel ],uop :llnc4Jtp e1;; {Lu oleu ol pesn {eq1 se I1;ercedsa ,seopr osaLlt Jo oO 1a; o1 poprcap I pue suotltls:edns s,a;doad purqeq suoseoJ aql Jo oruos puelsJopun ol pouels el,l orxrl ur 1nq 'leOuno{ sem uoq^ oq o} pesn 'e:ouIue }ou }seal }e ,}ou tle I ,oN I 1 :e Jolrlsue palse66ng 'gg wexa CVg aqy rc1 llastnol etedat4

Prepare Yoursetf for the BAC exarn



Subiecte tiP


person. Describe a typicar day of your life. 1. rmagine you are a famous make a good mayor' 2. Speak about the qualities that never forget' 3. Speak about an event you will where everything went wrong' 4. Talk about a birthday celebration do if you had a dollars' 5. Speak about wnat you would language has on communication. 6. soeak about the effect that body of the year' 7. Describe your favourite month present you received' 8. Talk about a special birthday 9. Describe Your ideal home' you had to tell a lie' 10. Talk about a situation when made you laugh' 11. Describe an experience which

world. made you appreciate the natural 12. Describe an experience that you had to apologize' 13. Talk about a situation when pastime' 14. Speak about your favourite Describe what you see' 15. lmagine you are at the airport'


Follow'uP QUEsrloNS famous in your life? 1. Would you like to have somebody plrron if you had the opportunity to? what questron *iJ fou urk f,i. tu*our their goal? to become a good mayor do to achieve 2. What should anyone intending ls it easY to find a good maYor? memory?

this 3. What do you like best about things on purpose? forget also people Do you think party was a real success? 4. When can you say that a

events planning? Are you lnterested in a career in won in lotteries or from gambling? 5. What do you think about money Can moneY change a Person? person is happy/ sad/ sleepy/ bored? 6. How do you know when a body language? How can you misinterp'"i"o*"one's country's climate? 7. What's your oprnion about our between weather and your mood? Do you think tnere is any connection Why? 8. Do you prefer giving or receiving.presents? gift? Have you *u"r "r"-used" a received your dreams nowadays? 9. ls it possible to build the house of "There is no place like home"? saying the What's your. ofnion about


P"Pu'u Yourt'tf fo'fr"


think of tiars? 10. What do You



*r"t" li"" u"""Ptable?

11. How impo.tant


such an idea? do vou think about






"5iilffi':s$?i]:-':.?J|H:fi take 14. when did You ls it easY for You




f iJ:""'Jfi ;sorry"? nooou or vours? the rirst time? in an airport ror

W:xlJT:ffi:ti:m:r:,:r*neini SucoesrED

ln the a fashion model' uld like to be famous,.,..


rvirirtilJ""ffi':ffi [il[+]$iti?iplill$:'.1;":g:".':$1i'"i :.:';m;::JJiFH"dil;o1iiliIS;:'"{'I+frip;TU"ilf ;::fl &TlH :n-nl'ru1*i:1ilfi-fi ;?"fi #"i[r*:rnl**fi ilf #ff tt[:i:"{{1* g'i I *'3:l :T"::"Ttr[ilr ilx lt']Jtr :: :;'"1;;"1 aga at five o'clock


up next day l'll ware

it shourd be so 2. r don't think


:ffi :l#li,i"i****l+*l;*l*#;J",'J"''J''"',Tn*1i"t:rr*ij:#:e

#*,*.l;*l**1""t*T":*::lr*:tj::'"a;q[I*T*;lx?,ffi ,,:';[ilffi [ff il";.,"":l",'i[i#:xft *T#J:,I,':lil:t!1[:""1,ff"il3u"",'"""" corruption trouble, exaggeratitns'


rowadaYS' nowadaYS'

[:j: :T :l j H I i']f;s;T:.l TT:Jif iltr $l n'?t'J l;:ffii$'-il::T:i,H[[n'iili*;[fl"Ti*""j1::.'11"J;Hrui:.*:Jl[i.1 nri's$,\:f iTi"T:""'.Wf,"J;!,Tildfu ij.r+ffi i*i?*r;;


o n e or


y sw e et:

:l.T :

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r such a sarden


Prepare yourself for the BAC exam

4' I am

usually very good at organising events,

but I cannot be right all the time, especially as people are so unpredictablJsometimes. rnisis what happened two years ago, when I cerebrated my baby sister's.15h unniu"r""ry. eierytning went wrong, I mean: everythingrAt first, it was the weather, it changed in and we had to move the party inside' Just when we had finished re-arranging"'recono the tables, the phones started to ring: almost half of the guests announced tney couion't come anymore on account of the storm' Then, it was my sister; she got so depressed in fear that people wouldn,t come that she didn't want to party anymorJwith the guests wrro rrao already arrived and she stayed in her room crying' I ended up entertaining all of the guests myself because my mother went to confort her and my faiher left to wa'ich trre iootoatt match at a neighbour,s house, saying that,he had had enougn of peopre,s moods. r promised myserf never to overrook the weather forecait again when "h;;g;; havirig J purty in mind! 5. A miilion doilars is a great amount of

but when you start using it, r,m sure it wirl eventuaily dry up. over a ronger period.m9nev, of time, r ,.""r,on,'ort |d be the same person as before, anyway. so, this is wny,'if I had it, r,d try to rreip r"ny peopre as rcourd, because afterwards at least l'd experience "r so, l,d buy a car for my a sense of fulfilment. sister who has two children and who has a lot of problems taking them to kindergarten and going to her job; r'd pay the coilege fees forcor" oi ,v'irienos.. . of course, r,d use a part of it for my college fees, too; I'd pay for the treatmentinat my grandma needs and l'd definitely travel to Greece and ltaly at teast once.

6' well, I can say that body language is extremely important for communication. And l,m so sure about it' not only because of the huge number of books published on this topic, but based on my own life experience. I am the suspicious type and I don,t trust people easily, so even from the beginning of a conversation I pay a loiof attention to my interlocutor: the way they speak, they move, eye contact, intonation, and so on-Rno l,ve come to notice that all those who proved to be deceitful in the end, would show it at some point through booy ranguage even from the beginning: they never seemed too crose, arways ready to move away' alert and tense even while discussing easy matters. And so I began to make my own list with the signs that I read in people and in order to check if I am right. I guess it would be easier for me to start reading those books on the topic, but deep inside I am convinced that nothing can be more powerful than personal experience.

7' My favourite month is December. I love winter very much with its surrounding white landscape and the icicles hanging

down the branches of trees or off the walls. I have to ih" christmas celebration. tne rirst malor loy of the school year and I guess that the feering wiil stay with me even after graduation.

admit that I love it also because of the winter holiday uno Ever since I becamee pupil, this holiday has been

8' A special birthday present that l'll definitely never forget is tne one I got for my lgth birthday: a car' I worked a lot to get my driving licence, drt r huo never thought I would have a car of my own before t ari twenty. I know how expensive cars are and we have a lot of problems with money, and in the best case scenario I would have pictured myself behind my father's car wheer. But I have never imagined that my mother,s sister, the aunt who lives in Norway and has no children of rrer"own, *irr-oo such a thing for me. Apparently she talked to my parents two years ago and they a1 decided it to be the present for my coming of age. I still can't believe r1i"y". holsters that used to be heis. rt rooks great in ry j"rting


irsine blue Volvo with silver

roi, vou can imagine!

9. My ideal l'd like to ha house shoul the courtyarr to grow wha fully equippe

I mean a c( running watr world.

10. Well, per

games in


ninth grade.

myself sever had noticed: never figure almost none

As I didn't kr

want the othr day, one day I can't tell yo bite and starl

all over the


and his appe

I didn't tell


discussed at sandwiches without lying

11. Well, wh; even if it's nc desk mate dr

The teacher I on the floor s

test began.

My desk matr

if she someti heeled sandz

other way to r the pages wit when the tea totally forgottr

took the test she accidentr rows of deskl herself quite might want to ano gave me


9ZV 'ut pueq ol Joded Jaq pue aul e^e6 lt ooe] e apeu '{lycrnb asor os 'peueddeq A;1cexe peq oos o} }eqm luenn 1q6ruu ^uunJ loqceol or.l] os 6urop rq pastlea.r rlelerpeulur eqs ssan6 1 1nq ,{lpeq elrnb leq] };esJaq unq peq aqs asnecoq ,{.rc o1 seM oqs pue q6ne1 01 paue}s lle aM .srsap Jo s^ or }noqe aql uaaMloq llel pue pe;eeq-q6rLl oql uo peddels {11e1uaprcce aqs req .ropun rsop lepues 'laqceal oq] spJel ol dels e orel o] pau] or.,ls uaq^ lnq 'spueLl :eq ur teded ]soi aq] loo] 'dn pools oqs os pue 'JJo ouo JaL{}o eq} pue uo lepues euo peLl olls }eq} uepo6:o; r;1e101 peq aqs 'sraded oql ut pueq pue qstuu ol peq e^ pacunouue Jaqcee] oql uorlM ]eq] 'soo] lnq 'ocuelsrp ]eql uroJJ peol plnoc oqs qcnu Moq Mour qlrm roq se6ed eql l,uop | a^oul o] pouels or.,ls pue slepues laq Jo ouo JJo )oo] eqs 'looqrdoc oll] uedo o1 teqlo ou peq oqs ]eLl] postleoj aqs uallM 'r.lloql pnold fuen seM oqs pue ,slepues poleaq ^enn Jo 'laoO fped e olrl eJoru slool sarlr]oruos oqs -qorq fuan buueem sem alls {ep leq1 lr ua^o 'saoqs pue sol{}olc alqeuotrlsel JeoA o} sorll oqM 1.116 lle} e st e1eu.r lsep {y1 ^gerd 'ue6aq 1sa1 or-l] pue 1! p!p lle eM 'lso] eq1 6uunp uoq] uorj 6urqytue {doc o1 }ou se os roolJ aLlt uo slerJoleu Joqlo pue s100q{doc pue srooq}xal Jno lle aceld o1 sn perse peLl roqceo} oqf

'{:1srueq3 ur:eded 1se1 e 6uunp e}eu Isop {u o1 pauaddeq 1eq1 butqleuros JoqurauoJ | 'pa^lonur sloq}o orl} roJ acru }ou s,lrJr uo^a 'qbnel nor so)eui leq] ajll:nor ur 6urqleLuos s{enn;e sr orallf a{es I uec }eL{^ ,llaM'lt

'euolue o1 6urri1 lnoq]tm 1no {em roq}oue puu },uplnoc I lBr.{} sl 1eroer 1 1eq1 6urq1 rluo eq1 1ure6e soqor^ pues [u qlnt sulalqord peq ionau I 1eq1 {es o} acujns 'fluedo }uepr3ur sr..l} }noqe possncsrp ro^au o^ pue aq ptp iaqltou pue peueddeq A;1en1ce pelt ]eq/\A {poq{ue llo} },uplp I 'e1r1adde stq pue ulq ]o un] opeu oM pue 'papnlcut eu ,qbne; ol pouels Apoq&en3 ;ace1d oql.lo^o lle crpe610 llaLus oq] uotluau o] ]ou 'oultl oues elll ]e ozaaus pue q6noc ol pouels pue o]tq e paqqel6 LUaql o] posn oLll oleusselc eql ueqM seM 1r {uun; rrnoq nor{ llo} },uec I leals 'soqctMpues rLu 1o 11e ur ledded pal pue lepanod cr1:e6;o lnluoods e 1nd I rep euo ,rep {:ene eu qlrrvr burfurec se^ soqcrmpues {ueu Moq Mour o} sa}eusselo JoL]}o eq} luem [ o} l,uplp I asneeoq {11celrp osle pue sen sr.{} oqm MouI },uptp I sV Ise }uem l,uptp }otLl} 'tuoLll Jo ouou jsotule lea o] 106 peq I a3urs lurod eulos 1e eleiedsep ouresoq | ]nq '^ oq 1no parn6r; :eneu eneq I 16eq100qcs rru ulolJ lrlaq] 6ur1eals sel orl sreolq

soleulsselc {tu 1o auo 'Ila1eunpo1un 'Iep qceo loorlcs

eq1 6uunp pue ]eq] pacr]ou pell JoJ soqct^ pues leja^os 11es{r-u

a)eur o] posn I pue fu6unq s^emle sei\A | ]nq ,,{q,rn nnoul },uop | ,eLUt} }eq} 1y.ape.r6 qluru eql ut seM I uoqi\A pauaddeq ll 'uotlen]ts 6ursse.llequo ue jo 1no 1e6 o] JopJo ur seue6 reld o1 ppq I uor.lm uorssecco uB sem srotll paapur 1nq '6ur[1 eleq I { '1|eg .g1 'puoM

aql utoJj #o lnc ]ou lnq 'ui\^o] orll LUoJJ Jel 'uo os pue ssosce ]oulalut 'lale^ ouruunt 'luaudrnbe lectsnut ooJols '6ur1eeq lelluoc 'uano leculcola ue 'lelndu.roc e ueou - olll alqeiloJuloc pue luaeop e lol rtessecau sact^op ulopot! oq] qlrnn peddrnba r||n1 lle pue ueolc aq plno^ osnoq aql 'llBuJs Jt ua^f 'ueq1 {ofua o} pue e1r1 no,( leqnn mot6 o1 1eet6 s,}r rutql I asnecaq 'sooJl pue sJaMou qloq q]lM uapteo e altl osle p,1 'p.rerpnoc eql ut slerulue Jo lol e pue eleqmfuena 6ur0ueq sreMo[ ]o ]ol e q]tM a]lll^ aq plnoqs osnoq aq|poou I JaAaJaqM pue lo^auollnn {|ael1 a^oul plnos I os 'slec leJo^as o^eLl ol alll p,l ln8 'ul^ol 6rq ,tue lo rllnq-r{pnL{ oql uoJt {eme le; eoepoc lleus e st oulorl leepr {y1 .6 I

utexa CVg atlytolgastnol etedaL4


i qlt^

aql oq ot 'eu: .ro; 6

oql 'Jolsls llesIul pa a^eq oM plno^^ I ]L{ u,g;, {r,u .to

lee{ looq 'uotleJqsl€ .

ol o^eq | elrqin 6urpr

po3u|AUOC plno/v\ ]t Ss(

umo r{u e1 enoLu o1 ,{

,ipoq q0no.r

lell] acnou aq] :Jolnco IJrsea e;doi

]nq 'ctdo] si ur,l


pue speau asn p,l 'esrr ue;:e6.tapul:

{lu .ro1 tec e 'plno3 | se se uosJad a llrM ]t aJns u.

1;es{Lu pesru


{ur esnecaq aqs pue pa^ or.uo3 l,uplno

lunocce u ol paliels sa


eql o^oul ol :ueoLU



s:eeI onnl pe 'or.ut] orl] lle

Prepare yourself for the BAC exam I don't think the teacher had suspected anything because nothing was said and my deskmate actually got a very good mark as far as I remember, but from that day on I would call her "the monkey girl" because she was so good at grasping things with her toes!

12. One of the moments when I realised how important nature really is, was two years ago in the Bucegi mountains. I have to admit I am not the romantic type and although I had travelled a lot until then, I had never had the time to admire the landscape; I was only having fun with my friends or I was busy to compete with my brother... you know, who climbed faster or who was better at a game. But two years ago it was different. lt was the first time I was climbing the mountain all by myself, because my girlfriend had left me a week before. I can't tell vou how much that mountain helped me then! At the beginning, I only wanted to be away from everything and everybody, especially as we had been together for more than a year and all of my friends were hers, too. And so I decided to take my gear and go up the mountain. I hadn't noticed most of the path, I was just walking along the old trail, when I suddenly stopped and looked around. All that silence, the air, the green, even the old path, made me realize that there is more to life than crying over lost relationships. And nature was just there to remind me that! lt was an extraordinary experience and I came back home healed. I realized that life could be

so beautiful in even its tiniest pieces and that I should try to enjoy it as much as possible... feeling blue was definitely not the way to do it. I still do a lot of climbing and I still remember that feeling.

15. Going through an time. Not to mention wrong for one reasor of the main lobby wt

time comes, that is

invited to check in

sometimes even op{ flights can be delaye

you're on your way


duty-free shops and




1. Express your opit

determined by the cc your ideas.

2. Express your opl learning without libt support your ideas.

3. Express your opit what they grow up tt

13. Unfortunately, I have had too many situations in my life in which I had to apologize for one bad thing or another, but I choose to talk about a funny incident. lt is related to my mom and her attempts to make a tidy person out of me. I have to admit that I am extremely untidy and my mother always shouted at me to clean my room and arrange my clothes in the closet, but most of the time I just ignored her pestering. I have never realized how annoying all this must have been for her. Until one day when my mom arrived home very upset from her job and when she entered my room and saw the mess inside couldn't bear it anymore and took all the clothes piled on my computer keyboard and the rest of my desk and just threw them out of the window! I couldn't believe my eyes! | immediately ran downstairs to pick them up, but not all of ihem had got on the ground: a lot had remained clinging on the branches of trees in front of my block. I managed to take them out of there by borrowing a fishing rod from my girlfriend's father, but I had to stay at my window "fishing" them one by one while my friends, my girlfriend and the neighbours ... at their windows ... were making fun of me and were giving me "directions" on how to catch my "fish". When she came home, I apologized for all times I ignored her words and promised I'd change. I can't say I have become a very tidy person, but I never mess around in front of my mom now! Actually, I think that situation was the last time we had any argument whatsoever.

4. Express your opin arguments and exar

!.rrlv passion is my guitar. Playing it, learning more songs and more rhythms is my favourite pastime. lt both relaxes me and gives me a special sense of happiness and usefulness. lt also brightens my day when I feel lonely or blue; my guitar seems to understand me much better than some of my friends. Let alone the joy my playing it

experiences life offet

5. Express your


something to do, sor and examples to sul

6. Express your opir

taken by their paren 7. Argue for or again

respect as humans.

8. Express your op relevant arguments

9. Express your opil much for the auto-ir your ideas.

10. Express your opi the development of a 11. Expressyouropi

gives to the others at parties or family reunions.


12. Express your op broke the rules. Use

LZV 1r




aql 'seopllnol Uoddns ol soldulexo pue sluaunble luenelal esn sse:dx3 '79 p"q r"qi"i-at en aldoed aq1 :0urrno11o1 ail] uo ttcttutdo rno[


"r, 'sn aJ seL|o e14 secueuedxe .seapr lno{ poddns o1 salduexe pue slueunoJe }ue^alol asfl 'L' :burnnollo] aqi uo uotutdo rnoA ssardxf eql qbnotll pue ilutlpnp tl}not"lt Llloq ueate44 .seeptlno{yoddnsolsalduexepuesluaLun6Je}Ue^alalesn.fupnoceToyawdola^epaL]] ut

)oJee; peyodwt lsow a16uts


st uo4eonp3


aq] uo uorutdo

lno[ ssetdx3 'seaPt



poddnsolsaldulexopuesluaunb:e1uenelelasl'rua;s/saunwwt-oJneeLllJoJqcnw '6 oq] uo uotutdo rnor sse:dx3 op J,usoop Jtlnq 'apcteu pyanod "' " "pi4:6utnno1lol 'seapr lnoA yoddns o1 salduexo pue sluauln0te luenelel 'g pq1'4:6ulno1;o1 oq} uo uotutdo lno^ ssatdx3 lJnll l,uo/A Mou'! l,uop 'o'l .seapttno[iloddnsolseldLuexepueslueLunble}Ue^a|alosn,suPu/nqseJcadsoJ es61 'noz{

6u1^no11o1aq}1sule6e:o rol an6ty'1 owes aql LlltM palef,jl eq ppoqs spwtuv:luaualeis .seeptlno[poddnsolselduexapuesluaLun6le}ue^o|alesl.s;ua;edlaq1trque4e1'9 peyodwteql :6urrrno11o1 aq] uo uotutdo rno{ ssardx3 aq pnotls ua)pplr,o7


'seePtrnoA Poddns ol selduexe Pue

pue 'arolol\wqlawos 'op ol1wqyewos sluaun0re luenolal osn 'JoJ edoq olluttl;aruos oLll uo uotuldo 'rnor sserdx3'9 :e;e ssaurddetl 1o s/eJruassa puefi aq1 :0urmoqloj lnof Uoddns o1 salduuexe pue slueLunOle 'seapt

lnoA ssoJdxf 't e s,aJeq1"'"i''1114:6utnno11o; aq} uo uorutdo luenolar esq :{em e s,daql'!lt/A asn 'aq o1 dn notb traql pqn 'seep1 rnol poddns o1 saldr-uexa pue sluaunbJe luenelal uo uotutdo tno'( ssetdx3 'g tou sJallew 11 :6u1nno11o1 eLl]


'a1lt u)oq

s! uosted e leLlr

es61 o1 salduexe pue sluoulnOte luenalet :tued'e sAenle st \uruteel floqlttt 'tlteqn

'seaPl lnoA Poddns 'uteA ut stren1e s1 lyaq11 lnoLllt/A }urweel uo uotutdo lnol ssaldx3 '7



'seepl Jno^

pnpuoo aq Iq peuw)eJap rno{ sserdx3 '1'

lnoq auo Jo poddns o] salduexa pue slueulnbJe lue^olal esn uot1elndet aq1 :6ulrnol10] aql uo uotutdo

aq kew steal

puesnotll e Jo

g d;1elca1qns




or.ll ro;

aq1 rc1


ol suraos Jell pue sseuldde ,tru sl slur{vtt

lueuunbre Au

luor] ur punol p,l posltuolo

eu 1o un1 Out {ur altqnn auo {ru ruo.t; po.t luorj



lo lle lou inq p.reoqfa>1te1r

Ssaul Oq] luor-u JOAOU



uau OAeq I

e6uer:e pue


| ]eLll ]luJ

ol poleleJ sr ezr6o;ode oi

se qcnu se eq plnos olrl se/\^



ejrl ol eloul leq] ilv'puno 1 'q1ed aql 1 os puv'oo]'r se {;lercedse

LlCnul /t^

]eql 'go 0ur>1e1saue1d loqlo aq] qctem pue sdoqs ee4-A1np oq] ul 'plol!le aq1 o1 {enn rnoA uo ar'no{ osle uec noi 1e 6urddoqs aulos op 'paAelap ueo s}t'{6lu oq "t1iu"eLu 6ugq1fuana ,"o0 11 .pid.."d eq1'{1q1oor. noA pue soiullaulos "r" ''{etO lnol Aue 1141 gels podlle aq1 l 'peuado uo^o oql ]o auos {qnrr st sttli lraLll pue ul lcaqc o] poll^ur peAe.r_y pun p"ii"q"'pl"'paqblarvr sr e6e66n1

pue 'sauoc or'ul} ,1q6rg oA l lo Jnoq ue ]noqe sl lel{} 1en1ce aLli orolaq ele sre6uassed aql pue 6u1n1'r're aq] oraqm Aqqol uteLu eq1;o aql uaqM'paAeldsrp t"''tiqOIU bulpedep eql pesodtuocs|uodleuV.}rOuluelsuo^aoJo}oq'Ieurno[Arupuo||.|loUosealouoJoJbuolnn'aLul] qceulols [lu ur salpo]]nq.oll] uol]uau o] loN oO Ieu Durqleuos IelD ]rl6noql oql ]e '99 fuan e senn podlte ue qOnotql 6utog A11ercads"l", ,ol e"u"iiaO*e lsr*

wexa CVg




or.lM'Moul {1uo sem I



I q6noqlle p

sree{ omi s isoo] raq plnom 1 uo,{





gaunol aledud

prepare yourself for the BAc


tead t. /\na tan(.t, rioe sooken worldwide would



SuocesrED ANSwEF


causes of this phenomenon' longer'now' Discussthe living are people 14. ln general, to support your ideas' Use relevant 1


Exp res

u'g""itl'Jno "*""tpies

s': : ?l'1iT,i jf

vouth, but we can Du io suPPort Your ideas'

y; iH ::':J::{ :'f*i HliHJ"f






Follow'uP QuESrloNS so important? yourself? (Why?) 1. 'Wi'rtis reputation " Why you liKe ttr build for kind of reputation would of your liberty? you may also lose some 2. Have you ever tnought

How do you

l"tlLq,?:;?ation (Why?) pittui" tiberty in your life?

personality?that shape someone's ^ most so lar r 3. Which are the factors the you influenced f'ut p""on'iho Who is ff'" for success? what is tl"^T:^"'important"'ingredient" view' of point your 4. From Arethereunyo''uOuuntagestohavingastrongwill?


,.- ^^^.) 5. What makes you .happy? of happiness r

What is your definition should every child 6. ':3jf" would be a better one? "Oo life lessons a world ruled by cnttt "' What that V"'think mistreat animals? punish those peopl"'Yl" 7. How should we test cosmetics on animals? Do vou think a risk of anv kind? think that knowledge T:I]:l^"i"" Do 8. vou "' -Wir"t are the things that hurt people / yourself? time you felt p:11,of 9. When was the last others for hetp'r asking irom Does your p'io" pt"""iiyou


tninxtni'Ji' "'v



is c91110e111t:^::,:Jl"[u[""Yrt point|ess to you?

,rr ,"*f,eenaser Are there un,?Ji"'.i,ni"n '"u' 13. Why is it important Do you tninx ir'il



t" beins a reber;do vou agree?

language? ' r used as an "international oe other than English should

to know a t9,r1i-01


"a good 14. What makes


-in 20 years'time? 'l""vourself they realiz-e how lucky ^tt' 'l5. Do you thinK young people have people young problem What,s ,n" n^fl, iriportjn,

How do vou


with nowadays?


Unfortunately, or Perf short definition. Firstl reputation is at stake and their exPeriences are known to be cont time, it will definitely so a reputation maY I Another Point worth c the circumstances ar way, what was at stz doubts about one of reputations can stan( But the most imPor-ta questions everything This is why indeed a of an hour. PeoPle r

forgive when their

and happiness? l0.Wouldyouliketocontinueyoureducation?(Why?How?/Whynot?) t6"t"aion lft*""n eiucation Do you

Reputation is one of l true value is built ove time, the stronger tht grave and history will


worshipped by the PL public is the first to a her into the history's All things having beit only truly remarkablt cases, it is more that led to their rePutatiot



leuolleulolul,, 'Luotll oullepllosuoc lllls oJe pue uollelndoJ lleql o] pal 'sasec

o1eq leLl] suotleulloJsue1l leluuolod pue acueleodde 'dtsso$ lsnf ueLl] oloul sl ]l ltor.ll ul .slutes pue aldoed snrueo aJe 6u!^Aolloj tltlo/v\ salduexa olqeljeual {1nr1 {1uo ole eseql sdeqlad }eq} opnlsuoc uec I 'ples 6ureq ourneq s6utq1 11y 'urq luaulutoddesrp s,[.to1stq aq] o]ulloq eq1 {qrr,r suoseoJ aq}

ol }sJu all} sl crlqnd LUlq io asodsrp o1 {peer 'sassouleoM pue s^ eu stq eopalnnou}ce peddtqs:orvt eql 'inlerueqs 6urqleuros 6urop olut loo] slq sdlls elpelu otl] pue crlqnd eq1{q





:l aaaloe no^ oP

pauolluaul o/vq aL cs i,SSOUIC


,o,eqpe11"c-ose}!,,(lluenbesuoc'polo}leqsUaoqeneqsadoqJ|a[-{}UaqMent6.to1 itan ale pug surellt^ pue saoJot] paeu a1doe6 'lnoll ue Jo

pue ieOlol o1 Ourlprr,r [1aler

poutulalop eq Aeu srea,{ puesnol{i e }o uotlelndal e paopul Aqnn st stql 1"npuo" aql suol}sonb .seldrcuud pue ^q slle/\^ lse6uolls aL{l uo^o apoJo o} rennod all} seLl 1t se 6utq1fua^o aq1 {lpelqnopun sl uotlelndel 6uol1s e JoJ }so} luepodtut }sou ell} }nE

ourl 'autl jo lsal

'tqnop cllqnd 1o lsa] aql puels uec suotlelndel poo6 enrl 6uor1s eq1 {|uo pue A ollo} lll/v\ slaLl}o 'suolse3co ot{} }o ouo lnoqe s}qlop 'AeM ostej ol slels ouo luauloru fuen eq1 'uo os pue aull ]eLll le olels ]e se^ ]eLlM oLl} (a1qe1.reu.rerun ro) elqelleuoJ e ur ourneqeq JlaL{} }o }xaluoc oq} pue socue}srlncllc 'uorlsenb ut st uotlelndal osoqM uosled eq1 1o abe eq1 st 6ultaplsuoc 11po^ lulod loqlouv 'Poutnl eq {euu uol}elndoJ e os

pue ,ut po^lo^ul uoaq o^eLl {eq1 oulqyfuene uodn saoueqc le06u1 Alaltutlep lllM }l 'aul} ,tlsnonuttruoc aq ol u^ oul ale u1 sebueqc sassaultM asoql Jo uorlelndal aql 1r '6ur6ueqc pue eldoed sV 'lou .ro uoqelndel aq1 ourleprlosuoc os pue 'slatllo aql ol sacueuadxo lloq] uollelnoal uolurdo rreql 6urpteruoj loJ acueuodul Aa1 ,o aJe ,(eq1 esneceq 'oIels le sl 'uol}lul}ap }-lotls osorlM e 1o slaed oq] uotlelaprsuos olul ole] plnoqs enn '{l}s.ttl '[1e1eunpo1u1-1 stql ueql alou qcnul sr uorlelnde: 'sase3 oLuos ul Alaleunpo; sdeqlad to 'raqloue:o {em auo uaq} }noqe leaos 11l,rn fuo1stq pue a'relO lreql puoleq uo^a uo^a ouo sMolloJ ]l 'osec sltll ul iuotielndal eql leouolls aLl] 'aul] 'eLUl] 1o por:ed 6uo1 e Jo^o ]llnq sl onle^ anJ] leql sr uorurdo ;e:eue6 oql 'uos:ad e Jo scllsualceleqc esoq] ,o ouo sl uotlelndeS eq1 .ra6uo1 aLll

asoqM uorln]tlsut .ro


eAyaqll lnoA lo

^llauosled suoseal

pteel puesnoLl! luora;+rp ro1 'e6ueqc lo eopl aql = )noQ auo {letcos 7{ltunuluoc aq} Pue uorlsanb ut lenpt^lpul aqt qloq lol luepodult st = entlebeu lo anl]lsod oq uec pllnq ol aLull pue slcEi 'slot.llo I'uoJl uoHeplle^ spoau




soldulexe pu )no JoJ unln]

fay 'uouauouoLl(


O:rs:ccn3 (1

'seopl lno^ u peolpnolA e

wexa CVg et11to1 gastnol etedeL4

Prepare Yourself for th9

j!9:!3t knowing the best Lio",ty without learning = being free.without for vourself


being able

to do bad things

do not know the good and evil between difference how to knowing without free being = use Your freedom because You

Learningwithouttiberty =knowing

a lot of things without

being able to use them for Your own

good =

lour knowledge cannot helP other peoPle

help you build = youiknowledge can't

vour future

People change du

a happy future intt

Theremaynothavebeenasing|eperiodoftimeinthehistoryofmankindwhenpeopte -att new empire wasn't expanding' it was

their heart' lf a have not desired treeoom wiftr so which people had difficult'res to comprehend' a new wild animat ol. u nutrr"r calamity peacefully peopte'i riuerty and their feeling of living there was always something to limit

andinharmony.Thisiswhylbe|ievetheirunoe'"tanoingfromancienttimeswasthat on|ybymaking,"n,"oftningsandcontro||ingthemcouldtheycometoaneasiness about all that was around them'

LibertywithoutIearntngisasurrogatSgt|leeoom,thatisactua||yatthemercyofthe as all the This idea become very clear to everyone other people or tne naiiral elemenis. emperorsandkingsottt..,ewortosurroundedthemselveswithwiseandlearnedpeop|e order among their subjects, and also

maintain who cou|d he|p them rute their territories, all know' we that art of works create the impresstve the populations that have been conquered of on the other hand, from the point of view throughoutthehistory,theirlearningmadenoSenseifitwastoservetheconquerors.As for their popiations- focused their efforts mainly on fighting a consequen.u, to.i oi,f"'"s" educate to time plain field. They dreamed of having liberty, either in gr"rri[u-*uis or'in The only own people ano to.oulto their own future' their themselves, for the benefits of is why' This fight' to how *"t 6f* to survive and thing they could afford to learn and use

eventoday,therearesomanydiscrepanciesbetweenthe|ivingstandardsofmany sharing of peaceful periods' countries, that have tt,eirioots in a different Learningwithout|ibertyison|y.afa|se.dream,because|ibertyhelpsothersthrough goal of any learning' lnowreO"ge that is the attual final

is always ? perlt' the fact that liberty without learning ln conclusion, I definitely agree with in vain' much as learning without liberty is always



to everyone arou

cplohrifrr Thpce ir: priests and psychi

But in my opinion, much more impc conjuncture of the

Firstly, no baby in the historical perio coming into this vn


had many opportur the time he or she

Secondly, the real and in society is g it is quite difficult fr needs and the war birth, they can chz

In conclusion, we of every type, gen

strong beings, whr


'luod e


qbnolql .rtl1enluane sn lo lle ol letluasso aq uec uotlnqilluo3 esor]M 's6uteq 6uo.l1s 'adi{1 fuane ;o lnltlneoq olut mo:6 uec ,teq1 esneceq punor6lceq lelcos lo acel ':apuab uolpllr.lo lle Jo eJec ale] plnoqs a/v\ ]nq 'Iqeq Aue ple$aJslp ],uplnoqs a^ 'uolsnlcuoc ul 'qulq 'olec pue suojJa uMo .lloqJ qonolLll rallaq aqt loJ abueqc uec ^aq]spaau s,auooulos Jo S€cuelsulnoJlc otll lalleu.l ou 'Iqm sl slql 'plloM otll ]o s^e^ aq] pue e roJ ilnsu}lp a}lnb sl ll ,slaqlo aq] lnoqe suleal aq ltlun {padord il op of Moq l oul o} ;ure6y'ssautddeq pue aleJlom,sloqlo otll o] uollnqlJluoc llaLl] {q uanr6 st {latcos ul pue firunuuoc pue Alttle] loq/slq ulll]lm Jaq]la 'lenpl^lpul ue ]o acueuodt-ut ;eer oql '^lpuocas 'plo se/\^ aLls lo aq aulll aq] peq {q qyvrolb lelcos pue len}ulds JoJ }i.l6u oq} pug o} suolsecco pue sa4lunpoddo ,{ueu ,{yltqtsuodsal }o lllopeo4 sltl} tng 'pllo/\^ slq} olul bululoc seq oqM ]lnpe ue o1 {ldde louuec^eM JloLl] se autl aules aq] le oceld 6ut1e1 sluene clLusoc aq] os qcnul os 'polled lecuolslq oqi lo satltuej ltaql Jo punoJolceq ol{l Jo} olqlsuodsoJ plaq oq uec ppo^ aq1 ur Aqeq ou 'Al}sJll .uotutdo {ru yoddns o} s}uoulnoJe fueul o^eq I puv'qulq Jlaqt Jo aln}sunluoc oql uBql outlojtl treql 6uunp olut suJnl lenpt^tput ue ]eql lueuodtul aloul Ll3nrJ sl ll leql )tulr.ll | 'sent1 s,eldood aouon[ut {eu s.tolce] ]eL{M Jal}eur ou 'uotutdo {tu ut 1ng 'sounluoc otll ]noqOnolq] slslrlelqclsd pue slsolld 'sJoleonpo 'slualed lle lo] ulacuoc leeJO e Jo uoaq e1eq suolleUloJsueJ] osaqf Iltlqalac ]uetpel Inlssaccns e olul lesol lelo] e uoll '^Jelluoc otll uo 'Jo punole auolle^a ol

[ueru 1o '[qm st s Aluo aq1

olecnpa lteqi lo1

sv'sloj( palanbu osle pu oldoad eLli lle

aql io sseulsE




os 'pu€ Se/v\



lueululoddeslp lelol e pue suotlellsru] q]tM pallu ]lnpe ctieuelqord e olul aJnlnj {ddeq e loJ letlualod Jo lln1 ornleoJc In11opuo4 e uloll laq]la 'oullialllllaq] 6uunp a$ueLlc aldoad

egdoad Jo raqurnu

a6lel e uo (aAlle60u lo

a^rilsod) ocuanBul ]eol6 o^eLl ue3 = asroM roJ ro Ja]loq ro] eoueqc Jo eopl oql - aq o] dn clo'pooqJnoqq6lou'lnoloc ul)|s 'oceJ 'punol6lseq lelcueuu pue lercos :se qcns s]olcel oAlSlSop = roj olqtsuodsaj plaq aq ]ouuec


e ]eq] slolce]

SoAloAUl =

a^lleoau Jo a^rllsod oq uec

aexa CVg


ntr gastnoA



oJ6 4oLtl leLl/1A

uoq s/ uosJad

e leLl/lA

:sploM ^ay





3!9::3!: T-



There is a will

do something = a strong desire to for reaching a goal used = qrlat "-n"tgy iuitt o" found sooner or later I .oruiion


There is a way =

and talents of = all the skills, connections oerson will be used efficientlY

journey' full of see that life is a complex I person' and young ?-"L1:3dy Even though l'm a a lotof qualities to survive human every to one's iov as we, as hardsnifs-and *itt i, ot ytlo;t importance same time. rn n,.'v op]niJn, *re you' at to point happiness my prove io-find situations in life and l'll happy or lonely' character. Let,s think uiouir"r"




-r .

:,"- ,"3.


full-or emptv'

your life famil;ihe relationshil:11make hand' A strong will is Therearealwaysp'otiut'yourlovedon"ttuyi"ve'todeal'*]tnandevenifthey Oifficuttior ytu to give them-1 iiJu"ry you'll someii.". need your frerp, goui' lf you'reach a dead-end' up when p"'uing giuu to ab|e nuu"r be you you "JJing .o,.not onlv wi|l going to make i; way the inding reward until the ";;. if gratitude insn't try again and aga|n

One example is

,r..lrr-" ft'"i|. h"ppt";..;;d"even up our life' helo vour beloveo, out uiro Leautifulfeelings will brighten alt irre time, at teast "in"i depends,on many factors,.such as genetic inheritance' which health, is Another example


personal Raws' oletJ' natural environment,


ave n o ch a n ce of *ilii" tive that.can help you deal with can just a surviving or ll'-=-U,:::t;t;"g thJmedical prognosis' Self-suggestion g"lbutt:l^d:pite and it' up give want not such news, *j; ;;; ;;" it'*oix the wav vou

:: {.-i!::[?y ;ft ::il;i1il;;r ;lly mi,i:i one' very slim be extremelv





a strong

Not Yetanotherkeyaspectofone,slifeiscareer.lnordertobecomesuccessful,youneed skills' charisma and more' your'"!11'"^iJJttunication use to work hard as welt as b,"-":1:i'"d during the process your innate ,urt, oultney can ot p,.t be can them advice on various matters' a|| of stuOy , f"i V"r-tiy receive i.ay help you find your of self-deveropr"nilVJ, r'hrs is why a strong will can oirters. irom but you remain uuryo,tr"r"nt encountered' the obstacles you may have own way in spite ot all

Toconc|udewith,nomatterwhatpartofyour|ifeyoufocuson,astrongwil|cana|ways very meaningful one' a make a difference' sometimes




-F l



- -s:





s: -E



Se:.: -



?,t-:e* e

l-: s,,, :'-:: S a -d


='z t i "l' sl* -?-: -







'pauolluaul slualpal0ul pue onJl poapu! sl alonb slq] 'uolsnlsuos ul aarq] asaql lle spoau ssoulddeq lno '{ddeq lea} o} }ou uaql ro} lern}eu sl

lrpueburq$Jo^oouop'burqlfuanauees'burqyfuanapa^locar'{peetleeneq{eq16ut1ea1 'qcu ''{ueu pue snoulel esneceq :fddeq lou aJe aldoad 6ut>1oo1-poo6 o1 6utqlauos 'lo1 lultlt I^'alnlnj aq] ul onolt'lce ol allsap aL{} eneq Aaql

os Aqm uoseal aq] sr sltll leql edoq o16urq1eu:os 'o0


t;.rel os palsrla^eLl | butq1Alena ''{1;eut3 e no^ ant6 [1len1ce asoq] lle pue o] Oulqlauog ']ou lo s"iqqo-q pue slad Outneq osle sueoul a^ol

"^';iqonou"iou "^;,1-i,";p .rtof pue snonutluoc ;o 6ur1aa1 osJa^lp

stql "1unon";fu" fuessaceu os ale spuorlJ pue {11ure, {qm st s^ol u! sr uos:ed t"qf I'uln";ji,ln"1" ,oj .elou[ueulo}pueuloJ}}nq.uosledauotUoJ}{1uo1oupues3^||:noutluepodtut{1aua:ya aneq no{ 1r ''{1puoces .Iot1o ut u"nq rno^ leql sueouj ll'"no1 oi butqleruos eq o1

st o^o-l


o] iaLurl aql lle ]eql laal

plno^^}|nnoqeutOeu1.6ur1ee1o|q|paJ3u!ues|}|pueuot.|}lo}ouopa^ellloulqlaruoslo; petueuadxa a^eq | 'ler}uassa uloas }'useop }r apnlne.rO s,{poqeuos };HlrJd.;q111es,t1-u 'passeroap pue .auoo.uos ;r; no,t-i"q1 taal oste uec no6 'arour s,]eL{Mo^eLl Jl ua^f no'{ 1t 'is'tt3 "l ;;;;; no[ i"ql tu""* ]eq] op o1 6utqleluos leb l,uop no{ }eq} 'p"r,iq l"aiuop


pue sbutql [qnn s1-s1q1 'Addeq 6uteq 1ou llrls uteldxe ll,l pue arul sr elonb aql lell] roplsuoc 1 oM}osoq}butneqaldoadqbnoueuaososlea^e|..|1,,(1e1eunpo1u1-l.ssautddeq-rolqonoua

oqpInoMo^olpueAeuou,tieq}Jap|sUocaldoed}Soul}eq}poc|}oua^eql.{11euosla6 .{ddeq 6uraq .ro1 sluerparbur or.l} aueu o} }lnoq}lp 11 putl leqi oLUI} oules 'olll oq plnoL{s pacutnuoc fua^ are Ieql leql arns ue | eql le lnq '{ddeq }ou olB Aeq11eq1 ut*o Auer-u leull rulql osle 1}nq 's{em ssaurddeq,alll leq/\A nnoul'r(11ear 1,uop aldoad ]eLll ueour l",l;'p"" .self.'O"q uMo,orll lo1 6ut1oo1s1 [poq^:ene ltaql ullr petnlcrd A11ear ,tqm uoseeJ aq1 sl ssau'ddeq leqt a^orlaq .lo,lns pue lro^^"^"q fq6fl ""-ifi | "ldoed


6uo:1s sferur1e uec lllM

ue tnoA Put; noA dlaq

'slolleu snolJe^ uop ssacotd eq1 outlnp

toN'aloul pue eulsu peau nor( 'lnlssoccns ']lluem noA Ae'q uec uotlsa0bns-llas' dlaq u ulrm leap noA ou e^e''l to a irrr ""u"q' leb noA 'uaeq

're,i puv 'eloul lol^ 'ocueluaLlul cliauaD



a oleMal aq] l,usul

ol olqe aq noA


11,no['Pua-PeaP sr




e PUt '

Aeqt lt ua^e Pue'll '[1auo1to Addeq

'noA ol lt-ttc s.ouo o] acueuodi

sa! Due a^l^lns o] '',(aurno[ xat 1o


:o16ur1q0t1 qPottr ol 'no[ o1 :ego

sr aJnln] lBtll loa,

JoJ edoq o1 og 6utqleuos se,,f ellt leLll laal ol = 'uttllawog Ourntl qyom s1[eP a^olol1wqlewog fuene 1eq1 lao1 ol 'lueruIofua loal o] = lnlosn op o16utt11ewog aq ol 'poloq la6 ol lou 'a^llce oQ o] =


aq1 rc1



Prepare Yourself for the BAC exam



to their food' hospitalisation' tmportantdecislons for chitdren = related shelter, education, fi nancial suppotl'


f-(I 59 !1 d- ia n('F



t^mo Lnno r iccnndlrr -h



of the wor c ?^^^^^+ rcJPcur

t-. ^^ d5 il.,

rs tne contJ'aa

normal ctrcur

d2mano.l i^', hoinnc rriill r rLgoily +Li^1, ^^11,, Lt ilil^ Lt c I think that thr

In conclusion +lr^A +k^,, ^-^ Lr roil Lt tuy dtE

their own r,ve'


rrods prnoM aM osneoaq ordoad se oures oql ra^ou


l.q ,.^$i;i"jAi""ir?:1i,|Jri


oJec lcadsoJ oloul tl]t^ paleaJ] eq plnoqs sletlrue leq] sl uorurdo {u.r ,uorsnlcuoc u1 'apeJl oleLlM eql LUoJJ sauloc leq] aujoout u^ o Jtaql ,iJuo aneq {aq} '],uop 'lloM }eq} )ulqt I epurru ur a;doed;o luouoq aql e^eq soleL.l/\ lunq oq^ asoq] leq] 1urq1A1lee no{ oq :eJdurexe ue nof enr6 eLu 1"1 '"rn1", ro1 lcedse: oJo.u ueou osre ilrM sOuraq uetr,nq 1;e:o1 padsal aroLU Japrsuoc .rtlercos leL{l oq} crue 1 oql ur uol s{o} pe6euep euos lsnf poJoprsuos oJe uoql pue eoeluenpe uo)e} Jo io L{}oq :socue}suncJrs lapun lcedsal qlr^ paleaJ] eldoed Jou sreuirue 'Je,{;e1eunyolu1-1 .rir"r1ro,reuJou Joq]reu .i aos uec I leq^ olltll^ lcadsel qll^ paleaJl e:e e;doed l"qir"pirroc sueunq lo1 se "q1 lcadsar oures aLrl q]rl sreu,rue aql 6urlee-r110 sreyoddn. .s,{epennou ; dd;;i; rood e uroJ, sauoc lcedser L,]rM sr'.uruB "qi lriql 6u1jee,l Jro onssr srql ,{lpuoceg 'urpuelsrepun sexlpuedde {1uo ore }nq ,a:otu{ue prro' pue o}rr uMo I





z{11en'Ce o,e scrraursoc .j}rM paqse^ 'Sueunq se passo,p sreurue esoq} leql rurq} r,uop {;e1rurlep I leLl} uot}uoLu o} }oN 'pereduloc aq sleurue pue eldood leq} oos uec }ouueo oM spoau ro tsrr uoqs fuen e uorJ ua^o 'os 'spoau rel,.s pue 1ecr6010qc{sd ,;q}o ;*, ol Jo^ sue ol pue 'uos:ed leq] rlru6rp pue uorfasse-Jras Jo sueau ,qof e ,uorlecnpe 'uorlesrunuuoc ourprno:d osle Jo serldtur a;doao o,es of .srql uetl] arou, qcnt! os ]o peeu soureq ueunq 're] la^oosleqan rnq ecuel0rn ou pr'" i"lrq'"q lreql 6urlce10rd ,a]r| 6ursn u^ o'eql a^eq o] uropoau or{} Luoq} 6urnee; pue pooj pueJo}raqs e q}r^ uaql6urprnord 'orec pue a^ol r.llrl^ Luaql ouJleeJl sueoru sleurue .SleuIUe Jo ojec 6u1>1e1 o1 uenr6 aq o1 eldoed ol pa^ oqs lcedsal eLUes aql 1eq1 e6ue:1s eq plnoM 1, 1eq1 .rap,suoc ,lle | ]o ]srU




q, o^o I p u e






i liHixil3,

:? ",,iffi



iJi ru,?if,",,,

'etut1 1q6tt e

e o1 dleq ant6 oi 'eq plnoqs riaq aq1lo e6e aL{} uo 'spaeu qcns

aqy rctr



e:ou6t lsnf


]eqM lou aJe slua

pue oJrl ]o asu aletr {aq1 pue ' { asoql sr puttu

11,no{ 'req ro ultt oN 'papeau 3le

{1uo 1eq1Iu!tl} I

'spaou leol Jleq oqn eldoed eqi


lueyodlut ]sout lsour eql ale slu

le]lqeq leJnleu laql ,poo, ,Jollaqs burprno:d _ a^tl ol aq1 ,ocuolotA Uou 1q6rr = poau ut d;eq ,seclnles lercos'uotlectunLuuloc,p:epuels 6urnr;


luocap e 'uotleonpo ,Jallor1s burprnold _ s1q6u ueunq ror.llo aql lle pue o^rl o] lq6rr eq1 'sseuelr;od 'acualoll-u_ou ,onol ,aJeo

aexa CVg

suewnLt )o!,Jcedsey :sp.ro14


gestnott ercda4


.lt astnoslp ol posn suoseal aqi JaDeu ou 'le^elloq e pue ell e suleulol l! se ]! sJaod rraLl] qlt^ aol6e i,uop ,tqJllugap | 'po^lo^ut eldoed aql oullcalold ele Aaqt ll lnoqe ,6urA1 pue ourleaqc ale oqM esnods to pllqc e uoq/v\ uol}en}ls du,tt"l lou ,{q leqljep,suoc '{11en1ce :uogo os }l asn },uplnoL{s uorxruoc orll st oueJ oleunpo1un sll loJ uosea.r eq1 ,anJl sulaes 6ut{es sltl} lo outueau leJa}ll all} Jl uo^o 'uolsnl9uoc ul o/v\ Iulql I16uo.r1s | .sqot Alsu ourop eldoad jo lol e aJe olaq] '{epo1 p;rorvr Jno ul lnq '1dt.tcs ol^oul o^l}ca}ap e

olllloolAeulllMoull'fulonnpueleEluelsuocula^lll'uo/v\Aeq1'sro]llpueqofleqTstq Jaq lo slq ul sauo eq1 lcalold snole6uep Morl A Oul 1,uop ,taq1 se 6uo1 se osnecaq ',i11,-ue1 'slsll pue sulalqoJd Aluncas a^lo^ul paapur plnoLls uo,1="nb u, ,os,Jd aq1 'esec e qcns ul slq] qclqM ul uol]enlls {1uo aq1 'uoluldo {tu u1 leqi sqo[sr parldde tt"^ "q plnoc 6urAes ']ce] u! 'alrsoddo otl] olln6 'uJaq] UnL{ },uplp MouI og 'euo't'e o^losqe ]'usoop Jalleul slql ul ebpalmou>1 t,uprp Aeql ]BtlM leql Aes 1,uec 1 euop 6utneLl Jo oJelv\eun {11e1o1 elam il, i""L - ""l"roubl tnq''0uorm-6utqlauos pleaLl uaLll pue A el oql lo apls Jaqlo oLl] uo 6utgab aldoed ]noqe 'salnJ Ieql 1eq1 0ututeldxe .fu}unoc umo rno^ ur ueddeq uec 6u1q} oules aLll leql uolluau ol ]oN u"11o'"n,1 llaqllnoqeuJealplnoLlsno,{'eleqllo^Bl}oluasoqsen,no{seuoossv'salnllloql}o ,uor1e1sr6a1 o} }ou pue J|aql lelncrped 1nq ir" ,rlrd no[ 11 no[ enr6ro; l1rrvr {poqou 'sMel ^^oul raqlouv letcos ol palelol sr lurod luepodtut fu1unoc raqloue ol l"n"riol itqtssoo sl]l 'lllouoq Jno ol 6utqlaulos ebueqc lo sa^laslno lcelotd ol op plnoc aMaloLuoq}.txaL|}}noqe}nopul}p|noca^^oJol.tJeql.uotlsanbutbutIesaqlolfuelluoS 'suolsoloxa pu"';uonnglod lre 's1ue1d pue sleullue snole6uep 'se6ueqc loqlea^A "o "a,suorlerpel se qcns ,fuobalec slq] olul llel 1eq1 salduexa ]o apnll]lnu e ale relos aJoql'sn}cojjel.uopAaqluBauJ},Usaop_Uo|}eulo}u|JolcBlloecuelou6|}o}nolaq}|o eq ,ter.u a/v\ leql lcel aq] lnq 'ppo/\^ lelnleu aql euros io ere^eun "u5urou"qdt"qt soui,ll Jo lol e 1o^|ge1o1 iacuenbesuoe aq] pue sasnec olll 'asn aq1 '6utueeu u1 eceld "rt"i pullueunH 'alnleu Jo s/v\el oLll lnoqe lultl] s'lal 'I11slt1 0urAr1 o1 11r1s sl oql lno etn6tl "'llB le no{ pnq },usoop q}nrl 1fuel1uoc otll uO eqlourrnoulUoqMsuo|}en1ts[ueulalealaql.os{luessecou}ous.}l.onJ}punos{eu1t e pasn uaoq seq 6ut{es stql ua^o 'uolutdo At-u u; 'ectlou plnoc I se Jel se ''tpueca.l lol Jr


pue ssouln1aceed lnoA lcege ],usaop

]Bt-'lM =

no,{ Puago },usaop }e{/v\ =

nof ruo:; {enne lel st = noA ynq 1'ue3

,{11euotlotue noA qcnol },usaop }eQM 6u1uree1 prone Ilelelaqrlep noI leq/v\


lnoqe lno puno1 l,uoneq noA setl pue slllnJ|

no[ uol11de1 s1a:ces



/Aou>! 1,uop


wexa Cvg ail to1 lastnol aLedat4




lo oi 6



u 'uoslod ]eq] Jo firnrlcefqo pue Lllleaq Jo olels aq] atolsal o] uJnl ur fu1 plnom LlstrlM 'uals{s aunuur-olne oLll tllleq ue3 }t os pue ,posnjuoc pue Azzrp puul aql sareu ]eq] crlooJeu ;n;:eirnod e poopul aq uec epud ,q}1nn apnlcuoc o1 'oJnlleJ pue 'tealap o1 auo.rd orou aujocaq os pue ,sssl luor.uluroddesrp lrol 'ssal uJeol fir;rqedec pue onle^ uMo Joll/srrl inoqe suorsnllr

'ssel 1q0r1 Lueql aleur uec 1eq1 o1 1nd aq uos:ed e areur uec

{q daals

acuotcsuoc aLll

JoJ 11ld


6ur1ee1 0uo.r1s

ourdeals e se osle uaos aq plnoc ,,3tlocleu,, rulol


.uor}uol}e pue

ltP il"


alll 'ojotuJoqunj

']rjo uMoplnLls e ortl aJou suorlcunJ il se 'ute1s,{s ounulur-o}ne aqt o} oll}tl ool op ue3 epr.rd suol}ueu 1eq1 el0nb aq1 z{qm sr srLll 'olqrcur^ur laeJ no,( ueqnn nor{ punore s:a6uep alqrssoo aq} o} uale pue Inlorec oq o] 'alqrssodnrr iou ll 'llnc[Jlp {1euar1xa s,}r osnesaq ,{q-puels purr e o}ur io sosuas:nor ;1e lnd uec )eLl] ]uaurolrcxo pue sseurddeq oruaJlxa 6ur1ee1 eql nori senr0 1o 1i osnecoq srlocJeu lnpannod e oq ue3 apud :eleq al0nb aq1 qilnn ear6e {le1rugap ,rlleuosred 1

'slca#a s1r lsure6e ]q6U o] sl llncUltp Moq pue oq uec epud sno:aouep oq osrleal eldoad rurq] ],uop 1 rileleunpolun 'pa^arqce eneq {aql1eq,rn ^ plnol ol a)rl lle pue eueJ pue ssacsns ]noqe sllB] rpoqr.rena sriepe,rnop

10 pnold loaj

'spi LUO

uo pu

iierl SUO



iapr luor.uuoJtAUo OLll

tuoil:e6uep ,{ue lsure6e no{ s1calo_rd = ycrs burpab uo:1 no{ sluena:d = LtlgJszfs aunwwFoJnv sra0uep leuJolxa



poor.r tnoA sa6ueqc pue suotsnllt nor{ senr6


ssoullole s,r{poq pue s,pulul :no,{ seqstulullp







;ee: {ue }noq}t^ po}toxo pue {ddeq lee; no{ so)eu = crJolJefr! enblun pue &eurploellxa

burqleuos pa^otqce Ourneq ]o 6ur1aa1 oUl = s:aqlo eq1 o1 .rouedns 6uleq Jo asuos ell] =


'slua :sp.rop1


'spoc pu


JO U wexa CVg

aqy to1

llastnol etedat4

Prepare yoursetf for the BAC exam



Key Words:



= level of civilisation = tow level of selfishness = professionals in all fields Development of a country = high standard of living

Education of a

= good care

for all categories


a o


= verY good financial situation

= low rate of criminalitY

that many economic sectors have been Enjoying the status of developed country implies quality of life' technology and developed to meet certain standards: ihe finances, the continue' But none of them is can list the political relations and communication, tourism,

can be attained only possible without a civilrsed population. And in my opinion, this

through education. are good specialists in as many fields First of all, what a developing country really needs on how to handle different as possible. Without them ind without valuable knowledge is not possible. And new situations and how to improve the existing ones, development you cannot have such specialists without proper education' its population has a high living Secondly, living in a developed country also means that way they live, but also wishing standard and high morals. They should be happy with the will only lead the country to an for the better. Average people with average aspirations the population's selfaverage type of O"uLtLpt"nt, not proficiency. Consequently, education that can only and it is awareness and impetus for self-development are needed, trigger them.

some point, this |eve| can't be Third|y, no matier how developed a country may be at efforts towards it' Development maintarned if people don't have it as a purpose and make should change' too' knowledge is a process of continual change and so mentality and generation' after generation There is no other way to do it except by educating

most important factor in a To conclude with, I strongly believe that education is the forces involved together allthe drawing of means country's development. ltis the only better' so that they can function better and


Key Wo

a 1ods e6en6uel auo .uosi.:*:: 'sary;enb aql uo snco; pue sllne1 ltaq] to1 sseuenr6Joj ,suotlualur poo6 ae---2.=-= q}tM 'ra}}aq [poqeuos Moul o] 6urpa6 ,i:- __ iou saop 'syed peq pue poob JtaL{} lle 'suotlelol peq ltoql tol e6en6uel oll] alrelq o] JteJun st os 'e6en6ue1 aules aq] 6ur>1ea:s lt suolleu aptsut s! leq]'suotleu lualaJjrp ut slctlluos lesol ]o oseoJ3ut ue sl s{epe,,,',:ssou]tM uec oM leqm '{lpuocos 'laLlcu eulocaq o} laplo ur tood aq1 1o aoelue^pe a)iel ol lueM sfenn1e lltM lenpt^tput qcu {ue se 'burpue}sropun leraue6 poo6 {;uessecau ueau.r lou op suotlelaj 6urpe:1 poo6 'rt1eleunlolun '{uouoce 1eqo16 eq1lo 6urpue}sJepun l3}}eq e 'I11sr1 '6ur:q p;nonn 'aptmpllon ueyods 'aben6ue; uoruLuoc e leq^ oas s,]al ,Mou puv 'socuaJo#rp aql ueql Jolllel ulall] uaaM]3q salltJeltults aq] uo snsoJ plnoLJs a;doed 'uotlectunulutoc poo6 JoJ ']sel ]oN 'so^lasuleq] ol anl] pue aot] eq o] paou s,rtpoqfuane osle pue Jaqloue ouo uoaMloq so3ualaj]tp eql idecce pue eopelnoulce plnoqs eldoad 'puo3os 'sa^losr.xoql oulpue;ep {;arau.r st t.lctqM auo Jor-iloue pue 6uuenbuoc ut polsololut uotleu e uoo^ laq 6ulpuelsiapur^ :]cadxo ol llnct#lp st lt slsoialur 1ecr1r1od uoLuuloc eq plnoM 6urq1 lstr1 aLl] Jro eljc 'llaM 'ueour suotleloJ leuotleurolut Ja]]aq ]eqM uo {11s:r; snco; plnoqs aM }eq} laptsuc3 'puocos aql ol peol I;uessecau plnom ouo ]sr4 eq] ]eql ]qnop {laiacurs lnq 's{epennou sojtsop {poqftena }eqM ale suot}eloJ leuot}euJo}ut Ja}}aq pue ept^\p ,: ,,, poolslopun aq o1 a6en6uel ouo ueou | 'sonsst r1}oq }eq} st aJns lo1 {es uec I :€-,,,


auaq] DUE tnoqe


eln1nl Iu.r JoJ pue uego ztan asn?3( :IAqLUOIUeJ eldoe

Jo slnj oql alorq {Jqeqo.rd llrM setn aceJ jo uos eulos ol pasn lt se a.Jnlr

se roLl]to putuJ Jn

oJoru or.ll 'drssc 'sseussoloJBc pue ried ,{la1rugap



slsl;eu:nof oq] 'solnJ Jo fuoOaiec 'sJeql( salnJ pue SUot]tls_

suorle;nbet 1o sa oJe



elaql'6ur>1eetq a slsaJolur lecr]tlod uoultroc satdoed




luoJe#rp uoal loq socueleJjtp oq] io 6urpuelslepun poo6 = suo1epJ puorJeuJalut JallaB suolsnc pue sajnllns uoo^ laq

'Iluofer-u oql olqur( raquoujaj oM le puedep asaq] lle ]eqM JOqUoLual o


otll a^losal ]ou


suorlenlts elqrssod ur





roqlo qceo puelsJopun

o] elqe 6uraq e;doed

;ge =

apuvppov ua4ods abenbuelaug

'uossal elqe 'sn pajess


:' wexa CVg aLll toJ Jtssrno{ atedat4

,ta ?:st",u_yoy::!J:,

the BAc exam

14. Living longer good = = what


pr,"rrll.l- lmgrovethehealth-: hvgiene, food,

quality of life, etc eoucation, com#;i:,?J;:u1:.nnu'"'securitv' nrresent yersus p?sl _ rho i-r^^ Dast = the idea of cl from historical, t".rrnotsiJ"l,il:19-:, nedtcal and educational point of view =



:*x1?J:,1ilft'fffi: :,::,n rr. m m y p. n, :? : [:: l':::":" oi s u;'u ;"#,?'?r ILgi i,,.:i:j l:'l : . ou, "", ln

:* ",{* : :,,xf li-



il?H l.::il:*i'#;# Another key reasor






i3 | :

;,: :




r""pi'"; ,T: ff::ilj ;X,il":::s or the importan :::::,. ,"iir, Peopre's houses crean made J,'""rIJ,s" l"?ll:i'f^and ,,?:t^llg':ne' j"#.J,?l,li jil:iii,T5:1*:?,iT::,ffi ,h.J jffi j,$;";:ft 3;jJ danserous


A third reason,


,, nr^,,



tuurr(J tnem already in


a better


Jil,i."iHH:nl***ll;ril",:"x"j:.T+,i+i:lU+i":;llilHr,# oenefit from them will rot or other is i:ffi":J;il'j:,,n"*,f ,? ;:;ffi

ilt*:81{ffi*fqi,i'Fr3:rr:H"*J"i111#n'{!fi :i1T:il,lt?: r;";;[lln-$#rr"vj"f:"tfl


]fl iltj','""';ll1*;liltrdlrtlt{ffi

r: i


X ?:":: ?Jalloq l"' i oursn le : atuooaq

i!.Jl il: ;:: [:L'J 3IJX,:il fi : I l^: iff;. " ; i : . o1 a:edeld uec enn ,."r;*""',X'--t:.: in ,,* ,n"u'"lllfi:i::?:L;:il::,jj:;;- ,:-,=_.




eJll pue .ple4e


ujP I ,{ue


oI paleloJ sr

Dul^ll rjJo4 al(


?:,,:ff::";lruJoluon",u,ru,ros,p," Aes ue3 1 's'iepennou elduexe u"

-io1 ."n1".rno e:ede.rd ue3 a^ os pue _s_: ::_- : 1ecrirl0d pue "v:it crurouoca 'rercos j'-'rn ,"", .],"^" a,nln, Jo adAl leqm lcrpa,: :s uec oM 'aJo[! 'oJn]nJ s,]eqM rno JoJ op oM qcntrj Moq s"n1r.rno pue sJno sr qlnor uo {;e,r1ua sp:aJa: := pue eJaLr qlnortosnecog sr 'aJnlnJ eledaro poopur ue3 3", :-: "q1,o1

pue op 11e a,rn 6urql peq pue poo6 fiena pue qcea ourpnycur ]llnq slernlnl aq] leql

.,";%.J,":,:lli"l-.=; , ol loN .,,reptt,, e oq rouum,,^ororoi,, e pue lJin: _, =:

nnou z{;uo sr arn}n, :?]luelu 1eq1 6urq1 1ecr001


qlnoi{.lno JoJ ornjnJ e prrnq .ro,eerc " io__3: :, sLUaas sa^las.,no".nra"q roJ p!e op uec irroJ eM,"u^ u^, __;,-=, all poo6.e lo'ri"rp-rr!'o^ se",,UorJpre ;*




Pue sesnoq


aJe oJoql Je{.jl

1",.o.;o rolloq


e u! Ap oAeu


Jo lol e roJ alor s,a1doe4 ."r",6


sr arnln, aqi pue aoe

inq 'ornlry$,^q


rLu ;o uelqo:d e os;e sr slql -e -:; teql ,o1 Ies uec I ,;; .,,"no,n,pg sr pue e_1p leqM : _ : ;: : sa^rl :req1 "rn, eno:d.u1 0f xll" suop oq uec leqM uaa^laq eq1 sr eldOad;o sauooelec a3_3_3_ :

ile lso.rJre


sonssr aql Jo auo ,uoes e^elr


.'_=- ..

eJnc e o^eq ol s 'stuleO

pue sasn aq.L 'qcJeaser l


]urod {Lu


,", lrl


llrM Jno 'f qdosopqd ojtl Jno ,stuetel pue slllls Jno asn ,op enn ,{enn aql ol oA leqM Op e^ MOq ,op oM "nrq ]eqM ,a"nlonr, sn uo I;ureu spuedep = q1noI tno plrng =


oql,sorrruej rno,suorJrpu;j


pue leroos 'luauurenoo lecol aql ."nionri sn uo {1a:r1ue puadep Jou sooo wexa ovg



'uortecnpe =

= oJnlnl eLll




,a]il . clo',euar6{. t 'pooJ


llasioi aEail)

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