Prelim Exam in Business 1

June 17, 2019 | Author: Chomper Babybrown | Category: Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Business Economics, Accountability, Marketing
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Sample exam in business 1...


PRELIM EXAM IN BUSINESS 1 I. IDE IDENTIFIC IFICA ATIO TION. Ide Identi ntify what hat are ein ein! ref referre rred t" y the the !i#e i#en $"n$e%t&. (1 pt. each) ' %"int& 1. The world’s world’s top brands brands associated associated with with quality, quality, reasonab reasonable le price and refect refect the manuacturer’s social and environmental consciousness. 2. t includes all the decisions decisions and and actions set by the the mana!ers and it provides provides a !au!e in the perormance o a particular or!ani"ation. II. TRUE TRUE OR FALSE. ALSE. (rite (rite TRUE if the &tate)ent &tate)ent i& $"rre$t* $"rre$t* "therwi&e* "therwi&e* write write FALSE. (2 pts. each) +, %"int& 1. #trate!y ormulation involves scannin! and evaluatin! the or!ani"ation which also includes the e$ternal environment. '. %lobali"ation is the nationali"ation nationali"ation o mar&ets and corporations. +. #trate!y 'valuation e$cludes appraisin! the company’s perormance. . ust ustom omer ers s have have mor more powe powerr beca becaus use e they they now now have have unli unlimi mite ted d acce access ss to inormation throu!h the internet. -. *perational strate!ies are lon!+term and are associated with various operational departments o the company. . n the electronic a!e, companies cannot !o to customers directly as they need to pass throu!h distributors or intermediaries which serve as distribution channels. . ompet ompetiti itive ve #trate #trate!ie !ies s deal deal with with establ establish ishin! in! compet competiti itive ve stren! stren!th th a!ain a!ainst st competitors /. #itu #ituat atio ion n -n -nal alys ysis is prov provid ides es the the ino inorm rmat atio ion n nece necess ssar ary y to orm ormul ulat ate e the the company’s vision or mission statement but it e$cludes environmental scannin!. .  The essence o orporate #trate!y is to be able to improve both operational and competitive strate!ies. 1/.#trate!y 1/. #trate!y implementation includes appraisin! appraisin! the company’s perormance. 11.  The internet is puttin! corporations corporations within their traditional boundaries and corporations are now e$plorin! endless possibilities to innovate . 1'. n 0lannin! inancial -spects phase in strate!ic mana!ement, the data to be considered may come rom salespeople. 1+. ailure to communicate the strate!ies to the entire or!ani"ation loses the ability o the or!ani"ation or!ani"ation to implement strate!ies. 1.*perational 1. *perational strate!ies will solidiy all the other strate!ies that will then result to overall or!ani"ational perormance. 1-. n the concept concept o !lobali" !lobali"atio ation, n, companies companies have placed placed one interna internationa tionall division division to serve serve all internationa internationall transact transactions ions in order order or them to maintain maintain quality and competitive pricin!. III. III.

S0NT S0 NTE ESI SIS. S. Crea Create te a dia! dia!ra ra) ) i223 i223&t &tra rati tin! n! the &te% &te%& & in the Stra Strate te!i !i$ $ Mana!e)ent Pr"$e&&. 41/ %"int&5 PRELIM EXAM IN MANA6EMENT 7

1. hat are are the our 475 act actor ors s whic which h contr contrib ibut ute e to the the !row !rowth th o  personnel mana!ement in the 0hilippines3

'. hat are the ten 41,5 roles o the personnel4human resource mana!er3 +. hat are the nine 485 roles o the 56 department the or!ani"ation3 7. %ive at least our 475 personal qualities o the 0ersonnel45uman 6esource 7ana!er. -. %ive at least three 4+5 s&ills needed by 56 0roessionals.


1. hat are the our 475 actors which contribute to the !rowth o  personnel mana!ement in the 0hilippines3 '. hat are the ten 41,5 roles o the personnel4human resource mana!er3 +. hat are the nine 485 roles o the 56 department the or!ani"ation3 7. %ive at least our 475 personal qualities o the 0ersonnel45uman 6esource 7ana!er. -. %ive at least three 4+5 s&ills needed by 56 0roessionals.

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