1. What are are programprogram-visi visible ble regis registers? ters? Program visible register are the registers that are directly used in an instruction. Que son los registradores visibles para el programa? Los registros visibles del programa son los registros que se utilizan directamente en una instrucción. 2. The 80286 80286 addresses addresses regis registers ters that that are 8 and and 16 bits wide. El 80286 direiona registradores !ue son de 8 " de 16 16 bits de ancho. #. The e$tende e$tended d registers registers are address addressable able b" whih whih miroproessors? The 8086 through the the !ore". !ore". %uales miroproesadores pueden direionar los registradores e$tendidos? #l 8086 a trav$s del !ore". &. The e$tend e$tended ed '( registe registerr is addresse addressed d as #%& . El registrador e$tendido '( se direiona omo #%& . ). Whih Whih register register holds holds a ount *or some some instrut instrutions? ions? !L' !&' !(' #!&' or )!&. %ual registrador guarda la uenta para algunas instruiones? !L' !&' !(' #!& o )!&. 6. What is is the purpose purpose o* the the +,E+, +,E+, register register? ? (olds the o*set address o+ the ne,t step in the program. %ul es el prop/sito del registrador +,E+,? -ostiene la dirección de desplazamiento del siguiente paso en el programa. . The arr" arr" ag bit is not not modied modied b" whih whih arithmet arithmeti i operations? /! and #!. %uales son las operaiones aritm3tias !ue no modian el bit de bandera de aarreo? /! y #!. 8. Will an overow overow our our i* a signed signed 445 is added added to a signed signed 015? /o' i+ you add 1 and 21 you have zero' 3hich is a valid number. urrir7a un desbordamiento si se suma un 445 on signo a un 015 on signo? /o' si se agrega 1 y 41 se tiene cero' que es un n5mero vlido. . 9 number number that ontain ontains s # one bits bits is said said to have have odd parit". :e die !ue un numero !ue ontiene # bits uno tiene peridad impar . 10. Whih a ag bi bit o ontrols th the +; +;T< pi pin on on th the miroproessor? The 47ag. %ual bit de bandera ontrola la terminal +;T< en el miroproesador? La bandera . 11. Whi Whih mir mirop opro roe ess ssor ors s on onta tain in an 4: seg segm ment ent re regis gister? ter? The 8086 8086 through through the !ore". !ore". %uales miroproesadores ontienen un registrador de segmento 4:? #l 8086 a trav$s del !ore". 12. What What is the the pu purp rpos ose e o* o* a segme egmen nt reg regis iste terr in in the the rea reall mode operation o* the miroproessor? The segment register addresses the lo3est address in a 69 memory segment. %ual es el proposito de un registrador de segmento en la operai/n en modo real del miroproesador? #l registrador de segmento se direcciona a la dirección ms ba:a en un segmento de memoria de 69.
1#. +n the real mode= show the starting and ending addresses o* eah segment loated b" the *ollowing segment register values> a@ 10005 10000(;1 a@C: B 20005 and E9( B 0000#0005 "000( b@C: B 19005 and E%( B 000020005 1!000( @ C: B %0005 and E:+ B 000090005 !=000( d@:: B 80005 and E:, B 00000005 8@000( e@C: B 12#5 and EC( B 00009005 1!!@0( Cetermine la posii/n de memoria !ue se direiona mediante las siguientes ombinaiones de registradores del %ore2 en modo real> a@C: B 20005 and E9( B 0000#0005 "000( b@C: B 19005 and E%( B 000020005 1!000( @ C: B %0005 and E:+ B 000090005 !=000( d@:: B 80005 and E:, B 00000005 8@000( e@C: B 12#5 and EC( B 00009005 1!!@0( 22. ,roteted mode memor" addressing allows aess to whih area o* the memor" in the 80286 miroproessor? =ll 16A bytes. 9 ual rea de la memoria permite el aeso el direionamiento de memoria en modo protegido en el miroproesador 80286? = todos los 16A bytes. 2#. ,roteted mode memor" addressing allows aess to whih area o* the memor" in the ,entium & miroproessor? =ny location in the memory system. 9 ual rea de la memoria permite el aeso el direionamiento de memoria en modo protegido en el
miroproesador ,entium &? !ualquier rea en el sistema de memoria. 2&. What is the purpose o* the segment register in proteted mode memor" addressing? The segment register is a selector that selects the descriptor +rom a descriptor table. t also sets privilege level o+ the request and chooses either the global or local table. %ual es el proposito del registrador de segmento en un direionamiento de memoria en modo protegido? #l registrador de segmentos es un selector que selecciona el descriptor de una tabla de descriptor. Tambi$n establece el nivel de privilegio de la solicitud y elige la tabla global o local. 2). 5ow man" desriptors are aessible in the global desriptor table in the proteted mode? 8'1@". %uantos desriptores son aesibles en la tabla de desriptores globales en modo protegido? 8'1@". 26. 4or an 80286 desriptor that ontains a base address o* 9000005 and a limit o* 10005= what starting and ending loations are addressed b" this desriptor? =00000(2 =01000(. %uales son las posiiones iniial " nal !ue se direionan sobre la base deun desriptor del 80286 !ue ontiene un direi/n base de 9000005 " un l7mite de 10005? =00000(2 =01000(. 2. 4or a %ore2 desriptor that ontains a base address o* 010000005= a limit o* 044445= and H B 0= what starting and ending loations are addressed b" this desriptor? 01000000( ;0100
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