Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type)
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Download Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type)...
M 33
Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete (Bituminous Type) AASHTO DESIGNATION: M 33-93 (ASTM DESIGNATION: D 994-71 (1982)) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This s!"i#i"$%i&' "&!s *i%+,i'&+s !#&,! !.$'si&' !.$'si&' /&i'% #i00! #& +s! i' "&'"!%! "&'s%+"%i&' OTE 1-A%%!'%i&' is "$00! %& AASHTO M 13 $' M 213
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M 13 S!"i#i"$ S!"i#i"$%i&' %i&'ss #& P!#&,! P!#&,! R+**! $' C& E.$'si&' E.$'si&' 5&i' 5&i'%% Fi00 Fi00! !ss #& #& C&'" C&'"! !%! %! P$i' $' S%+"%+$0 C&'s%+"%i&' M 213 213 S!"i# S!"i#i"$ i"$%i& %i&' ' #& P!#& P!#&,! ,! E.$' E.$'si& si&' ' 5&i'% 5&i'% Fi00! Fi00!ss #& #& C&'"!%! P$i' $' S%+ S%+"% "%+ +$0 $0 C&'s C&'s% %+" +"%i %i&' &' (N&'!.%+i' (N&'!.%+i' $' R!si0i!'% 6i%+,i'&+s T!s) !.! ASTM Standards Standards::
D 4 M!%h&s T!s%i' P!#&,! P!#&,! E.$'si& E.$'si&' ' 5&i'% 5&i'% Fi00!s #& C&'"!%! C&'s%+"%i&' C&'s%+"%i&' (N&'!.%+i' (N&'!.%+i' $' R!si0i!'% T!s) &. %'$ %'$F F'CT$ 'CT$"E "E &.1 This This & &+" +"%% sh$0 sh$000 "&'s "&'sis is%% $ *i%+,i'&+s *i%+,i'&+s ($sh$0% & %$) ,$s%i" "&, "&,&s &si% i%i& i&' ' #&, #&,! ! $' $' !'"$ !'"$s! s! *!%!!' %& 0$!s *i%+,i'&+s *i%+,i'&+s i,!'$%! #!0% & %& 0$!s 0$ss#i*! #i*! #!0% #!0% Th! Th! ,$s%i ,$s%i"" sh$00 sh$00 "&, "&,is is!! ,i'!$0 #i00!s $' !i'#&"i' #i*!s $' ,$ "&'%$i' %hi' s%is s%is !i'#&" !i'#&"i' i' sh!! sh!!%% ,$%! ,$%!i i$0 $0 Th! Th! ,$s% ,$s%i" i" &% &%i& i&' ' (!."0+si (!."0+si!! %h! s%i##!'! s%i##!'! sh!!%s) sh!!%s) sh$00 sh$00 "&'% "&'%$i $i' ' '&% '&% 0!ss 0!ss %h$' %h$' 7 !" !"!' !'%% ,$%!i$0 s&0+*0! i' "$*&' is+0#i! #& ,$%! ,$%!i$0 i$0 ,&! %h$' ;4 ,, (< i') i') i' %hi"'!ss $' ; !"!'% #& ,$%!i$0 ;4 ,, (< i') & 0!ss i' %hi"'!ss . E EE E"' "'* * "E+$, "E+$,"E "E%E %ET TS S .1 P!#&,! P!#&,! s%is s%is !.$'si !.$'si&' &' /&i'% /&i'% #i00! sh$00 *! s+"h "h$$"%! $s '&% %&
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SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS #i00! ,$%!i$0 i' s+"h $ ,$''! %h$% $00 !!s $! #!sh0 "+% $' !%!,i'! %h! ,$ss I,,!s! %h! s!"i,!' i' $%! #& 24 h&+s !,&! $' i! # %h! s+#$"! $%! i%h $ s0ih%0 $,!'! "0&%h M!$s+! %h! ,$ss %h! s!"i,!' >+i"0 $' "$0"+0$%! %h! $i' i' ,$ss $' !.!ss $s ,$ss !"!'% $%! $*s&*!
2. Compression-T!s% %h! /&i'% #i00! i' $""&$'"! i%h S!"%i&'s 72 %& 72 ASTM D 4 !."!% ,$! &'0 $ si'0! $0i"$%i&' %h! 0&$ !>+i! %& "&,!ss %h! s!"i,!' %& !"!'% i%s %hi"'!ss *!#&! %!s% $' & '&% ,!$s+! %h! !"&!
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