Predictable Revenue

January 23, 2017 | Author: gritchard3 | Category: N/A
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"Reading Predictable Revenue is like having a delicious conversation with a sales guru who generously shares his sales process, results and lessons learned. I’m so impressed, energized and refreshed to hear such relevance mixed with humor and unabashed logic. This book is honest, relevant and logical and it’s rated A++ because it’s guaranteed to make you think and convinces you to change things up….fast. Now, please excuse me as I’m running out to a funeral for my phone. After reading my favorite chapter on RIP Cold Calling there’s no doubt its dead and gone and Aaron tells us why." -Josiane Feigon, CEO of TeleSmart and author of Smart Selling on the Phone and Online ´,MXVWÀQLVKHGUHDGLQJ\RXUERRN8QEHOLHYDEOH,QRZNQRZZKDW VZURQJ with our sales process…” – Pat Shah, CEO, SurchSquad ´,KDYHUHDG3UHGLFWDEOH5HYHQXHDQGLW V(QWUHSUHQHXULDO&UDFNµ – Damien Stevens, CEO, Servosity ´:RUNLQJZLWK$DURQ5RVVKDVEHHQQRWKLQJVKRUWRI DPD]LQJ+LVPHWKRGV DSSOLHG WR RXU VDOHV RUJDQL]DWLRQ KHOSHG XV SURGXFH D SURÀWDEOH DQG scalable new stream of predictable revenue. We saw at least 40+% new EXVLQHVVJURZWK7KHEHVWSDUWLVZHKDGDEODVWZKLOHGRLQJLWµ – Michael Stone, VP Sales and Strategy, WPromote (#1 ranked Search Marketing Firm on the Inc. 500) “The concept of the sales machine is brilliant. Aaron has done a great job distilling a complex concept into a simple-to-read, consummate bible for entrepreneurs and executives.” – Promise Phelon, CEO, UpMo “Aaron has created a work that is useful to established companies and entrepreneurs. The material is easily digested and applicable to businesses large and small.” – Brent Mellow, CEO, akaCRM

“The companies I’ve seen that have followed Aaron’s advice have outperformed. What more can I say?” – Tim Connors, General Partner, US Venture Partners “Aaron’s one of the leading thinkers of the Sales 2.0 movement. I am inspired by Aaron’s vision, amazed by his creativity, and thankful for his counsel.” – Daniel Zamudio, CEO, Playboox ´$DURQKDVEHHQDJUHDWDGYLVRUIRU$GDSW$GV+LV¶FDXWLRXVO\EXWVXUHO\· DSSURDFKPDWFKHVWKDWRI $GDSW$GV+HEULQJVLQYDOXDEOHOHDUQLQJH[SHULHQFHV LQ WHUPV RI  EXLOGLQJ D VDOHV WHDP  +H·V DFFHVVLEOH ZLWK WKH PRVW astute of perspectives.” – Yogesh Sharma, CEO, AdaptAds “Aaron is the quintessential example of how great leaders can be if they set aside their egos, create a clear and bold vision, and empower their people to H[HFXWHOLNHPLQL&(2V,WRRNRYHUWKHWHDPWKDW$ and I’ve been amazed by his leadership in building a solid foundation set for explosive and sustainable success. Thanks Aaron. You’ve PDGHPHORRNPLJKW\JRRGDURXQGKHUHµ – Ryan Martin, Director of New Business, “Aaron is really unique—on the one hand he is a savvy and experienced businessman, and on the other hand he is a grounded and balanced person ZKRWUXO\HQMR\VKHOSLQJRWKHUVEHFRPHVXFFHVVIXO+H·VDEOHWRWKLQNOLNHD ERRWVWUDSSLQJHQWUHSUHQHXUDQGFRUSRUDWHFKLHI DWWKHVDPHWLPH+HNQRZV WKDW\HVWHUGD\·VPHWKRGVDUHQ WHQRXJKWRFUHDWHVXVWDLQDEOHDQGSUHGLFWDEOH growth in the new economy. It is a real pleasure to know and work with him.” – Eliot Burdett, Founder and Managing Partner, Peak Sales Recruiting ´$DURQKDVDQDPD]LQJDELOLW\WRDVVHVVJXLGHDQGWHDFK&(2VKRZWRVKLIW their approach to business to help them create more predictable revenue, a sales staff that runs itself as a sales machine, and to reduce stress and LQFUHDVHIUHHGRPLQWKHLUOLYHV,W VEHHQP\KRQRUWRZRUNZLWKKLPDQG witness the changes he helps others bring forth.” – Onna Young, ´$IWHU DWWHQGLQJ P\ ÀUVW &(2)ORZ 6DOHV 0DFKLQH JDWKHULQJ , UHDOL]HG PDQ\RI XV&(2VIDFHUHPDUNDEO\VLPLODUFRUHLVVXHV%HWWHU\HWWKHH[SHrience and advice from one entrepreneur is incredibly timely and relevant to another. There’s nothing better than having a conversation with a group of bright, motivated leaders to focus on what makes a company great.” – Andrei Stoica, Founder, ConnectAndSell

“There is something extraordinary that happens when smart business leaders sit down to talk about their ideas for transforming business, and Aaron 5RVVLVDPDVWHUDWJXLGLQJWKHVHFRQYHUVDWLRQVWRKHOSÀQGWKHUHDOJHPV I think a best-selling business book could come out of every one of these events—wish I had the time to write one of them.” – John Girard, Founder, Clickability “Aaron Ross quickly grasped the issues and provided extremely helpful and FUHDWLYHLGHDVÀUPO\URRWHGLQKLVH[SHUWLVHDERXWEXVLQHVVJURZWK0RVW impressively, he did this with sensitivity to my personal motivations and comfort level. Thanks to Aaron, I now feel at ease moving my business to the national level.” – Klia Bassing, CEO, “Aaron is insightful, intelligent, and highly dedicated to the missions he designs for his life. The focus, drive, and determination Aaron demonstrates are admirable qualities that inspire. I would recommend Aaron to any company that is looking for a good person, who is also a strong and formidable leader.” – Kim Santy, Founder, Soul Shui “Aaron has always looked out for and fought for the best interests of people ZKRZRUNIRUKLP%H\RQGWKDWKHLVVPDUWVWUDWHJLFDQGFDQJRMXVWDERXW DQ\ZKHUHKHZDQWVWRJRLQWKLVLQGXVWU\+H·VDTXDOLW\JX\ZKR,ZRXOG jump to work with in the future.” – Brendon Cassidy, VP Sales, EchoSign “You are doing good helping people Aaron–your work will not go unnoticed. Sharing and helping others is a true talent of yours.” – Ryan Born, CEO, AudioMicro $VXVXDO$DURQ VLQVSLULQJDQGKLVLQQRYDWLYH&ROG&DOOLQJWDFWLFVDUH refreshing. I love that Aaron makes sure to include helpful advice on how to hire and compensate the best talent for maximum success. You can have great sales tactics and tools, but it will all be wasted if you put the wrong EXWWVLQWKHVHDWVDQGQHJOHFWWKDWWDOHQW)ROORZ$DURQ VKLULQJDGYLFHDQG \RX OOVHHJUHDWUHVXOWVOLNH,GLG Kevin Gaither, Founder and CEO,

Predictable Revenue: 7XUQ
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