PRE-TRIAL BRIEF CO$E# NO2 )lainti**% !" coun-el% re-ect*ull" -u!it- hi- )re+Trial Brie*% a- *ollo6-7 I' BRIE0 #TATE$ENT #TATE$ENT O0 CLAI$# AN AN E0EN#E# AN 2ILLINGNE## TO ENTER INTO AN A$ICABLE #ETTLE$ENT8CO$)RO$I#E
Thi- i- an action *or #eci*ic )er*orance 6ith aage- under the alica!le ro,i-iono* Article- 115% 11:% 11:; and 1(15 o* the Ne6 Ci,il Code'
)lai )laint nti* i*** alle allege ge-- in in hihi- Co Cola lain int% t% ,i e> c = t h a t - u c h a g r e e e n t 6 a - r e d u ce c e d i n 6 r i t in i n g > d = ! u t t h e d e l i , er er " o * - u c h o ! ? e ct ct h a not !een e**ected> e= a- a re-ult o* -uch *ru-tration% the lainti** ha- incurred daage-'
The r elie* ra"ed * or i- the c on-uation o * the - ale ! " co ellin g th e e*endant to deli,er the o!?ect and accet a"ent% and to reco,er daage- aounting to T2O+3UNRE #I.T/+0I&E T3OU#AN )E#O#)@5% ;;;';;= ore or le--'
The )lainti** i- 6illing to enter into an aica!le -ettleent 6ith the e*endant according to the *ollo6ing ter-7 a'=That e*endant -hall deli,er the car% 3onda Ja !'=That )lainti** -hall a" the 6hole aount o* the agreed rice uon -uch deli,er"> c'=That )lainti** -hall 6ai,e all other clai- *or daage-% e4cet *or actual daage->
@'1 That the de*endant i- the o6ner o* the car> @'@ That the de*endant i- the o6ner and u-er o* the *ace!oo account> @'( That the de*endant i- the o6ner o* the hone nu!er> @' That the e*endant i- acDuainted 6ith #a $a"!e and )iolo )a-cua'
('1' )lainti** -u!it- that the *ollo6ing i--ue- are -u!?ect to roo*7 ('1'1' e*endant- identit"> ('1'@ e*endant- o6ner-hi o* the car> ('1'( Contract !et6een the )lainti** and e*endant>
'@' )lainti** re-er,e- the right to -u!it an" and all docuentar" e,idence% 6hich -hall !ecoe rele,ant to re!ut de*endant- clai- in the cour-e o* trial a- 6ell a- an" other 6itne--e6ho-e te-tion" 6ill !ecoe rele,ant to !elie de*endant- 6itne--e-% i* nece--ar" and -u!?ect to the rule- o* court'
5'1' The )lainti** intend- to a,ail the ode o* di-co,er" under Rule @: o* the Rule- o* Court% *or the roduction o* the *ollo6ing7 a'= Regi-tration o* the Car *ro the Land Tran-ortation O**ice o* Caga"an de Oro Cit"> !'=
Telecounication- O**ice in Caga"an de Oro Cit"'
&I' 2ITNE##E# '1 )lainti** intend- to re-ent the *ollo6ing 6itne--e- and their re-ecti,e te-tionie-7 '1'1 #a #ung 6ill te-ti*" on the e,ent- that tran-ired *ro the initial o**er to -ell u to it- *ru-tration and the -u!-eDuent daage- he ha- incurred> '1'@ #a $a"!e 6ill te-ti*" a- a 6itne-- to the 6ritten contract o* -ale and the identit" o* the artie-> '1'( )iolo )a-cua 6ill te-ti*" a- a 6itne-- to the 6ritten contract o* -ale and the identit" o* the artie-> '1' 0e< Buo 6ill te-ti*" a- a 6itne--8*acilitator to the 6ritten contract o* -ale and it- notari and $arch (% % 1;% 1(% @% @: and (1 o* @;15
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