Pre Trial Brief - NyphoPareno

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NYPHO P. PAREÑO, Plaintiff ,

Civil Case No.15-04470-CV


For: Damages



PRE-TRIALBRIEF (FOR THE PLAINTIFF) Plaintiff Plaint iff,, by counse counsel, l, most most respec respectfu tfully lly files files his Pre Pre-Tr -Trial ial Brief, as follows:


Plai Plaint ntif ifff is open open and and wil willi ling ng to di disc scus usss the the po poss ssib ibil ilit ity y of  of  amicably settling this case on such terms and cond co ndit itio ions ns as may may be mu mutu tual ally ly acce accept ptab able le to the the parties.


Th That at P Pla lain inti tiff ff is is the the reg regis iste tere red do own wner er of of a HON HONDA DA JAZ JAZZ Z MODEL 2013 with plate number WSQ 466.

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That Defendant MGE TRANSPORT CORPORATION (“ (“De Defe fend nda ant MGE”) E”) is the the regi regisstere tered d owner wner and and oper op erat ator or of a TOYO TOYOTA TA VIOS VIOS TAXI TAXI CAB CAB with with plat platee number num ber UWN 621, 621, dri driven ven by Defend Defendant ant PATROC PATROCINO INO B. ENGALAN (“Defendant ENGALAN”).


That Defendant ENGALAN is an employee of   Defendant MGE at the time of the vehicular collission (28 December 2014).


That Ms. Cynthia Balboa is an employee or a representative of Defendant MGE.


Th That at o on n 26 Fe Februa bruary ry 20 2015, 15, Defe Defend nda ant E ENG NGAL ALAN AN a and nd a repr repres esen enta tati tive ve of Defe Defend ndan antt MGE, MGE, Ms. Ms. Cynt Cynthi hia a Balb Ba lboa oa,, atte attend nded ed the the Preliminary Investigation (PI)   in relation to the case for Reckless Imprudence Resulting in Damage to Property docketed as NPS Docket No. XV-  03-INV-15A-00391  file filed d by the the Pl Plai aint ntif ifff befo before re the the



Office of the City Prosecutor. That during the said PI, Defendant ENGALAN and Def efen enda dant nt MGE MGE, thru thru the their rep represe resen nta tati tive ve,, MS MS.. CYNTHIA BALBOA, promised under oath and before thee Offi th Office ce of Inve Invest stig igat atin ing g Fi Fisc scal al,, Assi Assist stan antt City City Prose Pro secu cuto torr Jenn Jennif ifer er Caba Cabanb nban an-On -Ong, g, that that they they will will shoulder the expenses incurred by the Plaintiff as a result of the negligent driving of Defendant ENGALAN, and that they will do the same during the second Preli Pre limi mina nary ry Inve Invest stig igat atio ion n sc sche hedu dule led d some someti time me on March 2015.


T haestiga t igatio dution, rinn,g Defend thendant e sant econENGALA d ALAN scheNduand led sai Prd elim inboa ary Invest Inv Def ENG said Balboa Bal did not appear before the office of ACP Cabanban-Ong, reneging on their promise without justifiable reason.


That the the Plaintiff continuou uously communicate to the Defendants to remind them of their promise of  shouldering the expenses incurred, but to no avail.

10. That until present, Defendant ENGALAN and Defe De fend ndan antt MGE, MGE, with with ev evid iden entt bad bad fait faith, h, want wanton only ly refu re fuse sess to shou should lder er the the expe expens nses es incu incurr rred ed by the the Plai Pl aint ntif ifff as a resu result lt of the the negl neglig igen entt and and reck reckle less ss driving of Defendant ENGALAN. Page 2 of 7


ISSUES 11.. Wh 11 Whet ethe herr or not Pl Plai aint ntif ifff is entit entitle led d to Actua Actuall Damag Damages es by reason of Defendant ENGALAN’s grossly negligent driving. 12.. Wh 12 Whet ethe herr or not Pl Plai aint ntif ifff is entit entitle led d to Moral Moral Dama Damage gess by reas reason on of Defe Defend ndan antt MGE’ MGE’ss fail failure ure to sett settle le the the damages with the Plaintiff as promised, and its further tort to rtuo uous us act act of refu refusi sing ng to comm commun unic icat atee with with the the Plaintiff. 13. Whether or not Plaintiff is entitled to Exe Exemplary Damag amages es by rea reason son of Defen efenda dant nt MGE’ MGE’ss want wanton on atti at titu tude de an and d ev eviident dent bad bad fait faith h in rene renegi ging ng on it itss promise, and ultimately refusing to satisfy Plaintiff’s valid, just and demandable claims for reimbursement. 14. Whe Whethe therr or not not Plain Plaintif tifff is enti entitle tled d to a atto ttorne rney’s y’s fees fees in the amount of Fifty Thousand Pesos (PhP50,000.00) and appearance fee of Three Thousand Pesos (PhP3,000.00) per hearin ring, and other costs of  litigation.

DOCUMENTARY EXHIBITS Plaint Plai ntif ifff will will offe offerr and and pres presen entt the the fo foll llow owin ing g piec pieces es of  documentary evidence: a) LTO Certif Certificate icate of Regist Registration ration and Officia Officiall Receipt Receipt under the ofve thetha Plaintiff  i. name To pro prove that t the the Plai Plaint ntif ifff is the the reg regis iste tere red d ow owne nerr of  a HOND HONDA A JA JAZZ ZZ Mode Modell 2013 2013 with with plat platee numb number er WSQ 466, and other mat materi ria al contents of the document. b) LTO Certificate Certificate of Registratio Registration n and Official Receipt Receipt under under the name of Defendant MGE i. To prove that Defendant MGE Plaintiff is the registered owner and operator of a TOYOTA VIOS  TAXI CAB with plate number UWN 621, driven by Defendant Defe ndant ENGALAN, and other material material conte contents nts of the document.

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c) Defen Defendant dant ENGALAN’s ENGALAN’s Employe Employeee Identificati Identification on Card wi with th Defendant MGE. i. To pro prove ve tha thatt Defe Defend ndan antt ENGAL ENGALAN AN iiss an emp emplo loye yeee of Defe Defend ndan antt MGE MGE and and the the driv driver er of the the TO TOYO YOTA TA VIOS TAXI CAB with plate number UWN 621, and other material contents of the document. d) Ordinance Ordinance Violation Violation Receipt Receipt No. QC-0291560 QC-02915605 5 issued to Defendant ENGALAN by PO2 Jeffrey G. Bunsay i. To prove that Defendant ENGALAN was apprehended by PO2 Jeffrey G. Bunsay, officer from the QC Special Traffic Action Group (STAG) Office, and other material contents of the document. e) Inc Incide ident nt Sketch Sketch prepare prepared d by the PO2 Jeffre Jeffrey y G. Bunsay Bunsay and signed by the Plaintiff and Defendant ENGALAN i. To pro prove ve that that the the Defe Defend ndan antt ENGAL ENGALAN AN ne negl glig igen entl tly y drove the TOYOTA VIOS (UWN 621) and recklessly encr en croa oach ched ed the the lane lane occu occupi pied ed by the the Pl Plai aint ntif iff’ f’ss HOND HO NDA A collide JAZZ JAZZ with vehi vehicl cle e ca caus usin ing g the the said sa id TOYO TO YOTA TA VIOS to Plaintiff’s HONDA JAZZ vehicle, and other material contents of the document. f) Sev Severa erall photogr photograph aphss of the HONDA HONDA JAZZ JAZZ (WSQ (WSQ 466) and and  TOYOTA VIOS (UWN 621) vehicles i. To prove that the HONDA JAZZ driven by the Plaintiff sustained damage as a result of Defendant ENGA EN GALA LAN’ N’ss negl neglig igen entt and and reck reckle less ss driv drivin ing, g, and and other material contents of the document. g) Offic Official ial Receipt Receipt No. 20353 20353 issued b by y Honda Cars Cars Bulaca Bulacan n i. To pro prove ve tha thatt Plai Plaint ntif ifff was was co cons nstra train ined ed tto o spen spend d th thee amount of Four Thousand Pesos (PhP4,000.00) out of his own pocket for the repair of the HONDA JAZZ vehicle, and other material contents of the document. h) Qu Quez ezon on City City Offi Office ce of the the City City Pros Prosec ecut utor or Investigation  Data Form  (NPS  (NPS Docket No. XV-03-INV-15A-00391) i. To pro prove ve tha thatt Plain Plainti tiff ff has has file filed d a Cri Crimi mina nall case case fo forr Recckles Re klesss Impr Imprud uden encce Resu Result ltin ing g in Damag amagee to Property before the Office of the City Prosecutor of  Quez Qu ezon on City City dock docket eted ed as NP NPS S Dock Docket et No No.. XV-0 XV-033INV-15 INV -15A-0 A-0039 0391 1 aga agains instt the Defend Defendant ant ENGALA ENGALAN, N, and other material contents of the document. i) Sin Sinump umpaan aang g Sa Salay laysay say of the the Plai Plainti ntiff  ff  Page 4 of 7



To pro prove ve tha thatt Plain Plainti tiff ff has has file filed d a Cri Crimi mina nall case case fo forr Recckles Re klesss Impr Imprud uden encce Resu Result ltin ing g in Damag amagee to Property before the Office of the City Prosecutor of  Quez Qu ezon on City City dock docket eted ed as NP NPS S Dock Docket et No No.. XV-0 XV-033INV-15 INV -15A-0 A-0039 0391 1 aga agains instt the Defend Defendant ant ENGALA ENGALAN, N, and other material contents of the document.

 j) Sinumpaang Salaysay of Defendant ENGALAN i. To pro prove ve tha thatt Plai Plaint ntif ifff has has file filed d De Defe fend ndan antt ENGA ENGALA LAN N negl ne glig igen entl tly y drov drovee the the TOYO TOYOTA TA VIOS VIOS (UWN (UWN 621) 621) caus ca usin ing g dama damage ge to the the Plai Plaint ntif iff’ f’ss HOND HONDA A JAZZ JAZZ VEHI VE HICL CLE, E, and and other ther mate materi rial al conte ontent ntss of the the document. k) Judicial Judicial Affi Affidavit davit of of Plaintiff Plaintiff NYPHO P. P. PAREÑO i. To pr prov ovee tthe he mate materi rial al alle allega gati tion onss in in the the Co Comp mpla lain intt and as part of the testimony of the Plaintiff. Plai Plaint ntif ifff rese reserv rves es th thee ri righ ghtt to ma mark rk and and prese present nt ad addi diti tion onal al pieces course documentary of the trial. evidence as may be necessary during the

WITNESSES/TESTIMONIES WITNESSES/TE STIMONIES TO BE PRESENTED Plaintiff will offer and present pr esent the following witness/es: a) Pl Plai aint ntif ifff NYPH NYPHO O P. PARE PAREÑO ÑO to test testif ify y on the the mate materi rial al allegations in the Complaint. Plain Pla inti tiff ff rese reserv rves es the the ri rig ght to pres resen entt at leas leastt one (2) (2) addi ad diti tion onal al witn witnes esse sess for for good good caus causee show shown n duri during ng the the course of the trial.

AVAILABLE TRIAL DATES  To avoid conflict of schedule, Plaintiff proposes that the setting of trial dates be made by mutual agreement of the parties.

PRAYER WHERE EREFORE, premises considere red d, it is most respectfully prayed that the foregoing Pre-Trial Brief for the Plaintiff be NOTED. Other just and equitable reliefs are likewise prayed for. Page 5 of 7


Respectfully submitted. Quezon City for City of Manila, 07 Febraury2015.

SALAMAT AND ASSOCIATES LAW OFFICE Counsel for the Plaintiff  74B Maimpok St. corner Madalasalin St.,  Sikatuna Village, Quezon City By:

ARCADIO DC. BENITEZ, JR. Roll of Attorneys No. 62460 IBPNo. No.5341835 1013086Makati 12.16.15 PTR City th Deadline of MCLE 5  Compliance April 2016

Copy Furnished:

ATTY. NICHOLE D. GONZALES Counsel for the Defendants Room 301, Sir Thomas Square #18 Matalino Street, Central Diliman, Quezon City



Branch 17


Metropolitan Trial Court Manila

COURIER Page 6 of 7


EXPLANATION Please be informed that the undersigned counsel filed a copy of the foreg regoing PRE-TRIAL BR BRIIEF   by regi regist ster ered ed mail ma il/e /exp xpre ress ss cour courie ier, r, as the the pref prefer erre red d mode mode of fili filing ng via via pers pe rson ona al servi ervicce is rend render ered ed impo imposs ssiibl blee due due to lac lack of  personnel.


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