Pre-Tender HSE Qualification Questionnaire and Answers

February 13, 2017 | Author: Paul Uwaya | Category: N/A
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Pre-Tender HSE Qualification Questionnaire

INTRODUCTION The prime objective of Naoc, Aenr and Nae is to develop a culture and processes to ensure the safety and health of all employees, contractors, customers and communities associated with our operations in Nigeria. To reach this objective, we select, as far as practically possible, those contractors that can demonstrate their capabilities in ensuring the safety and health of their workers and sub-contractors and environment protection.

If you are interested in contract work for Naoc, Aenr and Nae please fill in this questionnaire as comprehensively as possible and return to us. This will allow for consideration to future contract work. Figure 1 below shows the elements involved in effective health and safety management and is taken from the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS) and the international management system standards on environment (ISO 14000) and quality (ISO 9000) management.

Where possible please provide documentation (completed or templates) and photos to support answers to the following questions:

Company Particulars Company Name:


Company Address:


Company Registration/Licence Number(If applicable) Contact Person Name:



RC 215,492



      Telephone:       Email:      

Contact Person Position: Contact Numbers: Mobile:      


Numbers of Employees:




To finalise your suitability, it may be necessary for our representative to formally assess your logistical, environment, health and safety systems. We would provide prior notice of such an assessment. If you have any objection, please indicate below by checking the box and providing your name.

I do not wish a Naoc, Aenr, Nae representative to assess our safety and health systems

Name of Objector:      

Questions Questionnaire items Section 1: Leadership and commitment


Commitment to HSE through leadership


Are senior managers personally involved in HSE management?

a) Yes, the senior managers are personally involved in the planning, implementation, and continuous improvement of safety and health activities by setting up departmental objectives and monitoring them for compliance.


Is there evidence of commitment at all levels of the organization?

b) Yes, Management ensures that all employees, including themselves, have clearly written safety and health responsibilities included within their job description, with appropriate authority to carry out those responsibilities. Also, management ensures that all employees, including all levels of management, receive performance evaluations that include a written evaluation of the accomplishment of assigned safety and health responsibilities See attached HSE Managemnt System.


Is there a positive culture towards HSE matters?

c) We promote positive culture towards HSE matters via incentive schemes, no blame culture, HSE campaigns, posters, banners, meetings, trainings, quizzes, games and competition.

Section 2: Policy and Strategic Policy HSE policy documents


Does your company have an HSE policy document? If yes provide a copy.


Who has the overall and final responsibility for HSE in your organization?


Who is the most senior person in the organization responsible for this policy being carried out at the premises and on site where his employees are working?

A) Yes, Damagix has HSE policy document. See attached HSE Policies b) Mr. Dahiru Mohammed, the Managing Director has the final and overall responsibility for HSE. c) Silas S. Ekeng is the most senior person in our organization who oversees and ensures HSE policy is strictly adhered to at the premises and site where employees are working.

Availability of policy statements to employees

Provide name, title and experience.

Silas S. Ekeng, QHSE Manager, Please see attached Silas S. Ekeng’s CV


Itemize the methods by which you have drawn your policy statement to the attention of all your employees

a) i) Meetings ii) The Policy is strategically located at different points in all our offices. iii) Trainings iv) Publication on the Notice Board v) Memos


What are your arrangements for advising employees of changes in the policy?

b) i) Memos are sent to Heads of Departments ii) Training is conducted iii) Meetings are Held to give further explanations

Section 3: Organization, Resources and Competence Organization-Commitment and communication

Competence and Training of managers/supervisors/senior site staff/HSE advisers

Competence and general HSE training


How is management involved in HSE activities, objective-setting and monitoring?

a) Management’s responsibility is to set goals and target, and to track or monitor performance and success of these goals. Safety goals and targets are established during annual strategic planning meetings of Damagix Nigeria Limited. Heads of Departments sets their departmental objectives and monitors them for compliance. The Chairman/CEO as head of the HSE Committee is responsible to overseeing the development of safety goals as well as implementing them. .


How is your company structured to manage and communicate HSE effectively?

b) A HSE Committee is in place and saddled with the responsibility of overseeing all HSE Matters.


What provision does your company make for HSE communication meetings?

c) 1. Monthly HSE meeting (HSE & Progress review), Middle Management 2. Quarterly HSE meeting (SelfAssessment), Middle Management 3. Management review meeting. Top Management 4. Daily HSE Briefs and Toolbox Meeting - All Work force


Have the managers and supervisors at all levels who will plan, monitor, oversee and carry out the work received formal HSE training in their responsibilities with respect to conducting work to HSE requirement?

a) Yes,each year management pays special attention to the evaluation of the year’s training efforts to look for methods of improvement


If yes, please provide details. When the training is given in house, describe content and duration of the courses. What arrangements does your company have to ensure new employees have knowledge of basic industrial HSE and to keep this knowledge up to date?

See attached HSE – HSE Training Certififcates and HSE Training Matrix

a) Currently, all new employees receive two hours of safety and health orientation before they begin work. When they have learned this material, they begin their assigned job with a trained buddy. Daily HSE Briefs are held which avails new employees an avenue to get to know the company’s HSSE Objectives and Policies and also through the following: 1. HSE Induction 2. In House Trainings 3. Third party training

Specialized training


What arrangement does your company have to ensure new employees also have knowledge of your HSE policy and practices?

b) Through regular HSE meeting, briefs and in house training new employees get to know the company’s HSSE Objectives and Policies


What arrangements does your company have to ensure new employees have been instructed and have received information on any specific hazards arising out of the nature of the activities? What training do you provide to ensure that all employees are aware of company requirement?



What arrangements does your company have to ensure existing staff HSE knowledge is up to date?

d) Via regular in house training and external training as may be required for specific work groups.

(If training is provided in house, please give details of the content).

The following in House Training is provided for but not limited to: 1. Emergency Response Procedure 2. Confined Space Entry 3. Safe Lifting Practices 4. Use of heavy equipment’s 5. Road Safety 6. Blood borne Pathogens 7. Fighting Incipient Fire 8. Electrical Safety 9. Hazard Communication 10. Hearing Protection 11. Personal Protective Equipment 12. Respiratory Protection Please see attached HSE training content

Have you identified areas of your company’s operations where specialized training is required to deal with potential hazards?

a) None at the moment


Daily HSE Meetings are held that avails new employees an avenue to get to know the company’s HSSE Objectives and Policies and also through trainings.

(If yes , itemize and provide details)

Assessment of suitability of subcontractors/other companies


If the specialized work involves radioactive, asbestos removal, chemical or other occupational health hazard, how are the hazards identified, assessed and controlled?

b) Specialised trainings arise from a perceived and identified risk.


How do you assess :  HSE competency  HSE record of the subcontractors and companies with whom you place contracts?

a) Questionaires/Audits


Where do you spell out the standards you require to be met?

b) In our HSE Manuals.

How do you ensure these are met and verified? Questionnaire items

Through audits Responses/Evidence

Section 4: Risk assessment and management Hazards and effects assessment

What methods are used within your company for identification, assessment,

1. Risk Management (A written document of Risk, Hazard

control and recovery of hazards and effects?

Exposure of work force

Do you have in place any systems to monitor the exposure of your workforce to chemical or physical agents?

Handling of chemicals

How is your workforce advised on the properties of chemicals encountered in the course of their work?

Personal Protective Equipment

What arrangements does your company have for provision and upkeep of protective clothing, both standard issue and that required for specialized activities?

Waste management

Does your company have in place systems for identification, classification and management of waste?

controls & recommended control, task specific ) 2. By developing a project specific Risk Register. See attached HSE 5 - Risk Management Folder. Yes we have a system in place which manages the exposure of employees, Please see attached HSE 5 - Risk Management folder. Task specific training being provided to the workforce like Chemical Handling, Emergency response also see attached HSE 5 - Risk Management folder. 1.Appropriate Certified PPE being used 2.Monthly PPE inspection by the competent HSE Persons. Ensuring the greatest possible protection for employees in the workplace is our priority and we have created a program for that, please see attached Damagix Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Program

Yes we do, please see attached HSE 7 - Waste Management.

Section 5: Planning ,Standards and procedures HSE or operation manuals


Do you have a company HSE manual (or operations manual with relevant sections on HSE) which describes in detail your company approved HSE working practices relating to your work activities?

a) Yes we have HSE Manual, see attached

If the answer is yes, please provide a copy of supporting document.

HSE 8 - HSE Management System Manual.

How do you ensure that the working practices and procedures used by your employees on site are consistently in accordance with your HSE policy objectives and arrangements?

b) By conducting none scheduled inspection of the site and through Audits..

How do you ensure that plant and equipment used within your premises, on site, or at other locations by your employees are correctly registered, controlled and maintained in a safe working condition? Where do you spell out the standards you require to be respected?

Through Audits and Inspection.


How do you ensure these are respected and verified?

b) Through Audits and Inspection.


Is there an overall structure for producing, updating and disseminating standards? What arrangements does your company have for combating road and vehicle incidents?

c) Please see attached HSE Management Review.


Equipment control and maintenance


Road safety Management



a) HSE Management System Manual.

a) Through regular trainings and emphasis on the adherence to speed limits, road signs and use of selt belt at all times. We also monitor and control this via observations, feed back from employees, invesitigations and inspections etc.

Section 6: Implementation and Monitoring Management and performance monitoring of work activities


What arrangements does your company have for supervision and monitoring of performance?

a) we achieve this by carrying out Audits, Inspection and Incident Investigations coupled with HSE meetings and review. 1. Internal audit by higher management 2. Regular Project Visit by higher management 3. Management review meeting 4. Monthly HSE meeting with all staff


What type of performance criteria are used in your company: give examples

b) Our performance is measured against yearly logical & achievable set goals which is to ensure Zero Incidents and 100% Compliance with HSE standards by drawing a comparison among performance of two or more preceeding year, such as annual review of accident rate and injury frequency, mortality rate, safety culture, lost-time injuries. Please see attached HSE Statistic.


What arrangements does your company have for passing on any results and findings of this supervision and monitoring to your:  Base management  Site employees?

c) 1. Through HSE briefs and meetings 2. Through HSE committee 3. Through internal audit report 4. Through observation report 5. Through E-mail

HSE performance achievement awards

Has your company received any awards for HSE performance achievement?


Has your company suffered any statutory notifiable incidents in the last five years (safety, occupational health and environment)?


Statutory notifiable incidents/dangerous occurrences

(answers with details including dates, most frequent types, causes and follow up preventative measures taken)

Improvement requirement and prohibition notices

HSE performance records

Has your company suffered any improvement requirement or prohibition notices by the relevant national body, regulatory body for HSE or other enforcing authority or been prosecuted under any HSE legislation in the three years? (if your answer is YES please give details) a) Have you maintained records of your incidents and HSE performance for the last five years? (If yes, please give the following details for each year, number of non lost time injuries, and number of lost time injuries, total hours worked by workforce for each corresponding year, frequency rates, and your company definition of lost time incident). b)

How is health performance recorded?


a) Yes, we have records of incidents and HSE performance

Please see attached HSE 9- HSE Statistics

b) Through medical check-ups and HSE Statistics.

Incident investigation and reporting


How is environmental performance recorded?

c) Through data obtained from operations and Statistics gathered during Projects.


How often is HSE performance reviewed? By whom? Who conducts incident investigations?

d) Quarterly and by the HSE commitee


How are the findings following an investigation, or a relevant incident occurring elsewhere, communicated to your employees?

b) An incident deemed to be serious triggers an immediate audit of the process or operations that led to the incident (root cause analysis will be carried out). The report of this investigation is communicated to all staff.


Are near misses reported?

c) Yes. we rely on a ‘no blame’ culture for reporters, the information generated is used to drive improvement. Please see attached HSE Incident, Investigating and Reporting


Do you have a written policy on HSE auditing and how does this policy specify the standards for auditing (including unsafe act auditing)?

a) Yes we do; please see attached HSE 8 – Procedure for Internal Audit


Do your company HSE plans include schedules for auditing and what range of auditing is covered?

b) Yes it does, Internal Audits are done quarterly, while audits for suppliers/contractors are carried out yearly.


How the effectiveness of the auditing is verified and how does management report and follow up audits?

c) We achieve this by conducting unscheduled audits/investigation.


a) Qualified and competent HSE Personnel areassigned to carry out accident investigations. Smaller incidents are investigated and handled by the site teams. Significant incidents (e.g. lost time or those needing medical treatment) are investigated by our own HSE advisors.

Section 7: Audit and Review Auditing

Insurances Naoc, Aenr, Nae will require its contractors to have the following insurances:  Workers Compensation Insurance  Public Liability Insurance  Motor Vehicle Insurance  Professional Indemnity Insurance Please supply details for each.

For and on behalf of the Company Name:       Position:       Date:       End of Formal Questionnaire I hereby, Mr(s)(Full name)……………………………………………………………. declare that all information provided in this questionnaire are accurate and can be verified when required by Naoc, Aenr, Nae.

______________________________________________________________________________ This section for Naoc, Aenr, Nae Use Only Naoc, Aenr, Nae – General Manager/Delegate Person Review Comments:     

Name:       Date:      


Naoc, Aenr, Nae – HSE Manager Review Comments:     

Does the company Logistical, HSE assessment by Naoc, Aenr and Nae? Name:       Position:       Date:      






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