Pre-Intermediate Unit Test 3: Grammar

December 17, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pre-intermediate Unit test 3



Grammar 1 Compl Complete ete the sentences sentences wit with h the correct correct be  going to or to or present continuous form of the verb in brackets. Use one word in each gap. 1   Are you  seeing (see) Julie later? 2 Where they (go) for their

holiday 3 We’renext month? to (have) dinner at Leah and Bob’s tomorrow. 4 It’s half past ten. What time Tim (come)? I hope he isn’t going to be late! 5 I’m not (stay in) tomorrow. I’m going out with Rachel. 6 What we (eat) tonight? 7 Who Lee going to (meet)? 8 They (play) tennis at 7p.m. 9 you going to (take) any food with you? 10 What time everyone (leave) for the party later?  later?   11 What are you to (do) tonight? 10

2 Unde Underline rline the correct correct alter alternative native.. 1 Who Who//When When wrote  wrote Lord  Lord of the Rings Rings?? 2 What/Which do you do on Saturday evenings? 3 Which country has/is has/is the  the best football team? 4 Who Who//Whose Whose car  car is that outside? 5 Which Which//Whose Whose pen  pen is yours? This one, or that one? 6 Which Which//Who Who won  won the last Nobel Peace Prize? 5

3 Add an auxi auxiliary liary ve verb rb to the sentences sentences if necessary. Tick (  the correct sentences.

did  1 Who ^  you  you see at college today? 2 Which film they go to see? 3 How many DVDs you buy yesterday? 4 Who painted The Scream? Scream? 5 Which TV programmes you like? 6 What happened to my bag? 5

Vocabulary 4 Cros Crosss out the wro wrong ng noun in eac each h group. 1 have a drink / an evening out / a meal / the train 2 go sightseeing / dancing / a night out / shopping 3 get a snack / a concert / the bus / some tickets 4 go to running / a bar / a museum / a market 5 see a band / a club / a show / an exhibition

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Pre-intermediate Unit test 3


5 Compl Complete ete the place places. s.

fi eld . 1 Every Sunday we play football at the s ports field  2 My daughter enjoys spending the day at the . She loves buying clothes. s  m  on 3 We walked along the new n  t  Sunday. It goes through beautiful woods. ? 4 Do you live in a city or the c  5 They enjoyed walking around Bangkok and seeing the food for sale in the s  . m . 6 Lisa prefers concerts halls to n  She doesn’t like dance music. and 7 We walked along the w  stopped at a café to enjoy the sea view. 8 A lot of children spend their free time i   playing computer games and watching watching TV. 7

6 Compl Complete ete the sentences sentences wit with h the correct correct form of the verbs in the box.

arrange book cancel change check  go to have (2) see talk  1 Let’s  go to the theatre and a play. 2 I need to our reservation. My wife’s ill. 3 Did you to meet Catherine later? 4 She doesn’t want to dinner with him  because he always business. 5 Have you the train times for tonight? We don’t want to miss the last one. 6 Could I a table for two for 8p.m.,  please? 7 Is this a good moment to a quick chat? 8 I have to my return ticket to a single. 9

Function 7 Put the conve conversati rsation on in the correc correctt order. a) Of course.   b) Hello  Hello,, can I speak to Mrs Tr Tripp, ipp, pl please ease?? 1  c) Oh. When will she be back, please?   d) Thank you. Bye.   e) Good morning, Mr Jaar. I’m afraid she isn’t here at the moment.   f) Who’s calling, please?   g) OK, I’ll ask her to call you back.   h) Please tell her Nicholas called.   i) It’s Nicholas Jaar.    j) I’m not sure. I think she’s in a meeting.   k) OK. Could I leave a message?   10



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