Pre-exam Safe Sa 50 preguntas con respuesta
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Guía de estudio para presentar la certificación de SAFE Agile SA...
EXAMEN DE PRUEBA – LEADING SAFE SA 1. Which statement fits with the SAFe !"e #a$%e !f B%i$t&in '%a$it() a* '%a$it( '%a$it( is n!t n!t +a"t +a"t !f the the SAFe SAFe !"e #a$%es a$%es ,* -!% cann!t cann!t sca$ sca$ee c"a++ c"a++( ( c!e c!e c* '%a$it( e+ens e+ens !n the sca$e sca$e !f the +"!/ect an sh!%$ sh!%$ ,e im+$emente im+$emente f"!m the t!+ !wn * Define Define 0!a$s 0!a$s an an then then ,%i$ ,%i$ %a$i %a$it( t( in 2. 3he SAFe Im+$ementati!n R!ama+ is ,ase !n what) a* 3he 3he SAFe SAFe 4!%s 4!%see !f Lean Lean ,* La"0e S!$%ti!n im+$ementati!ns im+$ementati!ns ,ase !n the the SAFe SAFe F"amew!"5 F"amew!"5 c* !ntin%! !ntin%!%s %s inte0"a inte0"ati!n ti!n ,ase ,ase !n !n S(stems S(stems 3hin5 3hin5in0 in0 * Effecti6e Effecti6e A0i$e Re$ease Re$ease 3"ain 3"ain $a%nches $a%nches ,ase ,ase !n SAFe SAFe a!+ti!n a!+ti!n 7. When ,asin0 ecisi!ns !n ec!n!mics8 h!w a"e c(c$e time8 +"!%ct c!st8 6a$%e8 an e6e$!+ment e9+ense %se) a* 3! "ec! "ec!6e" 6e" m!ne( m!ne( a$"ea a$"ea( ( s+ent s+ent ,* Ientif( Ientif( iffe"e iffe"ent nt +a"amete +a"amete"s "s !f the ec!n!mic ec!n!mic f"amew! f"amew!"5 "5 c* 3! ma9imi: ma9imi:ee the ec!n!mic ec!n!mic !st !f De$a( De$a( * 3! "eset "eset ec!n!mi ec!n!micc +"i!" +"i!"itie itiess ;. D%"in0 Ins+ect an Aa+t8 teams ientifie a $a"0e n%m,e" !f acti!n items aime at s!$6in0 thei" ,i00est +"!,$em as a t"ain. 4!w sh!%$ the team +"!cee) a* L!a a$$ im+"!6emen im+"!6ementt items int! int! the P"!0"am P"!0"am Bac5$!0 Bac5$!0 t! ens%"e the the +"!,$em +"!,$em is !c%mente !c%mente an an s!$6e ,* Se$ect Se$ect an an im+"!6e im+"!6ement ment item item %sin0 %sin0 WS. What a"e the th"ee +"ima"( 5e(s t! im+$ementin0 f$!w) @h!!se th"ee.* a* Mana0e %e%e $en0ths ,* #is%a$i:e an $imit W!"5&in&P"!cess c* Re%ce the ,atch si:es !f w!"5 * A"ess the s(stemic +"!,$ems e* Inc"ease ca+acit( f* F"e%ent c!nte9t switchin0 1?. Wh! has c!ntent a%th!"it( t! ma5e ecisi!ns at the %se" st!"( $e6e$ %"in0 PI P$annin0) a* Sc"%m Maste"s ,* P"!%ct wne" c* A0i$e 3eam * Re$ease 3"ain En0inee" 1. Which statement is t"%e a,!%t De6+s) a* Meas%"ements a"e n!t a t!+ +"i!"it( f!" De6+s ,* De6+s is an a++"!ach t! ,"i0e the 0a+ ,etween e6e$!+ment an !+e"ati!ns c* Lean&A0i$e +"inci+$es a"e n!t necessa"( f!" a s%ccessf%$ De6+s im+$ementati!n * De6+s a%t!mati!n !f testin0 "e%ces the h!$in0 c!st 1C. In the P"!0"am =an,an s!me !f ste+s ha6e W!"5&in&P"!cess $imits. Wh( is this necessa"() a* 3! he$+ c!ntin%!%s e+$!(ment ,* 3! ena,$e f$!w in a +%$$&,ase s(stem c* 3! +"!6ie 6isi,i$it( int! +"!0"ess * 3! 5ee+ time,!9 0!a$s 1. What is c!nsie"e an anti&+atte"n when assi0nin0 ,%siness 6a$%es t! 3eam PI ,/ecti6es) a* 3eams ma5in0 min!" sc!+e a/%stments afte" ,%siness 6a$%e is assi0ne ,* A 6a$%e !f 1 0i6en t! a$$ !f the PI ,/ecti6es c* B%siness wne"s assi0nin0 the ,%siness 6a$%e * A0i$e 3eams an B%siness wne"s w!"5in0 t!0ethe" t! assi0n ,%siness 6a$%es 2. Which statement acc%"ate$( cha"acte"i:es St"ate0ic 3hemes) a* 3he( a"e $a"0e initiati6es mana0e in the P!"tf!$i! =an,an that "e%i"e Wei0hte Sh!"test . Which statement is a 6a$%e f"!m the A0i$e Manifest!) a* %st!me" c!$$a,!"ati!n !6e" a c!nstant inefinite +ace ,* %st!me" c!$$a,!"ati!n !6e" feat%"e ne0!tiati!n c* %st!me" c!$$a,!"ati!n !6e" c!nt"act ne0!tiati!n * %st!me" c!$$a,!"ati!n !6e" !n0!in0 inte"na$ c!n6e"sati!n 2?. What is a minim%m 6ia,$e im+"!6ement ste+ f!" im+$ementin0 a !ntin%!%s De$i6e"( Pi+e$ine) a* E$iminate inte"&Ite"ati!n wate"fa$$s ,* Re$a9 the Definiti!n !f D!ne c* Re%ce W!"5&in&P"!cess $imits !n the testin0 c!$%mn * Ass%me a$$ +"!%cts a"e Minim%m #ia,$e P"!%cts 2. Which "!$e acce+ts a+a,i$ities as c!m+$ete) a* S!$%ti!n Mana0ement ,* P"!%ct Mana0ement c* S!$%ti!n A"chitectKEn0inee" * S!$%ti!n 3"ain En0inee" 2C. What !es the P"!0"am R!ama+ ! in the Sca$e A0i$e F"amew!"5) a* It +"!6ies 6isi,i$it( int! the P!"tf!$i! E+ics ,ein0 im+$emente in the ne9t (ea" ,* It esc"i,es technica$ e+enencies ,etween Feat%"es c* It c!mm%nicates the e$i6e"( !f Feat%"es !6e" a nea" te"m time$ine * It esc"i,es the +"!0"am c!mmitment f!" the c%""ent an ne9t tw! P"!0"am Inc"ements
2. P"!%ct Mana0ement has c!ntent a%th!"it( !6e" Feat%"es. What ! P"!%ct wne"s ha6e c!ntent a%th!"it( !6e")
a* ,* c* *
3eam Bac5$!0 P!"tf!$i! Bac5$!0 P!"tf!$i! #isi!n #a$%e St"eams
7. What a"e the fi"st th"ee ste+s !f the SAFe Im+$ementati!n R!ama+) a* 3"ain Lean&A0i$e chan0e a0ents8 t"ain e9ec%ti6es8 mana0e"s an $eae"s8 an then +"e+a"e f!" A0i$e Re$ease 3"ain $a%nch ,* Reach the ti++in0 +!int8 3"ain Lean&A0i$e chan0e a0ents8 an then t"ain the ientifie s%++!"t +e"s!nne$ c* ha"te" a Lean&A0i$e ente" !f E9ce$$ence8 3"ain Lean&A0i$e chan0e a0ents8 an then t"ain e9ec%ti6es8 mana0e"s an $eae"s * Reach the ti++in0 +!int8 t"ain Lean&A0i$e chan0e a0ents8 an then t"ain e9ec%ti6es8 mana0e"s an $eae"s 71. What is the f!%nati!n !f the SAFe 4!%se !f Lean) a* Leae"shi+ ,* Re$ent$ess Im+"!6ement c* #a$%e * F$!w 72. 3he A0i$e Re$ease 3"ain %ses which t(+e !f teams t! 0et w!"5 !ne) a* Mana0ement teams ,* S!$%ti!n teams c* Phase "e6iew +"!cess teams * "!ss&f%ncti!na$ teams 77. What is the f!c%s !f the Dai$( Stan&%+ meetin0) a* PI !,/ecti6es 6e"s%s !%tc!mes ,* Ite"ati!n 0!a$s 6e"s%s what 0!t !ne c* Sc"%m Maste" 0!a$s 6e"s%s De6e$!+ment 3eam 0!a$s * P$an !,/ecti6es 6e"s%s P"!0"am wne" !,/ecti6es 7;. What sh!%$ the team f!c%s !n in !"e" t! !+timi:e f$!w) a* !sts ,* Re%ests c* De$a(s * Res%$ts 7>. Which statement is t"%e a,!%t the Inn!6ati!n an P$annin0 @IP* Ite"ati!n) a* 3he Sc"%m Maste" can ecie if the IP Ite"ati!n is necessa"( ,* 3he"e is a "is5 that the t("ann( !f the %"0ent !%twei0hs a$$ inn!6ati!n acti6ities c* It is %se %a"te"$( when the team nees t! "ef!c%s !n w!"5 +"!cesses * It is %se !n$( t! ins+ect the !%tc!me !f the PI S(stem Dem!
7?. D%"in0 the fina$ +$an "e6iew8 P"!0"am "is5s a"e a"esse %sin0 RAM. What ! the $ette"s in RAM "e+"esent) a* wne8 Miti0ate8 Res!$6e8 Acce+te
,* Re$e0ate8 wne8 A++"!6e8 Mana0e c* Acce+te8 Reesi0ne8 "e"e8 Miti0ate * Mana0e8 Res!$6e8 "e"e8 Acce+te 7. Which statement esc"i,es as+ects !f the teamJs c!mmitment %"in0 PI P$annin0) a* A team !es n!t c!mmit t! st"etch !,/ecti6es ,* A team c!mmits t! "es!$6e a$$ the "is5s ientifie %"in0 PI P$annin0 c* A team c!mmits t! a$$ St!"ies the( +%t !n thei" PI +$an * A team c!mmits !n$( t! the PI ,/ecti6es with the hi0hest ,%siness 6a$%e 7C. Which tw! statements a"e t"%e a,!%t De6+s) @h!!se tw!.* a* It a$$e6iates the "e$iance !n the s5i$$ sets !f A0i$e teams ,* It $essens the se6e"it( an f"e%enc( !f "e$ease fai$%"es c* It "e%ces "is5 an im+"!6es inn!6ati!n ,( ma5in0 it safe" t! e9+e"iment * It inc"eases the Mean 3ime t! Rec!6e"( e* It "em!6es the nee t! a%t!mate +"!cesses 7. What is the "ec!mmene wa( t! estimate E+ics) a* S+$it an E+ic int! Feat%"es8 s+$it Feat%"es int! St!"ies8 estimate each St!"( in n!"ma$i:e st!"( +!ints an "!$$ %+ a$$ estimates t! the E+ic ,* S+$it an E+ic int! +!tentia$ Feat%"es8 estimate each +!tentia$ Feat%"e in n!"ma$i:e st!"( +!ints8 an a %+ the estimates c* Fin the sma$$est E+ic in the Bac5$!08 0i6e it 1 +!int8 an estimate e6e"(thin0 e$se "e$ati6e t! that * Estimate an E+ic i"ect$( in n!"ma$i:e st!"( +!ints ;. Pete" D"%c5e" efines 5n!w$e0e w!"5e"s as ini6i%a$s wh! 5n!w m!"e a,!%t the w!"5 the( +e"f!"m than wh!) a* 3hei" c!w!"5e"s ,* 3hei" team c* 3hei" !"0ani:ati!n * 3hei" ,!sses H ;1. What is the ,i00est ,enefit !f ecent"a$i:e ecisi!n&ma5in0 t! the c%st!me") a* P!siti6e$( im+actin0 ec!n!mies !f sca$e ,* Ens%"in0 st"ate0ic ecisi!ns a"e n!t mae in a 6ac%%m c* Rem!6in0 acc!%nta,i$it( f"!m $eae"s * De$i6e"in0 6a$%e in the sh!"test s%staina,$e $ea time
;2. What is an e9am+$e !f a++$(in0 caence&,ase s(nch"!ni:ati!n in SAFe) a* 3eams a$i0n thei" ite"ati!ns t! the same sche%$e t! s%++!"t c!mm%nicati!n8 c!!"inati!n8 an s(stem inte0"ati!n ,* 3eams within the same A0i$e Re$ease 3"ain c!mmit an +$an t! the same Ite"ati!n ,ac5$!0 c* 3eams meet twice e6e"( PI t! +$an an sche%$e ca+acit( * 3eams a$$!w ,atch si:es ac"!ss m%$ti+$e inte"6a$s ;7. What m%st mana0ement ! f!" a s%ccessf%$ A0i$e t"ansf!"mati!n) a* Sen s!me!ne t! "e+"esent themse$6es8 an then e$e0ate tas5s t! these ini6i%a$s
,* St"i6e t! thin5 !f a!+ti!n as an a"ea the( can c!nt"!$ c* Re$( !n man( !the"s t! chan0e the s(stem * !mmit themse$6es t! %a$it( an the( m%st ,e the chan0e a0ent in the s(stem ;;. What is the "ec!mmene f"e%enc( f!" %+atin0 Lean ,%0et ist"i,%ti!n) a* 3wice ann%a$$( ,* n Deman c* Ann%a$$( * E6e"( PI ,!%na"( ;>. Which statement esc"i,es the c!nnecti!n ,etween Feat%"es an a+a,i$ities in a $a"0e S!$%ti!n) a* S!me Feat%"es ma( n!t ha6e +a"ent a+a,i$ities ,* 3he"e cann!t ,e m!"e than > Feat%"es f!" each c* S!me a+a,i$ities ma( n!t ha6e chi$ Feat%"es * E6e"( Feat%"e has a +a"ent a+a,i$it( ;?. n a( tw! !f PI P$annin08 a/%stments a"e mae ,( the 0"!%+ ,ase !n the +"e6i!%s a(Js mana0ement "e6iew an +"!,$em s!$6in0 meetin0. What a"e th"ee +!ssi,$e t(+es !f chan0es) @h!!se th"ee.*P$annin0 "e%i"ements "esetB%siness +"i!"itiesM!6ement !f +e!+$eUse" St!"ieshan0es t! sc!+eA/%stment t! PI ,/ecti6es a* 28; an > ,* 182 an > c* 187 an ? * 287 an > ; What a"e tw! !f the A0i$e Re$ease 3"ain S(nc meetin0s) @h!!se tw!.* a* S!$%ti!n Dem! ,* Sc"%ms !f Sc"%ms c* S(stem Dem! * Ins+ect an Aa+t ;C What is this statement efinin0 A se"ies !f acti6ities that ha6e +"!6en t! ,e effecti6e in s%ccessf%$$( im+$ementin0 SAFe) a* 3he Safe Im+$ementati!n R!ama+ ; A team has /%st a!+te the SAFe Im+$ementati!n R!ama+ an is in the +"!cess !f t"ainin0 e9ec%ti6es8 mana0e"s8 an $eae"s. What is thei" ne9t ste+) a* Ientif( #a$%e St"eam an A0i$e Re$ese t"ain > What a"e the t!+ tw! "eas!ns f!" a!+tin0 A0i$e in an !"0ani:ati!n) @h!!se tw!.* a* Inc"ease +"eicta,i$it( ,( "e%cin0 chan0es ,* Re%ce "is5 ,( cent"a$i:in0 ecisi!n ma5in0 c* Enhance a,i$it( t! mana0e chan0in0 +"i!"ities * Acce$e"ate +"!%ct e$i6e"(Re%ce +"!/ect c!st >1. 3he ana$(:in0 ste+ !f the P!"tf!$i! =an,an s(stem has a new E+ic with a c!m+$ete Lean ,%siness case. What ,est esc"i,es the ne9t ste+ f!" the E+ic) a* It wi$$ ,e "em!6e t! the P!"taf!$i! Bac5$!0 if it "eci6es a G! ecisi!n f"!m Lean P!"taf!$i! Mana0ement
>2. In the P"!0"am =an,an s!me !f ste+s ha6e W!"5&in&P"!cess $imits. Wh( is this necessa"() a* 3! ena,$e f$!w in a +%$$&,ase s(stem >7. When a"e team +$annin0 a/%stments mae %"in0 PI P$annin0) a* At the ,e0innin0 !f a( tw! >;. Which statement is t"%e a,!%t Lean P!"tf!$i! Mana0ement an ,%0etin0) a* It em+!we"s sta5eh!$e"s t! aa+t the c%""ent ,ac5$!0 an "!ama+ c!nte9t >>. Wei0hte Sh!"test ?. What is an e9am+$e !f c"!ss&f%ncti!na$ Ite"ati!ns) a* Inte"ati!n 1 Define8 B%i$8 3est Define8 B%i$8 3est >. Wh( is it im+!"tant t! ec!%+$e e+$!(ment f"!m "e$ease) a* 3! ena,$e "ea$easin0 %+!n eman >C. Which tw! a"eas a"e +a"t !f the Sca$e A0i$e F"amew!"5 !"e #a$%es) @h!!se tw!.* a* A$i0nment ,* !$$a,!"ati!n c* Decent"a$i:e ecisi!n ma5in0 * B%i$t&in '%a$it( e* S(stems 3hin5in0 >. A s%ccessf%$ SAFe im+$ementati!n can ,e cha$$en0in0 ,eca%se !f an !"0ani:ati!nJs st"!n0 c%$t%"e. What wi$$ chan0e the c%$t%"e) a* E c!mm%nicates SAFe wi$$ ,e im+$emente ?. If sma$$ ,atches 0! th"!%0h the s(stem faste" with $!we" 6a"ia,i$it(8 then which tw! statements a"e t"%e a,!%t ,atch si:e) @h!!se tw!.* a* G!! inf"ast"%ct%"e ena,$es $a"0e ,atches ,* P"!9imit( @c!&$!cati!n* ena,$es sma$$ ,atch si:e c* Batch si:es cann!t inf$%ence !%" ,eha6i!" * Se6e"e +"!/ect s$i++a0e is the m!st $i5e$( "es%$t !f $a"0e ,atches e* L!w %ti$i:ati!n inc"eases 6a"ia,i$it( ?1. What a"e tw! +"!,$ems that can ,e %ne"st!! f"!m the P"!0"am B!a") @h!!se tw!.* a* E6ents f!" f%t%"e Pis ,* 3!! man( e+enencies $eain0 t! a sin0$e +"!0"am mi$est!ne c* 3!! m%ch W!"5&in&P"!cess in !ne Ite"ati!n * 3!! man( Feat%"es a"e +$ace in a teamJs swim $ane with n! st"in0s e* A si0nificant e+enenc( $eain0 t! a Feat%"e
?2. Acc!"in0 t! the 4a"6a" B%siness Re6iew a"tic$e tit$e8 3he New New P"!%ct De6e$!+ment Game8 what !es it mean t! c"eate ,%i$t&in insta,i$it() a* P"!6ie cha$$en0in0 "e%i"ements8 a hi0h e0"ee !f f"ee!m t! meet the "e%i"ements8 an 0et !%t !f the wa(
?7. Which statement is t"%e a,!%t S!$%ti!n !nte9t when efinin0 $a"0e s!$%ti!ns) a* It efines the en6i"!ment in which the S!$%ti!n +e"ates
?;. If a +"!0"am "e+eate$( sh!ws se+a"ate feat%"e ,"anches "athe" than a t"%e S(stem Dem!8 which +"actice sh!%$ ,e "e6iewe t! a"ess the iss%e) a* !ntin%!s Inte0"ati!n ?>. Wh( ! B%siness wne"s assi0n ,%siness 6a$%e t! 3eamsJ PI ,/ecti6es) a* 3! +"!6ie the teams with 0%iance 6a$%e t! the ,%siness ??. What a"e att"i,%tes !f a++$icati!ns ,%i$t inc!"+!"atin0 De6+s) @h!!se tw!.* a* Use simi$a" te$emet"( f!" iffe"ent sta5eh!$e"s ,* Ens%"e c!ntin%!%s inte0"ati!n with man%a$ e+$!(ment c* 6e"$a( meas%"ements with e6ents @e+$!(ments8 "e$eases* * Gene"ate $!0s t! ena,$e ana$(sis e* Mana0e the f$!w !f 6a$%e th"!%0h the !ntin%!%s De$i6e"( Pi+e$ine ?. 4!w !es SAFe e9ten the A0i$e Manifest! f!%nati!n t! the $e6e$ !f team !f teams) a* B( a++$(in0 Lean 3hin5in0 t! %ne"stan an im+"!6e the s(stems that s%++!"t the teams ?C. What is this statement efinin0 A se"ies !f acti6ities that ha6e +"!6en t! ,e effecti6e in s%ccessf%$$( im+$ementin0 SAFe) a* 3he SAFe Im+$ementati!n R!ama+
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