Pre Emption Muslim Law

March 11, 2019 | Author: Arun Shokeen | Category: Ownership, Estoppel, Lawsuit, Property, Sovereign Immunity
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Pre-emption.—The right of pre-emption or Shufa is a right to acquire by compulsory co mpulsory  purchase, in certain cases, immovable property in preference to all other persons. “It is founded on the supposed necessities of a Mohammedan family, arising out of their  minute division and inter- division of ancestral property, and as, the result of its existence is generally adverse to the public pu blic interest, it certainly will not be recognised by this Court  beyond the limits to which those necessities have been judicially divided to extend.” The pre-emption of the Muslim Law does not resemble the pre-emption of the Roman Law but resembles the Retractretch of German Law. That was an institution known to Roman Law and sanctioned an obligatory relation between the vendor and a person determined, binding the vendor to sail to that person if he offered as good conditions as the intended vendee. It arose from a contract and also from the provisions of   positive written law. It was protected solely by a personal action, and gave no right of action against the vendee to whom the property had been passed.” Origin of the right. :- “Pre-emption in village communities in British India had its origin in the Mohammedan Law as to pre-emption and was apparently unknown to India before the time of the Mughal rulers. In the course of time, customs of pre-emption grew up or were adopted among village communities. In some cases, the sharers in a village adopted or followed the rules of  Mohammedan Law of pre-emption, and in such cases the custom of the village follows the rule of  the Mohammedan Law of pre-emption. I n other cases, where a custom of pre-emption exists, each village community has a custom of pre-emption which varies from the M ohammedan Law of preemption and is peculiar to the village in its provisions and its incidents. A custom of preernption was doubtless in all cases the result of agreement amongst the shareholders of the  particular village, and may have been been adopted in modern times times and in villages which were first first constituted in modern times. Rights of pre-emption have in some States been given by the Acts of  the Indian Legislature. Rights of pre-emption have also been created by contract between the sharers in a village. But in all cases, the object is, as far as possible, to prevent strangers to a village from becoming sharers in the village. Rights of pre-emption when they exist are valuable rights, and when they depend upon a custom or upon a contract, the custom or the contract as the case may be, must, if disputed, be proved.

In indira Bai v. Nand v. Nand Kishore, the Supreme Court held the right of preemption is a weak right and it can be defeated by estoppel. Even in Muslim Law, which is the genesis of this right, as it was unknown to Hindu law and was brought in wake of Mohammedan Rule, it is settled that the right of preemption is lost by estoppel e stoppel and acquiescence. Definition.—The technical Arabic term for its Anglo-Mohammedan equivalent ‘pre-emption’, is Shufa which literally means adding. In law, preemption is defined as ‘a right which the owner of  certain immovable property possesses, as such, for the quiet enjoyment of that immovable  property, to obtain in substitution substitution for the buyer, buyer, proprietary possession of certain other  other  immovable property, not his own, on such terms as those on which such latter immovable  property is sold to another another person. Thus pre-emption is the right which the owner owner of an immovable property possesses to acquire another immovable property for the price for which it has been sold to another person. Literally, the term ‘pre-emption’ means purchase by one person  before an opportunity is offered offered to others. It is derived from a right right which signifies conjunction, conjunction,


i.e., the lands sold are conjoined to the land of pre-emptor. It is a right which is possessed by the owner of an immovable property acquires another immovable property for the price for which it has been sold to another person. According to Mulla, “the right of Shufa or pre-emption is a right which the owner of an immovable property possess to acquire by purchase another immovable property which has been sold to another person. The definition as it stands seems very difficult and complicated but is most scientific and comprehensive. The main ingredients of this definition are :— 1. Pre-emption is a right which the owner of a certain immovable property possesses to obtain  property possession of certain certain other immovable property, property, not his own. 2. The right is obtained in substitution for the buyer (who has already purchased that other  immovable property). 3. The right of proprietary possession is obtained on the same terms on which that other  immovable property is sold to the purchasers. 4. The right is given by law for the quiet enjoyment of the property. Sources of Pre-emption :- The law of pre-emption is based on the following sources: 1. Pre-emption 1. Pre-emption is a part part of Muslim Personal Personal Law: In some parts of India, the pre-emption existed among some Muslims as part of their Personal law. Where the law of pre-emption is neither territorial, nor customary, it is applicable as between Muslims as part of their personal law. In Audh In Audh Behari Singh Singh v. Gajadhar Jaipuria,2 the Supreme Court observed: The law of pre-emption was introduced in India by the Muslims. There is no indication of any such conception in the Hindu law During the period of  Moghal  of  Moghal Emperors Emperors the law of pre-emption pre-e mption was administered as a rule of common law of the land in those parts of the country which came under the domination of the Muslims and  Zimmees (non-Muslims) no distinction being made in this respect between persons of different races and creeds In course of time Hindus came to adopt  pre-emption as a custom for reasons of of convenience and the custom as largely largely to be found in  provinces like Bihar and Gujarat Gujarat which had once been integral integral parts of the Muslim Empire. Custom: Subject to any law which is in force for the time being, pre-emption 2. Pre-emption by Custom: may be claimed on the basis of a custom. In some parts of India, the law of pre-emption was  based on custom. Though the custom has been confined, in some cases, to a particular particular locality,  but the right, when based on custom becomes law for the place and all lands belonging thereto thereto are subjected to the law irrespective of religion, nationality or domicile of owners. But this right is limited to the persons who are residing or are domicile in such places, and not to those who simply own the property in that place. When the custom is proved to exist in a certain place, it could not be extended to other places.

3. Pre-emption 3. Pre-emption by Statutes: Statutes: In some parts of India, the right of pre-emption existed under statutes. For example, in Oudh under the Oudh Laws Act, 1876, in Punjab under the Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1915, Agra Pre-emption Act, 1922, etc. In such areas, the law of pre-emption based on these statutes applies to both Muslims and non-Muslim. In such areas the Muslim law of pre-emption does not apply even to Muslims.


4. Pre-emption 4. Pre-emption by Contract: Contract: Apart from the existing legal and customary right of pre-emption, the same right may be created through a contract, particularly where one of the parties is nonMuslim, the right of pre-emption would be created if he agrees with the Muslim vendee for his co-sharer. In such cases the right may be used against the non-Muslim. For example, when a Muslim vendor and a non- Muslim vendee agrees that the Muslim law of pre-emption which applied to the vendor and his sharers would also apply to the vendee, it is said to be a contract which must be proved. In a village community the co-sharers may create, through a contract, a right of pre-emption. When two co-sharers are Muslim and a Hindu purchaser agrees to be governed by Muslim law of pre-emption, the right could be used against the Hindu purchaser by the co-sharer, when he makes a ‘demand’.  NATURE OF THE RIGHT OF PRE-EMPTION :- After going through the definition and object of the right of pre-emption, a question regarding the nature of this right arises. The nature of the right of pre-emption can be studied under the following three heads: (i) The right of pre-emption-Whether a weak right. (ii) The right of pre-emption-Its constitutional validity. validity.


The right of  Pre-emption-Whether a weak right :- According to the Hedaya, ‘the right of pre-emption is but a feeble right, as it is diseasing of another of his property merely in order to prevent apprehended inconvenience.’ In Pyare In  Pyare Mohan v.  Rameshwar, also it was held that the right of pre-emption is a very weak right and can be defeated by a defendant by all lawful means. In the words of Tyabji: Preemption is not favoured by the law, and any device may be adopted with the object of   bringing the right of pre-emption pre-emption from arising or defeating defeating the provisions of the law law in favour of the pre-emptor. So, for the claiming the right of pre-emption it is necessary for the plaintiffs to allege and prove that they were the owners of the  property on the basis of which which they were claiming any right right of pre-emption. The right is not available to persons holding property is tenants. In the presence of this right, a bona fide purchaser fide  purchaser has to give up his his ownership compulsorily compulsorily in favour of the preemptor. It may be stated, therefore, that pre-emption imposes a limitation or disability upon the ownership of a property merely on the ground of future possible inconvenience of the pre-emptor. This means that the right is transitory in nature. The right may be lost in the event in any slightest delay in its enforcement.


The right of  Pre-emption and Its Constitutional Validity :- As far as constitutional validity of right of pre-emption is concerned, it can look into the pre-emption after  dividing two stages, (i) before 44th Constitutional Amendment, and (ii) after 44th Constitutional Amendment.


 Before 44th Constitutional Constitutional Amendment, Amendment, 1978: Article 19(1)(f) of the Indian Constitution provides all citizens had a fundamental right to acquire, hold and dispose off property. Article 19(5) provided that reasonable restrictions may be imposed on this right of a person to acquire, hold and dispose off a property yet it was protected under clause (5) of Article 19. With the help of power exercise under  this clause, this right on the ground of vicinage or on ground of consanguinity or on ground of participation of some immunity was held Constitutional. Further, the right held Constitutional whether it was exercised under some enactment or under Muslim  personal law. But in 1962, 1962, in the case of  Bhau  Bhau Ram v. Baij v. Baij Nath) the Supreme Court


overruled this view and held that pre-emption only on the ground of vicinage was unconstitutional unconstitutional and cannot be enforced. The Court held that unless the pre-emptor  and the vendor are co-sharer or participators in some immunity, the right cannot be  protected. Accordingly, Accordingly, claim of pre-emption on ground of being co-sharer co-sharer or   participator in immunity immunity was constitutional constitutional but pre-emption only on ground ground of  vicinity was unconstitutional. unconstitutional. The Supreme Court reaffirmed this view in Sant Ram v. Labh v. Labh Singh.  After 44th Constitutional Constitutional Amendment: Amendment: Article 19(1) (f) has now been repealed by the 44th Amendment Act, 1978. The result is that now there is no fundamental right of acquiring, holding and disposing off a property. Thus, right to acquire, hold and dispose off, is neither a fundamental right nor a mere constitutional constitutional right. However, pre-emption still continues to be a legal right. It is, therefore, submitted that the reasonableness of the right of pre-emption can still be examined under Articles 14 and 15 of the Constitution. In Atam In Atam Prakash v. State of Haryana,3 the Supreme Court held that claim of pre-emption on ground of consanguinity is ultra vires. The Court observed that the reasons which justified preemption in the past namely, the preservation of the integrity of rural society, the unity of family life and the agnatic theory of succession, are totally irrelevant. The Court held that the claim for   possession by way of pre-emption pre-emption only on ground that claimant had superior rights rights being father’s  brother’s son of the owner, cannot cannot be sustained. Accordingly, Accordingly, section 15 of the Punjab PrePreemption Act, 1923 (which provided preemption to co-sharer for kinsfolk of a vendor) was held to  be unconstitutional unconstitutional by, the Supreme Court because there was no no reasonable classification of the co-sharer entitled to claim pre-emption. After  Atam  Atam Prakash’s case, the next case before the Supreme Court was Krishna was  Krishna v. State of   Haryana, in which Constitutionality of the right of pre-emption was again raised under the Punjab Pre-emption Act, 1923. While interpreting section 15(1)(b) of the above Act, the Supreme Court held that the right of preemption to co-sharer is valid and is not violative of Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Constitution. After foregoing discussion we can make following inferences: (i) The statutory right of pre-emption only on the ground of vicinage is now unconstitutional unconstitutional (Bhau Ram’s case). (ii) Pre-emption on the ground of being co-sharer is Constitutional provided the classification of  claimant is not unreasonable. (iii) It is necessary f or a pre-emptor to satisfy the court that without claiming this right there would be personal inconvenience to him.

A kind of preferential right.—As is clear from the above, the right of pre-emption (Shufa) is a kind of preferential right which is given to the owner of a property to purchase another property adjoining to his or of which he is the co-owner or in which he is entitled to immunities or  appendages. This right of pre-emption must subsist till matter is finally decided by ultimate Court. Is it a right of re-purchase. ? Is it a right of Easement ?—Mahamood J., in Govind Dayal v. Dayal  v. Incyat  Incyat LJllah, observed that ‘like easement, the right of pre-emption pre-e mption goes with the land, and also like easement, right of preemption exists before the injury to that right gives birth to a cause of action,”. it is in a way “a


legal servitude running with the land”. The only point of distinction between the two is that while easement admits preventive relief, the right of pre-emption does not, i.e., the purchaser cannot be  prevented from purchasing the property property from before. It is only when he has entered into a contract of sale that the right becomes enforceable.

SUBJECT-MATTER OF PRE-EMPTION (SHUFAA) :- It believed that Prophet had said that there was no pre-emption except in a house or a garden. In fact the Arabic word ‘Aqar’ (plural ‘Aqar’ (plural  Aqarat) is subject of Shufaa. of  Shufaa. It is a wide term which may include all fixtures which are  permanently attached to land, land, thus it cannot be confined to to land only. On this basis basis subject matter  of Shufaa of Shufaa can be classified in following categories:


Pre-emption of immovable property: An immovable property can only be the subject of pre-emption. The term ‘aqar’, includes immovable property divisible and indivisible, e.g., a bath, a mill, a well, a canal ca nal of a stream and houses.1 Immovable  property includes not only only the houses, gardens, small small parcels of land but also  Zamindari land. So far as the accessories of aqar are concerned, they are also the subject of pre-emption and to such an extent of accessories, movable properties may  be the subject of Pre-emption, for example, example, the sale of bath with water and utensils, utensils, etc.


Permanent Fixtures, included if sold along with: All permanent fixtures, such as trees, houses and other accessories are included in the term ‘aquar’  provided  provided that they are sold as appendages of the land and are not intended for removal. For  examples, if trees and houses are sol1 along with the land, the right of pre-emption would arise. But when the things attached to the earth are sold separately from the land, then no right of pre-emption relating to such accessories would arise. For  example, if a house or trees are sold separately from the land on which they stand, then no right of pre-emption would arise in connection with such accessories.5 So, the sale merely of the superstructure of a house will not be the subject of preemption.6 If a house or tree is purchased with its foundations or roots then the right of pre-emption arises.


Pre-emption of divisible or indivisible immovable property: In order to claim the right of pre-emption, it is necessary that the property should be immovable. Such  property may be divisible or or indivisible. Indivisible Indivisible property is not capable capable of  division. Indivisible property includes a bath, mill, well, canal or stream, small houses and private road, etc, But under Shia under  Shia law, the right of Pre-emption is not available in respect of  indivisible property such as bath so rivulets, ways, etc., because the division of these thing would cause damage. But if there is no damage with division then the right of   pre-emption would arise. The right right of pre-emption is a right of of substitution but but not of  repurchase. If a house passes to a pre-emptor without the land on which it stands, it would be baseless for the vendee, hence no right of pre-emption could arise in such a case. But if the house is sold with its foundation and the land on which it stands, then the right accrues.



Pre-emption of Movable Property: Every movable property which is part of a thing which is attached to land could be subject of pre-emption. If a bath is sold, the water  and utensils etc. which are part of that bath, would become subject of pre-emption When a land is sold on which a crop is standing that crop would become subject of   pre-emption.

Persons Entitled to Right of Pre-Emption :- The person who has the right to Pre-emption is called, Shaft. Following are the qualification which a person must fulfil to claim the right of   pre-emption:

(1) Male (1) Male or female: The person claiming the right of pre-emption may be a male or female. (ii) Minor (ii) Minor or major: The person may be a minor or an adult. A child in the womb is also entitled to the right of pre-emption if it is born within six months and if the father had died  before the sale, then even if it is born born after more than six months provided provided that it inherits the the  property from the father.


Owner of an Immovable Property: The person claiming the right to preempt, must be the owner of an immovable property. He or she should have full ownership it is immaterial that a pre-emptor is not in possession of property. The basis of the right of   pre-emption is that only the the adjacent owner of some immovable immovable property has a right to acquire by purchase another immovable property sold to another person so, a tenant, lessee in perpetuity, occupancy tenant, spes successions, benamidar, grovehold, etc., have no right of pre-emption because these person cannot be said to  be the owner of some immovable property property and so would not be entitled entitled to preemption.

CLASSIFICATION OF PRE-EMPTORS OR WHO MAY PRE-EMPT :- Only three classes of persons may claim the exercise of the right under Muslim law. Under Muslim law,  pre-emptor are classified into three three categories: (1) The Co-sharers or Shaft-i-Shank  or  Shaft-i-Shank  (ii) The Participators in Immunities or  Shafi-i-Khalit, and (iii) The Owners of Adjacent Properties or  Shafi-i-Jar 


The Co-sharers or Shafi-i-Shank :- The persons who are entitled to inherit the  properties of a common ancestor are called called co-sharers. The co-sharers have the  preferential right of pre-emption pre-emption against any other class of pre-emptors. pre-emptors. For example,  brothers or two sisters are the the co-sharers. If one of them sells his/her his/her house, the other  is entitled to claim pre-emption. Co-sharers are given preference against other  categories of pre-emptors because they are common blood-relations, i.e., related to each other on the ground of consanguinity. consanguinity. Since the list of blood-relations may be very long, the category of consanguine relations entitled entitled to claim preferential right of   pre-emption but that should should not be unreasonable. With this ground in case of  Atam of  Atam  Prakash v. State of Haryana,’ Supreme Haryana,’  Supreme Court held the right of pre-emption on the ground of category of consanguine relations is unconstitutional. But later on in  Krishna v. State of Haryana, the Supreme Court has held that right of pre-emption to co-sharer is valid and it is not violative of Articles 14, 15 and 16 of the Indian Constitution.



The Participators in Immunities or Shafi-i -Khalit :- The term ‘Khalit’ literally ‘Khalit’ literally means ‘Mixed with’.3 Where two or more persons enjoy a common privilege, e.g., a common right of way or drainage or any other common right to use a property, they are participators in immunities. In the a bsence of a co-sharer, Shafi-i-Khalit is Shafi-i-Khalit is entitled to pre-empt in the following cases:

(a) Where a person has the right of flow of water over the disputed property, property, then he has the right of pre-emption as a Shaft-i-Khalit and Shaft-i-Khalit and has priority over the vendee, who is only a neighbour. (b) Where water was accustomed to flow to the pre-emptor’s land and from there to land in dispute, the pre-emptor was held to be a participator in the appendage and entitled to pre-empt on the basis of  Khalit. of  Khalit. (c) The right to pre-emption arises from right to way and right to discharge water. In  Bhau  Ram v. Baij v. Baij Nath,’ the Nath,’ the Supreme Court has held that preemption on the basis of participation exists only in the easements of way and water on private land. It does not extend to any other  easement such as easements of air and light. It may be noted here that for claiming the right of pre-emption on the basis of being a Shafii-Khalit, is that the right to way and right to discharge water must be a private right. The right to use c ommon thoroughfare such as common village roads will not give rise to the right of pre-emption. A person cannot said to be the Shafi-i-Khalit and Shafi-i-Khalit and would not be entitled to the right of pre-emption in the following cases: (a) The right of pre-emption cannot be claimed on the basis of easement of light or air. (b) The mere fact that the owners of land have the right to draw water from a Government water course does not give them any right of preemption. (c) On the basis that the branches of his tree project over the land of a neighbour, the owner  of the tree cannot claim the right of pre-emption as Shafi-i-Khalit on Shafi-i-Khalit on the sale of that land. (d) The right to use common thoroughfares, such as village roads, big canals, etc., does not give rise to the right of pre-emption.

(iii (iii))

Owne Owners rs of Adja Adjace cent nt Prop Proper erti ties es or  Shafi-i -Jar :- Shafi-i-Jar is Shafi-i-Jar is the owner of  an adjoining property or in other words it is mere neighbour who can be a preemptor, i.e., there is vicinage if two properties are adjacent to each other, but only in the absence of Shafi-i-Sharik  of Shafi-i-Sharik and and Shafi-i-Khalit. The right on the basis of neighborhood arises only in favour of the owner of the adjoining immovable property. So, the right does not belong to a tenant or to a person who is in possession of property but does not have any ownership in it. The right of pre-emption of a Shafi-i-Jar is Shafi-i-Jar is restricted to houses, gardens and small  parcels of land. It is not extended to large properties, such as Zamindaris as Zamindaris and Jagirs or village. The right of pre-emption can be claimed on the ground of 


vicinage as owner of a plot of homestead land adjoining the house, it is not necessary that a house on the land must have built.

RIGHT OF PRE-EMPTION ACCRUES ONLY ON SALE The right to claim pre-emption arises only when immovable property is sold validly, completely and in a bonafide manner. The right of pre-emption arises only in these two types of transfer of   property. It does not arise in respect respect of transfer of property of any other other type such as ift, Sadaqah,

Waqf, bequest, Inheritance, mortgage mortgage or lease.5 For the purposes of pre-emption, pre-emption, there are two types of transfer of property, (i) sale and (ii) exchange. The right of pre-emption, when a sale is made: When the right of pre-emption arises in respect of a sale then the sale must be completed, bona fide and valid. Under Muslim law, the sale is completed, when the price is paid and possession is handed over to the purchaser. However for  the purpose of right of pre-emption completion of sale or exchange is determined under the  provisions of the Transfer Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Under this Act, Act, the sale or exchange of an immovable property worth rupees one hundred or more, is valid and complete only after the deed has been duly registered. The right of pre-emption when an exchange is made: The right of pre-emption arises in respect of exchange, when it is completed, bonafide and valid. It may be noted here that according to Muslim law, a sale is exchange of property with mutual consent. The Transfer of  Property Act does not include exchange with the ambit of sale as Muslim law considers it. But when a question arises, when a sale has taken place it would be determined according to the concepts of Muslim law for purposes of pre-emption. Formalities for pre-emption :- Existence of right of pre-emption depends upon full and complete observance of formalities because it is feeble right and as such full of technicalities. It is ritualistic. ‘If ceremonies are in any way incomplete or erroneous, the right of  Shufaa does not take form, but remains unsubstantial. unsubstantial. As the Supreme Court has rightly said that availability of  this weak or archaic right has to be construed strictly. Non-observance of any of the essential formalities will be fatal to the suit of pre-emption. The formality for the claim of this right consists of three demands. The demand must be made by pre-emptor step by step and at proper  time.

1. The First Demand (Talab-i-Mowasibat): The Arabic expression ‘Talab—i-Mowasibat’  means ‘Demand of Jumping’ which shows that it must be made immediately. It is essential that the first demand must be made immediately on the hearing of the completion of sale. Every class of pre-emptor must demand immediately, meaning thereby that pre-emptor belonging to inferior class should not wait till a pre-emptor   belonging to superior superior class waives his right right for exercise of his right. Completion Completion of sale or exchange is determined under the provisions of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882. Any improper or unreasonable delay will imply an election not to exercise the right of   pre-emption.4 No witnesses witnesses or any form is requires to make make Talab-i-Mowasibat. The only condition is promptness after receiving the news of completed sale.  No particular words are necessary necessary for making the first demand. demand. The words showing clear  intention to claim the right of pre-emption are sufficient, such as, I do claim my Shufaa,


or I demand pre-emption’. It would be of no use if the demand is made before the completion of sale. The pre-emptor must make first demand after completion of  sale.Courts are very strict in observing any dela y in making immediate first demand. They consider any unreasonable delay in making the demand as an election not to preempt. A delay of 12 hours or few hours was held to be too long, such demand must be made wherever the pre-emptor may be even though nobody may be present at that time. The Supreme Court made it clear that sale is deemed to have been completed not on the date when it was executed but on the date when it was copied out in the records of the Registration Office. Supreme Court has held that the right of pre-emption is lost by estoppel and acquiescence. Estoppel is a rule of equity flowing out of fairness striking on  behaviour deficient in good faith. It operates a check on spurious spurious conduct by preventing preventing the inducer from taking advantage. Burden of proof on for the pre-emptor to prove the fulfilment of all the requirements to sustain his claim for pre-emption.


The Second Demand (Talab-i-Ishhad): The expression, Talab-i-ishhad means Talab-i-ishhad means a demand with the invocation of witnesses. This demand is also called Talab-i-Taqrir which Talab-i-Taqrir which means demand of confirmation. After making the first demand, it is the second demand, T he second demand is repetition of the first demand, therefore, it is also called as the confirmatory demand. The pre-emptor must, as soon as he can, affirm the intention of  asserting his right by making the second demand in which he refers to the fact that he had already made the first demand. It is must and indispensable. indispensable. No particular forms are  prescribed. For the validity of of the second demand, the following following requirements must be fulfilled: (i) The Second demand must be made in the presence of at least two witnesses expressly called to bear witness to the second demand, (ii) The Second demand is effective only when the first demand was lawfully made at an earlier date. (iii) The pre-emptor must mention that he has already placed his first demand and now he is asserting the claim for the second time. (iv) The Second demand should be addressed either to the seller or, to the purchaser. If   both of them are not available, available, the second demand should be be addressed to the property sold. When there are more vendees than one then the demand must be made in the  presence of all. (v) The property, in respect of which the demand is made, must be clearly specified. (vi) The second demand must be made within a reasonable time and as early as possible, with us little delay as possible according to the circumstances. Two month delay was declared to be fatal.  No specific form of words is required required for the second demand also. also. The demand may be made by the pre-emptor through a letter or by a messenger, but only if he is unable to do so.


3. The Third Demand (Talab-i-Tamlik): If the pre-emptor fails to get the desire result after  making first two demands, he may take legal action. Therefore, if the purchaser sells the  property to him, then no further further formality is required and the the pre-emptor is substituted substituted in  place of vendee. But, if after the first two demands, demands, the pre-emptor fails to re-purchase re-purchase the property, then he has to take legal action. In other words, the third and the last step are to maintain an action in a court of law. Filing of a suit for the claim of pre-emption is known as the Third Demand. This is also termed as ‘demand of possession’. Limitation for filing the suit is provided under the provisions of Limitation Act. If the  property is corporeal, then the the suit should be filed within within one year from the date  purchaser takes possession possession of the property and if the the property is incorporeal then then the limitation for filing the suit would start from the date of registration of sale deed. The  pre-emptor claims re-purchase from the vendee, therefore, vendee is a necessary party in the suit for pre-emption. But, if the vendor (seller) is still in possession of the property sold, the suit must be filed against both. The pre-emptor must claim for entire property. There cannot be a partial claim. If it is not for entire property, the suit cannot be entertained by the court and claim of the pre-emptor  is defeated. Mulla explains the rule a gainst partial pre-emption in the following words: The principle of denying the right of pre-emption have been sold, some of which are not subject to pre-emption. The pre-emptor is entitled to exclude these properties from his suit. Similarly, where the sale deed is one but it contains two separate transactions of  sale, the pre-emptor can pre-empt in respect of one property and exclude the other from his claim. First and Second Demands may be Clubbed: The pre-emptor may combine both the demands. If at the time of the first demand, the pre-emptor invokes the witnesses in the  presence of the Vendor or the Vendee Vendee or on the property it will will suffice for both the demands. If once both the demands have been combined and made, there would be no need to make the second demand subsequently, subsequently, and if made it would be superfluous. emptor. In Audh In Audh Behari Singh Singh v. Gejadhar Jaipuri,’ the Jaipuri,’  the Supreme Court observed: “The correct legal position seems to be that the law of pre-emption imposes a limitation or disability upon the ownership of a property to the extent that it restricts the owner’s unfettered right of sale and compels him to sell the property to the co-sharer or neighbour  as the case may be”.

When does the right arise? Introduction.—The right of pre-emption arises only in case of sale and only when such sale is complete. It does not arise in cases of transfer of immovable property without consideration, such as by way of gift. But the transfer of property in lieu of  mahr is mahr  is treated as one for consideration and hence subject to pre-emption. So we take the two separately,

as follows :— 1. It arises in cases of sale. 2. It arises when the sale is complete. (1) Right arises only in case of sale.—The right of claiming pre-emption arises only when the  property which is the subject subject of pre-emption has been subjected subjected to a valid sale. An intention intention to sell can never be a ground for claiming the right. Such sale must be bona fide, Sale also includes


exchange. However, it does not include gift, Sadaqa waqf, inheritance, bequest of a lease in  perpetuity, i.e., in these cases a right cannot be claimed. (2) Right arises only when sale is complete.—The right of making a claim of pre-emption arises when the sale is complete. Now the question arises as to when the sale is to be considered as complete. According to the Muslim Law, a sale is complete when the price is paid by the  purchaser to the vendor and possession possession of the property property is delivered by the vendor vendor to the  purchaser. The execution of an instrument instrument of sale is not necessary necessary According to the Transfer Transfer of  Property Act, 1882, Section 54, a sale of property of the value of Rs. 100 and upwards is not complete unless made by a registered instrument. Formerly, there was controversy on the point when a sale would be regarded as complete. The view of the Allahabad High Court was that if a complete sale effected under Muslim Law as where the price is paid and possession is delivered, the right of pre-emption will arise, though the sale may not be complete under the Transfer of  Transfer of  Property Act. On the other hand, the view of Calcutta and Patna High Courts was that the right of   pre-emption does not arise until until after registration as required required by the Transfer of Property Act. Act.

The above differences of opinion on this point were resolved by the Supreme Court in  Radhakishan Laxminarain Laxminarain v. .Shridhar. In this case the Court held that the transfer of property, where the Transfer of Property Act applies, has to be under the provisions of that Act only and Mohammedan Law or any other provisional law of transfer of property cannot override the statute. Therefore, unless the title has passed in accordance with the Act, no right to enforce preemption arises. The extent of continuation of the grounds of pre-emption.The ground of preemption arises when the sale is complete but it continues, not only up to the date of suit for preemption, but till the decree is passed. Thus, if a plaintiff, who claims pre-emption as an owner of  the contiguous property, sells his property to another person after the institution of the suit (but  before the decree is passed), he will not not be entitled to a decree because because he ceases to own the  property which gave him ground ground to claim pre-emption. But it is is not necessary that the right right should be subsisting till the date of execution of decree or till the date of the decree of the Appellate Court. When right does not arise ?— The The right of pre-emption does not arise out of  :— 1. Gifts, 2. Sadaqa, 3. Waqf, 4. Inheritance, 5. Bequest, and 6. Lease, even though in perpetuity. 7. Mortgage, even though it may be by way of conditional sale.(But the right will accrue when the mortgage is foreclosed). 8. Conditional sale.

Right of Pre-Emption when Lost :- The right of pre-emption may be lost in the following cases:

estoppel or waiver or forfeiture: forfeiture: When the pre-emptor fails to observe 1. By acquiescence or estoppel necessary formalities prescribes, i.e., making three demand. There may be other circumstances also from which acquiescence on the part of pre-emptor may be observed:


(i) A pre-emptor may waive his right by acquiescence, i.e., by i.e., by not asserting his claim. claim. Upon the sale of the pre-empted property, a pre-emptor may either assert his right by making demands or  may willingly forego his claim by not making any demand.2 (ii) The right of pre-empt is lost when the pre-emptor enters into a compromise with the vendee, not to claim the right of pre-emption. (iii) The right is lost when the pre-emptor permits a sale to be made to another person. (iv) When the pre-emptor acts as agent of the vendor in transaction then also the right is lost. (v) The right to pre-empt is lost when the pre-emptor becomes a surety for payment of the consideration. 2. By 2. By death of the pre-emptor: pre-emptor: When the pre-emptor dies after making the two demands but  before the filing of the suit7, suit7, i.e., third demand then also the right of re-emption is lost, his legal representatives have no right to file the suit. However, under the Shia and Shafi law, if a preemptor dies during pendency of the suit, the right is not lost. But now the matter is governed by the Indian Succession Act and the suit may be continued by the legal heirs of the pre-emptors. The Act applies to all sects of Muslims in India. If the pre-emptor dies leaving a Will the suit may  be continued by his executor executor and if the executor dies intestate intestate the suit may be continued by his heirs. 3. By 3. By mis-joinder of plaintiffs: plaintiffs: When the pre-emptor joins himself as a co-plaintiff with a person who is not entitled to claim the right of pre-emption then also the right to pre-empt is lost. But if  he joins with himself as co-plaintiff a person who could have filed a suit for pre-emption, but for  the reason that he did not make the two demands the right to pre-empt will not be lost. 4. By 4. By release: The pre-emptor would lose his right if there is a release f or consideration to be paid to the pre-emptor. In other words when the pre-emptor releases the property for consideration of  something to be paid to him by the seller, then also the right to pre-empt is lost. But the right of   pre-emptor would not be lost lost if before the sale was complete, he was offered offered the property and he refused to purchase. His right would be lost where, though the pre-emptor had information of sale  but did not offer to by it. 5. Loss 5. Loss of right before before final decree: If the pre-emptor loses his right before the final decree is  passed, he would lose his right. right. Therefore, his right must must exist till the date when final final decree is  passed by trial court. 6. By 6. By statutory disability: disability: The right of pre-emption may be forfeited if there is any statutory disability on the part of pre-emptor to repurchase the pre-empted property. In such a circumstance a pre-emptor who may otherwise be competent to enforce the right, is unable to claim the right  because of statutory disability. disability. Effect of Pre-Emption (Shufaa) :pre-emptor after Pre-emption: The pre-emptor may take the possession possession of the 1. Right of pre-emptor  property which is the subject-matter subject-matter of pre-emption, either by mutual consent or by paying paying the  purchase money to the vendee, after a decree is passed passed in favour of him by the court. court. After taking  possession of the property property in the above manner, he is substituted substituted for the vendee. Now the original  purchaser becomes the seller and pre-emptor pre-emptor becomes the buyer.


2. Right 2. Right of vendee after Pre-emption: With the reference of property to the preemptor, the rights of the vendee also emerge. The vendee is entitled to mesne profits such as rents and profits, of the  property between the date of the the first sale and the date of transfer of the pre-emptor. The date of  transfer is not the date of decree but the date when the pre-emptor pays the purchase money. And the pre-emptor becomes entitled to mesne profit from profit  from the date on which he pays the purchase  price after the decree in favour of him is passed. passed. For example, if first sale of property is made made to  A on 1st January, 1993 but the pre-emptor pays the purchaser money on 1st September, 1993. A decree in favour of the pre-emptor, B pre-emptor,  B is passed on 1st August, 1993. Then the vendee  A is entitled to mesne profit of profit  of the property from the period of 31st January, 1993 to 31st August, 1993 even though the decree in favour of the pre-emptor,  B is passed on 1st August, 1993. From 1st September, 1993 onwards B, the pre-emptor becomes entitled to mesne profit. property: When the property becomes deteriorated after the first sale, then the 3. Deterioration of property:  pre-emptor when pays the whole whole purchase money will be entitled entitled to a proportionate reduction reduction in  price only if the following circumstances occur: (a) A proportionate reduction in price will be made only if the deterioration is due to made only if  the deterioration is occurred due either by vendee or a stranger. (b) A proportionate reduction in price will be made if deterioration has occurred due to some natural calamity. For example, if a portion of the land is destroyed by any natural cause such as flood, earthquake, etc., then a proportionate reduction in price will be made.’ 4. Reduction in price by the vendee: The vendor and the vendee may change the price. If the vendor has made any reduction in the price, then the pre-emptor is entitled to such reduction. But if the whole price is remitted by the vendor, the vendee is entitled to the profits.

5. Increase in price: If any increase in the price is made, the pre-emptor would not be bound to  pay the increased amount. But under under the Shia law, the pre-emptor is bound to take the property at the contract price, irrespective of any increase or reduction made by the vendor and the vendee.’ 6. Effect 6. Effect on pre-emption pre-emption by disposition or  or  death: The right of pre-emption cannot be defeated by any disposition or property made by the vendee. The right can also not be defeated by the death of the vendee. 7. No 7. No transference of the the decree of pre-emption: The decree of pre-emption obtained by the preemptor cannot be transferred by him. On such transference, the transferee is not entitled to take  possession of the pre-emptor’s pre-emptor’s property. Difference between Sunni and Shia Laws. :-

1. As to who who can claim claim it.—Under it.—Under the the Sunni Sunni Law, a co-share co-sharerr a participato participatorr in the appendages and owners of adjoining lands, are entitled to claim pre-emption, whereas under the Shia Law, a co-sharer alone is entitled to pre-emption, and that too if the number of co-sharers does not exceed two. 2. As to right right to sue.—Unde sue.—Underr Sunni Law Law if the pre-empto pre-emptorr dies before before obtaining obtaining a decree decree in a suit for pre-emption the right to sue is extinguished whereas under Shia Law, the right to sue is not extinguished and the suit may be continued by the pre-emptor’s heirs. But


now, Indian Succession Act applies and in such a case the right to sue is not extinguished irrespective of the fact whether the pre- emptor is Sunni or Shia. 3.

As to abateme abatement nt of price.—Un price.—Under der the Sunni Sunni Law, Law, if after after the complet completion ion of the the sale, sale, the vendor makes an abatement of the price, the pre-emptor can claim the benefit of the abatement. Under the Shia Law, in such a case, the pre-emptor cannot claim the benefit of the abatement of the price.


As to to the number number of demands.—U demands.—Under nder the the Sunni Sunni Law, Law, the the talab-imowiisibat and talab-imowiisibat and the ta!ab-i-islthad are ta!ab-i-islthad are the two conditions precedent to the exercise of the right of   pre-emption. Under the Shia Law, the distinction between the two demands is not recognised; all that is necessary is that the pre-emptor should use reasonable diligence, without any unnecessary delay to make the assertion of his right after  receiving the information.

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