Pre Checkup of Farm Tools and Equipments

September 19, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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@gneftlves> •


Qre Mssesskeht  •

SWUEstmtekeht @W BMIVE> Wemc_rlte mhc mhmiyze emfj gei`w. Srue lb tje stmtekeht ls f`rreft4 Bmise lb tje  stmtekeht ls lhf`rreft `h tje spmfe pr`vlcec b`r. =. Lt ls h`t mcvlsmgie t` use tje st`he lh m stmglilzec wmy. 7. S``is tjmt mre w`rh `ut sj`uic ge  sepmrmtec mhc ge blxec lkkeclmteiy lkkeclmteiy t` mv`lc mfflceht.


6. _jeh sjmrpehlho, try t` kmlhtmlh tje `rlolhmi bmft`ry gevei `r mhoie. 3. Miwmys pusj tje blie mfr`ss tje gimce lh m k`tl`h mwmy br`k y`ur g`cy. 5. Fiemh mffukuimtec rust mhc clrt `bb mii ketmi surbmfes wltj pmlht. 2. K`ve tje blie clmo`hmiiy, s` tjmt lts futtlho teetj mre gltlho lht` tje ketmi `h tje t``i.


?. Use kecluk-orlt smhcpmper t` rek`ve rust `h imroer t``is sufj ms  sj`veis, spmces, mhc j`es. :. _jeh sjmrpehlho wltj m blie, use `li. Wemc mhc mhmiyze emfj stmtekeht gei`w. _rlte Srue lb tje stmtekeht ls f`rreft4 Bmise lb tje stmtekeht ls lhf`rreft `h tje spmfe pr`vlcec b`r.


=. Sje gest wmy t` use tje st`he ls t` blhc m wmy t` stmglilze tje t``i tjmt y`u wmht t` w`rd `h. 7. S``is tjmt mre w`rh `ut sj`uic ge sepmrmtec mhc ge blxec lkkeclmteiy t` mv`lc mfflceht.


6. _jeh sjmrpehlho, try t` kmlhtmlh tje `rlolhmi bmft`ry gevei `r mhoie. 3. Miwmys pusj tje blie mfr`ss tje gimce lh m k`tl`h mwmy br`k y`ur g`cy.


5. Fiemh mffukuimtec rust mhc clrt `bbgrusj. mii ketmi surbmfes wltj m wlre 2.K`ve tje blie clmo`hmiiy, s` tjmt lts futtlho teetj mre gltlho lht` tje ketmi `h tje t``i. ?. Use kecluk-orlt smhcpmper rek`ve rust `h imroer t``is sufj ms sj`veis, spmces, mhc j`es.


:. _jeh sjmrpehlho wltj m blie, c` h`t use `li4 ketmi blilhos wlii mffukuimte mhc fi`o tje blie's serrmtl`hs.
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