June 12, 2018 | Author: Lian Baylosis | Category: Miscarriage, Childbirth, Pregnancy, Vagina, Placenta
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Bexam. 1.The antidote for Magnesium sulfate toxicity is a.Calcium gluconate* c.Diazepam b.Ca Channel blocker d.Midazolam M! ".# $illiam%s &bstetrics 'ecall (.$hich of the follo)ing is utilized for medical treatment of ectopic pregnancy a.dexamethasone c.methotrexate* b.+incristine d.adriamycin M! ".# $illiam%s &bstetrics 'ecall ,.&f the follo)ing- )hich is most consistently associated )ith lo) birth)eight infants a.placenta pre+ia c.diabetes mellitus b.maternal ht.of # ft d.smoking in pregnancy* M! ".(# $illiam%s &bstetrics 'ecall /.0 (, year old 1 at ,# )eeks age of gestation comes in for se+ere headache and +isual blurring. &n prenatal check2up 1 )eek prior- her B )as noted to be 1,"34# mm5g from her usual 11"36". &n examination- B )as no) at 17"311" mm5g- 85T 1/"3min- no contractions after ten minutes of obser+ation. Cer+ix )as 1cm- ,"9 effaced-intact membranes- station2(. Most likely diagnosis is2 a.chronic hypertension c.mild preeclampsia preeclampsia* d.chronic hypertension )ith superimposed preeclampsia M! ".# $illiam%s &bstetrics  0pplication  0pplication #.&ne of the maternal hazards of prolonged fetal death in utero is2 a.hemorrhege form placental abruption b.disseminated intra+ascular coagulation* c.hypertensi+e disorders d.placental retention from calcification M! ".# $illiam%s &bstetrics 'ecall 7.Cer+ico+aginal fibronectin is used as a predictor of )hich condition a.preclampsia c.preterm labor* b.fetal gro)th restriction d.'&M M! ".,, $illiam%s &bstetrics 'ecall 6.0 (1 )ith / )eeks missed period presents )ith one )eek duration of +aginal bleeding and hypogastric pains. :he also has )atery +aginal discharge before

consultation. ;< findings2 1 to ( cm dilated )ith ruptured B&$. $hat is the diagnosis a.ine+itable abortion* c.incomplete abortion b.imminent abortion d.missed abortion M! ".# $illiam%s &bstetrics  0pplication  0pplication 4. The initial maternal immunologic response to a primary rubella infection is the elaboration of= a.;g c.;gM* b.;g0 d.;gD M! ".(# $illiam%s &bstetrics 'ecall >.The +ein )hich is most commonly in+ol+ed in pel+ic thrombophlebitis is= a.femoral c.pel+ic b.saphenous d.o+arian* M! ".(# $illiam%s &bstetrics 'ecall 1".;n diamnionic monochorionic monozygotic t)inning- the di+ision occurs at this time after fertilization2 fertilization2 a.)ithin 6( hours c.4 days b./24 hour* d.after formation of embryonic disc M! ".,, $illiam%s &bstetrics p676 'ecall

11.$hich is a cause of polyhydramnios a.esophageal atresia* b.renal agenesis

c.prematurity d.abruption

M! ".# $illiams $illiams &bstetr &bstetrics ics p.11(4 p.11(4 'ecall 1(. $hich of the follo)ing is an example of Buttram and ibbons Class ;;; abnormality of the reproducti+e tract a.+aginal hypoplasia c.bicornuate uterus b.unicornuate uterus d.uterine didelphys* M! ".,, $illiams &bstetrics p.>17 'ecall 1,. 0 patient )as diagnosed to ha+e high risk gestational trophoblastic tumor. This means that the patient has )hich of the follo)ing a.disease duration of 1" )eeks b.pretherapy hC of 4>-""" ;?3ml*

c.antecedent pregnancy terminated at (" )eeks pre+ious chemotherapy M! ".,, $illiam%s &bstetrics p.4,7 Comprehension 1/.&n examining a pregnant patient )ith the ultrasound- the clinician noted that the lo)er pole of the placenta )as at the edge of the internal os. This type of placenta pre+ia is2 a.lo) lying c.marginalis* b.partialis d.totalis M! ".# $illiam%s &bstetrics p 7," Comprehension 1#.0 nullipara )as admitted on acti+e labor at # cms and ruptured bag of )aters. ;< after ( hours despite good contractions )as 7 cms. This means that she has this disorder2 a.prolonged latent phase c.prolonged deceleration phase b.arrest of dilatation d.protracted acti+e phase of dilatation M! ".,, $illiam%s &bstetrics p.//1 Comprehension 17. 0 patient diagnosed to ha+e asymptomatic bacteriuria is one )ho has  0. persistently multiplying bacteria in the urine but no symptoms * B. 1""-""" organisms3ml in culture specimen )ith pyuria C. a sterile urine culture )ith fre@uency and urgency D. microscopic hematuria and colony count of #"-"""3ml

M! ".(# $illiam%s p1(#, Comprehension 16. igmentation of the face during pregnancy is considered as  0. an indication of increased androgen from a male fetus B. an temporary state rapidly regressing postpartum C. a benign but persistent condition * D. an indication for immediate hydroxy@uinone application M! ".,, $illiams &bstetrics p.1/," Comprehension 14. 0 (# year old consulted for +aginal spotting and sharp pel+ic pain. 5istory re+ealed 7 )eeks amenorrhea. regnancy test )as positi+e. hysical exam elicited cer+ical )riggling tenderness )ith a +ague mass and tenderness in the left adnexal. osterior +aginal fornix )as full and bulging. B )as 1""37"mm5g' >73min. $hat should be done next to this patient  0. culdocentesis B. immediate exploration * C. emergency TA: D. blood transfusion M! ".(# $illiam%s &bstetrics p4>"2>1

 0pplication 1>.0 7 year old had difficulty in +oiding and )as brought for consult.;nspection re+ealed agglutination of the labia minora )ith the translucent +ertical line pathognomonic for adhesi+e +ul+itis. $hat should be done  0.obser+ation B.testosterone C.scalpel incision D.topical estrogen* M! ".# Comprehensi+e ynecology p.(66  0pplication (". 0 preeclamptic patient at ,/ )eeks )as rushed to the  0pplication

(/. 0 (" yo primigra+id at ,> )eeks came in due to labor pains. This patient )as a diagnosed case of rheumatic heart disease. $hen should she recei+e the initial dose of ampicillin2gentamicin  0. about (2, hours after admission B. prior to amniotomy C. after the first internal examination D. ," minutes prior to anticipated deli+ery * M! ".(# $illiams &bstetrics p 114>2>1  0pplication (#. 0 puerperal )oman )as rushed to the >  0pplication ,1. 0 #/ ? ,> )eeks )as in acti+e labor for , hours. ;< sho)ed cer+ix 6 cm dilated- fetal head at station 21 to ". :uddenly- fetal head rate decelerated and maternal blood pressure dropped from 1("34" mm5g to >"37" mm5g. &n doing ;.0 pregnant mother de+eloped ?T;. $hich of the follo)ing antibiotics is safest to gi+e  0.erythromycin* B.tetracycline C.chloramphenicol D.sulfonamides M! 1." $illiams &bstetrics p.1(#/  0pplication 7".0 )oman on her /1 st )eek of pregnancy had a B: )ith the follo)ing findings during the ," minutes test2sustained breathing mo+ement of /# secs- fi+e simultaneous limb and trunk mo+ements- ( episodes of arm flexion and extension- , episodes of fetal heart rate accelerations each for 1# secs )ith fetal mo+ement- amniotic fluid pocket of , cms in ( perpendicular planes. $hat should be done for this patient based on the BB: score  0.induce labor immediately B.repeat B: after a )eek* C.Do C: D.'epeat test on same day M! ".# $illiams &bstetrics p311"/  0nalysis 71.:hortly before hospital discharge- a puerperal patient asked )hen she should start protecting herself from subse@uent pregnancy. ;f she has no intention to fully breast feed- protection should be ad+ised HHHH )eeks after deli+ery.  0.12( B.(2/ C.724* D.>211 M! ".,, $illiams &bstetrics p./1(  0pplication 7(.T)o pregnant )omen )ere admitted at the same time both for induction of labor )ith oxytocin. atient 0 )as at (6 )eeks 0& ;?8D )hile patient B )as postterm at /( )eeks- >2,""  0nalysis

74.&n physical examination of a pregnant )oman- the clincian detected a (37 systolic murmur intensifying during inspiration. $hat should be done for this patient )ith regards this finding  0.cardiology referral B.. :tage ;;; +aginal cancer means extension of lesion up to2  0. +aginal )all B. sub+aginal tissue C. pel+ic )all* D. rectal mucosa M! ".,, Comprehensi+e gyncelogy p.1"(4 Comprehension

>".&n endometrial biopsy- glycogen2rich subnuclear +acuoles )ere seen in the base of the cells lining the glands. $hat does this mean  0.the )oman is in her late luteal phase B.o+ulation has occurred* C.she is progesterone deficient D.mestruation is about to set in M! ".,, Comprehensi+e gynecology p.1"/ Comprehension >1.$hich theory of endometriosis best explains remote sites if the disease such as in the spinal cord- nasal septum or lungs  0.iatrogenic dissemination B.coelomic metaplasia C.immunologic changes D.lympho+ascular metastasis* M! ".,, Comprehensi+e ynecology Comprehension >(.$hich is an abnormal semen parameter  0.)hite cell count of 1" # per ml B.sperm morphology ,19* C.sperm count /" x 1" # per ml D.progressi+e motility in 7#9 M! ".,,

Comprehensi+e ynecology Comprehension >,.0 ,( year old has been ha+ing her regular pap testing for the last ten years. 5er latest result ho)e+er re+ealed lo) grade :;!.$hat is the next step to do  0.colposcopic examination B.repeat smear in / months* C.conization D.laser ablation M! ".,, Comprehensi+e ynecology p.46,  0pplication >/.0 1> year old )as brought to the  0nalysis >6.0 16 year old consulted because of lo)er abdominal pain of , days duration described as constant and dull.&n speculum exam- purulent +aginal discharge )as noted. atient )as febrile at ,4.# C. erinent finding on internal exam= tenderness )ith motion of the uterus and cer+ix. $hich is the most pressing reasoin for admitting this patient

 0.purulent discharge B.fe+er  C.tenderness on ;< D.age* M! ".# Comprehensi+e ynecology p.6(/  0nalysis >4.0 )oman consulted because of spontaneous milky discharge and missed period of 4 )eeks. regnancy test )as negati+e. rolactin le+els after appropriate blood collection )as ,# ng3ml. $hat should be the next step in the )ork2up  0.repeat prolactin in a @uiet room B.CT scan of the brain C.Cone +ie) of the sella turcica D.T:5 determination* M! ".,, Comprehensi+e ynecology p.11,,  0nalysis

>>.0 patint )as diagnosed to ha+e s@uamous cell cer+ical cancer. Clinical e+aluation re+ealed that the disease has in+ol+ed the upper third of the +agina. arametrial tissues )ere indurated. 5o)e+er- there )as no e+idence of pel+ic )all in+ol+ement. $hat is the best treatment for her  0.radiotherapy B.chemoradiation* C.'5B!KD D.chemotherapy M! ".# Comprehensi+e ynecology p.>"#  0nalysis 100. 0

1> year old consulted because of primary amenorrhea. &n clinical e+aluation-the patient )as found to ha+e breast de+elopment but absent uterus. $hich of the follo)ing can best help arri+e at diagnosis  0.progesterone challenge test B.n'5 le+el determination C.Laryotyping* D.onadal biopsy M! ".,, Comprehensi+e ynecology p.11"7  0nalysis

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