Prayers of The Faithful

July 6, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL OCTOBER 1, 2009 PRIEST : The Lord Jesus empowers his disciples and makes them share his mission, let us  pray for the courage of committing ourselves to the work of Christ in building the kingdom of God in this world, let us pray: Lord, make us grow in your love. R: Lord, make us grow in your love. LEADER : That the Church, her leaders and members may tirelessly announce the good news of the kingdom and with the heart of Christ, the Good Shepherd, attend to people who are weary, are lost or hungry for the Word of God, we pray. R: Lord, make us grow in your love. LEADER : That our political and business leaders may transcend profit and efficiency and be inspired by the principles of the Gospel and of the value of the people, we pray: { R } LEADER : That those suffering from injustice, poverty, sickness and alienation may encounter people who will help them claim their dignity as God’s children and become fully human, we pray: { R } LEADER: That those who struggle to hold on their faith, and conviction and those who strive to be loyal to their commitment in marriage, may receive from the Lord inspiration and strength, we pray. { R } LEADER : For the victims of the recent typhoon Ondoy and fla flashfloods, shfloods, touch them O Lord, that they may able to find hope, strength and fortitude, that they will not give up or give in  but to patiently trusting in your love, we pray: { R } LEADER : For the success of the forthcoming Life in the Spirit Seminar# 9 of BLD- Jaro District, bring our lambs, pastoral teams, shepherds and facilitators, coordinators, working teams closer to you. Guide and protect them. Keep them safe and united in your protection. We pray: { R } LEADER : That our beloved departed may find rest in the peace of God’s kingdom, we pray: {R} P: Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father, listen to the prayers of your children, help us always to seek your face and to share more deeply in your love. We ask this through Christ your Son, our Lord. ALL: AMEN.  

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