PRASHNA by Gayatri D Vasudev

February 14, 2017 | Author: sachin | Category: N/A
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OUBSPD UIlS Pu bli shen, ' DimibulOB lJd. N"" 1l



Que,tlon D. la



H" '" '" A, k Que.tion> Slgnilkat '"m . Malel;o' a nd Benel;o,



II .

How tu


T he Role "f the M (~Hl Elevenlh H" u,",


Sun", Exc


Rha . a , COmhu"ion, N" de' a nd RC1, oglc" io n



A , P'X"

16. Pr""ticallllu , " a ti" n.


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PK£nCE TO THE FIRST EDITION In no ' enue of life i. horary a>!rology more a pplica ble anJ u,efu l than in da ily life. Vel lhi, branoh o f a,tr olo/lY has nol been fullv uplored. There have been many " anslati on , of d a foSical W OI~' on Ibe",,1 bu t no real l e;t1· boo ~ 00 Ihe art .of an,we ring horary ques lio ns. I fo und n\Irl.

I am gratefnt to VIIS Puhti, bc..• Di>l , ihuton U d.• fo' bringing thil. editi1 Feb'uary, 1992

FOR EWORD It give, Ine great plea.


inco me, acqu isit ion , rcalisaucn of objccuv e, ho pe" friend s, acq ua intances. profits, elder brothers and s bterx. d au ghter, pleasant tidings, d epe nde ncy, go ld , wealth. pate rna l property, pea rls, o rnament s, riches of every kind, ministership, a wa rd s dis uncuon , cook ing , car, shan k, skill in a rt, imp'lrlant papers a nd documents and be ing th e 2nd from the lUth, inCO'lIC from one', own exert ions, being t ile Jr d r, o ln thc sth , paternal uncle; an d aunts short journeys of ;tnd messages from fa ther, being the 4th from the lith, lo ss of ment al tranquillity. legal educ;ltiol1 , testators , sec ret and occult knowledge. belllg the 5th from the 7th , ", i ii; or husband's allair, a nd thei r business-inves tment profits, being the lilh from the 6th , ene mies of enemies , sic kness o f servant> , de bt , of tenants, being the 7t h from the 5th ma rriage or marri ed spouse 01' son. being the xth


from t he 4th, legacies from mo the r, being the 9t h fro m th e Jrd , forie gn journeys of brothe rs, being (he 10 th fro m the Znd. la mely reputation and sta nding. and o.:ing the 121h from the 12th, destru ctio n of enemies, end o f losses and re gain of healt h.


TItt' TII-dlh



bnu va

go vern s

,orro w, leg. lef1 eye . lo ss. spy, ta le-bearing, w eld s, intrigues, end. povert y. sin , bed, imprison ment . a wakening from sleep, discharge of deb ts. paterna l wea lth, enemy. entry into heaven, people's ire o r mob fu ry . fetter, place of captivity, disr. can-guts. peacock . llulfa lo, pa rrot. co ..... . whiteness. vilver, d iamond . o gling, Yaisya . beau ty. middle age, V«,I'a, lute . fl ute a nd other rnusicalinstrum entv. running after women. semen. truth. stage a llll screen, 'ikill in love-ma king, classica l dance, G od dcss Parvati or Lakshmi, emaciation, mo lher du ring day-time. genita l o rga n. ornamen ts. Ve nus IS well built and tall with beautifu lly pro po rtio ned limbs. He has thic k, black curly

K. y' 10 Planets i" Sign'

Venus in Taurus gives handsome features with lustrous eyes, lI1ed"",, height . fleshy face and a friendly honest disp osition . &!tu rn in Ta urus gives ctumsy carriage. slouchi ng post 1Ire, da rk hair . grave expression and rough manners. Planets in Ge mi ni Sun In Gemin i giveswe ll· built body, sanguine com plexion. balding ha ir. spar-se eyelashes and well-ma nne red dhpo,it;on. Moo n lfl Gemin i grves good height , corpu lence, round big eyes , clear fair comptexron and a n inqUIring. nature. M ars In Gemini gives good height WIth propo rt ionat e limb" swarthy com plexion and a wa nderi ng, restive na ture. Mercury in Gemini gives a good body wit h he ight and carnage. "'gen'Otl' loo ks and conversa tional a bility. Jupite r in G emini gives a full. plump build of meduna height or slightly more, blemishes m complexion. bro wnish hair and a gentle mannered , , ~ ,.It'posltmn. v e nus III G emini gives good height. good eyes. fairly good complexion, thic k, luxuriant


PracllCi1/ IJorar y ASlr%gy

hair and slender build with sociable habits a nd ma n ner

Saturn in G emini gives ta ll stature. thick ha ll', piercing deep-vet ey',:s and an a rgumen ta tive nature. Planets in Ca ncer Su n in Cance r gives small stat ure , corpulence, dull and t hinnin g hall', small sh;lrp eyes and a chee ry nat ure.

Moo n in Cancer give, a plump, sho rt . homely face, ro und stature with thick ha ir. ro und eyes , kind and gentle d ispos ition. Ma r, in Ca ncer g ive~ a d ull complexion . short stature , th ick ha ir, con tentious and restless disposit ion. Mercury in Cancer gtvev shor t stature, dull hall' and dark co mp lexion, roving sharp eyes and a self_opinio nat.:d disposition . J upiter in Cancer gives flesh} mid dle stature with fa ir und ro sy cheeks. bro wnish ha ir and fu ssy natu re. Venus in Cancer gives a fleshy body of medium hcigbt , dark thick hai r, indo lent , sensua l hut .mractiv c eyes, and a vain disposition .


10 Pla~el s i~ Sig~ ,


Saturn in Ca ncer gives short ill-formed stature with \'ery d ar k complexion an d grillly ha ir. The eyes a rc neurot ic a nd malicio us loo king. Planets in Leu Sun In Leo gives mediu m or sho rt height. strong, wiry body with light brown hai r, sangum e comple xion, p roud III bearing and carnage . Moo n in L l'O g ives tall stat ure, brow n eyes, angula r Ja ws and feat ures With a loft), and as pir ing na tu re . Ma rs in l eo gives a well-built bo dy with sun-burnt complexion , large eyes and co nfid ent and quic k gait with a passiona te an d free-spirited dispo sitio n. .'-.1ercu ry in leo gives ro u nd face and a h igh nos-e, med iulll build . brown eves and a boastfu l d isposit io n. Ju piter in Leo gives ta ll and welt-buiu physique tending to co rp ulence, curly ha ir, rud dy com plexion an d a d ispos itio n t ha t is ha ughty and magnaTlllllous. . Ven us in Ll'O g ives c lea r complexio n. rou nd face with tine eyes, fairly th ic k ha ir, fi rm and neat

Practical Horary A. " elog y

build with ta ll statu re a nd a n a ngry but genero us disposiuon. Sat urn m Leo gives tal! stat ure with. big-bo iled hmbs a nd th inn ing hair. t hick bushv cvc· brow~. a nd grave disposition . Planer s in \irJlo

Sun ';n Virgo give s a ta ll. slender fra me with th ic k dark hair and a pleasa nt and agreeable naIUTC. 'vI oo n in Virgo givcs medium stature. ra ther dar k complexion . serious but inge nious me ntality with a tendency to boast . M31 r, in Virgo gives a well-built med ium sta tu re with dark thic k hai r. a ruddy complexio n with a scar or mar'" o n the face. a n energe tic a nd ublc nature. xtc rcurv 111 Virgo give s a ta ll frame with al ert an d sparkling eye, that arc witty . Hair is thick and blllld is ta l! a nd well-p roportioned . Ju piler In Virgo givl:' a heavy. corp ulent frame with an ordin ar y complexio n, a boastfu l but studious a nd ambitious na ture. v enus in Virgo gi Pla~elJ ill


Sa turn in Virgo gives spare ta ll stature, da rk hai r, sad eyes and a long fa ce with a gloomy melancholic dis positio n. Plan ets in I .ihra Sun in Libra gives a tall. slender fra me , fair but blemished c o mple xio n. light ha ir. a relined and polite dis posuion. Mo on in Libra gives attractive feat ures in a fu ll face, br ight fi ne com ple xio n. and a jo vial f unloving disposition . Mar-; ill Lib ra gives a well-built body WIth a rudd y co mple xion, ra ther light ha ir, WIth a cheerful bu t co nceited nature. Me rc ury in Libra gives medium height with well-proportioned limns, ligh t eyes. q uite th ick hair and a n eloquent and co urteo us nature. J upite r in Lib ra g ives a ta ll fra me, fair complexion with ftcshy plump c heeks and limbs and pimp led comple xion . T he nature is mild b ut wmnm g. Ven us in Libra gives a n oval face, wit h deep brown or black e yes, th ick glo lord and the pla nets influe ncin g these two factors give a reas onably fair descript ion of the person.

( II !\PTER (,

Aspects .A horarv cha rt is Inte rpr eted on the basis flf a spects . Thew aspec t, a re differen t f ro m aspe ct s we come across in Para sa ri astrology, Th e a spects employed In horary' astro lo gy are called TaJa k aspect, an d are similar to aspects ;n Western ast rology. Fhe nat ure. good or bad. of as pects is d eterm illed no t by the planets but by the degree of avpcctx . T he fo llowi ng a spect s are important to U,. Conjunction U' Semi-secute 30 Sextile 60 ' Sq uare '!O ' Trine 12W Oppositifl n I HW f he con junction is caused \\.-hen 2 pla nets an: I n the same de gree a nd u may be reneuc o r malelie.

lhe scmi-se xtile i" c aused

be,""ee,) two planet s )0" a part and is feebly benefic, there being pr om ise of desired results if pro mpt and ller,evering effort is put forth, T he sextile is caused (in th ritiyaekadasi or 3/ 11 positions} by 2 pla nets be'llg60 degrees a part a nd is benefic and with a litt le effo rt. the desired objecti ve may be gained. 0

The tri ne is caused by 2 planets being 120 apart (in m il tual tnues or mkonusI and is an excellent aspect ind icatin g favou ra ble o utco me of the subje ct of the que ry. Next. "e come to the malefic or ho stile aspects, T he sq ua re is cause d by 2 1, la net' being 90· a part (in ke nd ras or 4/10). and den otes stress. o ppositio n a nd hurdles and consequent failure. T he o pposition " also malefic caused by 2 planets being I ~O· a pa rt (Samasaptama or 717) and indicate, sheer ho pelessne" and impo, sibilily of ach ieving the desi red result. In C ha rt 2, the Sun a nd Mercury a re III co nju nct io n.


f',aClit'a/ llorar )' A, so me definitio ns of a-pccts which are very effective 10 ma king pre d ictions. They a le: (I)

lt hasala


Easaraph u




Y amaya


K amboola

Itha>al ll An lthasala Yoga IS caused when a tast e r pla net with less lo ngitude is behind a slower planet with mo re longi tude. T his is a benefic yoga. In C ha n 4, the Moo n is in tm asa ta with Saturn indicating a favourable outcome in relation to the sign ification, of the ho uses (bhava s involved . When the lt h asala oceurs withln half'a degree, it beco mes Muthaseela . a very favourable aspect .


j M" o" 16°

Chon 4

,~--,--~ I Easara pha When a faste r pla ne! with greater lon gitude is a head o f a slo wer planet with less longitude, a n Easarap ba Yoga is formed. T his IS an unfavour able a spect. In Cha rt 5. Mercury', the faster planet , i~ ahead o f the slow er Jupiterforming an Easara pna. T his ind icates fai lure o r the o bject of the query becoming a th ing of the past . T hese 1'\ 0 a spects correspond to the applying and separating aspec ts of Western astrology. In

Aspt el,

lthasala Yoga, the faster planet a pplies to the stower plan et while In Ea sara pha . the fa-ster planet

I ,

I Jup iter 6°

I ,

I Mercu,,'

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I Cha n 5



- - ' --

sepa rates from the slowe r planet. Ihc Moo n being th e fastest or all planets can apply to a U oth er planets. T he Moo n cart app ly to Merc ury. v enus . Sun. Mars, Jupite r an d Satu rn.

Mercur y can a pply to v en us, Sun. MaH , Ju piter a nd Saturn . Venus can apply to Sun, Mar s, Jupiter and Sat urn

The Sun can ap ply to Mars, Jupiter an d Saturn . Ma rs can apply to Jupiter an d Sat urn . Jupite r can a pply only 10 Saturn. Na k tll

Y02 ~

Whe n the re is 110 aspect between 1 planet s hut a pla net faster than th e two is m aspect to both. it ca uses a n aspect bclween t he two or tra nsfe rs light from the faste r planel to the slo wer pla net.






C hart 6


Jup;ler 9"


, ,


Ve nus .l4' 1

I ~-


I I 1
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