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Yvonne E. Flores

June 2018




A Project Paper  Presented to the Accountancy Program

In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements in the Course Internship

Yvonne E. Flores June 2018



I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to the following people who shared their time and invaluable help and support to make this internship successful. Without them, I might not meet my objectives in doing my On-the-Job Training (OJT). To Bulano Accounting and Auditing firm family, for giving me the chance to explore the real world of accounting and auditing and for letting me experience the different engagement department. Most especially for the knowledge and wisdom you have inculcated to me. To Dr. Melchor Q. Bombeo, our internship coordinator, for recommending us to do our  OJT OJ T in Bula Bulano no Acco Account untin ing g and Audi Auditi ting ng firm firm.. Hi Hiss un unde ders rsta tandi nding, ng, wor words ds of wi wisd sdom om,, encouragement and patience helped us to become more productive as an intern. To Prof. Prof. Tetchie etchie Rodrigo Rodrigo,, my gramma grammaria rian, n, for the time, time, const construct ructive ive critic criticism ism and  patience given to edit and correct this student practicum journal. To my family and friends for unending love, financial support and for inspiring me throughout my journey as an intern and also to my team in audit department thank you for  understanding and faith you have given to me. Lastly Lastl y, to the Almighty Almighty Father, Father, for giving me the strength, strength, support support and knowledge in exploring things and for the wisdom to surpass all the trials that I have encountered during the  process of my internship.




Cover Page Title Page Acknowledgement Section – 1 – Description Section – 2 – Objectives Section – 3 – Personal Growth Section – 4 – Relevance Section – 5 – Reflection Section – 6 – Miscellaneous Appendices A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M.  N.

Refe Referr rral al Lette Letter  r  Curr Curric icul ulum um Vit Vitae ae Memora Memorandum ndum of Agreem Agreement ent Waiver  Weekly eekly Jo Jour urna nall Weekly eekly Perfor Performan mance ce Evalu Evaluati ation on Work ork Hour Hourss Log Log Final Final Eval Evaluat uatio ion n Inte Intern rn Self Self-E -Eva valu luat atio ion n Acad Academ emic ic Eval Evalua uati tion on Certif Certifica icate te of Registr Registrati ation on Certif Certifica icate te of Acco Accompl mplish ishmen mentt Certificat Certificatee of Grammarian Grammarian Documentation


Section 1 – Description

The Company Profile

Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm was founded by Diosdado C. Bualano, MM, CPA in 19 1996 96.. Mr. Mr. Bula Bulano no is an accre accredi dite ted d prac practi titi tione onerr by th thee Boar Board d of Accou Account ntanc ancy y (BOA (BOA), ), Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB), Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) and Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). At present, the firm caters clients in varied industries such as food and restaurants, manufacturing, real estate, construction, retail and wholesale, hardware, salons, cooperative, schools, foundations and religious affiliations. The firm offers the following services: A. Bookkee Bookkeepin ping g Servic Services es Maintenance of books of accountants and records of the company Preparation and filing of monthly, quarterly and annual tax returns Preparation and filling Social Security System (SSS), Home Development Mutual 

Fund (Pag-Ibig) and Philippine Health Insurance remittance (PhilHealth). B. Cons Consul ulta tancy ncy Ser Servi vice ce Assists in the negotiations with BIR examination and assessments Assist Ass istance ance for compani companies es in the prepar preparati ation on and submis submissio sion n of regula regulator tory y 

requirements with the Business Bureau of Davao City, Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and Bureau of  Internal Revenue (BIR) for the retirement business. As an intern in Bulano Accounting and Auditing firm, as what I’ve experienced in the firm they treated all the interns equally and as an employee. My first week of experienced


as an intern, I was assigned to the Business Engagement Department together with the interns from my very own school, Jose Maria College and was tasked to prepare all the necessary documents and requirements to request for a duly updated fire certificates of  the business establishment of their clients. On my second up to last week of being an intern, inter n, I was transferre transferred d to Auditing Auditing Engagement Department Department to conduct an audit in St. Francis of Assisi Parish and we just brought the documents from the parish. As an intern, it was a pleasure and great privilege for me to experience how the firm actually runs and to be part of Bulano Accounting and Auditing firm.

Section 2 – Objectives

This Th is stat statem emen entt of object objectiv ivee was was si signe gned d by th thee in inte tern rn an and d th thee su supe perv rvis isor or fo forr th thee conformity.. (see next page) conformity

 JOSE MARIA COLLEGE Philippine – Japan Friendship Highway


Sasa, Davao City


An internship is a pre-professional learning experience that offers meaningful, practical work experie work experience nce relate related d to an account accountanc ancy y studen student’ t’ss field field of stu study dy or car career eer intere interest st.. The internship program allows the students to apply principles and theories learned in the classroom in a professional environment. Through the internship, students are provided an opportunity for  career exploitation and development as well as an opportunity to learn new skills. Accordingly, internship in the Accountancy provides an opportunity to develop the following avenues: a) Applica Applicatio tion n of Techn Technical ical Know Knowled ledge ge Ability to relate the knowledge gained from accounting, taxation, auditing, regulatory requirements and financial management to business functions and activities.  b) Development of professional values, ethics and attitudes Developing appropriate professional values, ethics and attitudes in practical, real life situations. c) Inculc Inculcate ate prof profess ession ional al respons responsibi ibilit lity y Opportu Oppo rtunit nity y to work work at differ different ent levels levels of managem management ent tie tiers, rs, underst understand and author authority ity delegation and responsibilities of the position. d) Busi Busine ness ss awar awarene eness ss Acquaint with the environment in which services are provided. e) Pr Prof ofes essi sion onal al sk skil ills ls To enhance intellectual, interpersonal, communication and business management skills. f) Info Inform rmat atio ion n Tec Techn hnol ology ogy To apply information technology to evolve an integrated structure to achieve learning outcomes.


Section 3 – Personal Growth



It was such a great privilege to experience the actual engagements in a firm. During audit engagements, I felt pressured because there are so many documents to be checked and the other  team of auditing department was near to finished. At first, I thought that our team is lousy  because it was already two weeks since we audit but I found out that our transaction is good for  (3) three three years compared compared to the the other teams teams they only only need to audit a (1) year transacti transaction. on.


order to maximize my learning experience even if it was an office task I continued to work my task at home so that we can take another task for the other day because we need to work timely timely to finished this task on time. Although it was hard to maximize the time because our teammates only render their duty in the afternoon we still manage to finished the tasked given.


As an individual, I am the type of person who easily gets upset and irritated. Just like I wanted to finish the task but did not able to finished I get upset. But during my internship in Bulano Accounti Accounting ng and Auditing Firm, it helps me to be a better individual and to discover discover my abilities that can be applied in actual field. In line with this, I learned to understand and consider  my teammates because we had a different situation, reasons, and different tactics in finishing the  jobs assigned to us. I also initiate to help my teammates so that we meet the deadline of our  reports.



Even if we had a different situation, reasons and tactics in finishing the task, we still get a hold with each other. We learned to trust, had a plan together about the assigned task on how we are going to deal with it, and still had managed to meet the deadline. We are open on each other   just like suggestions, we accept and encouraged each other to had any suggestions that makes our  output productive, efficient and effective. While rendering our work loads, we were just enjoying the works that were assigned to us not minding the ticking of the clock. Our supervisor also acknowledged our teamwork.

Commitment and Professionalism

When I had my (OJT) On the Job Training in Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm we are practiced to act professionals and treated as an employee and we need to play this role effectively. Through this internship, it brought me to another family which is Bulano Family and molds my learnings into something new. The firm also taught us about the confidentiality of  transactions between the firm and committed to our duty through meeting the deadlines and comple com pleten teness ess of trans transact action ionss report reportss to the client clients. s. As an auditor auditor,, confid confidenti entiali ality ty is very very important every transaction. I also remind myself that there are limitations of our actions. Section 4 – Relevance of Internship

I truly value my internship in Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm because it serves as my first journey of practicing to become one and grab the title as a Certified Public Accountant. A month before our internship I am very excited and striving for new learnings but bu t nervous at the


same for what might happen in the actual scenario. I am terrified that I might look like a dumb and intimidated by the other interns. Our supervisor also exposed us in meeting and have a conversation with our client. Luckily, our client was very approachable and accommodating just like the Bulano Family. I am very glad to assigned in business and auditing departments because I’ve explored a lot of things. I’ve learned the different requirements in business departments and also in audit engagements. Section 5 – Reflection 

Internship serves as the new journey before graduation. It has a great impact to an interns lives not just only the young individuals but also the greatest parents. Where the parents can say that their children will be parti partially ally equipped before attaining attaining their goals. Even though we don’t have much time to prepare the necessary reports but still we were being able to meet the deadlines. I am so happy that Ma’am Irish, our supervisor and other staff was so proud of us and our efforts and hard works were so much appreciated. If I would be given a chance to start start from the beginning beginning of our audit transactions, transactions, I will surely ask our client about the journal vouchers of year 2015-2018 because we did not notice that we also need to check it so that we finished checking, encoding and making audit reports and recommendations in our three (3) years transactions with the parish in much lesser time. Section 6 – Miscellaneous 

Experience is the best weapon in soaring our goal which is to become a Certified Public Accountant. Through this experience, it harnesses our talents, skills, and knowledge regarding to


the practice of a professional accountant. Experience is different from the learnings we’ve acquir acq uired ed in our instit instituti ution on because because knowle knowledge dge will will only only remain remain in our brain brain compar compared ed to experience, we need to apply and execute what we have learned from the book to practice and evaluate our readiness for our future career. I am always being thankful to Sir Bombeo who recommend us to Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm, to Sir John and Ma’am Irish Bulano who welcomed us wholeheartedly and gives us opportunity to acquired new knowledge and to encourage and enlighten us through morning  prayers and food for the soul for the day where the fruitful experiences and advices were being shared, and also to our supervisor and staff in exposing us to our designated field.

( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for photocopy photocopy of Referral Referral letter) letter)



April 19-25, 2018

Area 1

This week, Sir John Bulano oriented us on how the business runs and things we need to know as an aspiring accountant. This firm was divided into three departments, accounting department, audit department and business department. For my 1 st and 2nd day of internship, JMC team belongs to business team and was tasked to file the documents of different clients to every fire station, to claim a stub and also the Fire Station Inspection Certificate (FSIC) that was very important to its business operation. In this task, I had a difficulty since I am not familiar to the location of fire stations here in the city since I am not a resident here in Davao City but with the help of the staffs and my co-interns I still know the place where I was told so. Area 2 In this Accounting and Auditing Firm, the culture here is to treat each everyone as a family with respect and to be a God fearing. We started our day with a prayer to give thanks for  the blessings He showered upon us and to have guidance from above. We also have a food for  the soul for the day and sharing an experiences that serves as an inspiration and was full of  learnings. Sir John always reminded us that in every problem we might encounter we just lift it up to the Lord and the Lord will always answer our prayer and also to keep our feet on the ground because the Lord hates those people who are arrogant.


Area 3 In this week, I acquired new learnings, to be independent. Even if we worked as a team we still had a tasked individually, just like to go to different fire station and get the Fire Station Inspection Certificate (FSIC) of a particular client. I learned what are the documents attached with Fire Station Inspection Certificate (FSIC) needed by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), the the busi busine ness ss pe perm rmit its, s, pict pictur uree of its its buil buildi ding ng an and d lo loca cati tion on an and d re rece ceip ipts ts.. In te term rmss of  communication, I learned to communicate specially to the inspector of BFP in a professional manner. Area 4 This week was full of exploration and new learnings. But still I don’t have enough confidence to talk to other interns except to my classmates from my institution. Next week, my goal is to build my confidence in terms of communicating inside and outside the firm.



April 26-28,30 – May 2-4, 2018

Area 1

In second week of internship, we started our audit engagement headed by Ma’am Marsyl. Millette and I were in the same team and our 4 co-interns were from the University of Mindanao. Our team was called St. Francis Francis of Assisi Parish since we are going to audit their transactio transactions. ns. Ma’am Marsyl instructed us to encode first the disbursement where we are going to check the cash vouchers with its supporting documents, specially the signatory of designated authorized  personnel of each document and vouched it to its book of accounts. We are also going to take somee photos som photos of unclea unclearr docume documents nts to have have an eviden evidence ce for our report report.. Ma’am Ma’am Iri Irish sh also also instructed us to make a summary of disbursements and its adjusting entries. On the 6 th day of this week, our team was tasked to checked the receipts. There were so many receipts to be check  since the transaction transaction of our client was for three years. Unlike Unlike the other team, there clients clients have only a one-year transaction. Area 2


In this week, we did not make to finish finish in doing the disbursements disbursements since our teammates from the University of Mindanao will only render their duty in the afternoon since they have classes in the morning. We only had a few conversations because when they arrive in the office they will immediately start their task and all of us were busy at the same time.

Area 3 This week, I learned and discovered new learnings. In checking the cash vouchers, I discovered reclassification of accounts and some vouchers without the signature of designated authorized personnel. Even if Ma’am Marsyl is not always around since she needs to be with the other team sometimes for some audit engagement we are still working as a team.

Area 4 In this week, I felt exciting because of new discoveries and findings. I was able to achieve my objective which is to build my confidence. We now had some discussion regarding to the team and also to the confusing papers. My objective for the next week is to start checking the receipts diligently. diligently.



May 5,7-10,15-16, 2018

Area 1 In this week, we are going to continue our task which is to record and check the cash disbursements and cash receipts because there are still so many receipts that we need to record. When Ma’am Marsyl is not around we asked her through phone call. There are still some confusing items while encoding the checked deposit slips. Instead of continuing to encode the deposit slips, we proceed to check the weekly collection report. Area 2 The other interns from the other auditing team helped us to trace and checked the deposit slips with the receipts we’ve finished and we are working comfortably. Since the other interns render only half of a day, Millette and I continued to check the deposit slips. Our team also had some discussions because of some confusing documents. Millette and I were glad that the other  interns helped us since our teammates are not around because they had a morning class. Everyday our team had dicussions.


Area 3

In recording and encoding the transactions we used Microsoft Excel. I was amazed by Ma’am Marsyl because she was very quick in clicking such functions in excel and teaches us about the shortcut keys for us to acquired a cquired less time in encoding.

Area 4

This week was full of encouragement from our supervisor. Our team were glad that we’ve finished to check the cash receipts. I am preparing for the next week’s objective which is to check and encode enc ode the summary of disbursements and cash receipts.



May 17-18,21-25, 2018

Area 1 For this week, all the employees and interns of the firms were busy because of our  respective deadlines. Ma’am Judy. Our team started to encode the summary of receipts and its total from the month of April and December. For the following day, our team went to the parish  because Ma’am Irish wants us to get the logbook and passbooks. p assbooks. When we arrived at the firm we immedi imm ediate ately ly starte started d to re comput computee and track track the tot total al of consol consolida idated ted fi financ nancial ial statem statement entss  because there were some errors in computing the respective accounts and the total of  consolidation should be equal to zero. I also made the audit findings, recommendations and sorting of evidences because Ma’am Irish wants to see and check our partial output. We are in a hurry since the Father of the parish will be assigned to another parish by the first week of June 2018. Thankfully, Ma’am Irish was grateful because we were being able to present to her our   partial report.

Area 2 Ma’am Irish asked us to get the passbook and logbook of our clients bec because ause we need this to our reports and presentation we also get some basis from this. We also took the opportunity to ask our client some confusing documents. Area 3


Some confusing matter is the account title of every transaction, it is not specific. Because of this we had some difficulty in the total of respective accounts. While the confusion is not yet settled, I started to make the teams audit findings and recommendations to avoid wasting the time for nothing. Area 4

This week was full of willpower and realization because the presentation of report is near  approaching. I am hoping that our team can meet the deadline and make Ma’am Irish and our  supervisor happy, proud and feel at ease. Our team’s objective for the next week is to finish all the procedures as much as possible so that our transaction will be done.




May 26,28-31, 2018

Area 1 This must be my last week being an intern. As usual, we started our day with a morning  prayer. After the morning prayer, we immediately proceed to our unfinished task. Our team is in a hurry since the deadline is fast approaching. Two days before the exit conference, Ma’am Irish asked us to go the parish to check the documents and vouch the journal vouchers of the transaction trans actionss in year 2015 and 2016, and bring with us the passbook passbook of the parish since we need this in preparing our statement of cash flows. Even if we are pressured we still managed not to entertain distractions and be focused on our task. Exit conference serves as a way of closing and finale the transactions. May 31, 2018 is the day of our exit conference. On that day, I felt happiness, excited and nervous because this is the day where my co-interns who was assigned to present the audit report together with ma’am Irish will be meeting our client. The exit conference was end smoothly and successfully. They arrived at the office with a big smile. We are so very happy and grateful  because without Bulano Accounting and Auditing firm we will not experience exp erience this kind of event, we will not be able to build and form a new family, we will not be able to meet new characters to  be part of our life. And An d above all to the Almighty Father who gives us strengths, skills and a  broader understanding to our chosen field.


Area 2 Our supervisor cheer and encourage us every day to motivate us in doing our task. Teamwork and communication has an important role in conducting audit engagement, not just in audit department but also in accounting and business department. I am so thankful to be with my co-interns who were active, optimistic and efficient. We even had a group chat to discuss some confusing transactions and to know each other more. Area 3 My five (5) weeks during my internship was fruitful. I can say that I’ve learned a lot of  thingss and was enjoying at the same time. thing time. I also had a lot of fun and moments with with my cointerns, clients and bulano family. As what I’ve observed, I’ve been more God fearing and spiritually oriented. Area 4 I felt happiness but sad at the same time. Happy because my parents will not spend another money for my allowance and sad because I will miss my Bulano family. I will really treasure my moments and experiences being an intern. I hope that my next journey and goal which is to claim of becoming a Certified Public Accountant will be granted by the Almighty Father.


 JOSE MARIA COLLEGE Philippine – Japan Friendship Highway Sasa, Davao City Annex G INTERN’S EVALUATION OF EMPLOYER 

Student: Yvonne E. Flores

Date: June 19, 2018

Employer: Mr. Diosdado C. Bulano, CPA

Please answer the following questions honestly and thoroughly. Cite specific instances during your internship to support your answers. Use additional sheet(s) when necessary.

1. Did you feel feel the work work was a valuable valuable experience experience in in relation relation to your academic academic endeavor? endeavor?

Yes, engagin engaging g in differ different ent depart departmen ments ts inside inside the fir firm m is such such a valuabl valuablee experie experience, nce, especially in audit department where I can apply the knowledge during my class in audit theory. It also gives me the opportunity to acquire an advance learnings for my upcoming subject in audit problem not only in academe but also let us to have an encounter with our respective clients which helps us on how we are going to interact and communicate with them. Teamwork  has also a vital role in accomplishing the designated tasked. 2. Were Were you given given responsibil responsibilities ities that enabled you you to apply apply knowledge knowledge and skills? skills?


Yes, it was a great opportunity to be assigned in a two different department of Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm where we can apply and at the same time, acquired knowledge while performing the assignments and tasked given. Specifically, when I was assigned in audit department I was able to apply my learnings in audit theory and designating each transactions to each proper account titles, also when I was assigned to perform the summary of consolidation and cash receipts. 3. Were Were you allowed allowed to take the initiative initiative to work beyond beyond the basic basic requirem requirements ents of the the  job?

Yes. Before executing the designated task, the supervisor will only give a brief instruction on what was the first task that we are going to do. It is up to us on how we are going to allocate the tasked given together with our teammates and consider the deadline to avoid disappointment. Questions are inevitable since I am just an intern and it was my first time being an auditor in an actual firm, the supervisor is not always around because of a hectic schedule which they are also deployed to their specific field and clients. When I am done in my task, I proceeded to the next step which is supposedly to be done for the following day. Since our teammates only render their  duty every afternoon Millette and I decided to continue their tasked because we cannot proceed in the succeeding task because our task are connected and initiate to make the audit reports reports and recommendations. I also continued my tasked at home so that we will be able to meet the deadline. 4. Did the organization organization and/or and/or supervisor supervisor work work with you regularly regularly? ? Were Were they available available to answer questions when necessary?


Yes, the organization itself totally works with us regularly since it is our working station with a morning prayer before we start our work. Our morning has a twist, first is a prayer song. Second is a food for the soul of the day where the assigned staff will share their fruitful experienced which makes us some self-realization with an additional encouragement from Sir  Bulano that serves an inspiration to everyone. Our supervisor is not around regularly but we understand her situation since she also had her assigned task aside from supervising us, not just a workload inside the office but also an audit engagement outside the office. Even though sometimes she is not around she told us to call her anytime. anytime. She was able to answer our calls calls and questions questions even if she was busy on the work  field and when she was with us inside the office, she immediately gives us her attention and concerns every time we are confused in some documents. 5. Briefly note new new skills, skills, techniques techniques and knowledge knowledge gained in this position.

Being an intern for more than a month I have acquired a few skills in excel using the short-cut keys taught to us by our supervisor. Gained techniques in maximizing our time on the task given. Every time we are busy I still managed to composed myself and not to be distracted to my surroundings. I’ve also learned how to approach my co-interns in a nice and professional way especially to the staffs and supervisor of Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm, and to give value and importance of the assigned tasked. 6. Discuss the the weak points points of your internship internship experience experience and ways ways they may be improve improved. d.

Many of us are afraid of failure, that was my weakest point. Afraid to commit mistakes that may lead to disappointment because I don’t want to disappoint the people inside the firm especially Sir Bombeo who believes in our abilities and recommended us to Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm. Also, I am shy when it comes to communicate with other people, specifically


when it is the first time we’ve encounter. When we have a telephone calls from our clients, I really did not answer the call and approach somebody to answer it but when there is no other  than me inside the office I was forced to answer the call. After the conversation I am happy that I conquered one of my weakness and felt relieved that our conv conversation ersation ended smoothly. 7. Discuss Discuss the strong strong points points of your inte internsh rnship ip experie experience. nce.

My strongest point during my internship was being united and having a strong bond with my co-int co-intern erns. s. We don’t don’t have a circum circumsta stance ncess which which leads leads us int into o misunde misunderst rstandi anding ng and miscommunic misc ommunication ation because we are open to any questions, questions, suggestions, suggestions, sharing of thoughts thoughts and techniques in order to finish the task in a given time through having a forum and discussion. Even after the working hours we really had a discussion about our task for the following day and we had a gathering with the other team where we will be having a dinner outside the office  before we went home. 8. Was Was there anything anything that that was not covered covered that should should have been covered covered in the the internship program?

I don’t think that there are still things that was not covered in the internship program. For  me, I have been very blessed to be recommended by Sir Bombeo to Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm because it molded me into something new. The firm did not only teach us in terms of academe but also spiritually, being God fearing and also guided every day through morning  prayers. 9. Do you think think your academic academic program program adequately adequately prepare prepared d you for this internship? internship?

Yes, my academic program was adequately prepared me for this internship. At first, I thought that the subjects I have taken during my school days will not be applied and is far when


it comes in actual setting but I was wrong. The academic program serves as a guide for an individual indivi dual to be prepared prepared for the upcoming upcoming On-the-Job On-the-Job-Tr -Training aining,, also the program program helps me to discover my skills and talents which I can use and apply in future job.

10. If you had any aspect of your internship to do over over,, what changes would you think?

If I had any aspect of my internship to do over, it would be the time when we forgot to  bring with us the journal vouchers that is also to be checked to finish the transaction in much lesser time. 11. Would Would you recommend recommend this internship to other students?

I will definitely recommend this internship to other students. This program helps the student to be equipped through the knowledge and skills they can acquired during internship. Not all the things needed in an actual corporate world will be taught by the institution just like in communicating with the clients. Unlike during internship we are trained their on how to interact with our clients and supervisor in a professional manner and how to maximize our time for the given tasks. 12. How similar was your actual actual assignments assignments to your expectations? expectations?

My expectations to my actual assignments were not similar to what I’ve been expecting  because I thought that only accounting department exist inside the firm where we are assigned to have a photocopy of some documents, staple it and arranged some file document, the staffs and supervisors were very strict and was hard to approach. On the other hand, when we received our  assignments and task sometimes we did not finish it in our desired duration of time. Surprisingly, there are three types of departments inside the firm. The following are accounting, business and audit department.


13. How would you rate Bulano Accounting Accounting and Auditing Auditing Firm as a place to work?

I would rate Bulano Accounting and Auditing Firm very satisfactorily because they  provided us the needs in our tasked and provided us a food for the soul every ev ery morning prayer. prayer. Thee firm Th firm trea treate ted d us an empl employ oyee ee an and d pa part rt of th thei eirr fa fami mily ly,, ve very ry ap appr proa oach chab able le an and d accommodating, and the ambiance inside the office is peaceful. Even if the staffs inside the office were very busy because of their workloads they still accommodated, entertain and answer  our questions eagerly. eagerly. 14. How well did your experience provide provide information about your chose chosen n field?

My experience as an intern in Bulano Accounting and Auditing firm gives me so much information about my chosen field. Since I was exposed more on audit department I have acquired a lot of new learnings being an auditor even if it was just more than a month. I’ve learned that being an auditor, confidentiality is very important in transacting a business with my client.. Internship client Internship experience experience has really really a great impact to my future career as a future Certified Public Accountant not just only being an auditor but also taught us on how we are going g oing to work  collaboratively with our co-interns. 15. What was the best part of your intern intern experience? experience?

I can say that there are numbers of the, best part of my intern experience, first is when we met our client who was Father Jun, the parish priest of St. Francis of Assisi Parish. We were so glad when our team met him. He was so approachable and humorous. The second part was when ma’am Irish called the attention of our team and asked us about our presentation of audit reports and recommendations, after the presentation she congratulated us about our accomplishment  because she did not expect that we made to have the presentation that time since we had a three


(3) year transaction unlike the other team, they only had a one (1) year transaction. The last part was when the day has come where ma’am Irish and my assigned co-intern who was assigned to  be with her to present our audit reports and recommendations. Even if we were so busy preparing the reports and documents we were enjoying because our hard work will be paid off after the  presentation. When ma’am Irish and my co-intern arrived back in the office ma’am Irish once again congratulated us for the success of our output. It was an unforgettable experience during my internship.

16. What was the worst part of your intern intern experience? experience?

During my internship, the worst part of my experience was the time when my laptop did not work properly and has a malfunction. I was upset by that time because I was in the middle of  encoding the account titles and computing the total cash disbursements and cash receipts when it suddenly shut down and I could not turn it on. 17. Would you recommend recommend Bulano Accounting and Auditing firm to other students for an internship assignment? Why or why not?

I will highly recommend Bulano Accounting and Auditing firm to the other students, my fellow classmates under the accountancy department because in this firm I was trained especially in audit department where we are taught about the different transactions and kinds of documents we are going to encode and check which includes computations. Through internship, it lets the intern experience to be an auditor and hold a transaction with their clients, through these experiences experi ences each individual can acquire and discover new learn learnings ings and skills that can apply in


our future future careers careers which which is to become become a Certified Public Accountant . Bulano Accounting and Auditing firm truly value their interns and treat as an employee who is part of their family. 18. What suggestio suggestions ns do you have have for improvin improving g the internship internship program program? ? Include Include any other oth er co comm mment entss yo you u would would like like to write write down. down. No Note te an any y co comm mmen ents ts about about you yourr particular job not covered above.

I would suggest for the improvement of the internship program, to offer full-time jobs to the best interns. Through this, it can benefit the firm because they can hire the best intern who  possessed the skills and an d knowledge needed. It can also benefit the intern where he/she will get hired and be a regular employee. The of the particular job that we did during internship that is not covered above was our  weekly meetings with our internship coordinator. The purpose of this meeting is to monitor if we are attending our duty regularly and ask us if we were actively participating in our given task in the firm. In line with this, we were also required to make a daily journal report to check our daily  performance inside the firm, it also serves as our diary. The unforgettable moments were written there.


Yvonne E. Flores / June 19, 2018

Printed Name/Signature of Intern/Date ( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for photocopy photocopy of Intern’ Intern’ss Weekly Weekly Evaluation Evaluation Report) Report)


( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for photocopy photocopy of Work Hours Hours Log)


( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for photocopy photocopy of Employer’ Employer’ss Final Evaluation Evaluation of of Intern)


( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for photocopy photocopy of BSA BSA – OJT Training Training Program Program Evaluation Evaluation Form) Form)


( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for photocopy photocopy of Academic Academic Program Evaluation) Evaluation)


( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for photocopy photocopy of COR) COR)


( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for photocopy photocopy of Certificate Certificate of of Accomplish Accomplishment) ment)


( Blank  Blank Page Page intended intended for Certificate Certificate of Grammari Grammarian) an)



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