Practice Test 25 For Gifted Students Grade 9

October 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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PRACTICE TEST 25 FOR GIFTED STUDENTS GRADE 9-2022 Part 1: All the words below are connected with the world of entertainment. Put the words under the correct heading. agent auditorium backstage box office broadcaster Types of films/

cast celebrity co – star co costume drama crew TV programmes

director documentary horror movie on location movie buff People

presenter producer screenwriter set stage

studio stuntman / woman thriller trailer venue Places

Part 2: Complete the text using the words given. Make any necessary changes. audition censorship a debut coming premiere review ( 1 )_______ EVENTS March 12th Lecture TV VIOLENCE Is ( 2 )_____ necessary ? Admission free March 19th ( 3 ) _______for our summer production of My Fair Lady . Come along and try out if you fancy a part! April 20th Theater Trip We have reserved 20 tickets for the Bristol ( 4 ) ______of Guys and Dolls. Singer Judd Red will make her theatrical ( 5 ) _______.Running for 13 weeks in the West End , it has received rave ( 6 )______ . Sign up now - places on a first - come , first - served basis , Cost £ 20 . Part 3: PHRASES WITH PREPOSITIONS 1 . Circle the correct preposition in the following phrases. 1. in / at many respects 2 . on / in conjunction with 3. for / on a large ( r ) scale 4. in / at comparison with 5. in / for good 6. in / on no time 7. at / on the part of 8. at / for the forefront of 2. Use the phrases in Exercise 1 to complete the text. VIDEO KILLED THE RADIO STAR The first pop videos were made in the 1970s . ( 1 )____ comparison with today's video clips , early versions seem primitive - a few shots of the performer , possibly ( 2 )____ some simple animation . In 1981 , a TV channel devoted entirely to the new genre was launched , changing the music industry ( 3 )____ The channel was MTV . ( 4 )_____ , new videos , like Michael Jackson's Thriller , were big news video had really ' killed the radio star ' . In the 1990s , MTV was ( 5 )_____ new developments in music and is now hugely influential . ( 6 ) _____music television has benefited the music industry by increasing sales and promoting artists ( 7 )____ than ever before . However , it is increasingly difficult for new talent to break into the market without television exposure , which requires a huge investment ( 8 )_____ a record company. Part 4. WORD FORMATION 1. Complete the chart with nouns formed from the words below. Add negative prefixes in brackets where  possible  

Prepared by Dang Thi Kim Oanh- MA- Phan Boi Chau high school for the gifted


accept pretend creative dramatise inspire popular

complex concentrate distract original patient adapt -ance/-ence -ance/-enc e

imagine devote offend simple clear ( 2 nouns )

destroy objective similar available dedicate

ignorant sensitive attend curious generous


mature annoy reliable exist interfere -ity

2. Choose the word that best completes the sentence. 1. I'd never been to the ballet before . I just went out of_____ a . curiosity b . complexity c . distraction d . interferenc interference e 2. Child actors often often show great ...... for their age . a . trust b . defense C. maturity d . imitation 3 . Journalists are supposed to maintain their ______ , but theater critics often praise their friends . a . clearance b . ignorance c . dissimilar dissimilarity ity d . objectivity 4 . ______at the free concert was said to be over 100,000 . a . Insistence b . Attendance C. Acceptance d . Popularity 5. The free ticket offer is subject to _______ a . availabilit availability y b . destruction C. existence 6 . The charity thanked all the people who gave money for their _______ a . generosity b . unoriginalit unoriginality y c . unpopularity

d . pretence d . similari similarity ty

3. Complete the sentences using nouns you formed in Exercise 1. There may be more than one possible answer. 1. Critics boasted his poetry for its_______ 2. I couldn't become a professional dancer . It takes great______. 3. Rob couldn't hide his______ at being made to wait in line for tickets. 4. The play is a / an _______of a novel by Jane Austen. 5. This year's cinema _____was lower than expected and profits went down. 6 . The doctor's______ on doing his own stunts surprised everyone. Part 5: RELATED WORDS : Ways of speaking Match each sentence with the most appropriate ending. 1. If a mother nags, a. she uses words that are offensive . 2 . If a friend blurts out something, she b. interrupts someone else's conversation. 3. If an actor mumbles, she c. Speaks suddenly and angrily. 4. If a man reminisces, he d .talks a lot without saying anything clear or important. 5. If your friend is grumbling, grumbling,he he e. is talking quickly about trivial things. 6. If a speaker is waffling, he f .critic .criticizes izes frequently in an annoying way. 7. If a co - worker butts in,she g .is talking about the past. 8. If your brother snaps at you, he n .is speaking quietly and clearly. 9. If your friend is chattering, she i. is complaining in a low voice and bad - tempered way. 10 . If a driver swears, she j .says something suddenly and without thinking. Part 6: WORD EASILY CONFUSED. Complete the sentences using the correct word. Make any necessary changes  

Prepared by Dang Thi Kim Oanh- MA- Phan Boi Chau high school for the gifted


1. adopt/adapt/adept a . Politicians have to be ______ at dealing with reporters ' questions . b . Many stars chose to ______a child rather than have their own . c . Meg's book has been______ for a TV program . 2 . wind/ rewind/ unwind a . Watching TV helps me______ at the end of the day . b . The makeup artist had to ______special tape around my legs . c. Please______ the video when you finish watching it . 3. highlight/s highlight/sportlight/lim portlight/limelight elight a . Going backstage after the show was the______ of our theater trip . b . Young actors who attain sudden fame can find life in the_______ tough . c. Funding for schools is once again under the ________ . 4 . downright/upr downright/upright/outright ight/outright a . The director told him______ that he was too ugly for the role . b . I think it's_______ disgusting what some actors will do to get a part ! C. The artist had pictures propped _______against the walls of his studio . 5. feature/ characterize/focus a . The documentary______ on the training professional dancers receive . b . The film_______ several young up - and - coming actors . C. Hitchcock's films are ______ by suspense and humour . 6. engross/ appeal/addict a . I was so _____ in the film that I stayed up until 2.00 watching it. b . Horror movies have never really _________ to me. c . I am_______ to late - night television! 7. so-called/ alleged/renowned a . The _______ " live " performance includes a group miming to a CD . b . I was flattered to get the chance to work with the_______ director . The journalist secured an exclusive interview with the ______murder just before the trial . 8. ratings/ credits/ subtitles a . Foreign language movies are either dubbed or have_______ . b . The new comedy series may be cut because of low _______ c. The names of all the technical crew who worked on a movie are listed in the________. Part 7: IN OTHER WORDS : phrasal verbs Phrasal verbs are often used in informal language . The words and phrases in color are formal . Replace each one with the correct form of one of the following phrasal verbs . get into play up hype up run through laser around come up with bring in branch out put on crack up


1.I 2. 3. 4. 5.

like nothing better than ______ and watching TV at the weekends . The DVD is_________ again - can you have a look at it ? Our school_______ a play every year . I need to______ my lines a few times before opening night . The producers spent hours trying to _______a catchy title for the film ,

relaxing malfunctioning stages review create

6. 7. 8. 9.

Our film company plans to _______into computer game production , diversity I've_______ poetry , although I found it boring at school . become quite keen on The theme tune he wrote still _______income in the form of royalties , generate That sitcom ______ causes me to laugh uncontrollably Prepared by Dang Thi Kim Oanh- MA- Phan Boi Chau high school for the gifted


10. They______that movie so much , it's bound to be a letdown .


praised it a lot

Prepared by Dang Thi Kim Oanh- MA- Phan Boi Chau high school for the gifted

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