Practical Crystal Healing

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Practical Crystal Healing

Practical Crystal Healing 555 Tips & Techniques

Nicole Lanning

AuthorHouse™ 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 Phone: 1-800-839-8640

© 2009 Nicole Lanning. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author. First published by AuthorHouse 10/8/2009 ISBN: 978-1-4490-3554-9 (e) ISBN: 978-1-4490-3555-6 (sc)

Library of Congress Control Number: 2009910587

Printed in the United States of America Bloomington, Indiana This book is printed on acid-free paper.

To my soul mate and husband, Jonathon, and our two inspiring children, Reiss and Phebe.


CONTENTS Chapter 1.

Crystal Healing Introduction ...................1

Chapter 2.

Choosing Your Crystals ...........................3

Chapter 3.

Cleansing Your Crystals ...........................5

Chapter 4.

Programming & Charging Crystals..........9

Chapter 5.

Colors Of Crystals .................................11

Chapter 6.

Crystal & Chakra Correspondences .......15

Chapter 7.

Crystal & Aura Correspondences ...........19

Chapter 8.

How To Use Crystals For Healing ..........23

Chapter 9.

Basic Crystal Healing Bags.....................29

Chapter 10. 555 Crystal Healing Tips And Techniques ............................................33


INTRODUCTION This book was written with one purpose in mind and that was to help people. I had noticed that a lot of clients were asking for my help with crystal work. Their most difficult challenges were that they did not know which crystals to use or how to use them effectively for a particular situation. I honestly love when clients ask questions because they have a knowledge to learn and can grow from each question they ask. With my love for crystals and helping others, I started working with different healings until I found one that worked successfully almost every time. That’s where this book first started, many years ago, before I even knew it. My spirit guides have guided me through a very energetic and spiritual pathway. They have led me to the opening of Healing Art Forms Institute and now here, passing on my spiritual and practical wisdom in the art of crystal healing.



CRYSTAL HEALING INTRODUCTION Crystal healing works due to the vibrational and energetic level of the crystal as it heals issues, areas, and tendencies within our own vibrational energy fields. Crystal healing is not a new art form, and you do not need any special training to perform these types of tasks. But you do need to have knowledge of the in’s and out’s before you get started! Crystal healing is all about balancing a person’s energy back to a harmonious and aligned state within their physical body to ease the problem, issue, or imbalance that is at hand. There are so many crystals and gemstones out in the world today, it can be very confusing to know which ones to use and how to use them unless you have studied, learned, and practiced it yourself. This book contains 555 different tips for some of the most common ailments, issues, and problems we face today in our physical bodies. I have personally used all 555 of them on family, friends, clients, colleagues, and myself so I know they all work! 1

Practical Crystal Healing

You can find basic crystal books anywhere from the Internet, bookstores, and courses as well. They give you wonderful information about the basics of crystals, which I will go into a bit more in this book. They are also filled with colorful pictures, background information, hardness testing, associative properties and much more. But they leave out one important thing, which is how to use the crystals in a correct manner. Unless you know someone who knows how to use them you could be trying all sorts of different things with no results. This book is different because it tells you literally how to use the crystal or gemstone for that specific purpose intended behind it. Crystal healing is not a guarantee for anything, just like most things in life. You have to work with it, practice, and find what works for you. I will tell you that crystal healing will not harm you or your physical body if used correctly as instructed in this book. Crystal and energy healing, of any kind, should always be done for the highest good of all and to obtain the most positive results. Please do understand there are many crystals to use for any one type of ailment, issue, or problem we face. I have taken my own personal work to give you the best answers to solving these problems in a matter of fact way, so no fluff or fill here! With everyone having different vibrational matches and issues, use them at your own discretion and understand that one person’s healing issues are different than another’s. Your commitment to the crystal is part of the healing process. Enjoy the healings that come through and let the crystals do the work for you!



CHOOSING YOUR CRYSTALS When choosing crystals for your own personal use and getting started, make sure you have at least two of each main color you will be working with. This includes red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, clear and black. Colors of the crystals are associated with our chakra centers and can also correspond to some of the ailments. It is good to have a broad variety of crystals and gemstones to have on hand when working. My personal favorites to keep on hand are: Peridot, Hematite, Red Jasper, Rose Quartz, Rhodonite, Carnelian, Topaz, Amber, Tiger’s Eye, Malachite, Bloodstone, Moss Agate, Turquoise, Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Fluorite, Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Onyx, Black Tourmaline, and Smoky Quartz. There are many crystals and gemstones out there, so try not to get overwhelmed and confused picking or choosing which ones are right for you or being concerned if you didn’t get the right ones. The best guide to choosing your own 3

Practical Crystal Healing

crystals is to follow your intuition. Your intuition will never steer you wrong if you listen to it. Sometimes it can be hard to understand if you have not worked with following your “gut” instincts before, but listen to them when working with crystals. When you first go out to choose your new crystals, make sure you are in a positive and happy mood. You do not want to draw in negative energetic feelings, so put on some happy music in the car and think of something that you enjoy while you are on your way to the crystal shop. Once you get there, go and start looking around to see what catches your eye first. Pick up the crystal and see if it feels right to you. If it does, look for more to add to your own crystal healing kit. If it doesn’t, put it down and move to another one! There is no right or wrong answer, but rather what resonates within you! Just remember that your crystals will choose you just as much as you choose them!



CLEANSING YOUR CRYSTALS All crystals and gemstones need to be cleansed before using them. You have no idea where they have been, who has been picking them up to see if they were a right fit for their energy fields or what types of energies are already attached to them. So the first thing you need to do when you get them home is to cleanse them! There are a few different ways to cleanse your new crystals. You can use smudging, water cleansing, Mother Earth’s energy, sage tea cleansing, solar energy, sound vibrations, mirror energy and even sand cleansing if you choose. To cleanse your crystals with smudging, hold the crystal within the smoke of your smudge stick. Smudging with pure sage or a sage combination works best for crystal cleansing. Pass them through the smudge smoke at least 4 times back and forth. Cleansing your crystal with water and sea salt is very simple. For the harder crystals, you can place them in a 5

Practical Crystal Healing

small glass container of sea salt water for at least 1 hour. For the softer crystals, you can mist them generously with a water spray to completely cover the crystal and having plenty of run-off. Using Mother Earth’s energy is a simple and fun; yet dirty way, to cleanse your crystals. Take your crystal and wrap it in a simple cheesecloth and then again in a cloth made of silk. Find a special spot in your yard where you can bury your new crystal. Dig a hole about 6-8 inches into the ground and place your crystal in this. Cover it and remember to put a marker so you can dig it up! After a period of 24 hours, uncover your crystal and gently rinse any loose dirt from it. Sage tea cleansing is a fun and safe way to incorporate a few different aspects together for a powerful cleansing session for your crystals. Take some sage, fresh if you have it, and brew a pot of tea made from the fresh sage. Allow this to cool and place your crystal in a glass bowl. Pour the sage infused tea over the crystal and allow it to bathe overnight. This combines the strength of smudging and water energy to cleanse them. Remember to rinse them in the morning! Solar energy and water can be used as well for cleansing crystals. You can do this by holding the crystal under running water for a minute and then placing the crystal in the sun to dry. Some crystals may fade with the direct rays of the sun, so make sure not to leave them in the direct sunlight for to long. It only takes a few minutes for them to dry, so keep an eye on them!


Cleansing Your Crystals

The use of sound vibrations is another wonderful way to cleanse crystals with pure sound. A bell or tuning fork can be used for this. Use your bell or tuning fork to make its vibrational sound and place the crystal as close as you can to the bell or tuning fork without interrupting the sound vibrational. Using mirror energy to cleanse crystals and gemstones is very easy. Simply place your crystal on top of a mirror, placed on your table or dresser, and allow the mirror to reflect back and out the energy that the crystal is already holding. Allow this to remain on the mirror for at least 24 hours. You can also use a sand method for almost any kind of crystal or gemstone. Bury your crystal in moist sand and leave for at least 2 hours. Please do note that the sand can remove some of the polish from the crystals, so only use this as a last resort. When working with your crystals in healing sessions, or even with crystal gridding, you will want to make sure you cleanse them on a regular basis. Each issue is different and will need to be considered depending on what the healing or gridding is accomplishing with its task. One basic rule of thumb, make sure you cleanse your crystals after each individual healing session. When working with gridding placements, these can vary from cleansing once a week to once a month time frames. Crystals that are worn should be cleansed and then reprogrammed every 24 hours if need be. Please follow the guidelines in this book for the best results.


Practical Crystal Healing

If you use crystal healing work on a consistent basis, whether it is for yourself or other healings, remember that the crystals are the ones doing the healing work. It is always a good idea to send them home to Mother Earth for at least one month during a calendar year when they are used this often. By this I mean to bury them in Mother Earth to give them a recharging of their own vibrational healing. Remember to mark the spot where you buried them and mark your calendar to remind you when to uncover them again!



PROGRAMMING & CHARGING CRYSTALS Programming or charging crystals is a way to work with them and communicate on a vibrational level the work you wish for them to do while the crystal is in your possession. There are a few different ways you can program or charge them, but simplicity is the best! The Passive Method is one of the easiest ways to program a crystal or gemstone. This is done by simply using the same crystal for the same purposes. For example, you wish to use a particular Amethyst during your meditation sessions. You would simply use this crystal over and over again for the same purpose. Doing so, this will program the crystal over time for its specific issue to help you with your spiritual quest. The Active Method takes a bit more concentration and focus, but can still be fun! Using your thoughts, intentions, concentration, and focus while projecting what you wish to accomplish when using this specific crystal or gemstone 9

Practical Crystal Healing

does this. Remember your intention must be in harmony with the crystal for this to work. As an example, you cannot use the active method to program an Amethyst to be used for grounding work. These two vibrational levels will not correspond and the programming will not “stick” with the crystal. You would, however, use the active method with an Amethyst for issues such as headaches, intuition, insomnia and many other reasons. Grounding is not an attribute for working with an Amethyst, so for these reasons the vibrational levels will not match. You can also charge a crystal or gemstone with Reiki. This enhances the crystal’s own natural abilities and makes a stronger connection between you and the crystal. You must be attuned to at least a Reiki Level I to be able to do this, or you can have someone who is attuned to Reiki charge the crystal for you. It is a simple and easy task to perform. Take the crystal or gemstone between the palms of your hands and start your Reiki flow. Next, ask that the crystal be healed and to now have its own access to this Reiki energy to assist in its purposes with your direction. Keep running your Reiki energy until the energy pull from the crystal is shut down.



COLORS OF CRYSTALS There are crystals that come in every shade and color you can think of; red ones, orange ones, and so on. The colors do not determine their healing and vibrational ability but do have color references associated with them. There are many different color crystals and gemstones out there, and new ones are being found all the time. For color references for crystals that are more than one color, you can check on the major color that is noticeable or combine the attributes between the multiple colors. Red crystals stimulate, activate, and energize your physical body. Some of them also offer protection and courage as well. The color red is associated with the Root Chakra and aids in the ability to use practical skills and physical survival. Orange crystals are a mix of red and yellow, which combines the energizing energy from the red color and the focusing energy from the yellow color. Associated with the Sacral Chakra, the color orange works with energy flow dealing 11

Practical Crystal Healing

with creativity, expressive issues, personal power, and selfesteem. Yellow crystals are wonderful for inspiration, focusing, happiness, and contentment issues. This color is associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra and aids in the ability to discriminate and identify things in our physical and spiritual life path as well as centering issues! Green crystals are typically known as healing stones, but this is not limited to just the color green. This color is associated with the Heart Chakra and works on issues of emotions, relationships, prosperity, balance, love, and personal space! Blue crystals are generally known for all forms of communication and are associated with the Throat Chakra. They also work wonderfully for purification, calming emotions, and expression issues. Purple and violet crystals have a mysticism type of quality about them. They are associated with the Third Eye Chakra and deal with areas of understanding, intuition, and peace. Inspiration, imagination, subconscious, and rebalancing of extremes are also great attributes of this color. White and clear crystals are generally associated with the Crown Chakra. These share attributes with clarity, cleansing, purification, and psychic abilities. Black crystals are ones that absorb the light. They are associated with grounding, negative repulsion, self-control, and protection issues. The Omega Chakra is attributed to this color and its associative properties.


Colors Of Crystals

Pink crystals have gentle and soothing properties. They are linked to the Heart Chakra as a second color and base for energy. Their properties generally help calm and soothe emotions and issues dealing with love and resolutions. Multi-colored crystals are very common in specific crystal families. Their color correspondences are based on the combination of the colors involved and their specific functions.



CRYSTAL & CHAKRA CORRESPONDENCES Chakra correspondences with crystals are easy to understand and use. Chakras are believed to be energy centers throughout our body that keeps our vital energy flowing! There are 7 main chakras, over 300 minor chakras, and multiple ascended chakras in our etheric fields. Each chakra has a corresponding color and its own properties. Combine this with the properties of the crystal and you can easily see how crystal healing can get you started on a spiritual healing pathway. You do not have to understand every single crystal and every single chakra attribute to work with their healing. For chakra healing and usage, place the color appropriate crystal or gemstone on or over the chakra area while meditating or during a healing session. This will energize the chakra, remove any blockages, and make alignment possible throughout your energy centers. 15

Practical Crystal Healing

Feet Chakras: Minor chakra - Located in the arch of both feet. Agate, Brown Calcite, Brown Carnelian and Chalcedony Quartz are best used for this chakra. Omega Chakra: Minor chakra - Located under your Root Chakra, in your etheric energy fields, between your midthighs. Onyx, Obsidian, Hematite, and Black Tourmaline are best used for this chakra. Root Chakra: Major chakra - Located at the base of your spine. Red Jasper, Ruby, Garnet and Lodestone are best used for this chakra. Sacral Chakra: Major chakra - Located just below your navel, or belly button. Carnelian, Orange Jasper, Citrine, and Topaz are best used for this chakra. Hand Chakras: Minor chakra - Located in the palms of each hand. You can use any crystal you feel drawn to when working with your hand chakras, as they will be holding your crystals. If you are having a hard time making a decision, you can always work with a Clear Quartz for this chakra. Always trust your own intuition when deciding on your crystal! Solar Plexus Chakra: Major chakra - Located above the navel and below your ribcage. Yellow Calcite, Yellow Jasper, Amber and Tiger’s Eye are best used for this chakra. Spleen Chakra: Minor chakra – Located under the left armpit area. Rhodochrosite, Emerald and Jade are best used for this chakra. This chakra area can be a potential site for energy leakage.


Crystal & Chakra Correspondences

Heart Chakra: Major chakra - Located in the center of your chest. Aventurine, Malachite, and Jade are best used for this chakra. Higher Heart Chakra: Minor chakra – Located just above the heart chakra center. Rose Quartz and Rhodonite are best used for this chakra. A green and pink mix is best suited for the heart and the higher heart chakras combined to create an emotional base for clearing. Throat Chakra: Major chakra - Located at the base of the throat. Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Turquoise and Aquamarine are best used for this chakra. Past Life Chakra: Minor chakra - Located just behind the ear. Blue Fluorite, Amazonite, Amber and Angelite are best used for this chakra. Third Eye Chakra: Major chakra - Located at the center of the forehead. Amethyst, Iolite, Fluorite, and Tanzanite are best used for this chakra. Soma Chakra: Minor chakra - Located just above the Third Eye Chakra. Amethyst, Charoite, Solid Purple Fluorite and Purple Quartz (not to be confused with an Amethyst) are best used for this chakra. Crown Chakra: Major chakra - Located just above the center and top of the head. Clear Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, and White Amethyst are best used for this chakra. Higher Crown Chakra: Etheric chakra - Located just above the Crown Chakra. Stilbite, Sugilite, Pink Topaz and Zircon are best used for this chakra. 17


CRYSTAL & AURA CORRESPONDENCES Every human, plant, animal, and pretty much every living thing has an aura. Your aura is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your physical body. The aura consists of seven levels, each having its own unique frequency. They are interrelated and affect one another through our feelings, emotions, thoughts, behavior, health and much more. Needless to say a state of imbalance in one of the bodies leads to a state of imbalance in the others. When we have negativity, problems, stagnant energy and other issues, they can manifest within our aura fields before they can affect us within our physical body. They appear in the auric field as leaks, rips, tears, stagnant energy and energy imprints. To work with healing these areas and issues you need to know which appropriate crystal can work the best for each level to get to the root of the problem. The crystals are not associated by their color, as they are with chakra


Practical Crystal Healing

healings, but are used for each level due to their healing properties and attributes. To use crystals for aura issues, place the crystal in your dominant hand and make large sweeping motions as far around you as possible. Make sure to use the correct crystals and gemstones for the correct layer to help heal problem areas and remove stagnant and negative energy sources. Aura Alignment: Use Citrine to help align your aura fields. Aura Booster: Use Sugilite to give your aura fields a boost of energy. Aura Cleanser: Use Lapis Lazuli to give a general basic cleansing. Aura Protection: Use Labradorite to protect and cushion your basic aura needs. Aura Mood & Opening: Use Rutilated Quartz to improve the mood and open your aura. First Auric Level: This is known as your physical aura body, and displays your physical sensations. Use Lepidolite or Jasper to cleanse and heal your first level. Second Auric Level: This is known as your etheric aura body, and displays emotions with respect to one’s self. Use Angelite or Rhyolite to cleanse and heal your second level. Third Auric Level: This is known as your rational mind, and works to help you understand a situation in a clear and 20

Crystal & Aura Correspondences

rational way. Use Aventurine or Bloodstone to cleanse and heal your third level. Fourth Auric Level: This is known as your astral or emotional body. This level deals with our loving interaction with family and friends. Use Peridot or Rose Quartz to cleanse and heal your fourth level. Fifth Auric Level: This is known as your lower aura body. This level works with the divine energy from within your soul and spiritual level. Use Carnelian or Staurolite to cleanse and heal your fifth level. Sixth Auric Level: This is known as your higher mental aura body and displays divine love and spiritual ecstasy. Use Phenacite or Turquoise to cleanse and heal your sixth level. Seventh Auric Level: This is known as your spiritual and intuitive aura body. This helps to connect with the divine mind and to understand the greater universal pattern to experience serenity. Use Celestite or Elestial to cleanse and healing your seventh level.



HOW TO USE CRYSTALS FOR HEALING There are many different types of ways to use crystals for healing. There are also multiple crystals that can be used for different issues, problems, and ailments. I am not here to tell you that you have to use a certain crystal in a certain way or it won’t work. That is not what this book is about. I am here to guide you along your spiritual learning pathway to help you learn some of the best ways I have used crystals and the most effective results for different issues. Because there are so many ways to use crystals for healing, I have described a bit about each of the general ways to use them so you can learn the basics and then apply them to the appropriate crystals for each area of use. Please do remember, however, that you can use other crystals if the ones I have described do not resonate within your vibrational fields. The combinations of crystals, methods being used with them, as well as how they are used are what make some of these healing methods the most effective. 23

Practical Crystal Healing

WEARING OR CARRYING YOUR CRYSTAL Having the crystal within your energetic fields is probably the easiest way to use crystals, but is it always the most effective? Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. You do have the crystal energy within your own vibrational energy fields, but if you do not place it where you need it the most or leave it there for a long enough period of time it will only touch the symptoms of the ailment and not the source. If you do not constantly work with just this one particular crystal until the issue is completely gone, it can return again and the process starts over. On the flip side, carrying or wearing a crystal can be beneficial if this is something you like to do or want to have access to these energies constantly. Easy ways to do this are to simply carry the crystal in your pocket, purse, wear the crystal in a pendant casing, or other such jewelry designs. This is both fashionable and effective! When working with crystals this way, remember to remove them and cleanse them regularly, as they are not only working with your energetic fields but also those you come in contact with. So remember to cleanse and program them as often as needed!


How To Use Crystals For Healing

CRYSTAL GRIDDING Crystal gridding is the laying on of stones on or around the physical body for healing purposes. This also refers to placement of crystals within a room or area, including meditation circles. Laying on of stones for healing can be done by placing the crystal or gemstone near the appropriate chakra, as well as where the ailment is aligned. You can place the crystal directly on this area, or within a few inches of the area. Remember to use smaller and lighter weight crystals for this, as they have a tendency to roll and tumble about. If you place the crystal on the appropriate chakra point and it keeps tumbling off multiple times, there is a reason for this! It is generally because the person and the crystal are not resonating within the same vibrational match, so choose another appropriate crystal for this area. This will not happen often, but when it does it is for a reason, so watch the healing session and how it transpires! Placement of crystals within a room or area is a very simple process. For the issue at hand, make sure you place the crystals within the room that you spend the most time. For some it may be a living room, family room, bedroom or even the kitchen. Crystal placement in the room should be done where the crystal still has access to a full flow of energetic vibrations without being blocked. So please do not hide them under pillows and blankets that are tucked in a box and locked in a trunk in the closet. They will not have energetic access. Placing them in the corners of the room generally provides the best access for the majority of rooms, but again it all depends on what you are using them for. So


Practical Crystal Healing

please follow the guidelines per issue to help in guiding you to the best placement for your room or area. Meditation circles are always a fun and easy method for everyone to use. These are simply circles of your crystals or gemstones surrounding your physical body during your meditation session. By placing them in a circle, you create the unity symbol with them. This symbol has no ending and no beginning, so the energy constantly flows through each and every crystal surrounding your energy fields. This is a center point for the energies at their highest levels during your meditation session. Remember to cleanse and program them regularly.


How To Use Crystals For Healing

CRYSTAL ELIXIRS Crystal elixirs are a charged water base with the attributes of the crystal, including its healing properties and the programming or intention behind them, to help heal. The charged water can then be rubbed on the affected area, misted or sprayed in the air for cleansing and a variety of other uses. There are many ways to make crystal elixirs. I personally have three favorite ways of using them. With so many different ways out there for charging and making an elixir, please try them all and see which ones are best suited for you! Please do use bottled or spring water for making your elixirs, not tap water, due to its chemical additives. Make sure to cover and store your charged crystal elixir water in the refrigerator, and keep for up to 7 days. Direct Crystal Charge is done when your crystal is submersed in the water. Make sure you have cleansed and programmed your appropriate crystal ahead of time. Pour the amount of water into a glass container and gently place your crystal in the water. Leave your crystal in the water for the minimum amount of time suggested for that particular elixir. Gently remove the crystal and rinse, dry, and store this in your special place. Indirect Crystal Charge is done in a similar fashion, but instead of being submersed in the water, you will be placing your crystal next to your glass water container. This is a wonderful method to use for crystals that can be toxic if ingested.


Practical Crystal Healing

Crystal Within Charge is a more complicated version of the Indirect Crystal Charge, but I have found it to be more effective when making elixirs. To do this you will need two glass bowls, one smaller then the other. In your smaller glass bowl, place your cleansed and programmed crystal. Next place your smaller bowl inside your larger glass bowl. Now fill your larger glass bowl with your bottled or spring water. Your crystal should not be in physical contact with any water, but surrounded by it instead. After your appropriate time period has elapsed, remove your crystal, the smaller glass bowl, and pour the water from your larger glass bowl into your storage container.



BASIC CRYSTAL HEALING BAGS When you first get into crystal healing, it can be confusing, as there are so many crystals and gemstones out there as well as multiple purposes and ways to use them. It is good to start off simple and small so you can start to build from there. This way you will not get too overwhelmed by all of the varieties that you have available to you. You will want to build your own crystal healing kits or bags. I recommend at least two of the same crystals for each of the 7 main associated chakras, along with any other crystals or gemstones you feel drawn to in your growing spiritual pathway. There are also some good general healing stones specifically for men, women, children, and pets that you can keep on hand. This way when an unexpected emergency comes up, you will have at least some of the basic crystals already in your possession and do not need to worry about running to your nearest holistic store just for a particular crystal or stone. Some basic crystals to stock in a crystal healing bag or kit for anyone are:


Practical Crystal Healing

Red Colored Crystals: Red Jasper or Garnet Orange Colored Crystals: Carnelian or Topaz Yellow Colored Crystals: Tiger’s eye or Calcite Green Colored Crystals: Green Aventurine or Emerald Blue Colored Crystals: Turquoise or Lapis Lazuli Purple/Violet Colored Crystals: Amethyst or Fluorite Pink Colored Crystals: Rose Quartz or Rhodonite White/Clear Colored Crystals: Clear Quartz Crystals or Moonstone Black Colored Crystals: Onyx or Black Tourmaline These are some good staples to have for a crystal healing kit or bag, similar to bandages and anti-biotic wash in a first aid kit. Now remember you can always add to your crystals kits or bags with multiple sizes and shapes, but you always want to have the “basics” handy! There are also some good crystals and gemstones that work better for certain types of energy, such as male energy, female energy, children energy, and animal energy. These are also great things to have on hand, especially if you know you will be working with your crystal healing and these energies on a regular basis. Some top male energy crystals and gemstones are: Amethyst, Garnet, Jade, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Malachite, and Lapis Lazuli Some top female energy crystals and gemstones are: Amber, Amethyst, Jasper, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Jade, Obsidian and Sodalite.


Basic Crystal Healing Bags

Some top children energy crystals and gemstones are: Amethyst, Apache Tear, Carnelian, Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Tiger’s Eye and Aventurine. Some top animal energy crystal and gemstones are: Amethyst, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Clear Quartz, Turquoise, Calcite, Carnelian and Sodalite. These are wonderful crystals and gemstones to have as additions to your crystal healing kit or bag, especially when you will be working with a particular type of energy in your work. For example, if you know you have a passion for working with animals, make sure to keep on hand crystals that will help balance out the animal companion’s energy easily and quickly.



555 CRYSTAL HEALING TIPS AND TECHNIQUES ABANDONMENT- Wear a Rhodonite crystal as close as you can to your heart chakra for 5 days to ease the issues of abandonment. ABDOMEN- Lie down and place two Smoky Quartz crystals, one on each side of your abdomen, and one directly in the center. Relax and breathe slowly for 20 minutes for pain and pressure to subside. ABRASIONS- Make a Carnelian and Black Obsidian gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently pat or mist the area as often as needed. ABUNDANCE- Make an Emerald gem elixir, charging for 24 hours, and gently mist all areas of your home, office or where you wish to have more abundance in your life.


Practical Crystal Healing

ABUSE ISSUES- Sit in a circle of alternating Rhodochrosite, Emerald, and Rose Quartz. Write down on a piece of paper all of the things you are feeling about this situation. Ask for understanding and peace to move on with your life. Bury your paper in Mother Earth. Cleanse your crystals thoroughly afterwards. ACCEPTANCE- Charoite placed in four corners of the room you spend the most time will bring about acceptance energies into your life. ACHIEVE ONES GOALS- Place a Clear Quartz crystal with the pointed end directly at yourself when focusing and concentrating on this goal. ACID REFLUX- Make sure to wear a Bloodstone and Smoky Quartz combination in a pendant for a decrease in symptoms. Every evening, lie down with both stones over your heart chakra for 15 minutes to help heal the underlying cause. Cleanse thoroughly each evening! ACNE- Make an Amethyst gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and gently splash your face with this water two times a day. ACTIVE ENERGY ISSUES- Carry within your aura fields a Red Jade with you for 5 days to enhance these issues. ADHD- Have the person wear a Green Jade bracelet on their dominant wrist and a Black Onyx anklet on their opposite ankle to balance out energies within their auric fields. AFFIRMATIONS/MANTRAS- Hold Rhodonite in between your hands when speaking your affirmations or mantras each time for 7 days to enhance their ability. 34

555 Crystal Healing Tips And Techniques

AGGRESSIVENESS- Rub a Blue Tourmaline quickly to charge the ends with a positive and negative charge. Next focus the positive end near the aggressive issue or person and the positive peace energy will disperse to bring about tranquility and calmness. AIR ENERGY- Carry or wear a Blue Lace Agate to enhance air energy vibrations for 7 days. AIR PURIFIER- Make a Clear Quartz crystal gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and lightly mist the air and areas you need purification. AIRPLANE EAR- For the pain and pressure when flying, make sure to use a Fluorite and Black Tourmaline combination, turning counter-clockwise within 2 inches of the ear until ear pain and pressure subside. AKASHIC RECORDS – To access your Akashic Records easier, place a crystal grid of 5 Chinese Writing Stones around you during meditation. Place one in front, one behind and one on each side of your physical body and hold the last one in your dominant hand during your session. ALIGNMENT- Lie down and place three Citrine crystals around your physical body. Place one at your feet, one at your abdomen and one at your crown chakra for 15 minutes. ALLERGIES- Make a Carnelian gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and lightly mist your entire body from your head to your toes up to three times a day.


Practical Crystal Healing

AMPLIFY CRYSTAL HEALING- When working with other crystals in healing sessions, use Phenacite to amplify their healing effect. Combine the crystal you are using for that particular session with Phenacite in your dominant hand for the best results. ANAL FISSURES- Take a relaxing bath in a charged bath water of Carnelian and Golden Topaz. Charge the bathwater for 10 minutes prior to your bath. Repeat as often as needed. ANALYTICAL ISSUES- Carry a Purple Quartz crystal for 5 days to notice the difference in energy alignment for this issue. ANGEL COMMUNICATION- Surround yourself with Angelite, in a complete circle, during meditation sessions and watch your connection become enhanced. ANGER- Hold a Blue Lace Agate and take slow deep breaths. Feel your feet grounding into Mother Earth and all of the anger being released and reborn into positive energy. Takes about 5 minutes to be calm and cool again! ANIMAL COMMUNICATION- Make sure to wear Faden Quartz when working with animal communication to enhance the connection. ANIMAL INJURY- Take a Rose Quartz and place this within a few inches of the animal’s injury. Turn the crystal clockwise to help this pull out the stagnant and negative energy from the injury. Watch for negative reactions from the animal, as they cannot integrate crystal energy as quickly as humans, so less is more! 36

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ANIMAL PROTECTION- Place Angelite on your animals crate or on their collar for extra protection for their energy fields. ANXIETY- Hold Peridot in your dominant hand and rub gently with your thumb. You can also place this over your heart chakra and breathe slowly and deeply. Your anxiety level will drop within a few minutes. APPRECIATION- For using this on yourself, carry or wear Howlite within your energy fields for a minimum of 3 days to notice the energy shifts change in a major way. To work on appreciation issues with others, place two in opposite corners of the room that they spend the most amount of time for a minimum of 14 days and see the change in behavior. ARGUMENT- During an argument pick up your Hematite and gently hold this in between your hands. Slowly exhale all of your breath gently blowing over the Hematite. Lower your hands and hold the Hematite in your dominant hand now and relax for a few minutes to calm the issues that were brought up. ARROGANCE ISSUES- Carry or wear an Emerald for 7 days to deal with ego and arrogance issues. ARTHRITIS- Make a Carnelian gem elixir, charging for 3 hours, and wash your hands in this water to ease the pain. You can also directly apply the water to the affected area. ASCENSION- Hold a small White Spirit Quartz, one in each hand, during your meditation sessions to develop your ascension abilities. 37

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ASSERTIVE – Carry an Amazonite with you during times that you need to be more assertive, such as at work, to raise your vibration level. ASTHMA- For those who suffer with asthma, where a Tiger’s Eye pendant low enough on a chain to be as close to your lungs as possible. The energy vibration will help to calm the issues you are facing and lessen the attacks. ASTRAL ENERGY CORD REMOVAL- Use Variscite when working with astral energy cord removal sessions. Remember to hold this in your dominant hand when working on pulling the energy cords, and use this vibrational level energy to help them seal shut. ASTRAL PROJECTION- Place Hematite in a circle around you before you start your session, or hold one in your dominant hand when your session begins! ASTRAL TRAVEL- Geodes are wonderful for working with astral travel and come in different forms such as quartz, amethyst, citrine and calcite. For working with astral travel issues, make sure to surround yourself with as many geodes as possible during your astral travel session. Make sure they are all the same crystal. Clear Quartz and Amethyst are wonderful ones to use for this purpose. ATHLETE’S FOOT- Soak your feet in charged water of Emerald and Smoky Quartz. Remember to cleanse the crystals after each session. AURA ALIGNMENT- During an aura session, incorporate Citrine into the healing to help balance the energies and align them with the physical body. 38

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AURA BOOSTER- Wear Sugilite to absorb negative energy from within your own aura fields. Remember to cleanse every day before wearing again! AURA CLEANSER- Use a Lapis Lazuli during your cleansing session and go around the clients aura fields sending energy to heal any rips, holes, stagnant or negative energy. Remember to cleanse the crystal after the session. AURA OPENING- Use a Rutilated Quartz during an aura session to create a more open and receptive aura field. AUTISM- Make sure to place Charoite around the areas that the autistic person spends the most time to help calm down the issues they are dealing with inside. AUTOMOBILE TRAVEL- Make sure to place a Moonstone in your car’s trunk and one in the glove box when traveling. If you are traveling via scooter or motorcycle, make sure to place one in the vehicles compartment. AWARENESS- Carry or wear a pendant of Celestite, have this in a common area of your home or office, and even use this in meditation session to open up your own awareness. BACK PROBLEMS- For short onset burst of discomfort, lie down on your stomach and have someone place three pieces of Petrified Wood on your back equally distant from the nape of your neck to your tail bone. Rest for 15 minutes and your back pain will be relieved. For constant issues, wear a reverse pendant, so the Petrified Wood is resting on your back, not your chest, for 6 hours a day for 5 days straight. The issues will be decreased in severity.


Practical Crystal Healing

BAD BREATH- Make a Carnelian and Onyx gem elixir, charging for 15 minutes, and rinse orally as often as needed. BALANCING PHYSICAL & SPIRITUAL WORLDSCarry Moldavite around with you during these times to restore the balance between the physical and spiritual worlds. BALANCER- A general physical body balancer is Onyx. Place this in a pendant around your neck to restore balance to your entire physical body. BED SORES- Make a Turquoise and Black Tourmaline gem elixir, charging for 20 minutes, and soak a cotton ball in the elixir. Use the soaked cotton ball and gently pat bedsores with the charged water as often as needed. BED WETTING ISSUES- Place a Golden Topaz in two opposite corners of the bed frame and place Carnelian in the other two opposite corners of the bed frame to help resolve bed wetting issues. BEHAVIOR ISSUES- Have the person wear a Tiger’s Eye on their dominant hand and the opposite ankle for the best results in behavior issues. BI-POLAR DISORDER- Make sure you wear a combination of Turquoise, Rose Quartz and Onyx to help balance out bi-polar disorder issues. Turquoise and Rose Quartz are best worn around your wrist or hands, and Onyx is best worn around your ankles for a winning combination.


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BLADDER TROUBLE- Lie down and place two Amber pieces, one of each side of your hips. Let the energy flow and rest for 20 minutes. BLOATING- When bloating occurs, lie down with three Golden Topaz and place all three over your stomach/ abdomen area in a triangle shape. Make sure you have one pointing near your crown chakra and the other two underneath this top one forming a triangle shape. Rest and relax for 15 minutes. Repeat as needed and remember to cleanse the stones thoroughly when the session is over. BLOCKED ROOT CHAKRA- Hold Lodestone within 4 inches of the root chakra and turn clockwise to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOCKED SACRAL CHAKRA- Place Carnelian on each side of the sacral chakra and hold Citrine within 4 inches of the chakra and turn clockwise to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOCKED SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA- Place Yellow Jasper on each side of the solar plexus chakra and hold Clear Quartz within 4 inches of the chakra and turn clockwise to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOCKED HEART CHAKRA - Place Rose Quartz on each side of the heart chakra and hold Moldavite within 4 inches of the chakra and turn clockwise to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOCKED THROAT CHAKRA- Place Sodalite on each side of the throat chakra and hold Lapis Lazuli within 4 41

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inches of the chakra and turn clockwise to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOCKED THIRD EYE CHAKRA - Place Fluorite on each side of the third eye chakra and hold Prehnite within 4 inches of the chakra and turn clockwise to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOCKED CROWN CHAKRA - Hold Danburite within 4 inches of the crown chakra and turn clockwise to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOCKED FEET CHAKRAS - Hold Hematite within 4 inches of the feet chakras and turn clockwise to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOCKED HAND CHAKRAS- Place Amethyst on each side of the hand chakra and hold a Clear Quartz within 4 inches of the hand chakra and run your own energy, pulling from a Universal source to remove any blockages. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. BLOOD CIRCULATION (POOR)- Wear a Citrine pendant, as well as bracelets and anklets, to help with the connection and flow! BLOOD PRESSURE- Wear or carry a combination of Black and Green Tourmaline around with you to help balance out these issues consistently. BLOODSHOT EYES- Make an elixir of Clear Quartz Crystal and Emerald, charging for 1 hour, and place a few drops of the charged water in each eye. Repeat at needed. 42

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BLOW OFF STEAM- Hold one Red Jade in each hand and concentrate on the issues that are penning up within and take three deep slow breathes. Make sure you cleanse them thoroughly after each use. BODY IMAGE ISSUES- For issues with body image, wear a Smoky Quartz necklace and anklet at the same time to reverse these issues and see yourself in perfect and divine order. BONDING ISSUES- Place Jade and Rose Quartz in opposite areas of the room that the two people spend the most time in together. These energies will help them bond quicker. BONES- Make a Fluorite gem elixir, charging for 24 hours, and gently mist this on the bone area you want to strengthen. You can also take a water bath, charging the bath water for 10 minutes beforehand to help raise your vibrational level to enhance the bone strengthening ability. BONE LOSS- Wear Rhodonite 24 hours a day for 6 days in a row. Then cleanse for one day. Repeat as needed. BOUNDARY ISSUES- Make sure you program and carry Barite with you to places where you are experiencing boundary issues, such as work or a relative’s home. Carry this as often as possible when at the locations and cleanse after each session. BOWEL ISSUES- Use Yellow Jasper in a healing session to help calm down issues with bowel trouble. Make sure you use three of them during the session. One on each side of the client and one over their lower abdomen. 43

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BRAINWAVES- Meditate, sleep, or rest with a Herkimer Diamond near your head to enhance altered brainwave frequency and subconscious states of mind. BREAKING TIES- Use Onyx to adjust to issues dealing with breaking ties. Wear one around your ankle and one around your dominant wrist for 7 days. Remember to cleanse them afterwards! BROKEN HEART- Use Green Aventurine and Rose Quartz together to mend a broken heart. Lie down for 15 minutes and place the two stones over your heart chakra. When you get up, wrap them in a piece of paper and bury them in your backyard for 5 days. Remember to dig them up after the 5 days and gently cleanse them. BRUISES- Make a Petrified Wood and Hematite gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and gently mist or pat the bruised area as often as needed. BUNIONS- Wear an anklet of Carnelian and Smoky Quartz around your ankle to work on the energy blockage in the area, healing the underlying cause of the bunions. BURDENS- Carry Amber around with you in your pocket or purse to help ease the issues with burdens. For a stronger connection, have this with you 24 hours a day for 3 days to ease the burden completely. BURNS- Make a Chrysoprase elixir, charging the water for 1 hour, and gently pat the area needed with this charged water. You can also added drops of this to any other remedy, cream, or ointment you do use for additional healing purposes. 44

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BUSINESS/CAREER- Take Malachite in-between your hands and concentrate on your business success and what you want to have change or happen. Place the Malachite in your purse or near your wallet for 5 days after this and watch your business dreams manifest! CALMING THE BODY- Lie down and surround yourself with Blue Topaz and Agate for 15 minutes to feel your physical body calm down! CALMING THE MIND- Lie down and place Agate and Amethyst over your third eye chakra and breathe in deeply. Take 10 minutes and your mind with be calm, relaxed and refreshed! CANCER- Use Selenite in a crystal healing session for issues with cancer. Do a complete healing session from head to toe using Selenite. Remember to cleanse the stone thoroughly afterwards. CARPEL TUNNEL- Make a Blue Lace Agate gem elixir, charging for 3 hours, and wash your hands in this water to ease the pain. You can also directly apply the water to the affected area. CELLULAR HEALING- Program and use an Elestial Quartz during a cellular healing session to amplify its effectiveness. CELLULAR MEMORY- Use a Citrine Herkimer to enhance your cellular memory. Whatever the session is make sure you have this surrounding you either in a circle or holding in your dominant hand.


Practical Crystal Healing

CELLULAR RENEWAL- Take 6 Mochi Balls and lie down on your back. Have two placed at your feet, one on each side of you, one at your crown chakra and one on your abdomen. Breathe deeply and slowly and absorb the energies needed for 20 minutes at a time. Repeat until desired results are shown. CELLULITE- Make a gem elixir of Hematite and Golden Topaz, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist all areas where cellulite is shown. Repeat three times daily. CENTERING- For centering practice, hold a Yellow Topaz near your solar plexus chakra and place a Black Phantom Quartz at you feet. Breathe in slowly and deeply for 10 minutes. CHAKRAS BALANCED- To balance your chakras, take 7 crystals (one for each chakra color correspondence) and lie on your back. Place the corresponding crystals in alignment with your chakras for 20 minutes. Remember to cleanse them all individually after the session. To amplify the session, surround yourself with 4 clear quartz crystals. One placed at your feet, one on each side of your body and one at your crown chakra. Make sure the clear quartz crystals are all pointing inwards! CHAKRA ENERGY FLOW- Place an Elestial crystal at your crown chakra after completing a chakra balancing session. Rest and relax, enjoying the new stronger energy flow for 15 minutes! CHAKRAS OPENED- Opening a closed chakra can be done with Fluorite being placed on top of the chakra while lying down. Turn the Fluorite clockwise 3 times. If the 46

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chakra is still closed, do another session till it is open and flowing naturally. CHANGE- Use Purple Rainbow Fluorite to help aid in changes and get out of ruts by carrying this with you as much as possible. Cleanse this daily during this time period. CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE – Hold one Clear Calcite crystal in your dominant hand and focus on the topic for 10 minutes. Carry this around with you for the next few days and see the changes that happen in your own viewpoints. CHANNELING ABILITY- Surround yourself Sugilite before your session starts or hold them in hands before starting a channeling session. Others even slept with them under their pillows to increase connections!

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CHAOS – Hold your Tanzanite near your solar plexus chakra and breathe deeply during a chaotic situation. CHEERFULNESS- Place a Watermelon Tourmaline in the area you spend the most time and watch your attitude change for the better! CHICKEN POX- To ease the itching and scratching during a chicken pox outbreak, make a gem elixir with Black Tourmaline, Carnelian, and Golden Topaz. Charge for 1 hour and gently mist from head to toe as often as needed. CHILD BIRTH- Use a Moonstone to help relieve childbirthing issues by wearing it as a pendant or having this 47

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close to you during the birthing process. It will calm you and your baby during this new adventure! CHILLS- Make an Aragonite gem elixir, charging for 30 minutes. Remove the crystals and warm the water. Place a clean towel in the charged water and ring out excess. Drape this over the person’s head or neck. CHRONIC FATIGUE- Make sure you wear a Green Phantom Quartz to help combat the issues dealing with chronic fatigue. Remember to cleanse this once a day before wearing. CLAIRAUDIENCE- Use Snowflake Obsidian by keeping them as close to your physical ears as you can. They are not to help your physical ears but your sense of inner hearing. You can also place them under your pillow when you sleep, get earrings made of them, or attach them to headsets. The possibilities are endless! CLAIRVOYANCE- For working on developing clairvoyance, use Hawk’s Eye in meditation and channeling sessions. You can surround yourself with a circle of them, hold them in your dominant hand, or wear one in a pendant to enhance and bring about your innate clairvoyant abilities. CLARITY- Using Rainforest Jasper works wonders in this department! Tell your Rainforest Jasper your issues you are confused about and need clarity on. Then carry this around with you during times of confusion and within days, usually hours, the confusion is gone and clarity is restored.


555 Crystal Healing Tips And Techniques

CLEANSE CARPET TOXINS- Make sure you place Malachite, in each corner of the room to cleanse carpet toxins. Cleanse the Malachite after 7 days. CLEANSING ORGANS – Lie down and place 5 Yellow Jasper around your body. One at your crown chakra, one on each side of your body, one at your feet and one over your abdomen. Relax and breathe deeply for 15 minutes. CLEARING –Sit down in a chair and have someone take a Topaz crystal and slowly work over your aura layers and energy fields with this crystal. Once this is done remember to cleanse the Topaz! CLUMSINESS- Using Copper is an effective way to help with clumsiness. You can find copper bracelets and anklets work the best. But also incorporating a copper chain necklace with a Clear Quartz pendant works wonders too! COLIC- For colic issues, hold a Rhodonite within 2 inches of the baby’s midsection and turn clockwise three times every 5 minutes to settle their energy fields and colicky behavior. COLD SORES- Make a Carnelian and Turquoise gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and soak a cotton ball in the elixir. Gently dab the cold sore with the drenched cotton ball. Use a fresh and clean cotton ball for each application. COMMON COLD- For the common cold, use a Yellow Topaz to relieve the symptoms. Charge bathwater for 10 minutes with this stone and take a relaxing warm bath. You can also lie down and place this stone surrounding your head and one over your third eye chakra for extra relief. 49

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COMFORT- Hold and concentrate with a Gold Calcite when needing extra comforting energies. This stone will draw out your stagnant energies and release them to the Universe while filling you with comforting energy to see things in a new light! COMMUNICATION- Wear an Aquamarine as a pendant as close as you can to your throat chakra to help restore full balance aiding in communication matters. COMMUNICATION WITH PLANTS/ANIMALS- Find the plant or animal you wish to communicate with and hold a Fairy Stone in your dominant hand. Ask the questions you want to know about and wait for the answers. Remember answers can come as feelings, messages, words, thoughts, images, and signs so stay open to the possibilities. COMPASSION- Make a Ajoite elixir, charging for 2 hours, and mist the areas that are lacking compassion, whether it be your home or office and watch the changes appear! CONCENTRATION- Carry or wear a Blue Topaz on your body to increase your concentration levels. If you are studying in a specific room of your home, make a Blue Topaz elixir, charging for 1 hour and mist the area. CONCUSSION- When faced with issues and symptoms of a concussion, make sure to place Hematite directly on top of your crown chakra, one in each hand and one at each foot chakra. Have someone hold a Clear Quartz within two inches of the third eye chakra and turn clockwise every 5 minutes until symptoms subside.


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CONFIDENCE- Carry or wear Eudialyte for a boost of extra confidence. Program this before wearing to hold the vibrational level. CONFLICT- Place Citrine Spirit Quartz in areas that are feeling a vibrational conflict. Place in opposite corners of the area for the best results. CONFUSION- Hold Peridot in front of your heart chakra and concentrate on the issues that are confusing you at that moment for solutions to be shown. Repeat in short time frames, lasting only 5 minutes at a time. CONGESTION- Lie down and place Aventurine over your lungs and breathe slowly for 10 minutes. Cleanse the stone and repeat as often as needed. CONNECTION (PAST & FUTURE)- When working in sessions, make sure to use a Blue Apatite in your dominant hand or side, and a Purple Apatite in your opposite side to work with past and future connections. CONSTIPATION- Lie down and place three Ajoite around your physical body. Place one on each side of your lower abdomen and one over the center. Relax for 15 minutes for the energy to start flowing. CONTENTMENT- Carry or wear Halite for working on issues of contentment. Remember to cleanse after 7 days. COORDINATION- Use Fluorite to help balance out coordination issues by carrying this in your pocket. Do this for minimum 5 days in a row and notice the changes in your coordination. 51

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CORNS- Soak your feet in a gem elixir of Black Onyx surrounding your entire foot. At least 6 stones per foot, making a circle around your foot, while soaking for 15 minutes at a time. COUGHING- Lie down and place two Sodalite, one on each side of your neck area, place a Yellow Jasper over your chest area and place one Clear Quartz crystal over your throat chakra. Relax and slowly breathe. You can also make a gem elixir with these crystals, charging for 1 hour, and place three drops under your tongue when you start coughing. COURAGE- Make an Aquamarine and Carnelian elixir, charging for 6 hours, and mist the areas you are most frequently in for this to be the most effective! CRAMPS- Lie down and place two Hematite, one on each side of the area, and one Clear Quartz over the area. Relax and breathe. Remember to cleanse after each session. CREATIVITY- Surround yourself with Amethyst, anywhere and everywhere you can. The more you have, the more vibrational energies for creativity are going to flow. You can meditate with this, place them throughout your home or office, and even mist the areas you are working in with a charged Amethyst mist. CRISIS- Carry or wear a Rose Quartz during crisis times. You can also charge your bathwater with Rose Quartz and take a warm relaxing bath to elevate these issues. CROHN’S DISEASE- To ease symptoms, make sure to lie down and place two Clear Quartz on each side of your lower abdomen, pointing upwards, and place one Smoky 52

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Quartz over your navel. Relax for 15 minutes, three times a day, for the symptoms to subside. CROSSING OVER- When faced with a death, make sure to surround the area as much as possible with Chiastolite, also called the Cross Stone, to help aiding in the souls crossing over. You can also use this if you have a lost Earthbound soul that needs help in crossing over in a session to release them from their Earth-bound ties. CRYING-Lie down and place a Rose Quartz over your heart chakra, and a Smoky Quartz on each side of your body. Relax, cry and release all of the pent up energy. Cleanse the crystals after each session. DANDRUFF- Make a Snowflake Obsidian and Green Jade gem elixir, charging for 1 hour. After you have washed and rinsed your hair, gently mist this charged water all over your scalp and let air dry for best results. DENIAL- Carry or wear Elestial Quartz for issues dealing with denial for 7 days. DEPENDABLE- Carry a Black Onyx in each pocket to increase energetic vibrations for dependability. If issues are with places or other people, make an elixir, charging for 2 hours, and gently mist all areas that are concerning them. DEPRESSION- Use a Smoky Quartz for depression issues by carrying this around in your pocket or wear this as a pendant.


Practical Crystal Healing

DERMATITIS- Make a Golden Topaz and Lapis Lazuli gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist all areas that are affected. Repeat as needed. DESPAIR- Combine a Green Phantom Quartz and a Rose Quartz for working on issues with despair. Charge and program them before usage and cleanse every day. DEVOTION- If you are focusing on issues dealing with devotion, surround yourself for 30 minutes a day with Garnet formatted into a diamond shape grid, with yourself in the middle. Do this for 7 days in a row, at roughly the same time each day. DIAPER RASH- Make a Turquoise and Clear Quartz gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and add a few drops of this charged water to the cream or ointment you apply to the baby’s bottom to heal their rash much more quickly! DIARRHEA- Carry a Clear Quartz Crystal near your midsection, such as in a pocket or on a belt to help calm and ease with its healing vibration! DIFFICULTY SWALLOWING- Lie down and place a Lapis Lazuli on each side of your throat chakra, a Clear Quartz on your throat chakra and Fluorite on your third eye chakra. Rest and relax for 15 minutes. Cleanse your crystals thoroughly and make a gem elixir of them, charging for 1 hour, and place a few drops under your tongue a few times a day. DIGESTION- Place Jasper in your pocket for 7 days from morning till evening and watch how the issues with digestion fade away. 54

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DIRECTION IN LIFE- Carry White Jade with you as much as possible during this time! You can make a gem elixir, charging for 30 minutes, and gently mist the areas you are in most often! DIRECTING ENERGY– Place a Topaz crystal on top of the situation by using a proxy such as a letter or photo of the person. If this has to do with work issues, place them around your office or on top of your files. Do this for at least 5 days, and remember to cleanse the crystal afterwards! DISABILITIES- Place Amethyst and Carnelian around the person or home that the person spends the most time in. This will help calm and soothe energies dealing with the disability. Remember to cleanse them once a week! DISCONNECTED WITH HIGHER SELF- Surround yourself with Clear Selenite in a circle during meditation and your connection with be enhanced! DISTANCE HEALING- To enhance your distant healing sessions, combine Cobaltite and Clear Quartz during your healing. DIZZINESS- Make sure you have a pendant of a Clear Quartz Point and wear this during your dizzy spells to help re-center the energies. DNA ACTIVATION- Use a Leopardskin Jasper during a DNA activation session to enhance the effectiveness. Surround yourself with them or hold one in your dominant hand during the session.


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DOUBT- Carry Staurolite in your pocket or wear it on a pendant for full effect during these times. Remember to cleanse after using! DOMINANT ENERGY- To focus your energy and become more dominant, make sure you carry one Apache Tear in each pocket to bring in more dominant energies and not be taken advantage of. DRAW OUT NEGATIVE ENERGY – Hold Jet in your dominant hand during times of negativity and the energy will be drawn outward! Remember to focus on positive issues and cleanse this after your session! DREAM STIMULATION- When wanting to have more dreams at night, place Citrine under your pillow before sleeping. Your subconscious will act out your life through your dream state! DREAM RECALL- If you are already having dreams, but need help in recalling them, place a Herkimer Diamond under your pillow before going to bed. This will stimulate your memory for recall in the morning! DRY EYES- Lie down and place Aquamarine over each eye and a Clear Quartz crystal over your third eye chakra pointing upward for 10 minutes. Repeat as needed. DRY MOUTH- Make a Lapis Lazuli and Turquoise gem elixir, charging for 30 minutes, and rinse orally with the charged water as often as needed.


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DYSLEXIA- To work on issues with dyslexia, have the person carry or wear Scapolite as much as possible for best results. EARACHE- Lie down on your back, and place one piece of Amber on each side of your head next to your ears. Relax and rest for 20 minutes to ease the pain. EARTH ENERGY – Take Brown Jade with you and walk outside, barefoot if possible, and get back in touch with Mother Earth. Also wear this crystal around your ankle for more earth energy attraction. ECZEMA- Make an Ocean Jasper gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist or pat the areas that are needed. Repeat as often as needed. EFFICIENCY- Faced with efficiency issues, carry or wear Limonite as much as possible for a period of 7 days. ELECTROMAGNETIC ISSUES- Take two Boji Stones, one in each hand, and balance them around your palm chakras for 15 minutes to help deal with electromagnetic issues. Remember to cleanse afterwards. EMOTIONS THAT ARE BLOCKED- Use Green Tourmaline and Rose Quartz combined to release your blocked emotions fully. Lie down and place these stones over your heart chakra for 15 minutes at a time. Repeat this daily until they are completely freed. Depending on the blockage, this could be from 1-14 days total. EMOTIONS THAT NEED TO BE CALMED- Wear or carry Moonstone when your emotions get the better of you. 57

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This will help calm you down very quickly. Remember to cleanse afterwards. EMPATHY- When needed, lie down and place Pink Beryl over your heart chakra and focus on the issue at hand. Relax and breathe deeply. Remember to stay focused during this time. EMPHYSEMA- Make a Chrysotile gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and gently mist all areas of the home, office, and car every 48 hours for 10 days in a row to create a healthier environment. For the physical body, lie down and place a Chrysotile over your chest area and two Clear Quartz, one on each side of the body pointing upwards, resting for 15 minutes at a time. Repeat as often as needed. ENDURANCE- Use Sodalite and Bloodstone for endurance issues by carrying them together in your pocket or wearing them in a pendant. The combination makes for an extra boost of endurance when you need it! ENERGETIC TIES- When wanting to establish a closer relationship with a person, especially developing energetic ties, carry or wear Garnet for 3 days and then place the Garnet over the other person’s third eye chakra to establish these connections. ENERGY BOOST- Hold two Clear Quartz crystals, one in each hand, while sitting on a chair with your feet flat on the ground. Make sure the pointed ends are pointed towards your body. Breathe slowly and deeply for 10 minutes for a quick energy boost.


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ENERGY BALANCE- When balancing energies, use two Larimar stones, one in each hand and sitting comfortably in a chair. Relax and absorb the vibrational energies through your hand chakras for 10 minutes. ENERGY FLOW- Place Albite over one chakra at a time, starting with your crown chakra and working your way down to your first chakra. Then do the opposite and work from your root chakra up to your crown chakra. Let the Albite lie on your chakra area for 3 minutes per chakra to increase the energy flow. ENERGY GRID CLEANSING- Surround yourself with Ammonite or hold in your dominant hand during an energy grid cleansing to enhance the results. ENERGY IMPRINT REMOVAL- Surround yourself with Shaman Phantom Quartz during an energy imprint removal session for best results. When performing an energy imprint removal session, make sure to use a Shaman Phantom Quartz in your dominant hand. ENERGY VAMPIRE- Make sure you wear Amber in a pendant and around your ankle for best protection from energy vampires. ENTHUSIASM- Wear or carry Fire Agate and watch within minutes your energy level change and enthusiasm skyrocket! ENTITY RELEASE WORK- To compliment an entity releasement session, place Charoite around the client forming a circle. If the session is done distantly, surround the practitioner and a proxy of the client with them! 59

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EQUALITY- Make a Morganite elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist all areas of your home or office to help resolve issues of equality. Repeat twice a week. EQUILIBRIUM- Lie down and place Kyanite at your crown chakra for 15 minutes to help with equilibrium issues. EXHAUSTION- When feeling exhausted, put on a Cooper necklace, bracelet or anklet. This extra energy boost will pull you out of this vibrational state. To enhance this even more attach a Clear Quartz crystal to one of them! EXPRESSION- Wear Turquoise on a very short pendant, as close to your throat chakra as possible, and notice how your feelings, emotions, and expressions start opening up! EXTERNAL NEGATIVITY- Use Sodalite to help block and heal external negative issues by wearing or carrying this within your aura fields. This can even be placed by computers to reduce damage from the EMF. EYES (GENERAL ISSUES)- For eye issues, make sure you have 3 Amethyst crystals and 1 Turquoise stone on hand. Lie down and place your Turquoise at your third eye chakra. The three Amethysts should be positioned one at your crown chakra and one on each side of your head in line with your eyes. Make sure the Amethysts are pointing towards your head. Rest and relax for 20 minutes. EYES (SCRATCH ON CORNEA)- Lie down and place Celestite over the injured eye when closed, and rest for 10 minutes. Next place the crystal within 2 inches of the eye


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and turn clockwise 5 or more times to ease the pain and inflammation to speed the healing process. FAINTING- If you are prone to fainting spells, make sure to wear Fluorite in a pendant and Turquoise in a bracelet as much as possible to ease the severity and occurrences of your fainting spells. FAIRY REALM ENERGIES- Use a Fairy Quartz in areas of your garden or backyard to enhance the connection with fairy energies. You can also make a gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and mist lightly the areas outside and inside that you wish to have a stronger connection with these energies. FAIRNESS- Make a Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz and Tree Agate gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist the person or areas that are in needed of fairness energy. FAITH- Carry or wear an Emerald and a Clear Quartz combination to remind you to refocus and stay in the light of believing and having faith! FALSE IMAGES- Carry or wear Charoite during these trying times and watch how the rejection issue dissolves away and you can be more open to being yourself! FAMILY ISSUES- Carry or wear a Rainforest Jasper to help deal with family issues. You can also make a gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and mist the areas around your home that your family spends the most time. FANTASY (CREATE) – Carry in your pocket Ulexite to create a more fantasy fulfilled lifestyle to express creativity.


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FANTASY (REDUCE)- Make sure to wear Black Obsidian around your throat chakra to reduce fantasy issues and escapism. FATIGUE- To combat fatigue, wear an Onyx anklet and a Clear Quartz crystal pendant to change the vibrational pattern. FEAR- Wear Agate on a longer pendant chain near your heart chakra for the most benefit dealing with fear issues! FEET- For sore or aching feet, place them in a tub with warm water, sea salt and 4 Black Tourmaline and 1 Hematite. Place the Hematite near the top of your toes, 2 Black Tourmaline one on each side of the foot, and the other 2 Black Tourmaline back by your heels. Soak your feet for 15 minutes. Remember to cleanse them after each use. FEMALE ENERGETIC BALANCE – Make a Pink Tourmaline gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and mist your entire home or office with this lightly, especially in the corners! FERTILITY ISSUES- Carnelian is best to be used in any issues dealing with fertility, infertility, impotence, and menstruation. For either men or women, carry this with you for at least 7 days straight to have the vibrational healing energy work to its fullest. If issues are with conception and fertility, make sure to have the Carnelian in four corners of the bedroom to help stabilize the energy there as well. FEVER- Make an Agate gem elixir, charging for 20 minutes, and lightly mist the person’s crown chakra, hand 62

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charkas, and feet chakras every 20 minutes to help bring the fever down. You can also have the person lie down and place Hematite at their crown, hands and feet chakras for a stronger effect! FIBROMYALGIA- Carry or wear a Tanzine Aura Quartz to help deal with issues of Fibromyalgia. You can also make a gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and use this charged water to gently rub on sore muscles and joints or put into lotions for these ailments. FINANCIAL ISSUES- The combination of Pyrite and Green Tourmaline works well for creating and discovering sources of abundance, so that you stay open to everything that comes in. Make sure you carry or wear them together. You can also place them in your purse or next to your wallet or checkbook for more energy! FIRE ENERGY- To have a stronger connection with fire energies, make sure to carry a Fire Agate in your pocket! FLATULENCE- Flatulence can be an embarrassing issue for anyone, so if this becomes more and more frequent in your life, make sure to carry around a Smoky Quartz in your pocket to ease the times it does happen. For daily work to heal this issue lie down and place two Smoky Quartz, one on each side of your lower abdomen. Next place a Golden Topaz over your navel and two Hematite at your feet chakras. Rest and relax for 15 minute intervals daily for best results. FLOWER ENERGY- Wear a Fairy Cross around your ankle for a connection to flower energies!


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FLU- Use a Rainforest Jasper to help ease the symptoms of the flu. Wear around your neck as a pendant for as long as possible during these times. FLUID RETENTION- Place a Rainbow Moonstone around the areas that are retaining fluids. If this is an injured area, make sure to surround the area as much as possible, along with placing one on top of the area. Relax and allow the vibrational energies to work for 15 minutes at a time. FLYING ISSUES/STRESS- Wear a Hematite pendant to calm your nerves and frustrations and at the same time help you to enjoy your flight travel. FOOD CLEANSING- Hold a Clear Quartz Terminated crystal in your dominant hand and slowly turn the crystal clockwise 3 times over each piece of food before eating to remove toxins. Cleanse after each use. FORGETFULNESS/MEMORY- Carry a combination of Emerald and Howlite around with you, or place them in your home or office together for the strongest effect. Make sure to have this near you as much as you can as this will help restore your memory issues. FORGIVENESS- Use Sugilite by holding this in your dominant hand and focusing on the forgiveness of an issue. Ask that all of your ties and issues be let go and to allow forgiveness to be seen. Repeat as often as needed to release all ties! FRIENDSHIP- Use a Moonstone and Rose Quartz combination for friendship issues. Wear or carry them with


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you and be open to who shows up in your life, as you will draw in your own friends. FRUSTRATION- Use Moss Agate to help you ground and let go of the frustration in your life which brings in a calming and relaxed energy. Hold this between your two hands outside and stand barefoot in the grass. Close your eyes and breathe deeply to relax. Enjoy all of the sounds and energy you are receiving for 15 minutes! GALL BLADDER- Lie down on your stomach and place Hematite in the middle of your lower back, and one Hematite at your feet. Next place two Clear Quartz crystals, one on each side on your mid-section, and relax for 15 minutes to help ease gall-bladder issues. GENDER CONFUSION- Carry or wear a Golden Enhydro Herkimer with you as much as possible to deal with gender confusion. GENERAL HEALING- Turquoise is a great general healer. You can wear or carry this when you need extra healing energy. Also try lying down surrounded by Turquoise for 15 minutes and feel refreshed and healing energy running through your physical body. GENEROSITY- Generosity begins at home with some Jade. Carry this around in your pocket for a minimum of 7 days for the fullest effect. You can also make a Jade gem elixir, charging for 6 hours, and lightly mist all areas of your home once a day for 7 days.


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GINGIVITIS- Make a Topaz and Clear Quartz gem elixir, charging for 30 minutes, and rinse orally with the charged water three times daily. GLAUCOMA- Lie down and place a Tanzine Aura Quartz over each eye and a Clear Quartz crystal over your third eye chakra, pointing upwards, for 15 minutes at a time. GOOD FORTUNE- Carry Bloodstone for 5 days and watch the good fortune start coming your way! GRATITUDE- Cobalt works great for gratitude issues! Wear it as a bracelet, or carry it in your pockets on your dominant side for best results. GRIEF- Carry Apache Tears in a pouch with you during times of grief. You can also lie down and surround your physical body with them for a more potent session. GROUNDING- To help with grounding issues wear Black Tourmaline as an anklet. Wear this for at least 6 hours a day and feel the energy being pulled into Mother Earth helping you ground fully! For best results, wear an anklet on each ankle! GROUP WORK- Place two White Spirit Quartz in the room, in opposite corners, while working with group work sessions. GUARDIAN ANGEL CONNECTION- Surround yourself with Petalite during your meditation sessions, even if you are just lying down resting and relaxing. Remember to pay attention to signs that start to appear stronger in your life!


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GUILT- Carry or wear a Leopardskin Jasper and a Rose Quartz combination for 7 days to ease guilt feelings. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. GUMS- For irritated gums, charge up a small bowl of water with Mahogany Obsidian for 15 minutes. Remove the crystal and gently rub the charged water over the areas that are causing you problems. You can also use this as an oral rinse. HABIT BREAKING ISSUES- Depending on what the habit is, you can wear or carry Golden Obsidian, as well as surround yourself with them! Making a Golden Obsidian gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and misting all areas you are in most often is a great way to spread this vibrational energy around. You can also place Golden Obsidian in all corners of the room you spend the most time in! HAIR GROWTH– Make a Snowflake Obsidian gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and rinse you hair with this charge water or just wet your hair down when needed. HALLUCINATIONS- Lie down and place an Ocean Jasper over each eye and Hematite at the bottom of your feet for 20 minutes at a time. Remember to cleanse when completed. HAND PAIN- Make a Carnelian and Clear Quartz gem elixir, charging for 2 hours. Gently mist your hands or soak them in this charged water. HAPPINESS- Malachite and Rose Quartz combined ushers in a happiness vibration! Wear these together on a chain or pendant as close to your heart chakra as possible! 67

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HARMONY- Milky Quartz is a great vibrational source for harmonious feelings. Place one in each room of your home and cleanse them once every 7 days! HAY FEVER- For hay fever issues, wear Citrine in a pendant as much as possible. You can also make a gem elixir using Citrine, charging for 30 minutes, and gently mist your physical body from head to toe. HEADACHES- For headaches, take three Amethyst crystals and lie down. Place one on each side of your head and one at your crown chakra, all pointing upwards. Rest and relax while your headache fades away! HEALTHY HAIR- For shinier and healthier hair, make a gem elixir of Mica, charging for 30 minutes, and rinse your hair or wet your hair down with this charged water. HEARING- Hearing issues can be resolved with Agate and Rhodonite combined. When resting make sure you have them located on each side of your head and let the healing vibrational energies do their work! You can also place them under your pillow when sleeping to absorb the energies at nighttime as well! HEART- Lie down and place Bloodstone and Rose Quartz over your heart chakra for 15 minutes to ease heart issues. HEARTBURN- Lie down and place one Clear Quartz Crystal on each side of your chest and one at your crown chakra pointing upwards. Next place a Rose Quartz over your heart chakra, and a Citrine over your solar plexus chakra. Relax for 15-minute time frames.


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HEAT RASH- Make a Fluorite and Amethyst gem elixir, with cool spring water charging for 30 minutes, and gently mist the areas that are affected. HEAVENLY ENERGIES- Surround yourself with Celestite during meditation or channeling sessions, or even sleeping with this under your pillow, to enhance your energetic connections. HEEL SPURS- Lie down on your stomach and place Hematite over the heel spur and a Carnelian on the back on your knee for 15 minutes three times a day to ease pain and symptoms. HEMORRHOIDS- Carry Bloodstone in your pockets to help ease pain and inflammation due to hemorrhoids. HERPES- For flare-ups, lie down and place Fluorite on opposite sides of your lower hip region and a Clear Quartz crystal over your navel. Relax and breathe slowly. This vibrational healing will need to be done once a day for three consecutive days. HICCUPS- For a case of the hiccups, make an Amethyst and Lapis Lazuli gem elixir, charging for 5 minutes, and gargle with the charge water. Repeat every minute until the hiccups have subsided. HIDDEN ISSUES- Use Apache Tears when working with meditation or healing sessions by surrounding the person with a circle and having them hold one in each hand. HIGHER SPIRIT CONNECTION- Surround yourself during meditation with Elestial Quartz and Herkimer 69

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Diamonds, alternating them for a more effective higher spirit connection session. HIVES- Lie down and surround your body with Clear Quartz crystals, all pointing in a clockwise manner, and hold an Amber piece over one of the hives. Turn this in a counter-clockwise motion three times and move to the next hive area until they have all been worked on with these healing vibrations. HOME PROTECTION- Make sure you have one Clear Quartz and one Black Obsidian for each room of your home. Cleanse and charge them for protection, and place them in opposite corners of each room. Remember to cleanse them monthly! HONESTY- Carry or wear Amazonite for 5 days and notice a change in your attitude, feelings and thoughts dealing with honesty issues. HOPE- Carry a combination of Amazonite and Aqua Aura for dealing with issues of hope. This is best done over a 5 day time period. Make sure to cleanse when completed. HORMONAL CHANGES/PMS/MENOPAUSE– For hormonal issues, with women especially, use Green Fluorite to help aid in these trying times. Charge an entire spray bottle with this crystal for 2 hours and gently mist from your head to your toes once a day to help keep these changes in balance. Do not use Moonstone, as this crystal will make the hormonal changes worse! HOSTILITY- Carry or wear Ajoite anywhere on your physical body, not in a purse, to help bring the tension, 70

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stress, and all of the negative emotions associated with it to a calm and peaceful serenity. HOUSE CLEARING- Use Marcasite during your house clearing session to enhance the ability and energy work being done. You can also charge a smudge stick with this crystal vibration before smudging your home. HUMANITARIAN ENERGY- Wear Apatite around your throat chakra to bring about more humanitarian energy into your aura fields. HUMILITY- Kunzite can help by simply having this within your aura fields for 20 minutes a day! You can lie down, rest with it, or meditate. Keep your options open! HUMOR- To see more humor in life and situations, carry around Fluorite programmed for this purpose for 7 days. HUNGER- Wear Apatite around your neck to help combat hunger issues while fasting. HYPER- Wear Hematite around your left ankle to calm down hyper energy. HYPERSENSITIVITY- Combining Aventurine and Rose Quartz for hypersensitivity is the best! The combination helps heal and comfort at the same time. Carry or wear these crystals for 3 days to start feeling their full effects. HYSTERIA- Place Marcasite in the areas that are problematic, as well as carrying this around with you in your energy fields to calm down hysteria issues.


Practical Crystal Healing

IDEALISM- Idealism can be worked on with Bloodstone! This is a simple process of focusing on your intent while holding this in your dominant hand for 15 minutes a day, 5 days in a row. For the remaining time, please keep this with you or in the area you spend the majority of your time! ILLUMINATION HEALING- Use a Shaman Phantom Quartz during an illumination healing session to enhance the session’s ability and strength. IMAGINATION- Rest and relax with Clear Calcite for 20 minutes and then begin your brainstorming session. Pick up the pencil, drawing pad, laptop, project, or whatever it is you are working on. Make sure you keep your Clear Calcite with you during this time to keep your imaginative juices flowing. IMMUNE SYSTEM- To give your immune system a good boost, so that you stay on the healthy side, try wearing a Blue Quartz around your neck surrounded by a copper encasement and chain! IMPATIENCE- Carry a combination of Amethyst and Blue Lace Agate with you for a minimum of 7 days and your patience for even the smallest annoyances will improve. INDIGESTION- Sit in a comfortable chair with your feet flat on the floor and hold a Citrine crystal in your dominant hand over your sacral chakra and a Clear Quartz in your opposite hand over your solar plexus chakra for 10 minutes. Relax and cleanse the crystals after each use. INFLAMMATION- For inflammation issues, use a Blue Lace Agate to help relieve these symptoms. Hold this over 72

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the effected area and turn this crystal clockwise to pull out the stagnant and negative energy causing the inflammation. Do this for 10 minutes twice a day until the area is under control! INFLUENCING ISSUES- When working with influencing issues, use a Rose Quartz to help calm and bring everything back into focus and direction. Carry this on your physical body during these times! INNER ALIGNMENT- Surround yourself or hold a Faden Quartz in your dominant hand during meditation session for a stronger inner alignment. INNER CHILD ISSUES- To boost the effectiveness of an Inner Child healing session, pick up your Rhodochrosite and focus your intention before you begin your session. Keep this with you during your energy, healing, or therapy sessions for a more effective progress. INNER EAR- Lie down with four Rhodonite stones and place one on your throat chakra, one on each side of your head at ear level, and the last one on your third eye chakra. Rest and relax for 20 minutes at a time to help resolve issues with the inner ear. INNER PEACE- Try using Chrysocolla as this calms and soothes the heart chakra and is considered effective to help in issues of world peace. Wear this in a copper encasement on a long chain around your neck and as close to your heart chakra as possible. INSECT BITES- For itching, stinging, and burning from insect bites use a Citrine and Clear Quartz gem elixir. 73

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Charge the elixir for 1 hour and gently mist the affected areas as often as needed. Let air dry for best results. INSECTS- Make an Angelite gem elixir, charging for 30 minutes, and gently mist all of the areas that the insects are bothering, such as plants or even in your home or office. INSECURITY- For insecurity, wear Rhodochrosite around your neck, as close to your heart chakra as possible. You can also soak in a bath, charged with Rhodochrosite to help ease these issues within your aura fields. INSIGHT INTO SELF- Wear a Tiger’s Eye necklace, bracelet or anklet for insight into your true self. Start noticing the answers popping up seemingly out of nowhere! For best results, wear all three! INSOMNIA- For sleeplessness and insomnia, place an Amethyst underneath your pillow before bed, making sure it is pointing upwards. If you toss and turn a lot in your sleep, you can make a crystal pouch and sew this into a pillowcase, or even place this underneath your bed where your head would be in alignment. Again make sure it is facing upwards, and don’t let the pets get to it! INSPIRATION- Carry Tourmaline on your person or place this in the area that you spend most of your time looking for inspiration! INSTINCTS- Wear Lapis Lazuli on your dominant hand or wrist and one on your opposite ankle to draw upon your own personal instincts and trust in them more.


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INTELLECT- Combine Jade, Rose Quartz and Lapis Lazuli for the best results when looking for an intellectual boost. Carry them in a pouch with you at all times. You can also surround yourself with them while resting to give yourself an extra little boost! INTERCONNECTEDNESS- Carry or wear a combination of Yellow and Orange Jade, programmed for interconnection, for 7 days. Remember to cleanse afterwards. INTIMACY- For intimacy issues, make sure you wear Lavender Jade or have this placed in all four corners of the room you are in for best results. INTUITION- Turn to a combination of Moss Agate and Malachite for boosting your intuition. Combined they assist in both sides of your brain and physical conscious balance. Carry them in a pouch with you or even meditate with them surrounding your body, alternating crystals in a circle. INTUITIVE DREAM- Place an Amethyst and Jade together underneath your pillow before bed. It is best if you put them in a crystal pouch and secure this to your pillow. This combination creates a wonderful vibration energy to have intuitive dreams! INTOLERANCE- Use Rhodonite when dealing with intolerance of friends, family, and even strangers. This is a wonderful stone to have handy in your pocket or purse, as you never know when these issues will pop up!


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INTROSPECTION- Meditate with a circle of Black Obsidian surrounding your physical body for introspection issues. IRRITABLE BOWL- Lie down and place Halite on either side of your hip area and a Hematite over your lower abdomen area for 15 minutes at a time. JAW PAIN- Use two different crystals, Fluorite and Rose Quartz, in combination for jaw pain. Hold the Fluorite first and work in a clockwise motion, turning the crystal, around the jaw line from one end to the other. Repeat with the Rose Quartz. Alternate between the two crystals 3 times each. You can also make a gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and gently rub the charged water over the outside jawbone to ease discomfort. JEALOUSY- Carry or wear Eudialyte to ease the greeneyed monster. JET LAG- Marascite is effective when experiencing jet lag. Wear this around your neck in a pendant or on a chain to absorb its effectiveness for 1 hour. JOINT PAIN- For joint pain issues, place Azurite over the effected joint area for 15 minutes at a time. For multiple joint pain issues, charge water in a spray bottle for 20 minutes and mist the area lightly and let air-dry. You can also use this charged water by adding a few drops to any cream or ointment you may use. JOURNEYING- Surround yourself with alternating crystals of Indicolite Quartz and Hematite to enhance your journeying sessions. 76

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JUSTICE/LEGAL MATTERS- Carry or wear Jade around with you when working with legal matters! KARMA HEALING- To enhance karma healing sessions or karma issues of your own use Blue Fluorite. Use this during your meditation sessions either surrounding yourself with them or holding them in your dominant hand during the session. Remember to cleanse the crystal afterwards! KARMIC MATRIX HEALING- Use Rutile Quartz during your Karmic Matrix Healing session for more effective results. KIDNEY ISSUES- Use Smoky Quartz and Yellow Topaz for relieving issues dealing with the kidneys. Lie flat on your stomach and have someone place one Smoky Quartz on each side of your kidney area and a Yellow Topaz over your solar plexus chakra for relieving these symptoms. KINDNESS- Wear Chrysoprase in a pendant for 7 days and watch your attitude change for a more positive outcome! KUNDALINI ENERGY- Use Ammonite in meditation sessions to amplify your Kundalini energy. You can also use this during your healing or energy sessions, making sure to hold this in your dominant hand. LARYNGITIS- Make a Clear Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, and Smoky Quartz gem elixir, charging for 1 hour. Gargle with the charged water as often as needed. After you gargle, lie down and place the Clear Quartz over your third eye chakra pointing upward, the Lapis Lazuli over your throat chakra and the Smoky Quartz over your solar plexus chakra for 15 minutes bring in extra vibrational healing. 77

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LEADERSHIP- Carry or wear Blue Topaz with you for 6 hours a day for 5 days and your attitude shift will bring about more confidence in your leadership abilities. LEG CRAMPS- Place Hematite over the effected area and rotate this stone first clockwise and then counter-clockwise, alternating between the two until the cramping is gone. LETHARGY- Carry, wear or place under a pillow when resting an Orange Drusy Quartz to combat lethargic issues. LETTING GO- Pick up a Clear Quartz and hold this with both hands. Focus on the issue you desire to let go of. Direct all of the thoughts, energy and emotions into this quartz and let the quartz take on them all. Go outside and bury your quartz in an area that will not be disturbed for 7 days. Remember to mark where you buried it! Let the quartz and Mother Earth fix these energies and issues you have given them. Remember to uncover the quartz after 7 days and cleanse it thoroughly! LICE- Make a Hematite and Clear Quartz gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and gently mist all people, places, and things that could be affected with this issue. LIGHT SENSITIVITY- Wear Rhodonite on your dominant hand or wrist and one on your opposite ankle to help overcome light sensitivity issues. LIFE OVERVIEW- For a life overview session, use Celestite surrounding your physical body. You should have a minimum of 8 crystals forming a circle. More can be added if you desire to increase the energy output. 78

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LISTENING SKILLS- Make sure you carry Cerussite with you for 7 days in a row to improve your listening skills. LIVER- Use Aquamarine and a Yellow Topaz combined for liver issues. Lie flat on your stomach and have someone place both crystals over your solar plexus chakra and relax for 15 minutes. Remember to cleanse the crystals when you are done with your session. Repeat as often as needed. LIVER SPOTS- Make a Yellow Topaz and Citrine gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist all liver spots three times daily for best results. LONELINESS- Carry or wear Cobaltite to help combat loneliness issues. If you are experiencing this while at home, place this in two opposite corners of your main living area as well. Cleanse regularly. LONG LIFE- If you wish to increase your lifespan and live longer, carry or wear Moonstone as much as you can, especially during the full moon. You can also place one Moonstone in each room of your home and office. Remember to cleanse them regularly. LOST OBJECTS – Charge an Infinite to find your lost objects. Hold this in your dominant hand and concentrate on only the object you are seeking. Do not let your mind wander. Follow your intuition when looking for the lost object. LOTTO LUCK/GAMBLING- When playing lottery types of games, make sure to have your Aventurine around, especially near your dominant hand, wallet or purse.


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LOVE (PLATONIC)- Wear Rhodonite as close as you can to your heart chakra for 7 days at a time. Remember to cleanse after each 7-day period. LOVE (ROMANTIC)- Place Sardonyx in your bedroom corner, closest to your bed, and in a kitchen corner closest to the stove and watch how the changes start to manifest within days! LOVE (UNCONDITIONAL)- Hold one Jade and one Rose Quartz between your hands and focus with all of your intent on the issue at hand. Carry or wear these stones for the next 5 days as much as possible. After the 5 days remember to cleanse the crystals and charge them again with this procedure. Repeat as often as needed in different areas of love! LOYALTY- Issues of loyalty can be resolved by the vibrational levels of Kyanite. Make sure you cleanse this stone properly beforehand and carry or wear this on your physical body. Changes will start to manifest within a few days! If you are having issues with someone else’s loyalty, place this in your home or office and see the changes appear with the person within a few days! LUCID DREAMING- If you are working with lucid dreaming sessions, remember to have your Albite within your aura fields carrying or wearing this to enhance your state of mind during the session. LUCK- Changing your luck can be as simple as wearing a single pointed Smoky Quartz pendant, pointing upward! You can also charge a spray bottle of water with this crystal for 20 minutes and lightly mist the physical body or area. 80

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LUNGS- Lie down and place one Indicolite Quartz on each side of your body near your lungs. Next place a Clear Quartz crystal at your heart chakra pointing upward and breathe deeply for 15 minutes. LUPUS- To help ease Lupus symptoms carry a Hematite, Clear Quartz, and Rhodonite combination in your pocket, purse, or pendant. MAKING NEW PATTERNS- Make a Purple Rainbow Fluorite gem elixir, charging for 3 hours, and gently mist the areas of your home or office. Repeat every 7 days while energy patterns shift. MALE ENERGETIC BALANCE – Make a Green Tourmaline gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and mist your entire home or office with this lightly, especially in the corners! MANIFESTING- Hold Smoky Quartz and Citrine in your dominant hand while focusing on your manifestation for 15 minutes. Remember to keep them with you over the next few days and watch your desires materialize. MARRIAGE ISSUES- Have the husband cleanse, charge, and program an Aquamarine for a more connected marriage. Have the wife do the same for a Rose Quartz. Then both of them switch and carry the opposite crystal with them for 7 days. Repeat as needed for a more healthy relationship. MATURITY- Carry or wear Malachite with you to bring about a more mature attitude at work, home, and in relationships.


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MEASLES- To help ease measles symptoms, make a gem elixir of Carnelian and Hematite, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist the person from head to toe three times a day! MEDITATION- For a more enhanced meditation session, surround yourself with alternating Amethyst and Clear Quartz crystals before you start your session. Make sure they are all pointing inward and to cleanse them every 7 days! MEMORIES- To let go of old painful memories hold a Rose Quartz in each hand and place a Hematite at your feet while in a relaxed or meditative state. Focus on the memory and let go of all of the feelings and emotions that come to the surface. MENOPAUSE- To help ease menopausal symptoms, carry around a Black Onyx and Howlite combination in your pocket or purse! MENTAL ATTACHMENT- Lie down and place a Yellow Phantom Quartz on each side of your head and Fluorite at your third eye chakra. Relax and rest for 15 minutes. MENTAL CAPACITY- Meditate or sleep with an Opal to increase your mental capacity. This will tap into more of your brain’s capacity each time you use it. MENTAL CLEANSER- Mental Cleansing can be done with a Lapis Lazuli. Lie down on your back and place one on each side of your head and one at your crown chakra. Relax and breathe deeply and slowly for 15 minutes. You can also take a Lapis Lazuli in your dominant hand, while you are sitting in a chair, and slowly work with the energy 82

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of the crystal moving this in a clockwise motion around your head and third eye and crown chakras. Remember to cleanse the crystals afterwards! MERIDIAN & MARMAS CLEANSING- Use Lodestone in your meridian and marmas cleansing sessions to amplify the healing and cleansing ability. METABOLISM- For a metabolism boost, charge your bathtub water with Amazonite and take a nice warm soaking bath before starting your day! MIGRAINE- Lie down and place one Tanzine Aura Quartz on each side of your throat, one over your third eye chakra, and a Clear Quartz above your crown chakra. Relax for 15 minutes, and repeat as needed. MIRROR ENERGY- Mirror energy is when you take on another person’s moods or emotions. This can be resolved by using Hematite. Carry this around in your pocket or purse for best results, as you never know when this can happen. Hematite will help in deflecting back, instead of absorbing, these energies. MISFORTUNE- To correct misfortune in your life, pull out your Black Tourmaline and slowly work all over your aura fields, drawing out all negative and stagnant energies. MONEY- For attracting more money into your life, carry a piece of Pyrite with your wallet, purse, or checkbook and money will start coming your way. MOOD SWINGS- For typical mood swings, use Jet to bring balance back and stabilize your mood and emotions. 83

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Sit down with your feet flat on the floor and cup this in both of your hands. Concentrate on all of the feelings and emotions that have been swinging and changing in your life at this time. Feel each and every one of them as if they were changing right then and there. Quickly open your hands and drop the Jet to the floor. Take a deep breath in and out. Stand up and cleanse the Jet thoroughly! MOON ENERGY- Wear a Moonstone around your ankle the day before, during, and after each new and full moon to raise your vibrational connection with the moon energy. MOTION SICKNESS- Make sure to carry Aquamarine in your pocket or hold in your dominant hand during times of motion sickness to ease these symptoms. MOTIVATION- For more motivation, make sure to place Carnelian where you spend the majority of your time, whether it is at work and at home, to give you that extra motivational boost. MOTOR SKILLS- To enhance your motor skills, carry or wear Quartz with Mica for 7 days in a row. Remember to cleanse after 7 days. MOUTH- Use a combination of Lapis Lazuli and Rose Quartz for mouth issues. Lie down and place the Lapis Lazuli over your throat chakra and place a Rose Quartz crystal on each side of your mouth and relax for 10 minutes at a time. MUSCLE SPASMS- Make an Amazonite gem elixir, charging for 30 minutes, and lightly mist the affected muscles twice a day. You can also use this water and add 84

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a few drops to any cream or ointment you are using. For a direct on resolution, place this crystal within 2 inches of the affected area and turn clockwise to draw out the negative energies. MYTHS- Wear Rainforest Jasper around both ankles to help deal with myths being spread about you or your lifestyle. NAIL GROWTH– Use Obsidian to help nails grow stronger, longer, and at a quicker pace. Gently rub the nails with this crystal three times a day. You can also make a charged water and place a few drops on each nail three times a day for quicker results. NAUSEA- Lie down and place Topaz over your stomach area, and one Clear Quartz crystal on each side of you abdomen. Breathe slowly and deeply for 10 minutes. NECK STRAIN- Place Chrysoprase in your dominant hand to start and slowly rotate this around your entire neck. Next rotate the crystal clockwise over the area. Then again take the crystal in your dominant hand and rotate around your entire neck. Last rotate the crystal counter-clockwise over the area. NEGATIVITY- To correct negative vibrations, try using Black and Green Tourmaline. You can place these in one corner of each area of your home, car or office. Remember to cleanse them twice a month. NEGLECT- Wear Hematite and Rose Quartz in a pendant to help you to deal with issues of neglect.


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NERVOUSNESS- You can wear Turquoise as a wonderful piece of jewelry and no one will know that it is there to help you with this issue. Necklaces work best for this condition as it is centered in relation to your physical body. NERVOUS SYSTEM- Wear Amber and Black Tourmaline together in a pendant to help heal issues with the nervous system. NEW BEGINNING- When you desire a new beginning, make a Moonstone gem elixir. Allow it to charge for 3 hours, and gently mist all areas and issues that need a new beginning start. It is best to be done on at the time of a New Moon. NEW SURROUNDINGS- Place Brown Jade in every room of your new home, or at your office, to help you adjust to the new surroundings and energy vibrations. NIGHTMARES- Sleep with a combination of Amethyst and Fluorite under your pillow to deal with nightmares. NIGHT SWEATS-Sleep with Indicolite Quartz under your pillow to help ease night sweats. NOSE- Lie down and place a Fluorite above your nose, a Clear Quartz crystal below your nose and relax for 10 minutes to help ease symptoms. NOSE BLEED- Place Sapphire or Carnelian over the bridge of the nose during a nosebleed to stop the bleeding.


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NOTICING CHAKRA ALIGNMENT- Place a Black Onyx on each chakra area, starting with your root chakra and working your way up through your crown chakra. NUMBNESS- Surround the area that is numb with Hematite and Petrified Wood, alternating stones in a circle formation. Rest and breathe deeply relaxing for 15 minutes at a time. Cleanse them after each 15 minute interval. NURTURING- To enhance a more nurturing side, work with a Moonstone. Place this in an area you use the most or in multiple areas of your home as well as wear or carry this on your physical body. OBJECTIVITY- Place Rainforest Jasper in two opposite corners of your home or office where you spend the more time to help with this issue. OBSESSIVE ISSUES- Carry or wear a White Spirit Quartz to control obsessive issues. OPEN THE MIND- Lie down and place Aragonite over your third eye chakra for 20 minutes a day to open your mind to more amazing possibilities every time you do this. OPENNESS- To become more open to ideas, people, and situations carry or wear Astrophyllite for 7 days in a row. Remember to cleanse afterwards. OPTIMISM- Wanting to become more optimistic? Wear Chalcedony around your neck for the most effective results!


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ORGANIZATIONAL ABILITIES- Organizing is not for everyone, but you can use Jasper to increase your organizational abilities! Place this in the two opposite corners of your office or home where you do the most organizing tasks and your abilities will skyrocket. OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE (OBE)- Use Apophyllite when working with out of body experiences during your session to enhance the experience and connections. OVER-REACTION ISSUES- If you are one of those who have a tendency to over-react to situations in general, try carrying a Moonstone around with you as part of your overall daily routine. A Moonstone will help calm your emotional reactions! OVER-STIMULATION- Lie down and place a Blue Quartz over your heart chakra and breathe deeply for 15 minutes to soothe over-stimulation. OVER THINKING- Make a grid of Howlite in a small area near where you generally are over thinking issues, such as on a table in your office or at home. Make sure this is near the areas you have the most trouble with to reverse the effects. PAIN – To ease general pain for an injury or ailment, use a combination of Turquoise and Rose Quartz together. Place them near the effected area for 5 minutes with it pointed at the area directly. Then slowly turn the crystals slowly clockwise for another 2 minutes. This will help to draw out the negative energy located and resume a positive energy flow to decrease the pain. Keep alternating between the two until the pain subsides. 88

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PALPITATIONS- Hold Hematite and Rose Quartz in your dominant hand over your heart chakra and breathe slowly for 15 minutes for palpitation issues. PANCREAS- Lie down on your stomach and place two Emeralds, one on each side of your mid-section and place a Smoky Quartz in the middle of your mid-section. Rest and relax for 15 minutes. Repeat as needed. PANIC ATTACKS- Pick up a Green Phantom Quartz in each hand and sit down. Close your eyes and relax your hands on your lap and breathe deeply and slowly for 15 minutes to ease panic attacks. PARANOIA- Wear a combination of Hematite and Sugilite to combat issues of paranoia. PARTICIPATION- If you are having trouble with participation issues, make sure you place four Clear Quartz Crystal Clusters, one in each corner of the room that the most time is spent in. Remember to cleanse them twice a month! PASSION- Make sure to wear Garnet for people and situations requiring lots of passion! PASSIVE ENERGY ISSUES- For passive energy issues, wear Blue Jade around your right ankle for 5 days in a row. PAST-LIFE HEALING- Use Tanzanite during a past life healing session to enhance the work being done.


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PAST-LIFE RECALL- Use Amber to recall your past life memories and issues. Surround yourself with this during a past life or meditation session to enhance the effectiveness. PATIENCE – Patience issues can be resolved with Rhodonite. They help to teach and bring the vibrational level up to your more calming behavior. Make an elixir of them, charging the water base for 1 hour, and gently mist the area needed or even the person from head to toe. PEACE- Make a gem elixir of Rose Quartz and Blue Tourmaline for best results. Charge the water base for 1 hour and lightly mist anywhere you want to restore peace. If you need a more peaceful home and living environment, mist each area of your home. PEACE OF MIND- Wear a Sapphire pendant to bring peace of mind in times of struggle. PERCEPTION- Carry a Desert Rose around in your pocket to increase your perception of ideas, places, people and situations. PERSONAL POWER- Wear a combination of Garnet and Emerald for 2 days around your heart chakra to enhance your own personal power. PESSIMISTIC BEHAVIOR- Make sure you wear or carry a Hawk’s Eye to help combat pessimistic behavior. If the behavior is happening in an area such as work, place two of them, one in each opposite corner, of the room. PHOBIAS- Carry a Blue Opal in your pocket or purse to deal with phobias that arise. When they rear their heads, 90

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pull this out and gently hold this near your heart chakra and breathe deeply. PLANT ENERGY- Wear a Moss Agate around your ankle for a connection to plant energies! PLANT GROWTH- Place Cerrussite in your potted plants or surround them with this stone to ward off pests and to stimulate root growth. Make a gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and water the plant with this elixir as needed. POISON IVY RASH- If you come into contact with the poison ivy plant and are starting to break out in the itchy rash, make a gem elixir of Black Tourmaline and Aventurine, charging for 30 minutes. Gently mist this all over your physical body from head to toe as often as needed! POSITIVITY- Wear or carry a Poppy Jasper to bring about happiness, positivity and an overall good feeling to your day! POSTPARTUM ISSUES- For dealing with the baby-blues make sure you wear a Rhodonite in a pendant and a Black Onyx as an anklet for best results. POWER ANIMAL COMMUNICATION- Use a Shaman Phantom Quartz and a Dalmatian Stone combination during power animal communication sessions to enhance the connection. PRACTICALITY- Are you having practicality issues? Wear a single Tiger’s Eye on your left ankle or wrist for 3 days and these issues will start to change!


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PREMATURE AGING- Make a Turquoise gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and splash gently over the areas that you want to combat the signs of aging. PRESENT ENERGY - Need help staying in the here and now? Carry a Staurolite, also called a Fairy Cross, with you as much as possible in your pocket! PROBLEMATIC ISSUES- Make a Red Jasper gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist all areas of your home or office to bring problematic issues to light before they become a major issue. This is to bring underlying issues you may not know about yet out sooner, so you can work on them before they can become out of control. PROJECTING ENERGY- Use Yellow Jasper to project energy during healing sessions. Make sure this is in your dominant hand and you are well grounded before you begin. This is helpful when working in specialized healing sessions and making stronger energetic connections. PROPHECY- Prophecy abilities are enhanced when using Emerald along with enhancing exercises! Surround yourself with this during meditations, channeling or wear as close to your third eye chakra as possible. While lying down, place the Emerald over your third eye chakra and begin to meditate. PROSPERITY- Carry an Ammonite in your pocket, purse, or wallet to bring in enhanced prosperity vibrations. PROTECTION- Black Tourmaline and Onyx are great at protection issues. They help ground and repel negative energy. Best suggestions; wear one on a pendant and one as 92

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an anklet. This will protect, ground and repel all negative energies and issues. PSYCHIC ATTACK- To prevent and ward off psychic attacks, carry or wear Aqua Aura. Use this in combination with protection crystals as well! PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT- Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, and Clear Quartz crystals are a very effective combination for enhancing psychic development. Lie down on your back, and place the Lapis Lazuli over your throat chakra, the Amethyst over your third eye chakra and the Clear Quartz above your crown chakra. Focus your intentions and meditate as well during this time period. You can also carry or wear these combinations of crystals around to bring their abilities into your aura fields constantly. Surrounded yourself with alternating crystals in a circle during conventional meditation sessions are also a big plus! PUBLIC SPEAKING- Make sure you are carrying Hematite and Carnelian with you during your speaking engagement to help ease the issues at hand. PURE THOUGHT- Lie down and place Azurite over your third eye chakra for 15 minutes for pure and deep access to your subconscious and thoughts. PURIFICATION- Make a Smoky Quartz gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and lightly mist your physical body lightly from head to toe, or mist an entire area as well. QUIT SMOKING- For an extra boost in helping to quit smoking, carry or wear a Botswana Agate.


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RAGE- To combat the feelings of rage, carry or wear Carnelian with you. For best results, wear or carry this on your dominant side. RAINBOW ENERGY- To enhance a rainbow energy connection, try using a Rainbow Fluorite during your sessions. RAPID CHANGE- To bring about rapid change, make a Moldavite and Clear Quartz elixir and gently mist all areas of your home or office. Next place the Moldavite and Clear Quartz in opposite ends of your home to help increase the vibrational energy. RASHES – Make a Red Banded Agate gem elixir, charging, for 1 hour, and gently splash the rash area three times a day for best results. RATIONALITY- Sodalite is used for issues of rationality. Carry or wear this stone during these times! RAZOR BUMPS- Gently rub a Rhodonite gem elixir, that has charged for 30 minutes, over the razor bumps three times a day! REALIZATION ISSUES- Wear Amethyst as close to your heart chakra as possible to bring about realization issues. RECEIVING ENERGY- For receiving energy from a person or sessions, make sure you have a Clear Quartz on or in your dominant hand to make the reception stronger. RECOVERING FROM ILLNESS- Make sure to have as much Aquamarine around the person recovering from an 94

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illness as possible. This will speed up the process of healing. Cleanse daily. RECOVERING FROM SURGERY- When recovering from surgery make sure to place Turquoise, Auqamarine and Clear Quartz Crystals are the person or located in the room they spend the most time in. Cleanse daily. REGENERATION- Use an Elestial Quartz gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, for regeneration issues. Lightly mist the entire physical body for best results. REIKI ENHANCEMENT- For enhancement of Reiki energy, make sure to incorporate a Pink Crackle Quartz with each session you do. Surround yourself or hold this in your dominant hand when working. REINTEGRATION- Use an Eilat Stone for reintegration purposes with energy. Make sure you wear or carry this with you for 5 days in a row! REJECTION- Make a gem elixir of Carnelian and Rose Quartz for best results, charging for 1 hour. Gently mist your entire body from your head to your toes lightly once a day for these issues, along with any areas that bring up rejection issues! REJUVENATION- Make a Purpurite gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist the areas in need. RELEASE THE PAST- Hold Azurite between your hands and concentrate solely on past issues that you would like to release. Focus all of your energy on these thoughts and intentions and let the Azurite vibrational energies take a 95

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hold of them and release you from them. Remember to cleanse after each use. RELEASING- Use a Phantom Quartz crystal for releasing issues by wearing this around your neck for 5 days. RELATIONSHIPS- Try using a Malachite & Rose Quartz combination. They will bring together happiness, love, respect and gentle calming energies. Wear or carry them together during these times and watch how the relationships grow! REPEL LOWER ENERGIES- Make sure you carry Hematite and Smoky Quartz in your pocket when out and about to help repel lower vibrating energies. RESENTMENT ISSUES- Malachite worn on a long chain pendant during the times of resentment ease these issues! RESTLESS- Take a warm bath with Bloodstone to ease your restlessness issues. RESTLESS LEG SYNDROME- Wear Falcon’s Eye around your ankles when going to bed to combat restless leg syndrome. REVITALIZATION- Make a Carnelian, Citrine, and Clear Quartz gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and gently mist the area, person, or item in need of help. RHEUMATISM- Combine Amber and Carnelian to ease rheumatism. Charge a water base with these two for 30 minutes and gently mist the effected areas!


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ROOM CLEANSING- Make an Amber gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist all areas of the room from ceiling to floor, including furniture, corners, and anything in the room, except electrical devices. ROSACEA- Make an Amethyst and Citrine gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist all areas affected three times a day. SADNESS- Wear an Indicolite Quartz and a Rose Quartz in a pendant as close to your heart chakra for 7 days. Remember to cleanse thoroughly. SCABS- Make a gem elixir with Carnelian and Cobalite, charging for 2 hours, and gently pat or mist the area that is affected. SCARCITY- Surround yourself or area with a combination of Emerald and Hematite to combat the feelings and issues of scarcity. SCARS- Make a Cobalite gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently pat the charged water over the scars. Repeat as often as needed. SCATTERED ENERGY- Wear Hematite on your ankle to help deal with scattered energy. For an extra boost, wear one on your opposite wrist as well! SCRYING- Use clusters of Celestite to enhance your scrying abilities and sessions. Make sure all of the points are facing upwards during your session.


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SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER- Make sure to wear Septarian during times effecting SAD. Remember to cleanse this every 3 days. SECURITY- Make a Tree Agate gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist the areas or person dealing with security issues. Repeat as often as necessary. SELF CARE- Carry or wear Epidote as often as possible for gentle reminders to take care of your physical body, concerning rest, healthy eating, and exercise to maintain a more physically healthy body. SELF CONTROL- Wear or carry Gray Hawk’s Eye with you when you are feeling out of control! SELF ESTEEM ISSUES- Carry or wear Chalcopyrite with you for a period of 7 days in a row to help deal with selfesteem issues. SELF DESTRUCTIVE ISSUES- A combination of Smoky Quartz and Citrine is effective when working on self-destructive issues. Carry or wear these two together for the most benefit! SELF HEALING- Amber is a wonderful way to boost anyone’s self-healing! Place this over the affected area for 20 minutes. If working on general self-healing, surrounded yourself with this before your session begins. SELF LOVE- Try wearing a Rose Quartz pendant as close as you can to your heart chakra to work on issues of self love. You can also charge a bathtub filled with water for 20


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minutes and take a warm relaxing bath to boost this selflove vibrational energy! SELF RESPECT- Wear a combination of Rainforest Jasper and Rose Quartz together for 7 days to help boost your own self-respect. SELFISHNESS ISSUES- Hold Howlite near your heart chakra once a day for 7 days and concentrate of being less selfish, confrontational, and critical. SENTIENT BEING COMMUNICATION- Surround yourself with Moldavite when trying communication with whales, dolphins, or others. If you cannot be in meditation to surround yourself with this, then wear this as close as you can to your throat chakra for the best results. SERENITY- Make an Amethyst gem elixir, charging for 30 minutes, and lightly mist the area you are in. Remove the Amethyst and place this in a corner of the same room. SEXUAL IMPROVEMENT- Place Red Jasper in the four corners of your bedroom and a Smoky Quartz under your bed for sexual improvement. SHAMAN JOURNEY- Mochi Balls placed in a circle around you during a shamanic journey will enhance your connection and journey traveling! SHELTERING ENERGY- Place Lapis Lazuli and a Clear Quartz in one corner of every room of the place needing sheltering energy. Remember to cleanse twice a month.


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SHOCK ISSUES- When shock sets in for anyone it can be a devastating blow to the aura fields. Lie down and place Hematite at your feet chakra, Carnelian over your navel, Turquoise over your throat chakra and a Clear Quartz above your crown chakra and at both hand chakras. Rest and relax for 30 minutes. SHOULDER STRAIN- Shoulder strain or sprains can be eased by placing Chrysoprase within 2 inches of the effected area. Turn this clockwise to remove the negative energy imprints. SHYNESS- If you are a particularly shy person and want to break out of your shell, carry or wear Lepidolite. This can take a few days to break through even some of the thickest energies, so be patient! SIMPLICITY- Make a Larimar gem elixir, charging for 30 minutes, and lightly mist the areas that you want to simplify, as well as yourself. SINGING- To boost singing abilities, wear Rhodonite in a pendant around your neck! SINUS ISSUES- Make an Eilat Stone gem elixir, charging for 1 hour. You can either then gently pat the area in need of vibrational crystal healing, or you can make a steam of this charged water to inhale and heal from within. SKIN IRRITATIONS/ISSUES- Make a Turquoise and Clear Quartz Crystal gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist the skin areas needing help.


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SLEEP ISSUES (CHILDREN)- For issues with nightmares, the boogieman, and monsters in the closet or under the bed, place Charoite under the bed or in the closet, wherever the children are having issues with these fears. Also having the child help you to make a Monster repellant spray puts the child in control of dispelling the demons that scare them. Charge the water for the spray 30 minutes, and let your little one spray all of the bad boogiemen away! SLEEP TALKING- Place a Rainbow Fluorite under the person’s pillow before sleeping to curb a sleep talking issue. SLEEP WALKING- Have the person wear a Rainbow Moonstone before going to bed to help with sleep walking issues. SNORING- For snoring issues, make sure to place a Lapis Lazuli in two opposite corners of the bed frame and place Clear Quartz in the other two opposite corners of the bed frame to help resolve snoring issues. SOBRIETY- Wear Iolite around your throat chakra as much as possible when trying to maintain your sobriety and to help bolster your strength and courage. SOCIALIZATION- To enhance your socialization abilities, make sure you carry Garnet in your pocket every time you are faced with this opportunity of socializing! SORE THROAT- Make a Blue Quartz elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gargle with the charged water. Repeat as often as needed.


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SORES- Use Carnelian to help soothe sores on your physical body. Place this within 2 inches of the sore and turn first clockwise and then counter clockwise, alternating back and forth between the two. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. SOUL HEALING- Use a Black Opal during a soul healing session to make a strong connection and help the client or yourself to see the full potential of their true soul value. SOUL PURPOSE- When searching for one’s soul purpose, make sure to carry around Chiastolite, also called the Cross Stone. This will help facilitate the vibrational energy for this area. You can also surround yourself with four of them, during a meditation session when searching for answers. SOUL RETRIEVAL – Use a Lepidocrocite in Quartz crystal during a soul retrieval session for the most effective benefits. SPEED UP ENERGY FLOW- Tiger’s Eye worn around both ankles will speed up the energy flow through your chakras, auras, and meridians! SPIRITUAL AWAKENING- Surround yourself with Fluorite during your meditation sessions, as well as sleep with the same crystals under your pillow to build a connection with them. Carry or wear one of them with you for 7 days and watch your spiritual awakening sessions begin! SPIRITUAL BLOCK- Use a Star Ruby when working on your spiritual pathway to remove blockages. These blocks can come in any form along your path, so keep your Star


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Ruby with you as much as possible in a necklace, pocket or near you in your home or office. SPIRITUAL CLEANSER- Wear Lapis Lazuli for 7 days straight to enhance a spiritual cleansing of your soul! SPONTANEITY- Have the person carry an Opal on their dominant side for 2 or more days to increase spontaneous behavior. SPRAINS- Make a Dalmatian Stone gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and soak the area that is sprained. If you cannot soak the area, soak a clean towel in the charged water and wrap this around the area. Next take the Dalmatian Stone and place this within 2 inches of the sprain and turn clockwise to remove any left negative energy. STABILITY- Wear or carry a Faden Quartz and Amber combination to increase the stability in your life. STAGE FRIGHT- Make sure you place a Dumortierite in your pocket before going on stage, so you can reach in and hold this as often for an extra boost of vibrational energy. STAMMERING- To work on issues of stammering, wear or carry Blue Tourmaline close to your throat chakra if possible! STILLNESS- Make a Celestite gem elixir and lightly mist all areas that are requiring some stillness. STOMACH ULCERS- For stomach ulcer issues; lie down and place an Agate over your stomach area, and two Clear


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Quartz crystals, one on each side of your body, pointing inward. Relax for 15 minutes and repeat as needed. STORMS- For energy protection during storms, make sure you place Agate in every room of your home or wear this if you are out and traveling during a storm. STRENGTH- When feeling weak or in need of some more strength, wear a Red Banded Agate around your ankle for the best results. STRESS- Use an Amethyst to bring stress levels down. You can place them around your home or office, make a charge water mist, wear or carry them on your physical body. STUBBORNNESS- Carry a combination of Rose Quartz and Malachite to ease stubbornness issues. STUDYING- Make sure you have a Sodalite with you during your study sessions to enhance your studying abilities. STY- Hold a Fluorite within 2 inches of the affected eye area. Turn this clockwise three times. Next hold a Clear Quartz within 2 inches of the eye and turn clockwise three times. Alternate between the two stones for 5 minutes three times a day! SUBCONSCIOUS- Use Selenite for subconscious issues. Begin by holding this and visualize it bringing white light energy down through your crown chakra and into your physical body and out through your feet chakras. Next place this over your third eye chakra to retained store information in your subconscious. 104

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SUN ENERGY- Wear a Sunstone around your ankle for 24 hours a day, for 3 days to enhance your vibrational connection with the sun energy. SUNBURN- Make a Dumortierite gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist all the sunburn areas. SUPPORT ISSUES– Dark Citrine is effective for support issues. If you are lacking support issues from someone place this in your home or office where you spend the most time. If you are not giving enough support to others, wear or carry this on your physical body! SUPPRESSED PATTERNS- Use Apache Tears during meditation or healing sessions with one placed in each hand and one located at each foot chakra to reveal suppressed patterns. SWEATING- For excessive sweating, make an Emerald, Carnelian, and Clear Quartz crystal gem elixir, charging for 1 hour. Gently mist your physical body from head to toe first. Next gently mist your aura layers surrounding your body within 2 feet to soothe these issues. SWELLING- Place Aquamarine within 2 inches of the swollen area and turn this clockwise and then counterclockwise to reduce swelling. SWIMMERS EAR- Lie down and place Hematite over your throat chakra, a Clear Quartz crystal above your crown chakra pointing upwards, and Fluorite on each side of your ears. Relax for 20 minutes to help ease the pressure and pain.


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TALENT- Use Bloodstone to help boost your talent! Carry or wear this as much as possible when focusing on your talent issues! TEACHING- Carry or wear Citrine for increased ability and energy in the teaching field. TEETH- For healthy teeth, charge a cup of water with Fluorite for 15 minutes and rinse your mouth and teeth with this charged water! TELEPATHY- Hold Angelite against your third eye chakra when working with telepathic abilities to enhance the connection and transmission. TENDONITIS- Lie down and surround yourself with alternating crystals of Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz and Black Tourmaline. For a gem elixir, charge with these three stones for 1 hour and mist all affected areas. TENSION- Place Black Tourmaline within 2 inches of the tension area on your body and move this back and forth and then up and down several times. Once the tension is easing up, turn this clockwise to pull out the remaining negative and stagnant energy. THOUGHTS- To improve your thoughts, use Celestite! Either carry this around with you as much as possible, or place this in your office and home where you spend the most time! THROAT INFECTIONS- Charge a cup of water with Aquamarine and gargle three times a day to help ease throat infections. 106

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TMJ- Lie down and place three Hematite stones around your jaw line, one at the base and one on each side. Next place an Amethyst on each side of your ears and one over your third eye chakra. Relax for 20 minutes at a time. TOLERANCE- Carry or wear Chrysoprase with you, as well as place them in two opposite corners of your home or office to help ease tolerance issues! TOOTHACHE- For toothache pain, charge a bowl of water with Aquamarine for 20 minutes. Rub gently the charged water over your tooth and gum line, or rinse your mouth with the charged water. TRANSLATE HIGHER THOUGHTS- Use Cerussite during your meditation sessions by holding this in your dominant hand. Remember to record everything after your session and make sure you have your Cerrussite with you, as this will help translate your higher thoughts into this physical plane. TRAUMA- Combine Aqua Aura and Rose Quartz for best results in a trauma situation. Carry this on your physical body or surround yourself with them to draw out negative energies! TRAVELING PROTECTION- For basic traveling protection carry or wear Blue Obsidian during your time of travels! TREE ENERGY- - Use Tree Agate to help you ground and connect with tree energies. Hold this in your dominant hand and pick out your favorite tree. Walk barefoot, if you


Practical Crystal Healing

can, and give your tree a hug. Sit down at the base of the tree and enjoy the energy connection. TREE GROWTH- Place Tree and Moss Agate around the base of your tree, alternating between the two to stimulate tree growth. Make a gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and water the tree with this elixir as needed. TRUST ISSUES- Trust issues can be dealt with by carrying Hematite. This reflects back any negative issues so you can focus on energy that is not distracting during these times! TRUTH- Carry or wear Iolite as much as possible to bring about truth issues in any given situation. If you are seeking the truth in others, make sure to place Iolite in four corners of the room that you both spend the most time in. TWIN FLAMES- Hold a Blue Aragonite near your heart chakra and program this to attract your twin flame. Make sure to carry this around with you as much as possible. UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS- If you are feeling uncomfortable, reach for a Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz or an Amethyst. Hold them close to your heart chakra and take a few deep breaths letting all of the uncomfortable feelings. If you have them all, surround yourself with them for a quick release of this energy! UNDERSTANDING- Wear Lapis Lazuli in a pendant as close to your heart chakra to help with understanding issues. UNDERWORLD- Use Smoky Spirit Quartz crystals in your meditation and channeling sessions, surrounding 108

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yourself with a circle, to enhance your connection to the underworld. URINARY TRACT- Lie down and place a Tanzine Aura Quartz over your lower abdomen, Carnelian on each side of your physical body and Hematite at your feet for 15 minutes. UNIQUE PERSONAL ENERGY- When working with a group, make a gem elixir of Labradorite, charging beforehand 1 hour, and gently mist the area. This will help each person bring forth his or her own unique personal energy to share with the world. UNIQUE LIFE PATH-Carry or wear Amazonite as much as possible to seek out your own unique life path. UNSEEN ENTITIES- Use Prehnite for unseen entities by placing them around your home, in every corner. You can also carry or wear this to help in these issues when you are not at home! UNWANTED ENERGIES- For unwanted energies, use Sugilite by placing this in two opposite ends of the same room in your home or office. UPPER CHAKRAS- During a chakra opening of your upper chakras make sure you have Purple Agate surrounding you. If you want to do this with your guides and higher self, surround yourself in a meditation with Purple Agate. VARICOSE VEINS- Make a Yellow Topaz gem elixir, charging for 1 hour, and gently mist the varicose veins twice a day for 7 days and watch them begin to heal! 109

Practical Crystal Healing

VIBRATIONAL ENERGY- To feel vibrational energies more, especially with crystals and gemstones, make sure you are using a Petalite. Hold this in your dominant hand while you are healing or working with crystal or other vibrational energies. VIRUSES- When fighting a virus, wear Apatite as close to your heart chakra as possible to speed in the healing process. VISION- Clear Calcite helps to expand vision issues. Sleep with this under your pillow, meditate with this surrounding your physical body or lie down and place this in-between your eyes, just below your third eye chakra for best results! VISION QUESTS- Surround yourself with a circle of Petalite during your vision quest session for best results. VISUALIZATIONS- When focusing on visualizations, add Selenite to enhance your potential. Surround yourself with them for a higher vibrational level! VOICE STRENGTHENED- Use Carnelian worn around your neck and throat chakra to strengthen your voice! WARTS/MOLES- Make an elixir of Marcasite, charging for 2 hours. Mist or gently pat the area with the charged water as needed. WATER CHARGING- Hold a Clear Quartz Terminated crystal in your dominant hand and slowly turn the crystal clockwise 3 times above glass of drinking water to remove toxins.


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WATER ENERGY- Carry or wear an Aqua Aura and Aquamarine combination to enhance water energy vibrations for 7 days. WATER TRAVEL/SAFETY- For water travel and safety, carry or wear Aquamarine on your physical body! WATERY EYES- Lie down and place Iolite over each eye and a Clear Quartz crystal over your third eye pointing upward for 10 minutes. Repeat as needed. WEIGHT GAIN-To put on weight, use your Amber and charge your food 10 minutes before eating to raise the vibrational level. WEIGHT LOSS- Use a combination of Moonstone and Rose Quartz for weight loss. Charge your food 10 minutes prior to eating, as well as carry these crystals with you! WELL BEING Carry a combination of Turquoise and Ammonite to enhance well-being energies around you for 7 days. WHOLENESS- Place Eilat Stone over your solar plexus chakra when laying down to align your heart, mind and body to feel whole again. WILL POWER- Tiger’s Eye is a great booster for will power! Make sure you wear this around your wrist on your dominant hand for the best results. WORK ENVIRONMENT- Place an Amethyst cluster in your work environment to keep the energies fluid, clean, and positive for all who enter this space. 111

Practical Crystal Healing

WORRISOME ISSUES- During times of worry, hold your Lepidolite in your dominant hand and focus you intentions on the positive aspects and outcomes! WOUNDS- Use Carnelian and Celestite to help with wounds by placing them within 2 inches of the sore and turn first clockwise and then counter clockwise, alternating back and forth between the two. Remember to cleanse thoroughly afterwards. If possible place them on each side of the wound, and work the energy back and forth together! WORKAHOLIC- Make a Tree Agate, Rose Quartz and Amber gem elixir, charging for 2 hours, and gently mist the entire area that the workaholic works in once a week to tone down the time spent there. WRITING- To enhance your writing ability, try using Sodalite placed around your dominant wrist or where you write the most. If you have an office, place this on your deck or work area! YIN YANG BALANCE- Carry or wear an Eilat Stone for 7 days, as much as possible to balance out yin and yang energies.


ENDNOTES Nicole Lanning founded Healing Art Forms Institute with guidance from her spirit guides and wonderful husband, Jonathon Haas. This web school is a supporting site for this book, as well as Nicole’s upcoming book projects, speaking engagements, spiritual and holistic online home study training and healings. On the web school you will find the following: • • • • • • •

Bachelor & Master Degree Programs in Spiritual Healing Multiple Accredited Online Home Study Holistic & Spiritual Programs Spiritual, Metaphysical, and Holistic Healings Nicole’s Personal Channeled Energy Forms Healing Art Forms Updated Web Blog Nicole’s Speaking Engagements & Book Signing Schedules Contact Information

Now is the time to take inspired action and move forward on our spiritual pathways. You can do this. We all can do this! Namaste 113


Nicole Lanning is a natural born empath and psychic medium that has focused her life on crystal, energy, and spiritual teachings. She is the founder of Healing Art Forms Institute and has dedicated her life to sharing her wisdom so that others may grow and learn. Nicole always knew she was different from other children growing up as an early Indigo child and having a passion and love for crystals. Her spirit guides had set her on an energetically enlightened pathway through many different venues, such as being an Ordained Minister, a Spiritual Life Coach, a Reiki Master Teacher, and a Certified Energy Healer. Through her work now with crystal workshops, holistic teaching, spiritual healing, and her own channeled energy forms, Nicole has been honored with accreditations from the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association. Using her connection with the spirit realm, her own intuition, and practical wisdom Nicole’s workshops, seminars, and online home study courses have reached clients from around the world. You can find out more about Nicole Lanning and all that she offers at the Healing Art Forms Institute website

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