M$lt!%le4!n( Cont'ol 9!les - Re!e e'e cont'ol :les a'e located ,so %a'amete' cont'ol;:les - Add!n( a cont'ol :le man$all" Alte' S Mana(e C$''ent Bac#
%$1?. 'ie(ing Backup Reports.
- EM > Aa!lab!l!t" > Bac#$% Re%o'ts 11. &onitoring the Flash Reco)er* Area. - EM > Aa!lab!l!t" > Recoe'" Sett!n(s 12. Using the R&A! Co++and Line. - Sta't RMA0 and connect to te ta'(et database c,- r+an - E4ec$te con:($'at!on commands RMAN> CONFIGURE DEFAULT DEVICE TYPE TO disk+ RMAN> CONFIGURE DEVICE TYPE DISK BACKUP TYPE TO COPY+ RMAN> CONFIGURE CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP ON+
- /s!n( RMA0 to ma#e an !ma(e co%" o5 all te database :les
- RMA0 to 'emoe te a'c!e lo( :les a5te' bac#!n( tem $%. RMAN> BACKUP DATABASE PLUS ARCHIVELOG DELETE INPUT;
- C'eate a bac#$% o5 %'e!o$s !ma(e co%!es o5 all data :les and cont'ol :les !n te DB. RMAN> BACKUP COPY OF DATABASE;
Unit 16
/0. Check the )1reco)er23ile d*na+ic per3or+ance )ie( to get a co+plete list o3 the 3iles that need attention. - Rename data :les !le DB !s s$tdon. - *'" to sta't te DB SELECT na+e4 error FR& )1data3ile 5"! )1reco)er23ile US"!6 73ile89# /:. Re)ie(ing the Data Reco)er* Ad)isor. - A)aila;ilit* Manage Per3or+ Reco)er* Ad)ise and Reco)er -
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