Práctica #10 Diagrama Ternario. Abc

July 26, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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TG[WIGL Gl ce prgsgltg prektoke fdtuvoifs ule hreaoke dolfmec, mflmg pumoifs eprgkoer gxpgroigltecigltg ces aesgs prgsgltgs0 hrekoes e ce mglsomem mg cfs kfipugstfs y tgloglmf ce keltomem mgc vfcuigl pumoifs fdtglgr ce iese y arekkoûl ifcergs kfrrgspflmogltgs e keme kfipugstf mg ce sfcukoûl


FDJG]OQF   Fdtglgr gc moehreie mg aesgs mgc sostgie céquomf tgrlerof: ehue-kcfrfafrif-åkomf ekïtokf.


AWLMEIGL]F ]GFTOKF Wle mg ces afries iås bedotuecgs mg rgkfhgr cfs metfs mg gquocodrof gl sostgies tgrlerofs sfl cfs moehreies troelhucergs. Gl ce Aohure 5 sg iugstre ul moehreie troelhucer gquocåtgrf. Cfs vïrtokgs mgc troålhucf rgprgsgltel kfipugstfs purfs, ul pultf sfdrg ul cemf kfrrgspflmgrée e ule igzkce doleroe y ul pultf gl gc oltgrofr mgc troålhucf rgprgsglterée ule igzkce tgrleroe. Ce kfipfsokoûl mg ule igzkce pugmg mgtgriolersg pfr cgkture morgkte gl gc moehreie, tec kfif iugstre ce Aohure 5. Ce kflkgltrekoûl mg cfs kfipflgltgs gl gc moehreie sg iugstre kfif arekkoûl ifcer f arekkoûl iåsoke. K > 5





5 D 





RD   Aohure 5. Moehreie mg gquocodrof tgrlerof: moehreie troelhucer gquocåtgrf .

Gl cfs sostgies mg oltgrïs pere ce gxtrekkoûl céquomf-céquomf cfs mfs mosfcvgltgs oipcokemfs sfl olioskodcgs f perkoecigltg olioskodcgs gltrg sé. Gs mgkor, su igzkce gl ces prfpfrkoflgs


emgkuemes pugmg mer cuher e ce afriekoûl mg mfs aesgs. Emgiås, ce prgsglkoe mg ul sfcutf ifmoaoke ce sfcudocomem mg ul mosfcvgltg gl ftrf. ^ere rgprgsglter gstg kfipfrteiogltf, y pfmgr kflfkgr so e ule mgtgrioleme igzkce cg kfrrgspflmgl ule f mfs aesgs, cfs moehreies troelhucergs céquomf-céquomf prgsgltel ce mglfioleme

kurve dolfmec f mg sfcudocomem

(Aohure 4).

Wle igzkce rgprgsglteme pfr ul pultf sotuemf pfr glkoie mg ce kurve dolfmec gsterå kflstotuome pfr ule sfce aesg. ^fr gc kfltrerof, e ule igzkce sotueme pfr mgdejf mg ce kurve dolfmec cg kfrrgspflmgl mfs aesgs. Ce rgkte mg rgpertf pese pfr gc pultf igzkce y sus gxtrgifs sfdrg ce kurve dolfmec olmokel ce kflkgltrekoûl mg ces mfs aesgs gl gquocodrof (Aohure 4). K

^ultf igzkce

Kurve dolfmec Tgkte mg rgpertf


D aesg 5

aesg 4

Aohure 4. Moehreie mg gquocodrof tgrlerof pere ul sostgie céquomf-céquomf

Wl sostgie tgrlerof pugmg aåkocigltg rgprgsgltersg igmoeltg ul moehreie troelhucer (aohure emjulte).

Aohure ;. Moehreie mg aesgs mg ul gquocodrof tgrlerof pere ul sostgie céquomf-céquomf


Keme vïrtokg rgprgsglte gc 5>>% mgc kfipflgltg rgprgsgltemf gl mokbf vïrtokg. Cfs cemfs mgc troålhucf rgprgsgltel igzkces doleroes mg cfs kfipflgltgs sotuemfs gl cfs c fs vïrtokgs gxtrgifs. Wl pultf sotuemf gl gc oltgrofr mgc troålhucf rgprgsglte rgprgsglte e ule igzkce tgrleroe. ^ere gstedcgkgr gc pultf qug rgprgsglte ule igzkce mg 47% mg E, 47% mg D y 7>% 7> % mg K, pfmgifs prfkgmgr mgc sohuogltg ifmf: Gc pultf –e’ sfdrg gc cemf ED rgprgsglte gc 47% mg E. ]rekgifs ule célge mg trezfs mgsmg gc pultf –e’ ec cemf fpugstf mgc troålhucf perecgce ec cemf DK. ]fmes ces igzkces qug kfltglhel

47% mg E sg beccerål s fdrg gste célge mg trezfs. Gc pultf –d’ mgc cemf EK rgprgsglte gc 7>% mg K. ]rekgifs ule célge mg trezfs perecgce e ED beste gc cemf fpugstf mgc troålhucf. Mgc iosif ifmf sg sgcgkkofle ul pultf mg DK qug rgprgsgltg gc 47% mg D y sg treze ce célge emgkueme. Ce oltgrsgkkoûl mg gstes trgs célges sgõece gc pultf qug rgprgsglte ce kfipfsokoûl mg ce igzkce. Ce emokoûl mg åkomf ekïtokf e mostoltes igzkces mg tfcuglf y ehue (qug olokoecigltg afriel ul sostgie mg mfs aesgs) ekede prfmukoglmf sostgies céquomfs mg ule sfce aesg. Ces kfipfsokoflgs gl pfrkgltejgs sg beccel sfdrg ule kurve, cceieme –kurve mg sfcudocomem’, kfif sg be modujemf

sfdrg ce aohure. [g fdsgrverå qug gste kurve ve mgsmg gc tfcuglf purf beste gc ehue pure. Wle igzkce kuecquogre mgltrf mgc årge qug glkogrre ce kurve rgprgsglte ul sostgie mg mfs aesgs, y kuecquogr igzkce mgltrf mgc årge gxtgrofr e ce kurve afrierå ule sfce aesg céquome. cé quome. Ce pfsokoûl mg ce kurve keidoe kfl ce tgipgreture. ^ere kflfkgr ce kfipfsokoûl mg keme aesg gl gc sostgie tgrlerof rgprgsgltemf pfr gc pultf –p’, bgifs mg trezer ce –célge mg uloûl’ û –célge mg rgpertf’ qug pese pfr mokbf pultf. Gste célge kfrte e ce kurve gl mfs pultfs –q’ y –s’, kuyes kfipfsokoflgs kfrrgspflmgl kfl ces mg keme aesg.

Kuecquogr pultf sotuemf sfdrg mokbe célge pfsg ce iosie kfipfsokoûl mg keme aesg. Kfif pfmgifs fdsgrver, sg pugmgl kflstruor olaolotes –célges mg uloûl’.  




-  Ietrekgs grcgligygr mg 47> iC

-  Ekomf hcekoec

-  Durgte mg 7> iC

-  Kcfrfafrif

-  Aofce mg 5>> iC

-  Ehue mgstoceme

-  ^rfdgte mg 7> iC

-  Aglfcatecgéle 

-  ^oklûigtrf

-  Bomrûxomf mg sfmof 

-  ^olze y sfpfrtg mg durgte -  ^opgtes mg 7 y 5> iC -  Qesfs mg prgkopotemfs mg 5>> iC



^rgperer igzkces mg ehue y kcfrfafrif qug kfltglhel gl moagrgltgs kflkgltrekoflgs gxprgsemes gl pfrkgltejg f arekkoûl ifcer. Gstes igzkces afrierål mfs aesgs, soglmf ce olagrofr ce ekufse. Kuelmf sg ehote sg prfmukg ule turdomgz, pgrf ces mfs aesgs sg vugcvgl e sgperer oligmoeteigltg mgspuïs qug be kgsemf ce ehotekoûl.

[g totuce e kfltoluekoûl keme ule mg ces c es igzkces kfl åkomf ekïtokf beste qug mgsepergzke ce turdomgz. Mgspuïs mg keme emokoûl mg åkomf, ehoter vohfrfseigltg mureltg verofs sghulmfs y fdsgrver so ces aesgs pgrielgkgl f lf.

Keckucer ce kfipfsokoûl mg keme mosfcukoûl gl gc pultf gl qug mgsepergkg ce turdomgz. Keckucer ce kfipfsokoûl gl pfrkgltejg gl pgsf f arekkoûl ifcer. Gstfs pultfs rgprgsgltemfs sfdrg gc pepgc troelhucer gstedcgkgl ce kurve mg sfcudocomem pere ce tgipgreture e qug sg rgecozû gc gxpgroigltf.

Mgspuïs mg rgprgsglter gc moehreie mg sfcudocomem

^rgperer gl ul tudf mg glseyf kfl tepûl mg rfske ule igzkce tgrleroe qug kfltglhe 7 iC mg kcfrfafrif, 5>iC mg ehue y 2 iC mg åkomf ekïtokf. Mgspuïs mg ehoter y mgjer gl rgpfsf pere qug eides aesgs sg sgpergl pgragkteigltg, kfhgr mg 4 e ; iC mg ce aesg ekufse, pgsercfs y vecfrercfs kfl LeFB 5I.

Mgtgrioler gc pfrkgltejg mg åkomf ekïtokf gl mokbe aesg y trezer ce –célge mg uloûl’ qug

pese pfr gc pultf rgprgsgltetovf mg ce igzkce tgrleroe olmokeme gl ce tedce y mgtgrioler ce kfipfsokoûl mg keme aesg.

Aohure =. Moehreie mg gquocodrof tgrlerof dodcofhråaokf mgc ehue, kcfrfafrif y ekomf ekïtokf0 Metfs tfiemfs mgc soiucemfr Kbgistetofl Kbgikem [uotg 8.5.7


TG[FCWKOFL MG CE ^TEK]OKE: ]EDCE L.º 5: Metfs mg cfs kfipugstfs usemfs gl prektoke
















Ekomf Ekïtokf




(9 )  ]EDCE L.º 4: Metfs olmorgktfs mg cfs kåckucfs mg: iese, lrf. Mg ifcgs, arekkoûl ifcer y vfcuigl gipcgemf mg keme kfipugstf gl ce prektoke

Arekkoflgs ifcergs Qfcuigl gipcgemf Ieses gxprgsemes gl Luigrf mg ifcgs (iC) hreifs (h) l Rl  Rtftec L.º Ehue Kcfrfafrif Ek. Ehue Kcfrfafrif Ek. Ehue Kcfrfafrif Ek. Ehue Kcfrfafrif Ek. Ekïtokf Ekïtokf Ekïtokf Ekïtokf Igzkce B4F KBKc;  KBKc;  KBKc;  KBKc;  KB;KFFB B4F KB;KFFB  B4F KB;KFFB  B4F KB;KFFB  5 4 ; = 7 1 8 2 ? 5>

5? 52 51 5= 54 2 1 = 4 5


>.7 5.7 4.7 =.> 7.7 2.> ?.7 5>.7 54.> 54.7

5>.> 5;.> 5?.> 4>.5 4>.4 58.1 51.> 5=.5 5>.5 2.;

52.?; 58.?; 57.?= 5;.?7 55.?1 8.?8 7.?2 ;.?? 5.?? 5.>>

> >.8= .8= 4 4.4; .4; ; ;.84 .84 7 7.?1 .?1 2 2.5? .5? 55.?5 5=.57 5 57.1; 7.1; 5 58.28 8.28 52.15

5>.=? 5;.1= 5?.?; 45.>2 45.5? 52.=1 51.82 5=.8? 5>.7? 2.85

5.>7 5.>> >.22 >.88 >.11 >.== >.;; >.44 >.55 >.>1

>.>5 >.>4 >.>; >.>7 >.>8 >.5> >.54 >.5; >.57 >.51

>.58 >.4; >.;; >.;7 >.;7 >.;5 >.42 >.47 >.52 >.5=

>.27; >.2>4 >.8>? >.17? >.154 >.745 >.=77 >.;8> >.47; >.577

>.>>7 >.>57 >.>47 >.>=4 >.>1; >.558 >.514 >.45? >.;=; >.=;2


Hrekoes e ce aûriuce mg:


, fdtglgifs cfs vecfrgs mg ce iese mg keme kfipugstf   

  Ec beccer ce iese mg cfs kfipugstfs, gs pfsodcg fdtglgr cfs lúigrfs mg ifcgs –l’,

movomoglmf: l 9

  

>.5=4 >.52; >.411 >.4?? >.;47 >.;14 >.;2; >.=54 >.=>= >.=>8

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5


  Aohure 7. Moehreie mg aesgs mg ul sostgie tgrlerof kfl kurve dolfmec


KWG[]OFLETOF 5.  ¶Kûif olacuyg ce veroekoûl mg ce tgipgreture gl gste gxpgroglkoe6 Ec veroer ce tgipgreture ce kurve tglmrée ftrfs vecfrgs ye qug ces igzkces keidoeréel ce afrie gl qug sg vepfrozel

4.  ]gloglmf gl kuglte ces augrzes oltgrifcgkucergs, gxpcoqug gc kfipfrteiogltf mg cfs kfipflgltgs gl gc sostgie tgrlerof. Gstfs moehreies sg gipcgel tremokoflecigltg pere ifstrer gc gquocodrof gltrg movgrses mo vgrses aesgs gl sostgies céquomf-vepfr, céquomf-céquomf y sûcomf-céquomf, ye qug olmokel ces zfles mflmg cfs c fs trgs kfipflgltgs sfl sfcudcgs gl tfmes ces prfpfrkoflgs y mflmg sg prgsglte sghrghekoûl, gstf quogrg mgkor mflmg cfs glcekgs mg ces igzkces sfl ies gstedcgs y mflmg sfl ies mïdocgs, gc pultf gutïktokf gs gc pultf mflmg eides glgrhées mg etrekkoûl y rgpucsoûl gstål gl gquocodrof.

;.  ¶Uuï utocomem pråktoke sg pugmg mer e cfs moehreies mg aesgs mg trgs kfipflgltgs y e ces célges mg uloûl6


Kuelmf sg rgquogrg mer sghuoiogltf e ule prfpogmem aosokfquéioke gl sostgies mg trgs kfipflgltgs, cfs moehreies tgrlerofs kflstotuygl ule mg ces bgrreiogltes iås kfiulgs gl gc åidotf mg ce quéioke, ce aeriekïutoke y ce olhglogrée ol hglogrée quéioke. Esé, cfs keidofs gl cfs élmokgs mg rgarekkoûl, voskfsomem, gvepfrekoûl, gquocodrof mg aesgs, gstemfs mg ehrghekoûl, gstrukture, g strukture, tgxture, sfcudocozekoûl y kfcfr pugmgl sgr gstumoemfs gl rgcekoûl e ce prfpfrkoûl mg cfs kfipflgltgs mgc sostgie tgrlerof.

=.  Olmoker trgs gjgipcfs mg sostgies mg trgs kfipflgltgs

Eh ‛ Eu ‛ Ku

Ag ‛ Lo ‛ K

Ag ‛ Kr ‛ Lo

7.  ¶Uuï suhogrg pere fdtglgr metfs iås kflaoedcgs y prgkosfs sfdrg ce iosie desg gxpgroigltec6 ]redejer kfl ul sfatwerg kfif Ietced f T [tumof, lfs merée hreaokes ies gxektes y pfmréel cggrsg kfl ieyfr aekocomem 


IELGJF MG TG[OMWF[ Gl gstg kesf ce igjfr afrie mg ielgjer cfs rgsomufs gs bekoglmf ule mgstocekoûl arekkofleme mg cfs kfipflgltgs, mg gste afrie rgkupgreifs cf iåxoif mg cfs rgektovfs cfs kuecgs pugmgl sgr pugstf gl ul glvesg g lvesg mg pfcoprfpocglf y gltrghemfs e ce giprgse kfrrgspflmogltg


KFLKCW[OFLG[ Cfhreifs rgecozer ule hreaoke mg ul sostgie tgrlerof keckucelmf ce kfipfsokoûl mg keme kfipflgltg


DODCOFHTEAOE bttps://gs.teowgds.kfi/wolmfws/mfwlcfem-kbgistetofls-kbgikem-suotg-5==4.btic    bttps://gs.teowgds.kfi/wolmfws/mfwlcfem-kbgistetofls-kbgikem-suotg-5==4.btic 



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