PR2 Q2 Module 3

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12 Practical Research 2 Quarter 2 – Module 3 Data Collection Procedure, Analysis and Presentation of Research Methodology


Practical Research 2 – Grade 12 Alternative Delivery Mode Quarter 2 – Module 3 Data Collection Procedure, Analysis and Presentation of Research Methodology

First Edition, 2020

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Learning Competencies: 1. plan data collection procedure (CS_RS12-IIa-c-5); 2. plan data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing (if appropriate) (CS_RS12-IIa-c-6); and 3. present written research methodology (CS_RS12-IIa-c-7). At the end of the lesson, you are expected to:  plan the data collection procedure  plan the data analysis using statistics and hypothesis testing present the written research methodology

Lesson 1: Planning Data Collection Procedure What is it Quantitative Data Generally, data are any pieces of information or facts that people have known. Once these data answer the research problem, it becomes helpful to research. When research data appears to be measurable in the numerical form, it is considered quantitative data. However, some qualitative data can also be useful to quantitative research once it is given a numerical value. For example, if you study about adjustment experiences of students to distant learning, if it is categorized and numbered accordingly, then it can be quantified during analysis.

Techniques in Collecting Quantitative Data The following are the common quantitative data gathering technique. Observation. It is gathering information about a certain condition by using senses. The researcher records the observation as seen and heard. This is done by direct observation or indirect observation by the use of gadgets or apparatus. An observation checklist aids the researcher in recording the data gathered. Survey. Data gathering is done through interview or questionnaire. By means of questionnaire you use series of questions or statements that respondents will have to answer. Basically, respondents write or choose their answer from given choices. On the other hand, interview is when you ask respondents orally to tell you the responses. Since you are doing quantitative research, it is expected that responses have numerical value either it is nominal or ordinal in form. Experiment. When your study is an experimental design, it was already discussed in the previous lesson that it would use treatment or intervention. After the chosen subjects, participants, or respondents undergone the intervention, the effects of such treatment will be measured.

Three Phases in Data Collection In doing research, data collection is a major component of research. Neglecting to clarify the collection procedure would result in acquiring inaccurate data that will make your research study invalid. Hence, the data collection procedure is given meticulous attention to gather appropriate data. You are making sure that data you gather will answer to your research questions. The data gathering procedure is presented in a paragraph format in your research paper. Basically, the contents are the steps you are going to follow: (1) before you will gather the data, (2) what to do during the actual gathering of data, and (3) the things to consider after data has been gathered. The following are the suggested steps but not limited to it, are the procedures in gathering quantitative data.


Before   

Prepare the research instruments Identify the authorities that will be involved and need to ask permission Determine the samples size and corresponding respondents; per group if applicable. Ask consent form (if respondents are 18 years old above) or parent's consent (if minor). Pilot test the research instrument if needed.

During 

Clear the instructions provided to the respondents. Administer the research instrument or implement the research intervention, if applicable. •Collect or gather or take note of the responses

After  

Summarize the data gathered, in a tabular form Analyze the summarize data corresponding to the research questions.

What’s More Direction: Write your answers on the space provided. ________________________1. This technique of gathering information use the senses of a person. ________________________2. This technique uses series of questions or statements that a respondent will have to answer. ________________________3. At what phase in data collection that one should make an analyze on the data being gathered? ________________________4. Number of Respondents will be identified at what phase?

Lesson 2: Planning Data Analysis What is it Data Analysis Data analysis in research is a process in which gathered information are summarized in such a manner that it will yield answers to the research questions. During quantitative data analysis gathered information were broken down and ordered into categories in order to draw trends or patterns in a certain condition. In quantitative research, the numerical data collected is not taken as a whole. In order to understand it better, it is analyzed into components based on the chosen research variables and research questions you are going to answer. These numerical data are usually subject to statistical treatment depending on the nature of data and the type of research problem presented. The statistical treatment makes explicit the different statistical methods and formulas needed to analyze the research data.

Planning your Data Analysis Before choosing what statistical test is appropriate for your research study, it is important to determine what statistical formation is applicable to your current study. In immersing yourself into


planning your data analysis, you have to decide what basic descriptive statistical technique you are going to use. Although this technique does not give you the degree of association or effect between variables, this will help you to code and simply tabulate your data. Descriptive Statistical Technique provides a summary of the ordered or sequenced data from your research sample. Frequency distribution, measure of central tendencies (mean, median, mode), and standard deviation are the sets of data from descriptive statistics. Inferential Statistics is used when the research study focuses on finding predictions; testing hypothesis; and finding interpretations, generalizations, and conclusions. Since this statistical method is more complex and has more advanced mathematical computations, you can use computer software to aid your analysis. You also have to identify types of statistical analysis of variable in your quantitative research. A univariate analysis means analysis of one variable. Analysis of two variables such as independent and dependent variables refers to bivariate analysis while the multivariate analysis involves analysis of the multiple relations between multiple variables. Furthermore, selecting what test to use is basically done by identifying whether you will use parametric test or non-parametric test. As these were already discussed in your Statistics and Probability subject, a summary of what to consider is presented below:

Scale Sample Size Distribution of Data

Points to Consider Interval or Ratio Ordinal or Nominal Scale 30 or more per group Fewer than 30 Normal Distribution

Type of Test Parametric Tests Non-parametric Tests Parametric Tests Non-parametric Tests Parametric Tests

Data deviates from Normal Distribution

Non-parametric Tests

In choosing statistical techniques in quantitative research, the purpose or objective of the research study should be considered. Test of Relationship between Two Variables  Pearson’s r (parametric)  Phi coefficient (non-parametric for nominal and dichotomous variables)  Spearman’s rho (non-parametric for ordinal variable) Test of Difference between Two Data Sets from One Group  T-test for dependent samples (parametric)  McNemar change test (non-parametric for nominal and dichotomous variables)  Wilcoxon signed-rank test (non-parametric for ordinal variable) Test of Difference between Two Data Sets from Two Different Groups  T-test for independent samples (parametric)  Two-way chi-square (non-parametric for nominal variable)  Mann-Whitney U test (non-parametric for ordinal variable) Test More than Two Population Means  Analysis of Variance or ANOVA (parametric) Test the Strength of Relation or Effect or Impact  Regression (parametric)


What’s More Direction: Write your answers on the space provided. ________________________1. Testing hypothesis falls on what type of statistical technique? ________________________2. It is a process in research in which gathered information are summarized in such a manner that it will yield answers to the research questions. ________________________3. This involves analysis of the multiple relations between multiple variables ________________________4. This makes explicit the different statistical methods and formulas needed to analyze the research data.

Lesson 3: Presenting Research Methodology What is it Indeed, designing the research methodology in quantitative research is quite challenging. At this point, it is assumed that you are now ready to present your written output. You need to consider the parts of your research methodology; these are:

       

Research Design Research Population and Sample Sampling Procedure Research Instruments Validity and Reliability of Instruments Research Intervention (if applicable) Data Collection Procedure Data Analysis

All of these are written in paragraph format as part of your research methodology. In this lesson, you will be given guidelines in presenting this research portion. After presentation, the most exciting part follows; and that is gathering your data.

What’s More Direction: Write your answers on the space provided. Identify the part of the research methodology being stated below. ________________________1. In this part, the researcher will compute the size or number of respondents to be part of the study. ________________________2. This part select will identify the design of the research. ________________________3. It is important in quantitative research to use valid instruments. ________________________4. This is a process in which gathered information are summarized in such a manner that it will yield answers to the research questions.


Assessment Multiple Choice. Answer the question that follows. Choose the correct answer from among the given choices. 1.

What statistical technique should be used for this research problem, “You would like to determine the differences between the opinions of men and women on the COVID – 19 local government response”? A. T-Test for two dependent samples C. Two-way Chi-square B. T-Test for independent samples D. Pearson’s r


What phase in data collection process that a research instrument needs to undergo pilot testing? A. Before C. After B. During D. Cannot be identified


This data gathering technique is conducted by asking the respondents orally to tell the responses. A. Questionnaire C. Interview B. Survey D. Observation


Which of the following DOES NOT belong to the group? A. Mean C. Median B. Standard Deviation D. Prediction


Which of the following situation or consideration describes of a parametric test? A. Scale is ordinal or nominal C. Normal Distribution B. Sample size is less than 30 D. Data deviates from Normal Distribution


Mrs. Cruz wanted to test whether hairstyling of the students has a significant relationship to their attendance to the class. What statistical technique is appropriate to be used for the said research problem? A. Descriptive Statistics C. Both B. Inferential Statistics D. None of the above


Below statement presents ideas relating to the parts of research methodology. Among those, what best describes on research instruments? A. It is used to gather data for specific problem C. It is used to test the tool B. It is used to run the research work D. It is used to validate information


Below statement presents ideas relating to the parts of research methodology. Among those, which DO NOT describe on sampling procedure? A. identifies the target population of the study C. identifies the result of the data B. identifies the sample size D. identifies probability sampling

9. In the Sampling Procedure part of the research methodology, what is the difference between N and n in Slovins’ Formula? A. N is the all while n is few C. N is the sample size while n is the no. of respondents B. n is the representatives of N D. N is the population size while n is the actual respondents 10. Which DO NOT belong to the group? A. Observation B. Question

C. Survey D. Experiment


Answer Sheet Name: ____________________________________________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

Score: ______________

PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 Quarter 2 – Module 3 Lesson 1: What’s More 1) 2) 3) 4)

Lesson 2: What’s More 1) 2) 3) 4)

Lesson 3: What’s More 1) 2) 3) 4)

Assessment 1)










My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 121:2 Congratulations! You made it! 😊 Keep it up!


Answer Key 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


6. B 7. A 8. C 9. D 10. B

Assessment Lesson 3. What’s More 1. Sampling Procedure 2. Research Design 3. Validity and Reliability of Instruments 4. Data Analysis

Lesson 2. What’s More 1. Inferential 2. Data Analysis 3. Multivariate Analysis 4. Statistical Treatment Lesson 1. What’s More 1. Observation 2. Survey 3. After 4. Before

Quarter 2 - Module 3

References Baraceros, E. L. (2016). Practical Research 2. Sampaloc, Manila: Rex Bookstore, Inc. Barrot, J. S. (2017). Practical Research 2 for Senior High School. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc. Center for Quality Research. (2015). "Overview of Quantitative Research Methods." YouTube. Accessed June 3, 2020. Creswell, J. W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches. 3rd ed., SAGE Publications, Inc. Cristobal, A. and De La Cruz-Cristobal, M. (2017). Practical Research 1. Quezon City, Philippines: C & E Publishing, Inc. Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. E. (2006). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. Asia: McGraw Hill Companies, Inc. Fraenkel, J. R. and Wallen, N. E. (2020). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education. 6th ed., McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Accessed June 3, 2020. I Hope. (2020). "Kinds of Quantitative Research Designs." YouTube. Accessed June 3, 2020. Keyton, J. (2020). "Chapter 7: Multiple Choice Quiz." McGraw-Hill Global Education Holdings, LLC. Accessed June 3, 2020.


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