PQR & WPQ Standard Testing Parameter Worksheet

February 9, 2017 | Author: cosmicbunny | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Tesy Parameter Worksheet...


Company Logo here PQR / WPQ actual testing parameter values Candidate Name


Welding Process(es) WPS Type Backing Plate or Pipe Position

observed values

1st Pass

2nd Pass

3rd Pass

4th Pass

5th Pass

6th Pass

7th Pass

8th Pass

9th Pass

10th Pass

11th Pass

Volts (V) Amps (A) Wire Feed Rate Filler Metal Diameter Travel Speed (est) IPM Weld Progression interpass cleaning?

Filler Metal Current / Polarity Shielding Gas type, flow rate, composition

Backing Gas type, flow rate, composition

Trailing Gas type, flow rate, composition

Base Metal(s) Coupon DIA / THK

Visual Inspection Results Additional notes

Welding witnessed by: (Signature)



Page# ____ of ____

SPX Flow Technology - APV Heat Transfer PQR / WPQ actual testing parameter values Candidate Name

Welder Name here

Welding Process(es)

Welding process(es) is/are listed on the aplicable WPS; i.e. GTAW, GMAW, FCAW, GMAW-CRO, RSW, LBW, etc.


WPS number being used for the welding


GTAW = manual; GMAW = semi-automatic; GMAW-CRO = automatic, RSW and LBW = machine


if backing is used, list whether it is base metal, left-in-lplace backing strip, removable backing strip, etc. If no backing is used, indicate "None".

Plate or Pipe

What is being welded


What position is being welded in? See figures at bottom of this worksheet

observed values

1st Pass

2nd Pass

3rd Pass

4th Pass

Welder Initials here

5th Pass

6th Pass


7th Pass

date of weld test

8th Pass

9th Pass

Volts (V)

These readings come directly from the welding machine and are entered for each weld pass.

Amps (A)

These readings come directly from the welding machine and are entered for each weld pass.

Wire Feed Rate

Currrently GMAW and GMAW-CRO only! These readings come directly from the welding machine wire feeder.

Travel Speed (est)

Time welding operation for one minute and measure inches per minute for the Travel Speed.

Weld Progression

Either uphill or downhill; each weld pass may be different if WPS states.

interpass cleaning?

Did the welder clean, grind, or wire brush between passes?

Filler Metal

List the Manufacturer, Alloy, Diameter, amnd SFA No. of the filler metal being used.

Current / Polarity

AC or DC; Electrode Negative or Positive.

Shielding Gas

Record the Shielding gas number, the mixture, and the flow rate in CFH when used.

Backing Gas

Record the Backing gas number, the mixture, and the flow rate in CFH when used.

Trailing Gas

Record the Trailinggas number, the mixture, and the flow rate in CFH when used.

Base Metal(s)

Record the Material Specification of the base Metal(s).

Coupon DIA / THK

If Plate, list the thickness; if Pipe, list the Diameter and wall thickness.

Visual Inspection Results Additional notes

Welding witnessed by:

10th Pass

11th Pass

Craig Wesson will perform visual inspection of completed coupon until a weld quality training class is given.

Any additional notes go here.

Sign here


Date that form is signed goes here

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