Short Description
Presented by
Vivi Rizqiyah Liliani Maulidia Ayu Wulandari
D ani!als have lan"ua"e#
D they use the lan"ua"e t $!!uni$ate#
%an &e tea$h ani!als s!e srt ' hu!an lan"ua"e# I' they $annt s(ea) hu!an lan"ua"e* &uld this !ean that they are la$)in" in intelli"en$e* r they la$) a s(e$i+$ innate lan"ua"e ability#
,-. /EA%0ING SPEE%0 /1 APES ,-.-.- /he +rst S$ienti+$ Atte!(t2 &ith an ran"utan 3'urness*.4.56 /he resear$her tau"ht an ran"utan t s(ea)-
It had nly learned t say* 7(a(a8 and 7$u(8 A'ter 'ur !nths* the (r9e$t ended be$ause the ani!al died &ith a hi"h 'ever-
,-.-:- Gua2 the $hi!( raised &ith a hu!an 7siblin"8 3 Winthr( ;ell" < Luella )ell"* .45=6
/he resear$hers tau"ht the $hi!( in the sa!e &ay that
their &n sn* Dnald•
The result: /hey
have the sa!e s$re n the (rble!>
slvin" tests and tests ' !ental ability •
A'ter.5 !nth* /he resear$hers 'und that Gua learned t res(nd t 4, s()en &rds* (hrases* and senten$esE?2 7Lie d&n8* 7dn@t tu$h8* et$-
,-.-- Vi)i2 Anther $hi!( raised in a hu!an 3%athy and ;eith 0ayes* .4,.6 •
/he resear$hers treated vi)i as a 'ull !e!ber ' the 'a!ily-
Vi)i &as "iven (rnun$iatin trainin"* but she had nly learned t utter 'ur &rds2 B!a!a@* B(a(a@* Bu(@ and B$u(@-
/he dis$ri(an$y &as Gua learnin" s !u$h than Vi)i-
,-:-.- Washe2 /he irst Si"nin" %hi!( 3Allen and beatri$e Gardner .454*.4,6-
/he resear$hers tau"ht the &ashe a si!(li+ed 'r! ' A!eri$an Si"n Lan"ua"e 3ASL6
She learned .F si"ns and dis(layed t&> and three &rd utteran$es* su$h as B(en 'd drin)@ &hen she &anted s!ethin" ut ' the re'ri"atr-
Des(ite the !any years ' trainin"* Washe $uld nt advan$e beynd an ele!entary level ' 0u!an a$hieve!ent-
,-:-:- Luis* Sn ' Washe* and a $!!unity %hi!(s3R"er and Debby uts* .4=46
' si"nin"
/heir '$us is in l)in" at h& lan"ua"e !ay r !ay nt devel( in s$ial $nte?t /hey e!(hasize n $reatin" the best envirn!ent 'r the $hi!(anzees t devel( $nversatins and nt n tea$hin" the! synta? /hey believe that the $hi!(anzee $an advan$e* n$e "iven a start* &ithut interventin ' hu!ans-
,-:-- /ea$hin" Si"n Lan"ua"e t ;)* the Grila 3ran$ine Pattersn* .4=a* .4=b* .4=F6
;) has been trained in A!eri$an Si"n Lan"ua"e-
She has re$eived s(ee$h in(ut 'r! her trainers as &ell as si"n-
A'ter -, years she had learned .: si"n &rds* a'ter .F !re years that ttal $a!e t ,FF r !re- Hut*It is l&er than year> ld hu!an $hild &hse v$abulary thusands-
,-:-,- /ea$hin" Lan"ua"e t %hante)* the ran"utan 3Miles* .4=*.44F6
0e $hse ran"utan be$ause they "enerally s$re hi"her n $"nitive tests than Grillas r $hi!(anzees0e did nt 9ust train %hante) t use si"ns but als i!!ersed her in a hu!an $ultural envirn!ent t learn a((r(riate &ays 'r behaviur and intera$tinA'ter seven years* $hante) learned t use a v$abulary ' .F si"ns &hi$h si"ni'y b9e$ts* a$tins* (r(er na!es* attributives* l$atives and (rnuns-
,- /EA%0ING AR/II%IAL LANGUAGES /1 %0IMPANCEES ,--.- Lana* the %!(uter %hi!( 3/he Ru!bau"hs* .46 •
/hey tau"ht Lana a si!(le arti+$ial lan"ua"e $alled er)ish /he lan"ua"e $nsisted ' seven $lurs and nine "e!etri$al sha(es &hi$h re(resented !ainly b9e$ts and a$tinsLana learned hundreds ' senten$es in this 'ashinSue Sava"e>ru!bau"hs believes that a(es have but a li!ited ability 'r lan"ua"e a$quisitin-
,--:- sarah2 /he Ma"neti$ Plasti$ t)en %hi!( 3David Pre!a$)*.4F*.4.* .456
0e "ave sarah .F (lasti$ t)ens &ith !a"nets s that they $uld be !ani(ulated easily by her and thers- /he t)ens 'r na!es ' $lurs* a$tins* 'ruites and s!e 'un$tin su$h as questins /hey 'und that $hi!(s are intele"ent $reatures-
,--- ;anzi a (y"!y %hi!( (rdu$es synthesized s(ee$h 3ru!bau"h* M$Dnald* sev$i)** 0()ins < Rubert* .4=56
/he resear$her believe that a (y"!y $hi!( !re si!ilar t hu!ans than t ther a(esIn their trainin" the resear$hes &uld (int t a )eybard and s(ea) in en"lish t b9e$ts* a$tins* l$atins that &ere ' interest t the $hi!(s-
,-- /ea$hin" lan"ua"e t Dl(hins ,--.- Elvar2 /he &histlin" Dl(hin 3Lilly*.45:*.45,6
/he resear$her tried t tea$h a dl(hin t 'r$e air thru"h its bl&>hle in su$h a &ay that it &uld all& the dl(hin t i!itate hu!an s(ee$h sundLilly $lai!ed that elvar inter$han"ed hu!an sunds &ith dl(hin sunds as he &ere atte!(itin" t translate
,--:- A)ea)a!ai and (heni?- Learnin" arti+$ial thru"h Si"ht and Sund 30er!an < Wlz*.4=6
/hey trained a bttlense dl(hin t !i!i$ $!(uter>"enerated sunds /he dl(hin $uld learn ne& &histle and a((ly this &histle t the na!in" ' b9e$ts su$h as Bball@* Bh(@* and B'risbee@ /he resear$hers $ndu$ted e?(eri!ents usin" t& diJerent ty(es ' arti+al lan"ua"es* ne invlvin" sunds* the ther invlvin" visual "estures** i-e- Si"ns0er!an@s resear$h is ne ' the !st s$ienti+$ and !ethdl"i$ally reliable n the learnin" ' lan"ua"e by ani!als-
/EA%0ING SP1;EN ENGLIS0 /1 AN ARI%AN GRE PARR1/ %an (arrt learn lan"ua"e # /he ans&er is nt but based n the Pe((erber"@s 'as$inatin" resear$h3 .4=* .44KPe((errber" and ;za) *.4=56 has (rven that ur assu!(tin is &rn"- 0e did a resear$h t a !ale A'ri$an Grey (arrt na!ed Ale?Ale? $an sh& an e?$ellent $!(eten$e by identi'y $lr and sha(e and !aterial !re than .FF b9e$tsEven Ale? !ade !ista)e but it al!st li)e the hu!an Bs !ista)e 'r instan$e he (rdu$e the &rd b? by b$)Ale? has !re talent then A(es and Dl(hin she has l& level ' synta? then the!-
ANIMAL %1MMUNI%A/I1N IN /0E WILD Ani!al $!!uni$ate thru"h a &ide variety ' !eans li)e sund* s!ell and visual si"nal-
,-5-:-/URN>/A;ING IN S1UND>MA;ING In !a)in" $!!uni$atin* ani!al (ra$ti$e natural ne li)e dne by hu!an bein" - r instan$e a !n)ey "et the $han"e t $!!uni$ate a'ter his 'riend +nish- /his situatin als 'und in the birds@ li'e-
,-5-- HIRD %ALLS /he $alls ' bird has !any (ur(ses * they are2 .-
Givin" in'r!atin ' it@s readiness t !ate
Givin" alar! t (revent it@s territry Based on the researcher that the calls of bird is innate, moreover a bird can imitate the human sound even it can not used it appropriately based on the context.
,-5-- 01NE HEES /0E IN1RMA/I1N DAN%E /here are !any interestin" thin"s 'r! the &ay ' bees@ $!!uni$atin bet&een the!* they are2 .- /hey use visin and tu$h t in'r! and understand the !essa"e 'r! ther by tu$hin" their 'riends by their &n antennae:- /hey instru$t t their 'riend t " ba$) t their hive by usin" s(e$i+$ !ve!ent* dan$e- E?$e(t 'r the bees that have a tas) t +nd 'd -
Givin" in'r!atin abut a s(e$ial ne$tar sur$e r even they $an tell t their 'riend the distant ' the ne$tar 'r! the!-
,-5-,- REAS1NING AND %1NS%I1USNESS IN HEES AND ANIMAL Hased n the Prin$etn University ethl"ist a!es Guld3.4=5*.4==K "uld < "uld* .4== 6 that$ertain bees nt nly have an ability t in'r! that there is a ne$tar near the! but they als $an anti$i(ate the ne& area ' 'd and y t )ee( it until their 'riends $!e t "et- It !eans that the bees have an ability t !a)e a !a( in their !ind In ther &rds &e $an said that the bees and ther ani!al *Hat* d thin" $ns$iusly and d thin) t a$t s!ethin"- 3Grin* .44:6-0e said that t )n& ani!al@s behaviur &e !ust learn the! s that &e $an understand the devel(!ent ' ur evlutin ' ur $ns$iusness and thin)in"-
,- %1N%LUSI1N ,--. $an Ani!al %!!uni$atin be re"arded as lan"ua"e We $an say n* &hy#It $an be aans&ered thru"ht their $!!uni$atins B$hara$ters-0u!an $!!uni$ate &ith ea$h ther $reatively- /hey $an $reate any variatin ' lan"ua"es -1n the ther hand ani!al $an $!!uni$ate quite s(esi+$ and sterety(e- /hey $an $!!uni$ate 9ust 'r the b9e$t trained t the!-/he study ' Washe*Sarah*Lana* ;)* ;anzi * the dl(hin and Ale? de!nstrate nly a !ini!al de"ree ' a$hieve!ent-
,--:- /0E PUCCLE 2SEEMINGL 0IG0L IN/ELLIGEN/ ANIMALS LEARN LI//LE LANGUAGE /he resear$h dne n the ani!al sh&s that ani!al nly have rudi!entary lan"ua"e ability* &hether in the &ild r thru"h trainin"- Even the A(es is $reative and inventive t slve the (rble! than ther ani!als but they $an nt learn !re abut &hat is tau"ht t the!- 1n the ther $hildren $an learn !re &ith all its@ $!(le?ity 3Wl'"an" %hler6 /here are t& ty(es ' e?(lanatin abut the a$quisitin ' lan"ua"e bet&een ani!al and hu!an2 .- Pr intelli"ent theries that ani!al la$) ' $ertain intelli"ent t learn lan"ua"e-3Pie"et6 :- Innatists 3 %h!s)y6 2ani!al brn &ithut a s(e$ial lan"ua"e ability- Ani!al dn@t have the $a(a$ity ' understandin" the "ra!!ar ' the lan"ua"e-
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