Mekanisme Reaksi Substitusi Elektrofilik (SE) reaksi substitusi elektrofilik, pada umumnya terjadi pada senyawa aromatik, dan penyerangnya adalah sebuah elektrofil (E +)
Khususnya pada senyawa benzena
Mekanisme reaksinya: Dua tahapan yaitu 1. pembentukan elektrofil dengan bantuan katalis
E + Katalis
Elektrofil Ele ktrofil (E+) +
E + katalis
. !enyerangan elektrofil pada "in"in benzena
Mekanisme reaksinya: Dua tahapan yaitu 1. pembentukan elektrofil dengan bantuan katalis
E + Katalis
Elektrofil Ele ktrofil (E+) +
E + katalis
. !enyerangan elektrofil pada "in"in benzena
!eberapa "ontoh pembentukan elektrofil# dengan bantuan katalis Elektrofil (E+) Elektrofil (E+)
#$l + %l$l&
#+ + %l$l'
r + *er &
r + + *er '
,-& + -' -' (berasap)
,-+ + -&+ + -'
,-& + -'
,-+ + -
1. eberapa reaksi E pada "in"in benzena alkilasi
$ontoh: asilasi Friedel-Crafts
Mekanisme reaksinya.................
Mekanisme reaksinya.................
agaimana membuat senyawa tersebut dari benzena..../
asilasi Friedel-Crafts dalam industri pembuatan bensaldehid
$ontoh: alkilasi Friedel-Crafts
,oti"e the stabilization of formed "arbo"ation as ele"trophile
enzene alkylation with akene
enzene alkylation with an al"ohol
-btain the mayor produ"t and its rea"tion me"hanism when an alkylhalide is rea"ted with benzene by Friedel-
. *ungsionalization og subtituted benzene tersubstitusi (e"ond substituen)
5 is first subtituen and dire"t the se"ond subtituen (E+) and effe"t rea"tion rate
-rto 3!ara
%tau Meta
4f 5 is ele"tron or releasing a"ti6ated benzene ring
4f 5 is ele"tron withdrawing or dea"ti6ated benzene ring
7hree fa"tors effe"t aromati" E rea"ti6ity: (1) Kineti"s () Ele"tron density (&) tability of formed "omple8 (related to the present of resonan"e)
Kinetis0 e"ond substituen orientation "an be determined by subtituent "onstanta formula k = equilibrium constante with substituent k o = equilibrium constante without substituent β = RX factor σ = substituent constante
Ele"tron density0 ubstra"t ele"tron density is effe"ted by first subtituen. 4t "an be noti"ed from their effe"t: mesomery indu"ti6e effe"t
(M) and
E8amples: ubtituen 9,
(M) + dan (4) %
o0p dire"ting
ubtituen 9$&
(M) + dan (4) +
o0p dire"ting (Ekstrim)
ubtituen 9$l dan 9- ubtituen 9,-
(M) + dan (4) % (M) % dan (4) %
o0p dire"ting m dire"ting (Ekstrim)
$omple8 stability #esonan"e stru"ture showed stability grade. e"ond subtituen orientation on aromati"s (benzene): ;0p or m0 is depend on stabilisation resonan"e
E&les# than bromine0 so it "ontrols the regiosele"ti6ity of nitration.
7here are se6eral fa"tors effe"t the third substitue to 1.
-bser6e and gi6e your "on"lution: ............................................... ..............................................
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