ppt introduction of handbook for electricity metering

July 24, 2018 | Author: panupan | Category: Publishing, Electricity, Computing, Technology, Books
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This is ppt about introduction of handbook for electricity metering 11th...


Handbook for Electricity Metering 11th Edition Team Update Reggie Murchison & Randy Graham Fall 2013 TDM Conference Charleston, SC

Introduction    Reggie

Murchison – Author Advocate

   Randy Graham    Manager, 

– Project Lead

EEI Project Consulting

EEI 15 years

   Handbook    First

edition date 1912

   Average 13,000 

Top 3 publication at EEI

   Last 

printed each edition

update 2002 – update roughly every 10 years

11th edition – March 2014

11th Edition Chapters and Team Leads Preface Chapter #1

Introduction To The Meter Department   Reggie Murchison

Chapter #2

Common Terms Used in Metering

Chapter #3

Mathematics for Metering

Chapter #4

Electrical Circuits

Chapter #5

Solid‐State Electronics

Chapter #6


Chapter #7

The Watthour Meter

Chapter #8

Demand Meters

Chapter #9

Kilovar & Kilovoltampere Metering

Chapter #10 Special Metering Chapter #11 Instrument Transformers



Reggie Murchison Reggie Murchison Reggie Murchison Ken Dimpfl 


vacant  Tom Held     

Gordon Belcher  Dan Gunderson David Ellis Jim West 

11th Edition Chapters and Team Leads – cont. Chapter #12 Meter Wiring Diagrams

Tim Morgan

Chapter #13 The Customers’ Premises, Service & Install   vacant  Chapter #14 Electricity Meter Testing & Maintenance Chapter #15 Demand Meter Testing & Maintenance Chapter #16 The Standards Laboratory Chapter #17 Meter Reading


Gordon Belcher  Jim DeMars


Ellery Queen

Chapter #18 Communications (new) Chapter #19 Smart Grid (new)

Tom Held 


Terry Bates


Tony Osmanski 

Chapter #20 Service Disconnect (new)


Tony Osmanski 

Chapter #21 Standards (Issues) (new)


Brad  Johnson

Responsibilities    Chapter(s)    Writing    Updating graphics    Reviewing    Handing

with peers

off to EEI

   Monthly Status Calls 

Ask for Assistance    Review


   Graphic Support

Action Plan 

  Last Monthly Status call before first draft – October 15, 2013

  Authors’ first drafts to EEI high level review ‐  November 15, 2013

EEI edits/comments to Authors – December 6, 2013   Authors’ second drafts to EEI provided editor for review of consistency and verse – January 6, 2014 EEI Editor edits/comments to Authors – January 27, 2014

  Final file to layout / print – February 7, 2014

  Print / distribute – March 2014

What is needed    Authors

for 2 chapters:

   Chapter

6 – Instrument

   Chapter

13 –The Customers’ Premises, Service & Installations

Marketing   Marketing    Email

11th Edition


   Committee/meeting    What



   Alerting

course instructors of its availability

   Member


Production Options    Printed

– provide more usability

   Same 

format – perfect bound hard copy

New formats – larger, lay flat binding

   Print


   Print

on demand – fewer copies at a time

   Electronic 


   eBook

– provide mobile access

Questions? The team can be reached at: Project Manager Chapter #1 Chapter #2 Chapter #3 Chapter #4 Chapter #5 Chapter #6 Chapter #7 Chapter #8 Chapter #9 Chapter #10 Chapter #11 Chapter #12 Chapter #13 Chapter #14 Chapter #15 Chapter #16 Chapter #17 Chapter #18 Chapter #19 Chapter #20 Chapter #21

Introduction To The Meter Dept Common Terms Mathematics for Metering Electrical Circuits Solid-State Electronics Instruments The Watthour Meter Demand Meters KVAR / KVA Metering Special Metering Instrument Transformers Meter Wiring Diagrams Cust. Prem. Ser. & Installation Elec. Meter Testing & Maintenance Demand Meter Test/Maint. The Standards Lab Meter Reading Communications Smart Grid Service Disconnect Standards (Issues)

Randy Reggie Reggie Reggie Reggie Ken vacant Tom Gordon Dan David Jim Tim vacant Tom Gordon Jim Ellery Terry Tony Tony Brad

Graham Murchison Murchison Murchison Murchison Dimpfl Held Belcher Gunderson Ellis West Morgan Held Belcher DeMars Queen Bates Osmanski Osmanski Johnson

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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