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CONTENTS Õ Introduction Õ National Health Agencies Õ International Health Agencies Õ Conclusion Õ References ñ
Ú Õ ÚNothing on earth is more international than disease.µ Paul Rossi Õ Throughout the history disease and ill health have been remained
as burden and liability to society ,nation and world at large . Õ Health of citizen is a proper concern of the government
Õ The concept of public health today has changed in a striking manner
and vast network of public health units have evolved. Õ Smallest of these cater to health needs of rural areas Õ Nation wide ²national health agency Õ World wide -International health agency
National Health Agencies Õ Each national government has a department or agency that has
primary responsibility for protection of health and citizen welfare. Õ Agencies meet responsibilities through funding of research. Õ Enforcement of health regulation.
Õ Non profit , non government community based health services
organization. Õ Comprises of a small management team, board of advisors
,dedicated group of health workers. Õ Serves underprivileged communities in urban slums of Mumbai. Ô
ñ Õ ½arious activities areÕ Social and relief works Õ Supplies essential items Õ Maintenance of blood banks Õ Family planning services Õ Medicare care for defence forces Õ First aid services
.Child Welfare And Holistic Organization Õ Non profit organization Õ Works for rural development
:- investing new skills and ideas :- producing self reliant, resourceful and responsible individual
a.Push Trust Õ Charitable organization helps the orphans, neglected, needy and
abandoned children. Õ Provide basic needs like food ,home for underprivileged children,
education and also work for old age people.
x.Praya·s Social Welfare Society Õ Non government service organization. Õ Works for promotion of education and health for street / poor
children and their families.
Ô.Shroff·s Foundation Trust Õ NGO which provides supportive services in implementation of
interventions in diverse areas such ashealth, rural development, agriculture, community, women empowerment, women education, natural resources, livestock management.
.Food Relief Charity Õ Charitable NGO Õ Works for betterment of children and general people in rural and
urban areas by- food relief programmes, school projects, cloth distribution , providing relief funds against natural disasters.
.Shankara Nethralaya Õ Charitable not for profit eye hospital. Õ Offers fellowship programmes in vitreoretinal surgery and general
ophthalmology to holders of postgraduate degree and diploma in ophthalmology.
0.AshwiniKumar Medical Relief Society Õ NGO offers treatment for tuberculosis patients. Õ Works for upliftment of downtrodden people.
m .Tamilnadu Corporation For Development Of Women Õ Government undertaking with a mission to build capacity of poor
and disadvantaged women.
mm.Bombay Leprosy Project Õ Registered non profit voluntary organization. Õ Working towards the goal of a Úworld without leprosyµ
m.Seva Bharti Õ ½oluntary organization providing rural development programmes,
education to needy, women·s and handicapped welfare programmes and child welfare programmes.
m.Central Institute On Mental Retardation Õ Establishment for education ,training, development of mentally
International Health Agencies Õ International health agencies have the primary responsibility for
protection of health and citizen welfare Õ They meet responsibility through funding of research and
enforcement of health regulation. Õ WHO is the largest international health organization
Õ International D·Hygiene Publique was absorbed by WHO. Õ Health organization of League of nation was dissolved when
WHO was created . Õ UNRRA, UNICEF, Pan America HEALTH organization are
still an independent organization but is integrated with WHO.
m.International Red Cross And Red Crescent Movement Õ World·s largest humanitarian network. Õ Provides protection and assistance to people affected by conflicts
and disasters Õ Organization devoted to service of mankind in peace and war
founded by Henry Qunant ,a young Swiss businessman.
Fundamental principles of Red Cross and Crescent m a x Ô
Humanity Impartiality Neutrality Independence ½oluntary service Unity Universality
Works of red cross Õ Providing help and relief during natural disaster. Õ Services to armed forces. Õ Services to war vetrans. Õ Programmes on first aid and nursing . Õ Providing maternity and child welfare services.
.The Food and Agriculture Organization Õ Formed in year m0ax. Õ Organization concerned with human diseases of animal
origin, nutrition and with rural hygiene . Õ Main function of FAO:mproviding help to all nations to fight poverty and to raise living standards of their people. Ensuring adequate availability of food to people of all nations through increased food production. ña
.Helping nations to increase the efficiency in the field of farming, forestry and fishing. a.Campaigning for freedom from hunger in all nations. x.Helping nations to better the condition of their people in rural areas.
.United Nations Children·s Fund Õ It was created by General Assembly during its first session in
m0aÔ. and was called United Nations International Children·s Emergency Fund. Õ In m0x General Assembly changed main emphasis of UNICEF mandate to Program·s of long range benefit s to children of developing countries.
a.Functions of UNICEF Õ It consists of planning and extension of services benefiting
children in consultation with countries concerned. Õ It provides support to strengthen the training and orientation of
national personnel including health hygiene functionaries ,teachers and nutritionists.
Õ It supports activities related to women empowerment as
community participation in implementation and monitoring of services benefiting women and children. Õ Helps on development of appropriate communication material for
advocacy and information disseminations and education. Õ It delivers technical supplies, equipment and other aids Õ UNICEF promotes movement for basic needs and promotes
primary education to promote family planning ,encourage breast feeding, vitamin A deficiency polio eradication. ñ
GOBI Campaign to encourage a strategies for a Úchild health revolutionµ Õ G- for growth charts to better monitor child
development. Õ O- for oral rehydration to treat all mild and moderate dehydration. Õ B- for breast feeding. Õ I- for immunization against measles, polio, tetanus and
x.World Health Organization Õ It is a specialized, non-political, health agency of UN with
headquarters at Geneva. Õ Established on April ,m0a. Õ th April is celebrated every year as ¶World Health Day·
Objectives of WHO Õ To help government strengthen their health services. Õ To promote in-cooperation with other specialized agencies where
necessary- improvement of nutrition, housing, sanitation, economic or working conditions and other aspects of environmental hygiene
Õ To promote cooperation among scientific and professional group
which advanced cause of good health. Õ To promote maternal and child health and welfare. Õ To foster activities in the field of mental health. Õ Stimulate eradication of epidemic, endemic and other diseases. Õ To propose international conventions. ñ
Õ To develop international standards for food and pharmaceutical
products. Õ To assist in developing an informed public opinion among all
people on matters of health. Õ The basic function of WHO is advisory service.
Work of WHO Õ First division is the ¶classical· or ¶inherited work· which caused
international health organizations to come into existence. Õ Second division of work are the direct services to the government
on the field. Õ Third division of who·s work can be described as education and
formation a
Role of WHO in public health Õ Providing leadership on matters critical to health and engaging in
partnership where joint action is needed. Õ Shaping the research agenda and stimulating the generations ,
translations of valuable knowledge. Õ Setting norms and standards and monitoring their implementation. Õ Articulation ethical and evidence based policy options Õ Monitoring health situation and assessing health trends.
Ô.United States Agency for International Development Õ Established in m0Ôm,with aim for helping countries in their
economic and social development. Õ USAID assists India in wide variety of projects for improvement
of health of people.
Projects includes Õ Support to national health programs like malaria eradication . Õ Supports in field of medical, nursing and health education. Õ Support to projects related to water supply and sanitation. Õ Supports for projects related to control of communicable
diseases. Õ Supports for projects in nutrition and family planning
.The UN Relief and Rehabilitation Administration Õ It was created at a aa nation conference at White House on
November 0,m0a Õ Its mission was to provide economic assistance to European
countries after nd world war and repatriate and assist refugees.
.INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANIZATION Õ Oldest organization dating from end of first WORLD WAR. Õ Functions of ILO:
Establishment of peace by promoting social justice. b To improve the living standard and labour conditions around the world. c To promote economic and social stability. a
0.COOPORATI½E FOR ASSISTANCE AND RELIEF E½ERYWHERE(CARE Õ One of the World·s largest private Humanitarian organization. Õ This projects in more than Ô countries around the world. Õ There work ha expanded to address the World·s threatening
problems such as Hunger, Famine(Disaster, and primary Health Care.
m .UNITED NATION DE½ELOPMENT PROGRAMME(UNDP Õ Serves as main source of funds for technical assistance to both
developed and developing countries. Õ Takes several projects in different parts of World covering
Economic and Social sectors like- Agriculture Industry , Education, Health etc.
mm.ROTARY INTERNATIONAL Õ International organization of rotary club is known as rotary
international, it is a secular organization devoted to bringing together business and professional leaders to provide humanitarian service. Õ It begun in m0 x. Õ Around ,
rotary club are located around the world .
Õ Each club is a part of international group dedicated to the motto "service
above self". añ
To promote humanitarian service
Encourage high ethical standards
Help build goodwill throughout the world
Community services.
Organize Disease Eradication Projects (polio plus to eradicate polio is well known project. a
m.LIONS CLUB INTERNATIONAL Õ It began in m0m. Õ OBJECTI½EÕ To provide the youth of the world with an opportunity for
development and contribution, individually and collectively as responsible members of the local, national and international community. aa
Lions Club make community a better place to live m Lions project for healthy life aSight project: Provide cataract surgeries Support lions eye banks bLions support local and large scale efforts to control and prevent diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. cLions focuses on hearing and recycling programs. Service for children project aLiteracy programs. bProviding wheelchairs for disabled children cProviding books, nutritional programs for undernourished children. dproviding immunization. community and environment programs ax
Conclusion Õ International health has come to comprise those problems in field
of health, which receive consideration and action by more than one country. Õ Such problem may be dealt with officially by government or
unofficially by nation or international voluntary associations.
REFRENCES : Õ Essentials of community Dentistry-SS HIREMATH Õ Essentials of preventive and community dentistry
(ath Edition-
SOBEN PETER. Õ www.fotosearch.com Õ www.rotaryclub.com Õ www.who.com Õ www.lionsclub.com Õ www.ilo.org.com
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