Ppl Communications

July 9, 2016 | Author: Emet | Category: Types, School Work
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Communications for Exams...



JULY 12, 2010

PPL – COMMUNICATIONS 1. The correct method of stating 10,500 feet MSL to ATC is: a. “ONE ZERO THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED.” b. “TEN THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED FEET.” c. “TEN POINT FIVE.” 2. An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying on a heading of 090°: “TRAFFIC 3 O’CLOCK, 2 MILES, WESTBOUND…” Where should the pilot look for this traffic? a. South. b. East. c. West. 3. An ATC radar facility issues the following advisory to a pilot flying on a heading of 355° “TRAFFIC 10 O’CLOCK, 2 MILES, SOUTHBOUND…” Where should the pilot look for this traffic? a. Northwest. b. Northeast. c. Southwest. 4. While on final approach for landing, an alternating green and red light followed by a flashing red light is received from the control tower. Under these circumstances, the pilot should: a. exercise extreme caution and abandon the approach, realizing the airport is unsafe for landing. b. discontinue the approach, fly the same traffic pattern and approach again, and land. c. abandon the approach, circle the airport to the light, and expect a flashing white light when the airport is safe for landing. 5. A steady green light signal directed from the control tower to an aircraft in flight is a signal that the pilot: a. is cleared to land. b. should give way to other aircraft and continue circling. c. should return for landing. 6. A flashing white light signal from the control tower to a taxiing aircraft is an indication to: a. taxi at a faster speed. b. taxi only on taxiways and not cross runways. c. return to the starting point on the airport. 7. If the control tower uses a light signal to direct a pilot to give way to other aircraft and continue circling, the light will be: a. steady red. b. flashing red. c. alternating red and green. 8. Which light signal from the control tower clears a pilot to taxi? a. Flashing green. b. Steady green. c. Flashing white.

9. If the aircraft’s radio fails, what is the recommended procedure when landing at a controlled airport? a. Enter a crosswind leg and continue the approach and look for light signal b. Observe the traffic flow, enter the pattern, rock wings and look for a light signal from the tower. c. Flash the landing lights and cycle the landing gear while circling the airport. 10. When activated, an emergency locator transmitter (ELT) transmits on? a. 118.0 and 118.8 MHz. b. 132.0 and 119.0 MHz. c. 121.5 and 243.0 MHz. 11. If the control tower uses a light signal to direct a pilot to exercise extreme caution while on the ground? a. Flashing green. b. Alternating red and green c. Steady green. d. Flashing white. 12. The Q code on which height is based on: a. QNH b. QFF c. QFE d. QUJ 13. If you are unable to contact a station on a designated frequency you should? a. Try another appropriate frequency b. Start transmitting blind c. Land at the nearest suitable aerodrome d. Transmit words twice 14. The term “CORRECTION” is used when? a. The readback of a message is incorrect b. The readback of a message is correct c. The message has to be deleted d. An error has been made in the transmission and the correct version is….. 15. When asking for a repeat of a message, you should say? a. WORDS TWICE b. REPEAT MESSAGE c. SPEAK SLOWER d. SAY AGAIN 16. Readability 2 means that your transmission is: a. readable but with difficulty b. readable c. readable now and then d. two way communications have been established 17. The message “CHECK” to an aircraft means that you should: a. confirm that you received and understood the last message b. pass the required information to ATC c. stay where you are d. examine a system or procedure

18. Your action in response to the instruction from ATC to “RESET SQUAWK” is to: a. set the numbers to 7000 b. reselect the numbers on the control unit c. switch to standby and back to ON d. press the IDENT button 19. The full range of VHF frequencies used for communications is: a. 3 to 30 MHz b. 88 to 108 MHz c. 108.0 to 139.95 MHz d. 117.95 to 135.95 MHz 20. The definition of the instruction “MONITOR…” is: a. listen out on frequency b. establish communications on frequency c. watch out for visual signals on frequency d. you are being watched 21. An example of a general call is? a. STOP IMMEDIATELY I SAY AGAIN STOP IMMEDIATELY b. BRAKING ACTION UNRELIABLE c. ALL STATIONS d. GOOD DAY 22. The phrase to use when you want to say “yes” is? a. NEGATIVE b. ROGER c. WILCO d. AFFIRMATIVE 23. The instruction “ORBIT” from ATC means that the aircraft should: a. carry out a go around b. carry out one 720 degree turn only c. carry out one 360 degree turn only d. reverse the direction of the turn 24. Your reply to the message “REPORT FLIGHT CONDITIONS” should be? a. VFR/IFR b. SMOOTH/TURBULENT c. NOT BAD/SO SO d. VMC/IMC 25. The ATC message “DISTRESS TRAFFIC ENDED” signifies that: a. all traffic are to end their transmissions b. all aircraft on the frequency are to change to another frequency c. normal ATC is resumed after an emergency d. ATC is shutting shop 26. The term “DISREGARD” means: a. Ignore b. Cancel the last clearance c. You have not been cleared d. Pay no attention to what I say 27. The instruction from ATC to an aircraft to abandon its take-off includes the phrase: a. CANCEL TAKE-OFF b. STOP IMMEDIATELY c. ABORT ABORT d. YOU WON’T LIKE THIS

28. The definition of the phrase “STANDBY” is: a. consider the transmission as not sent b. proceed with your message c. wait and I will call you d. hold your present position 29. The time given in aeronautical communications is: a. local mean time b. in minutes only c. UTC d. daylight saving time 30. The phrase used to separate portions of a message is: a. BREAK BREAK b. I SAY AGAIN c. BREAK d. UMM

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