Pp01_ Asep_ Nscp 2015 Background of the Nscp Updates
Short Description
NSCP2015 update background...
Presented by : Engr. Francis Anthony G. Valderrama, M.ASEP, M.IEAust
Chater I : GE!E"A# "E$%I"EME!&S
For this Chater, the 'ollo(ing Sections S ections (ere udated and re)ised:
Section *+ : -e'inition o' Failure Section *+ : Classi'ication o' Structures Section *+/ : -esign "e0uirements Section *+1 : Posting and Instrumentation Inclusions o' Aendi2 *3A and Aendi2 *34 APPENDIX 1-A : Recommended Recommended Guidelines On Structural Structural Design Peer Review O Structures Structures !"1# APPENDIX 1-$ : Guidelines Guidelines And Im%lementing Rules On Eart&'ua(e Eart&'ua(e Recording Recording Instrumentation )or $uildings
Section *+ : -e'initions
&he +*1 !ational Structural Code o' the Philiines, Volume *, 5th Edition, includes and elaborate the meaning o' 6FAI#%"E7.
As de'ined, FAI#%"E is an unaccetable di''erence bet(een e2ected and obser)ed er'ormance. It includes catastrohic structural collase, but also I!C#%-ES er'ormance roblems that are not necessarily catastrohic or li'e3threatening, including 67ser)iceability 67ser)iceability roblems such as distress, e2cessi)e de'ormation, remature deterioration o' materials, lea8ing roo's and 'acades, and inade0uate interior en)ironmental control systems7. systems7.
Section *+ : -e'initions In the e)ent o' a signi'icant 'ailure, the arties tyically retain e2erts to determine the cause o' the ercei)ed 'ailure. 9ccasionally a 'ailure results 'rom a single condition, but tyically, 'ailures result 'rom a combination o' mista8es, o)ersights, miscommunications, misunderstandings, ignorance, lases, slis, incometence, intentional )iolations or non3 comliance, and inade0uate 0uality assurance.
Section *+ : -e'initions &he causes 'or these conditions )ary, but may include simle mista8es such as sending in'ormation to a structural engineer (hen it should ha)e been sent to the architect;, conclusions based on 'aulty assumtions, an emloyeeect to the monitoring o' the 4uilding 9''icial. -ata roduced by the instruments shall be made a)ailable to the 4uilding 9''icial or the Philiine Institute o' Volcanology and Seismology P@IV9#CS; on re0uest.
Section *+1.. Maintenance Maintenance and ser)ice o' the instruments shall be ro)ided by the o(ner o' the building, sub>ect to the monitoring o' the 4uilding 9''icial. -ata roduced by the instruments shall be made a)ailable to the 4uilding 9''icial or any authori=ed agency uon re0uest.
Section *+1 : Posting and Instrumentation National Structural *ode o t&e P&ili%%ines !"1"+ ,t& Edition
National Structural *ode o t&e P&ili%%ines !"1#+ t& Edition
Section *+1../ Instrumentation o' Selected 4uildings All o(ners o' e2isting structures selected by the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction shall ro)ide accessible sace 'or the installation o' aroriate earth0ua8e3recording instruments. #ocation o' said instruments shall be determined by P@IV9#CS or the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction. P@I#V9#CS or the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction shall ma8e arrangements to ro)ide, maintain and ser)ice the instruments. -ata shall be the roerty o' the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction, but coies o' indi)idual records shall be made a)ailable to the o(ner o' the building and to the ublic on re0uest and a'ter the ayment o' an aroriate 'ee.
Section *+1../ Instrumentation o' Selected 4uildings All o(ners o' e2isting structures selected by the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction shall ro)ide accessible sace 'or the installation o' aroriate earth0ua8e3 recording instruments, determined by a Structural Engineer.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( o' Structures +*1 APPE!-I *34 : Guidelines and Imlementing "ules on Earth0ua8e "ecording Instrumentation 'or 4uildings
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( 4ACDG"9%!- : &he Association o' Structural Engineers o' the Philiines ASEP; ha)e t(o main ob>ecti)es that are stated in its by3la(s. &hese t(o ob>ecti)es are and shall be: a. &he rotection o' the ublic (el'are b. el'are o' its constituents through, Maintenance o' highly ethical and ro'essional standards in the ractice o' engineering Ad)ancement o' structural engineering 8no(ledge and romotion o' good ublic and ri)ate clientele relationshis, de)eloment o' 'ello(shis among Ci)il Engineers and Structural Engineers and encouragement o' ro'essional relations (ith other allied technical and scienti'ic organi=ation.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( &hese ob>ecti)es are 'ocused on the three ma>or areas namely: a. Codes and Standards b. &echnical Ad)ancement c. Fello(shis and #in8ages
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( &o accomlish these ob>ecti)es, the 4oard o' -irectors 'or *3+++ continued the rogram o' the re)ious 4oard o' -irectors 'or *H3* by creating se)eral committees. 9ne o' (hich is the C9MMI&&EE 9! -ESIG! PEE" "EVIE.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -uring the term o' Engr. Adam C. Abinales ++3+*+; the committee (as re)i)ed S9 AS &9 IMP"9VE A!- E!@A!CE the guidelines that includes additional arameters and ethical rules as (ell as the enhancement o' the ractice o' the eer re)ie(. It (as continued to imro)e and de)elo under the 'ollo(ing ASEP Past Presidents: Engr. Anthony Vladimir Pimentel +*+3+**; Engr. Vinci !icholas ". Villasenor +**3+*; Engr. Miriam #. &amayo +*; Engr. Carlos M. Villara=a +*1;
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( &he committee is comosed o' the 'ollo(ing: Engr. Ernesto F. Cru= Chairman; Engr. Gabriel %rsus #. Eusebio Co3Chairman; Members: Engr. Alden C. 9ng Engr. Marie Christine G. -anao Engr. Edmondo -. San ose
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( 94EC&IVES: *. . . /.
Imro)e Section *+/.1 o' !SCP +*+J Ensure to attain the aim 'or #i'e Sa'ety 9bser)e Economy in design Protect the in)estment o' clients
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( Aside 'rom its ob>ecti)es, the Peer "e)ie( aims to ha)e a ositi)e results in the 'ollo(ing: *.
. .
Comly structural engineering design, dra(ings and seci'ications (ith the minimum re0uirements o' !SCP and other accetable established codes and standards Maintain the 0uality o' ro>ects Imro)e and maintain the high standards in the ractice o' structural engineering Promote e2change o' in'ormation and inno)ati)e ideas bet(een the designers and re)ie(ers In'orm the 9(ner3Client on the bene'its o' this e2ercise and any ossible cost imlications resulting 'rom the re)ie( Promote ro'essional ethics in the conduct o' indeendent or eer re)ie(.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( S&"%C&%"ES &9 4E "EVIEE- : *. .
/. 1.
All structures more than 513meter high 'rom the e2terior G"9%!- #EVE#. 4uildings, to(ers and other )ertical structures (ith irregularity in con'iguration under occuancy Category I , II and III (ithin the seismic =one /. Structures designed under alternati)e system Section *+*./ !SCP 5 th Edition; that intends to use other structural materials, design aroach and construction methodology not rescribed by the latest e2isting structure code. 4uildings, to(ers and other structures (ith unde'ined structural system. Essential 'acilities @ositals, Fire, Police, Communications, A)iation, School 4uildings, E)acuation Centers, !ational -e'ense, Po(er Plants and the li8e;.
@a=ardous Facilities.
NO0E: Since Peer Review is not covered 78 t&e 7asic structural services o t&e EOR+ t&is s&all 7e su79ect to a SEPARA0E S*OPE AND *O2PENSA0ION or t&e EOR
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( $%A#IFICA&I9!S: &he Indeendent Peer "e)ie(er S@A## 4E !9MI!A&E- by the 9!E"3C#IE!&. It should not be the E!GI!EE"39F3"EC9"E9"; or engineer aointed by the ContractorK4uilder. For &%"!3DE? P"9EC&S 9" -ESIG! A!- 4%I#-, the Contractor shall aoint an indeendent recogni=ed Structural Engineer to conduct the re)ie(.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( $%A#IFICA&I9!S: &he 'ollo(ing are the 0uali'ications o' the Peer "e)ie(er: *.
Ci)il Engineer registered (ith the Pro'essional "egulation Commission o' the Philiines I&@ more than + years o' "E#A&E- S&"%C&%"A# E!GI!EE"I!G EPE"IE!CE SIMI#A" &9 &@E S&"%C&%"E &9 4E "EVIEE-.
Must be a "EG%#A" ASEP member in G99- S&A!-I!G.
Structural Engineers (ith comarable 0uali'ication and e2erience as the E9" resonsible 'or the design.
Dno(ledgeable in current design so't(are, tools and other accetable current comuter rograms.
@a)e cometiti)e 8no(ledge or e2erience in actual structural construction.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( SC9PE 9F "EVIE: &he P" must re)ie( all items agreed to be re)ie(ed (ith the 9(ner3Client and E9" er rele)antKrecommended items listed in Aendi2 *3A o' !SCP +*1 5th Edition. &he P" shall re'er regularly to chec8 'or comleteness o' the re)ie( er alicable items listed in Aendi2 *3A o' !SCP +*1 5th Edition.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( SC9PE 9F "EVIE: In'ormation to be 'urnished by 9(ner3Client a. b.
Printed coies or P-FK-F2 'ormat o' comlete set o' Architectural and Structural dra(ings. General In'ormation o' the Structure !umber o' Stories, Gross 4uilding Area, %ni0ue Features and other rele)ant in'ormation;
Geotechnical Engineering "eort
ind &unnel &est "eort i' any;
Site3seci'ic sectra and ground3motion time histories i' any;
Ma>or e0uiment or secial loadings
Analysis Model
4asis o' -esign
-esign Criteria
!arrati)e Structural System
Structural Calculations
Structural Seci'ications
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( I&EMS &9 4E "EVIEE-: A.
4asis o' -esign K -esign Criteria
-esign Standards and Seci'ications
Model Analysis
Foundation #oads and its 'oundation tye
#ateral load "esisting Framing System
Columns Slenderness , Suorting &rans'er, #ong San and Cantile)er 4eams;
4eams #ong san, Cantile)er, &rans'er;
Slabs SanK-eth "atio, 9enings, &orsional "igidity;
Engineering -ra(ings
Structural Calculations
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( ME&@9-9#9G? A!- -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: &he P" should agree (ith the 9(ner3Client and the E9" on the methodology o' re)ie(. &he said re)ie( shall co)er 'or the comleteness and timeliness o' the design documents submitted. &he P" should assess the re)ie( documents (ith regards to the agreed number o' elements to be chec8ed (ith the 9(ner3Client and or his reresentati)e. "e)ie( shall be agreed 'or each hase or entirely on the 'inal detailed design hase o' the structure.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: a.
F9%!-A&I9! "EVIE
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: A. -ESIG! 4ASIS "EVIE *. . .
"e)ie( -esign Criteria 'or comliance (ith the building code. Assess engineering )alues and assumtions made by the E9". "e)ie( the structural 'rame system and its load ath 'or )ertical load3carrying elements.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: 4. F9%!-A&I9! "EVIE *.
. .
Established 'oundation load by I!-EPE!-E!& A!A#?SIS or obtain the 'oundation loads 'rom the E9" uon )eri'ication. 9btain Geotechnical "eort. "e)ie( seci'ications ertaining to all 'oundation design and construction.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: C. P"E3&E!-E" -ESIG! "EVIE *.
. /.
"e)ie( structural 'raming connections (hich is art o' the rimary system including shear connections, braced 'rame connections, moment3resisting 'rame connections and other related detailed connections and sliced. Per'orm general re)ie( o' design to e)aluate the resence o' any conditions that might o)erstress the structural. "e)ie( seci'ications o' Primary Structural Suort System. "e)ie( er'ormance criteria 'or contractor3designed comonents such as re3cast, cold 'ormed metal 'raming and among others.
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( &E"MS 9F "EVIE P"9CE-%"E A!- ME&@9-9#9G?: &he re)ie( analysis and design criteria must meet the re0uirements o' the 9(ner3Client de'ined in his design brie' including alicable &erms o' "e'erence. As much as ossible the P" shall use the same design criteria and standards seci'ied by the E9". I' there are de)iations, these must ha)e a ermission and agreed uon by the E9". So't(are used in re)ie( should also be the same so't(are used by the E9" editions and )ersions;. E2cet 'or one le)el higher )ersion, the di''erence in )ersion shall also be agreed uon (ith the E9".
APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( #A!G%AGE &9 4E %SE- A!- MA"D3%P C9MME!&S: &he manner o' reorting should al(ays be 'actual. !umerical )alues to be resented must be ta8en urely 'rom the 'inal design re)ie( documents submitted and 'rom the results o' the indeendent re)ie(
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