Pp01_ Asep_ Nscp 2015 Background of the Nscp Updates

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NSCP2015 update background...



Presented by : Engr. Francis Anthony G. Valderrama, M.ASEP, M.IEAust

Chater I : GE!E"A# "E$%I"EME!&S 

For this Chater, the 'ollo(ing Sections S ections (ere udated and re)ised:

Section *+ : -e'inition o' Failure Section *+ : Classi'ication o' Structures Section *+/ : -esign "e0uirements Section *+1 : Posting and Instrumentation Inclusions o' Aendi2 *3A and Aendi2 *34  APPENDIX 1-A : Recommended Recommended Guidelines On Structural Structural Design Peer Review O Structures Structures !"1#  APPENDIX 1-$ : Guidelines Guidelines And Im%lementing Rules On Eart&'ua(e Eart&'ua(e Recording Recording Instrumentation )or $uildings

Section *+ : -e'initions 

&he +*1 !ational Structural Code o' the Philiines, Volume *, 5th Edition, includes and elaborate the meaning o' 6FAI#%"E7.

As de'ined, FAI#%"E is an unaccetable di''erence bet(een e2ected and obser)ed er'ormance. It includes catastrohic structural collase, but also I!C#%-ES er'ormance roblems that are not necessarily catastrohic or li'e3threatening, including 67ser)iceability 67ser)iceability roblems such as distress, e2cessi)e de'ormation, remature deterioration o' materials, lea8ing roo's and 'acades, and inade0uate interior en)ironmental control systems7. systems7.

Section *+ : -e'initions In the e)ent o' a signi'icant 'ailure, the arties tyically retain e2erts to determine the cause o' the ercei)ed 'ailure. 9ccasionally a 'ailure results 'rom a single condition, but tyically, 'ailures result 'rom a combination o' mista8es, o)ersights, miscommunications, misunderstandings, ignorance, lases, slis, incometence, intentional )iolations or non3 comliance, and inade0uate 0uality assurance.

Section *+ : -e'initions &he causes 'or these conditions )ary, but may include simle mista8es such as sending in'ormation to a structural engineer (hen it should ha)e been sent to the architect;, conclusions based on 'aulty assumtions, an emloyeeect to the monitoring o' the 4uilding 9''icial. -ata roduced by the instruments shall be made a)ailable to the 4uilding 9''icial or the Philiine Institute o' Volcanology and Seismology P@IV9#CS; on re0uest.

Section *+1.. Maintenance Maintenance and ser)ice o' the instruments shall be ro)ided by the o(ner o' the building, sub>ect to the monitoring o' the 4uilding 9''icial. -ata roduced by the instruments shall be made a)ailable to the 4uilding 9''icial or any authori=ed agency uon re0uest.

Section *+1 : Posting and Instrumentation National Structural *ode o t&e P&ili%%ines !"1"+ ,t& Edition

National Structural *ode o t&e P&ili%%ines !"1#+ t& Edition

Section *+1../ Instrumentation o' Selected 4uildings All o(ners o' e2isting structures selected by the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction shall ro)ide accessible sace 'or the installation o' aroriate earth0ua8e3recording instruments. #ocation o' said instruments shall be determined by P@IV9#CS or the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction. P@I#V9#CS or the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction shall ma8e arrangements to ro)ide, maintain and ser)ice the instruments. -ata shall be the roerty o' the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction, but coies o' indi)idual records shall be made a)ailable to the o(ner o' the building and to the ublic on re0uest and a'ter the ayment o' an aroriate 'ee.

Section *+1../ Instrumentation o' Selected 4uildings All o(ners o' e2isting structures selected by the authorities ha)ing >urisdiction shall ro)ide accessible sace 'or the installation o' aroriate earth0ua8e3 recording instruments, determined by a Structural Engineer.


APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( o' Structures +*1 APPE!-I *34 : Guidelines and Imlementing "ules on Earth0ua8e "ecording Instrumentation 'or 4uildings

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( 4ACDG"9%!- : &he Association o' Structural Engineers o' the Philiines ASEP; ha)e t(o main ob>ecti)es that are stated in its by3la(s. &hese t(o ob>ecti)es are and shall be: a. &he rotection o' the ublic (el'are b. el'are o' its constituents through, Maintenance o' highly ethical and ro'essional standards in the ractice o' engineering  Ad)ancement o' structural engineering 8no(ledge and romotion o' good ublic and ri)ate clientele relationshis, de)eloment o' 'ello(shis among Ci)il Engineers and Structural Engineers and encouragement o' ro'essional relations (ith other allied technical and scienti'ic organi=ation.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( &hese ob>ecti)es are 'ocused on the three ma>or areas namely: a. Codes and Standards b. &echnical Ad)ancement c. Fello(shis and #in8ages

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( &o accomlish these ob>ecti)es, the 4oard o' -irectors 'or *3+++ continued the rogram o' the re)ious 4oard o' -irectors 'or *H3* by creating se)eral committees. 9ne o' (hich is the C9MMI&&EE 9! -ESIG! PEE" "EVIE.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -uring the term o' Engr. Adam C. Abinales ++3+*+; the committee (as re)i)ed S9 AS &9 IMP"9VE A!- E!@A!CE the guidelines that includes additional arameters and ethical rules as (ell as the enhancement o' the ractice o' the eer re)ie(. It (as continued to imro)e and de)elo under the 'ollo(ing ASEP Past Presidents: Engr. Anthony Vladimir Pimentel +*+3+**; Engr. Vinci !icholas ". Villasenor +**3+*; Engr. Miriam #. &amayo +*; Engr. Carlos M. Villara=a +*1;

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( &he committee is comosed o' the 'ollo(ing: Engr. Ernesto F. Cru= Chairman; Engr. Gabriel %rsus #. Eusebio Co3Chairman; Members: Engr. Alden C. 9ng Engr. Marie Christine G. -anao Engr. Edmondo -. San ose

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( 94EC&IVES: *. . . /.

Imro)e Section *+/.1 o' !SCP +*+J Ensure to attain the aim 'or #i'e Sa'ety 9bser)e Economy in design Protect the in)estment o' clients

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( Aside 'rom its ob>ecti)es, the Peer "e)ie( aims to ha)e a ositi)e results in the 'ollo(ing: *.

. .




Comly structural engineering design, dra(ings and seci'ications (ith the minimum re0uirements o' !SCP and other accetable established codes and standards Maintain the 0uality o' ro>ects Imro)e and maintain the high standards in the ractice o' structural engineering Promote e2change o' in'ormation and inno)ati)e ideas bet(een the designers and re)ie(ers In'orm the 9(ner3Client on the bene'its o' this e2ercise and any ossible cost imlications resulting 'rom the re)ie( Promote ro'essional ethics in the conduct o' indeendent or eer re)ie(.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( S&"%C&%"ES &9 4E "EVIEE- : *. .


/. 1.


All structures more than 513meter high 'rom the e2terior G"9%!- #EVE#. 4uildings, to(ers and other )ertical structures (ith irregularity in con'iguration under occuancy Category I , II and III (ithin the seismic =one /. Structures designed under alternati)e system Section *+*./ !SCP 5 th Edition; that intends to use other structural materials, design aroach and construction methodology not rescribed by the latest e2isting structure code. 4uildings, to(ers and other structures (ith unde'ined structural system. Essential 'acilities @ositals, Fire, Police, Communications, A)iation, School 4uildings, E)acuation Centers, !ational -e'ense, Po(er Plants and the li8e;.

@a=ardous Facilities.

NO0E: Since Peer Review is not covered 78 t&e 7asic structural services o t&e EOR+ t&is s&all 7e su79ect to a SEPARA0E S*OPE AND *O2PENSA0ION or t&e EOR

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( $%A#IFICA&I9!S: &he Indeendent Peer "e)ie(er  S@A## 4E !9MI!A&E- by the 9!E"3C#IE!&. It should not be the E!GI!EE"39F3"EC9"E9"; or engineer aointed by the ContractorK4uilder. For &%"!3DE? P"9EC&S 9" -ESIG! A!- 4%I#-, the Contractor  shall aoint an indeendent recogni=ed Structural Engineer to conduct the re)ie(.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( $%A#IFICA&I9!S: &he 'ollo(ing are the 0uali'ications o' the Peer "e)ie(er: *.

Ci)il Engineer registered (ith the Pro'essional "egulation Commission o' the Philiines I&@ more than + years o' "E#A&E- S&"%C&%"A# E!GI!EE"I!G EPE"IE!CE SIMI#A" &9 &@E S&"%C&%"E &9 4E "EVIEE-.


Must be a "EG%#A" ASEP member in G99- S&A!-I!G.


Structural Engineers (ith comarable 0uali'ication and e2erience as the E9" resonsible 'or the design.


Dno(ledgeable in current design so't(are, tools and other accetable current comuter rograms.


@a)e cometiti)e 8no(ledge or e2erience in actual structural construction.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( SC9PE 9F "EVIE: &he P" must re)ie( all items agreed to be re)ie(ed (ith the 9(ner3Client and E9" er rele)antKrecommended items listed in Aendi2 *3A o' !SCP +*1 5th Edition. &he P" shall re'er regularly to chec8 'or comleteness o' the re)ie( er alicable items listed in Aendi2 *3A o' !SCP +*1 5th Edition.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( SC9PE 9F "EVIE: In'ormation to be 'urnished by 9(ner3Client a. b.

Printed coies or P-FK-F2 'ormat o' comlete set o' Architectural and Structural dra(ings. General In'ormation o' the Structure !umber o' Stories, Gross 4uilding Area, %ni0ue Features and other rele)ant in'ormation;


Geotechnical Engineering "eort


ind &unnel &est "eort i' any;


Site3seci'ic sectra and ground3motion time histories i' any;


Ma>or e0uiment or secial loadings


Analysis Model


4asis o' -esign


-esign Criteria


!arrati)e Structural System


Structural Calculations


Structural Seci'ications

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( I&EMS &9 4E "EVIEE-: A.

4asis o' -esign K -esign Criteria


-esign Standards and Seci'ications


Model Analysis


Foundation #oads and its 'oundation tye


#ateral load "esisting Framing System


Columns Slenderness , Suorting &rans'er, #ong San and Cantile)er 4eams;


4eams #ong san, Cantile)er, &rans'er;


Slabs SanK-eth "atio, 9enings, &orsional "igidity;


Engineering -ra(ings


Structural Calculations

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( ME&@9-9#9G? A!- -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: &he P" should agree (ith the 9(ner3Client and the E9" on the methodology o' re)ie(. &he said re)ie( shall co)er 'or the comleteness and timeliness o' the design documents submitted. &he P" should assess the re)ie( documents (ith regards to the agreed number o' elements to be chec8ed (ith the 9(ner3Client and or his reresentati)e. "e)ie( shall be agreed 'or each hase or entirely on the 'inal detailed design hase o' the structure.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: a.



F9%!-A&I9! "EVIE


P"E3&E!-E" -ESIG! "EVIE

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: A. -ESIG! 4ASIS "EVIE *. . .

"e)ie( -esign Criteria 'or comliance (ith the building code. Assess engineering )alues and assumtions made by the E9". "e)ie( the structural 'rame system and its load ath 'or  )ertical load3carrying elements.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: 4. F9%!-A&I9! "EVIE *.

. .

Established 'oundation load by I!-EPE!-E!& A!A#?SIS or  obtain the 'oundation loads 'rom the E9" uon )eri'ication. 9btain Geotechnical "eort. "e)ie( seci'ications ertaining to all 'oundation design and construction.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( -E&AI#S 9F "EVIE: C. P"E3&E!-E" -ESIG! "EVIE *.


. /.

"e)ie( structural 'raming connections (hich is art o' the rimary system including shear connections, braced 'rame connections, moment3resisting 'rame connections and other related detailed connections and sliced. Per'orm general re)ie( o' design to e)aluate the resence o' any conditions that might o)erstress the structural. "e)ie( seci'ications o' Primary Structural Suort System. "e)ie( er'ormance criteria 'or contractor3designed comonents such as re3cast, cold 'ormed metal 'raming and among others.

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( &E"MS 9F "EVIE P"9CE-%"E A!- ME&@9-9#9G?: &he re)ie( analysis and design criteria must meet the re0uirements o' the 9(ner3Client de'ined in his design brie' including alicable &erms o' "e'erence. As much as ossible the P" shall use the same design criteria and standards seci'ied by the E9". I' there are de)iations, these must ha)e a ermission and agreed uon by the E9". So't(are used in re)ie( should also be the same so't(are used by the E9" editions and )ersions;. E2cet 'or one le)el higher )ersion, the di''erence in )ersion shall also be agreed uon (ith the E9".

APPE!-I *3A : "ecommended Guidelines on Structural -esign Peer "e)ie( #A!G%AGE &9 4E %SE- A!- MA"D3%P C9MME!&S: &he manner o' reorting should al(ays be 'actual. !umerical )alues to be resented must be ta8en urely 'rom the 'inal design re)ie( documents submitted and 'rom the results o' the indeendent re)ie(
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