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Republic of the Philippines SUPREME COURT Manila EN BANC G.R. No. L-64
October 28, 1946
THE PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plaintiff-appellee, vs. MIGUEL M. MORENO, defendant-appellant.
Santiago F. Alidio for appellant. First Assistant Solicitor General Reyes, Assistant Solicitor Cañizares and Solicitor Luciano for appellee.
This is an appeal by the defendant Miguel M. Moeno fo! the "udg!ent of the Cout of #ist $nstance of %a!boanga, &hich found hi! guilty of the ci!e chaged &ith the aggavating cicu!stances of pe!editation and cuelty and &ithout any !itigating cicu!stance, and sentenced the defendant to death and to inde!nify the heis of the deceased. The appellant &as at the outbea' of the &a a pisone seving sentence in the (an Ra!on Penal Colony #a!, situated in the City of %a!boanga. )uing the *apanese occupation, he befiended and gained the confidence of the *apanese naval authoities, &as eleased fo! pison, and appointed Captain of a se!i-!ilitay ogani+ation 'no&n as aigun *eutay, co!posed of #ilipinos and sponsoed by the *apanese navy. n ctobe /, 0122, the defendant &as appointed by the *apanese naval authoities as section co!!ande of the (an Ra!on Penal Colony &ith plenay po&es of supevision and contol ove said colony and its envions. n Nove!be /, 0122, a goup of defendant3s soldies &ent to the house of Paciano de los (antos, and too' &ith the! t&o single young daughtes of said Paciano, and on the ne4t day, &hen the deceased &et to (an Ra!on Penal Colony, he &as confined in a cell by ode of the defendant. n the night of )ece!be 0, 0122, defendant gatheed all the pison officials and e!ployees of (an Ra!on Penal Colony in a !eeting in the house of P.). )ellosa then Assistant (upeintendent of the institution, and in that gatheing the accused aogantly announced that he &as not afaid to cut the head of anybody, odeed all those pesent to &itness the e4ecution of Paciano de los (antos the follo&ing day, and instucted 5egoio Magalit, a pisone e!ployee of said institution to pepae the gave fo said Paciano and issue a fo!al
!e!oandu! to that effect. A photostatic copy of &hich &as pesented as E4hibit ) duing the tial. And in the !oning of )ece!be , 0122, Paciano de los (antos &as ta'en to a place 'no&n as #ishey )ivision of the colony &ith both hands tied at the bac', and thee the defendant odeed the victi! Paciano to 'neel do&n &ith the head bent fo&ad by the side of the gave aleady pepaed fo hi! by ode of the accused, and in that position the accused &ith a *apanese sabe held in the handle by his both hands, hac'ed the head of Paciano de los (antos, and i!!ediately 'ic'ed the postate body of the victi! into the gave. The facts above stated &ee established beyond a pe-adventue of doubt by the testi!ony of the &itnesses fo the posecution, and ae substantially ad!itted by the defendant in his testi!ony duing the tial. 6hen the defendant &as as'ed &hethe he 'illed Paciano de los (antos in the fo! and !anne descibed by the &itness fo the posecution, he ans&eed the follo&ing7 86hen $ aived at the place the deceased Paciano de los (antos &as aleady in the place &hee $ &as to e4ecute hi!, and &as ta'en thee by fou *apanese and seveal guads of (an Ra!on, and on the &ay they have instucted !e ho& should $ 'ill hi!, $ did 'ill hi! in the fo! and !anne testified to by the &itnesses fo the posecution.8 9Pp. 21, :;, t.s.n.< The attoney de oficio appointed by this cout fo the defendant contends, in the fou assign!ents of eo assigned in his bief, that the cout belo& eed 90< in tying the defendant in the sa!e day on &hich he &as aaigned and pleaded not guilty, and not ganting hi! t&o days to pepae fo tial as povided by la&= 9< in tying and convicting the accused &ithout a peli!inay investigation by the !unicipal "udge o #iscal of %a!boanga City=9/< in not co!pelling, by pocess of subpoena, the attendance of &itnesses in behalf of the defendant, and finding, despite this failue, that the latte3s testi!ony &as not cooboated by any &itness= and 92< in finding the accused guilty of !ude &ith t&o aggavating cicu!stances and i!posing upon hi! the penalty of death. 90< As to the fist assigned eo of the cout belo&, it is tue that, accoding to section >, Rule 002, the defendant afte aaign!ent is entitled to at least t&o days to pepae fo tial, e4cept &hen the case is on appeal fo! the "ustice of the peace. But this cout in seveal cases, a!ong the!, the case of People vs. Cu+ 9:2 Phil., 2, ?< $n all ci!inal posecution the accused shall be pesu!ed to be innocent until the contay is poved, and shall en"oy the ight to be head by hi!self and counsel, to be info!ed of the natue and cause of the accusation against hi!, to have a speedy and public tial, to !eet the &itnesses face to face, and to have co!pulsay pocess to secue the attendance of &itnesses in his behalf. Iindi na!in !asasangayunan ang isang hatol na !ag-uutos na putihin ang buhay ng isang tao sa ilali! ng !ga nabanggit na paglalabag sa batas. Tiya' na ala! na!in na sa a!ing palagay na ito ay a!ing inililigtas ang buhay ng isang taona !aahil ay &ala ng 'aapatan 'ahit 'aunti upang !agpatuloy lasunin ng 'aniyang hininga ang si!oy na dapat 'a!tan la!ang ng !ga taong hindi nag'a'autang ng buhay ng 'apu&a= subalit bago ang isang hu'o! o !ahistado ay pahintulutang ang 'aniyang 'a!ay ay !atig!a' ng dugo ng 'apu&a tao ay dapat niyang tiya'in ng &alang ano !ang alinglangan, na sa !ga !ahigpit na 'autusan ng batas at na ganya' ng sailing budhi ay &ala ng ibang paaan, at ang tung'ulin ay hindi !aii&asan, !atatali&asan at
!atatali'uan. (a usaping ito ay 'a!i ay hindi nasisiyahan upang sangayunan ang pasiya ng a!ing !ga'apatid sa ataastaasang Iu'u!an. $pinapasiya na!in na pa&alang bisa ang hatol ng hu'u!an unang dulugan at ibali' ang usapin sa nabaggit na hu'u!an upang litisin ng panibago pag'atapusna pag'alooban ang nasasa'dal ng isang !anananggol de oficiona tunay na!a'apagsanggalang sa 'aniya at igalang ng hu'u!an ang lahat niyang !ga 'aapatan sa buong paglilitis hanggang iga&ad ang panibagong hatol.
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