PP-config Manual

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Configuration Document (Production Planning)

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)


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Configuratio n Manual PP



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Role PP ConsultantWipro Ltd.


BPO Head

Mr. Anandh Anbazhagan

Project ManagerWipro Ltd. TEL Project Manager

Mr. Vinod Kannan .M Mr. Sivarama Subramanian

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TEL Project Head

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1

INTRODUCTION................................................................................6 1.1 1.2

Document Objectives........ ................ ................ ................ ................................................6 ........................................6 Document Structure..........................................................................6 Target Audience....... 1.3 ............... ................ ................ ................ ................ .......................................6 ...............................6 2 SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT.................................................................7 3

PRODUCTION........ ................ ................ ................ ................ ................ ...........................................7 ...................................7 3.1

Basic Data......................................................................................7

3.1.1 Bill of Material.. Material...... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ......... ............ ............ .........7 ...7 4.1.1 .1 Control Control Data Data for Bills of Materia Material....... l.............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... ..................7 ...........7 3.1.1 .1.1 Define Modification Modification Parameters... Parameters........... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... ..........................7 ...................7 3.1.1 .1.2 Define default values........... values................... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. ............................8 .....................8 General Data...............................................................................................................10 3.1.1 .2.1 BOM Usage........ Usage............... .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... ............................ ......................10 .10 Define material types allowed for BOM header................................................ header...................................... ..........12 12 Item Data....................................................................................................................13 3.1.1 .3.1 Define Item categories.. categories......... .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... ..........................13 ...................13 3.1.1 .3.2 Define Allowed Allowed materi material al types for for BOM items..... items............ .............. ....................................14 .............................14 3.1.2 Work center... center...... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... .......... ............ ............ ........... .........15 ....15 General Data...............................................................................................................15 Define work center category...................................... category................................................................. .................................. ............ ..... 15 3.1.2 .1.2 Define task list usage........ usage............... .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ..............................16 ......................16 3.1.2 .1.3 Standard Standard Value......... Value................ .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ......................................17 ...............................17 3.1.3 Routing.. Routing...... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... .....22 .22 Control data................................................................................................................22 Define number range for routings......................................................... routings................................. ............................... ............ ..... 22 General data................................................................................................................23 Define material type assignment............................................................. assignment............................. ....................................... .......... ...23 23 Define routing statuses............................................................ statuses........................ .............................................................. .......................... 24 Define task List usage.................................. usage...................................................................... .................................................. ................. ...24 24 Configure planner group........................................ group....................................................................... ..................................... ............ ...... 25 Operation data.............................................................................................................26 3.1.3 .3.1 Define Define control contro l key.......... key... .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ............... ............... .................. ...............................26 ....................26 reduction strategy.................................... strategy....................................................................... ......................................... ........... ..... 28 Define Wage Group......................................................................... Group..................................... ............................................. ................ ........30 .30 Define Suitability..................................................................... Suitability................................. ......................................................... ......................... .... 31 Define Type of Standard Value Determination............................................. Determination................................ ................. ....32 32 Routing selection........................................................................................................33 Define user selection................................................................... selection............................... ......................................................... ......................33 .33 Select automatically............................................................................. automatically......................................... ............................................. ............. .... 33 3.1.4 3.1 .4 Pro Produc ductio tion n resour resources ces and tools. tools.... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... .....34 ..34 General data................................................................................................................34 3.1.4 .1.1 Define PRT status........ status................ ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ...........................34 ....................34 3.1.4 .1.2 Define PRT group key........... key.................. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............................ ........................35 ....35


Material Requirement Planning..........................................................36


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Plant Plant parameters parameters.... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ......... ............ ............ ........... ........... .......36 .36

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Carry out overall maintenance of plant parameters.....................................................36 3.2.2 MRP groups.... groups........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........... ........41 ..41 Define MRP group for each material type...................................................................41 3.2.3 Number ranges... ranges....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ......... ........... ......43 43 Define number ranges for planning run.......................................................................43 3.2.4 Master Master data. data..... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ......... ........... ......47 47 Define MRP controller................................................................................................47 Define missing parts MRP controller..........................................................................48 Check MRP types.......................................................................................................49 Define special procurement type.................................................................................51 3.2.5 Planning.. Planning...... ........ ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ .......... ............ ........... ........... ............ ........53 ..53 MRP Calculation.........................................................................................................53 3.2.5 .1.1 Define Planning Planning Horizon.......... Horizon................. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ................................. .............................53 ...53 Define Planning Time Fence and Roll Forward Period.....................................54 Period................................ .....54 3.2.5 .1.3 Stocks........ Stocks............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... ...............................55 ........................55 Define Rescheduling Check.................................... Check....................................................................... ......................................... .......56 .56 Define Error Processing in the Planning Run.................................................... Run.................................... ................60 60 Lot-Size Calculation...................................................................................................61 Check Lot-Sizing Procedure............................................................... Procedure........................................ .............................. ............. .......61 .61 Scheduling and Capacity Parameters..........................................................................63 3.2.5 .3.1 Define Floats Floats (Scheduling (Scheduling Margin Key)...... Key).............. ............... .............. .............. ...............................63 ........................63 Determining the Basic Dates..................................................... Dates......................... ............................ 65 3.2.5 .3.3 Parameters Define schedulin schefor duling g parameters parameters for planned planne d orders........... orders.................. .............. ...........................66 ....................66 Procurement Proposals................................................................................................67 Define External Procurement...................................... Procurement..................................................................... ..................................... .......67 .67


Shop floor control...........................................................................70

3.3.1 Master Master Data... Data....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ......... ............ ............ ........... ........... .......70 .70 Order...........................................................................................................................70 3.3.1 .1.1 Define Order Types.......... Types................. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .....................................70 ..............................70 3.3.1 .1.2 Define order order type-depend type-dependent ent parameters.... parameters........... .............. ............... .......................... ................................73 ..............73 Define number ranges for orders...................................................................... orders.................................... ...................................78 .78 Define number ranges for confirmations........................................................... confirmations....................................... ....................79 79 3.3.1 .1.5 Define number number ranges ranges for reservations.... reservations........... .............. .............. ............... ....................................80 ............................80 Define number ranges for operations...................................................... operations.................................. ........................... .......... ...81 81 Define production scheduling profile..........................................................................83 3.3.2 Operations. Operations..... ........ ........ ........ ........ ....... ....... ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ....... ........ ....... ........ ........... ............ ...........86 .....86 Task List Selection......................................................................................................86 Select Automatically...................................... Automatically.......................................................................... ................................................. ............... ..86 86 3.3.2 .1.2 Define Default Default Values.............. Values..................... .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. ....................................88 .............................88 Bill of Material Selection............................................................................................90 3.3.2 .2.1 Define Priorities Priorities for BOM Usages........... Usages................... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... .....................90 .............90 3.3.2 .2.2 Define Application Applications....... s.............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .........................91 ..................91 Availability Check......................................................................................................93 3.3.2 .3.1 Define Checking Checking Group........ Group............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ..........................94 ...................94 Define Checking Rule..................................................................... Rule................................. ..................................................... ..................95 .95 3.3.2 .3.3 Define Scope of Check........... Check.................. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ...............................96 .......................96 3.3.2 .3.4 Define Checking Checking Control..... Control............ .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ...........................98 ....................98 Define Checking Rule for Backorder Processing........................................ Processing.......................... ..................100 ....100 Scheduling................................................................................................................101 Define Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders.....................................101 Orders......................... ............101 Wipro Limited.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) 3.3.2 .4.3 3.3.2 .4.4 3.3.2 .4.5 3.3.2 .4.7

Specify Specify Scheduling Scheduling Type........... Type.................. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .............. ..........................104 ...................104 Define Time Units.......... Units................. ............... ............... .............. .............. ............... ............... ....................................105 .............................105 Define Formula Formula Parameters....... Parameters.............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .................... .................................107 ....................107 Define Formulas.......... Formulas................. ............... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... ................................108 .........................108 Define Standard Value Keys................................................................. Keys............................. ............................................ ..........110 ..110 Define Key Key for Performan Performance ce Efficiency Efficiency Rate....... Rate.............. .............. ...................................111 ............................111 3.3.2 .4.8 Define Define Move Schedulin Scheduling g Margin Key.. ............... .............. .............. .............. ................................... ................................113 ....113 3.3.2 .4.9 Time Matrix.......... Matrix..Key.......... ............... .............. .............. .............. ............... ............... .............. .........................115 ..................115 Define Reduction Strategies.................................................................. Strategies............................... ........................................... ........117 117 Confirmation.............................................................................................................118 Define Confirmation Parameters.................................................................. Parameters.............................. .......................................118 ...118 Confirmation Parameters for Collective Confirmation/Fast Entry........ Entry.............. ..........122 ....122


SAP NOTES AND PATCHES ..............................................................123

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)


Document Objectives

The objective of this document is to provide configuration details of the SAP PP module implemented and to enable the application system administrator(s) / authorized users in maintaining the system. system. It is recommended that not not more than 2 key users be identified as the application application system system administra administrators. tors. It is also recommended recommended that this document document be a controlled copy in the hands of the target audience. Neither this documentation nor any part of it may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means or translated into another language, without the prior consent of Wipro Ltd.


Document Structure

This his docu docume ment nt is br broa oadl dly y di divi vide ded d into into thre threee main main se sect ctio ions ns na name mely ly,, the the sc scop opee of implementation, the proposed Organization Structure and the configuration details. The configuration details have been broken down into following heads:



Description and Configuration Values

IMG Navigation Path

Recommendations(If any) Target Audience

The application system administrators who will be maintaining the (PP-module)   system intend to use this document. It may be noted that the document is consistent with the system settings on the date of document (Date on the Title Page). It is the responsibility of the application system administrators to keep this document updated and consistent with any further configuration done.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

2 SCOP SCOPE E OF THE THE DOCU OCUMENT ENT The document contains the configuration details of the Production Planning module for Company code – 1000. As part of business process mapping following configuration has been carried out in this module.


Basic Data


Bill of Material Control Data for Bills of Material

In this step, you define central modification parameters and default values for your BOM management system. These settings apply to all BOM categories (for example, material BOMs, document structures, and equipment BOMs).

 Define Modification Parameters

Purpose of Configuration Modification Modificati on parameter parameterss are generally generally one-time one-time settings settings for BOM management, management, which should not be changed after started using BOMs productively. In the standard system, default values are defined. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Bill of Materials  Control Data for Bill of Materials  Define Modification Parameters.

Transaction Code


On change view “Modification Parameters for BOMs”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made. Recommendation Use the standard default settings.

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 Define default values

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Purpose of Configuration In this step the following default values for maintaining bills of material are defined. Base quantity This is proposed when creating a BOM. The component quantities in the BOM items are based on the base quantity. quantity. BOM status The BOM status is used to control activities in related application areas. This default BOM status is proposed by the system when creating a bill of material. The size unit (mm) This is the default value for the size unit, which is proposed by the system in variable-size items if items  if you do not enter a unit. The variable-size item unit (pieces) This unit of measure for the number of variable-size items is proposed by the system when you maintain variable-size items. items. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Bill of Materials  Control Data for Bill of Materials  Define Default values

Transaction Code


On change view “Default values for BOMs”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Recommendation Use the default value for the variable-size item unit. It is not advised to change this parameter. General Data

 BOM Usage  Define BOM Usage  Purpose of Configuration

When hen BOM BOM usa sag ge is defin efined ed the the co con nfi fig gura rati tio on of the the item item statu tatuss is def efin ined ed.. The item status is made up of a number of indicators in the BOM item (for example, "relevant to production", "relevant to engineering/design", and so on). The item status controls how the BOM item is processed in related application areas. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

Transaction Code

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data   Bi Bill ll of Mater Materia ials ls   Gene Genera rall Data Data BO BOM M Usag Usagee  Define BOM usage OS20

On change view “Define BOM usage”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

Recommendation Adapt the predefined BOM usages to your requirements or define new BOM usages. .1.2 Define Default Default valued valued for the item item status. status.

Purpose of Configuration

In this step the default values for the various item status status indicators  indicators for each BOM usage can usage can be defined. These values are proposed as defaults when you create new BOM items. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data   Bi Bill ll of Mater Materia ials ls   Gene Genera rall Data Data BO BOM M Usag Usagee  Define Default values for the item status.

Transaction Code


On change view “Define Default values for the item status.”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

 Define material types allowed for BOM header.

Purpose of Configuration In this step the material types in types in conjunction conjunction with BOM usages are usages are allowed for the BOM header material are specified. Generic entry is made in the fields for the BOM usage and the material type. This means, for example, that you can enter an "*" instead of a specific BOM usage. This stands for all possible BOM usages. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data Da ta   Bill of Materia Materials ls   General General Data Data   Define Material types allowed for BOM header.

Transaction Code


On change view “Define Material types allowed for BOM header.” Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Item Data


Define Item categories

Purpose of Configuration When BOM item is entered item category must be assigned to the item. The item category defines the attributes and functions of a BOM item. It controls field and screen selection for detail screens in BOM maintenance. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Bill of Materials  Item data  Define item categories.

Transaction Code


On change view “Define item categories”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

  Define Allowed material types types for BOM items.

Purpose of Configuration In this step which material types  types is allowed with which BOM usages are usages are defined and which material types for BOM headers for creating BOM items (material items) are defined. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data   Bi Bill ll of Mate Materi rial alss   Item dat data   Define Define Allowed Allowed material types for BOM items.

Transaction Code


On change view “Material types allowed in BOM Items”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

Recommendation If BOM usages defined in the standard SAP System are used then standard settings defined can be used.

3.1.2 3.1. 2 Work cen center ter General Data

Define work center category

Purpose of Configuration The work center category determines the data that can be maintained in a work center and, center and, therefore, the functions (for example, costing or scheduling) for which the work center can be used. Each work center category is assigned to the applications (for example, production, plant maintenance or quality management) whose menus allow you to t o maintain work centers with this category.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Each work center category has a number of screens assigned to it which the system displays when work centers of this category are displayed. The screens contain groups of fields (for example, scheduling data). Depending on the work center category, you can make field selections on these screens (for example, defining required entry fields). Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data ata   Work Work cent center er   General General data data   Define work center category.

Transaction Code


On change view “Parameters”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Define task list usage

Purpose of Configuration

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) In this IMG activity, the task lists l ists in which a work center or center or production resource/tool resource/tool used  used may be specified. For example, work centers can categorized into maintenance work centers or inspection work centers according to their relevance and their usage in maintenance plans or inspection plans. You can also allow multiple, cross-application uses in any combination. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Work center  General data Define task list usage.

Transaction Code


On change view “Task list usage”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

  Standard Value 3.1 .2.1.3. .3.1 1 Define Define parameter parameters s

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option parameters must be defined. These parameters should be allocated to the standard value keys. Meaning should be assigned to these standard values. The most common standard values are setup time or time or machine time per unit under certain circumstances; you also have to make further standard values such as labor time or cleanout times available for planning. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data   Work Work cen cente terr   Gener eneral al data data Stan Standa dard rd va valu luee  Define parameters

Transaction Code


On change view “Parameters”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Recommendation Should select mnemonic identification codes if want to use the parameters later in i n the formula definition.   Define Standard value key

Purpose of Configuration In this step standard value key is defined. The standard value key determines the meaning of the six standard values in the operation. The SAP System assigns a parameter ID to the standard values of the operation and the work in network activities. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data   Work Work cen cente terr   Gener eneral al data data Stan Standa dard rd va valu luee  Define Standard value key.

Transaction Code


On change view “Standard value key formula”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

3.1.3 Rout 3.1.3 Routing ing Control data


Define number range for routings

Purpose of Configuration To create a routing, the system requires a unique group number. Routings can be created with or without a group. If you do not enter e nter a group, the system assigns a group to the task list. The internal group number is within the number range you define in this step Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data   Routing  Control Data  Define number ranges for routings

Transaction Code


On change view “Number ranges for routings”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) General data

  Define material material type type assignment assignment

Purpose of Configuration In this step, material types are assigned to task list types types.. If a material type is type is not assigned to a task list type, routings cannot be created for materials of this type. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

Transaction Code

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data   Rou Routi ting ng   Gene Genera rall data data   Define Define materi material al type type assignment. OP50

On change view “Assignment of material types”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Recommendation SAP recommends using the assignments contained in the standard SAP system. Only make new assignments if the standard assignments do not cover all needs.

 Define routing statuses

Purpose of Configuration The status determines the work areas in which a routing can be used. More specifically, the status controls the following functions: 

release for usage in orders or for reference in other task lists (reference operation sets

or reference rate routings) release for costing

automatic consistency check before the routing is saved

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  General data  Define Routing statuses.

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On change view “Task list status”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected. Wipro Limited.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

 Define task List usage

Purpose of Configuration Task list usage is used to assign routings to various work areas. Therefore several task lists with various usages for the production of a material can be created. In work orders, you can assign order types to types to usages. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  General data  Define Task list usage.

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On change view “Usage”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

 Configure planner group

Purpose of Configuration A planner group is a group of people responsible for the maintenance of routings. Planner group can be used as a selection criterion for task list l ist Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  General data  Configure Planner Group.

Transaction Code


On change view “Maintenance planner group”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Operation data

 Define control key

Purpose of Configuration

In this step control key of key of an operation is defined. The control key specifies: 

The business functions functions carried out with an operation operation

How the SAP System processes an operation

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  operation data  Define control key.

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On change view “Control key for operations”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

  Define reduction strategy

Purpose of Configuration Reduction strategy should be specified to be used when the reduction measures are carried out on operations. Scheduling reduces Scheduling reduces the lead-time automatically lead-time automatically if the basic dates given are not adhered to, that is if the scheduled dates lie outside the basic dates. In this work step, you also define the reduction levels. The reduction takes place level by level no further than the level that you have specified in the control parameters.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  operation data  Define Reduction strategy.

Transaction Code


On change view “Reduction strategy”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Define Wage Group

Purpose of Configuration In this step wage groups for operations and work centers is defined. By assigning an operation or a work center to a wage group you can evaluate the work to be performed in the operation from a job evaluation point of view (for instance suitable for unskilled labor or requiring special training). When you confirm the operation, you enter the wage group that was actually used. In the standard system the wage group does not affect payroll accounting in the ERP system.

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  operation data  Defin  Definee wage wage group.

Transaction Code


On change view “Wage groups”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

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Define Suitability

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option, the suitability required in a plant for carrying out certain tasks is defined. Example Suitability for a task can be: 


Courses of study

Short-term training

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SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  operation data  Define Suitability.

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On change view “Wage groups”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made. Wipro Limited.

Define Type of Standard Value Determination Page 32 of 124

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Purpose of Configuration The type of standard value calculation specifies how the standard values of an operation are calculated (for example, using CAPP). Types of standard value calculation for each plant can be defined. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  operation data  Define Type of Standard Value Determination

Transaction Code


On change view “Standard Value Determination”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected. Routing selection Wipro Limited.

 Define user selection Page 33 of 124

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Purpose of Configuration Selection of task list by the user can be allowed using this setting. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  Routing selection  Define user selection

Transaction Code


On change view “Selection via user exit”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

  Select automatically

Purpose of Configuration Selection of task list by the user can be allowed using this setting. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  Routing  Routing selection  Select automatically

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On change view “Automatic selection”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

3.1.4 Production r resources esources and tools General data

  Define PRT status

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option PRT status is defined. This status controls the usage of production resources/tools.. resources/tools Depending on its status, a production resource/tool can be released for various tasks in PRT maintenance. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  PRT  General data  Define PRT status.

Transaction Code


On change view “Status PRT master”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

 Define PRT group key

Purpose of Configuration With this key, production resources/tools  resources/tools  can be combined into groups. groups. PRT group group key can be used to set up match codes or use it for informational purposes in printing. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Basic Data  PRT  General data  Define PRT Group key.

Transaction Code


On change view “Key for Grouping of production resources/Tools”: resources/Tools”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.


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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)


Material Requirement Planning

3.3 3.3.1 Plant parameter parameters s Carry out overall maintenance of plant parameters. Purpose of Configuration In this step all plant parameters for the material requirements planning can be specified. In addition, you receive an overview of the maintenance statuses of statuses of the individual MRP parameters on plant level. When specifying the plant parameters the following options are available. 

creating the MRP parameters for a new plant

deleting the MRP parameters for a plant

maintaining individual MRP parameters

copying the MRP parameters of a plant already maintained into a new plant

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Material requirement planning  Plant parameters  carry out overall maintenance of plant parameters.

Transaction Code


On change view “Maintain plant parameters”: screen the relevant options are selected.

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Number ranges for planned order

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Number range for reservation

Number range for purchase requisitions

Number range for MRP lists

Number range for simulative dependent requirement

Checking rule for updating backorders

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Checking rule for reporting.

Run time statistics

Grouping periods

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Calculation of days’ supply

Planning horizon for plant

3.3.2 MRP gro 3.3.2 groups ups Define MRP group for each material type

Purpose of Configuration Wipro Limited.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) In this step, MRP groups per material type is defined. This method of maintaining the MRP group should be used if the control parameters or the planning strategies specially refer to material types. If MRP groups have been maintained that specifically refer to material types, the appropriate MRP type is automatically proposed in the material master record (MRP 1 screen).

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Ma Mater terial ial requir requireme ement nt planni planning ng   MRP MRP grou groups ps   define MRP group for each material type. t ype.

Transaction Code


On change view “Default MRP group per material type”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

3.3.3 3.3. 3 Numb Number er ranges Define number ranges for planning run

Purpose of Configuration Wipro Limited.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Number ranges and ranges and intervals for the documents created during this step in i n the planning run.. run These documents include: 

planned orders for orders for operative planning planned orders for long-term planning (simulative planning)

dependent requirements and requirements and reservations

purchase requisitions

MRP lists

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Mate Material rial requirement requirement planning planning Nu Numbe mberr ranges ranges   Define number ranges for planning run.

Transaction Code


On change view “Number ranges for planning run”: screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Master data Define MRP controller

Purpose of Configuration In this step the number number that is assigned to the MRP controller controller is defined. The MRP controller is a person or a group of persons responsible for monitoring material availability. You can use the number entered here, for example, to select the planning results per MRP controller. Every material that material that is relevant to the planning run must be assigned an MRP controller number in the material master record

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Material requirement planning Master data  Define MRP controllers

Transaction Code


On change view “MRP controllers”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Define missing parts MRP controller.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Purpose of Configuration In this step, MRP controllers for the processing of missing parts (backorder processing) can be specified. Here, the system also displays which MRP controller was recorded as "mail receiver" if a goods receipt was posted for a missing part.

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Ma Mate teri rial al requ requir irem emen entt plan planni ning ng Master data   Define Missing parts MRP controllers

Transaction Code


On change view “Missing parts MRP controller”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected. Check MRP types

Purpose of Configuration Assign the procedure to be used to plan a material and to control which MRP parameters can be maintained for the material in the material master record. You enter the MRP type in the material master record

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IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Material requirement planning Mas Master ter data  Check MRP types.

Transaction Code


On change view “MRP types”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Define special procurement type

Purpose of Configuration In this step, special procurement key is defined which as well as the procurement type control the procurement and storage of a material. The special procurement type always refers to a procurement type.

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IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Ma Mate teri rial al requ requir irem emen entt plan planni ning ng Master data   Define special procurement type.

Transaction Code


On change view “Special procurement”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Planning

In this step necessary settings required for the planning run run and  and the planned orders of orders of material requirements planning is made. MRP Calculation

In this step settings required for the MRP calculation is made.

Define Planning Horizon

Purpose of Configuration In this step planning horizon is defined. This planning horizon specifies the period for the "Net change planning in the planning horizon". In this kind of net change planning, only those materials that have undergone a change that is relevant to MRP within the planning horizon are included in i n the planning run. Such materials receive a net change planning indicator in the planning file.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Materia iall requirement planning planning   MRP

IMG Menu

Transaction Code

Calculation OMDX

 Define Planning Horizon

On change view “Planning horizon for plant. ” Details screen the relevant options are selected.

Recommendation The length of the planning horizon should include at least the following: 

the period in which sales orders are orders are received

the delivery periods

the total lead times of the materials

Define Planning Time Fence and Roll Forward Period

Purpose of Configuration

In this step, planning time fence and the roll forward period. 

Planning time fence Planning time fence can be used to define a period during which the MRP list is to be protect pro tected ed from from any automa automatic tic change changes. s. In this this period period,, no order order propos proposals als are automatical autom atically ly changed changed or created created - depending depending on the fixing type maintained maintained in the

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) MRP type. Thus, the MRP controller can controller can check the planned order within order within this period (dates and capacities) before the planning result effects the lower BOM levels. 

Roll forward period To automatically update master before plan, you can forward set the system firmed planned orders that were the scheduled the roll period so canthat be deleted during the planning run. With this function, all planned orders, for which there are no longer any requirements, are deleted.

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Materia iall requirement planning planning   MRP Calculation Calcu lation  Define Planning Time Fence and Roll Forward Period

Transaction Code


On change view “Planning Time fence”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

 Stocks .3.1 Define Safety Safety Stock Availability Availability

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Purpose of Configuration In this step, you define the percentage of the safety stock to be available for planning. This function is used to avoid a situation where order proposals are created unnecessarily by the system to cover small shortage quantities. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

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Transaction Code


On change view “Safety stock availability”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Define Rescheduling Check

Purpose of Configuration The rescheduling period represents the period in which the system checks whether the existing dates of the receipt elements that are no longer allowed to be changed automatically still suit the requirements situation. If the dates of these elements are no longer suitable, the system creates the following exception messages depending messages depending on the requirements situation:

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Transaction Code


On change view “Plant Rescheduling”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Recommendation In joint production it is not possible to reschedule receipt elements at will, because the goods receipt depends on the planning run for another material. For this reason, it is best to use a very small rescheduling horizon.

Define Error Processing in the Planning Run

Purpose of Configuration In this step how the system is to proceed if errors occur during the planning run is run is specified. To do this, you specify the following: Planning run


Maximum number of purchase order proposals per date If you have selected a fixed or maximum lot size, size, the number of purchase order proposals created during the planning run is determined in lot sizing. If more purchase order proposals are created during the planning run than the upper up per limit limit specif specified ied here, here, the planni planning ng run run is termin terminate ated d for the materi material al in question and a termination message appears. message appears.


Substitute MRP controller for MRP If the system cannot determine the correct MRP controller when carrying out the planning run, it will then refer to the substitute MRP controller. If the system cannot determine an MRP controller during termination of the planning run, it will record the substitute MRP controller in the MRP document. These documents are found in the collective display of the MRP list - by selecting according to the substitute MRP controller.

Delete planning file entry If the planni planning ng run run was terminat terminated ed for a pa parti rticul cular ar materi material, al, the entry entry us usual ually ly remains in the planning file. This ensures that the material will be included in the next planning run. The MRP controller can select all terminated materials in the collective display of the MRP lists to correct the problem. In this step, you can set the system so that it deletes the planning file entry for certain termination situations and the material is excluded from the planning run if this situation, which means the error message, occurs. The material will then only be re-included in the planning run when it undergoes another change and the change is relevant to MRP, or when the MRP controller executes regenerative planning. Existing MRP lists for this material are not deleted. They can only be deleted by the MRP controller manually or by the appropriate report.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Materia iall requirement planning planning   MRP Calculation  Define Error Processing in the Planning Run

Transaction Code


On change view “Error Handling in planning run”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected. Lot-Size Calculation

Check Lot-Sizing Procedure

Purpose of Configuration You use the lot-sizing procedure to procedure to determine how the system is to calculate the reorder quantity in the planning run. run. A lot size defining size defining the lot-sizing procedure is assigned to every material master record applicable to materials planning. The lot size is defined in Customizing by the combination of the lot-sizing procedure and the lot-sizing indicator.

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Transaction Code


On change view “MRP Lot Sizing procedure”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

Recommendation SAP recommends that you use the lot-sizing procedures in the standard system. Scheduling and Capacity Paramete Parameters rs

Define Floats (Scheduling Margin Key)

Purpose of Configuration In this step the floats for determining the basic dates of the planned orders is specified. The floats are allocated to the material via the release period key key in  in the material master record.

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IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Material requirement planning Planning  Scheduling and Capacity Parameters  Define Floats (Scheduling Margin Key)

Transaction Code


On change view “Floats for scheduling”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Recommendation The opening period should reflect the processing time the MRP controller needs to convert planned orders into purchase requisitions or production orders. The opening period should be at least as long as the t he interval between two MRP intervals, so that all planned orders can be taken into account during the conversion.

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 Parameters for Determining the Basic Dates

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Purpose of Configuration If this indicator is set, the system will only use the backward scheduling procedure for calculating the basic dates, even if the start date ends up in the past. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Material requirement planning Planning  Scheduling and Capacity Capa city Parameters Parameters  Parameters for Determining the Basic Dates

Transaction Code


On change view “Order proposals in the past”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Define scheduling parameters for planned orders

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Purpose of Configuration In this step the parameters for scheduling planned orders for each plant, order type and production scheduler is defined. This comprises the following settings: 

scheduling levels (detailed-, production-rate and rough-cut scheduling)

date adjustment when deadlines are exceeded

scheduling control for detailed scheduling


scheduling parameters for planning scenarios for long-term planning/simulation

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Cust SAP Custom omiz izin ing g Impl Implem emen enta tati tion on Guid Guidee   Production Material requirement planning Planning  Scheduling and Capa Ca pacit city y Para Parame meter terss   Define Define schedu schedulin ling g parame parameter terss for planned orders

Transaction Code


On change view “Scheduling planned orders”: Overview screen scr een the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Procurement Proposals

Define External Procurement

Purpose of Configuration In this IMG activity, you define the default values for materials that are procured externally and that are relevant to MRP. You maintain the goods receipt processing time for Purchasing as well as the purchasing group. The purchasing group that is maintained here is only taken into account in the planning run if run if no purchasing group was maintained for the material in the material master record.

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Transaction Code



Production   Procurement

On change view “Default values purchasing/MRP”: purchasing/MRP”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Shop floor control

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Master Data Order

 Define Order Types

Purpose of Configuration An order type contains control information information that you need for managing orders. Every order should be assigned to an order type. The order category (= 10, production order) in this step is a fixed setting and cannot be changed. The order categories are predefined in the SAP System and characterize the technical properties of the orders. Other order categories are, for example, process order and network. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Floor Control   Ma Maste sterr Data Data   Order   Define Order Types

Transaction Code


On change view “Maintain production order types”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Define order type-dependent type-dependent parameters

Purpose of Configuration In this step the parameters that are valid for each order type and plant is defined. Whether production versions are selected automatically or manually is decided. The task list application is predefined as 'P'. However, you can also specify an additional task list application. The routing selection ID defines, for example, the ranking order for routing selection. Routing selection defines whether routings are to be selected and if so, how (manually or automatically) and whether reference operation sets can also be selected. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Floor Control   Ma Maste sterr Data Data   Order   Define Order Type dependent parameters.

Transaction Code


On change view “Order Type dependent parameters.” Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

 Define number ranges for orders

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option option number ranges for for orders are defined. Within a client, client, every order is uniquely identified by an order. Each order is assigned to a number range group via group via its order type. type. You can assign several order types to the same number range, that is to the same number interval. There are two different types of number assignment: assignment: 

Internal number assignment The SAP System automatically assigns a sequential number when an order is created from the number range specified by the user.

External number assignment

Number is specified from the allotted number interval when an order is created.

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SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Control   Master Data  Order  Define number ranges for orders.

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On change view “Maintain Intervals”: Order screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

 Define number ranges for confirmations

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option the number ranges for ranges for confirmations is confirmations is defined. Every operation is uniquely identified in the production order order by  by an operation number  number  within a client. client. Enter this number when order is confirmed. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Control   Master Data  Order  Define number ranges for Confirmations.

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On change view “Maintain Intervals: NR-Confirmation no”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

 Define number ranges for reservations

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option number ranges for reservations is defined. All components in the production order are identified by a reservation number assigned per order, and a sequential counter. The allocation to a number range is carried out via the object type "Production order" and the object "Reservation".

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Control   Master Data  Order  Define number ranges for reservations.

Transaction Code


On change view “Maintain “Maintain Intervals: MRES/DREQ”: MRES/DREQ”: screen the relevant options options are selected.

 Define number ranges for operations

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option the number ranges for the operations of an order is defined. All operations and sequences in the production order are identified by an order task list number (assigned per order) and a sequential counter.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Number ranges are assigned per order category (that is production order, maintenance order). Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Control   Master Data  Order  Define number ranges for operations.

Transaction Code


On change view “Maintain intervals: plan number-order”: Details screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Define production scheduling profile

Purpose of Configuration In a production scheduling profile the following functions can be carried out. 

Specify that certain business transactions or processes are to be carried out in parallel in a production or process order


Order release at the time the order is opened


Generation of document link from the material master when the order is opened


Generation of document link from a BOM when the order is opened


Printing at the time of order release


Scheduling upon order release


Generation of document link from the material master upon order release


Generation of document link from a BOM upon order release

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Shop Fl Floo oorr Cont Contro roll   Maste terr Data Data   Define Define productio production n scheduling profile.

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On change view “Production scheduling profile”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

3.4.2 Oper 3.4.2 Operatio ations ns Task List Selection

  Select Automatically

Purpose of Configuration In thisthe menu optionID. the selection criteria for the automatic planned selection of alternatives using selection Several selection priorities for every selection ID can be defined. Selection criteria to these priorities in each case should be allocated. An alternative routing is searched for during the automatic planned selection of alternatives that corresponds to the selection criteria. Selection criteria are, for example: 

Routing type

Task list usage

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Routing status

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide

IMG Menu

Shop Shop Fl Floo oorr Cont Contro roll Select Automatically Transaction Code


Opera Op eratio tions ns



Produ Pro duct ctio ion n

Task Task List List Selectio Selection n


On change view “Automatic selection”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

  Define Default Values

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Purpose of Configuration In this step, data is contained in an operation that is automatically created during order creation is specified. Within order creation, you can determine that an operation is created automatically if no routing exists for the material to be produced or no routing can be selected. The automatically created operation should contain the following data, for example: 

control key The control key specifies how an operation is processed (for example, whether it is scheduled, costed, etc.)

operation number

operation short text

material group (only for external processing) work center where the operation is carried out

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Transaction Code

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 


On change view “Default values for generation of operations”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Bill of Material Selection

In this section, you specify the process used to automatically select an alternative BOM during order creation. A material can have several bills of material with varying BOM usages. In the case of a multiple BOM, a bill of material of a particular BOM usage may have several alternatives.

 Define Priorities for BOM Usages

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option different sequences of priorities of BOM usages can be specified. Every process relating to automatic alternative determination is represented via an application. Among other things, a selection ID is calculated via this application. The selection ID conceals a certain sequence of priorities of BOM usages. Note 

When specifying the selection ID, you must know the required applications.

If you use only one BOM usage, you must define a selection ID with priority 1.

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SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Control   Operations  Bill of material Selection  Define Priorities for BOM Usages

Transaction Code


On change view “Order of priority for BOM usages”: Overview screen the relevant options are selected.

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Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

Define Applications

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option the processes relating to automatic alternative determination is determination is defined. Every process is represented via an application. This application is needed in order to explode a BOM during order creation. The alternative determination is controlled both by the application and the settings in the material master. In the material master, you can specify in the field "Alternative selection" whether you want an alternative to be selected according to one of the following parameters: 

order quantity


production version

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Transaction Code


On change view “Application-Specific Criteria for Alternative Determination”: Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made. Availability Check

In this section, you make the settings which are important for checking the availability of material components in a production order. To carry out a material availability check checking group and a checking rule is needed. Allocate the checking group to the individual material in the material master. Specify the checking rule for each application. Together, the checking group and checking rule determine the scope of the check

Define Checking Group

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Purpose of Configuration In this step checking groups are defined. Allocate each material which should be checked for availability availabilit y to a checking group. You can allocate the material in the material master. The checking group groups together materials checked according to the same criteria. Materials can be grouped according to material type and/or MRP type, for example. Checking group can also be used to control whether  

the quantities confirmed in the availability check are to be locked During the check the normal ATP quantity or the cumulated ATP quantity is to be used.

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

Transaction Code

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n Shop Shop Fl Floo oorr Cont Contro roll   Op Opera eratio tions ns   Availabili Availability ty Che Check ck Define Checking Group

 


On change view “Availability check control”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Define Checking Rule

Purpose of Configuration In this step checking rules for the following applications are defined: 

Sales and distribution


Production order processing

Maintenance order processing

Service processing

Inventory management

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Transaction Code

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 


On change view “Checking rule”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made

Define Scope of Check

Purpose of Configuration

In this menu option the check scope can be defined. Checking group and checking rule together specify the scope of the check. You can specify the following: 

which elements relevant to MRP (inward goods movements/outward goods movements) are taken into account (for example, purchase requisition, purchase order, planned order)

which stock categories are taken into account

whether replenishment lead time is checked

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IMG Menu

Transaction Code

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 


On change view “Availability check control”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Define Checking Control

Purpose of Configuration

In this activity the checking control is defined. The checking rule together with the checking group specifies the scope of the check. You can make the checking rule as well as the actual check itself dependent on the following parameters: 


order type


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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) The operation can have the following characteristics: o

order created


release(d) order

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Transaction Code

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 


On change view “Order control”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Define Checking Rule for Backorder Processing

Purpose of Configuration

In this menu option the checking rule per plant for backorder handling can be determined. The checking rule determines the scope of check for backorder handling.

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IMG Menu

Transaction Code

 


On change view “Checking rule for updating Backorders”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

Recommendation Use the same checking rule for backorder handling as done for availability checks. Scheduling

  Define Scheduling Scheduling Parameters for Production Orders Orders

Purpose of Configuration In this step for each plant, order type and production scheduler the parameters for scheduling production orders is defined. This comprises maintaining 

scheduling levels (detailed, production-rate and rough-cut scheduling)

date adjustment when dates are exceeded

date control for detailed scheduling


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SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Shop Fl Floo oorr Cont Contro roll   Ope Operat ration ionss   Sche Schedul duling ing   Define scheduling parameters for production orders.

Transaction Code


On change view “Specify scheduling parameters”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

  Specify Scheduling Type

Purpose of Configuration

In this step scheduling type is defined, which determines how the SAP System should carry out scheduling. There are the following options: 



No scheduling

"Today" scheduling

Basic dates with times (only for process orders)

Scheduling type can be saved in the control data for scheduling depending on the order type. It is then proposed by the SAP system when an order is created.

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SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Shop Fl Floo oorr Cont Contro roll   Opera Operatio tions ns   Sched Scheduli uling ng   Specify Scheduling Type

Transaction Code


On change view “Scheduling Types”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made Recommendation Scheduling types are predefined in the SAP standard package. It is recommend to work with these predefined scheduling types.

  Define Time Units

Purpose of Configuration In this step the time units (for example, second, minute, decade, etc.) required for scheduling are defined. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Control  Operations  Scheduling  Define time units

Transaction Code


On change view “Units of measurement”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

  Define Formula Parameters Parameters

Purpose of Configuration In this step parameters required is defined. 

maintain standard value keys define formulas (for example, for scheduling, costing or calculating standard values with CAPP)

Parameters are identified by parameter IDs.

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

Transaction Code

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On change view “Parameters”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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  Define Formulas

Purpose of Configuration Formula defined in menu options are defined in the following areas 

Capacity planning



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SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide Shop Shop Fl Floo oor r Cont Contro roll Formula parameters

Transaction Code

  Oper Operati ations ons


Produ Pro duct ctio ion n

  Schedu Schedulin ling g



On change view “Formula definition”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

  Define Standard Value Keys Keys

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option standard value keys are maintained. The standard value key determines the meaning of the standard values. It is used to assign parameter IDs to the six standard values of operations and the work in network activities. These parameter keys determine the following: 

the key word displayed for the standard value on the screen, for example, setup, machine, labor, tear down the dimension (for example, time, quantity, volume) of the standard value

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SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Shop Fl Floo oorr Cont Contro roll   Oper Operati ations ons   Schedu Schedulin ling g   Define standard value key.

Transaction Code


On change view “Standard value key formula”: Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

  Define Key Key for Performance Performance Efficiency Efficiency Rate Rate

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option performance efficiency rate is created. Performance efficiency rate is used to define the relationship between the actual work done by an employee and the fictional, average work done. Wipro Limited. © Wipro Limited, 2012, All Rights Reserved.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Efficiency rate is taken into account in scheduling, capacity planning and costing. Efficiency rate is used to correct standard values in values in the operation according to the work which you actually expect to be done. You can use the efficiency rate key to 

combine the same values for the efficiency at several work centers

maintain various values for the efficiency rate depending on the date

If necessary, maintain different efficiency rates for scheduling and for costing.

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Floor Control   Operations   Scheduling  Define Key for performance efficiency rate.

Transaction Code


On chang changee view view “Key “Key for perfor performan mance ce effici efficienc ency y rate.” rate.” Overvi Overview ew Screen Screen the releva relevant nt options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made

  Define Scheduling Margin Margin Key Key

Purpose of Configuration In this menu option time floats for order scheduling as scheduling as well as the release period for order release are specified. The following floats are defined: 

float before production This is the time between the order start date and the scheduled start date.

float after production This is the time between the order finish date and the scheduled finish date.

The release date is calculated by adding the release period. The order release is carried out on this date. Via the release period key you can specify the following for each material:

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float before production

float after production

release period

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Transaction Code


On change change view view “Margi “Margins ns for schedu schedulin ling.” g.” Overvi Overview ew Screen Screen the releva relevant nt optio options ns are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

  Define Move Time Matrix

Purpose of Configuration

In this location group and the move time matrix defined. In the group move time matrix you canmenu maintain the planned values for the move timeare within a location as well as between two location groups. For each entry minimum and a normal move time can be maintained. In the case of a reduction scheduling reduction  scheduling is carried out with the minimum move ttime. ime. Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

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Transaction Code


On change view “Location groups.” Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

On change view “Transport time matrix.” Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Define Reduction Strategies

Purpose of Configuration In this step reduction strategy is specified to be used when the reduction measures are carriedare outnot onadhered operations. Scheduling reduces Scheduling thedates lead-time automatically lead-time  automatically the basic dates given to, that is if the  reduces scheduled lie outside the basic if dates. In this work step, you also define the reduction levels. The reduction takes place level by level no further than the level that you have specified in the control parameters. Reduction strategy in every operation can be specified. 

Reduction strategies You use the reduction strategies to determine how the operation lead time can be reduced step by step. You can enter a reduction strategy in every operation.

Reduction levels You can define up to six reduction levels for each reduction strategy. For every reduction level you can enter what is to be reduced and by how much.

The SAP system carried out reduction step by step no further than the reduction level specified in the scheduling parameters.

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Shop Fl Floo oorr Cont Contro roll   Oper Operati ations ons   Schedu Schedulin ling g   Define Reduction Strategies

Transaction Code


On change view “Reduction strategy.” Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

On change view “Reduction Levels.” Overview Screen the relevant options are selected. Confirmation

Define Confirmation Paramete Parameters rs

Purpose of Configuration In this step the confirmation parameters for each plant and order type is defined.

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© Wipro Limited, 2012, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro InfoTech, a division of Wipro Limited. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute any material from this document, in any form or by any means, nor may you modify or create derivative derivative works based on the text of any file, or any part thereof for public, private or commercial use, without prior written permission from Wipro Limited.


Project Configuration Document (Production Planning) Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Custo Customiz mizing ing Implem Implement entati ation on Guide Guide   Pro Produ duct ctio ion n  Shop Sho p Floor Floor Contro Controll   Operati Operations ons   Confirma Confirmation tion   Define confirmation parameters.

Transaction Code


On change view “Parameters for order confirmation.” Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

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© Wipro Limited, 2012, All Rights Reserved. This document is proprietary to Wipro InfoTech, a division of Wipro Limited. You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit or distribute any material from this document, in any form or by any means, nor may you modify or create derivative derivative works based on the text of any file, or any part thereof for public, private or commercial use, without prior written permission from Wipro Limited.


Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Confirmation Parameters for Collective Confirmation/Fast Entry

Purpose of Configuration In this work each confirmation type and type and category is category is defined. The following can be proposed in collective confirmation. 

how quantities are to be proposed

how activities are to be proposed

whether confirmations are identified by the order number or the confirmation number

Below the navigation path access the SAP IMG transaction IMG Menu

SAP Customizing Implementation Guide  Production  Shop Floorr Control Floo Control   Operation Operationss   Confirmatio Confirmation n   Confirmation Parameters for Collective Confirmation/Fast Confirmation/Fast Entry

Transaction Code


On change view “Confirmation as collective transaction.” Overview Screen the relevant options are selected.

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Project Configuration Document (Production Planning)

Standard SAP settings Maintained as Recommended by SAP. No changes made


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