Power Transformer ENU

February 13, 2018 | Author: Mohd Abubacker Siddiq Khan | Category: Transformer, Capacitor, Electrical Impedance, Insulator (Electricity), Electric Current
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Diagnostic Testing Solutions for Power Transformers

Prevention is Better than Cure - Know More About



mechanical impacts >transportation > event >post > fault event >seismic > activity event >etc. >

transformer condition

100 %

Keep your transformer in with testing

testing during manufacturing factory acceptance testing commissioning acceptance testing

> periodic testing > testing after an event - relocation, protection trip

and subsequent preventive Taking the right action at the right time

maintain OLTC >corroded > contacts >diverter > switch >motor > & brake


the Condition of Your Transformer



factors causing deterioration

aging >overloading > >overheating > >moisture >

protection problems >protection > underfunction >protection > failure

good condition

or warning, overcurrent, overvoltage, earthquake ...

actions transformer life expectancy

replace parts >bushings > >surge > arresters >gaskets > >pumps, > fans, etc.

Processing of insulation >degassing > of fluid >retrofilling > >drying > of transformer >passivators > or inhibitors


Transformer Parts and Their Possible Faults



Bushing CTs Insulation materials Leads



Core Surge arresters 4

Dielectric response analysis instrument: see pages 22-23

Frequency response analysis instrument: see pages 24-25

Partial discharge analysis system: see pages 26-29

Current transformer testing instrument: see CT Analyzer brochure

Capacitance, dissipation factor / power factor at 50 Hz or 60 Hz Short circuit impedance / leakage reactance Transformer ratio Exciting current DC winding resistance Power factor / dissipation factor Tip up test Variable frequency power factor / dissipation factor Frequency response of stray losses Dynamic resistance Watt-loss and current measurement Dielectric response analysis Frequency response analysis Partial discharge analysis Current transformer analysis

Transformer diagnostic set: see pages 6-21

Faults detectable Partial breakdown between capacitive graded layers, cracks in resin-bonded insulation Aging and moisture Open or compromised measuring tap connection Partial discharges in insulation Loss of oil in an oil-filled bushing Current ratio or phase error considering burden, excessive residual magnetism, non-compliance to relevant IEEE or IEC standard Moisture in solid insulation Aging, moisture, contamination of insulation fluids Partial discharges Contact problems Mechanical deformation Contact problems in tap selector and at diverter switch Open circuit, shorted turns, or high resistance connections in the OLTC preventative autotransformer, series autotransformer or series transformer Contact problems in the DETC Short circuits between windings or between turns Strand-to-strand short-circuits Open circuits in parallel strands Short circuit to ground Mechanical deformation Contact problems, open circuits Mechanical deformation Floating core ground Shorted core laminates Deterioration and aging

Measurement x x x x



x x



x x x x1 x

x1 x

x x



x x x


x x


x x x x x

x x x x

x x

x x x

x x x


x x


x x x x x

x x2 x

x2 x x


Notes: 1) Power factor / dissipation factor measurements at 50 Hz or 60 Hz can detect high moisture contents, but have a blind spot for low moisture contents. Measuring power factor / dissipation factor at lower frequencies, such as 15 Hz, improves sensitivity. The most sensitive method to determine moisture in solid insulation is dielectric response analysis. 5 2) If the core ground can be opened.

All in One: the Multi-Functional Transformer Test

DC winding resistance measurement instrument winding resistance




TR Leakage reactance/short-circuit impedance measurement instrument mechanical ?



Frequency response of stray losses measurement instrument winding strands I V TR

+ more substation diagnostics >> Ground impedance measurement >> Line impedance and ground factor measurement >> Resistance measurement >> Primary relay testing




12 kV

V, I, P, Q, S

output signal digitally generated

CPC 100:

800 AAC

Cp: 1 pF ‑ 3 µF

Cp measurement: > Current transformer testing >> Voltage transformer testing

of units

Power supply

High voltage cable


29 kg / 65 lbs

110 - 240 V

20 m / 65 feet

to conveniently transport:

26 kg / 56 lbs

50 - 60 Hz

double screen

16 A

insulation supervision

CPC 100, CP TD1, measurement cable, high voltage cable



Measuring Capacitance & Power Factor / Dissipation

Surge arresters




Insulation materials



Damaged TR after

Capacitance and power factor / dissipation factor (PF / DF) measurements are performed to investigate the condition of bushings as well as the transformer overall insulation. Aging and decomposition of the insulation, or the ingress of water, increase the energy that is turned into heat in the insulation. The level of this dissipation is measured by the PF / DF. On surge arresters, currents and watt losses of identical units can be compared. Deviations may indicate aging effects, poor contacts or open circuits between elements.

Capacitance values of bushings show if there have been breakdowns between capacitive layers. For resin bonded paper bushings, cracks into which oil has leaked, can also change the value of the capacitance.

Typical loss shapes in 15 - 400 Hz range polarization losses

A rise in capacitance of more than 10 % is normally considered to be dangerous, since it indicates that a part of the insulation distance is already compromised and the dielectric stress to the remaining insulation is too high.

Capacitive layers

conductive losses

equivalent circuits *)

Preventing bushings from exploding center conductor

Increased heat dissipation accelerates the aging of the insulation. If an aged insulation can no longer withstand the electrical stress, bushings explode.

typical loss shapes CI CJ

Better understanding of losses f

At line frequency, conductive losses can be represented with a parallel equivalent circuit. Polarization losses can be represented by a series equivalent circuit consisting of an ideal capacitor and a resistor.


superposition of both effects

Increased losses may pass a test at line frequency unnoticed, leaving the tester unaware of an insulation in distress. Measuring the DF / PF over a broad frequency range helps to better understand both types of losses.




bushing explosion

How does it work?

How can results be confirmed?

High voltage is applied to the insulation to be tested, i.e. the bushing tip, and a low loss reference capacitor (integrated in CP TD1) is connected in parallel. The currents flowing through the insulation and through the reference capacitor are measured and the time difference between their zero crossings is determined. The loss angle d is then calculated from this time difference. The tangent of this angle is the dissipation factor. The cosine of the angle between voltage and current is the power factor. Results are compared with values given in IEEE C57.10.01 and IEC 60137, and can be compared with a base measurement, another phase, or a sister transformer.





Resin impregnated paper

Oil impregnated paper

Resin bonded paper

Dissipation factor / power factor in % *)


in bushings

IEC 60137

< 0.70

< 0.70

< 1.50

If values deviate more than indicated by the standards, then dielectric response analysis can be performed to check for increased moisture. Chemical tests can be performed to verify the quality of the insulation fluid (DGA, dielectric breakdown strength, interfacial tension, etc.) Measuring the power factor / dissipation factor of the insulation fluid can also be done with a CPC 100 accessory, the CP TC12 oil test cell.

OIP bushing: PF / DF tip up test

CA grounded layer and tap electrode on flange

OIP bushing: PF / DF variable frequency test IEEE C57.10.01

Typical new values

< 0.85

< 0.50

< 2.00

0.3 - 0.4 0.2 - 0.4 0.5 - 0.6

*) at 50 / 60 Hz and 20 °C


Measuring Capacitance & Power Factor / Dissipation

Power factor / dissipation factor (PF / DF) measurement indicates the condition of the liquid and solid insulation within a transformer.

Energize HV to measure CH + CHL | CH | CHL, then energize LV to measure

Power and accuracy The CPC 100 / CP TD1 can measure capacitance and PF / DF (tan δ) in laboratories, test fields and on site. A powerful test voltage source (12 kV, 100 mA continuous, 300 mA short-term load current) with variable frequency (15 - 400 Hz), combined with high accuracy measuring inputs allows fast, effective and accurate measurements. Prepared test procedures can guide the user through the testing process and offer a basis for comprehensive reporting.

Modular equipment


The modular equipment (CPC 100: 29 kg / 65 lbs, CP TD1: 26 kg / 56 lbs) can be easily transported thanks to its sturdy cases, which can also be used to place the instruments onto them for working at a comfortable height, as shown on page 12.



For convenient transport or mobile use such as in test fields or in substations/power plants, the instruments can be mounted onto a trolley. The CPC 100 is used to control the test, i.e.: >> entering the voltage and frequency values where C and cos j / tan d shall be measured >> starting and stopping the test >> supervising the measurement progress and intermediate results >> storing results on flash disk and USB memory stick

Power factor / dissipation factor tip up results

The CP TD1 includes >> a high voltage step-up transformer >> a reference capacitor (pressurized gas type) >> the unit to measure and compare currents in amplitude and phase



CL + CHL | CL | CHL - thanks to internal switching logic with guard

Your Benefits >> perfect digitally generated sine wave test signal that is independent from power quality and line frequency >> laboratory precision for on-site use: > portability (CPC 100: 29 kg / 65 lbs, CP TD1: 26 kg / 56 lbs) >> mobility through the use of a specialized trolley >> ruggedness and ergonomic design: transport cases with wheels bring equipment to appropriate working height (see page 12)


>> automatic tests at different voltages >> automatic tests at different frequencies: early detection of insulation stress due to the improved sensitivity provided by measurements made in the range of 15 - 400 Hz


>> optional measurement bandwidth reduction to ± 5 Hz and averaging of up to 20 results for precise measurements despite strong electromagnetic interference >> temperature correction according to type of insulation and relevant standard

Power factor / dissipation factor variable frequency results

>> internal recalibration of electronic circuits of the CP TD1 with each measurement >> automatic reporting of capacitance Cp, DF (tan d), PF (cos ϕ), power (active, reactive, apparent), impedance (absolute value, phase, inductivity, resistance, Q) >> automatic assessment if reference values for capacitance and power factor / dissipation factor are known >> less wiring effort through two measurement inputs (IN A, IN B) that can be used to measure for example the capacitance of a bushing at the same time as the main insulation


Measuring Ratio & Exciting (No-Load) Current

Surge arresters




Insulation materials



Principal IP

The measurement is performed for assessing possible winding damage, such as turn-to-turn short circuits, comparing the measured ratio and magnetizing currents to specifications, factory measurement results, and/or across phases. In the factory, this measurement is performed to verify that ratio and the vector group is correct.



Ratio measurement with the CPC 100

Setup for automatically measuring ratio and resistance per tap (see

The CPC 100 measures the transformer ratio by applying a high voltage at the HV winding of one transformer leg. In amplitude and phase, it measures the applied voltage and the voltage at the LV winding, as well as the exciting (no-load) current. The deviation from rated values is displayed as a percentage.

Measuring ratio per tap The CPC 100 measures ratio and excitation current at each tap position. Each time the user operates the tap changer, the CPC 100 automatically starts a new measurement and measures and displays ratio, phase angle, and for each tap, the deviation from nominal ratio is displayed as a percentage. For automatically measuring winding resistance and ratio of all phases and all taps, see page 16.



test setup

How does it work?


TR = NP / NS

page 16)

How can results be confirmed?

The winding ratio between primary and secondary windings is measured for each transformer leg, applying high voltage at the HV side and measuring on the LV side. The ratio of these voltages, equalling the turns ratio, is calculated. Results are compared with nameplate values and across phases. The exciting current is the corresponding current flowing in the HV winding if the LV winding is open. Results are compared with a reference measurement, or a measurement performed on a sister transformer; in three phase transformers, the two outer phases can also be compared.

With the turns-ratio test, shorted turns can be detected. If a problem is suspected from a DGA, a dissipation factor test, or a relay trip, a turns-ratio test can be performed to rule out / verify if turns are shorted. If the exciting current test shows deviations, and DC winding resistance and ratio test do not show errors, then the cause may be a core failure or unsymmetrical residual flux.

CPC 100 TRRatio test card

Your Benefits >> powerful AC voltage source, controllable from 0 to 2000 V >> a perfect digitally generated sine wave test signal that is independent from the quality of the mains wave form >> convenient and quick testing by automatic detection of tap changer operation as trigger for the next tap measurement

Exciting current [mA] per tap

>> exciting current measurement in amplitude and phase >> variable frequency for measurements outside mains frequency for noise suppression, if selected by the user >> accuracy and safety >> automatic reporting of measured voltage values and phase angles, measured ratio and deviation as a percentage, exciting current in amplitude and phase

Watt losses [W] per tap

>> tabular and graphical result representation for every tap


Measuring DC Winding Resistance and OLTC

Surge arresters




Insulation materials



Burn-off at a

Winding resistance measurements are performed for assessing possible winding damage. It is also used to check the On-Load Tap Changer (OLTC) - to know when to clean or replace OLTC contacts, or to know when to replace or refurbish the OLTC itself, which has a shorter life span than the active part of the transformer. In the factory, this measurement is performed to calculate the I2R component of conductor losses and to calculate winding temperature at the end of a temperature test.

Measuring resistance with the CPC 100

Table in CPC 100 TRTapCheck test card

The CPC 100 injects DC current into the winding, measures current and voltage and then calculates and displays the resistance. When the resistance value is stable, the CPC 100 makes the final measurement, and reduces the test current to zero to discharge the energy saved in the winding. When it is safe to remove test leads, the CPC 100 illuminates its green safety light.

Tapped windings and OLTC In semi-automatic mode, the CPC 100 measures the resistance of each subsequent tap position. Each time the user operates the OLTC, the CPC 100 waits until the values stabilize, and then measures and displays the winding resistance at this tap position. When all taps have been measured, the CPC 100 discharges the inductive energy stored in the winding and indicates when this process is completed. For automatically measuring static and dynamic winding resistance and ratio of all phases and all taps, see page 16.

Winding resistance per tap

Dynamic resistance measurement The OLTC has to switch from one tap position to another without interrupting the load current. When switching the tap changer during winding resistance measurement, the DC current temporarily decreases. This current decrease should be measured and compared across taps, as recommeded in the Cigré Transformer Maintenance Guide 445. 14


diverter switch

How does it work?

How can results be confirmed?

To measure the winding resistance, the winding under test must first be loaded with energy (E=1/2*L*I2) until the inductance of the winding is saturated. Then the resistance can be determined by measuring DC current and DC voltage. For tapped windings, this should be done for every tap position, hence testing the OLTC and the winding together. Results should be compared to a reference measurement, across phases, or with a sister transformer. In order to compare measurements, the resistance values have to be re-calculated, to reflect different temperatures during the measurements.


Results should not differ more than 1 % compared to the reference measurement. Differences between phases are usually less than 2 - 3 %. Transformer turns ratio or frequency response analysis can be used to confirm contact problems. In both cases, hot spots in the transformer will result in a DGA indicating increased heat. However, gas signatures are not unique and thus do not allow for the identification of the root cause.

Ripple per tap

Your Benefits >> convenient and quick testing by using OLTC operation as a trigger for the next tap measurement >> additional condition assessment of the individual OLTC taps through dynamic resistance measurement, recorded as a part of “classical” resistance measurement, without extra effort >> high accuracy and safe testing through the use of a 4-wire connection. The CPC 100 visually indicates when it is safe to remove test leads, even if its power supply is interrupted during testing. If the test leads are removed or interrupted accidentally, the test current will flow through the voltage path, preventing dangerous overvoltages. If the CP SA1 accessory is in use during such an accidental interruption of test leads, damage to the CPC 100 will be prevented.

Slope per tap

>> automatically created report showing the test duration, the resistance value at measurement and reference temperature, etc. >> tabular and graphical results are produced for every tap for easy visual comparison 15

Automatically Measuring Ratio & Winding Resistance


Using the CP SB1 accessory, the CPC 100 can automatically >> measure ratio and the exciting current of all of the taps and all phases >> confirm the vector group >> measure static and dynamic winding resistance of all of the taps and all phases


This accessory helps to save a lot of time as wiring is only necessary once. With the same cabling, both ratio and resistance measurements can be performed. Through the CP SB1, the CPC 100 is connected to all phases of a transformer. The up and down command inputs of the OLTC are also connected and controlled by the CPC 100 and the CP SB1.

Ratio measurement The CPC 100 only requires the user to enter ratio and the vector group to measure the ratio and the exciting current for each tap of each phase automatically. For each tap, results are compared to the specified ratio and the deviations are displayed.

Winding resistance measurement


With the CP SB1, the CPC 100 injects DC current into each tap of each winding. The CPC 100 then waits for the current to stabilize and measures the resistance value, as well as the data describing the switching process (dynamic resistance measurement). The tap changer is then operated automatically until the measurement on one transformer phase is finished. Between measuring the different phases, the energy stored in the windings is quickly discharged. When the windings are fully discharged, the CPC 100 / CP SB1 automatically switches to the next phase. At the end of the measurement, the last winding is discharged and the operator is notified visually that it is safe to remove the wiring.


of All Taps and All Phases

Measurement with switchbox

Switchbox connected to CPC 100 / CP TD1


HV Your Benefits >> several times faster than conventional wiring technique: - minimum wiring - only once for all connections - automatic discharging of the windings between measurements - automatic tap changer operation >> increased safety: no repeated climbing up and down the transformer >> simple workflow: a single, automatic measurement for determining ratio and exciting current, as well as static and dynamic winding resistance >> prevention of wiring errors: prior to the measurement, wiring plausibility is automatically checked >> comprehensive automatic reporting for all phases and taps

 control 17

Measuring Short Circuit Impedance / Leakage Reactance

Surge arresters




Insulation materials




The measurement is performed for assessing possible damage/displacement of windings. Measurements are compared over time or by comparing phases. In case of a short-circuit, forces work towards the core for the inner winding and away from the core for the outer winding. If these forces affect the placement of windings, the leakage flux will change. In particular, short circuits between parallel strands of Continuously Transposed Conductors (CTCs), and local overheating due to excessive eddy current losses linked by the stray flux can be detected.

Numerous incidents exist of asset managers investigating the reason why their transformer is gassing even though all standard electrical tests show acceptable results. This illustrates that their tools do not cover all trouble and failure possibilities.

Measuring frequency response of stray losses

The Frequency Response of Stray Losses of each phase will be nearly identical if all phases are in good condition. An increase in frequency will result in an increase in impedance as the skin effect becomes more pronounced. Just like measuring leakage reactance or short circuit impedance at power system frequency, the CPC 100 measures leakage reactance, or short circuit impedance, across a frequency range of 15 - 400 Hz, as defined by the user. It applies AC voltage to the high voltage winding, with the low voltage winding shortcircuited. It then measures the load current in amplitude and phase and calculates the impedance. The measurement is performed for each transformer phase. The user then compares results across phases and / or over time.


& Frequency Response of Stray Losses


How does it work?

How can results be confirmed?

An AC source is connected to each phase of the HV winding with the corresponding LV winding shorted. The current and the voltage across the HV winding are measured in amplitude and phase, and the short circuit impedance is calculated. Short-circuit impedance measurements should ideally be performed over a range of frequencies, commonly known as Frequency Response of Stray Losses. Here, the AC source features variable frequency. After source current and voltage have been measured across the HV winding, the stray losses are represented by the inductive part of the short circuit impedance at higher frequencies.

Leakage reactance: deviations of more than 1 % ought to be investigated with other tests such as FRA. Differences between phases are usually less than 2 %. Deviations of more than 3 % are considered significant. Frequency response of stray losses (FRSL) results can be cross-checked with PD measurement, FRA, and DGA. If parallel strands are shorted, higher losses in the stray channel will cause high internal temperatures, normally indicated by a DGA. The gas signature is not unique and does not provide the identification of the root cause, however. FRSL is unique in this respect.

Leakage flux force direction

Your Benefits

Leakage flux

>> a perfect digitally generated sine wave test signal that is independent from power quality >> additional diagnostic information through the measurement of the leakage reactance or short circuit impedance at several frequencies HV




>> variable frequency for measurements outside mains frequency for noise suppression, if selected by the user >> accuracy and safety

FRSL test results with faulty phase C

>> automatic reporting of all measured values >> display of result as Z and Φ, R and X, or R and L >> graphical results representation


CPC 100 / CP TD1 - Operation According to Individual

Manual front panel operation Directly setting output values

Result representation on PC / laptop

Test cards dedicated to specific tests

Result representation in MS Excel

Operating CPC 100 / CP TD1 manually provides results with minimal training – perfect for users operating the devices occasionally. Operating directly through the device, the user just selects the output to be used, the measurement to be made and performs it by pressing the green button. Users can measure exactly the way they consider best by using the device in this way.

Front panel operation supported by test cards Dedicated test cards help when performing frequent applications conveniently and efficiently. The cards contain predefined procedures, dedicated to specific applications (for example power factor / dissipation factor, winding resistance and tap changer test, ratio measurement, etc.). Several test cards can be combined to form an entire test plan for a power system apparatus (e.g. a power transformer), guiding the user through the measurement. 20

Reporting Performed tests can be saved and are the basis for comprehensive reports. For customized reporting, all data belonging to the measurement, including settings, results, and administrative information such as date & time, filename, etc. can also be imported to MS Excel. OMICRON provides templates containing typical test procedures for power system apparatus, providing guidance during the measurement and conveniently and quickly producing comprehensive result representations in MS Excel. Test reports can automatically be entered into customer-specific sheets and further content, for example company logos, can be added.

Test preparation on PC Tests can also be prepared in the office on a PC or laptop - without the CPC 100, with which the test will later be executed at site, step by step.


PC control and application management with PTM Primary Test Manager main screen

1. Asset management

2. Dynamic test plan generation

Primary Test Manager (PTM)

and reducing the risk of errors. The test procedure can easily be adapted by selecting / de-selecting elements.

Primary Test Manager (PTM) software supports the users’ workflow during diagnostic testing. The user can define and manage test objects, create test plans, 3. Guidance through testing During the measurement, PTM perform measurements, and generate enables the user to directly control reports. PTM manages the entire workflow the test instrument from a PC or during testing, guiding the user through laptop. Clear connection schemes the process step-by-step. help the user to make correct 1. Asset management connections and to avoid errors. PTM supports the administration of The test progress is visible in the asset data of power transformers: test table throughout the test. general identifying characteristics like 4. Reporting location, manufacturer, production After the tests, reports can be date, serial numbers, etc. can be generated at any time for any entered just like electrical data such of the measurements made as number of windings, voltage and previously. The report content power ratings, vector group, etc. is flexible and customizable. Customer specific report forms can 2. Dynamic test plan generation be generated and other elements Based on the electrical data of the can be added, such as company apparatus (such as vector group logos. or bushing type), PTM generates a plan of diagnostic measurements to be performed in accordance with industry standards, thus saving time 21

3. Guidance through testing

4. Result representation in PTM

Dielectric Response Analysis of Power Transformers and




Insulation materials


Typical shape of


Dielectric response analysis is used to assess the water content of the solid insulation (cellulose) and thus periodically monitor its condition. Knowing the water content is important for the condition assessment of transformer bushings and the transformer in its entirety. In the factory, this measurement is used at the end of production to control the drying procress and to assure low moisture after drying.

Dissipation factor

Surge arresters

1 high


Moist Insula Oil co


l 0,01

0,001 0,001 Hz

Verifying the insulation condition with DIRANA

Displaying the dissipation factor over a wide frequency range provides insight into the specific properties of the oil, the geometry of the solid insulation in the form of spacers and barriers, and the condition of the solid insulation itself. This is the only method that can - non-invasively - directly measure the actual moisture content in the solid insulation. The method is scientifically approved by CIGRÉ. Aging threshold values as defined in IEC 60422 allow for an automatic insulation condition assessment and corresponding recommendations for further actions such as transformer drying. OMICRON’s DIRANA can measure dielectric response over an extremely wide frequency range (10 µHz - 5 kHz). It minimizes testing time by combining frequency domain spectroscopy (FDS) at high frequencies and polarization and depolarization current measurement (PDC) at low frequencies. DIRANA also displays the polarization index (PI) based on FDS/PDC measurement. It thus replaces measuring insulation resistance, delivering the same information, but being more accurate for moisture determination. Testing time is further minimized by simulaneously measuring through two channels, and the application of an intelligent curve recognition. Measurements are ended automatically as soon as the typical shape of the curve, including the hump, indicates that all relevant points have been measured.




dielectric response

ture and aging of cellulose ation Geometry onductivity

How can results be confirmed?

If the dissipation factor of a transformer is plotted against a wide frequency range, the resulting dielectric response curve contains information on the insulation condition. The very low and the high sections contain information on moisture and aging in the solid insulation, while the position of the slope in the mid range frequencies indicates the conductivity of the liquid insulation.



1 Hz

How does it work?


low 1000 Hz

This curve is compared to model curves to evaluate aging, particularly for assessing the moisture content in the insulation.

There are no other non-invasive ways to assess moisture in a transformer; dielectric response analysis is unique in this respect. The Karl Fischer titration method can determine moisture content in oil or in paper, but has several disadvantages. For instance, to determine moisture in paper, the method requires opening the transformer and taking a paper sample. During the process, the insulation itself is being damaged and the sample takes up new moisture.


f range

duration Your Benefits





~ 2.9 h

~ 6.0 h

>> insulation condition assessment concerning moisture / aging of cellulose and oil conductivity >> automatic result evaluation according to IEC 60422 (dry, moderately wet, wet, extremely wet), indicating if further actions are required >> completely non-invasive measurement



~ 5.5 h

DIRANA and accessories in sturdy case

>> minimum down-time: a measurement can be performed directly after the transformer has been shut down, as equilibrium is not required >> fast measurement through an intelligent combination of methods FDS and PDC, simultaneous measurement with two input channels and forecast algorithm >> automatic compensation of the influence of conductive aging by-products avoiding overestimation of moisture content >> predefined tests for all transformer types and bushings >> step-by-step software guidance >> also measure the insulation condition of cables, generators, motors and instrument transformers


Sweep Frequency Response Analysis

Surge arresters




Insulation materials



Elements forming a

Frequency response analysis (FRA) is used to verify the electrical and mechanical integrity of the active part of the transformer (core, leads, windings). FRA is also ideal for further diagnosis, if periodic testing or monitoring identifies irregularities. A growing number of utilities also use FRA during routine testing, since the method can detect a wide range of faults while being completely non-invasive. FRA is the most sensitive method for detecting mechanical deformations.

Frequency response analysis (FRA) is based on the comparison of a reference test with an actual test, where the reference test is usually a fingerprint that has been previously measured. When such a fingerprint is not available, another phase or a sister transformer can also be used for comparison.

Test lead connection on transformer bushing using broad braids, clamps

For on site use, FRAnalyzer comes in a rugged case which all necessary accessories fit into, including a battery with sufficient power to complete the comprehensive testing of any transformer.

clamp connection

FRAnalyzer uses braids for its connections which allow a high level of reproducibility due to their tight connection close to the bushing using clamps and screws. This technique is recommended in the CIGRÉ brochure 342 on FRA: >> connection close to the bushing >> broad braids minimize test setup interference




for large bushings, the influence of the measurement setup can be reduced even more by using two braids 24

unique fingerprint

How does it work?

How can results be confirmed?

A low voltage sinusoidal signal with variable frequency is applied to one terminal of a winding and at the other end of the winding the response signal is measured. The voltage transfer function of the winding is determined as the output / input ratio. The transfer function of a winding depends on the resistive, inductive and capacitive elements of the transformer. Changes in these elements as a consequence of a failure lead to changes in the transfer function. Results are represented in magnitude and phase as in a Bode diagram.

and screws

Frequency response analysis can detect a wide range of faults. Some of these faults can be confirmed by other measurements, such as DC winding resistance, frequency response of stray losses, short-circuit impedance / leakage reactance, exciting current, or ratio measurement. However, no other method can give as clear an indication as frequency response analysis can to determine whether windings have been deformed, for example by the mechanical forces resulting from a fault.

Automatic comparison / evaluation of results

Your Benefits >> non-invasive detection of: - winding deformations - shorted parallel strands - winding or interturn short circuits - winding shorted to ground - shorted core laminates - floating core ground - open circuits - contact resistance problems >> excellent reproducibilty through innovative connection technique >> powerful and easy-to-use software: - database solution - import of FRA traces from other vendors (Doble, FRAMIT, FRAX, etc.) - export traces in CIGRE exchange (.xfra) or .csv format - data export to MS Excel or database applications - automatic assessment through proven algorithm

Small and lightweight FRAnalyzer

>> automatic reporting >> high accuracy and wide dynamic range >> small and lightweight device >> support is available from OMICRON for the interpretation of results 25

Partial Discharge Analysis

Surge arresters




Insulation materials



Once initiated, partial discharge (PD) causes a progressive breakdown of insulating materials by electrical tree formation. PD measurements are performed on the insulation of transformers to determine the insulation’s condition and to safely prevent it from breaking down. PD measurement is also part of the factory acceptance test.

The OMICRON MPD PD system offers quick and precise recording of pulses on the three phases of a transformer using data acquisition from three or more channels.

Partial discharge conductor C2’


C1’ void C2’ conductor

PD analysis on a three phase transformer

Digital filter In the MPD 600 the classical analog bandpass filter has been replaced by a digital filter using a mathematical algorithm. Digital system design eliminates aging effects and temperature drift making measurements comparable and reproducible by perfectly reproducing settings: >> the digital filter can be easily adapted to the conditions on site by tuning its center frequency and bandwith to minimize disturbances with fixed frequency bands >> calibration values for charge and voltage can be set directly on the laptop controlling the test, fully reproducible during the next measurement

Optical Isolation Between individual PD acquisition units and between the acquisition units and the PC / laptop, fiber-optics are used for the communication. Communication with fiberoptics ensures a continuous, disturbance-free transmission of PD events and test voltage. The units are supplied using a battery power supply. This design provides complete galvanic isolation between the individual components, minimizing ground loops and so reducing interference. 26


How does it work?

C3’ Ccoupling insulation

How can results be confirmed?

A coupling capacitor is connected in parallel to the capacitances of the measured insulation distance. Any charge movements within the connected insulation distance will be reflected in the charge of the coupling capacitor. The resulting circulating current of the paralleled capacitances is measured and interpreted.

A chemical dissolved gas analysis (DGA) can also indicate partial discharges. It is impossible, however, to locate partial discharges with DGA.

Analyzing PD means detecting and evaluating very small discharges, while dealing with very high test voltages, often complicated by external disturbances.

Signals acquired simultaneously by 3 units

Battery powered acquisition units The acquisition units are supplied from rechargeable batteries, which can supply the units for more than 20 hours. Another advantage of battery power supply is that it eliminates disturbances which would result from a mains power supply.

Noise suppression through gating Additionally, noise can be eliminated by amplitude / phase gating, dynamic noise gating or antenna gating. Here, one measurement channel, which is not connected to the equipment under test, is used as a detector for external disturbances. Any pulse picked up by this unit is considered to be an external disturbance and is therefore eliminated on all other units because internal PD cannot be detected by this antenna channel due to the shielding effect of tank and graded bushings.

PD acquisition unit

Multi-channel measurement Measuring simultaneously with several channels with synchronization accuracy in the range of nanoseconds has several advantages: >> it minimizes the time for which high voltage has to be applied to a suspect transformer and speeds up testing >> it allows for real-time de-noising of the data to minimize the influence of disturbances, and helps separating different sources of PD and identifying the type of PD sources 27

Partial Discharge Analysis

“Tuning to” partial discharges (PD) When you are listening to the radio, the audio filter of your receiver filters out all other radio stations, and only plays the one that you are listening to. The MPD can use two methods for “tuning to” PD sources to display only what you want to take a closer look on.

3-Phase Amplitude Relation Diagram Through cross-coupling, a PD pulse on one phase in a transformer will usually appear on all phases - with different amplitudes. Noise, however, is external and thus produces amplitudes that are similar on all phases.

Measurements related to each other in 3PARD or 3CFRD

By synchronously measuring on all phases the tester can separate pulses by plotting them in the 3-Phase Amplitude Relation Diagram (3PARD).

pd cluster

Noise will create a separate cluster in this diagram, usually in the center of the 3PARD. PD, however, the pulses of which are often smaller than those of noise, typically form a cluster outside the center. If more than one PD source exists, each of them will form a separate cluster. When a cluster is selected, the phase-resolved PD pattern will be shown specifically for this cluster, facilitating pattern recognition, i.e. determining the possible cause of a single PD source.

3-Center Frequency Relation Diagram Another way to separate pulses is 3-Center Frequency Relation, which requires only one measurement channel, for example when the test object is a single phase transformer. This method measures with three filters at different measurement frequencies at the same time. Using spectral differences, distinct internal pulses can be separated from each other and PD can be discriminated from external noise.

Separated partial discharge

The result of the three measurements is plotted in the 3-Center Frequency Relation Diagram (3CFRD). The unfolding clusters in this diagram can then be analyzed separately.

Advantages of 3PARD and 3CFRD >> allows the separation of PD activity from noise >> enables the separation of different PD sources >> facilitates pattern recognition



Ultra high frequency PD detection Within liquid-insulated transformers, PD can also be measured using ultra high frequency (UHF) sensors. PD is directly measured from within the tank, by flanging UVS 610 sensors directly onto it, using its natural screening effect. The UHF 608 accessory converts the signals for the MPD. UHF measurement can also be used to trigger an acoustic PD measurement, or as an additional gating mechanism - then pulses from an electrical measurement are only accepted if a UHF pulse is also present.

UVS 610 UHF sensor (MPD accessory)

noise cluster

Your Benefits >> lightweight >> scalable and modular system >> high speed for the most comprehensive testing >> measuring all phases of a transformer simultaneously with nanosecond synchronicity >> high operator safety through optical fibers galvanically isolated from the PD acquisition units


>> high sensitivity down to pico or even femto Coulombs through effective gating technology >> separating PD sources and noise through 3PARD / 3CFRD >> improving the locating of PD and thus assisting the user to make the right follow-up decisions (e.g. if a transformer can be repaired on-site) 29

Power Transformer Services, Training and Support

Expertise in transformer diagnostics

OMICRON experts evaluating a customer’s results

OMICRON employs some of the world’s most renowned experts in transformer diagnosis. Among them are members of working groups concerned with transformer maintenance and diagnosis in international standardization bodies, such as CIGRÉ, the IEEE, or the IEC. They have performed numerous diagnostic measurements on power transformers, often as a result of customer requests. Moreover, they have published many papers on power transformer diagnosis, which are available in the customer area on the OMICRON website, together with dedicated expert forums, moderated by OMICRON.

Result assessment support OMICRON experts support customers in interpreting and assessing results - such as partial discharge patterns, or FRA fingerprints.

Demonstration booth at dedicated event

Technical support High quality technical support teams also provide answers to questions on the use of the equipment, and are the first point of contact should a functional problem occur. If a repair is necessary, repair times are short - typically in the range of less than one or two weeks.

Dedicated events OMICRON hosts the regular Diagnostic Measurements on Power Transformers Workshop. There, typically over a hundred delegates from all over the world share and discuss case studies and recent developments in transformer diagnosis. Themes include best practice experiences and solutions in transformer testing presented by customers and new technological developments reported by OMICRON. Informal get togethers aid peer exchange. Several smaller events on related subjects targeted on the particularities of specific geographical regions are also offered throughout the year. 30

Training courses

Customer theoretical training

OMICRON training courses provide a solid theoretical and practical background and answer a client’s individual questions. Training courses are held at either the customer’s site, online through a webinar, or in one of the OMICRON training centers wordwide.

Power transformer training topics >> Design, testing and maintenance >> Chemical diagnostic methods >> Diagnostic measurements and residual life assessment >> Condition assessment of HV bushings >> Moisture determination and dielectric diagnostics >> Frequency response analysis and interpretation >> Partial discharge measurement >> Training courses using OMICRON technology Customer practical training

Your Benefits >> assistance in interpretation and assessment of results >> access to relevant training modules >> dedicated conventions/conferences >> technical assistance in equipment usage from our technical support teams >> access to scientific papers on transformer diagnosis through the customer area on our website 31

OMICRON is an international company serving the electrical power industry with innovative testing and diagnostic solutions. The application of OMICRON products allows users to assess the condition of the primary and secondary equipment on their systems with complete confidence. Services offered in the area of consulting, commissioning, testing, diagnosis, and training make the product range complete. Customers in more than 140 countries rely on the company’s ability to supply leading edge technology of excellent quality. Broad application knowledge and extraordinary customer support provided by offices in North America, Europe, South and East Asia, Australia, and the Middle East, together with a worldwide network of distributors and representatives, make the company a market leader in its sector.

The following publications provide further information on the solutions described in this brochure:

For a complete list of available literature please visit our website.

Americas OMICRON electronics Corp. USA 12 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1510 Houston, TX 77046, USA Phone: +1 713 830-4660 +1 800-OMICRON Fax: +1 713 830-4661 [email protected]

© OMICRON L2007, April 2012 Subject to change without notice

Asia-Pacific OMICRON electronics Asia Limited Suite 2006, 20/F, Tower 2 The Gateway, Harbour City Kowloon, Hong Kong S.A.R. Phone: +852 3767 5500 Fax: +852 3767 5400 [email protected]

Europe, Middle East, Africa OMICRON electronics GmbH Oberes Ried 1 6833 Klaus, Austria Phone: +43 5523 507-0 Fax: +43 5523 507-999 [email protected]

www.omicron.at • www.omicronusa.com

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