Power System Planning Lab a Batch

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ARCHANA MAURYA POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB [This lab is a guide for Planning process and its associated benefits. Going through this lab manual Planner would be in a state to decide the best solution for designing the power system network and plan well in advance to save money and time without compromising on the reliability]


Ajay kumar Gupta 7 th sem B batch 13EMCEE300



DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Modern Institute of Technology & Research Centre, Tijara Road, Alwar, Rajasthan Rajasthan Technical University, Kota [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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EXPERIMENT NAME To study the status of national and regional planning To study the components of structure of power system. To study various planning tools. Formulate the short note on electricity regulation. To study the modeling of electrical forecasting techniques. To study transmission and distribution planning in brief. To study the concept of rational tariffs with its underlying principles. To study the process of rural electrification with its associated technologies.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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7EE7A: POWER SYSTEM PLANNNG LAB 1. Status of National and Regional Planning, for power system. 2. Write components of Structure of power system. 3. Explain in detail various planning tools. 4. Write short note on Electricity Regulation. 5. Modeling of Electrical Forecasting techniques. 6. Transmission and distribution planning. 7. Concept of Rational tariffs. 8. Rural Electrification.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Lab Instruction for Students LAB INSTRUCTIONS FOR STUDENTS


Keep Silence in the lab.


Sit on your own seat which is assigned by faculty or lab staff.


Always follow the instruction given by lab staff for to perform the assigned experiment.


Do not switch ON the supply of the panel until the circuit is not been checked by lab staff.


Every student is responsible for any damage to the panel or any component which is assigned for lab work.


Do not go to any table to assist any student without permission of lab staff, if so, may be punished for that.


Always come to lab with your file and file work should be completed.


Please keep your bag at right place inside the lab.


Always get checked and signed your file work in time (experiment which was performed in previous lab positively to be checked) after that faculty may not check your work.


After performing the experiments the connection should be disconnected from panel and power supply should be OFF.


Before leaving the lab, keep your stool under the table.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB EXPERIMENT NO.-1 Aim: To study the Status of National and Regional Planning. Power System Operation Corporation Limited (POSOCO) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL). It was formed inMarch 2010 to handle the power management functionsof PGCIL. It is responsible to ensure the integratedoperation of the Grid in a reliable, efficient and securemanner. It consists of 5 Regional Load Despatch Centersand a National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC). Thesubsidiary may eventually be made a separate company,leaving the parent firm with only the task of setting uptransmission links. The load Despatch functions, earlierhandled by PGCIL, will now come up to POSOCO. History: Central Government through Ministry of Power in exercise of the power conferred by subsection (3) of Sect 26 and sub-section (2) of Section 27 of the Electricity Act, 2003, by notification dt. September 27, 2010 in the Gazette of India notified that the Power System OperationCorporation Ltd (POSOCO), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (a Government Company) shall operate National Load Despatch Centre and the five Regional Load Despatch Centers, with effect from October 1, 2010. The subsidiary was set up on the recommendations of a government committee headed by G.B. Pradhan, additional secretary in the Union ministry of power. To make load dispatch centers financially self-reliant and autonomous, the committee recommended independent and sustainable revenue streams. The move to separate the two functions is in keeping with the provisions of theElectricity Act, 2003, which seeks to separate commercial interests from load management functions. The Pradhan committee had recommended setting up a separate representative board structure overseeing the functions of the five regional load dispatch centers (RLDCs) run by PGCIL—the northern, eastern, north-eastern, western and southern regions at that time. The Present Board of directors is as following:  Mr. RabindraNathNayak, Chairman  Mr. I.S.Jha, Director  Mr. R.T.Agarwal, Director  Mrs. Jyoti Arora, Director (Government nominee)  Mr. P.K.Pahwa, Director (Government Nominee)  Mr. Santosh Saraf, Director (Independent)

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Mr. Sushil Kumar Sooneeis the Chief Executive Officer of POSOCO and a special invitee in the Boardmeetings. The Corporate Centre of POSOCO is at B-9, Qutab Institutional Area, Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016, and INDIA POSOCO mainly comprises – 1. National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC) 2. Five Regional Load Despatch Centres     

Northern Regional Load Despatch Centre(NRLDC) Western Regional Load Despatch Centre (WRLDC) Eastern Regional Load Despatch Centre (ERLDC) Southern Regional Load Despatch Centre (SRLDC) North-Eastern Regional Load Despatch Centre(NERLDC)

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB National Load Despatch Centre: On 25 February 2009 the National Load Despatch Centre (NLDC) was inaugurated by Sh.SushilkumarShinde(Union Minister of Power) and Smt.ShielaDixit(Chief Minister, Delhi). National Load DespatchCentre (NLDC) has been constituted as per Ministry ofPower (MOP) notification, New Delhi dated 2 March 2005 and is the apex body to ensure integrated operationof the national power system. The main functions assigned to NLDC are:  Supervision over the Regional Load Despatch Centres.  Scheduling and dispatch of electricity over the interregional links in accordance with grid standards specified by the authority and grid code specified by Central Commission in coordination with Regional Load Despatch Centre.  Coordination with Regional Load Despatch Centres for achieving maximum economy and efficiency in the operation of National Grid.  Monitoring of operations and grid security of the National Grid.  Supervision and control over the inter-regional links as may be required for ensuring stability of the power system under its control.  Coordination with Regional Power Committees for regional outage schedule in the national perspective to ensure optimal utilization of power resources.  Coordination with Regional Load Despatch Centres for the energy accounting of interregional exchange of power.  Coordination for restoration of synchronous operation of national grid with Regional Load Despatch Centres.  Coordination for trans-national exchange of power.  Providing Operational feedback for national grid planning to the Authority and Central Transmission Utility.  Levy and collection of such fee and charges from the generating companies or licensees involved in the power system, as may be specified by the Central Commission.  Dissemination Of information relating to operations of transmission system in accordance with directions or regulations issued by Central Government from time to time.

Regional Load Despatch Centres: [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB The main responsibilities of RLDCs are:  System parameters and security.  To ensure the integrated operation of the power system grid in the respective region.  System studies,planning and contingency analysis.  Daily scheduling and operational planning.  Facilitating bilateral and inter-regional exchanges.  Computation of energy Despatch and drawls values using SEMs.  Augmentation of telemetry, computing and communication facilities. By going through this experiment one should be in a state to answer the following questions:

REVIEW QUESTIONS: Q1. When was NLDC formed with the aim associated in its formation? Q2. With what purpose the work has been divided to RLDC and what are those works. Q3. Draw the hierarchy table of working of various LDC’s? Q4. Define POSOCO in brief?

References [1] “Powerless again: Northern, eastern grids fail”. 31 July 2012. [2] "‘Independent audit of grids in 3 months’". 7 August 2012.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB EXPERIMENT NO. – 2 Aim: To study the Components and Structure of Power System.

An interconnected power system is a complex enterprise that may be subdivided into the following major subsystems: • Generation Subsystem • Transmission and Sub transmission Subsystem • Distribution Subsystem • Utilization Subsystem

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Generation Subsystem Generation subsystem includes generators and transformers.

Fig: Thermal Power Plant Electric power is produced by generating units, housed in power plants, which convert primary energy into electric energy. Primary energy comes from a number of sources, such as fossil fuel and nuclear, hydro, wind, and solar power. The process used to convert this energy into electric energy depends on the design of the generating unit, which is partly dictated by the source of primary energy.The term “thermal generation” commonly refers to generating units that burn fuel to convert chemical energy into thermal energy, which is then used to produce high-pressure steam. This steam then flows and drives the mechanical shaft of an ac electric generator that produces alternating voltage and current or electric power, at its terminals. An essential component of power systems is the three-phase ac generator known as synchronous generator or alternator. Synchronous generators have two synchronouslyrotating fields: One field is produced by the rotor driven at synchronous speed and excited by dc current. The other field is produced in the stator windings by the three-phase armature currents. The dc current for the rotor windings is provided by excitation systems. In the older units, the exciters are dc generators mounted on the same shaft, providing excitation through slip rings. Current systems use ac generators with rotating rectifiers, known as brushless excitation systems. The excitation system maintains generator voltage and controls the reactive power flow.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Because they lack the commutator, ac generators can generate high power at high voltage, typically 30 kV.

Fig: Turbo Generator The source of the mechanical power, commonly known as the prime mover, may be hydraulic turbines, steam turbines whose energy comes from the burning of coal, gas and nuclear fuel, gas turbines, or occasionally internal combustion engines burning oil. Steam turbines operate at relatively high speeds of 3600 or 1800 rpm. The generators to which they are coupled are cylindrical rotor, two-pole for 3600 rpm, or four-pole for 1800 rpm operation. Hydraulic turbines, particularly those operating with a low pressure, operate at low speed. Their generators are usually a salient type rotor with many poles. In a power station, several generators are operated in parallel in the power grid to provide the total power needed. They are connected at a common point called a bus. With concerns for the environment and conservation of fossil fuels, many alternate sources are considered for employing the untapped energy sources of the sun and the earth for generation of power. Some alternate sources used are solar power, geothermal power, wind power, tidal power, and biomass.

Transformers The transformer transfers power with very high efficiency from one level of voltage to another level. The power transferred to the secondary is almost the same as the primary, except for losses in the transformer. [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Fig: Step Up Power Transformer Insulation requirements and other practical design problems limit the generated voltage to low values, usually 30 kV. Thus, step-up transformers are used for transmission of power. At the receiving end of the transmission lines step-down transformers are used to reduce the voltage to suitable values for distribution or utilization. The electricity in an electric power system may undergo four or five transformations between generator and consumers. Transmission and Sub transmission Subsystem An overhead transmission network transfers electric power from generating units to the distribution system which ultimately supplies the load. Transmission lines also interconnect neighboring utilities which allow the economic dispatch of power within regions during normal conditions, and the transfer of power between regions during emergencies. High voltage transmission lines are terminated in substations, which are called high voltage substations, receiving substations, or primary substations. The function of some substations is switching circuits in and out of service; they are referred to as switching stations. At the primary substations, the voltage is stepped down to a value more suitable for the next part of the trip toward the load. Verylarge industrial customers may be served from the transmission system.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Fig: Transmission Network The portion of the transmission system that connects the high-voltage substations through stepdown transformers to the distribution substations is called the subtransmission network. There is no clear distinction between transmission and subtransmission voltage levels. Typically, the subtransmission voltage level ranges from 69 to 138 kV. Some large industrial customers may be served from the sub transmission system. Capacitor banks and reactor banks are usually installed in the substations for maintaining the transmission line voltage. Distribution Subsystem The distribution system connects the distribution substations to the consumers’ service-entrance equipment. The primary distribution lines from 4 to 34.5 kV and supply the load in a welldefined geographical area.Some small industrial customers are served directly by the primary feeders. The secondary distribution network reduces the voltage for utilization by commercial and residential consumers. Lines and cables not exceeding a few hundred feet in length then deliver power to the individual consumers. Distribution systems are both overhead and underground. The growth of underground distribution has been extremely rapid and as much as 70 percent of new residential construction is via underground systems.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Fig: Distribution Network Utilization Subsystem Power systems loads are divided into industrial, commercial, and residential. Industrial loads are composite loads, and induction motors form a high proportion of these loads. These composite loads are functions of voltage and frequency and form a major part of the system load.

Fig: Heavy Duty Single Phase Capacitor Start and Run Induction Motor Commercial and residential loads consist largely of lighting, heating, and cooking. These loads are independent of frequency and consume negligibly small reactive power. The load varies throughout the day, and power must be available to consumers on demand.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Fig: Toaster Single phase residential used load Along with these certain other components are added to assist them in their working which are as such: Power electronics Power electronics are semi-conductor based devices that are able to switch quantities of power ranging from a few hundred watts to several hundred megawatts. The classic function of power electronics is rectification, or the conversion of AC-to-DC power, power electronics are therefore found in almost every digital device that is supplied from an AC source either as an adapter that plugs into the wall or as component internal to the device. High-powered power electronics can also be used to convert AC power to DC power for long distance transmission in a system known as HVDC. HVDC is used because it proves to be more economical than similar high voltage AC systems for very long distances.

Fig: HVDC Link

HVDC is also desirable for interconnects because it allows frequency independence thus improving system stability. Power electronics are also essential for any power source that is required to produce an AC output but that by its nature produces a DC output. They are therefore used by many photovoltaic installations both industrial and residential. The use of power [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB electronics to assist with motor control and with starter circuits cannot be underestimated and, in addition to rectification, is responsible for power electronics appearing in a wide range of industrial machinery. Power electronics are also at the heart of the variable speed wind turbine. Conventional wind turbines requiresignificant engineering to ensure they operate at someratio of the system frequency, however by using power electronics this requirement can be eliminated leading to quieter, more flexible and (at the moment) more costly wind turbines. A final example of one of the more exotic uses of power electronics comes from the previous section where the fastswitching times of power electronics were used to provide more refined reactive compensation to the power system. Protective devices Power systems contain protective devices to prevent injury or damage during failures. The quintessential protective device is the fuse. When the current through a fuse exceeds a certain threshold, the fuse element melts, producing an arc across the resulting gap that is then extinguished, interrupting the circuit. Given that fuses can be built as the weak point of a system, fuses are ideal for protecting circuitry from damage. Fuses however have two problems: First, after they have functioned, fuses must be replaced as they cannot be reset. This can prove inconvenient if the fuse is at a remote site or a spare fuse is not on hand. And second, fuses are typically inadequate as the sole safety device in most power systems as they allow current flows well in excess of that that would prove lethal to a human or animal. The first problem is resolved by the use of circuit breakers—devices that can be reset after they have broken current flow. These devices combine the mechanism that initiates the trip (by sensing excess current) as well as the mechanism that breaks the current flow in a single unit. Some miniature circuit breakers operate solely on the basis of electromagnetism.

In higher powered applications, the protective relays that detect a fault and initiate a trip are separate from the circuit breaker. Different relays will initiate trips depending upon different protection schemes.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Fig: Differential Relay The second problem, the inadequacy of fuses to act as the sole safety device in most power systems, is probably best resolved by the use of residual current devices (RCDs). After going through this experiment the following questions can be answered: REVIEW QUESTION: Q1. Briefly explain the layout of generation system? Q2. Briefly explain the working of Transmission network with divisions? Q3. Explain the distribution Network in brief? Q4. Explain the power electronics devices used in power system? Q5. Explain the protective circuitry involved in power system?

References [1] “Godalming Power Station”. Engineering Timelines.Retrieved 2009-05-03. [2] Williams, Jasmin (2007-11-30). “Edison Lights The City”. New York Post. Retrieved 2008,03-31. [3] Grant, Casey. “The Birth of NFPA”.National Fire Protection Association.Retrieved 2008-0331. [4] “Bulk Electricity Grid Beginnings” (PDF) (Press release). New York Independent System Operator.Retrieved 2008-05-25. [5] Katz, Evgeny (2007-04-08). “Lucien Gaulard”. Archived from the original on 2008-0422.Retrieved 2008-05-25. [6] John W. Klooster, Icons of Invention: The Makers of the Modern World from Gutenberg to Gates, page 305 [7] Blalock, Thomas (2004-10-02). “Alternating Current Electrification, 1886”.IEEE.Retrieved 2008-05-25. [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB EXPERIMENT NO.-3 Aim: To study various Planning Tools in Power System Planning. INTRODUCTION: Planning engineer’s primary requirement is to give power supply to consumers in a reliable manner at a minimum cost with due flexibility for future expansion. The criteria and constraints in planning an energy system are reliability, environment, economics, electricity pricing, financial constraints, society impacts and value of electricity.Reliability, economic, financial and environmental factors can be quantified. However, societal effects are evaluated qualitatively. The system must be optimal over a time period from first day of operation through the planned lifetime. Various computer programs are available and are used for fast screening of alternate plans with respect to technical, economic and environmental performance of power system. TOOLS AVAILABLE: The available tools for power system planning can be split into three basic techniques:  Simulation tools  Optimization tools  The scenario techniques

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB SIMULATION TOOLS: Power system simulation models are a class of computer simulation programs that focus on the operation of electrical power systems. These computer programs are used in a wide range of planning and operational situations including:  Long-term generation and transmission expansion planning  Short-term operational simulations  Market analysis (e.g. price forecasting) These programs typically make use of mathematical optimization techniques such linear programming, quadratic programming, and mixed integer programming. Key elements of power systems that are modeled include:     

Load flow (power flow study) Short circuit Transient stability Optimal dispatch of generating units (unit commitment) Transmission (optimal power flow)

Optimization tools: This tool minimizes or maximizes an objective function by choosing adequate values for decision variables. These include:  Optimum power flow  Least cost expansion planning  Generation expansion planning The scenario techniques: This is a method for viewing the future in quantitative fashion. All possible outcomes are investigated. The sort of decision r assumption which might be made by utility section depends on the existing trend and conditions. The process of planning consists of generation set of planning scenario.The various types of scenarios for electrical planning is drawn by:    


[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB VIVA VOICE: Q1. Explain Planning Tools in brief. Q2. Explain various planning tools with application areas.

REFERENCES (1) CEC. 2007 Integrated energy policy report: Final Commission report; CEC-100-2007-008CMF; California Energy Commission: Sacramento, CA, December, 2007. (2) Jaske, M. R. Scenario analysis of California's electricity system: Preliminary results for the 2007 IEPR, draft staff report; CEC-200-2007-010-SD; California Energy Commission: Sacramento, CA, June 8, 2007.

EXPERIMENT NO.-4 [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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AIM: To make short note on electricity regulation and study its underline principles in brief. Theory:In 1991 Indian government launched systematic economic reforms programme. The infrastructure industries such as telecommunications and electricity have subsequently been restructured and opened to private sector participation. Accompanied with the restructuring and privatization has been setting up of independent regulatory agencies for telecommunications and electricity. While there is a single Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) for whole country the electricity regulatory system in India is central and provincial. In addition to Central Electricity Regulatory Commission there are 18 other provincial (state level) State Electricity Regulatory Commissions (SERCs) that have been set up by the local (state) governments to regulate electricity markets, encourage competition and private investment. This is due to the federal nature of government in India and also because Indian constitution lists electricity in Concurrent List, meaning both the federal and state level governments are authorized to frame policies regarding electricity supply industry except for nuclear power which is in domain of only federal government. Although most of the government owned state electricity boards are now unbundled and corporatized there is little or no privatization and the private sector investment in generation and distribution has been very little. A major cause for this could be lack of effective regulatory arrangements. Introduction Regulatory reforms in developed and developing countries accompanied with privatization and deregulation of public utilities have generated substantial research interest in academic circles. The focus of much of the work on economic regulation has been on the instruments of regulation such as incentive regulation based on rate of return or price cap. Only recently the issues of the regulatory process and institutional arrangements have started attracting attention of the scholars. Institutional arrangements for practice of regulatory policy play a key role in providing stable and effective regulatory environment. The privatization and regulation experiment in the UK and many other countries is much studied phenomenon2. In most of the studies on economic regulation, the focus has been on instruments of regulatory policies such as price controls or rate of return. Earlier literature on regulation of US electricity, telecommunications and other regulated industries also showsimilar trends.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Three of the six aspects relate to institutional design (the formal accountability) and other three relate to regulatory process and practices (informal accountability). The formal accountability aspects include: • Clarity of Roles and Objectives • Autonomy • Accountability The informal accountability aspects studied are: • Participation • Transparency; and • Predictability. 1. Clarity of Roles and Objectives: The regulatory function is well articulated, well enshrined in primary legislation, and clearly separated in practice from policy and commercial functions. 2. Autonomy: There is a separate regulator with arrangements for appointment and financing which appear to guarantee autonomy of action. 3. Participation: A comprehensive process of formal consultation (including public hearings and publication of and comment on consultation responses) is followed before decisions are made. 4. Accountability: There is full accountability in terms of appeals, including a specific legal right of redress. The accountability of the regulator to Courts or parliament for fulfilling general legal duties is appropriate without being excessive. 5. Transparency: All regulatory documents are available to the public, except where specifically classified as confidential and the regulator publishes major decisions as well as the reasoning behind major decisions. 6. Predictability: Regulatory powers and duties cannot be changed without changes in primary law; key regulatory instruments or documents cannot be changed without undergoing appropriate processes; and there is a clear policy and coherent approach behind all decisions. Some relevant features of the Electricity Act 2003 that have implications for scope and practice of regulators are worth listing below:  Delicensed generation.  Non-discriminatory open access in transmission mandated.  Single buyer model dispensed with for the distribution utilities.  Provision for open access in distribution is to be implemented in phases.  Provision for multiple distribution licensees in the same area of supply has been incorporated.  Electricity trading is recognized as a distinct licensed activity.  Development of market (including trading) in electricity made the responsibility of the Regulatory Commission.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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 Sustainability: guarantee of recovery of all regulated costs so that the electrical power sector is economically viable  Equity or Non Discrimination in the allocation of costs to consumers: Same charge should apply to the same provision of a service, regardless the end use of the electricity.  This would be in line with a cost allocation procedure based on cost causality.  Economic efficiency: Two types are considered:  Productive: produce the good or service at minimum cost &meeting prescribed quality standards  Allocative efficiency: promote efficiency in consumption of the good in the short & long term Tariffs must sent economic signals that promote efficient operation &investment. This requires that costs should be assigned to those who are responsible for them (criterion of cost causality)  then, use marginal costs / prices whenever possible  if there are still costs to be assigned • apply “cost causality” as far as it is possible • &, finally, try to minimize any inevitable distortion in the economic decisions of the consumers  Transparency:in the methodology, so that all employed criteria & procedures are made public

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB  Stability: in the adopted methodology, so that the concerned agents have the least possible regulatory uncertainty. Stability is compatible with a gradual process of adaptation of the present tariffs to the new system  Simplicity: in the methodology & its implementation, as far as possible  Additivity: derived from the principles of efficiency & sustainability. End user tariffs must be the outcome of adding all applicable cost concepts  Consistency: with the specific regulatory process of each country  Other principles:  Universal service: everybody must have access to electricity  Protection of low income consumers  Protection of the environment VIVA VOICE: Q1. Explain the concept of regulatory policy. Q2. Explain the underlying principles of regulatory commission. Q3. Explain the various accountability aspects of the electricity regulation.

REFERENCES: [1] Dubash, N.K., and Singh, D (2005) Of Rocks and Hard Places, A Critical Review of Recent Global Experience with Electricity Restructuring, Economic and Political Weekly, December, 10, pp.5249-5259. [2] Levy, B and P.T. Spiller (1994) The Institutional Foundations of Regulatory Commitment: A Comparative Analysis of Telecommunication Regulation, Journal of Law Economics and Organisation, V 10, No. 2, 201-246. [3] Parker, D, Kirkpatrick, C. (2005) Privatisation in developing countries: a review of the evidence and the policy lessons, Journal of Development Studies, 41(4), 513-41

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB EXPERIMENT NO.-5 AIM: To study Load forecasting along with its techniques.

Theory:Using the Past to Predict the Future What is the next number in the following sequences? – 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49.... – 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28.... – 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13.... – 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13.... These types of problems are at the heart of what forecasters do

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB The numbers on the previous slide were the summer peak demands for Indiana from 2000 to 2005.

They are affected by a number of factors – Weather – Economic activity – Price – Interruptible customers called upon – Price of competing fuels

How do we find a pattern in these peak demand numbers to predict the future?

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Methods of Forecasting • Time Series – trend analysis • Econometric – structural analysis • End Use – engineering analysis

Time Series Forecasting:  Linear Trend – fit the best straight line to the historical data and assume that the future will follow that line – Many methods exist for finding the best fitting line, the most common is the least squares method.  Polynomial Trend – Fit the polynomial curve to the historical data and assume that the future will follow that line – Can be done to any order of polynomial (square, cube, etc) but higher orders are usually needlessly complex [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB  Logarithmic Trend – Fit an exponential curve to the historical data and assume that the future will follow that line.

Good News and Bad News: The statistical functions in most commercial spreadsheet software packages will calculate many of these for you • These may not work well when there is a lot of variability in the historical data • If the time series curve does not perfectly fit the historical data, there is model error. There is normally model error when trying to forecast a complex system. Methods Used to Account for Variability: Modeling seasonality/cyclicality • Smoothing techniques – Moving averages – Weighted moving averages – Exponentially weighted moving averages • Filtering techniques • Box-Jenkins

Econometric Forecasting: Econometric models attempt to quantify the relationship between the parameter of interest (output variable) and a number of factors that affect the output variable. • Example – Output variable – Explanatory variable • Economic activity • Weather (HDD/CDD) • Electricity price • Natural gas price • Fuel oil price

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Estimating Relationships Each explanatory variable affects the output variable in different ways. The relationships can be calculated via any of the methods used in time series forecasting. – Can be linear, polynomial, logarithmic… • Relationships are determined simultaneously to find overall best fit. • Relationships are commonly known as sensitivities.

End Use Forecasting End use forecasting looks at individual devices, aka end uses (e.g., refrigerators) • How many refrigerators are out there? • How much electricity does a refrigerator use? • How will the number of refrigerators change in the future? • How will the amount of use per refrigerator change in the future? • Repeat for other end uses

The Good News Account for changes in efficiency levels (new refrigerators tend to be more efficient than older ones) both for new uses and for replacement of old equipment • Allow for impact of competing fuels (natural gas vs. electricity for heating) or for competing technologies (electric resistance heating vs. heat pump) • Incorporate and evaluate the impact of demand-side management/conservation programs

The Bad News Tremendously data intensive • Primarily limited to forecasting energy usage, unlike other forecasting methods – Most long-term planning electricity forecasting models forecast energy and then derive peak demand from the energy forecast.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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• Both reserve margin (RM) and capacity margin (CM) are the same when expressed in megawatts – Difference between available capacity and demand • Normally expressed as percentages VIVA VOICE: Q1. What do you mean by load forecasting? Q2. Explain the various methods of forecasting available. Q3. Define reserve margin and capacity margin.

REFERENCES: [1] State Utility Forecasting Group – http://www.purdue.edu/dp/energy/SUFG/ [2] Energy Information Administration – http://www.eia.doe.gov/index.html

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB EXPERIMENT NO.-6 AIM: To study Transmission and Distribution Planning in brief. Transmission system planning involves determining and scheduling the additions and changes that will need to be made to a high-voltage power transmission grid as future conditions, including demand for power, change. Reasons For and Goals of Transmission Planning: The majority of transmission system planning required is due to a continuing growth of electric demand. Even allowing for significantimprovements in the efficiency of electric appliances and usage,a growing population and economy leads to increased demand for electric power. Typically electric demand grows by one half to one percent a year in most areas of the developed world, and at faster rates in developing nations. Increasing demand requires more transmission system capability, even if more transmission lines and substations are not built. A large part of transmission planning in many cases involves determining how to increase the capacity of existing systems without adding new lines and rights of way. This is accomplished by upgrading transmission lines and transmission systems throughout a utilities area. Other reasons that transmission planning is required include replacement of aging electric power infrastructures, planning for relocation of transmission lines that must be moved due to societal demands or changes inthe makeup of metropolitan areas, or to lower the cost of power by reducing what is called power transmission congestion in a regional grid. The goals of transmission system planning include those common to all utility system planners: assuring reasonable reliability and quality of service to energy consumers, minimizing costs, assuring the system is safe and built and operable within all laws, codes, and regulations. In addition, transmission system planning for regional and wholesale grids normally has to take into account system interconnected security, transmission congestion constraints, transmission market costs including in some cases locational marginal based pricing, the availability and esthetic impacts of required rights-of-way and transmission switching substation sites that will be required, and community and social acceptance in determining what plans best meet current and future needs. Transmission Planning Methods and Processes Transmission system planning involves a host of complicated technical considerations related to power flow through an electric network and the dynamic behavior of demand, equipment, systems, and control equipment. As to the planning method used in a particular study,Planners follows the instructions of its clients, but generally recommends that all planning studies adhere to best-practice guidelines. This means that there is zero-base planning in all cases, that each study begins with an explicit [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB examination and analysis of consequences and costs of the “do nothing” option, leading to a quantitative enumeration of the system needs and deficiencies that need to be corrected. This is followed by evaluation of a series of options to address the system’s needs and correct deficiencies. They use an exhaustive list of potential planning alternatives covering all possible categories. Many times one or more categories are not feasible, but in such cases, that is documented early in the study and a traceable trail showing such options were not viable is established for later defense of the recommended plan. Feasible alternatives are each tailored to the situation and developed to further detail, and then all are evaluated on a balanced basis for feasibility, fit-to-system needs, flexibility, capital cost, O&M cost, lifetime or other time-value-of-money economics, and other factors as appropriate for the particular study. Reliability, system security, congestion and LMP pricing considerations, as well as aesthetic transmission line impacts and community preferences may also be considerations. Either traditional (least overall cost) or multi-attribute Pareto-type prioritization can be used to rank and determine the best alternatives for recommendations. Our staff has access to and is skilled in the application of a wide variety of analytical tools to assess power system performance. Analytical Tools: Transmission system analysis involves complicated computations of power flow, fault currents, transient phenomena and a host of other engineering factors related to system performance and equipment suitability. Quanta Technology has in-house capabilities and skilled personnel who can operate the analytical software listed in the table below. A set of proprietary methods has also been developed to aid in the analysis of features or phenomena not covered by standard commercial tools. Analytical Tools Used In Planning Studies

        

PSS/E PSS/O PowerFactory Power World EMTP EDSA INSITE Matlab Mathematical

Strategic Transmission Planning involves the determination of the best long-term approach to handling the wholesale power transmission needs in a region. These usually lead to a long range (20-year) overview plan that identifies the preferred voltage ranges (e.g., 765 and 500 kV) and general characteristics of the future grid.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Regional Grid Planning involves most of the factors of strategic transmission planning in addition to the factors considered in most transmission planning studies, such as policy issues involving complicated regional issues and equity of distribution costs and capability which may have to be accommodated. Sub-Transmission Planning involves planning of the transmission-voltage portions of local power delivery systems, lines most often of delta configuration and operating at nominal voltages of anywhere from 34.5kV to 345kV. While of high-voltage, the predominate reason these lines are needed and operated is to route power to local distribution substations. As such, they are legally and practically part of the local delivery system rather than the regional wholesale power grid, and are best planned as part of that local delivery system. Substation-Planning involves the determination of the sites, sizes and configurations, and timing of future additions of distribution and transmission switching stations, as well as additions and upgrades to existing substations. The planning of transmission switching stations (e.g., 500 kV to 230 kV stations) is a key element of good transmission planning and accomplished as part of that function. Planning of distribution substations is more complicated, and because these distribution substations are both tied to the transmission system and the anchor points of the local distribution system, Planning for the location, size, and design of power distribution substations is done as part of the sub-transmission planning process at about 60% of utilities worldwide, and as a part of distribution planning, or as a planning function separated from both, in the others. Regardless, the impact of substation location and capacity and design decisions on feeder system cost and reliability can often exceed the cost of the substation itself, so distribution considerations need to be carefully weighed regardless of where and how this step is done. However, transmission considerations cannot be ignored as they often impose severe locational and capacity constraints on the possible alternatives. Quanta Technology has developed innovative comprehensive methods of substation planning that consider all aspects completely in a balanced, bottom line manner. Distribution Planning: SCADA:A collection of Equipment that will provide an operator at a remote station with sufficient information to determine the status of a process and facilitate to take place regarding present

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Function:  Data Aquisition  Data Processing  Real-Time Calculations  Sequence Of Event Recording  Information Storage & Retrieval  Supervisory Contol  Time Synchronisation  Network Status Processor  Network Management System  Data Exchange With Other Control Centres  User Interface – Situational Awareness

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition “Today’s” definition of SCADA: “From sensor to operator interface [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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Sensors / Elements Wiring RTU – Remote Terminal Unit Telemetry / Communications Master STATION Server/ PC / OIT (Operator Interface Terminal) Reports & beyond (Intra / Internet applications)

SCADA (also called tele-control) consist of one or more computers with appropriate applications software (Master Stations) connected by a communications system (wire, radio, power line carrier or fiber optics) to a number of remote terminal units (RTUs) placed at various locations to collect data and for remote control and to perform intelligent autonomous (local) control of electrical systems and report results back to the remote master(s). A SCADA system performs four functions: 1. Data acquisition 2. Networked data communication 3. Data presentation 4. Control These functions are performed by four kinds of SCADA components: Sensors (either digital or analogue) and control relays that directly interface with the managed system. Remote telemetry units (RTUs). These are small computerized units deployed in the field at specific sites and locations. RTUs serve as local collection points for gathering reports from sensors and delivering commands to control relays. SCADA master units. These are larger computer consoles that serve as the central processor for the SCADA system. Master units provide a human interface to the system and automatically regulate the managed system in response to sensor inputs. The communications network that connects the SCADA master unit to the RTUs in the field. DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM PLANNING -The objective of distribution system planning is to ensure that the growing demand for electricity, in terms of increasing growth rates and high load densities, can be satisfied in an optimum way by additional distribution systems, from the secondary conductors through the bulk power substations, which are both technically adequate and reasonably economical.

-Distribution system planners must determine the load magnitude and its geographic location. [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Then the distribution substations must be placed and sized in such a way as to serve the load at maximum cost effectiveness by minimizing feeder loses and construction cost, while considering the constraints of service reliability.

The distribution system is particularly important to an electrical utility for two reasons: (1) Its close proximity to the ultimate customer (2) Its high investment cost.

-since the distribution system of power supply system is the closest one to the customer, its failures effect customer service more directly. -distribution planning starts at customer level. The demand, type, load factor, and other customer load characteristics dictate the type of distribution system required. - Once the customer loads are determined, they are grouped for service from secondary lines connected to distribution transformers that step down from primary voltage. -the distribution transformer loads are then combined to determine the demands on the primary distribution system. -the primary distribution system loads are then assigned to substations that step down from transmission voltage. -the distribution system loads, in turn, determine the size and location, or siting, of the substations as well as the routing and capacity of the associated transmission lines.

In other words, each step in the process provides input for the step that follows. A block diagram of a typical distribution system planning process [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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VIVA VOICE: Q1. Explain transmission planning in brief. Q2. Explain distribution planning in brief. Q3. What do you mean by SCADA System and explain its function?

References: [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB [1]. The Dawn of Grid Synchronization and What It Means to Planners and Operators http://www.quanta-technology.com/sites/default/files/doc-files/Grid-Synchronization.pdf [2]. The Challenge of Effective Transmission& distribution Planning http://www.quantatechnology.com/sites/default/files/doc-files/Effective-Transmission-Planning.pdf

EXPERIMENT NO.-7 AIM: To study the concept of rational tariffs.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Theory: Tariff refers to the amount of money the consumer has to pay for making the power available to them at their homes. Tariff system takes into account various factors to calculate the total cost of the electricity. Before understanding tariff of electricity system in detail a slight overview of the entire power system structure and hierarchy in India would be very fruitful. The electrical power system mainly consists of generation, transmission and distribution. For generation of electrical power we have many PSUs and private owned generating stations (GS). The electrical transmission system is mainly carried out by central government body PGCIL(Power Grid Corporation of India limited). To facilitate this process, India is divided into 5 regions: Northern, Southern, Eastern, Western and North eastern region. Further within every state we have a SLDC (state load dispatch center).The distribution system is carried out by many distribution companies (DISCOMS) and SEBs (State electricity board.). Types:There are two tariff systems, one for the consumer which they pay to the DISCOMS and the other one is for the DISCOMS which they pay to the generating stations. Let us first discuss about the tariff of electricity for the consumer i.e. the cost consumer pay to the DISCOMS. The total cost levied on the consumer is divided into 3 parts usually referred as 3 part tariff system. Total cost of electrical energy = fixed cost +semi fixed cost + variable cost = (a + b*KW +c*KW-h )Rs. Here a = fixed cost independent of the maximum demand and actually energy consumed. This cost takes into account the cost of land, labor, and interest on capital cost, depreciation etc. b = constant which when multiplied by maximum KW demand gives the semi fixed cost. This takes into account the size of power plant as maximum demand determines the size of power plant. c = a constant which when multiplied by by actual energy consumed KW-h gives the running cost. This takes into account the cost of fuel consumed in producing power. Thus the total amount paid by the consumer depends on its maximum demand, actual energy consumed plus some constant sum of money. Now electrical energy is generally expressed in terms of unit, and 1 unit = 1 KW-hr (1 kw of power consumed for 1 hr.). IMPORTANT: All these costs are calculated on active power consumed. It is mandatory for the consumer to maintain a power factor of 0.8 or above otherwise penalty is levied on them depending on the deviation.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB Let us now discuss about the tariff system existent in India for the DISCOMS. It is regulated by CERC (central electricity regulatory commission). This tariff system is called availability based tariff (ABT). As its name suggest it is a tariff system which depends on the availability of power. It is a frequency based tariff mechanism which tends to make the power system more stable and reliable. This tariff mechanism also has of 3 parts: Fixed charge + capacity charge + UI (Unscheduled interchange). The fixed charge is same as that discussed above. The capacity charge is for making the power available to them and depends on the capacity of plant and the third one is UI. To understand the UI charges let us see the mechanism. Mechanism of ABT • The generating stations commit a day ahead about the schedule power which they can provide to the regional load dispatch center (RLDC). • The RLDC conveys this information to various SLDC which in turn collects the information from various state DISCOMS about the load demand from various types of consumers. • The SLDC sends load demand to RLDC. And now RLDC allocates the power accordingly to the various states. If everything goes well, power demand is equal to power supplied and the system is stable and frequency is 50 Hz. But practically this rarely happens. One or more state overdraws or one or more GS under supplies. This led to deviation in frequency and system stability. If demand is more than supply frequency dips from normal and vice versa. UI charges are incentive provided or penalties imposed on the generating stations. If the frequency is less than 50 Hz, implies demand is more than supply, and then the GS which supplies more power to the system than committed is given incentives. On the other hand, if frequency is above 50 Hz, implying supply is more than demand, incentives are provided to GS for backing up the generating power. Hence it tries to maintain the system stable. Time of day: Usually during day period the demand for power is very high and the supply remains the same. Consumers are discouraged to use excess power by making the cost high. Contrary to that during night time, demand is less compared to supply and hence consumers are encouraged to use power by providing it at cheaper rate. All these are done to make/keep the power system stable.

Tariffs must comply with the accepted regulatory principles. At least they should:  Guarantee recovery of the total regulated cost for each activity  Be additive [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB  Be reasonably efficient  Send adequate economic signals both in the short & the long term  Be simple & transparent  Adopt tariffs with different components, so that it is possible to send several simultaneous signals:  Time differentiation (since the cost of the system depends on the considered time): timedependent tariffs  Short-term energy signals (as close as possible to real-time  meant to promote efficient system operation): the marginal cost of energy (€/kWh)  Long-term signals (meant to promote efficient investments & to recover total costs of the activity): by means of a fixed term (€) &/or a capacity component (€/ kW)  Locational signals (in the network): geographically differentiated tariffs The structure of the tariff must be consistent with the cost function associated to each cost component (e.g.: the procedure for network planning) & with the known characteristics of consumption (via metering &/or estimation)

There are two basic types of tariffs  Network access tariffs: for qualified consumers

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB  Integral tariffs: for captive (non-qualified) consumers or those who (may) prefer to stay with a regulated tariff The network access tariff must be a component of the integral tariff. Here it will be assumed that the network access tariff includes  Network charges  Other regulatory charges that apply to all consumers Typical components of integral &access tariffs Energy Capacity charge (long term guarantee of supply) Ancillary services costs Extra costs due to technical constraints Network losses Transmission and Distribution network charges Regulatory charges (some examples): Institutions (Market Operator, System Operator and Regulatory Commission) Incentives to promote cogeneration and renewables Domestic coal support, nuclear moratorium & other nuclear costs Compensations to non-peninsular territories Stranded costs: competition transition charges Commercialization (retailing) charges (belong to both types of tariffs) Electricity Tariffs A conceptual model-The basic procedure Step1. Characterize the consumer types & specify the tariff structure Step2. Assign each one of the considered costs to each time zone that has been adopted in the tariffs structure (ideally each hour of the year) or per consumer annual charge (commercialization) or just once (network connection charge) or as percentages of the final tariff (a variety of regulatory charges) Step3. Compute each one of the tariffs by aggregation.

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Per unit charges for each consumer type are determined by adding the fixed, energy & capacity components separately for each component of the total cost & each time zone Network costs Energy Capacity Generation costs Energy Capacity Commercialization costs Other costs VIVA VOICE: Q1. Explain the types of tariffs being charged by consumer. Q2. Explain the concept of tariffs in brief. Q3.Explain the concept of integral and access tariffs in brief.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB References: [1] F. C. Schweppe, M. C. Caramanis, R. D. Tabors, and R. E. Bohn, Spot Pricing of Electricity. Boston, MA: Kluwer, 1988. [2] W. W. Hogan, “Contract networks for electric power transmission,” J. Regulatory Econ., vol. 4, pp. 211–242, 1992. [3] R. J. Kaye, F. F. Wu, and P. Varaiya, “Pricing for system security,” in Proc. IEEE Winter Power Meeting, 1992, Paper 92-WM-100-8.

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB EXPERIMENT NO.-8 AIM: To study Rural Electrification and its application in India. Rural electrification is the process of bringing electrical power to rural and remote areas. Electricity is used not only for lighting and household purposes, but it also allows for mechanization of many farming operations, such as threshing, milking, and hoisting grain for storage. In areas facing labor shortages, this allows for greater productivity at reduced cost. One famous program was the New Deal's Rural Electrification Administration in the United States, which pioneered many of the schemes still practiced in other countries. According to IEA (2009) worldwide 1.456 billion people (18% of the world’s population) do not have access to electricity, of which 83% live in rural areas. In 1990 around 40 percent (2.2 billion) of the world’s people still lacked power. Much of this increase over the past quarter century has been in India, facilitated by mass migration to slums in powered metropolitan areas. India was only 43% electrified in 1990as opposed to about 75% in 2012. In 1979 37% of China’s rural population lacked access to electricity entirely. Some 23% of people in East Java, Indonesia, a core region, also lack electricity, as surveyed in 2013. In Sub-Saharan Africa less than 10% of the rural population has access to electricity. Worldwide rural electrification progresses only slowly. The IEA estimates that, if current trends do not change, the number of people without electricity will rise to 1.2 billion by the year 2030. Due to high population growth, the number of people without electricity is expected to rise in Sub-Saharan Africa. 1. Benefits In impoverished and undeveloped areas, small amounts of electricity can free large amounts of human time and labor. In the poorest areas, people carry water and fuel by hand, their food storage may be limited, and their activity is limited to daylight hours. Adding electric-powered wells for clean water can prevent many water-borne diseases, e.g. dysentery, by reducing or eliminating direct contact between people (hands) and the water supply. Refrigerators increase the length of time that food can be stored, potentially reducing hunger, while evening lighting can lengthen a community’s daylight hours allowing more time for productivity. 2. Drawbacks Depending on the source, rural electrification (and electricity in general) can bring problems as well as solutions. New power plants may be built, or existing plants’ generation capacity increased to meet the demands of the new rural electrical users. Among the main issues that have to be considered in rural electrification are the potential conflicts with land use and the impact on the rural environments. With regard to land use, administrators will need to ensure that adequate planning in regards to infrastructure development and land use allocation is put in place. The economic cost attached to providing electricity in rural areas is also of major concern. Environmental impact concerns on the effects of generatingand distributing electricity in rural [Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB areas is also of significance. The environment in rural areas will be affected by the location of power plants. The energy source used in this power generation is the area that may have the most impact. The use of coal-based power is dangerous to the environment as it releases pollutants such as oxides of sulfur, nitric oxide, carbon dioxide among others. The use of hydro power is much cleaner with fewer pollutants released into the atmosphere. However this method is more land intensive and would thus a larger financial commitment to acquire property and to relocate locals who reside in identified zones. A developer may be inclined to use the cheapest generation source, which may be highly polluting, and locate the power plant next to vulnerable minorities or rural areas. 3. Technology One of the least expensive, most reliable, and best proven electricity distribution systems for rural electrification is single wire earth return. This system is widely used in countries such as Australia with very low population densities. There are some geographical requirements necessary for its use. Since modern power distribution networks can cheaply include optic fibers in the center of electricity transfer wires, telephone and internet service may become available with rural electrification. Locally generated renewable energy is an alternative technology, particularly compared to electrification with diesel generators. The extension of wires is expensive and usually do not last long in these environments, such as in the middle of the jungle, therefore mini grids are a good alternative. Mini-grids (central generation and village wide distribution network) can be a more potent alternative to energy home systems since they can provide capacity for the productive use of electricity (small businesses). Hybrid mini-grids (renewables combined with diesel generators) are a widely acknowledged technology for rural electrification in developing countries. Insome countries (particularly Bangladesh and India) hundreds of thousands of Solar Home Systems have been installed in recent years. The deployment of these systems is coupled with microfinance schemes, such as Garmin Shakti. Most of these systems provide electricity for lighting and some small appliances (radio, TV). 4. Rural electrification in India: Rural areas in India are electrified non-uniformly, with richer states being able to provide a majority of the villages with power while poorer states still struggling to do so. The Rural Electrification Corporation Limited was formed to specifically address the issue of providing electricity in all the villages across the country. Poverty, lack of resources, lack of political will, poor planning and electricity theft are some of the major causes which has left many villages in India without electricity, while urban areas have enjoyed growth in electricity consumption and capacity. The central government is increasingly trying to improve the dire conditions by investing heavily in biogas, solar as well as wind energy.Programs such as TheJNN solar

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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POWER SYSTEM PLANNING LAB mission, Pradhan Mantri Gram Vidyutyojnato fasten the pace of electrification and diversify the procedure. The work is also on-going for reducing wastage, providing better equipment’s and improving the overall infrastructure for electrical transmissions in villages. Currently, more than 90% of villages in India have been electrified with a further goal of providing complete electrification by 2020. Northern and North-Eastern states in India are lagging behind the national average bringing the numbers down, primarily due to inefficient state governments and lack of economic resources; these states are currently the focus of many NGOs as well as state programs. It is estimated that 1-2 GW of solar power will be required for the 1 lakh un-electrified villages in the country, not to mention the solar power requirements of unelectrifiedhouseholds of electrified villages. A breakdown is provided below on the number of states and UTs (Union Territories) that have been electrified.

VIVA Voice: Q1. Explain the concept of rural electrification in brief. Q2. Mention the Drawbacks and benefits of Rural Electrification. Q3. Explain the Technologies involved in the process.

References: [1] http://sciencepolicy.colorado.edu/news/presentations/ bazilian.pdf [2]http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/01/world/asia/power-outages-hit-600-million-in-india.html? pagewanted=all&_r=0 [3] http://iis-db.stanford.edu/pubs/22224/Rural_ Electrification_China_Peng.pdf [4] http://www.tempo.co/read/ news/2013/12/31/058541136/ 23-Persen-Penduduk-di-JatimBelum-Dapat-Listrik

[Deptt. Of Electrical Engineering MITRC, Alwar]

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