Power of Subconcious Mind

April 11, 2017 | Author: kapilpatel | Category: N/A
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There are people who claim that they are always trying to make ends meet. They s eem to have a great struggle to meet their obligations. Have you listened to their conv ersation? In many instances their conversation runs along this vein. They are constantly condemning those who have succeeded in life and who have raised their heads abov e the crowd. Perhaps they are saying, Oh, that fellow has a racket; he is ruthless; he is a crook. This is why they lack; they are condemning the thing they desire and want. The reason they speak critically of their more prosperous associates is because they are envious and covetous of the others prosperity. The quickest way to cause wealth to take wings and fly away is to criticize and condemn others who have more wealth than you. If you are worried and critical about someone whom you claim is making money dishonestly, cease worrying about him. You know such a person is using the law o f mind negatively; the law of mind takes care of him. Be careful not to criticize him f or the reasons previously indicated. Remember: The block or obstacle to wealth is in yo ur own mind. You can now destroy that mental block. This you may do by getting on menta l good terms with everyone. One of the causes many people does not have more money is that they are silently or openly condemn ing it. They refer to money as filthy lucre or the love of money is the root of all evil. Another reason they do not prosper is that they have a sneaky subconscious feeli ng there is some virtue in poverty. Some men crave power others crave money. If you set your heart on money exclusively and say, Money is all I want; I am going to give all my attention to amassing money; nothing else matters, you can get money and attain a fortune, but you have forgotten that you are here to lead a balanced life. You m ust also satisfy the hunger for peace of mind, harmony, love, joy, and perfect health. By making money your sole aim, you simply made a wrong choice. You thought that was all yo u wanted, but you found after all your efforts that it was not only the money you needed. You also desired true expression of your hidden talents, true place in life, bea uty, and the joy of contributing to the welfare and success of others. By learning the laws o f your subconscious mind, you could have a million dollars or many millions, if you wan ted them, and still have peace of mind, harmony, perfect health, and perfect express ion. Why you must never criticize money Cleanse your

mind of all weird and superstitious beliefs about money. Do not ever regard mone y as evil or filthy. If you do, you cause it to take wings and fly away from you. Rem ember that you lose what you condemn. You cannot attract what you criticize. Here is a simple technique you may use to multiply money in your experience. Use the following statements several times a day, I like money, I love it, I use it wisel y, constructively, and judiciously. Money is constantly circulating in my life. I r elease it with joy, and it returns to me multiplied in a wonderful way. It is good and ver y good. Money flows to me in avalanches of abundance. I use it for good only, and I am g rateful for my good and for the riches of my mind. In large stores the management employs store detectives to prevent people from s tealing. They catch a number of people every day trying to get something for nothing. All such people are living in the mental atmosphere of lack and limitation and are steali ng from themselves peace, harmony, faith, honesty, integrity, good will, and confidence. Furthermore, they are attracting to themselves all manner of loss, such as, loss of character, prestige, social status, and peace of mind. These people lack faith i n the source of supply and the understanding of how their minds work. If they would me ntally call on the powers of their subconscious mind and claim that they are guided to their true expression, they would find work and constant supply. Then by honesty, integrity , and perseverance, they would become a credit to themselves and to society at large. You are not here to live in a hovel, to dress in rags, or to go hungry. You are here to lead the life more abundant Repeat frequently, I like money. I use it wisely, constructively, and judiciously . I release it with joy, and it returns a thousand fold. Stop trying to get something for nothing. There is no such thing as a free lunch . You must give to receive. You must give mental attention to your goals, ideals, and enterprises, and your deeper mind will back you up. The key to wealth is applica tion of the laws of the subconscious mind by impregnating it with the idea of wealth. Three steps to success: The first step to success is to find out the thing you love to do, then do it. The second step to success is to specialize in some particular branch of work an d know more about it than anyone else.

The third step is the most important one. You must be sure that the thing you wa nt to do does not redound to your success only. Your desire must not be selfish; it must benefit humanity. The path of a complete circuit must be formed. In other words, your id ea must go forth with the purpose of blessing or serving the world. It will then come ba ck to you pressed down, shaken together, and running over. If it is to benefit yourself ex clusively, the circle or complete circuit is not formed, and you may experience a short cir cuit in your life which may consist of limitation or sickness.

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