Possession Agreement

August 10, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Hereinafter referred referred to as” BUILDER/DEVELOPER” BUILDER/DEVELOPER” (Which e!ression "n#ess re!"$nant to the contet or %eanin$ thereof sha## %ean and inc#"de the !erson/s &ho constit"te/s to 'e the !artners of the said r%) its !resent and f"t"re f" t"re !artners)


their hiers) eec"tors) ad%inistrators and assi$ns etc*) '"t does not inc#"de the !erson/s &ho cease(s+ to 'e the !artners of the said r%+



---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hereinafter referred referred to as” PURH,.ER/.” PURH,.ER/.” (Which e!ression "n#ess re!"$nant to the contet or %eanin$ thereof sha## %ean and inc#"de his/her/their his/h er/their s"ccessors) s"riors) #e$a# re!resentatie) ad%inistrators) eec"tors and assi$ns+   …………………………..Party of the Second Part

WHERE,. the !art0 O1 THE 1IR.T P,RT P,RT herein are the ec#"sie and a'so#"te dee#o!er o&ner of the !ro!ert0 'earin$ ------------------------------------------------- ------ hain$ area ad%eas"rin$ --------- s2* %tr) sit"ated &ithin the Re$istratio Re$istration n ."' District Ta#"3a Ta#"3a 4"#shi) District P"ne at Vi##a$e -------------------------- and sit"ate &ithin the #i%its of the Pi%!ri hinch&ad 4"nici!a# or!oration and &hich is %ore !artic"#ar#0 descri'ed in .ched"#e , here"nder &ritten and hereinafter referred to as the 5.aid Pro!ert0”*


,ND WHERE,. the Pi%!ri hinch&ad 4"nici!a# or!oration) ide o%%ence%ent erticate 'earin$ No*------------------------ !#ease "!date the detai#s of ne& co%%ence%ent and the sa%e has 'een reised reised thereafteride co%%ence%ent certicate no* -----------------------------------------------------and-------------------------------------------------------------------------------

,nd WHERE,. the ,dditiona# ,dditiona# o##ector P"ne) District P"ne Vide its order reference Ref** No* Ref No* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ) $ranted !er%ission !er%ission for N, "se of the #and*

,ND WHERE,. '0 an a$ree%ent Dated -------- eec"ted and rre$istered e$istered at sr* sr* no* ------------ 'et&een the Pro%oter and the "nit P"rchaser herein) s"'6ect to the ter%s and conditions a$reed thereto) the "nit !"rchaser a$reed to !"rchase and ac2"ire fro% the !ro%oter and the !ro%oter a$reed to constr"ct and a##ot the !re%ises) &hich is %ore !artic"#ar#0 ) descri'ed in detai# in sched"#e no* B here"nder $ien* ,ND WHERE,. the P"rchaser &ho is desiro"s of f"rnishin$ his/her "nit and carr0in$ o"t certain interior &or3s therein) has re2"ested the !ro%oter to a##o& hi%/her to occ"!0 the said "nit consideration &hich the !ro%oter has acce!ted the re2"est* ,ND WHERE,. the Unit P"rchaser has thereafter thereafter !ersona##0 a#on$ a#on$ &ith his/her /their ,rchitect de!"ted for the !"r!ose eried and satised hi%se#f as re$ards*

a+ 4ost of the s!ecicat s!ecication) ion) a%eniti a%enities es ttin$s ttin$s and t"re t"res s !roide !roided d into the the said "nit are in accordance and corres!ondin$ to the said ,$ree%ent * Ho&eer) the !"rchaser a$rees and acce!ts certain a%enities and s!ecications 'ein$ not !roided or chan$ed '0 the Pro%oter &itho"t $iin$ notice to the !"rchaser de!endin$ on s"ita'i#it0 of a%enit0 ) ia'i#it0 and costin$ factors in the interi% !eriod * '+ The '"i# '"i#din$ din$ %ateria# %ateria# "sed "sed ) constr"ction constr"ction 2"a#it0 2"a#it0 nishin$ nishin$ &or3 and &or3%anshi! etc* is as !er !#ans) satisfactor0 and acce!ted and an0 diersion fro% the a!!roed !#an &i## 'e rectied in the record !#ans *


c+ The '"i#t '"i#t "! area area of the said said "nit &hich &hich is inc#"sie inc#"sie of the the ar!et ar!et ,rea Under Under &a##s ) 'a#conies ) 7o&er 'eds) e!ansion 6oint c"! 'oards ) 'oin$)e#eation feat"res) a## !ro6ections at s#a' /#ee#/#inte# #ee# etc and roo%s ) societ0 o8ce !"%! ho"se etc *and the sa%e is in accordance &ith the !roisions of the Dee#o!%ent ontro# R"#es R"#es of the PI%!ri hinch&ad 4"nci!a# or!oration * d+ The !ro !roisio ision n %ade te%!orar0 te%!orar0 or !er%anent !er%anent as the case case %a0 'e for &ate &aterr ) e#ectricit0 ) draina$e connections ) e#ectric %eters) road) $arden are satisfactor0 and acce!ted and the !"rchaser %a0 hae to face so%e inconenience or disr"!ted s"!!#0 ti## se!arate e#ectric %eter )&ater connection to 'e a!!#ied for the o'tained in !"rchaser or societ09s na%e n a%e is o'tained * e+ ,!!roach road / Passa$es Passa$es / .taircases .taircases #eadin$ #eadin$ to the the said "nit 'ein$ s"ita'#e s"ita'#e for "se and for in$ress and o"t$ress and the !"rchaser sha## hae no co%!#aints if an0 :achha /te%!orar0 roads hae 'een !roided &hich %a0 ca"se so%e inconenience to the !"rchaser ti## the entire sche%e is co%!#eted for &hich the !"rchaser consents and is acce!ta'#e to hi% /her* f+ Unit !re%ises !re%ises are are for for his/her/their his/her/their i*e* the the !"rchaser !"rchasers s ha'itatio ha'itation n "se and occ"!ation and a%enities are in &or3in$ conditions) and those serices /faci#ities &hich are not &i## 'e co%%ended f"nctioned and aai#a'#e for "se 'efore the na# cone0ance deed* $+ The fact that ec#"sie ec#"sie !ar3in$ s!ace ri$hts )o!en s!ace ri$hts) terrace terrace ri$hts* ;ara$e/s in the sche%e the a##otta'#e '0 the !ro%oter to an0 other !ersons) ti## na# sa#e Deed is a$ree a'#e to and acce!ted '0 the P"rchaser and that the #ift &i## 'e !roided and insta##ed for co%%encin$ co%%encin$ "se 'efore na# cone0ance of the #and is eec"ted * h+ The Unit P"rchaser P"rchaser a$ree a$ree and a&ar a&are e that the the co%!#etio co%!#etion n certicate certicate of of the said "nit is not 0et receied * The !ro%oter is handin$ oer the occ"!ation of the said "nit as !er His/her/their re2"est and on#0 for interior desi$nin$ and f"rnit"re &or3 etc* The "nit !"rchaser here'0 a$rees that he/ she/the0 she/th e0 &i## not occ"!0 the "nit &itho"t the co%!#etion erticate * If he /she fai#s to acts as !er the sa%e ) then the Unit P"rchaser a#one is res!onsi'#e for the sa%e * i+ The "nit P"rchaser P"rchaser here' here'0 0 a$ree a$ree and a&ard a&ard that that se!arate se!arate %eter %eter is not not 0etr o'tained fro% fro% 4*.*E*D**L * if the "nit P"rchaser P"rchaser &ant to "se e#ectricit0 e#ectricit0 fro% the co%%on %eter ) the Pro%oter sha## char$es as !er %eter readin$ on the said co%%on %eter at the reate of act"a# char$ea'#e rate !er "nit as !er 'i## of co%%on %eter *

,ND WHERE,. &ith f"## 3no&#ed$e of the a'oe "nits) the Unit P"rchaser sho&ed his readiness to !a0 the 'a#ance of a$reed !rice and other d"es and ta3e


!ossession of the "nit as !er the said ,$ree%ent after satisf0in$ hi%se#f as to a## the a'oe facts and consentin$ thereto * ,ND WHERE,. the said ear#ier ,$ree%ent has 'een 'een eec"ted as !er the !roision of 4aharashtra O&nershi! 1#at ( Re$"#ation of Pro%otion of onstr"ction ) .a#e 4ana$e%ent and Transfer Transfer + ,ct )? and r"#es r "#es %ade there"nder* there"nder* Ho&eer as !er the s"ita'i#it0 and re2"ire%ents of the !arties certain ter%s hae 'een %"t"a##0 %" t"a##0 a$reed "!on and incor!orated therein and herein to 'e treated as !art of the contract 'et&een the !arties * ,ND WHERE,. the !roision of the .aid ,ct and r"#es %ade there"nder a!!#0 to the .aid "nit as &e## as the .aid sche%e dee#o!%ent and !ro%oted '0 the Pro%oter *

,ND WHERE,. &ith f"## 3no&#ed$e of a## the a'oe facts and consentin$ thereto) the "nit P"rchaser a$reed to ta3e the !ossession of the said "nit fro% the !ro%oter in ter%s of the .aid ,$ree%ent and s"'6ect to !a0%ent of ade2"ate sta%! d"t0 as !er the !roisions of the Bo%'a0 .ta%! ,ct*


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