Position Paper

September 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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: Jamaica



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: Ending Hunger through Sustaina!e A"uacu!ture System

To live suffering in hunger is a horror to the human race. It is a terrifying truth to say that 815 million people in the world are still suffering from hunger 1. It is our duty, our  job, and should be our priority concern to eradicate hunger as well as poverty in the world. Jamaica, as the part of world community, has been actively pursuing the ! "ustainable #evelopment $oals, which one point that we highlight here is to end poverty and hunger in any %ind of form, anywhere. In fulfilling that mission, the &inistry of 'griculture in Jamaica assisted by Jamaica Information "ervice (JI") Thin% Tan% has put out programs in place to improve the *uality of life of rural populations. These includes in eradicating hunger and poverty through fisheries management project, set up small+scale hydroponics unit, as well as "5 million food security program funded by the Italian government.It cant be denied to the fact that population growth are increasing. /e are also facing the fact that by -00, there will be 8 million people in the world, and -0 years from that, there will be 2 million of people. This will mean that more land and basic necessities  will be on demand. 3oo%ing to the fact that more land will be used for living, we cannot lay  on agr agricu icultu lture re sec sector tor anymo anymore re for food secu securit rity. y. It is tim timee for us to loo loo% % at anoth another er potential that we have, which one of it is a*uaculture.  's the third biggest island in the 4aribbean "ea, the program to eradicate hunger and an d po pover verty ty th throu rough gh fish fisher erie iess ma mana nage gemen mentt proj project ect ha hass be been en on onee ma main in conc concer ern n for for Jamaica. The fisheries management, also %nown as the a*uaculture industry, has become a com commer mercial cialie ied d ind indust ustry ry since since -00 -006 6 whe where re 182 far farmer merss utili utilie e app appro7 ro7ima imatel tely y 110 1100 0 hect he ctar ares es to pr produ oduce ce 80 8012 12 to tons ns of a* a*ua uacu cult ltur uree pr produ oduct ct.. n nee ma majo jorr produ product ctio ion n in a*uaculture industry in Jamaica is the tilapia. 9stimated 800 to 1000 people are being employed within this production and is contributing to the $ross #omestic :roduct ($#:) 0.-2 with a potential to be increased. The development of this industry has play a good role in supporting the local economy also contributes to food security and to the alleviation of poverty.  "eeing the contribution given from a*uaculture industry in eradicating hunger and poverty in Jamaica, Jamaica would li%e to e7pand its role in eradicating hunger and poverty in the world. ;owever, a good cooperation will be demanded in fulfilling this mission. !ot to forget as well, there are some issues that we need to address in order to achieve ero hunger in the world. ;ence, Jamaica is proposing some action to be ta%en by  states involved in the
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