
April 2, 2017 | Author: Mika Garcia | Category: N/A
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Student Teaching Practicum

Submitted by: Jenera M. Balingit BBTE 4-1


TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedication…………………………………………………………………………………………3 Acknowledgment………………………………………………………………………………….4 Prayer for Teachers………………………………………………………………………………..5 Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………….6 PUP Philosophy, Goals, Vision and Mission……………………………………………………..7 Cielito Zamora High School II Profile……………………………………………………………9 Brief Synopsis of Professional Readings and References Student Teaching Guidelines……………………………………………………………14 ICT………………………………………………………………………………………16 Learning Approaches…………………………………………………………………….17 Professional Development Plan/ Career Plan……………………………………………………20 Narrative Report………………………………………………………………………………….21 A. Photographs………………………………………………………………………….31 B. Lesson Plan…………………………………………………………………………..24 C. DTR………………………………………………………………………………….27 D. Curriculum Vitae…………………………………………………………………….34




My dear Students (I-B, I-F and I-H) And Mrs. Loly D. Mallari, my Cooperating Teacher


Acknowledgment Special thanks to the following: Mrs. Loly D. Mallari and Mr. Tirso dela Cruz of Cielito Zamora High School for accommodating us in our 300 hours on-the-job training in their school. Prof. Sheryl Morales and Prof. Marilyn Isip for guiding us in Practicum II.

To my parents for providing me financial support throughout this semester.

And very special thanks to Lord, Almighty God for giving me strength throughout the journey of my college life.


Prayer for Teachers Lord, let me be just what they need. If they need someone to trust, let me be trustworthy. If they need sympathy, let me sympathize. If they need love, (and they do need love), let me love, in full measure. Let me not anger easily, Lord but let me be just. Permit my justice to be tempered in your mercy. When I stand before them, Lord, let me look strong and good and honest and loving. And let me be as strong and good and honest and loving as I look to them. Help me to counsel the anxious, crack the covering of the shy, temper the rambunctious with a gentle attitude. Permit me to teach only the truth. Help me to inspire them so that learning will not cease at the classroom door. Let the lessons they learn make their lives fruitful and happy. And, Lord, let me bring them to You. Teach them through me to love You. Finally, permit me to learn the lessons they teach.



Student teaching is a college-supervised instructional experience; usually the culminating course in a university/college undergraduate education or graduate school program leading to teacher education and certification. It is required by those earning either a Bachelor of Education or Master of Education degree. Student teaching is required for students who are not yet certified to teach. The student teaching experience lasts about the length of a semester; long enough to fulfill the college’s assigned tasks. It is an unpaid internship. This experience gives the prospective teaching professional an opportunity to teach under the supervision of a permanently certified master teacher. The student teacher is usually placed in a neighboring or participating school district. The student teacher is monitored by the cooperating teacher from the district, as well as a supervisor through the college. The supervisor acts as a liaison between the cooperating teacher and the head of the college’s student teaching department. The student teacher essentially shadows the cooperating teacher for about one week, eventually gaining more responsibility in teaching the class as the days and weeks progress. Eventually, the student teacher will assume most of the teaching responsibilities for the class including class management, lesson planning, assessment, and grading. Thus, the student teacher is able to more fully experience the role of the teacher as the classroom teacher takes on the observation role in the class. There is sometimes a "phasing out" week were the student teacher returns the teaching role back to the regular teacher. The supervisor, as well as cooperating teacher, are to monitor the progress of the student teacher throughout the experience, ensuring it’s satisfactory. A grade of Pass or Fail in student teaching, as well as satisfactory completion of a school's education program, is an indication as to whether the college recommends the student for certification to teach.


PUP Goals Reflective of the great emphasis being given by the country's leadership aimed at providing appropriate attention to the alleviation of the plight of the poor, the development of the citizens, and of the national economy to become globally competitive, the University shall commit its academic resources and manpower to achieve its goals through: 1. Provision of undergraduate and graduate education which meet international standards of quality and excellence; 2. Generation and transmission of knowledge in the broad range of disciplines relevant and responsive to the dynamically changing domestic and international environment; 3. Provision of more equitable access to higher education opportunities to deserving and qualified Filipinos; and 4. Optimization, through efficiency and effectiveness, of social, institutional, and individual returns and benefits derived from the utilization of higher education resources.

Philosophy As a state university, the Polytechnic University of the Philippines believes that:  

Education is an instrument for the development of the citizenry and for the enhancement of nation building; Meaningful growth and transformation of the country are best achieved in an atmosphere of brotherhood, peace, freedom, justice and a nationalist-oriented education imbued with the spirit of humanist internationalism.

Vision Towards a Total University


Mission The mission of PUP in the 21st Century is to provide the highest quality of comprehensive and global education and community services accessible to all students, Filipinos and foreigners alike.It shall offer high quality undergraduate and graduate programs that are responsive to the changing needs of the students to enable them to lead productive and meaningful lives. PUP commits itself to: 1. Democratize access to educational opportunities; 2. Promote science and technology consciousness and develop relevant expertise and competence among all members of the academe, stressing their importance in building a truly independent and sovereign Philippines; 3. Emphasize the unrestrained and unremitting search for truth and its defense, as well as the advancement of moral and spiritual values; 4. Promote awareness of our beneficial and relevant cultural heritage; 5. Develop in the students and faculty the values of self-discipline, love of country and social consciousness and the need to defend human rights; 6. Provide its students and faculty with a liberal arts-based education essential to a broader understanding and appreciation of life and to the total development of the individual; 7. Make the students and faculty aware of technological, social as well as political and economic problems and encourage them to contribute to the realization of nationalist industrialization and economic development of the country; 8. Use and propagate the national language and other Philippine languages and develop proficiency in English and other foreign languages required by the students’ fields of specialization; 9. Promote intellectual leadership and sustain a humane and technologically advanced academic community where people of diverse ideologies work and learn together to attain academic, research and service excellence in a continually changing world; and 10. Build a learning community in touch with the main currents of political, economic and cultural life throughout the world; a community enriched by the presence of a significant number of international students; and a community supported by new technologies that facilitate active participation in the creation and use of information and knowledge on a global scale. 8

Cooperating School’s Profile Brief History of Camarin High School Camarin High School is one of the city schools in the Division of Caloocan City, situated in the heart of District I then commonly called as the Bukid Area now Caloocan North. Founded in 1967 as a barangay high school, the school served the Camarin and the nearby barangays. For more than a decade, it was under the management and supervision of the Principal of Camarin Elementary School where it held classes in four classrooms inside it's premises. In 1980, it became an annex of Caloocan High School and a head teacher was assigned as secondary school head. In that same year, it acquired its present site of 21,049 square meters donated by the Caloocan City Government. However, the area was narrowed down to 20,499 square meter donated by the Caloocan City Polytechnic College (now University of Caloocan City) extension campus with 600 square meters area at the northern portion of its site. For the first five years of its operation, the school had only three buildings and an old house that made up seven classrooms. In 1986, the school was finally declared as a National High School - independent from Caloocan High School - with it's own budgetary office from the National Government. At present, Camarin High School has eleven buildings housing 128 sections of 7,207 students it has also other buildings used as offices, library and faculty rooms. There are also two covered courts and a multipurpose building. In it's 39 years of existence, Camarin High School is proud to have successfully accomplished its vision and mission. It has also attained great progress in the physical, human and non-human aspects. Cielito Zamora High School is an annex school of Camarin High School sharing the same program. Guidance and Counseling Programs EASE Program… making secondary education accessible, an opportunity to everyone another chance for the future. One of the programs used to help reach the students who can’t afford to go to school because of different situations. Effective and Affordable Secondary Education (EASE) Program aims to give students another chance to finish their Secondary Education without going to school everyday. Make the study 9

accessible and reach the disadvantage group by the help of the guidance counselor. Let’s find out how… Reading Improvement in English I Target Beneficiaries: First Year Students who have Reading Problems. Purpose: 1.To offer solutions to reading deficiency 2. To inculcate in the students the love for learning that is brought about by a well developed reading skill. Target Date: starts July 27, 2009 Everyday 11:00- 12:00 pm for afternoon session 12:00- 1:00 pm for morning session Reading Teacher: Mrs. Jennifer Salen Department Head: Mrs. Remedios L. Carlos Student Government: "Oplan-Linis Camarinians" January 29, 2010 7:00 – 12:00 pm SSG President: Carlo Lavado SSG Adviser: Mrs. Carlota Hernaez Department Head: Mr. Hermilino S. Tusi Math Club: "Mathematics Tutorial Program" Target Beneficiaries: First Year students Purpose: To enhance students about basic lessons in Mathematics Target Date: Every Tuesday and Friday starting the month of October- February 2010 with the following schedules: 10:00 am – 12:00 noon for afternoon session 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm for the morning session Club President: Micah B. Bautista Club Adviser: Mrs. Corazon E. Formeloza Department Head: Mrs. Merly T. Sandoval


Student Volunteer Organization Rationale: The Student Volunteer Organization (SVO) is created primarily in order to develop among the students the spirit of volunteerism in a manner beneficial to both the volunteers, the students, the teachers in particular and the school in general. Objectives: The creation of SVO is founded on the following objectives: 1.

Develop among the student-members the value of a. responsibility b. accountability and c. commitment


Enhance command of respect between and among students;


Instill discipline and orderliness among the students; and


Create a system-mechanism that will ensure proper coordination between student organizations and students; between students and teachers; and between teachers and administrators.

The management of SVO as an organization shall be directly the responsibility of the Discipline Officers in close coordination with the office of the assistant-to-the-principal. Guidelines and Mechanics Qualifications and Recruitment 1.

Only students who are academically qualified shall be recruited as members of the SVO. Academically qualified students are those with no grade lower than 80 in all learning areas in all grading periods. For existing SVO volunteers, no failing grades in the second semester.

2. Membership to SVO shall be maintained while good academic standing of the students is maintained. 3.

Membership to SVO shall be upon the recommendation of the applicant’s section adviser of the preceding school year who shall attest to the good character of the applicant.


Applicant for membership to SVO shall undergo screening by the school’s Guidance Counselor and Discipline Officers. The membership shall afterwards be approved by the Principal.

5. Parent’s permit is also one important requirement to become a member of the SVO. 11


An SVO should be physically fit. He/she should present a medical certificate from the Barangay Health Officer.

7. SVO volunteers should be model of good academic standing and high standard of respect to authority among fellow students of Camarin High School. 8. SVO will be issued ID, and should be worn only when on official duty. Privileges 1.

Definitely, being an SVO volunteer will not earn for anyone any academic favor in terms of ranking for honors and other awards. They can however be given credits under the extra curricular component of the selection of Honor Students.


SVO members shall undergo regular leadership training and other seminars related to building and keeping discipline in an organization.

3. SVO members shall be the priority of the school in sending participants to student-seminars and other similar activities. Proponents: Mr. Mauro V. Sucgang Mr. Jonathan M. Tadeo Discipline Officers Mrs. Remedios V. Basco Guidance Counselor Noted: Miss Esperanza A. Gulapa Assistant-to-the-principal

Note: Cielito Zamora High School is an annex school of Camarin High school sharing the same program.


Brief Synopsis of Professional Readings and References


Supporting Student Teaching through Virtual Classrooms Viewpoint Supporting Student Teaching through Virtual Classrooms In the face of increasing difficulty placing teacher candidates in schools for their practicum, using a cyber practicum offers several advantages By Jiyoon Yoon

All teacher education programs require teacher candidates to have in-school practicum experiences. Placing student teachers in schools is not always easy, however, and it is getting harder. Institutions must find local schools willing to participate in the student teacher program. According to the field experience office at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, it is getting more difficult to find schools where the teacher candidates can practice because of the limited number of local schools and the increasing competition for spaces from competing institutions. Even after schools agree to participate in the student teacher program, teachers at those schools must agree to work with the teacher candidates. These mentor teachers spend considerable time with the teacher candidates, helping them get oriented to the school and sharing what they have learned about teaching. They also supervise the student teachers in the classroom. Their participation in the practicum program requires teachers to invest additional effort and patience to work with student teachers. Because of these challenges, many school administrators and teachers do not want teacher candidates in their schools. It thus becomes more difficult to find proper schools for the teacher candidates to practice teaching.

What to Do? To address these problems, I propose using a cyber practicum in the form of a three-dimensional, online world adapted for student teaching. With the cyber practicum, the teacher candidates create their own classroom spaces rather than sharing a supervising teacher's classroom. (Alternatively, the program administrators could create generic and specialized classrooms before student teachers enter the system.) The teacher candidates would create avatars (an interactive representation of a human in a virtual reality environment), develop lesson plans, and teach in the virtual classrooms. The cyber practicum thus eliminates the need to place teacher candidates in practicum schools, although it does not eliminate the need for mentors and students willing to participate in the online classrooms, or the need for program administrators. Cooperative teachers and students could potentially live anywhere in the world as long as they had Internet access. The institution could create and administer its own cyber practicum or 14

participate in a practicum created and administered by a consortium of institutions with similar program needs. Once the supervising teachers register for the cyber practicum, they can choose a specialized area (science, social studies, language, art, and so on, and a specific grade level) and create their own spaces for supervising and communicating with teacher candidates. Supervisors can use chat rooms on the site to communicate with teacher candidates. They also create their own avatars. The use of avatars allows them to combine gestures, actions, facial expressions, visual cues, and lip-synchronized speech, making the conversations between the teacher candidates and the supervisors more realistic and engaging. The traditional school practicum is an intensive experience with one group of learners, which usually limits the range of problems a student teacher faces. In a cyber practicum, however, the teacher candidates can meet a variety of students—whoever signed up from anywhere around the world. Each student has his or her own account, and the teacher candidates can develop lessons targeting each student's needs. The cyber practicum supervisors review the lessons, and the teacher candidates revise them to address their suggestions.

Benefits and Concerns The cyber practicum provides a virtual alternative to a real school setting. It could replace the school practicum or serve as a pre-practicum program, allowing teacher candidates to practice role-playing and lesson planning. The choice would depend on the teaching program's needs and the willingness of mentors and students to participate in the virtual classrooms. A key question is whether the cyber practicum would replace real classroom experience or simply provide additional training for student teachers outside the physical classroom. Another question is whether students would "attend" virtual classes taught by the teacher candidates or just receive additional, outside-class help through the cyber practicum. Answering these questions requires research and close work with practicum administrators and participants, which I plan to undertake. Cyber worlds attract attention in education because of their potential benefits: communication without limitations of time and space, realistic and engaging conversations through chat and using avatars, and effective, individualized teaching and learning in an interactive 3D environment. Given the problems facing teacher practicum programs, the cyber practicum offers an interesting solution. Source: EDUCAUSE Quarterly Magazine Volume 30, Number 2, (2007) http://www.educause.edu/EDUCAUSE+Quarterly/EDUCAUSEQuarterlyMagazineVolum/SupportingStude ntTeachingThrou/157451


How ICT Help in Education Information and communication technology (ICT) has become an integral part of the learning process in the recent times across the globe. ICT enhances the learning environment, and in the organization and management of schools, colleges and universities. Many Teachers understand the importance of the ICT into the education and mastering concepts of ICT to enhance their teaching skills as part of the core of education, alongside reading, writing and numeracy. Learners are more interested and are extremely enthusiastic in the ICT learning environment. ICT opens up a world of exciting potentials for interactive and innovating teaching ideas and learning environment. ICT teaching aids such as Interactive whiteboards, visualiser, projectors, response systems etc incorporates audio visuals effects to impact on students mind and aids in their learning skills. Projector is a popular ICT device used in the schools, colleges and the universities for projecting the information stored in computer as a large image on projection screen or on the wall such as multimedia, power point files, animation, motion video and other computer contents. Visualiser is a kind of camera that can display document , 2D or 3D teaching samples on display devices like projection screen, plasma screens etc providing detailed view. Interactive whiteboards are larger interactive digital boards which are connected to projector and computer. An educator writes with finger or pen on interactive whiteboard. Interactive whiteboards are extensively used in schools, colleges and universities at all level of learning as a replacement of traditional whiteboards or flip charts. ICT has a huge impact on teaching ideas and learning process. Reaction: If you wish to enter the world of ICT and bring with you your students, you must be an explorer, open to new innovations and set aside being a conventional teacher. Remember, these gadgets serve not only as tools for teaching but also a motivation for your students. Source:http://www.articlesbase.com/education-articles/how-ict-help-ineducation3843094.html


Felder and Silverman's Index of Learning Styles One of the most widely used models of learning styles is the Index of Learning Styles developed by Richard Felder and Linda Silverman in the late 1980s. According to this model (which Felder revised in 2002) there are four dimensions of learning styles. Think of these dimensions as a continuum with one learning preference on the far left and the other on the far right. Figure 1: Learning Styles Index Sensory Sensory learners prefer concrete, practical, and procedural information. They look for the facts.

Visual Visual learners prefer graphs, pictures, and diagrams. They look for visual representations of information. Active Active learners prefer to manipulate objects, do physical experiments, and learn by trying. They enjoy working in groups to figure out problems. Sequential Sequential learners prefer to have information presented linearly and in an orderly manner. They put together the details in order to understand the big picture emerges.

Intuitive Intuitive learners prefer conceptual, innovative, and theoretical information. They look for the meaning. Verbal Verbal learners prefer to hear or read information. They look for explanations with words.

Reflective Reflective learners prefer to think things through, to evaluate options, and learn by analysis. They enjoy figuring out a problem on their own. Global Global learners prefer a holistic and systematic approach. They see the big picture first and then fill in the details.


Once you know where your preferences lie on each of these dimensions, you can begin to stretch beyond those preferences and develop a more balanced approach to learning. Not only will you improve your learning effectiveness, you will open yourself up to many different ways of perceiving the world. Balance is key. You don't want to get too far on any one side of the learning dimensions. When you do that you limit your ability to take in new information and make sense of it quickly, accurately, and effectively. . Figure 2: Bringing Your Learning Styles into Balance Sensory Learners – if you rely too much on sensing, you can tend to prefer what is familiar, and concentrate on facts you know instead of being innovative and adapting to new situations. Seek out opportunities to learn theoretical information and then bring in facts to support or negate these theories. Intuitive Learners – if you rely too much on intuition you risk missing important details, which can lead to poor decision-making and problem solving. Force yourself to learn facts or memorize data that will help you defend or criticize a theory or procedure you are working with. You may need to slow down and look at detail you would otherwise typically skim. Visual Learners – if you concentrate more on pictorial or graphical information than on words, you put yourself at a distinct disadvantage because verbal and written information is still the main preferred choice for delivery of information. Practice your note taking and seek out opportunities to explain information to others using words. Verbal Learners – when information is presented in diagrams, sketches, flow charts, and so on, it is designed to be understood quickly. If you can develop your skills in this area you can significantly reduce time spent learning and absorbing information. Look for opportunities to learn through audio-visual presentations (such as CDROM and Webcasts.) When making notes, group information according to concepts and then create visual links with arrows going to and from them. Take every opportunity you can to create charts and tables and diagrams. Active Learners – if you act before you think you are apt to make hasty and potentially ill-informed judgments. You need to concentrate on summarizing situations, and taking time to sit by yourself to digest information you have been given before jumping in and discussing it with others. 18

Reflective Learners – if you think too much you risk doing nothing. ever. There comes a time when a decision has to be made or an action taken. Involve yourself in group decision-making whenever possible and try to apply the information you have in as practical a manner as possible. Sequential Learners – when you break things down into small components you are often able to dive right into problem solving. This seems to be advantageous but can often be unproductive. Force yourself to slow down and understand why you are doing something and how it is connected to the overall purpose or objective. Ask yourself how your actions are going to help you in the long run. If you can't think of a practical application for what you are doing then stop and do some more "big picture" thinking. Global Learners – if grasping the big picture is easy for you, then you can be at risk of wanting to run before you can walk. You see what is needed but may not take the time to learn how best to accomplish it. Take the time to ask for explanations, and force yourself to complete all problem-solving steps before coming to a conclusion or making a decision. If you can't explain what you have done and why, then you may have missed critical details.

Reaction Learning styles and preferences vary for each of us and in different situations. By understanding this, and developing the skills that help you learn in a variety of ways, you make the most of your learning potential. And because you're better able to learn and gather information, you'll make better decisions and choose better courses of action. And by understanding that other people can have quite different learning preferences, you can learn to communicate your message effectively in a way that many more people can understand. This is fundamentally important, particularly if you're a professional for whom communication is an important part of your job. Take time to identify how you prefer to learn and then force yourself to break out of your comfort zone. Once you start learning in new ways you'll be amazed at how much more you catch and how much easier it is to assimilate information and make sense of what is going on. This article has the significance for teachers to know how they can bring out the best on their students. Source: http://www.mindtools.com/mnemlsty.html 19

Professional Development Plan (After 5 years) After 5 years, I’m already 25 years old. I should have stable job. I already have my master’s degree and hopefully taking up my doctoral degree. I am planning to apply as a principal and become a college professor or work in DepEd or CHED in a higher level position. After those 5 years, I will start planning to put up my own school; it’s either pre-school or institution that will offer technical courses. And I will work hard until my retirement age. After those years, I’ll just enjoy the fruits of my hardship.


Narrative Report 1st Week It was just a week for exploration, observation and preparation for the real work that will start on Monday, November 15. During the first day, I met my cooperating teacher, Mrs. Loly D. Mallari, the TLE Department Head. I was given the chance to handle freshman students and that will also give me the training for the new Curriculum approach, the UBD. I highly appreciated the seminar last November 5, Friday. It was the principal who invited us to watch their demo festival. And it was such an honor to join a free seminar and the knowledge they had given us is like a meter ahead from our other batch mates. Since this will be the learning approach that we will use in the near future. However, there are still a lot of things that we’re confused of. So we really need more training. And I’m happy to say that Cielito Zamora High school II will be our partner in preparing for our future jobs. I’m handling 3 sections (B, F, and H). I’m teaching food trades. This week, my students had baked pandesal. Next week, another menu. It’s so interesting since I really want to study culinary in the future when I can afford. So much for this week, I’m hoping for more fruitful days next week.

2nd Week Wow! I should describe this week as thrilling, exciting, challenging and surprising. I had experience the real work. There were times that I wanted to give up because of my students’ undisciplined behavior. But nevertheless, I end up thinking that these are only challenges. After this training, I’ll be a better person, better student. The most remarkable thing that happened this week was when a parent enters the classroom while I am teaching my advisory class and there was commotion. There was an issue about her son, which was bullied by some of his classmates and was able to steel six thousand pesos and an iPod gadget from his own family just to satisfy his classmates’ cravings. I did not panic, I call for Mrs. Mallari to take over for the issue and they went to the guidance center. I was annoyed because of the interruption since I had hard time to catch my students’ attention. The following days, the involved students were always on the guidance center during my class and I heard that their parents were also called and they’re under investigation. On the other hand, I’m preparing a video presentation for my class discussion next week. I hope it will succeed. 3rd Week 21

My video presentation was a success and I spent hundreds to prepare it. But it’s ok. At least I have given my CT a simple remembrance. Aside from presenting a video clip, we had discussions and a sort of activities for the following days. That’s how UBD is acted. More and more activities. On the lasts day, Friday, the students took their monthly exams for the entire subject. And everyday, I felt mad on my students because of their misbehaviors, especially my advisory class which is the lasts section. It looks like I’m in a day care center with hostile kids. Im always praying that god will give me more strength to handle that kind of situation everyday. 4th Week This week was like a rest for me. I only went to Cielito once and the rest I was absent. I had important things to do that are why I asked permission from my CT to take absences. Next week, its Boys and Girls week and we’ll just supervise the class and the teaching will be on the part of the 4th year Student Teachers. 5th Week I really had fun during this week. We’re not teaching our classes because of the Boys and Girls Week. They had their 4th year student teachers. We just joined the teachers in making their Christmas tree. During the whole week, their agenda was all about their competition that will be held on their Christmas Party. They should be able to create their own Christmas tree made of recycled materials and also they keep on practicing for their performance as an entry for the competition. My biggest contribution was making the big flower with Belen as the star of their Christmas tree. I really hope that they’ll get the first prize. If that will happen, that will be my major accomplishment this December. So, pray to the Lord. 6th Week I was very disappointed and upset when I heard about what happened in our Christmas tree. It was destroyed and the one who is responsible for the destruction was not identified. Anyway, I only reported for duty for 2 days. Because there were no regular classes so as not to waste time and effort, I just stay at home. After this week, vacation follows. So have fun! 7th Week It was the first week for the New Year. This will be also the beginning of our hardships. Aside form this OJT; we also have our 12 case studies and guidance programs. Last Week For my last week, I will treasure all the learnings I gained from Cielito. 22


Lesson Plans Quarter 3: Baking Pastries and Breads

Pies, Topic: Fundamental Principles Time Frame: 2 Days in Baking Breads

Stage 1 – Desired Results Students will be able to understand the different principles in baking breads. Students will be able to apply the principles in baking breads

Enduring Understandings: Students will understand that

Essential Questions:

Applying the principles in baking breads is Why do we need to understand the principles important in order to produce marketable underlying the process of bread making? products. Knowledge: Students will know…. The different principles in baking breads

Skills: Students will be able to Apply the principles in baking breads

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: Application of different principles in actual Assess understanding through paper and pen baking activity. evaluation

Stage 3 – Learning Plan Conduct diagnostic test to measure the prior knowledge of students regarding different principles in baking breads. Conduct activity (jumbled letters) to let students familiarize themselves with the different terms and principles in baking breads. Explain the different principles in baking bread Evaluate the written output of the students.


Quarter 3: Baking Pastries and Breads

Pies, Topic: Methods of baking Time Frame: 3 Days Quick Breads

Stage 1 – Desired Results Students will be able to understand the nature and classification of quick breads. Students will be able to differentiate the four methods of baking quick breads. Students will be able to apply the methods of baking quick breads. Enduring Understandings: Essential Questions: Students will understand that dough and batter Why should dough and batter be properly should be properly mixed to achieve correct mixed when baking quick breads? blending of ingredients, proper development of gluten in the flour and in order not to lose the incorporated leavening agents. Knowledge: Skills: Students will know… Students will be able to… The nature of quick breads Classify the methods of mixing dough as used in different recipes The different methods of baking quick breads Apply the methods of baking quick breads

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: Collect different examples of recipes in baking Paper and pen evaluation quick bread and determine the methods being Contrasting the different methods of baking used in each sample. quick breads.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan Conduct paper and pen activity (word riddle puzzle, decoding words and arranging words to form an effective sentence) Picture parade on different examples of quick bread, its classification and the methods in baking quick breads Engage learners into a guided discussion on the methods of baking quick breads. Evaluate the learner’s understanding through examination


Quarter 3: Baking Pastries and Breads

Pies, Topic: Basic Bread Making Time Frame: 1 Day Operation

Stage 1 – Desired Results Students will be able to understand the basic bread making operation. Students will be able to apply the basic bread making operation.

Enduring Understandings: Essential Questions: Students will understand that What is the significance of applying the proper Applying the proper procedure in bread procedure in bread making? making is significant in order to avoid failures in the production process and to produce quality products. Knowledge: Students will know… The basic bread making operation

Skills: Students will be able to… Apply the basic bread making operation

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Other Evidence: Prepare an example of yeast bread (e.g. pan de Teacher’s observation on the students’ sal) exhibiting the basic bread making application of procedures and work habits. operation.

Stage 3 – Learning Plan Presentation of pictures/ video clips regarding basic bread making operation. Explain the bread making operation and the three conventional bread making methods. Evaluating the output of performance of the students.


Name:Jenera M. Balingit Dept.: TLE Month: November 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Cielito Zamora High School II Daily Time Record Position:ST Yr.&sec: BBTE 4-1 IN


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Mrs. Loly D. Mallari Signature

Jenera M. Balingit Signature 27

Name:Jenera M. Balingit Dept.: TLE Month: December 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Cielito Zamora High School II Daily Time Record Position:ST Yr.&sec: BBTE 4-1 IN


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Mrs. Loly D. Mallari Signature

Jenera M. Balingit Signature 28

Name:Jenera M. Balingit Dept.: TLE Month: January 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Cielito Zamora High School II Daily Time Record Position:ST Yr.&sec: BBTE 4-1 IN




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Mrs. Loly D. Mallari Signature

Jenera M. Balingit Signature 29

Name:Jenera M. Balingit Dept.: TLE Month: February 2011 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Cielito Zamora High School II Daily Time Record Position:ST Yr.&sec: BBTE 4-1 IN


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Mrs. Loly D. Mallari Signature

Jenera M. Balingit Signature 30





JENERA M. BALINGIT #066 Mangga St., San Vicente Ferrer Camarin Caloocan City 09488255360 [email protected]


SECONDARY 2003 - 2007

PRIMARY 1997 - 2003

Bachelor in Business Teacher Education (4th year) Polytechnic University of the Philippines Commonwealth, Quezon City

Camarin High School Cadena De Amor St., Area B. Camarin, Caloocan City

Camarin D. Elementary School Nangka St., Area D. Camarin, Caloocan City

PERSONAL INFORMATION Date of Birth: May 12, 1991 Place of birth: Tondo, Manila Nationality: Filipino Gender: Female Civil Status: Single Religion: Catholic Father’s Name: Gener Balingit Occupation: Mason Mother’s Name: Flora Balingit Occupation: Housewife Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Contact No.: 09204178649

Jenerose Manese



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