August 10, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Cooking became my new favorite a activity ctivity in quarantine quarantine.. It’s ama amazing zing tha thatt you o only nly nee need d some ingredients ingredients and a youtube tutori tutorial al to cook something delicious. 2. I spent spent the whole a afternoon fternoon doing my home homework work an and d when I finished I realize realized d that I made thePlaying wrong volleybal page. 3. volleyballl has bee been n my pas passion sion since I was 7 ye years ars old. I’I’m m proud o off the high level of volleyball that I achieved. 4. I love love buyi buying ng onli online ne (with (with m myy mot mother’s her’s cred creditit car card). d). I lik like e sear searchin ching g unn unneces ecessary sary but beautiful things on Amazon and then I finish with the cute product and an angry mother. mother. 5. Watch Watching ing Marvel series o on n Disney Plus is not the same be because cause I hate the new Ca Captain ptain  America from the the series of “The Falcon and th the e Winter Soldier”. 6. I have have a fri friend end wh who o alway alwayss insisted on going out, but we never a accepted. ccepted. N Now ow all her  family have COVID-19. 7. I was was tired of having so much homework, so at the beginning of the month I decided to organize my whole day with google google calendar calendar,, but it didn’t work and now I still have so much homework. 8. I hate being woken u up. p. I usually wake up early early,, because I have class classes es in the morning but if one I decide dec to sleep, n no o onegroup will ma make ke me lo get 9. I’m day always always inide charge of making p projects rojects look okup. perfect. I like to double check tha thatt everything we did is correct to get the best grade. 10. Listening to T Taylor aylor Swi Swiftft music ma makes kes me ha happy ppy and impr improves oves my e english nglish at the same t WRITING #2 UNIT 9

1. To pass the cou course rse depe depends nds on my effo effort. rt. It won won’t’t be a problem because I practice grammar everyday. 2. I don’t don’t like the way my math teacher e explains. xplains. He spea speaks ks too fast to under understand stand what he is saying. 3. I decided decided to enro enrollll in Fren French ch classe classess becau because se I thought it would be easy and exc exciting iting to try a new language. language. But now I wish I had chosen the kara karate te course. 4. I love love to visit my gran grandmother dmother.. She lives in Concepció Concepción, n, so whe when n I go there, sh she e alway alwayss cooks Pachamanca. 5. I asked my science teacher teacher if I could send my homewor homeworkk the following da dayy because I fo forg rgot ot to ssen end d it. it. 6. I’m always always h happy appy to help my friend friends. s. If they don’t understand math, eng english, lish, che chemistry mistry or  physics phys ics th they ey ju just st ha have ve to ca callll me a and nd I w will ill e expla xplain in them them.. 7. I won first place 4 years in a row. row. To be named the best student in my clas classs this year is my goal. 8. I eat quickly enough to finish a big meal in 5 minutes, especially if i’m h hungry ungry.. 9. To wear a mask is essenti essentially ally to prevent COVID-19. These d days ays the best vacc vaccine ine is prevention. 10. To swim in the se sea a is the best thing you can d do o to relax. Wh When en I get sstressed, tressed, my dad and I go to the sea for a swim. WRITING #3 UNIT 12

1. Each student has to do their own sci science ence pro project, ject, but I as asked ked my teacher iiff I could do it with my best friend and he accepted.


2. I have studied studied wi with th a coupl couple e of frie friends nds sin since ce I was 14 year yearss old. We stu study dy ever everyy Wednesday after school. 3. I had few problems last yea year. r. I had too man manyy things to do, and that stressed m me. e. 4. There There are a lot of people in Saturd Saturday ay classe classes, s, because Saturday lessons are easi easier er than others. 5. Yesterday Yesterday my neighbour neighbourss made a great d deal eal of noise, it was a party party,, so my da dad d called the police. When the police came, our neighbours neighbours quickly turned off the music. 6. I have several hobbies. I play voll volleyball eyball ev every ery day day,, I like dr drawing awing an and d painting painting,, and I lo love ve baking. 7. I earned earned a bit of money to go on vacation last year year,, but th the e quaran quarantine tine starte started d so we couldn’t go anywhere. 8. I have eno enough ugh mone moneyy to buy a new ccell ell ph phone, one, b but ut I want to sa save ve a littl little e more more.. 9. I d drink rink plen plenty ty o off wate waterr, m myy ro routin utine e iiss d drink rinking ing 1 lliter iter of wate waterr each day day.. 10. My dad ha hass two cell ph phones, ones, he bought o one ne last year and the comp company any he works for  gave him another. WRITING #4 UNIT 13

1. This is is my last year in th the e school and I wan wantt to apply to a prestigious Spanish University University.. My goal is to be accepted at the University of Navarra. 2. Last week week I couldn couldn’t’t find my vint vintage age baggy baggy pant pants. s. But now wh when en I don’t ne need ed it, it magically appears. 3. Yesterday Yesterday I watched an the awesome action movie w while hile doing m myy homew homework. ork. I d didn’t idn’t mak make e much progress, but it was best movie ever. 4. The The interesting old hi history story documentary I saw in history class w was as very educationa educational.l. I learned a lot with only one video. 5. My chemistry chemistry te teacher acher sh showed owed u uss a long fun funny ny video explaining the nobl noble e gases gases.. It was the best class of the day. 6. Today Today my brother’s old black laptop br broke. oke. The advantage is that my parents w will ill buy h him im a modern new laptop. 7. I don’t don’t know why why,, but iin n front of my house th there ere is a dirty yell yellow ow schoo schooll bus. 8. I’m not a big fan of the Briti British-Ir sh-Irish ish boy band call called ed One dir directi ection on but the al album bum “Heartbreak weather” weather” by Niall Hor Horan an is all that I need. 9. My aunt aunt has a five-year-old child, so when sh she e has som something ething to do, I ta take ke care of him. 10. When I was 10 10 years old, I w won on a gold me medal dal in a science con contest. test. It was a plastic gold medal, but at that age it meant a lot.

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