INTRO(%CTION TO THE FIVE FORCES MO(E 1. Porter developed his Five Forces analysis in reaction to the thenpopular SWOT analysis, which he found unrigorous and ad hoc. 2. ased on the Structure-!onduct-Perfor"ance paradig" in industrial organi#ational econo"ics. $. %pplied to a diverse range of pro&le"s -' "ore profita&le &usinesses to helping govern"ents sta&ili#e industries. (. )elps in understanding &oth the strength of current co"petitive position, * the strength of a position one is considering "oving into. +. Possi&le to tae fair advantage of a situation of strength, i"prove a situation of weaness, and avoid taing wrong steps.
I&$ia& A#iatio& I&$"tr' Eiro&2e&t sti"ated Passengers/ 117 million domestic and 43 million international passengers 0lo&al aning/ 9th largest civil aviation market Total !arriers at Present/ 22 ( Including the branches of the parent company) First !arrier/ Indian ational !ir"ays (192#$194#) Total nu"&er of %irport/ 12# !irports First %irport / %uhu !erodrome (192&) o. of 3o"estic %irport/ &1 'omestic !irports o of 4nternational %irport/ 11 International !irports (Including & ustoms !irports and 2# ivil enclaves at *ilitary !irfields) udget allocated / 3,345.67 Crore 5inister of %viation in the !entral 0overn"ent of 4ndia + !,it -ingh
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Many consumers look only to cost as a determining factor in a purchase. This creates an intense environment. Switching costs are generally low, even though companies have tried to increase switching costs with the use of “frequent yer” programs. ighly competitive industries generally earn low returns !ecause the cost of competition is high.
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