POM Parle-G

August 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Plant location: Parle Products

Parle Products Products has been India’s largest manufacturer of biscuits and confectionery for almost 80 years. yea rs. Makers of the world’s largest selling biscuit, Parle-G, and a host of other ery !o!ular brands, the Parle name symboli"es #uality, nutrition and great taste. $ith a reach s!anning een to the remotest illages of India, the com!any has de%nitely come a ery long way since its ince!tion. Many of the Parle !roducts & biscuits or confectioneries, are market leaders in their category and hae won acclaim at the Monde 'election, since ()*(. $ith a +0 share of the total biscuit market and a ( share of the total confectionary market in India, Parle has grown to become a multi-million dollar com!any. com!any. $hile to the consumers it’s a beacon of faith and trust, com!etitors look u!on Parle as an eam!le of marketing brilliance. Available Anywhere

 /  /oday, oday, the great strength Pthe arleremotest Products !laces, is the etremely wides!read wides!r distribution network. enofatParle you can buy Parleead biscuits and sweets from the local grocer. grocer. en at the remotest !laces, you can buy Parle biscuits and sweets from the local grocer grocer.. It has taken years to create this etensie network. Parle’s sales force started with one salesman in 1ombay and some agents in few other cities. Gradua Gradually, lly, Parle Pr Products oducts e!anded. 'oon sweets and biscuits were being sent by rail to 2alcutta, 3elhi, 4arachi, Madras and other ma5or cities. 6s !roduction increased, distribution was am!li%ed. 7ull time salesmen were a!!ointed in dierent areas. 2urrently, Parle Parle Products has oer 99, 00,000 00,00 0 distribution outlets. History

Parle Product’s Product’s fame and familiarity is undeniable. unde niable. 2onsidering its etensie reach, the brand Parle is known and recogni"ed by eeryone. :er the years, Parle’s sweets and biscuits hae become a household name. 7rom 7rom kids to adults, eeryone loes and cherishes these treats. It gies us great !leasure to see our consumers en5oy and embrace Parle !roducts on daily basis. :ur confectioners and chefs hae the utmost authority at Parle. ;ad it not been so, the beginning of Parle would hae been #uite dierent. In ()
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