POM Parle-G
August 30, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Plant location: Parle Products
Parle Products Products has been India’s largest manufacturer of biscuits and confectionery for almost 80 years. yea rs. Makers of the world’s largest selling biscuit, Parle-G, and a host of other ery !o!ular brands, the Parle name symboli"es #uality, nutrition and great taste. $ith a reach s!anning een to the remotest illages of India, the com!any has de%nitely come a ery long way since its ince!tion. Many of the Parle !roducts & biscuits or confectioneries, are market leaders in their category and hae won acclaim at the Monde 'election, since ()*(. $ith a +0 share of the total biscuit market and a ( share of the total confectionary market in India, Parle has grown to become a multi-million dollar com!any. com!any. $hile to the consumers it’s a beacon of faith and trust, com!etitors look u!on Parle as an eam!le of marketing brilliance. Available Anywhere
/ /oday, oday, the great strength Pthe arleremotest Products !laces, is the etremely wides!read wides!r distribution network. enofatParle you can buy Parleead biscuits and sweets from the local grocer. grocer. en at the remotest !laces, you can buy Parle biscuits and sweets from the local grocer grocer.. It has taken years to create this etensie network. Parle’s sales force started with one salesman in 1ombay and some agents in few other cities. Gradua Gradually, lly, Parle Pr Products oducts e!anded. 'oon sweets and biscuits were being sent by rail to 2alcutta, 3elhi, 4arachi, Madras and other ma5or cities. 6s !roduction increased, distribution was am!li%ed. 7ull time salesmen were a!!ointed in dierent areas. 2urrently, Parle Parle Products has oer 99, 00,000 00,00 0 distribution outlets. History
Parle Product’s Product’s fame and familiarity is undeniable. unde niable. 2onsidering its etensie reach, the brand Parle is known and recogni"ed by eeryone. :er the years, Parle’s sweets and biscuits hae become a household name. 7rom 7rom kids to adults, eeryone loes and cherishes these treats. It gies us great !leasure to see our consumers en5oy and embrace Parle !roducts on daily basis. :ur confectioners and chefs hae the utmost authority at Parle. ;ad it not been so, the beginning of Parle would hae been #uite dierent. In ()
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