Poly He Dr on Greek Alphabet Oracle

September 16, 2016 | Author: Justin Andrew Doyle | Category: N/A
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greek alphabet oracle...


Greek Letter Α Alpha




“The God [Apollo] says you will do everything {Hapanta} successfully.” Do: achieve, bring about, effect, accomplish, make, manage, negotiate, transact, practice, fare; successfully: prosperously, luckily, with good fortune. Your entire project will turn out well and you will meet all your goals. You will have good luck in all your activities, or prosperous business transactions and negotiations. “With the help of Tychê [Fortune], you will have an assistant {Boêthos}, the Pythian [Apollo].” Assistant: helper, auxiliary, one who hastens (theo) to the battle cry or other call for help (boê). You are at a critical point, but if you are fortunate, Apollo the Far-shooter will help you if you call on Him. Even with luck, the God will only assist; ultimate responsibility is yours. “Pythian” refers to Apollo as the God at Delphi (which was in Pytho), one of the most important oracular sites. Therefore the help to be expected might be of a prophetic nature. “Gaia [the Earth] {Gê} will give you the ripe fruit of your labors.” Ripe: complete, final; fruits: produce, returns, profits, results. You will have a successful harvest, or you will reap all your profits from the Earth. The Mother of All will bring your labors to a fruitful conclusion. Gaia will give you your just deserts. “In customs inopportune strength {Dunamis} is weak.” Customs: rules, laws, allotments; inopportune: ill-timed, unreasonable, importunate, undue, not kairos (fit, in due measure, exact, at the appropriate or critical time, etc.);strength: power, ability, authority. Ill-timed force will be ineffective; act with precision; timing is everything. Knowing where and when to strike is more important than strength; misapplied ability is disability. Blind conformity to customs is spineless; overly strict adherence to rules is self-defeating. Unreasonable or undue force will defeat itself; a tyrant must fall. “You desire {Eraô} to see the offspring of righteous marriages.” Desire: love, are in love with; offspring: seed, sowing; righteous: fitting, well-balanced. This is a statement of fact, not a command or prediction. The obvious meaning is that the querant wants children or grandchildren from suitable marriages. However, it can also mean he or she is in love with seeing this, that is, obsessed by the idea. The “rightness” of the marriage admits many































interpretations; it could be a terrible marriage if that was fitting and righteous (i.e. deserved). The oracle may also refer to seeds, other than children, sown by the marriage (e.g. family alliances, marrying into wealth or influence). Finally, marriage may be taken metaphorically to refer to any alliance or union. “Flee the very great storm {Zalê}, lest you be disabled in some way.” Storm: surge, distress; disabled: hindered. Don’t make a sea-voyage in bad weather. It is futile to fight the force of the ocean; likewise, bucking the inevitable will weaken you and hinder your progress. Avoid raging storms of any kind; save your energy for when it can be effective. Sometimes flight is wiser than fight. “Bright Helios [Sun] {Hêlios}, who watches everything, watches you.” The life-giving Sun will care for you. Helios is an enforcer of oaths and promises, and He knows the deceit in your heart. “You have the helping Gods {Theoi} of this path.” Helping: propitious, defending; path: road, course, way. The “way” may be a concrete road, a plan of action, a spiritual path, a way of life, etc. In any case, the Gods who oversee this way will help and defend you, so you may go forward with confidence; you are under divine care because you are following your destiny. “There is sweat {Hidrôs}; it excels more than everything.” Sweat: gum, exudation of trees; excels: is superior to, outlives, remains in hand, is a result, is around. There will always be hard work; work is never done. Hard work is the surest means of success. When you have lost all other possessions, you still have your labor as an asset. The oracle recommends elbow-grease. “To fight with the waves {Kuma} is difficult; endure, friend.” Waves: swells, floods; difficult: hard to bear, do, or deal with, painful, grievous, dangerous; endure: delay. In time, the force of ocean waves can grind down anything; they can be a metaphor for repetitive, unstoppable processes. It is difficult, dangerous, and painful to try to resist them; the sensible thing to do is to wait until they abate, or if that is impossible, then to endure the inevitable with courage. “The one passing on the left {Laios} bodes well for everything.” Passing: going through; bodes: shows, indicates, gives a sign, signifies, declares; well: rightly, happily, fortunately. Since the left is traditionally the sinister side, the oracle may mean that an apparently sinister thing or event may be a blessing in disguise. The left is also associated with the unconscious,










Ο Omicron











lunar mind, and so unconscious processes or intuition may signal a favorable outcome. A promising sign comes from an unpromising quarter. “It is necessary to labor {Mokhtheô}, but the change will be admirable.” Labor: be weary, distressed; change: exchange; admirable: fair, beautiful, good, noble. Through toil and distress a change will be made for the better. Hard work will result in a good return. “The strife-bearing {Neikêphoros} gift fulfils the oracle.” Strife-: quarrel-, abuse-; gift: anything given; fulfils: confirms, perfects, brings to an end. Something will be given (to you, by you, or from one to another) that brings strife with it; this will discharge the force of the oracle. The import seems to be that this gift will be the answer to the question asked of the oracle. So, for example, if the querant asked when something will happen, the gift is the sign that it’s immanent. “There is no fruit to take from a withered {Xêros} shoot.” Fruit: produce, return, profit, result; withered: lean, harsh. There is no good to be gained from an angry young man or woman. The frayed end of a good line. Harshness and stinginess will achieve nothing. You can’t get blood from a turnip; you can’t get water from a stone. Don’t polish a turd. “There are no {Ou} crops to be reaped that were not sown.” Crops: fruit-trees, corn-fields, crop-lands; reap: mow, cut off; sown: engendered, begotten, scattered. What we spread about, comes back to us. What goes around comes around. You must plan ahead in order to achieve anything. “Completing many {Polus} contests, you will seize the crown.” Contests: struggles, trials, dangers; crown: wreath, garland. If you persist in your struggles, after many trials you will succeed. Perseverance through adversity. “You will go on more easily {Rhaion} if you wait a short time.” Go on: live, continue; easily: willingly, recklessly, thoughtlessly; wait: stand fast, remain, stay. If you will hold your ground for only a short time, you will be able to proceed (more easily or with greater cooperation). You will go faster by waiting than by going now; on the other hand, delaying too long may provoke reckless action. By standing fast you live recklessly. By remaining where you are, you live life thoughtlessly. “Phoibos [Apollo] speaks plainly {Saphôs}, „Stay, friend.‟”
















Plainly: distinctly, certainly; stay: wait, stand fast, remain. Neither advance nor retreat; wait or hold your ground, as appropriate; the best action is inaction. “Phoibos” refers to Apollo as Bright and Pure, which also characterizes His advice in this oracle. “You will have a parting from the {Tôn} companions now around you.” Parting: release, deliverance; companions: those accompanying. This may be an unwelcome parting from friends or a welcome release from enemies; in either case they are now around you. This may also mean a growing apart or forced separation of a person from his or her family, peers or fellow travelers on the path. “The affair holds a noble undertaking {Huposkhesis}.” Affair: deed, act, issue; holds: involves, implies, gives cause for, holds fast, hinders, guides, steers; noble: high-born, highminded, excellent, notable; undertaking: engagement, promise, profession. There is some issue to be resolved, or some deed is under consideration; it involves high-mindedness, either in commitment, deed, or professional pursuit. The oracle may tell us that the affair is admirable due to this noble element, or that the situation may guide us to seek the appropriate noble undertaking or profession. The hero’s quest. On the other hand, the oracle may mean that the situation hinders this fine undertaking. Thus you should try to understand the situation: does it demand an excellent undertaking or impede it? Continued for 24 Sided Dice “Having done something carelessly {Phaulos}, you will thereafter blame the Gods.” Done: caused, accomplished, made, managed, negotiated, transacted, practiced, fared; carelessly: thoughtlessly, indifferently. Take responsibility for your actions (or inactions); don't blame the Gods (or the universe, or fate, or society, or nature) for your own failings. The ancient Greeks said, “Hermes will help you get your wagon unstuck, but only if you push on it.” “Succeeding, friend, you will fulfill a golden {Khruseos} oracle.” Succeeding: gaining your end, hitting the mark, meeting someone; fulfill: bring to pass, cause, accomplish. “Golden” may be a metaphor for rich, noble, excellent, etc. This admirable oracle will be fulfilled by you attaining your ends, or a mere chance meeting could constitute the golden event. “You have this righteous judgment {Psêphos} from the Gods.”




Righteous: just, fitting, meet, fair; judgment: resolve, decree. Literally, a psêphos (Lat. calculus) is a stone used for divination, voting, counting, and similar purposes, so this oracle refers to collective judgment rather than individual judgment. This implies that the majority of the Gods concur in this judgment, and that this judgment is appropriate, fair, and righteous, though there is no implication that the result is that desired by the querant. “You will have a difficult {Ômos} harvest season, not a useful one.” Difficult: cruel, rough, untimely, unripe; harvest season: fruittime, autumn, summer bloom, bloom of youth; useful: suitable, apt. Concretely, there will be a poor harvest, or autumn will be difficult; the harvest will be too early, before the fruit is ripe. More abstractly, too early grasping of the fruits of your labor (whether voluntary or necessary) will yield a poor return; the rewards will not be suitable for their purpose. Your youth will be rough; you will have to grow up before your time.

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