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July 8, 2016 | Author: Eko Setyo Budi | Category: Types, Brochures
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DECEMBER 3, 2009






INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


GENERAL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SPECIAL CONDITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


BILL OF MATERIAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


PROPOSAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


ACCEPTANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



PURCHASING’S CONTRACT LINE: Questions about contract terms or conditions

Roman Hernandez 303-628-6361 [email protected]

CONTRACT REPRESENTATIVE: All technical questions

Ken Pollock 303-628-6632 [email protected]




A Bidder’s Proposal in response to an Invitation for Bids shall be submitted in accordance with these Instructions to Bidders and with the General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Bill of Material, Proposal, and Acceptance. These documents, plus any other documents required by the Special Conditions and any addenda added by Denver Water, constitute the Contract Documents. No one part of the Contract Documents constitutes the contract.


The Bill of Material shall be submitted electronically.


The successful bidder will be required to completely fill out and sign the Bidder’s Proposal page prior to award. The successful bidder warrants that persons signing the Proposal page are empowered to legally bind the bidder to a contract.


Bidders’ Proposals must be submitted online to the Rocky Mountain Online Bid System on or before the designated bid opening time.


It is the Bidder’s responsibility to sign any addenda (if applicable) and the Proposal by the requested deadline. Any addenda (if applicable) will be issued via the Rocky Mountain Bid System.


Bidders’ Proposals may be rejected if not received on the Rocky Mountain Online Bid System on or before the bid opening time.


Bidders’ Proposals may be withdrawn by bidders prior to the bid opening time, but only upon written request. Bidders’ Proposals may not be withdrawn after they have been opened. All Bidders’ Proposals will be deemed firm and open to acceptance or rejection for a period of forty-five (45) days after the bid opening.


Any conflicting Special Conditions will supersede Instructions to Bidders and General Conditions.


All bid prices must be firm for the period stated in the Special Conditions. Any price adjustment clause that may be included with a Bidder’s Proposal may result in rejection of the Bidder’s Proposal.


Bidders are urged to establish realistic delivery dates.


Bidders’ Proposals may be required to provide descriptive data (catalogs, drawings, etc.) necessary or desirable for proper evaluation of the Bidder’s Proposal. Bidders’ Proposals that do not comply with this requirement may be rejected.



If requested, Bidders shall furnish references demonstrating capability to provide the required materials and/or to perform the required services. Bidder may be required to provide financial statements (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement) which may be reviewed prior to Notice of Award. Denver Water may inspect the Bidder’s facilities and equipment and will determine, in its sole discretion, whether the Bidder will be awarded the contract and may award this contract based on its assessment of Bidders’ facilities, distribution, and supply relationships.


When a Bidder intends to furnish an article it considers equal to one named on the Bill of Material, the Bidder must specify the trade name and grade of the substitute article and must submit any engineering data and technical literature required by Denver Water to evaluate the product. Denver Water reserves the right to determine whether any substitute article is equal to the one named on the Bill of Material.


The Board reserves the right to reject any or all offers, either technical defects if deemed in the best interest of the Board. will be made in the Board’s best interest. The Board may also the Board’s acceptance of the terms and conditions other General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Specifications.


No contract will be made with any entity who is in arrears to the City and County of Denver or its Board of Water Commissioners upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the City and County of Denver.


For directions to Denver Water go to www.denverwater.org, click on Contact Us, Directions.


Questions or comments concerning these Instructions to Bidders should be directed to the office of the Manager of Purchasing, 1600 West 12th Avenue, Building No. 12, Denver, Colorado 80204-3412 Telephone: 303-628-6361.


in whole or in part, or to waive In the event of a tie bid, award reject any bid conditioned upon than those established in the


PERFORMANCE: The Contractor shall furnish the services and materials covered by this contract subject to all the terms and conditions contained in the documents comprising this contract, including these General Conditions. No other terms or conditions shall be binding upon the parties unless agreed to in writing. Written acceptance of this contract or the performance of any portion of the services covered by this contract shall constitute unqualified acceptance of all its terms and conditions. These General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Specifications shall supersede any inconsistent provisions in Contractor’s Proposal.


CHANGES IN SCOPE: Upon issuance of a written order, the Board may change the amount or nature of material to be furnished and services to be performed under this contract. If the amount of material or services is increased or decreased, the Contractor will be paid for the actual amount of services and material furnished.


WARRANTY OF WORKMANSHIP, MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: For a period of one year from the date the Board accepts any material or service, the Contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory repair or replacement of any material, service or equipment which becomes defective as a direct or indirect result of Contractor’s workmanship, service or negligence or from Contractor’s improper handling or use of faulty material or equipment.


COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS: The Board’s Specifications establish the minimum acceptable requirements for services and materials. The Board shall determine at its sole discretion whether any proposed services or materials comply with the Specifications. Any provisions in the Specifications requiring specific ratings, capacities, weights, dimensions or other designations for any equipment refer to the original manufacturer’s specifications. The Board shall not be obligated to accept as meeting the Specifications any equipment assigned ratings, capacities, weights, dimensions or designations by any subsequent manufacturer, assembler or dealer. The Board requires any products that come in direct contact with treated water to have N.S.F. Certification or equivalent. Property that upon delivery does not meet the Specifications, or that has been damaged in transit, may be rejected by the Board and returned to the Contractor at the Contractor’s risk and expense.


FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH SPECIFICATIONS: If any materials or services provided by the Contractor do not meet specifications or performance requirements, the Board reserves the right to delay payment until the problem is corrected or to terminate this contract for default pursuant to General Condition 17(B) below.



INSPECTION AND TESTING: The Board or its authorized representative shall be permitted to inspect all material during its fabrication and prior to its preparation for shipment; to expedite delivery; to inspect the packing when the material is ready for shipment; or to witness any test, the results of which require approval by the Board’s Engineer. The Board may, at its discretion, inspect and test any delivery to ensure compliance with the Specifications. The Board will pay the costs of tests it conducts and will make test results available to the Contractor upon request. The Board’s findings shall be binding and conclusive. The Board’s acceptance of material, or waiver of any inspection or test, shall in no way relieve the Contractor of the responsibility to furnish material meeting the requirements of the Specifications. The Board also may, at its discretion, allow its agents and contractors and industry organizations to observe Contractor’s performance of this Agreement for safety purposes.



FAILURE TO PASS INSPECTION OR TESTING: The Board will not accept material that is damaged, does not meet contract Specifications or is unsuitable for use in the Board’s potable water system. Should any material fail to meet test criteria, in addition to the Board’s exercise of its rights in Paragraph 10 below, the Contractor may be required to take the following actions at its sole cost: A.

The Contractor must promptly remove all material to which the unacceptable material has been added.


The Contractor must promptly replace the material removed with like material meeting the Specifications.

PAYMENT: Payment will be made in conformity with the terms and conditions of this contract. The Board will not make advance or progress payments for materials or services unless provided for in the contract. The Contractor must submit documentation supporting the charges in the invoice, which must be consistent with this contract, and must include the contract number of this contract on each invoice. Payments shall be based upon Contractor’s verified progress in completing the services and delivering the materials. Unless the Contractor has not properly performed, invoices will be paid within thirty days of receipt. The Board may delay payment until it can verify the accuracy of the invoice, obtain releases or waivers with respect to work covered in the invoice, or resolve a dispute with the Contractor regarding an invoice. Payment shall be made by check payable to the trade or business of Contractor. The Board shall have the right to refuse to pay all or a portion of an invoice that is inconsistent with this Contract.




STATE: The State of Colorado will not impose sales and use taxes upon construction and building materials purchased by the Contractors and subcontractors for use in the building, erection, alteration or repair of structures, highways, roads, streets and other public works owned and used by the City and County of Denver. In order to qualify for this exemption, an application for a certificate of exemption must be filed with the Colorado Department of Revenue by each Contractor and subcontractor engaged in the construction project. The Board will not reimburse the Contractor for any such taxes paid as a result of a failure to file a request for exemption. Proposals shall not include any such taxes in the computation of bids.


LOCAL: The Contractor and all subcontractors are required to pay the sales and use taxes imposed by a political subdivision of the State of Colorado on purchases of any tangible personal property to be built into the work produced under this contract. The Board will not adjust payments for any refund of such taxes that the Board might receive.


FEDERAL: As a political subdivision of the State of Colorado, the Board is exempt from the payment of most federal excise taxes. The Contractor will be reimbursed for payment of any federal excise tax for which the Board is unable to provide an exemption certificate.


DELIVERY DATES: All items purchased shall be delivered F.O.B. Destination, Freight prepaid as required by the Specifications. The Contractor shall make delivery as set forth in the Contract Documents. When a date is set for delivery of materials, delivery must occur on or before that date. If timely delivery does not occur, or it appears timely delivery will not occur, the Board will have: the right to terminate this contract for default; the right to purchase equivalent property at market prices for immediate delivery without termination of this contract and without liability to the Contractor; and a right against the Contractor for any increase in the price over the prices established in this contract and for any other damages, including consequential damages that arise from the delay and demurrage associated with other deliveries to the Board.


WARRANTY OF TITLE: The Contractor warrants that title to all work, materials and equipment covered by an application for payment will pass to the Board no later than the time of payment, free and clear of all liens.


RISK OF LOSS: The Contractor shall assume the risk of loss or damage to materials sold to the Board until the material has been delivered to and accepted by the Board.


PATENTS: The Contractor will provide a defense and hold harmless the Board against any costs, damages or demand for payment arising out of the Contractor’s use of any patented material, process, device or article in performing under this contract.


GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued) 14.

LIABILITY: The Contractor will provide a defense to the Board and pay any costs and damages for any liability or claim of whatever nature arises in any way out of this contract, caused by any negligent or wrongful act or omission of the Contractor or the Contractor’s officers, agents or employees.


INSURANCE: The Contractor shall maintain the following insurance in full force and effect during the full term of this Agreement. These insurance requirements may be modified at the discretion of the Board. A.

The Contractor shall maintain Workers’ Compensation and Employer’s Liability Insurance, as required under the laws of the State of Colorado, in full force and effect during the full term of this Agreement.


The Contractor also shall maintain the following insurance in full force and effect during the full term of this Agreement. Contractor shall provide to the Board certificates of insurance (and renewals thereof) demonstrating that the following insurance requirements have been met. 1)

Commercial General Liability Insurance: Commercial general liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shall include the City and County of Denver, acting by and through its Board of Water Commissioners as additional insured and shall be primary and non-contributing with respect to any insurance or self-insurance program of the Board.


Automobile Liability Insurance: Business automobile liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. Such insurance shall include coverage for owned, nonowned and hired vehicles used in the performance of Work under this Agreement.


Professional Liability Insurance: Professional liability insurance with limits not less than $1,000,000 per claim covering all licensed professionals performing services under this Agreement.


Other Requirements: 1)

Contractor’s insurers shall maintain an A.M. Best rating of A-, VII or better.


All self-insured retentions or deductibles must be declared and approved by the Board.


GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued) 15.

INSURANCE : (continued) 3)


Thirty (30) days’ advance notice of cancellation shall be provided to the Board, except for ten (10) days notice for cancellation due to non-payment of premium.

Evidence of Insurance: Contractor shall provide copies of insurance policies upon request of the Board and in redacted form if necessary to protect confidential information.



The Board reserves the discretion to accept alternative types of insurance if the Board deems such alternatives to be sufficiently protective of its interests.

RECORDS AND AUDITS: The Contractor shall at all times maintain a system of accounting records in accordance with its normal practice for distributors of industrial chemicals in the United States, together with supporting documentation for all work, purchases, services and billings under this contract. The Contractor shall make available for audit and reproduction by the Board all records, in whatever form, related to this contract. The Contractor shall provide such availability during the term of this contract and for two years after final payment. The Contractor shall refund to the Board any charges determined by the Board’s audit to be inconsistent with this contract.


TERMINATION: Contractor shall not have the right of termination. The Board at any time may terminate this contract in whole or in part upon written notice stating the type of termination and the effective date. The Board may terminate for convenience or for default, as described in this paragraph. As used in this paragraph, the word “Contractor” includes the Contractor and his subcontractors at any tier. A.

Termination for convenience. If the Board terminates for convenience, it shall pay to the Contractor, as full compensation: (1) the unit or prorated contract price for the performed and accepted portion of the work; and (2) a reasonable amount, as determined by the Board, not otherwise recoverable from other sources, with respect to the unperformed or unaccepted portion of the work. Compensation for termination for convenience shall not exceed the dollar amount of the Contractor’s sales to the Board under this contract for the month prior to the termination.


GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued) 17.

TERMINATION: (continued) B.

Termination for Default. The Board may terminate this contract for default if the Board in its sole discretion determines that Contractor has failed to comply with the Contract Documents; fails to make progress, so as to endanger performance; acts or fails to act so that it reasonably appears Contractor’s future performance is uncertain; or fails to perform the work within the time specified or any written extension; and does not cure such failure within a reasonable period of time after written notice. In the event of termination for default, the Board may purchase replacement services and the Contractor shall reimburse the Board for any excess costs incurred by the Board. The Board shall pay to the Contractor, as full compensation, the unit or prorated contract price for the performed and accepted portion of the work. Termination for default will result in the removal of the Contractor’s name from the approved bid list for two years or a different period of time, at the Board’s discretion. If, after notice of termination for default, the Board determines that the Contractor was not in default or that the Contractor’s failure to perform was due to causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, the termination shall be deemed for the convenience of the Board per (A) above.


ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTS: The Contractor may not assign this contract or any right or liability or enter into any subcontract or amend any subcontract without prior written consent of the Board’s Representative. If the Contractor subcontracts or assigns any part of this contract, the Contractor shall be as fully responsible to the Board for acts and omissions of a subcontractor as the Contractor is for the acts and omissions of Contractor’s own employees.


NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES: This contract shall bind and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective successors and assigns. This contract is intended to benefit only the parties and neither subcontractors nor suppliers of Contractor nor any other person or entity is intended by the parties to be a third party beneficiary of this contract.


CHARTER OF THE CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER: This contract is made under and conformable to the provisions of the Charter of the City and County of Denver that control the operation of the Denver Municipal Water System, consisting of Article X of the Charter. Insofar as applicable, the Charter provisions are incorporated by this reference and shall supersede any apparently conflicting provisions otherwise contained in this contract.


COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: In performing this Contract, the Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including, but not limited to, the Colorado Worker’s Compensation Act and all federal and state tax laws. The Contractor certifies that it has complied, and during the term of this contract will continue to comply, with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. The Contractor shall provide to the Board any certification the Board reasonably requests in order to demonstrate the Contractor’s compliance with applicable legal requirements. Because the Contractor will be acting as an independent contractor, the Board assumes no responsibility for the Contractor’s compliance. 10

GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued) 22.

VENUE AND GOVERNING LAW: This contract shall be deemed performable in the City and County of Denver, notwithstanding that the parties may find it necessary to take some action outside the City and County. This contract shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Colorado. Any disputes arising hereunder shall comply with the hearing and appeal procedures set forth at Chapter 17 of the Board’s Operating Rules, available at www.denverwater.org. If a question arises concerning whether an issue or claim is within the scope of this dispute resolution provisions, such question shall be decided by the hearing officer assigned to the administrative hearing. All disputes of any nature whatsoever, including without limitation claims for additional compensation or extensions of time, and disputes involving claimed breach of or default under the Contract, shall be resolved by this process. The determination of the hearing officer shall be considered a final order and action of the Board and may be reviewed under Rule 106(a)(4) of the Colorado Rules of Civil Procedure in the Denver District Court only.


COLORADO GOVERNMENTAL IMMUNITY ACT: The parties understand and agree that the Board is relying upon, and has not waived, the monetary limitations and all other rights, immunities, and protections provided by the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, CRS 24-10101, et seq., as it may be amended from time to time.


DELAY BY THE BOARD. If a delay is caused by the Board, without contribution by the Contractor, the time and price of the contract may be adjusted equitably except that the sole remedy of the Contractor shall be limited to any expenditure actually and necessarily caused solely by the delay. The Contractor is not entitled to recover anticipated profits.


IMMIGRATION LAWS: The signature of Contractor (“Contractor” herein) on this agreement: (1) certifies that the Contractor is not a natural person unlawfully present in the United States; and (2) also certifies the statements below if this is a contract for services as “services” are defined in Colo. Rev. Stat. § 8-17.5-102. A.

The Contractor shall not: (i)

knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Contract; or


enter into a contract with a subcontractor that fails to certify to the Contractor that the subcontractor shall not knowingly employ or contract with an illegal alien to perform work under this Contract.


The Contractor has confirmed or attempted to confirm the employment eligibility of all employees who are newly hired for employment in the United States through participation in the basic pilot program (as defined in Colo. Rev. Stat. § 8-17.5-102), and, if the Contractor is not accepted into the basic pilot program prior to entering into this Contract, the Contractor shall apply to participate in the basic pilot program every three months until the Contractor is accepted or this Contract has been completed, whichever is earlier. This provision shall not be effective if the basic pilot program is discontinued.


If the Contractor obtains actual knowledge that a subcontractor performing work under this Contract knowingly employs or contracts with an illegal alien, the Contractor shall: 11

GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued) 25.

IMMIGRATION LAWS: (continued) (i)

notify the subcontractor and the Board within three days that the Contractor has actual knowledge that the subcontractor is employing or contracting with an illegal alien; and


terminate the subcontract with the subcontractor if within three days of receiving the notice required pursuant to sub-subparagraph (i) of this subparagraph the subcontractor does not stop employing or contracting with the illegal alien; except that the Contractor shall not terminate the contract with the subcontractor if during such three days the subcontractor provides information to establish that the subcontractor has not knowingly employed or contracted with an illegal alien.


The Contractor shall comply with any reasonable request by the Department of Labor and Employment made in the course of an investigation that the Department is undertaking pursuant to state law.


The Contractor acknowledges that in the event the Contractor violates any of the provisions of the foregoing subparagraphs A – D, the Board may terminate this Contract for breach of contract. If this Contract is so terminated, the Contractor shall be liable for actual and consequential damages to the Board.


REMEDIES: The rights and remedies of the Board provided under this contract shall not be exclusive and shall be in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law.


INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: In the performance of services under this contract, the Contractor shall be, for all purposes, an independent contractor and not an employee or agent of the Board. The Contractor and its employees and subcontractors shall in no way represent themselves to third parties as agents or employees of the Board.


NO UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE OR WORKERS’ COMPENSATION BENEFITS: The Contractor is not entitled to unemployment insurance or workers’ compensation benefits as a result of performance of the services for the Board. The Contractor is required to provide workers’ compensation and unemployment insurance benefits for its employees and subcontractors.


CONTRACTOR’S RESPONSIBILITIES: The Contractor shall consider Board contracts to be a priority responsibility and shall not allow other work to interfere with Board work or response to Board needs. The Contractor must provide a responsible person to respond to Board communications immediately. The Contractor’s equipment must not be stored permanently on Board property. The Contractor will be responsible for all damage to Board equipment, materials and property caused by the Contractor or its employees.


GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued) 30.

PAYMENT OF TAXES: The Contractor is solely liable for any federal and state income and withholding taxes, unemployment taxes, F.I.C.A. taxes and worker’s compensation payments and premiums applicable to payments from the Board under this agreement. The Contractor shall indemnify the Board for any liability resulting from nonpayment of such taxes and sums.



The Contractor shall, at its own expense:


Provide and maintain proper protection to all material and equipment, including material and equipment furnished to the Contractor by the Board. The Contractor shall protect exterior surfaces of Board property against any defacement which would detract from its appearance.


Provide all necessary safeguards to protect persons and property generally, and particularly the Board’s operating property, since no interruption of water service is permissible, except as expressly authorized by the Board.


Upon completion of the work, make good all damages, leaving the site in a clean and orderly condition.


Maintain safe conditions in the various work areas at all times and install barricades and warning devices where required.


NONDISCRIMINATION: The Contractor expressly agrees not to discriminate against any employee, applicant for employment, or potential subcontractor or supplier because of race, color, religion, age, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, military status, marital status, or disability. The Contractor shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws with regard to equal employment opportunity.


WORKFORCE: The Contractor shall employ only competent, skillful workers to provide services under this contract. Whenever any person shall appear to be incompetent or to act in a disorderly or improper manner, such person shall be removed from the work.


ACCESS AND SECURITY: The Board shall provide reasonable means of access to all Board locations covered under this contract. The Contractor shall comply with all the Board’s access and building security policies.


SMALL BUSINESS ENTERPRISES: The Board recognizes the desirability, need and importance to the City and County of Denver of encouraging the development of Small Business Enterprises (SBEs). Although the Board is not currently setting goals for SBE participation, the Contractor agrees to make a good faith effort to involve SBEs in the work if and when the opportunity arises.


ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Board and Contractor, replaces all prior written or oral agreements and understandings, and may not be altered or amended by bills of lading or the like.


GENERAL CONDITIONS (continued) 37.

FORCE MAJEURE: The parties shall not be responsible for any failure or delay in the performance of any obligations under this Agreement caused by natural disasters, flood, fire, war or public enemy. (Economic conditions and labor strikes shall not be considered force majeure events.) If a party asserts Force Majeure as an excuse for failure to perform the party's obligation, then the nonperforming party must prove that the party took reasonable steps to minimize delay or damages caused by the Force Majeure, that the party substantially fulfilled all non-excused obligations, and that the other party was timely notified of the likelihood or actual occurrence of a Force Majeure. In the event a force majeure is declared and in effect for more than ten (10) days, the Board may terminate this Agreement without any further obligation or liability.



GENERAL: Denver Water is soliciting bids for PolyDADMAC (diallydimethylammonium chloride) polymer used in the water treatment process, as described in the Specifications, for delivery as noted under the Shipping Instructions. Only those products that have been pre-qualified will be considered as meeting this specification.


CONTRACT PERIOD: The Contract shall commence January 1, 2010 and terminate December 31, 2011. Unless otherwise terminated according to the provisions of this agreement, Denver Water and the Contractor may mutually agree to renew and continue the contract for additional periods at the same terms and conditions.


AWARD: The bidder selected for an award will be the bidder whose bid, as presented in the response to this bidder’s proposal, is the most advantageous to Denver Water. Denver Water is not bound to accept the lowest priced bid if that bid is not in the best interest of Denver Water as determined by Denver Water. Denver Water reserves the right to accept or reject any and/or all offers, to waive any and/or all formalities, to clarify any discrepancies in the bid, and to award a contract in the best interest of Denver Water. Bids may be evaluated using “best value” criteria reference below: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L.

Purchase price (overhead and profit plus material cost) Reputation of the Supplier and the Suppliers’ goods or services Supplier’s past relationship with Denver Water and the City and County of Denver Delivery dates and information Business references, and financial statements Supplier’s equipment, facilities and reliability of product Supplier’s use of Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) Past Safety & Security performance/record with Denver Water Ability to use purchasing cards, EFT, EDI, bar-coding and other relevant business technology Any relevant factor that a private business would consider in selecting a supplier Redundancy of supply Completeness of the Disaster Recovery Plan.



ESTIMATED QUANTITIES: Denver Water will require one of the following estimated quantities during the two-year contract period: approximately 1,300 liquid tons of Nalco 8102 PolyDADMAC polymer, or approximately 870 liquid tons of Nalco 8799 PolyDADMAC polymer, or approximately 1,300 liquid tons of Ciba Magnafloc LT 7985 PolyDADMAC polymer. No guarantee of quantities is intended, either expressed or implied.


PRICE ADJUSTMENT: Prices under this contract are to be firm for the first year. Price increases or decreases after the first year shall be submitted to Denver Water by the Contractor with appropriate documentation at least 60 days prior to the next applicable period. Denver Water and the Contractor will mutually agree at the appropriate time as to the format and methodology of determining the documented price adjustments. Denver Water reserves the right to accept or reject any price adjustments that may apply, and the right to assign an auditor, at its expense, who shall be entitled to certify the accuracy of the price adjustment. Denver Water’s rejection of any price adjustment shall be considered grounds for termination of the Contract. A fuel surcharge will be assessed only when prices for diesel exceed $3.50/gallon. The price shown at http://tonto.eia.doe.gov/oog/info/gdu/gasdiesel.asp shall be the price index for fuel costs. Any fuel surcharges and/or price increase/decrease will be agreed upon, in writing, by the Contractor and the Manager of Purchasing. If a fuel surcharge is assessed, the fuel surcharge will only be assessed for the fuel used between the Contractors local distribution facility and the water treatment plant. The Bidders must indicate the number of miles from the Contractors local distribution facility to each one of the water treatment plants as listed on the Bill of Materials. The Contractor shall invoice Denver Water monthly, after month end, for deliveries during the month just ended. Invoices will be paid net due upon receipt.



Disaster Recovery Plan: The Bidder will provide, as part of their bid, a Disaster Recovery Plan. The Bidder will attach, as a separate document, the Disaster Recovery Plan in the order as outlined below. The Plan will thoroughly describe the following:



BIDDER RESPONSIBILITIES: (continued) 1) How your company will provide product to Denver Water on a timely basis in the event of a disruption in the flow of the product, or raw materials needed to produce it, to the distribution facility that is primarily expected to provide the chemical. Describe shortages, allocations, logistics, and transportation issues surrounding any disruption of product to Denver Water. Indicate where the product will be shipped from, how long it will take for deliveries, lead times, etc. 2) How your company will handle the following at your distribution facility: power outages, spills, scheduled and unscheduled plant shut downs, strikes, bad weather, large demand for product, logistics (rail, trucking, etc) to and from your distribution facilities, contract hauler issues, plant personnel turnover, etc. 3) Identify all sources of raw materials required to manufacture the product and indicate if they are of domestic or foreign origin. Indicate whether raw materials are railed or trucked to your local facility and if the product is manufactured locally? List all the locations, manufacturer names, contacts and telephone numbers, etc. 4) Provide a copy of your companies safety plan, or your contract hauler’s safety plan, as it relates to driver selection and training, spill response and emergency procedures when transporting, off-loading chemicals at client sites. 5) List all the key personnel at your distribution facility, including: telephone numbers, fax numbers, cell numbers, emergency numbers, toll free numbers, etc. 6) Identify the primary and all secondary suppliers of the product. 7) Your company’s security plan and/or procedures, or your contract haulers security plan and/or procedures, as it relates to the security of chemicals being produced at your facilities and transported by your driver’s or driver’s of your contract hauler’s. 8) Any other factors which might be helpful in the event of implementing this Disaster Recovery Plan. Denver Water will not be responsible for any additional costs associated with this Disaster Recovery Plan in the event of its implementation. Failure to provide a comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan will be grounds for rejecting the Bidders’ proposal.




Laboratory Analysis: The bidder shall furnish, by attachment to the proposal, a typical analysis of PolyDADMAC. This analysis shall have been made using the methods described in AWWA Standard B451-04 and addendum B451a-07 (Further references to this standard are considered to include this addendum) or the most current version. The Contractor, on an annual basis, or at any time there is a change in the manufacturing practices, through the term of the contract, shall submit such typical analysis.


Sample: The bidder may be required to furnish a typical one-liter sample of the product to Steve Lohman, c/o Marston Water Quality Laboratory. If requested, the sample should be sent to 1600 W. 12th Avenue, Denver, CO 80204.


Other: The Contractor will provide a copy of their Manufacturers compliance with ANSI\NSF 60 Standard for Drinking Water Additives with the bid documents. If the Contractor’s distribution facility is not ANSI\NSF 60 certified, they must be certified by June 30, 2010. Failure to comply with this requirement could result in the termination of the contract. The successful bidder may be required to provide a performance bond for the total contract amount, at Denver Water’s expense. (The successful bidder will be reimbursed based on documented expenses incurred in obtaining the performance bond.) In addition, bidders may be required to submit some or all of the following: an audited financial statement; source(s) of supply; capacity of facilities; list of references; list of current customer base for the past five years; and a detailed logistics plan for delivery. In making its evaluation of the responsiveness of the bid, Denver Water will place considerable emphasis on all of the elements listed above furnished by the bidder.


ORDERING PROCEDURES: Orders will be placed to meet Denver Water’s requirements throughout the contract period. Orders will be placed either orally or in writing by Denver Water’s Treatment Plant Supervisors or their designees. Shipments will be required within five working days after receipt of order unless otherwise scheduled by Denver Water.



ORDERING PROCEDURES: (continued) All orders will be confirmed by the Contractor, by e-mail to the e-mail addresses as listed under paragraph number 9, to the treatment plant requesting material and to [email protected], including date and time of delivery. Denver Water will place separate orders for each of its water treatment plants. All risk of loss or damage, as well as all handling and transportation costs, will be for the account of the Contractor for all shipments including those made without express authorization.


SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: All truckload deliveries shall be accompanied by one scale ticket from a state certified scale showing the name of the scale company, its location, date, truck and trailer number, and gross, tare and net weights. The weight tickets shall be for the actual load delivered to Denver Water. The weight tickets shall be for the actual load delivered to Denver Water. An alternative method of determining weight for liquid chemical products is to provide a single totalized weight determined by the use of a mass flow meter on the trailer fill line. If this method of determining weight is selected the Contractor must provide Denver Water with a certification of calibration by an independent, third party. The certification must be made annually and copies of the certification results and calibration methodology sent to Denver Water. Denver Water reserves the right to determine the quantity delivered through online instrumentation or weighing after offloading, at the Contractor’s expense, if it believes weight tickets are inaccurate or that an entire shipment was not offloaded. It further reserves the right to make payments based on this determination. The Contractor will provide with this proposal a detailed written procedure on how it will determine the quantity delivered and what documentation it will provide for each shipment made to Denver Water’s treatment plants. See (“Method of determining weight of product in trailer” on the Bill of Material page.) Denver Water reserves the right to withhold payment until all weight tickets have been received and verified. PolyDADMAC shall be shipped in self-powered, self-contained pneumatic truck trailers. PolyDADMAC must be shipped in full tanker loads for Foothills and Moffat. Shipments to Marston shall not exceed 42,500 lbs. Partial loads of PolyDADMAC to Foothills and Moffat will not be accepted. The shipper shall supply all hoses and fittings required to connect to the existing Denver Water facilities. The delivery truck must be equipped with 40’ of hose and a 3” female cam-lock quick connect coupling.



SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS: (continued) Delivery containers shall be structurally sound and meet industry standards for material compatibility with PolyDADMAC. All hatches and fill/drain connections shall be capped and in good condition to prevent contamination of product. Delivery containers shall be cleaned and inspected by the Contractor for any contamination or impurities immediately prior to filling, and shall be protected against the introduction of impurities during the entire filling, transport and delivery processes. A certified statement of specific tanker cleaning shall be e-mailed to the treatment plant prior to each shipment. The statement shall include the method of cleaning, the method of inspection, security procedures following cleaning/inspection, the cleaning company, and a contact name and phone number for the cleaning company. Denver Water reserves the right to inspect the cleaning and filling facilities. After the first cleaning, this requirement may be waived if the delivery containers are used exclusively for delivering PolyDADMAC meeting the requirements of this specification. The Contractor must request this waiver in writing and be granted it by Denver Water before it is implemented. Under no circumstances shall delivery be made using a trailer that previously contained any substance capable of producing deleterious or injurious effects to the health of those consuming water that has been treated properly with PolyDADMAC. By signing the Proposal, the bidder acknowledges compliance with this requirement. Delivery vehicle hoses shall be clean, capped, and sealed while in transit to prevent contamination of product during unloading. After filling the delivery container at the loading location, all hatches and connection caps shall be sealed against tampering. The Contractor must e-mail the water treatment plant at the addresses listed below before the truck leaves the Contractor’s facilities. The e-mail must contain the following information: the name and driver’s license number of the driver and anyone accompanying the driver as a supervisor, trainer or trainee. The email must also include the tractor and trailer numbers and a PDF or other photo copy of the bill of lading which includes the Denver Water contract number, the name of the transport company, contact name and phone number, any security or tracking procedures, product name, the certificate of analysis, and the cap seal numbers. The Contractor must also provide the approximate delivery time. A single Certificate of Analysis may be used if multiple loads are from the same lot provided that one copy is sent to each of the treatment plants receiving a delivery from that lot. The Contractor is required to follow all applicable Federal, State and Local shipping regulations.



DELIVERY AND UNLOADING: The Contractor shall allow a minimum of three hours unloading time without demurrage. Denver Water personnel will visually inspect the delivery container prior to unsealing, opening, sampling and unloading. Seals shall not be removed prior to inspection. Prior to being unloaded, Denver Water personnel must accept each delivery. In the event a delivery is rejected by Denver Water, the Contractor shall provide a replacement shipment meeting the requirements of this specification within 72 hours of original delivery. Denver Water reserves the right to reject any shipment it cannot identify, does not deem secure, or does not pass Denver Water’s screening test. All deliveries shall be made by truck between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 2:30 P. M. on regular working days to Denver Water, F.O.B. Destination, freight prepaid, to the following addresses: FOOTHILLS TREATMENT PLANT 6730 North Rampart Range Road Littleton, Colorado 80125 Phone Number 303-628-6352, Fax Number 303-972-2468 [email protected] MARSTON TREATMENT PLANT 1/2 Mile West of Sheridan Blvd. at 6100 West Quincy Avenue Denver, Colorado 80235 Phone Number 303-628-3712, Fax Number 303-794-1650 [email protected] MOFFAT TREATMENT PLANT 10901 West 20th Avenue Lakewood, Colorado 80215 Phone Number 303-237-0826, Fax Number 303-274-0327 [email protected] During the delivery/unloading process, the Contractor shall follow proper safety procedures to the satisfaction of Denver Water including the use of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). Denver Water reserves the right to refuse unloading if driver does not have the proper PPE. Responsibility for expediting and tracing each shipment shall be the Contractor's until delivery is accepted. The Contractor shall notify Denver Water’s Contract Representative and the Treatment Plant immediately of any delay en route to the Plant.



DELIVERY AND UNLOADING: (unloading) Material not meeting Specifications will be rejected and must be removed at the Contractor's expense. If material is determined to be unacceptable to Denver Water, three additional one-liter samples shall be collected from the delivery container, sealed and labeled in the presence of the Contractor, and retained by Denver Water.


MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDSs): In order to satisfy Denver Water's Hazardous Communication Plan, waste disposal efforts, and regulatory requirements, the Contractor must furnish all available MSDSs. The MSDSs must be provided upon initial delivery of the product at the delivery destination and when any of the following occur:



Change in the composition of the product.


Change in the manufacturing process.


Change in distributor’s supplier.


Change in label, packaging, brand name, etc.

ANALYSIS OF EACH DELIVERY: Each delivery of PolyDADMAC will be analyzed by Denver Water personnel at the delivery site to determine if the delivered lot meets required specifications. Tests performed and test methods shall be at the sole discretion of Denver Water. Each delivery must be accepted by Denver Water personnel prior to unloading. Material not meeting specifications will be rejected and must be removed at the Contractor’s expense. Further, the Contractor may be required to forward, as may suit Denver Water’s needs, a copy of the detailed analysis of samples of each shipment for comparison with Denver Water’s analysis. This analysis, if required, is to be e-mailed the same day shipment is made. If the PolyDADMAC delivered does not meet Denver Water’s requirements, a notice of nonconformance shall be provided by Denver Water to the Contractor within ten working days after receipt of the shipment at the point of destination. The results of Denver Water’s tests shall prevail unless the Contractor notifies Denver Water within five working days after receipt of the complaint that a retest is desired. On receipt of the request for a retest, Denver Water shall forward to the Contractor one of the sealed samples taken in accordance with Section 5.2 of AWWA Standard B451.-04. In the event results obtained by the Contractor, on retesting, do not agree with the test results obtained by Denver Water, the other sealed sample shall be forwarded, unopened, to a referee laboratory agreed on by both parties. If a referee analysis is needed, the method of analysis shall be in accordance with the latest revision of B451-04 and the


SPECIAL CONDITIONS (continued) 11.

ANALYSIS OF EACH DELIVERY: (continued) references cited within it. The results of the referee analysis shall be accepted as final. The cost of the referee analysis shall be paid by the Contractor if the material does not meet the requirements of this specification and by Denver Water if the material does meet this specification.


CONTRACTOR'S REQUIREMENTS: The Bidder shall furnish with their bid an affidavit indicating compliance with ANSI\NSF 60 Standard for Drinking Water Additives and AWWA Standard B451-04 for PolyDADMAC polymer. The Bidder shall also furnish with their bid a letter certifying that each of their products supplied under this contract meets the requirements of 40 CFR 141.111 Treatment Techniques for Acrylamide and Epichlorohydrin. This certification shall resubmitted on an annual basis no later than January 15th of each year.


PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: The list of the minimum Personal Protective Equipment which must be worn by Contractor and Subcontractors while offloading on Denver Water property is attached. All required items must be in serviceable condition and must be supplied and maintained by the Contractor.




Safety and Occupational Health 1)

Denver Water’s safety and occupational health priority is to protect: (a) the public, (b) the Denver Water workforce (including other Denver Water Contractor's employees), and (c) Denver Water equipment and property.


The Contractor shall follow reasonable safety and occupational health measures in performance of this contract. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws applicable to safety and occupational health. Further, the Contractor must comply with safety and occupational health standards, specifications, reporting requirements, and any other relevant requirements.

Security 1)

The Contractor will follow all Denver Water security procedures.


The Contractor’s personnel must enter and exit the Denver Water facility through the facility main entrance gate unless directed to another facility gate through prior coordination or onsite direction from the plant supervisor or his/her designee. The driver and any other contractor personnel on-board must surrender their driver’s license in exchange for a facility site vendor pass. The 23


Security (continued) driver’s license will be returned to the contractor’s personnel when they depart the facility gate. All Contractor personnel must wear and display the vendor pass on the upper portion of the body and visible at all times while on Denver Water premises. 3)


Upon arrival at the treatment plant the Contractor will provide the gate security guard shipping papers which will include the product name, bill of lading number, and a Denver Water contract number.

PAYMENT: The Contractor shall submit one monthly invoice with contract number to: Denver Water 1600 West 12th Avenue Denver, Colorado 80204-3412 Attention: Rebecca Trujillo, Mail Code 702 Payment will be made net due upon receipt of invoice. Denver Water reserves the right to hold payment until all weight tickets have been received and verified. All invoices must be billed as shipped. Unit of measure on invoices shall be tons.


TITLE TRANSFER: Title of the material shall pass from the Contractor to Denver Water when Denver Water has received, inspected and approved the material, subject to Denver Water’s rights to return the product described herein.


CONTRACT REPRESENTATIVE: Questions or comments concerning this contract should be directed to the attention of Mr. Ken Pollock, Superintendent of Water Treatment at 303-628-6632, 1600 West 12th Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204-3412.


SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLYLDADMAC POLYMER Bidders’ Proposal No.12599A The PolyDADMAC shall comply with AWWA B451-04 standard and addendum B451a-07. It shall be clear, colorless to pale yellow, free of visible foreign matter, sediment and turbidity. The polyDADMAC shall contain no substances in quantities capable of producing deleterious or injurious effects to the health of those consuming water that has been treated with polymer in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations and within the maximum allowed dosage. Only pre-qualified products will be considered. Polymer supplied under this contract must be ANSI/NSF 60 certified for use in potable water treatment. The following products have been pre-qualified: Nalco 8102 Nalco 8799 Ciba Magnafloc LT 7985 The bid amounts indicated in the Bill of Material are based on percent actives in each product.




Approximate Quantity

Price Per Liquid Ton



1,300 liquid tons

Nalco 8102 PolyDADMAC polymer, Bulk Full Truckload, in self-contained pneumatic truck trailers

Submit Pricing Electronically


870 liquid tons

Nalco 8799 PolyDADMAC polymer, Bulk Full Truckload, in self-contained pneumatic truck trailers

Submit Pricing Electronically


1,300 liquid tons

Ciba Magnafloc LT 7985 PolyDADMAC polymer, Bulk Full Truckload, in selfcontained pneumatic truck trailers

Submit Pricing Electronically



Point of Manufacture:

Base Rate price per gallon for truck fuel surcharge:


Number of roundtrip miles from Contractor facility to Moffat: Number of roundtrip miles from Contractor facility to Marston: Number of roundtrip miles from Contractor facility to Foothills:

Cost Of Demurrage/hour after required 3 hours: __________ ------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Any exceptions to Denver Water’s Terms and Conditions, including submission of supplier’s Terms and Conditions, may be grounds for rejection of the bid proposal.


BILL OF MATERIAL (continued) ----- -----------------------------------------------------------------------Are you CERTIFIED by: Denver Office of Economic Development (City and County of Denver), Women Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), Rocky Mountain Minority Supplier Development Council (RMMSDC) or the Small Business Administration (8a) as a SMWBE? Yes □ No □ If yes, provide certificate with bid response. ----- -----------------------------------------------------------------------Will your company accept payment in the form of a credit card for this contract? YES


If yes, what are the payment terms? ----- -----------------------------------------------------------------------Is there a percent off unit price for early CC payment? YES

If yes, percent off unit price


□ %

----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------

REMARKS (For Any Clarification):



The undersigned bidder, ___________________________________________________, (Name of Firm) (“Contractor”), hereby offers to supply to the City and County of Denver, acting by and through its Board of Water Commissioners (“Board”), the services and materials set forth in the BILL OF MATERIAL and SPECIFICATIONS in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Contract Documents.


The Contract Documents, incorporated herein by reference, consist of the Invitation for Bids, Instructions to Bidders, General Conditions, Special Conditions, Specifications, Bill of Material, Proposal, TIN, Acceptance and any addenda issued by the Board. No one part of the Contract Documents shall constitute the Contract, but the whole taken together shall be the Contract between the parties.


The price offered to supply the services and materials set forth in the BILL OF MATERIAL and the SPECIFICATIONS is the amount set opposite each item listed on the BILL OF MATERIAL, with a total price of _______________ for all items bid. A cash discount of _______% is available upon the following conditions:

___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________


The Board will pay for all items purchased as set forth in the General Conditions.


The Contractor shall deliver all items purchased under the Contract in accordance with the General Conditions. 28

Proposal (continued)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this proposal is made this _________ day of ____________, 20 _____:

Name of Firm: _______________________________________________________________

By signing below, the signer certifies that he or she is authorized to accept and bind the Contractor to the terms of this Proposal and the Contract.

By __________________________________ (Signature of Authorized Agent)

_________________________________ (Print or Type Name of Authorized Agent)

Permanent mailing address of Authorized Agent:

Telephone No. _____________________

_____________________________________ Street address or P.O. Box

Fax No. __________________________

E-mail ___________________________ _____________________________________ City State Zip Code

Bidder’s status:

Individual/sole proprietor

Corporation of the state of ___________

Partnership or joint venture

Other ______________

Owner of Firm: ___________________________



The CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER, acting by and through its BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS, hereby accepts the offer of:

_____________________________________________________, (Name of Firm) Check: Individual/sole proprietor Corporation Partnership Small Business Enterprise (Certified SBE) Other _____________

To provide those items listed in the BILL OF MATERIAL under the terms and conditions contained in Contractor’s BIDDER’S PROPOSAL. The purchase price shall be the amount set opposite each item listed on the BILL OF MATERIAL THAT HAS BEEN MARKED WITH THE ACCEPTANCE STAMP of the BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS, for a total purchase price for all items of:

_____________________________________________________________________ dollars.

Dated at Denver, Colorado, this ________ day of ____________________, 20____.


By ______________________________ Andy T. Spaulding Manager of Purchasing


By: _____________________________ 30

Eye Protection Activated Carbon Aluminum Sulfate Aqua Ammonia Carbon Dioxide Cationic Polymer Caustic Soda Chlorine Ferric Sulfate Hydrated Lime Hydrofluorosilicic Acid Non-ionic Polymer -bulk Non-ionic Polymer -drums Oxygen, refrigerated liquid** Pebble Quicklime Potassium Permanganate - bulk Potassium Permanganate - drums Sodium Silicofluoride SBS Nitrogen (for purging Cl2)

Face Shield

x x x x x x


x x x x x x

o r x


r x

o o o o

x x x x x x x x x x x x x

x = required r = recommended o = optional

Revised: 10/2/2009

r x


Required PPE For Chemical Deliveries PVC Full Face Steel Toed Shoes Slicker Respirator Apron

x x


r o

x x x x x x x x x x x x

x r x r x o o o o r

x x x x x x x

Rubber Boots


o r r

r r o r x

o o


x x x x x x x x x x

**PPE listed is required where involved with off-loading of chemical, recommended to have handy when just supervising the off-loading process.


Hard Hat r r r r r r r r r r r r x r r r r r r

Hearing Long Pants Protection without cuffs r r r r r r r r r r x r r

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