POLS 446 Notes, Jan 21st

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NOTES: 1/21/16 for POLS 446-3 The word “administrator” is deried from a Latin root whi!h means “to sere”" The word “mana#er” is a simi$ar !ase% &ein# deried from a Latin root whi!h im'$ies hands-on dire!tion (noti!e% “man)a$”% “mani')$ate”*" The wor+ of administrators% 'arti!)$ar$, m)se)m administration% is m)$tifa!eted% and in!$)des: )man reso)r!es% finan!e% mar+etin#% $aw% te!hno$o#i!a$ !om'eten!e% amon# man, other s+i$$s" .hi$e in the 'ast m)se)m !)rators were e'e!ted to &e s'e!ia$ists% to a !ertain etent% the modern era demands #enera$s wor+ers to 'erform and !om'ete in the fie$d" These #enera$ist s+i$$s !an &e honed ia ed)!ation and o$)nteer wor+% and o)r 'rofessor 0r" a!hman s'ent a n)m&er of ,ears $earnin# the &asi!s of the dis!i'$ine in .,omin#" .,omin#" She a$so !omments that one sho)$d &e $earnin# !ontin)a$$," These da,s man, m)se)ms are woef)$$, )nderstaffed% s)fferin# &)d#et !)ts or !hroni! )nderf)ndin#" 0e'artments a!ross a!ademia hae $ar#e$, &een a$+anied% meanin# the,e diided )' into man, sma$$er and we$$ defined se#ments: Peo'$e assem&$in# ehi&its ma, not ne!essari$, &e the fo$+s maintainin# ar!hies% et!"% whi!h on$, f)rther in!reases the need for #enera$ist administrators who !an hand$e a$$ se#ments of the 'ro!ess" )se)ms hae a n)m&er of f)n!tions" The 'rimar, is as a o$)ntar, ed)!ation o)t$et for interested !itiens% a !om'$iment to ')&$i! and 'riate ed)!ation" oreoer% the,re meant to 'resere materia$ !)$t)re% insom)!h as 'reseration !an ha''en o)tside of the !ontet the item was dee$o'ed and )sed within% and to entertain or 'roide aestheti! stim)$ation" The, are/sho)$d &e staffed &, 'rofessiona$s" 5n introd)!tor, tet defines a m)se)m as fo$$ows: “5n or#anied and 'ermanent non-'rofit and essentia$$, ed)!ationa$ or aestheti! or#aniation that owns% 'reseres% and dis'$a,s o&e!ts on a re#)$ar s!hed)$e"” The 'ro&$em of 'reserin# !ontet in these items is m)!h dis!)ssed: N57P85 (the Natie 5meri!an 7raes Preseration and 8e'atriation 5!t* $imits what !an &e ta+en and dis'$a,ed witho)t e'ress 'ermission from a tri&a$ #oernment d)e to #enera$$, 5merind 'ers'e!ties on the ')r'ose of materia$ !)$t)re" )!h of this dis!)ssion !enters on what is “art”" ((9ts m, 'ersona$ o'inion that on!e somethin# from a non-.estern and sometimes .estern .estern !)$t)re% its it s no $on#er art" 5 mas+ )sed in a rit)a$ dan!e is 'ermanent$, remoed from the dan!in# and !hantin# that on!e a!!om'anied it% et!"** 5ssi#nment for T)esda,: ;ind and &rin# in a mission statement from an, #ien or#aniation" 9t does not need 'rinted or t)rned in" 5ttem't to rewrite or reword the mission statement of S9
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